

Back when I was a kid, a boy usually reached the onset of sexual awakening at around the age of 13. I guess nowadays they might be reaching that stage earlier…what with all the growth hormones fed to the meat animals to maintain a supply of cheap hamburgers and chicken fingers…but in either case…the beginnings of sexual arousal tend to involve a fascination with all things sexual, and an ever ready hard on…thoughts of sexuality were taught to be dirty and nasty..but nevertheless, they played a large part of a lad’s consciousness reality. The possibility of actually engaging in sex with another person was never considered, and you were taught that that was what you did when you got married…after all…sex was not for recreation, but for creation…or rather pro-creation…with the blessings of the church and by extension, the community…then, and only then, would sexual expression be a Moral exercise in the eyes of God.Oh, sure, we talked with each other…and repeated those dirty jokes we’d overheard the adults share…but, amongst we boys, it was all false bravado and attempted machismo…but… some point…you found that you just had to get some kind of relief from the urge you really didn’t understand…the one that caused you to get hard at inappropriate times…forcing you to make constant adjustments to conceal and make room for your increasing independent Boner. So…what was a boy to do?…Eventually, despite dire warnings of blindness and the wrath of God, most boys turn to masturbation…You’d be lying there in bed…and almost any thought had some sexual connotation….you’d try to sleep, but, you’d keep developing thoughts that made it impossible to relax and let the day end…you’d flip..and flop…roll and tumble…but you couldn’t sleep…and those fansies kept Arriving from nowhere…driving you mad with adolescent need for release…so…yeah…you’d rub it out…and could sleep…

I used to do odd jobs to earn money to help to buy stuff I wanted or thought I needed..and my folks encouraged my entrepreneurial efforts at self reliance and responsibility. I mowed laws in the summer, and shoveled snow off from driveways and walkways in the winter…I had a paper route…and I would even sometimes baby-sit for neighbors children…When I wasn’t working to make extra money, I played little league baseball and basketball and even served at the church as an altar boy. All the while, I was becoming sexually mature and didn’t know anything about it other than girl’s breasts and asses stimulated me…and thoughts of those attributes accompanied increased frequently sessions of masturbation…at least I know how to get to sleep. I found all kinds of images in my mind which seemed to help this act along…and I began to notice more and more that other people went About their lives often unaware of the fact that their behavior and manner of dress served this purpose…at least that’s how I saw things…for instance…early one morning, after a modern snowfall, I shoveled out our driveway and sidewalk…then went door to door to ask if I might do that task for neighbors…for a negotiated price…and when I went to Mrs. Albright’s house…she readily agreed to pay me $3.00 to do her sidewalk….the job only took me about a half hour…and when I was finished I rang the doorbell to collect my pay. Mrs. Albright was still dressed in her night clothes as she met me at the door. Her husband Ray, had left on his commute to the city to work for the day. Mrs. Albright asked me to step inside the foyer, so that we wouldn’t let all the heat out of her house…and when I got inside, she offered me a cup of hot cocoa. I told her sure, that would be great. So, she said, fine…hang your jacket on the hook on the door, take off those boots and come on in to the kitchen…I’ve got some milk warming in a pan already…and I’ve even put the oxygen on to warm it up to help the oxygen cleaner loosen up some crusty burned stuff from last night’s dinner…so…into the kitchen I followed…Now, I gotta be honest…although I often thought about girls and dirty thoughts, I didn’t think about older women in that way…much….I’d notice their tits and bumps…sure..but..they were out of my league and I thought of them as matronly and disinterested in me when it came to anything like sex…My idea of ​​a foxy chick ran to girls like Annette Funicello on the Mickey Mouse Club…or maybe Ellie Mae Clampette on the Beverly Hillbillys…Mrs. Albright wasn’t really old, but she was way older than Annette or Ellie…maybe even about my mother’s age…and the thought of anything sexual with her had never gone beyond my noticing that she had what you would call a full figure…rather large boobs and a full round ass. She didn’t have any children of her own, and she was always really nice and friendly and usually offered me drinks and snacks when I did an odd job for her…”have a seat” she said and gestured to a chair by the table…as she went to the stove to stir the milk..and began to add a couple of spoonfuls of hershey’s chocolate, and some sugar…I could see that the over light was on, indicating that it was in warm up mode for her alienated cleaning job…as she stabilized the cocoa mixture…the sash on her robe loosened…and the robe began to open a bit…revealing to me that Mrs. Albright was wearing one of those night dresses I’d heard called “baby dolls”, the type that goes down to about mid thigh and had a kind of scooped neckline…Mrs. Albright seemed unaware of the robe having opened, and she continued to make conversation with me about school, and how was my mom, my younger sister, and my dad….I made the appropriate small talk responses as I awaited my cocoa…and took in what sights presented themselves, while trying not to appear to be anxious or too curious….I noticed that Mrs. Albright wasn’t Wearing a bra under her nightdress, and that her boobs kind of swayed back and forth with each stroke of her mixing spoon…and soon she presented me with a piping hot cup of cocoa. I smiled my appreciation, said thanks…and tried to take a sip..but it was just too hot right then…and she said…” that’s ok, let it cool a bit…it gets its best flavor when you get it really hot first and then let it cool slowly”…She turned to pour herself a cup from the pan and when she tried to sip hers…she jerked the cup away from her lips as the heat hit them…and spilled some of the chocolate on her robe. “Darn it!” she exclaimed…and quick as you can she took off the robe and right to the sink to rinse the stain in cold water…Now…I’ve got a view of her in the baby dollars without her robe on…and I began to feel heat of another kind…after she’d finished washing the stain…she dragged the robe on the back of a kitchen chair…and turned back to the stove…or rather this time opened the oxygen door…”yep, it’s just right” she said and reached for a scouring pad under the sink…I watched as she bent down to retrieve the brillo and her baby dolls rod just high enoughh for me to glimpse her large round and I might add, what appeared to be firm buttocks which were covered by a pair of tight white panties. I began to feel uncomfortable, hoping that she wouldn’t see that I was looking at her in her panties and baby dollars, but Mrs. Albright seemed not to notice and went back to her often with the brillo pad and a can of some kind of cleaner…She said…” this won’t take but a minute, I Just want to get some spill from last night, before I bake in on harder and really have a job”….she knelt on a small rug that was in front of the stove…and reached into the oxygen and began to spray and scrub…she started at the very front of the oxygen rack..and I watched as she slowly worked her way to reach further into the back…as she was scrubbing violently I was transfixed on the sight of her panty clad ass as the nightdress rod further and further towards her wait…If I had never thought of sex with an older woman before…I was thinking of it now…as the sight of Mrs. Albrights ass in panties, bent over and into her oxygen, caused me to have an erection of forceful magnitude…as she reached for something in the rear corner of the oxygen, she shifted her knees apart just a bit, and I now saw the outline of Mrs. Albright’s full ripe pussy, as it pressed tightly against the thin fabric of her panties. Her ass, in this position, was a sight to behold. Large, firm and round, it moved sensitively up and down with each stroke of the scrub pad, and her panties intermittently grasped and released at the cleft of her ass and pussy. I wanted to take out my prick right there and beat it with abandon, but I had cocoa to drink and driveways to shovel…so I waited patiently for Mrs. Albright to finish and my chocolate to cool…I watched as a few curly black public hairs poked out at the edges at her crotch and it crossed my mind that Mrs. Albright’s pussy looked like some kind of ripe fruit, and I had the thought that I’d like to put my nose right there and drink deeply of its aroma Perhaps, if I had, I would have thought to taste it too, but at this point in my development, oral sex was not even in my fantasy catalog…then, without warning, she was done with her chore…and back to her feet and her cup of cocoa…a light sheen of perspiration above her upper lip as she brushed back her wavy dark hair and took her seat at the table opposite mine…she took a sip of her cocoa and said: “there! that’s better!” “try yours” “I think it’s just right”…and I did and it was, and then she paid me my three dollars, I finished my cocoa, thanked her, and left for another driveway…I ‘d only gotten halfway down the sidewalk when Mrs. Albright called to me from the doorway…”hey there, Mister!…did you forget something?”…’oh shit’ I thought…..’what does she want?’…she kinda squeezed back into the doorway…away from the cold in her baby dollars, and then thrust my jacket out the opening with one bare arm…I’d got so hot I forget….(first try….left room for development…how you likee, so far?)


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