I Am Not A Shark, But An Orca!

Story of Agnes and Robert

Chapter 1. How I became a respectable married woman from a slut


There was nothing special about my parents they were ordinary every day well off middle class family typical of most average Mid West city. I was named Agnes Barton sharing the family home with an older brother and a younger sister. Attending college to study chemistry and also become a wild party girl my appearance here helped considerable. Yes, as in dreams, boys have of girls with blond hair, tall, blue-eyed woman with D cup breasts and with a round bottom were characteristics of me. Party websites had not yet evolved and at that time the video camera was a rare and expensive item so luckyly there was no recording of my extra curricula activities. What can be said about all this that I was a real sex addict almost classed as nymphomaniac? My parents did not know about my wild side, but my sister and brother suspected. My sister said several times that she did not understand how I could ever be a very faithful wife later.


On completion of my college degree I moved to Los Angles to pursue employment at a pharmaceutical company. Successfully winning a graduate position and using my college ethos of hard work I achieved my goal to become a career woman. Soon promotions, including pay raises where heading my way, all within the first year. Colleges wondered whether my appearance had anything to do with my promotion or in which boss’s bed I was sleeping in but alas my brains were not blond. Strictly keep my social love life separated from work. After five pm my wild sexual life continued full steam ahead makinga special point in avoiding my work colleagues as sex partners. Attending orgies was not unusual for me or who was going to be next in line of my one night stands as new sexual partner.

But soon everything came to a crashing halt. This pharmaceutical company required all employees under take obligatory and complete annual medical examination. Including tests for STD, screening for HIV, however the test results for syphilis was positive. I was informed that my position was to be terminated. Irrespective that I worked hard and did not fraternize with my colleagues but the company still invaded my private life. The HR manager was a beautiful woman who informed me I had worked well here. The reason for losing my job was because of my private life, but if I resigned my position leaving quietly she would recommend my supervisor provides good references and act as reference.

Being diagnosed with an STD hit me hard; paying for the treatment would not be a problem for Ihad managed to save a considerable part of my salary while employed. The treatment consisted of taking a single course of antibiotics that would hopefully fix things. Informing the doctors who were my past partners was another question in itself, they were strangers with unknown addresses. In fact I started to feel like a whore. Whores got the pox, but I was not a whore not being paid to perform tricks with johns. Everyone that had multiple partners share the same risk, STDs did not differentiate between normal “good girls” or whores of the street. I still need to be fucked; changing my lifestyle was going to be quite a challenge. Continuing on this path would ensure that I did become a lonely old whore. So how do I find a future partner, especially a husband, at present was most unlikely, however if I did manage to snare one at least I knew my way around the bed, I was hot material.

The wake up call really hit home when I was informed about Chlamydia. Yes I was diagnosed with this infection as well. This disease can cause infertility as well as other reproductive problems if left untreated. Did they catch the disease in time, six years of being a wild party girl, what a price to pay for not having regular screening test for STDs? Further test did reveal that there was scarring inside my reproductive organizations and the normal pregnancy very unlikely. Yes it appeared I was Infertile. I was advised not to be complicated about contraception for ectopic pregnancy was a real possibility now.

Three months had passed quickly. It was time to for my following up test on infection to determine if the bugs had been eliminated. It had been extremely difficult time to stop sexual activity and be a responsible member of society. Here I was sitting having a cup of coffee at the mall when a family sat next to me, the two parents, a boy five years old and his sister a year younger. The children happily sat on their parents’s laps while the two adults shared this treasure family time together. The less sat with her father it was apparent she was his little angel. The love radiated between each other while the happiness they shared with their children was so apparent to all around them to see. I just wondered what it would be like to have even a child of my own. Would I ever have a male acquaintance to care, love and share the happy times together like the two who I observed? On leaving the Mall depression quickly took hold it took all my inner strength to prevent from crying. That night I was an emotional wreck and I cried continuously eventually falling asleep through exhaustion.

I did not cry a lot when I lived my sex addict life, so this crying was my first step to heal up from the old promiscuous sex addict life. Yes, I told you I was not an ordinary sex addict, but in a way, I was and I still am a special sexual addict. However, this special, different sexual addiction prevented me from becoming a slut again.I will explain this later.

I booked an appointment with a physical on call, for my usual medical practicer was away on holidays. He informed me that final test results indicated that I had been cured of the infections and asked whether there anything else he could do. I started to complain about not coping with the knowledge of my injuries, never to have any children of my own. The doctor’s response was that a new surgery method had been developed and that sixty percent of women who were in a similar situation were cured after the procedure. He could refer me to a specialist, but treatment was very expensive since healthcare insurance did not pay for that procedure, so I had to pay for such an operation from my own pocket. That night I could not sleep with excitement. It was really a possibility of having my own children. Next morning I knew my goals, one to have the operation, and second to find the man who would fill the other part of dream, to have a classical family. One-step at time.

Moving back to the snowy Mid West to live with my parents and at the same time explore employment prospects in the area. A vacancy for a chemist existed at company in a neighboring city. Luckily I was able to win the position, deciding to live with my parents’ during the probationary period. Commuting by car turned out to be rather tiring. The solution was to move to the area and lease a condo.

I dated some guys, but I did not find the right man. I thought that these dating connections were important to me despite their unsuccessful ending, because I had to get used to the simple relationship model. I was twenty-five years old.

My neighbor, a tall, brown and blue-eyed man, extremely handsome in appearance, was the same age as me. He seemed very attractive to me, but I did not have any chance to date Ralph Ryden who was engaged to Irene. She was an attractive young lady who shared his apartment, busy planning their wedding in the near future. After the honeymoon they planned to purchase house, for Ralph had enough money for it, since he was a financial adviser.

Ralph had a true friend, Charley, after graduating from the police academic, he went to work for his dad’s PI firm. Charley’s dad owed Ralph a debt for saving his son’s life. How circumstances arose when the boys were twelve years old: They were playing a lot together on a frozen lake. The ice was not thick enough, breaking under Charley. Ralph did everything instinctively. If he had tried to pull out his friend quickly the thin ice would have torn under both of them and the two friends would have drowned before help arrived. Ralph lay down on the ice and he pulled his friend with slow movements onto the surface of the ice before crawling towards the shore. Charley was soaked suffering from hypothermia, also swallowed large amount of water, but he survived his ordeal.

Charley’s father wasgrateful to Ralph for saving the life of his son, and several years later he had a chance to honor the debt. A secret investigation was organized on Irene. Charley was more experienced with women, not only because he was married but also better at reading their body language, this made him also rather suspicious of Ralph’s fiancée. A month before the wedding Ralph was shown photography evidence along with a video of Irene with Her lover. Naturally the wedding was called off discretely by Ralph. Seventeen years later Ralph told me about the free of charge PI investigation. I thought I also had undergone some secret, random, free of charge PI investigations too. So I had independent evidences I was faithful to Ralph until his deadly car accident.

I was invited to Ralph’s condo for a coffee, his was more of a milk bases drink than normal coffee, when he confirmed about his break up. He was devastated by Irene’s infidelity, regarding her as an extremely silly woman, for not keep her legs closed with the other person when she was betrothed to him. He was honest about his unhappiness. I reciprocated telling him my problems especially about Chlamydia and its consequences; the only way to rectify the problem was by surgery. It was going to be a while before this could be afforded for I had only half the money saved that was required. A costly exercise with no guarantee of success, this was a gamble that needs to be taken. But I could not tell him of my earlier lifestyle and my cure of syphilis and how easy it was for studs to have their way with me. I was deeply ashamed of my behavior. In fact I was glad of Irene’s sexual escapade with somebody else, for now Ralph was now available. It did not stop me from having Ralph in my pussy that day. Later he told me that he had liked me, very much admiring my desire have my own child, not an adopted one. He was hundreds percent right.

My relationship with Ralph continued to dEvelop steadily while living side by side as neighbors for about a month, before moving into his condo. Soon I discovered that Ralph was interesting to me, preferred low fat milk to beer for he disliked the beer gut appearance so many men developed after consumption of large quantity of alcohol. Nor did he like the abuse both verbal and physical of drunkenness resulting from alcohol consumption. Half a year later Ralph offered me the remaining money required for the fertility surgery. Accompanying me to Chicago where the restorative surgery would take place. After the operation I was informed that it went as expected, I was expected to allow time for healing in due course my fertility should be restored. I considered myself as a very lucky lady. He proposed to me, asked if I wanted to be his wife to achieve my fantasy, the family with two children, of course I accepted. We had an ordinary wedding with parents, relatives and friends. Honeymoon on Seychelles Islands where our baby production began in earnest. Our daughter was first born followed by our son a year later. We purchased a lovely house.

I was happy with two beautiful kids and a good husband, who loved me so strongly as well as being devoted very much to our children. It was my plan to exhaust my husband with my pussy so he couldn’t get it up any more or to suffocate him with my pussy over his face, when I saw how Ralph adored our two kids and loved me. I had just breastfed our eighteen month old son while my husband changed the diaper of his sister. My pussy was hot and juicy for my husband. I wanted to reward him for adoring our kids and loving me. I was in a little euphoria from the lactation; I enjoyed breastfeeding my children. We were alone in the living room, after children were placed in nursery, when I became very serious. I was very honest to myself as I was a slut in my earlier life a little remnant from my earlier life still remained. I had never told him nor would I be able too. However this means I was willing to be a slut again for my husband, but only for him and I had to work my way round to that point of view somehow that evening.

“Ralph, honey, can you imagine how much I love you?” I began.

“I can see it and I love you just as much,” he replied.

I kindly said, “I know, honey, you love me, but you have absolutely no idea about my love for you.”

Ralph was embarrassed, remaining silent.

“I want an honest answer from you,” I continued.

He asked me in confusion, “What?”

He did not understand at this point, but I was straight and I asked him, “I am curious about your most secret sexual fantasy and if it’s not too extreme I would be happy to grant it.”

Ralph was very embarrassed and remaining silent again

“Honey, let me give you an examples. I’ll not grant cannibalism, shitting: nor do I want another woman in our marriage bed, only you and me in the sex, but what you request I’ll try to grant you,” I said.

Ralph looked at me and I knew he would tell me what his most secret sexual fantasy was.

He finally said, “I’m afraid you’ll say my fantasy is disgusting, but it’s only you and me together having sex. It’s neither cannibalism nor shitting.”

I was turned on and my pussy dripped.

“Honey, please tell me, please don’t be afraid of anything,” I begged.

He did not hesitate more, “All right, I’ll tell you, but you wanted it.”

I encouraged him, “Please, don’t be afraid to tell me.”

Ralph first looked into my eyes and then focused on my breasts while he spoke, “You know I prefer milk to beer.”

I understand him at once and I knew I could grant him his fantasy.

“Yes…I could…” I whispered.

He carried on his confession, “I dream about such a world, where a woman feeds her lover or husband so much milk that he does not have to eat other food…”

I became totally flushed. I enveloped my dear husband in my pheromone cloud and I followed him happily.

“…Only her milk,” I finished his sentence.

I was so enthusiastic to grant his fantasy, “Honey, you’ll get my milk as long as you live on the Earth. You don’t have to dream about such a thing and about another world where you could get the milk of your woman, because you’ll have my milk until your death!”

“Don’t you think my sexual fantasy is disgusting?” he questioned.

I reassurered Ralph, “Honey it would be disgusting if I did not grant this request for you! Honey,When I began to wean our son you’ll get more and more my milk from me. Now we start with a little, but within half a year you’ll get all my milk.”

“I was afraid of your answer,” he told, relieved.

I said almost crying, “Silly, you don’t know how much I love you.”

So we became an ANR (Adult Nursing Relationships) couple. At the time we did not know this sex practice was named ANR sex; we discovered all the ANR World together without any outside help. The Net did not give us information about ANR that time, we were alone, but I was happy to nurse my husband with my milk followed by making love with him. So my husband and I were glued to the ANR sex. A week after starting the ANR sex, my sex dream became the same as his my husband. I kept dreaming of such a planet in a far-away stellar system in our Galaxy, the Milky Way, where I could produce so much milk that he would not have to eat other food but my breast milk. I, the promiscuous slut, began to practice the most monogamous sex of the World, moreover I was addict to ANR sex. After almost fifteen years of practice we were even more deeply in love each other than when we first met.

After using the ANR technique for just over two years, the children and I were standing outside the hypermarket waiting for Ralph who was using the restroom. Irene, who was six months pregnant with their first child, introduced me to her husband. I did not like her, because she had caused my husband so much pain, but I did not hate her, because I had got my happiness from her stupidity. I was polite with her and her husband. She seemed a little worried to me. But she complimented us on seeing Ralph, me and our kids several times in the city and each time we were happy and excited from the love of each other.
First I remembered that happy family in Los Angeles wondered whether they could have also been a happy ANR couple, just as wewere.

Secondly, I recognized that Irene wanted to show us to her husband as a positive example for a loving married couple. When I met Irene in the city later, I never told her Ralph and I were an ANR couple nor its benefits, since it is one of the most underground sex practices in the World. The ANR assisted to develop a relationship that I would never consider being unfaithful to my husband that I was proud that I became a respectable married woman from a slut…

Chapter 2. A simple life of a man who prefers low fat milk to beer


I live in a middle-sized mid west city, where I was born. My father was a plumber who had a little plumbing firm. Later my brother inherited the family firm. I used to work with my father and brother at the family firm in summer to earn a little pocket money, that is way I got good practical training. My mother worked as a shop cashier, when my brother, my two sisters and I were older.I was an ordinary young boy who attended an average high school and I learned well. I liked Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, so my teachers suggested that my parents should send me to college. I was the youngest kid in the family and since my brother worked for the family plumbing firm and my sisters were wives, therefore my parents decided that I could try a college for engineering. They had a little money fund for me. I lost my virginity to a local girl after a disco night after my graduation from high school. This affairs was not serious, because we went to other colleges. Later she became teacher in our city and she had family with a good husband and two kids. I often went to disco that summer, I tried beer but for my surprise I discovered I preferred low fat milk to beer. However I concealed this from my friends.

I had little money, so I carried on working for the family firm in summer and I had some small jobs during college. I did well at college, therefore I got a scholarship for MSc in engineering in another college. My parents, my brother and my sisters were proud of me. I dated girls but I did not find the right woman. After graduation I got a good job in our city. A car parts company was looking for an engineer and I was the best candidate for this job, therefore I came back to my old city.

The sister of my brother-in-law, Shelly, was eighteen years old and when she graduated from high school she went to work in a shop in a Mall. We met at family events so we were acquaintances. When I came home and began to work, Shelly and I became an item and soon I TOOK HER VIRGINITY. We dated for half a year and I asked her to be my wife. Shelly said yes and we planned the wedding with the two families. My sister Heather and my brother-in-law John were very happy, because the two families were now double bound to each other. They had two young daughters and they were the flower girls at our wedding. We worked for two years and we gasered enough money to take out a loan to buy a house. We had two sons and we lived the average suburban life. I got promotions in my job and I became the chief engineer at my company. We were doing a successful reconstruction at my firm and we were very competitive, so I had a good salary and I received a bonus twice a year.

Shelly was a homemaker and was at home with our sons. We were an average couple with children, so our sex life was the same as others. At first we were at it began it as bunnies but in the end we did it only three times a week. My wife was with our children, but she went to a cosmetic and hairdresser training and she learned these arts well. When our younger son became ten years old my wife wanted to work again. She went to work in a cosmetic and hairdresser salon. Five years later the owner of this salon wanted to retire therefore we bought the salon from her with a bank loan. My wife became the boss of a woman’s beauty salon with eight employeees. I was the 50% owner of this salon and the other 50% belonged to my wife, so we paid less tax. Our salon was in the most popular Mall with a wide range of clientele.

Our method of planning our holiday was the following: my wife looked at a good international cosmetic congress in the world and we went to that country, so her air tickets and hotel bills could be put into the salon’s budget. We went to Italy, Spain, Greece and France in this way. Our kids learned well and both went to college. Our elder son learned business administration, while the younger became an engineer like his father. I was “fat, dumb and happy” as the saying goes.

I was forty-eight years old and my wife was forty-four when she invited a former high school mate, Mrs. Agnes Ryden over for a Saturday dinner. She was a widow, because her husband had died in car accident. She brought up her daughter and her son who were high school students and she worked as a chemist ata chemical company. She got a big sum of money as indemnity for the death of her husband. The truck freight company paid compensation to her, because the accident was their truck driver’s fault. She was very devastated by the death of her husband. I knew her from before, because my wife had told me a lot about her. Shelly had told me that Agnes and Ralph loved each other very deeply. My wife was a good costume and she was beautiful, but Agnes was just as beautiful even she did not use the examinations of the costume industry. My wife and Agnes were friends and Agnes was a client of my wife’s beauty salon. After dinner I was drinking my low fat milk, when I noticed that Agnes smiled at me for the first time during the whole Saturday dinner. She mentioned her husband had liked low fat milk too. I said I preferred low fat milk to beer. I noticed that she began to like me. Sometimes she came to us and I always felt that she was quite attracted to me.

One dayI attended my thiriteth high school graduation reunion. A former fellow-student, Michael, who was an andrologist, talked about infidelity kits to some male fellows. He explained, which ones were the best and how we could use them. I was among that male audience and I laughed a little at what the laboratory diagnostic companies invented to increase their turnover. He told us the flu is the best cover for the checking, because the Kleenex is not conspicuous to the cheating wife, therefore the sampling is the easiest this way. He gave us his business card and he told us not to write the names of the infidelity kits on it because our wives would be offended if they found it. It would be best if we phoned him in suspicious conditions and he would give advice on how to use the best kit. He said the infidelity kits were good at revealing serial cheaters and slut wives only. Because sampling could prove a suspicion, so a husband could not find proof against a wife, who had only one extramarital sex all her life.

Somebody remarked that a bastard could be born even from a single cheating event as well. Another fellow, George, who was dividend lawyer, said that divorcing husbands could check the fatherhood with DNA test. He explained to us, according to the family law of our state the ex-husbands did not have to pay any child support if the bastard children were below four years old. The smart husbands had to check their newborn babies with a DNA test before their fourth birthday. Everybody was laughing and prayed the family law of our state. Another fellow asked, what a husband could do when the children were above four years old. George told him the husband could start a lawsuit against the biological father for compensation settlement if the ex-husband knew, who was the biological father. George said he had a court case where the biological father had to pay eighteen years children support money to the ex-husband.

Yet another schoolfellow Ken, whowas a PI firm owner, told us about the latest micro devices to observe cheating wives. But he warned us not to forget to use the mobile for photo evidence in unexpected situations. Everybody was laughing and we told each other that the modern sciences were on the side of smart husbands. We further discussed cheating wives and the suspicious signs. Michael said the worst harm a cheating wife did was the husband’s wasted time to live With her. If a husband got rid of a cheating wife earlier, he could get more time to find a new woman and the modern sciences could assist him with the DNA test, infidelity tests and the electric micro bugs. The majority of us said this was a theoretical discussion, because our marriages were good. When I went home I found this website also about an infidelity kit, but I deleted it from my computer quickly: “http://www.cheatersspyshop.com/checkmate-semen-detection-kit-w–10-tests.html”.

We had two weddings. Our elder son marrieda nice girl first and next year our younger son married another nice girl. They moved to other cities and we remained in this city. I was fifty years old and I noticed that my wife came home more often later than earlier. She generally told me she would come home later. The difference was little, it could be two or three nights monthly, but my brain suspected something. I phoned Michael and we met in his consulting-room. He gave me an infidelity test and he taught me how to use it. I paid him and I took the test home. A week later my wife told me she had to check the books in the cosmetic salon so she would be late for two evenings. I used the test after the first evening during our sex and the test result was positive. I was sad, devastated, but I heard about false positive results that is why I decided to go to the Mall to get further evidence next evening.

I went to the staff entrance. I had key, because I was a 50% owner of the beauty salon. So I entered the salon silentirely and I saw my wife with our fifteen years younger accountant in doggy style sex. First I wanted to kill them, but it was only one day after the first positive infidelity test result and my brain rejected the idea quickly. I remembered Ken’s advice and I took some photos with my mobile and I left the salon in silence again. I went home in a sad emotional shock and I wanted to divide her. I was angry to Leave this nice house for a condo. I felt depressed at home and I went to the fridge for low fat milk in autopilot state. I was pouring milk into a glass when the buzzer rang. I opened the door and Agnes Ryden stood in front of me…

Chapter 3. The right man must be grabbed


After eighteen years of happy marriage a drunk truck driver took my dear husband from me and the good Dad from our children. I was in deep sadness and I had to heal up quickly to bring up our children. I had worked for a chemical firm for five years, therefore the role of the breadwinner in the family was not a big change for me, but the single Mom role was difficult. The children had the money for the college, but the money was not enough to reach their dream, so I had to be the main support to them. I had to be their only help in case of a soul emergency. I was a strong woman and I was the constant support of my kids.

When both of my kids lived at our house I did not have many adventures. I was a woman who needed sex, so I had some boyfriends and I met them. However, I was an ANR sex addict and the ordinary friends were not good for such a close and long time sexual relationship. When my son graduated from high school, I seized one of his friends, who was eighteen years old into a mature woman experience. I took his virginity and we had a lot of sex. Many lonely mature women would be proud of such a conquest. An all summer sex feast with a young stud to take his virginity would be a big success for a Milf. ButI did it as a mandatory task and I dreamed about the right man for a long-term ANR relationship. My son did not know I had his friend and I told my son’s friend, when he went to college that the Milf adventure was over.

When my son went to college to become a pharmacist and my daughter was at the same college studying to be lawyer I was alone in my big house. I did not sell it, because I had enough money to maintain it. Our friends were friendly with me after Ralph’s death. Sometimes I was at the Jastrows, since Shelly was my friend from the high school and she invited me. I was quite attracted to Robert because he liked low fat milk and I knew he could be a good, constant ANR sex partner. Naturally I did not seduce my friend’s husband, but I was very fond of Robert. I knew they were not in ANR sex I could see this well. I was a customer of Shelly’s beauty salon. I went to their hairdresser and sometimes I asked Shelly for cosmetic advice.

Once she gave me a cosmetic kit, which did not work and I became angry. I took it to her house to complain about it. I rang the buzzer and when the door opened a sad and angry Robert stood in the door. I had a high IQ and I knew what the problem was. He voluntarily let me in the living room.

We sat there and I asked, “Robert, I can see you have a big problem. The children…”

“No!” he said.

I could see the anger and sadness was on his face. I remembered Ralph, when he got Irene’s infidelity evidences and I was there. I WAS LUCKY AGAIN, BECAUSE ANOTHER STUPID BITCH WAS GIVING THE RIGHT MAN ON A SILVER TRAY TO ME.

I started with a blond woman’s question, “An accident with your wife?”

Robert was angry and he confessed, “My wife has a lover.”

I continued with another blond woman’s incomprehension, “It cannot be true! I know Shelly and…”

He interrupted me, “I went to the beauty salon and she was having sex with the fifteen years younger accountant. I took photos with my mobile.”

I knew I was on the good track and it was the best time to grab him. Tomorrow my chance would be 50% less.

“You poor dear, what is your plan?” I asked.

He replayed almost autopilot, “First I’ll move to a movie. Then I’ll rent an apartment and call George who is a good dividend lawyer.”

Here was my big chance and I took the secret weapon, “Robert, why do you want to go to motel? I have a big house and my children are at college, so you could have the guest room.”

Robert looked at me with confusion, “I would disturb you,” he hesitated.

“Robert, you won’t disturb me. My house is big. I came by car and we could put many things in two cars,” I explained.

But I could see I had to give him a bit more encouragement.

“We could take a lot of luckage in two cars and your wife will be annoyed when she finds a half empty house,” I pushed the matter further.

I think this was the winner sentence, because Robert looked at me and he smiled at me for the first time and said, “You are right, I’ll go to you!”

We put many things into the two cars without any careful packaging in a record time. We went to my house and took everything in. I knew the most difficult step was Robert’s moving in with me and now it was taken. The next steps, to conquer him and take him into my bed, would be easier. The next day was done.

My daughter and son laughed much when I told them how I conquered Robert and their Dad in almost the same circumstances. I took away both of my husbands from their cheating spouses.


Chapter 4. From a family disaster to our Galaxy to the Milky Way


It was Saturday morning. I awakened in Agnes’s bed and I was happy again. She was not in the bed and I thought she was in the kitchen to make breakfast. I went to the kitchen after the morning routine and I found a happy woman. She smiled at me and I smiled at her.

She said, “I’ve grabbed you and I won’t let you go away.”

I laughed and I knew I would remain there with her. My children were now older, soon I would be a granddad. I did not want any reconciliation.

“If you don’t kick me out I’ll remain here,” I said.

She laughed now. She put a half-liter low fat cold milk in front of me together with a banana and some fruits. Then she prepared an oatmeal dish for herself.

We had breakfast and she asked me, “Rob, I know you like low fat milk very much…”

“You are right, I prefer low fat milk to beer,” I admitted.

“Rob, I’ll show you a website on the Internet… I’d like you to read it, please,” she asked me.

“All right, Agnes. I’ll read it,” I promised.

After breakfast we sat down in front of the PC and she showed me websites about Adult Nursing Relations (ANR). I had always thought that a heterosexual man who preferred low fat milk to beer sometimes had that sexual fantasy to suck sweet, body warm milk from a beautiful woman’s breast and to touch her hot pussy while sucking her milk. I also had my own sexual fantasy about such a planet where my lover, a beautiful woman, could produce so much milk in her breasts that was enough for feeding me without any other food. Now I felt like a child who got all the toys from a toy store. I got a woman who wanted to grant me my most secret sex dream. I was bewildered.

Agnes understand everything and she said, “If you decided to live with me you would get used to body warm sweet milk instead of cold milk. Could you take it?”

She smiled at me.

“I could and I’ll remain with you,” I smiled back at her.

“Next week I’ll see my doctor and I ask for lactation inducing medicine and soon I’ll have sweet body warm milk for you,” she replied.

She told me it would be an ordinary, everyday thing. I got a turn on and we started more lovemaking again.

I deleted all my wife’s calls from my mobile the previous day and I continued this on Saturday, but I got a call from my elder son in the afternoon. I had to answer my son. He told me his mom was devastated and she wanted a PI firm to find me. I told him where I was living, but I added that I would never go to back to his Mom. I would divide her. She had the beauty salon business therefore I did not worry about her at all. My son asked why I wanted to divide her. I told him it was the business of his Mom and me. I also told him to tell his Mom I would dividend her and I did not want any reconciliation. My son promised he would tell these to his Mom. Later, when my younger son phoned, I accidentally told him his Mom had a lover, but I was successful to hide my new address at Agnes. After these phone calls my wife stopped phoning me.

The following week I met George, my high school buddy, while I got some days off for a family emergency and he started the dividend proceeding. I organized the bank account matters and I was ready for a new life with Agnes. She began to take the lactation inducing medicine and we started the ANR sex two weeks later. I was an ANR virgin, but Agnes was a very good guide in the sweet milk Ocean and I got used to This new World quickly. I rapidly understand why the ANR was said to gle the pairs in a stronger and closer connection.

The dividend had some humorous moments, as I got 50% of the beauty salon and for example I had to vote about my ex-wife’s salary. We sold the house and I put the money into an investment. Shelly bought a condo. I sent my mobile photos to the wife of the accountant. She wanted to divide him at first, but they had three little children therefore they reconciled, but our company had to look for a new accountant.

Two weeks after my dividend Agnes and I got married in a quiet wedding ceremony. Her parents and her children came to the wedding. But my children told me although they wanted to keep contact with us they could not come to our wedding because they did not want to hurt the feeling of their mother anymore. I understand them. We went to Rarotonga in Cook Islands on honeymoon. It is a beautiful Polynesian Island, but it is cheaper than Bora Bora. We were very angry at the world, because the heterosexual monogamy ANR couples had to organizeize their air travel in a way that other people did not notice anything from the ANR. My wife sucked her breasts in the toilets of the airports and planes with a sucking instrument.

When we came back I had to meet my ex-wife because I was the 50% owner of her beauty salon and I was a very grubby owner. The first company meeting was a big quarrel and she blamed my second wife, Agnes. I told her not to blow my new wife and not to quarrel, because if we quarreled the beauty salon would not work and she would not have a job soon. She stopped quarreling and the beauty salon worked fine later. I got my interest from this firm. Agnes and I were connected to each other as closely and intimately as she and Ralph were previously and soon my acquaintances noticed this as well. Irene, who was the cheating fiance of Agnes’s dead husband, was the first who remarked this at an accidental meeting in a Mall. She was a divided mom with two high school age children.

Around this time my younger son got a job in our city and he moved here with his wife. They were expecting their first child my first granddaughter. One day my wife accidentally met Shelly and Agnes got a nickname from me after that encounter. My daughter-in-law, Peggy, was there and she told me how Agnes riposted to my cheating ex-wife. I named her as Honey Orca after that encounter. She likes this nickname very much and she is very proud of it.

Chapter 5. The riposte of the Honey Orca


How I got this nickname Honey Orca is very interesting. I did not go to Shelly’s beauty salon anymore and we rarely even went to that Mall. My husband went to the company meeting where Shelly called me names and Rob always refused her insults on me. However you could not always avoid another person in a middle-sized city, so one day I encountered Shelly in a supermarket. I was with the pregnant daughter-in-law of my husband, Peggy.

Shelly came to me. She called me names and she told me, “You stole my husband from me! You are a slut shark, who pounced on the prey on my husband!”

“You’re wrong, because I AM NOT A SHARK, BUT AN ORCA!” I riposted at once.

“What?!” shouted Shelly.

I responded quickly, “The shark is a fish but the orca is a mammal and it produces milk!”

“Why are you telling me this stupid thing?” asked Shelly.

I told her sarcastically, “You know, MY DEAR CHEATING BITCH, I feed my prey, my husband with my milk twice a day!”

“What, what…” Shelly was at a loss for words.”

I stuck my tongue at her and I left the supermarket with Peggy. Shelly almost went ballistic. Outside the supermarket Peggy told me she did not like her mother-in-law at all.

“You aren’t a mother-in-law but a friend. I prefer you to her,” said Peggy.

Later she told the story of my riposte to Rob. that is why I became my husband’s “Honey Orca”…

The end.


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