I betrayed my best friend

Part one in my saga
Yes, I still hate myself for doing this, and my best friend Jim probably does, too, but i cannot deny the fact that it was the best moment of my life.
James and I were the closest of friends since birth, we lived right down the street and every summer we would practicely live at each houses. I remember that our longest consecutive sleep overs was 6 days, just short of a week. The first time we discovered porn, ah jeese, a stack of playboys and a few vivid magazines tucked in between them…My cousins, he happily borrowed them to us in an attempt to corrupt us and hopefully steal some condoms from his dad, another long story. Well we bartered 2 playboy magazines for a pack of stolen trojans and a nintendo.
At that moment in our lives we discovered 3 things, girls were hot, naked girls were even hotter, and it felt good to touch our ‘thingys’
Maybe 4-5th grade we discovered masturbation and orgasms, which were all premature and un-sticky of course. Then we recovered an old porno from my uncle (not the same one as last) and we must’ve forgotten that tape down because i swore it was in use at least 7 times a week. We loved sex, or whatever it was, to us it was just..fun.
Skip a few years and we are in High School, freshmen, I played on the soccer team and he was the running back for the junior varsity Football team. Jim received alat of attention, especially from the girls…


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