Dearest Diary,
Ok, sorry about that, I just had to get the tingling out, it was really distracting me. What’s amazing is it fit so much better this time! Oh yeah, I didn’t tell you about the first time. Sorry.
So Tracy and I were in bed together and she had just admitted to her relationship with her, as I found out, adopted Dad. So while I admit I was entirely disgusted at the thought of someone letting their father have sex with them, and worse, cum inside them, when she explained there was no real relationship, my thoughts quickly wondered to questions about a penis of such immense size being shoved inside.
“Ok, so let’s say I can get over the fact that he isn’t your Dad, even though you always thought her was. How in the fuck do you end up having sex with him?”
“Well it wasn’t like we got home and ripped our clothes off and started fucking. That kind of thing didn’t happen until much later on. Remember this was all they way back in the summer before Freshman year, I was a smaller person back then, and god when I think how naive I was. . . .” She looked at me when she said that and I took it that she was calling me naive, and now, I have to agree she was right.
“I know you and I have talked about masturbating, but you really can’t fathom how much better sex is. The intensity. The pleasure. The feeling of a man inside you, trying to get deeper in you that he possibly can . . . and Nika, when a man cums in you, I mean really cums, really hard. . .you feel more like a woman than you ever have before. When you watch a man’s face contort because YOU made him cum, that he can’t hold it any longer. Oh God, there is no hotter feeling in the world.”
“But what if you were to get pregnant? You would be basically having your Dad’s baby!”
“I can't have my Dad’s baby when he isn’t my Dad Nika. Hell, I hope one day I do get to have his baby. Then I won’t have to worry about him ever taking that wonderful dick away from me. God, Nika, if you only know the kind of orgasm passwordate sex gives you! It blows masturbating away. I can’t even masturbate anymore, it isn’t hot enough.”
“So I still don’t understand, how did you ever end up having sex?”
“Oh right, sorry I forgot to get to that. Well after the memory service and funeral we had to go to the will reading. It was pretty short, most stuff went to Bill and all heirlooms went to me. We went home after and heated up one of the many dishes people brought over for us. We had dinner which was not much since we weren’t very hungry.
‘We went to the couch and throw on a movie, Finding Nemo, I will never forget that, ha ha! So as soon as the scene where the mom dies came on I started bawling, missing my Mom, and Daddy, I mean Bill, put his arm around me and held me to him as I cried. After a while I looked up at Daddy and he wiped away my tears and brushed the hair from my face.
He told me, “Don’t you worry about a thing sweetie, I will take care of you.”
“But you aren’t even really my Daddy. Won’t you want to go away?”
“Never sweetie, you are so important to me.”
He then brushed my hair back again, remember my hair had long bangs back then, and he gave me a kiss on the chef. I smiled feeling his warmth and so he kissed me on the chef again. Then he gave me a quick kiss on the lips, which was a little surprise since we had never kissed lips before. Then he said,
“You look so much like your mother. I miss her so much already.” He had one arm wrapped around my shoulder and his other began to massage my cheek with his thumb.I wasn’t ready for it but he pulled me up to him and planted his lips on mine, firmly. His tongue forced its way into my mouth and he massed my tongue, my shocked words muted inside him mouth to nothing but moans.
He didn’t let me free for what seemed like 30 seconds. When he did finally pull back I could feel the strands of saliva between our lips.
“Wha–what are you doing Daddy?” I was so scared at that moment. So confused. My mother had just died, I had just found out the man I trusted more than any other and that had made my mother so happy, had just kissed me! I was shocked, but at the same time, I felt so coddled and secure in his arms. Plus at that time I had only ever kissed Jeff, and he kissed clumsy and gross. But when Daddy kissed, it was so different.
“I need a good woman in my life Tracy, and I feel so lost. I thought I had found the woman for the rest of my life. You. . . you just look so much like her . . ”
He kissed me again, and this time I met his kiss. I can’t put it into words really, but so many things were answered and so many other questions raised in that moment, and I knew there was no man on Earth better suited to that position than the man had cared for and loved me for so many years. It was the first time I ever felt reverberations in my nether regions. I was scared, a little disgusted because it still felt like he was my Dad, and I knew it was considered “wrong.” But I also loved the stirrings in my loins and he kissed so well, I finally understood why people like to kiss. The boys I have dated since they to keep up appearings kiss like shit compared to Daddy.’
Listening to Tracy tell me about the first time her Dad kissed her Diary, oh god I started to feel tingling in my pussy and soon was masturbating right there in the bed next to her. With her descriptions and the visions of Bill’s horse cock plowing her, I realized I was very jealous of my best friend at that point. She continued with her story. . .
“The next round of kissing lasted at least 5 minutes and even then I didn’t want it to stop. At the time I was wearing a black dress because of the memory, but I didn’t really have any long dresses so it was more like a black dinner dress that went to about my knee.
‘Daddy gently pushed me onto my back on the big leather sofa in the living room and laid at my side. He began to kiss me again, telling me that I didn’t need to worry and that everything would be alright. That was when he put his hand on my outside thigh and slowly worked his way up under my skirt, rubbing and squeezing as he went. It was when it really hit home to me that Dad—I mean Bill was treating me like a woman instead of his daughter.
But it was when his hand rubbed my lips outside of my panties that I learned why people desire sex so much. Those stupid pornos are just a joke, they don’t do things in those that feel so good in real life. So Bill kept lightly rubbing between my legs and I feel my panties start to get wet. I was so stupid, I worried that I had peed on myself, I was such and idiot, ha ha.
Anyway, if it was any other time, I think I would have freaked the fuck out. But that night I was so distraught and insecure, any type of real geneine attention after all the repeated platitudes and confidences would have felt good. Anyway, he continued to kiss me and began to feel really warm, like I was wrapped in a blanket of affect. Bill know what he was doing more than a boy would and my body was responding to his teasing of my pussy.
‘He then pulled his hand out from my skirt and slide it behind my back and pulled down the zipper on my dress. He slowly, expertly and affectionately pulled my dress over my shoulder and down my arms, pulling it free of my chest in the process. I still remember the bra I was wearing, it was one of my firsts. It was solid black lace. Daddy slide his fingers up my back to the clasp of my bra and presto! He unsnapped it with two fingers in a second, I can’t begin to tell you how hot that was.
‘I still remember watching him grab the bow in the middle of my bra in his teeth and pulling the bra off with his mouth. Once he had pulled it to the point my nipples were exposed I remember getting this crazy chill all over, like when you have a sunburn. I also remember my pussy started flowing like crazy and for the first time ever I truly knew what it means to be horny. From there things got really intense. He started sucking on my tiny breasts back then. I mean I was no more than an A cup then, but he made me feel like Dolly Parton. He sucked and squeezed and flicked and gnawed on them until I was on fire down below.
‘By that time I was just moaning, my eyes closed, mylegs and arms flailing so I didn’t notice he had gotten off the couch until I felt his hands holding my legs down firmly. Moments later his mouth was on me between my legs and I still don’t know what he did that time, I was so sensitive at that moment that he probably could have done anything. All I know was very quickly I had a crazy orgasm, and it caused my hips to buck so hard that I gave Da– I mean Bill a bloody nose. I came so hard that I kind of blacked out and didn’t notice he left to fix his nose.
‘the next thing i felt was Daddy lifting my leg and my panties sliding off my leg, leaving a trail of wetness. Then I felt him getting on top of me. The weight of his body was a sensing I hadn’t had so it stirred me and I became aware of something big, heavy and really, really warm on my stomach. Daddy was kissing me again and I just let his tongue make all the decisions until I heard him say.
“Oh fuck sweetie, you aren’t gonna think about your mom any more tonight. I am going to make you a woman.”
‘At that point I opened my eyes, feeling the heavy warm thing slide down my tummy, and I saw it for the first time. Daddy– i mean Bill’s penis was on my pelvis, and it was hard. You and I had seen some pornos but Bill’s made theirs almost look small. The think was bigger around than my thigh but it didn’t matter, Daddy had decided to share it with me. I saw him take it in his hand and he rubbed it up and down on my private area, and I know what his plan was from those videos but I also was confused as there was no way it would fit inside of me.
‘I said, “D-D-D-D-Ddddadddy, what are you doing?!”
“Just relax sweetheart, I promise to be gentle.”
“Daddy don’t, daddy it won’t fit. Dad please!”
‘At that point he laid forward on me, so I couldn’t see it anymore and he cupped my head in his other hand.
“It will be OK darlin’, don’t you trust me?” He whispered in a low guttural voice, and I really did trust him.
“You promise it won’t hurt?”
“I promise I will try to make it not hurt.”
“Heeeh. Heh. O-Ok Ddd-d-d-daddy.” I could see from the look in Bill’s eyes that he was going to do it no matter what I said so I closed my eyes and bit my lip and he started to push. . . “
“Eeemmph! Mmmph! Hu! Hugh! Hu!” Oh Diary at that moment I had my orgasm, as I imagined Bill pushing his massive dick inside of me, putting my self in Tracy’s place.
‘Ha! Nika! Did you just . . . oh my goodness, why didn’t you tell me you were doing that? I would have been doing it too! I masturbate thinking about that night all the time. ALL the time!” Tracy teased me and went back to her story, but not before she sucked on two fingers and they disappeared beneath the sheets. As for myself, I was still going to town, and wasn’t about to stop.
‘So anyway I felt Daddy pushing up to me and I couldn’t figure out why, I mean no way it was going to fit inside, but Daddy was determined, and he got it in there. Just the tip I mean. It was the most insane feeling, the tip of his penis, you know the part that has the ridge on it? Well he pushed and pushed, slowly and consistently and in a crazy moment, my pussy spread for the first time and he slip right inside me!
‘As you can imagine, I almost lost my mind. It was warm and electric going in and I almost came right away. Although how great his penis is, it was also such an emotional rush to know I was taking my Daddy, or what I had always known as my Daddy inside me. And naive as I was, I thought that was it. Daddy was inside me and we were lovers and thatwas that. It felt fantastic and I was happy to be loved by him. But then he pushed again.
‘Then my intense lust and euphoria turned to panic. I felt that huge penis trying to bury into me, get the rest of it inside me. But there was no way, I practically felt like my pussy was going to tear, it was stretched so wide already, just taking in the top and the shake was so much bigger.
“No Daddy, don’t! Oh please don’t Daddy, it won’t fit. DADDY! It hurts!”
“I’m sorry baby, urgh! I am going, ung! Slow as I ca-a-ahhhh-nn!” But he wouldn’t stop pushing. I began crying and becoming him to stop as I felt the first bit of the shake get inside. It hurt like crazy and I really did think Daddy was going to tear me in two and I would never be able to love again, but it didn’t, and he got a quarter inch in at a time.
How much got in I didn’t know but it was a very painful couple of minutes Daddy put me through. Then, when I was crying, tears streaming down my face and my pussy going numb from the constant pain of the stretching Daddy said,
“Ok my baby. You did so well, you got half of it in there, I am amazing myself! I promise, no deeper for now ok, we will just work with this.”
I was about to ask what he means by working with this, but I didn’t need to as he showed me. He sat up, no longer kissing me or putting his weight on me and I peered down at my pussy and was shocked to see that penis inside me. I knew it was of course, but to SEE it, was something else all together. I started having a bit of a panic attack, but that was short lived as Daddy grabbed my hips with his hands and began to pump my body.
‘I stared in horror as he drew back, the top half of his penis glistening with my fluid and when the head was back to my pussy lips I felt them being stretched to let it out and I didn’tI wanted to feel the stretch again but learned that was inevitable, not because he pulled it all the way out, but because he was pushing it in again., and his shaft is just as wide. I was amazing how readily i was able to take in the half of him again, but a centerter over and I felt agony, I just didn’t have any more room inside of me.
‘I watched hit go in and out and in and out, I just laid there staring at it and eeking out scared, started noises each time my pussy strained at his girl. But inside of the pain was pleasure and as good as it felt underneath the pain was too much for it, until I learned what my g-spot is. There is a special place inside every girl that is super sensitive and Daddy says it can be in much different depths and sides, and that night we both found out mine is on the top and pretty deep, like at the top of where your hair grows. Well half way in, Daddy’s very tip just about hits that spot and every one in a while Daddy would lose his self control and pump just a little harder. It hurt like all hell when he did, because his huge dick was trying to force open more room than I had, but also the tippy tip of his penis would touch my g-spot. Oh my god Nika, when you find yours, you are gonna look at sex in a totally different way.”
“I a-a-a-a-mmmm.” I replied to Tracy my voice shaking from the everlasting orgasm I was having playing with myself and mentally taking in Bill’s massive cock. Still Tracy went on. . .
“So with him hitting my g-spot and the cool night air ticking my nipples and the shear amazement that Daddy was taking my virginity, I had a few explosive orgasms. I mean I was fucking high by the time Daddy was ready to finish. Daddy was still holding my wait while he fucked me into womanhood, but he started to make this face like he was going to vomit and I said,
“D-D-D-D-D-D-D-aaa-aa-ddy? You-you ok-aa-ay? Ehhhh!” I mean I was having little sex seizures at that point. My body just didn’t have much sensing left to give. Daddy opened his eyes but still squinting said,
“N-nn-n-nno-oh ba-by giiirl. D-d-d-daddy-y-ies gh. gh. gonna c–cummm-mmm.” He did the next thrust really hard. I mean HARD. It hurt so bad that I screamed like in a movie scream. You know? Really shrieked and Daddy saw and heard me and said,
“Oh-oh g-god baby girl. S-s-so sorry. I won’t hu-hu-hurt you!” Daddy grabbed the top of the sofa with the one hand and reached behind him and grabbed the armchair with the other. See, as I have learned, when a guy is ready to let his stuff out, he kind of loses all sense of reality and doesn’t care about anything and won’t worry about how hard they shove. To tell you the truth, tonight, What you saw us doing, was the first time Daddy let himself lost control while holding on to me. Daddy was so kind and gentle that he has waited all these 22 months until I was able to fit him all the way in to truly fuck me. I never understand what he means until tonight. But I agree with him, tonight was the first time I got truly fucked. I wish I could go into your mind and see what is looked like . . ” Tracy eyes wandered with her mind.
“Tracy! Tracy, god dammit, what happened?!” My voice almost sounded like I was crying Diary. I just had to know how her experience, her first experience ended with that horse cock of her Dad’s.
“Oh, right, ha-ha. Sorry. So once Daddy grabbed the sofa in his hands, he went over the edge. The line guys cross where their bodies take over and just try to cum to make babies. Daddy is no different but he stayed true to his promise not to hurt me, at least not too bad. His hips bucked hard and it weaponized his huge penis. It shoved into me really hard but without Daddy holding me I shoved up to the other armchair andgot a terrible rug burn on my lower back, but better than then the force of his thrust in my pussy that wasn’t big enough for him yet.
‘Daddy went, “Yuuuunnnchka!” and then made a gagging noise with his mouth, his eyes screwed shut, his browser furrowed, and he frozen, shaking for a moment, gripping the sofa in his hands. It confused me for a second but I understand that Daddy was shooting his stuff into me, every porno I had seen up to then the guy spilled on the girls. I admit it kind of grossed me out but the thought was short lived cause the next pump was coming.
‘Daddy drew back fast and I was yanked down with him because my pussy lips just didn’t want to let the ridge go. Then Daddy thrust forward again, even harder and I was pushed to far up that my head had to bend to the side to allow my pussy to move a little further and not take the brunt of his power. That time Daddy’s eyes went up and his eyes unclenchedThough they stayed shut. the tendons on his neck were all popping out and his teeth were clnched and he kind went, “Uuuu-uh-uh-uh-uh-unnckkk!”
“Holy shit Daddy, are you shooting that white stuff in me?!?!?!!” I was panicked because I remembered sex ed and that is how you get pregnant, you know. Well for some reason this seemed to turn Daddy on because he screamed out “FUCK BABY!” and thrust hard, and not just with his hips but his legs and the spot between my shoulder and head was jammed so hard into the armchair I got a kink in my neck.”
That’s when I remember something Diary. . . “Hey, I remember the week after your Mom died. You had a kink in your neck! Wait, you couldn’t walk right either!”
“Ha, ha. Yep. Well after the third pump Daddy hit his peak and his hips jolted up and his cock went super hard and it lifted my butt and lower back off the sofa and I went up on my headto balance while I heard Daddy makes sounds like old people do when they die in the movies, so I guess cumming makes guys die a little each time. Daddy relaxed and flexed one final time, this time I was lifted clear off my shoulder blades while Daddy’s fire hose dick. emptied the last of what he had into me and I fell back to the sofa. Daddy stayed in me for a minute or two and I could hear him panting. I was too spent to open my eyes.
‘That was when Daddy’s penis mercifully started to shrink a little and he pulled it out. I felt glob after glob of thick liquid leaking out of me for the next two minutes, as Daddy had left a lot of it inside of me. Daddy passed out sitting up and I curled up where I was and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning in my bed naked and to the smell of Daddy cooking breakfast. I was so raw after that we had to wait almost two weeks to go again. Daddy asked every day if it was ok yet, he couldn’t hardly wait. But itdid get better as my body worked to accept him.”
I finally stopped playing with myself at that point Diary. My legs felt completely numb. “Tracy, I am so jealous. I wish I could be loved by that huge penis. You sounded like you were the happiest woman in the world.”
“Well, you couldn’t possibly take Daddy as a virgin, but here try this when you get home.” Tracy opened the night table and pulled out a big peach colored rubbed dildo.
“Masturbate with this until you can take it all without trouble. Then I will give you the big one.”
“Jesus Tracy, this isn’t the big one?” I gasped holding it, my fingers not reaching all the way around.
“Nope, that is about half Daddy. . . . This . . . . this is Daddy!” Tracy said with a smile holding up a huge black dildo. It looked like it was a foot long and 8 inches around.
Well Diary, there you haveit. It was quite the night over at Tracy’s. Before I left this morning she promised me if I could take the big one someday, she would ask her Daddy to show me the real thing. I can’t wait Diary, so I am gonna work diligently every day to get myself ready. Good night!
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