Hello Everyone. I have read a number of the stories on here before and since I have been inspired to write my own. This is the first erotica genre story I have ever written and this is going to be part 1 of 3/4 part series, I haven’t finished writing it yet. While this story is fiction, it has a lot of real world inspiration. So without further ado.
Graduation Relief
Part 1. Original Creation of BoySensual
Chapter 1 The Faceoff
..Shotty No Blitz.. I hear as I am about to open the door to the garage.
Dammit Diana… Is there nothing I can do to get you to sit in back?
Well, make an offer I cannot refuse and it’s yours
Joe stutters a second then responds An offer you cannot refund? Okay how about a day of being your slave to do all of your bidding?
Wow you really don’t want to sit in back do you.
No, I dont.
Why do I have cooties or something? … C’mon Joe dont be a baby.
I turn around and there stands Amanda, my brothers girlfriend.
No… its just…uhh… I would prefer the leg room
I say, hoping that she just walked over to the door.
What about being a slave? she says as she walks right by me an opens the door to the Grand Jerokee.
Sorry Joe but you are just going to have to suffer, and I hope Amanda gives you hell back there.
The three of us make our way over to the Jeep, Diana hops up into the front and I see Amanda motioning for me to get in.
Crap not only do I need to sit in the back but I amsitting middle seat next to all of Dan’s crap.I think as I slowly make my way up into the Jeep.
Hey I know I am skinny but shit, push over some. Amanda says.
I can’t there isn’t any room
Joe… my girlfriend Diana looks over the seat with a stern look on her face, push over or you aren’t getting any tonight
Well crap, there ain’t no room…seriously unless you want me humping all of Dan’s camping shit
and with that Amanda jumps up into the Jeep and onto my lap.
Eww, thanks for the mental picture Diana, but do you mind if I ride on Joes Lap? who knows maybe I can give him some girl cooties
No, not at all, so long as Dan doesn’t
What about me we all hear as Dan jumps up into the drivers seat.
Whoa, you two are nice and cozy back there
Se I start to say before promptly being shacked upside the head by Amanda.
Dan do you mind if Amanda sits on Joes lap on the ride there?
I don’t care if you don’t Di. he starts before being interrupted
Okay, time to roll
Chapter 2 – Introductions
Amanda stands up and lets me re-adjust my pants giving me a clean view of her tight ass. I can see she has a red thong on underneath her jeans; while Dan and I have talked about our sex lives together I have never really looked at Amanda in a sexual way since she is my brothers girlfriend. Amanda and Dan are both 25; while my girlfriend, Diana, will be 25 in a couple months and I am the baby of the group at 23. Dan and Amanda were high school sweet hearts and I am pretty sure they are each other’s only partners as they graduated together from the Manhattan University. I met Diana through Amanda, they were rooms freshmen year so we hung out often when I went to visit Dan. Amanda and myself were not exactly friends in high school but we weren’t enemies either. Dan received a full athletic scholarship for basketball, so I was hoping that him and Amanda would split since Amanda always said how much she hated the city; but of course she followed him there and managed to walk onto the volleyball team. Dan was always a much better basketball player then myself; but I did manage to get an academic scholarship at Boston College.
Throughout our four years in university I became accustomed to Amanda and we actually began to develop a friend. I occasionally talked to Amanda through the four years but we really didnt start to become really close until two summers ago when the three of them and me got an apartment on Boston Harbor. We started to date that fall during a trip she took to come see me during a Yankee’s / Red Sox ALCS playoff game Friday night. She said she only came to watch the sox get beat, however I conned her into staying the rest of the weekend and she went back to New York my girlfriend. We stayed in touch and visited for a weekend here and there for the rest of the school year. That summer I went into the guidance counselor and asked about graduating early. I had took a couple summer courses and a winter course this year, in plans of getting an extra minor into my diploma. I didnt want to step on Dans toes since he was a grade ahead of me, however I also didnt want Diana to be out of school while I still had a full year or even the fall semister to go. In the end I had to drop the second minor and those credits would go towards my general electives, I would also need to take 4 core courses this summer instead of only 2 meaning that I would have a busy summer, but I knew it would be worth it. I did well finishing up the scourse year, and although I went from a 3.7 GPA to a 3.4 I was still happy as I did finish a year early and as long as I had good entrance exams I would be set for grad school. After graduation we all decided to get away from the East Coast, being there all our lives, and sprung for a two bedroom cabin on the outskirts of Ann Arbor on Lake Michigan for two weeks
Chapter 3 – The Drive
Its now August and the summer is coming to a close, we all decided this camping trip would be a great stress relief from out entry level jobs and it would give Dan and I to catch up as we worked conflicting schedules so we did not get to see much of each other. Dan bought the Jeep brand new right off the show room floor at the beginning of the summer and with his brutal work schedule we didn’t get to break in the vehicle besides a couple of day hiking trips here and there. This was going to be the first real test, which is why we have all this extra crap in the car.
Okay so I re-adjust my jeans and t-shirt and slightly tap Amanda’s hip but she doesn’t respond and I hear that she’s whispering something to Diana. After a few moments she looks back and I inform her I am all set and pulls up her jeans slightly hiding my view of her thong now as she sits down on my lap. Dan pulls out of the drive and we make our way onto the interstate and towards our destination. Along the trip we play a couple of games and listen to music, just things to pass the time, stopping for lunch at some local dinner and ask for directions to the cabin. The waitress promptly writes down the directions with a couple of landmarks to guide us, and we set back out on our drive.
What started as smooth paved roads, now are rough, bumpy dirt roads and I find myself bouncing up from the seat.
Shit I mumbled to myself, trying to think of anything that will relax theexcitement brewing in my pants.
Oooo I hear Amanda moan slightly as we go over a rather large bump as lands promptly on my groin. I do my best not to groan, but before I can say anything I hear Amanda says Dammit Dan wa-aatch out. I instinctively grab her hips and press them down onto my now burning groin.
Thanks Joe, I almost hit my head says Amanda smiling as my now rock solid cock is firmly pushing against the crack of her butt. I quickly release my hands from her hips as Diana turns around to see if we are alright and ending in me getting the evil eye.
Dan, stop going to fast over these damn bumps, you want Amanda to hit her head Diana says sternly to Dan.
Joe will keep her safe followed promptly by a smack upside the head from Amanda.
Asshole, she mumbles as we finally pull up to the cabin.
Diana and Dan quickly get out and make a dash to the cabin mumbling about who’s going to get the bathroom first. Meanwhile Amanda slowly stands up giving me another good look at her nice round ass, I quickly re-adjust and pull my dick up under my belt, but Amanda turns around,
Diana must be a happy girl she whispers as she leans past me grabbing one of the sleeping bags from the back. She catches me gawking at her cleavage as she leans back into the seat, smiles and say because I have no complaints and hops out of the car. I grab the other 3 sleeping bags and quickly catch up. We make our way into the cabin and I hear Dan yelling down the hall that there was a note on the door and that the bedrooms are upstairs. I follow her up the stairs and at the top she turns around and I notice her nipples protruded from her halter top.
Wow, did she enjoy that as much as I did? But why I can’t be thinking about her that way, she is my brother’s girlfriend… what did she mean by Diana was a happy girl
JOE I am brought back to reality,
JOE, Which room do you want?
I am going to be a gentleman and let you decide which you would like
Since when is staring at your brother’s girlfriend’s cleavage chivalrous?
I, uhh the words seem to stumble from my brain
Excuse me?
My tits, 34C, I know you were wondering
No I wasnt I say as I am trying to fight off blushing. I knew I was caught red handed.
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