my first xxx story tell me what you think…..

In the summer of my 18th year, the summer before I began college, I
a call from my aunt.

“Joe, what are your plans for the summer?” she asked me.

“Well, not much,” I confessed. I hadn’t really been looking for a

“Would you like to do me a huge favor?”


“I’ve been put on temporary assignment in Europe, and I have no one to
take care of the girls. I wondered if you’d come down here and take
care of them until I get back.” Her husband had been killed a year
before in a crash, and her high-powered job didn’t give her much

“Um, how long, Aunt Sally? I gotta get ready for school…” The
of spending a long summer with just my ten-year-old and
cousins ​​didn’t thrill me.”

“Ieave on May 30th, and I’ll be back by August first. So you should
have plenty of time to get ready for school. And I’ll pay you a
thousands dollars for your time, plus an allowance for running the
and buying food and such.”

I didn’t really see how I could tell her “no”. I needed the money,
she knew it. And, I told myself, looking on the bright side, her
in California was pretty cool, with a pool and pleasant climate.
the change of scene would do me good.

Thus it came to pass that I found myself occupying my aunt’s enormous
house with my cousins ​​Lisa and Jenny. Lisa was the twelve-year-old,
Jenny was ten.

They’d both grew since I’d seen them last. My memory was of two
bratty, spoiled kids, dirty and out-of-control. I was unprepared for
the pretty nyphets who greeted me. Amazingly they were both clean and
neat. Both wore short sundresses which were virtually transparent. I
could easily see their little-girl undies beneath the thin clothes, and
was obvious that Lisa was beginning to develop. Her small hard mounds
seemed large for her age, and she still hadn’t began wearing bras.
girls had that coltish grace which seems unique to young girls on the
threshold of adolescence. Their legs seemed almost impossiblely long for
Their tiny bodies. Both had Sally’s blonde hair and china-blue eyes.
Their faces were almost angelically beautiful, and their lips were
Surprisingly full and pouty. Seeing the transformation was a real
to me.

When I’d arrived, they both ran up to me and practically flung
themselves at me. “Uncle Joe! Uncle Joe! We’re so glad you came to
keep us company,” they bubbled. They swarmed overme. ‘Whoa, boy,” I
told myself. ‘Careful.’ I had discovered that I was starting to get
turned on by the contact and sight of their firm young bodies.
what have I got myself into? I’m gonna go nuts with these little
crawling all over me…’

In no time, Aunt Sally had left for the airport, and I was alone with
little charges.

Over the next week, I became even more worried. My little cousins
seemed to lack all sense of modesty. They paraded through the house
nothing but tiny panties. Their nighties all seemed to be of the
“shorty” variety known as “baby-dolls”. When they weren’t half-naked
They were playing in the pool. And I hadn’t known that such sexy
suits were even made in little-girl sizes.

I tried to exercise some discipline, with no effect. I tried to talk
them, explaining that such behavior wasn’t proper. “Girls, please get
dressed,” I said.

“But we always dress this way! Mom lets us!”

“Well, I’m not Mom.”

They just giggled at me and continued dressing exactly as before. I
tried punishment; but spanking was out–it turned me on! And nothing
else I could think of seemed to matter to the girls. They accepted
their punishment with silent looks of reproach, and keep on doing
whatever I’d punished them for doing. Eventually, I gave up.

So I was, it seemed, continuously surrounded by acres of bare

The exposure soon began to have a predictable effect on me. I began
get incredibly horny. Luckily, I’d brought a supply of “men’s
magazines” and x-rated videotapes. Both these–and my fist–began to
used often to relieve the sexual tension that seemed to fill the
Even with the release that masturbation brought, it didn’t seem
And the girls weren’t helping. They began to find excuses to sit on
lap–sometimes dressed in nothing but those little panties–or would
me to swim with them. In the pool they were all over me, and the
contact was maddeningly excited.

One Sunday morning, I think it was the second one I spent there, I was
jacking off in my room, looking at undraped women–but thinking of
tiny little asses and thighs and of Lisa’s hard little titles.

Suddenly I heard a small sound. I looked up, and saw my little
standing in the doorway, watching me. Their expressions were rapt and
full of innocent wonder at the sight of what I was doing. As usual,
They had on those tiny baby-doll nights. My face flaming, I tried
cover myself and conceal the magazines I’d been looking at. I tried
think of something to say. I think I stammered something inane like:

Lisa giggled. “Don’t be ashamed, Uncle Joe. We’ve been watching you
exercise your, um, muscle ever since you got here. We’ve seen you do
lots of times. We like to watch it get long and stiff.”

Jenny chimed in. “And I like when stuff comes out of it!”

“We made Bobby Wald show us his, but it was tiny, not big and fat like
yours–or the guys on those tapes. We like yours much better,”

The girls came over to the bed, where my erection, though still
was rapidly collapsed beneath the blanket I’d hastily thrown over it.

“Can we see it?” asked Jenny. “Please?”

“I don’t think so,” I told them. “It’s not right…”

“Oh, you’re always worrying about what’s ‘right’,” Lisa teased.

“Yeah; I wanna see,” said Jen. While I was distracted by Jenny, Lisa
reached down and pulled away the blanket. A look of disappointment
over her face as she saw that my organ was no longer erect. “Oh, it’s
soft again,” she said, crossly, as if complaining about an inflatable
toy that had lost its air. “Make it get stiff again!”

“Um, I don’t think I can,” I told her.

“Why? It always gets stiff real fast when you look at those pictures
and touch it…”

“Um, well, yeah…but it’s different with you girls here…”

“Can we help you make it stiff? Please?”

Oh boy.I began, “Now, Lisa, you know that’s not…”

But her soft hand had reached out to touch my cock, and she was
it gently. Her touch was as soft as a butterfly’s. I forget what I
going to say. After a while, she said, “Look, it’s starting to puff
again. But it’s not like when you do it…Would you like to look at
Like you look at those ladies in your magazines? Would that help make
it hard?”

By now I was too far gone to try to resist. “Yeah, Lisa. I guess I

Lisa turned to her sister. “Jenny, come here and keep touching it.
more mature, so I’ll show off for Joe.”

The girls traded places. Lisa began to ‘show off’, which wasn’t
difficult as her tiny nightie didn’t conceal much. Soon she was nude,
and was doing a little dancebefore me, proudly displaying her body
my eager inspection. Meanwhile her younger sister continued to stroke
and cares my cock. A look of wide-eyed awe and innocent wonder
her features.

“I don’t have much hair between my legs like those big girls do,” Lisa
said as she danced. “Do you think I look as pretty as the girls in
magazines, Uncle Joe?”

“Uhhhhh…yes, Lisa…I think you are beautiful…and your pretty
cunt is perfect, even without a lot of hair.”

“Are my tits pretty, too?”

“Oh, yes, they are lovely.”

She seemed almost ready to burst with pride–and I was almost ready to
burst with lust. Preening and posing, she thrust her tiny mounds out
for better viewing. “They’re getting big. I just know I’ll have big

In almost no time, it seemed, these two little hussies had me
and nearing orgasm. Jenny turned to her sister, and told her, “It’s
nice and stiff now. It feels so nice, Lisa! It’s hard and soft at
same time, and it’s making a sort of pumping motion…Oh!” I’d
all over Jenny’s little hand. Lisa stopped her dance and approached.
“Is that your…sperm?”

“Yes,” I told her.

“Why did you do that…make sperm?”

“Well, I couldn’t help it…It’s involuntary.”

“You mean WE MADE you do that?”

“Uh huh. When a girl makes a man feel very good, give him lots and
lots of pleasure, like you girls just did for me, then the man cannot
help it–he just squirts like that. It’s called ‘cumming’.”

“You mean you can’tcontrol it?”

“Not easily. Some men can, at least for a while. But usually, it just
happens–like I said, involuntary.”

“Oooh, how wonderful. We made you cum–made you feel so good that you
Couldn’t help yourself!” The idea of ​​such power obviously appealed to
They. They exchanged awed glances. Then a new thought occurred to

“It’s sort of like I MILKED you, isn’t it?”

“I’m not sure I understand…”

“Well, when a milkmaid milks a cow, the cow has to give milk, doesn’t
it? It can’t help giving milk. You can’t help giving sperm. So isn’t
What we did a little bit like that?”

“Yes, I guess.”

“Mmmmm. I LIKE milking you and making you cum,” Jen said with feeling.
“I’m gonna do it lots more, and you won’t be able to help yourself,”
said, looking sidelong at me. That look alone was nearly enough to
Stiffen me again.

“Can I touch it?”, Lisa begged.

“Sure, if you want to.”

Lisa reached out and scooped up some of it with her finger. She
sniffed. “Smells funny,” she said. “Do big girls really like to drink

“Well, they don’t really drink,” I began.

“We saw them–on those tapes you have. They made the man shot
sperm–just like WE did!–and then they swallowed it.”

“Well, some girls like the taste and some don’t. I don’t think you’d
like it,” I said.

Lisa looked at me with those blue eyes. Then she lifted her fingers
her mouth and slowly licked all of my spunk off them. “Not bad,” she
said. “I think I sorta like it!”

“Can I have some?” Jenny asked. I started to answer, but Lisa
for me. “Sure. Try it.” And before I knew it, both girls were
at my crotch, practically competing with each other to get the most of
my jism.

When they were done, I started to realize what had happened. I
myself again, and said, “Uh, girls, listen. What just happened was an
accident. I really didn’t mean to, well, fool around with you. And
I didn’t really touch you anywhere, did I? It won’t happen again. But
you’ve gotta promise me that you won’t tell anybody about this–I
get in BIG trouble for this–even go to jail–if anybody finds out.
I promise, I won’t mess with you any more. But you will have to
to dress in regular clothes from now on, OK? When you dress in just
undies or nighties likeyou’ve been doing, it makes me get all
excited. And then I have to, er, ‘touch my muscle’, like I was just
doing. If you keep dressing like that, I don’t know if I can control
myself–I might do something like this again. And what just happened
has to be our secret, OK?”

The girls looked at each other and giggled. Lisa replied, “No, Uncle

“What do you mean?”

“This wasn’t an accident. We’ve wanted to do this since you got here.
Why do you think we keep dressing like that? We knew it would make
all excited. And we know you didn’t mean to do anything–we had to
you. It was fun. And we want to do lots more!”

Jenny said, “Yeah. And we want you to touch us, too. It feels so
When we touch ourselves. We want you to help us feel good, like we


“We’ve heard all that stuff about child molecules and dirty old men.
About what to do if ‘someone touches you in a way that makes you
uncomfortable’. But if YOU touch us, it won’t ever make us
uncomfortable! You can touch us anywhere–everywhere. We won’t tell,
Uncle Joe. We would never tell anyone, right Jenny?”

“Right. We decided that it had to be secret, even before you got

“Wait a minute. You mean you kids have been planning this before I

“Uh huh. As soon as Mom told us you’d be taking care of us, we
to plan what we’d do,” Lisa said. “And it worked!”

“Yeah, it sure did,” I said ruefully.

“Momma told us about men,” Jenny said. “She said they are easy to get
excited, ’cause…’cause…”

“Because they are very ‘visual creativity’,” Lisa helped, obviously
repeating what her mother had said. “She thought she was warning us
about modesty and keeping our bodies covered up, but we figured out
to make you want us from what she told us,” she proudly concluded.

“Wow. Well, it sure is true. Men ARE visual creativity,” I told her.

“Good. ‘Cause now we can keep dressing in pretty undies and nighties
summer,” she crowed. “We’ll keep you all excited all summer. And,”
said with a sly smile, “there’s nothing you can do about it, ’cause
won’t be able to help yourself when you see us in our little panties,

“No, Lisa, I guess not.”

Jenny clapped her hands. “I love showing off for you, Uncle Joe,” she
cooed. “And I bet you’ll do anything we tell you to do, as long as we
Keep you excited, won’t you?”

“Um, pretty much, Jen,” I answered.

“Oooh, this is gonna be sooo much fun! You’re gonna be like a great
cuddly toy, just for us to play with!”

Now Lisa spoke up.

Will you take us to buy some grown-up panties?”

“Grown up?” I asked.

“Yeah. You know–bikinis. And made of nylon, not cotton. Cotton
undies are for babies.”

“Sure. You girls sure aren’t babies!”

“Will you take pictures?” Jenny suddenly asked.


“Yeah. Like in the magazines and tapes you have. We want to be in
pictures like that.”

I thought she was joking.

“Let me get this right: you girls are ASKING me to take dirty pictures
of you?”

“Uh huh. We want to be sure you’ll remember us after this summer.”

“Don’t worry, girls, after this morning, you can be sure I’ll NEVER,
EVER forget you!”

“And,” Lisa added, “We want it to be OUR pictures you look at when you
play with your ‘muscle’ after you leave here!”

And that was how I began to ‘take care’ of my little cousins. If
behavior had been shameless before, now it was completely out of
control. Now they dressed almost exclusively in skimpy undies. Even
the pool, they ignored their bathing suits and wore panties which
virtually transparent when they got wet. They both began sleeping
me, and even begged me to let them shower with me. I was too far gone
toResist. The both knew they could ‘wrap me around their little
finger’, quite literally. As promised, I took them on shopping trips
and bought them lots of ‘grown up’ undies, which they loved to wear

Jenny began playing a little game. Sometimes she would appear dressed
in a tiny mini-skirt or sundress, and would slowly lift the hem of her
skirt. She’d says, “Uncle Joe, look at me.” Then, after giving me an
opportunity to watch her reveal her beautiful thighs, she’d say, “Do
want me to show you more?”

“Yes, Jenny; please show me more.”

“Then you’ve got to…” and she would make some demand, give some
or command, which I would have to obey if I wanted to see more.

Jenny loved the idea of ​​controlling me with her beauty, her sexiness.
She loved combining ‘showingoff’ with the notion of control. And I
glad to play along with her fantasy; after all, I was getting plenty
‘action’ from Jen and her sister, and watching her tease was a real

Before long, she had me calling her “Mistress”, and she was calling me
“Slave”–the fiction was that I was a helpless slave to her beauty and
sexual power. And that wasn’t too far from the truth.

And as they demanded, I gave them pleasure, playing with their little
bodies, stroking and licking them. Watching their little bodies jerk
and spasm as I touched them was a terrific turn on. They were
sensitive–and sensitive. I found I could bring them to the compromise of
orgasm with a few gentle caresses.

But I never deflowered them–even though Lisa begged me to. Even I
limits, and I was afraid I’d hurt them. “No, Lisa, you’re not big
enough. It might hurt you, and I’d never do that.”

“I know, Uncle Joe. But it feels so nice–and I want you inside me,
like those girls on the videos.”

“Just be patient, Lisa, and before too long you’ll be big enough for
to try it.”

“But we only have this summer,” she pouted. “Then you’ll be gone, and
won’t be able to play with your cock any more!”

“Well, maybe you’ll find a boyfriend here,” I ventured lamely.

“No, Uncle Joe. We want YOU. You’re our boyfriend, and we’re your

They had begged me to let them watch my X-rated videos with me, and I
did. The three of us watched them all, and there was constant
as we watched. The girls were fascinated by the idea of ​​fallatio.
soon tried their tiny mouths on my cock. They really couldn’t do a
good job; their jaws were too small to allow them to give truly good
head. But they tried, and the sight of those tiny blonde heads moving
up and down my rod was enough to bring me off.

And they insisted on studying the photos and tapes I took of them,
Especially of the ones in which they were pleasing me. They loved
watching tapes of themselves giving head, or manually pleasure me.
They actually used the tapes to refine their technique!

They were burning with pride at their accomplishments. “Now we’re
grow-up,” Jenny said. “Just like big girls.”

“Yeah,” said Lisa. “And we know how to milk a man’s cock, and make
come. I love making you so excited that you can’t help cumming!
And I think I know…almost…what big girls feel like when they make

One evening, the three of us lay lazily in bed, gently fondling and
Troking one another. Jenny was watching TV on her belly, her lovely
little bottom clad only in tiny blue panties. I gazed at that
sight, rubbing the slippery nylon that covered her tiny butt. Lisa
dressed in a shortie nightgown, and was using the hem of it to rub my
penis. Idly, Lisa said, “Y’know, Uncle Joe, what we are?”

“What, Lisa?”

“We’re a little club. A sex club. Just for you and me and Jen. And
the club is just for pleasure, for feeling good, and learning about
bodies. It’s so nice!”

“A sex club, huh? I guess that’s right. I’m glad you girls let me

“Oh, it wouldn’t have been possible without you. You taught us how to
be women–how to please a man and do what big girls do.”

At last, our summer of sex play was drawing to an end. It was the day
before the girls’ mother was due back. I made them dress in “normal”
clothes and I packed all of the sexy undies I’d bought for them in my
bag. The photos and video tapes I took as “mementos” of our fun.

I was feeling sad that this remarkable episode was ending. “Don’t be
sad, Uncle Joe,” Lisa told me. “We’ll figure how to get together with
you again.”

As I left, Lisa whispered in my ear, “I’m so glad you have those tapes
and pictures. It’s nice to know you’ll be cumming while you look at
They. And save those undies–we might need them someday!”

I went off to college, carefully locking up my ‘mementos’ in a trunk.
looked at the photos and video tapes, sometimes, jacking offand
thinking of my little cousins, so eager to learn about love.

After graduation, I moved to San Francisco. One evening the phone

“Uncle Joe?”

“Lisa? Is that you?”

“Uh huh. Jen is here too. We’re coming to see you!”

“Where are you now?”

“At the bus station. Mom had to go on another one of her trips, and
asked her if we could visit you. She said yes–and we decided to make
it a surprise! And we have another surprise for you–just wait until
you see!”

I drove down to the Greyhound station. My eyes almost popped from
sockets. For Lisa was now a stunning beauty of 16– and Jenny was 14.
Both of them wore tiny revealing minidresses. Could these be the same
little girls who had seduced me that summer? There were two little
girls with them, holding hands with my cousins.

The children seemed to be about the same age as Lisa and Jenny had
that summer. One was a lovely asian girl; the younger one was a slight
redhead with milk-white skin. Both had on transparent sundresses,
of the ones that I remembered Lisa and Jenny wearing.

“This is Kim, and that’s Julie,” Lisa said, introducing the kids.
“They, um, would like to join our club!”

“ you get them?” I stammered.

“We got summer jobs at the orphanage. The director let us take them
see San Francisco. He doesn’t know we’ve been looking for girls who
Feel the same way we did!”

“Well, I’m pleased to meet you, Kim and Julie,” I said.

Kim, the asian girl, spoke up. “Thank you for letting us join your
Will you teach us like you teach Lisa and Jenny?”

“If that’s what you truly want,” I told her.

“Oh, goodie!” exclaimed Julie.

“I want to make you come,” Kim stated matter-of-factly.

Hearing this from an innocent-looking 12-year-old oriental child
my mind.

“We told her about ‘milking’,” Lisa elaborated. “She can’t wait to
you,” she said with a grin, “and I can’t wait to watch her.”

“I want to give head,” chirped Julie, not to be outdone.

“We’ve had them practicing with cucumbers and dildos,” Jenny remarked.
“Julie is great–much better than we were. She can partially
dislocate her jaw. You’re in for a treat.”

“You girls are lucky,” Jenny told them. “You don’t have to show off or
spend a lot of time getting Joe to join, like we did. You can start
right away!”

They jumped into the car. “Oh, Uncle Joe, we’ve waited so long to see
you again!” Lisa kissed me, a grown-up kiss, with her tounge thrusting
into my mouth, just as I’d taught her that summer. And Jenny’s hand
on my thigh, moving higher…

“Uh, girls, can’t this wait until we’re home?” I asked. “I gotta

“Oh, all right,” Jenny pouted. “But hurry up!”

“We told you that we’d find a way to get together again,” Lisa said.
“The Club is back in session, and now we’re big enough…”

“And guess what’s in these suitcases?” said Jenny.


“Undies, Uncle Joe. It’s practically all we packed. We think you’ll
like them. I can’t wait to show them to you, and we brought lots for
the kids too!”

Lisa said, “Did you save the undies you bought for us, Uncle Joe?”

“Uh huh,” I said.

“Good. They ought to fit the kids perfectly. Oooh, I just can’t wait
see them in our little pants!”

“Me too.”

Lisa smiled. “If Kim and Julie like you, we just might see if we can
arrange an adoption!”


“I told you we had jobs in the orphanage. We operate the office
computer. I think we can fix it so you can adopt Julie and Kim if
like you.”

“You mean if I like them.”

“No.” She grinned. “YOU are the cow; the cow doesn’t pick the
does it?”

“I get it.”

Soon we were all in my condo. To my surprise, all four girls
immediately began undressing, striping down to sexy undies. Lisa and
Jenny were braless, and their firm tits proved that they’d both grown
up. Lisa didn’t waste any time. “C’mon, lets go to the bedroom. I
the girls to get started.”


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