YOU ARE MY HERO By Baron Darkside


By Baron Darkside

Erin had been away at college for nine months. During this time, his mother had written him that she had met someone new. This came as a surprise to Erin since his mother hadn’t even dated after the death of his father, Dr. Henry Dobbins. Her letters and phone calls had started out with glowing expectations about her new lover, but as of late, she had had less and less to say about him.

Pulling up in front of the Spanish styled house with its yellowish stucco and red tile roof, Erin turned in and parked beside the dark green Jaguar sitting in the driveway. Glancing down at his watch, he saw that it was ten to three.

Opening the trunk, he got out his luck and trusted up the walk to the ornate wrong iron gate. Pushing it open, he heard the familiar creak of the unoiled hinge. Looking around the courtyard, he saw that a few weeds had found their wayinto some of the cracks between the tiles. Strange, he thought because his mother was quite the gardener and usually kept the yard in perfect order. Stopping in front of the door, he wondered if he should knock or just walk in as he had always done before. Finally, deciding on a compromise, he set his luck down and rang the doorbell once, and then again before reaching for the doorknob. Just as his hand touched the doorknob, he felt the door open.

“ERIN, YOU’RE HOME,” Erin’s mother, Bonnie cried out as she opened the door.

Stepping forward, she swept him into her arms and hugged him tightly. So tight in fact, he could barely breathe. Hugging her back, he saw a man standing in the doorway of the kitchen watching them.

“Oh, Baby, I’m so glad to see you,” she bubbled as she finally released him and stepped back away from him.

Surprised to see his mother still dressed in her long flowing robe thislate in the day, he grinned back at her sheepishly, almost at a loss for words.

“I’m glad to see you, too,” he finally laughed, pulling her back to him and giving her another hug, “but aren’t you going to introduce me.”

“Yeah, Bonnie,” the man said, walking up to where they stood, “aren’t you going to introduce me to college boy?”

“Oh, yes,” his mother murmured, nervously turning and stepping away from Erin, “Erin, this is Steve and Steve, this is Erin.”

“Glad to meet you,” Erin told him, reaching out and shaking his hand.

The two men measured each other as they shook hands.

They were about the same height and weight, Erin saw. While Steve’s handshake was firm and strong, his manicured nails and soft skin showed that he wasn’t involved in much manual labor, Erin thought, and there was something about him thatErin found disappointing. Maybe it was the haughty look on his face. It appeared to Erin that Steve was probably five or ten years older than his own twenty-two years.

And there seemed to be a chill in the air between his mother and Steve.

Or maybe he was just imagining it being tired from his long drive, Erin thought.

“Come on in, Honey,” his mother smiled at him, “you’re room is ready. I guess you still remember where it is after all this time.”

“Yeah, I think I do,” he laughed softly, “it hasn’t been all that long.”

“Here, I’ll carry your little bag,” she offered, picking up the smaller suitcase.

“Okay,” he said, grabbing his other suitcase and starting to follow his mother.

“Well, I’m going to have a drink, while you two are gone,” Steve mumbled, walking over to the bar.

“Don't have too much, dear,” his mother said as she started up the stairs ahead of Erin.

Following his mother up the stairs, Erin saw Steve splash four or five fingers of booze into his glass and quickly toss it down.

“I hope that he doesn’t drink too much this afternoon,” his mother said softly over her shoulder as she stepped up to the door of his room, “I don’t like it when he drinks too much.”

Erin didn’t comment on her statement as he walked into his room and set his suitcase down.

“Oh, Honey, you don’t know how happy I am to see you,” she cooed as she gave him another hug, “I could just hug you and hug you and hug you.”

“Jeez, Mom,” Erin grinned back at her, “Take it easy.”

“Oh, For Heaven’s sake,” she told him, “I’m just so happy to see you.”

“Well,” he yawned,”I am happy to see you, too.”

“Oh, Really,” she laughed at his yawn, “I can see how excited you are by the way you’re yawning.”

“I was up at 5:00 this morning and I’ve been driving all day,” he said, looking down at his watch. That’s ten hours on the road, and I’m beat.”

“Why don’t you lay down and take a nap,” his mother told him, turning back the covers on his bed, “and we can eat around seven or so. Is that okay?”

“That sounds great,” he said, unable to stop yawning.

Sitting down on his bed, he pulled his shoes off and slipped under the covers.

Smiling down at him, his mother pulled the covers up under his chin and tucked him in as she had done when his was just a little tot.

“Welcome back, Baby,” she told, as she bent down and gave him a soft kiss on his cheese, “I’m sure glad to have you back home.”

Erin watched her as she turned and grudgingly left his room. He had never seen his mother dressed in floor length gown in his twenty years of living with her. She had always had a striking figure and loved to show it off. And now, she covered herself from neck to toe. Strange, he thought as he felt himself falling to sleep.

Suddenly, he was woken up by a loud noise coming from down the hallway. Groggily, he sat up, rubbing his eyes and trying to determine what it was that had she felt him up. Listening intently, he thought he heard a muffled slap of skin on skin. Waiting and wondering, he pretty heard his mother telling someone to stop. Shaking his head, he got up and stepped out into the hallway. Hurrying down to his mother’s bedroom, he stopped outside the door and listened again.

“Please, Steve, Please don’t,” he heard her plainly beg followed by the muffled sound of another slap.

“Oh, Not that, Please, Not There, Oh, No” she whimpered loudly as Erin listened on in shock.

“Shut up or the kid will hear you,” he heard Steve tell her.

Erin waited for a few more seconds until he heard his mother sob out in pain. Not able to take any more, Erin pushed the door open and stepped into the room.

Erin’s heart almost stopped. He couldn’t breathe. He all but fell as his knees buckled.

Erin felt like he was going to disappoint as his vision tuned down to his mother and Steve.

His mother was on her hands and knees in the middle of her bed. Both of them were naked. Steve was standing behind her and had his big penis stuck in her asshole.

“Oh, My God,” He grunted out incredulously as Steve glared at him angrily.

It was then that he saw the bruises on his mother’s legs and back.

“ERIN,” his mother wailed as he stood staring at them.

“Get the fuck out of here, college boy,” Steve grew at him, insolently thrusting his penis even deeper into Bonnie’s upturned ass making her moan out in pain again.

Erin stood paralyzed for several seconds. Strangely, he found himself fixed on the vulgar tattoo of a naked lady on Steve’s butt.

“Get away from her,” Erin was finally able to blur out as he started towards them.

“I told you to get out of here, college boy,” Steve commanded him, hunting himself into Bonnie even harder.

“I told you to get away from my mother,” Erin yelled as he reached for Steve.

He didn’t even see Steve’s hand as it came arcing around and caught him on the jaw, knocking him backwards.

Shaking his head, trying to clear away the stars that were exploding in his head, Erin stopped.

“Get the fuck out of here before I have to hurt the both of you,” Steve snarled at him.

Suddenly, Erin’s karate training came back to him. He realized that he had let his anger put him in a compromise position. He had to calm down if he was going to be able to drive Steve away.

This time he started back slowly, moving around behind Steve who insultingly kept his penis thrust up Bonnie’s anus.

Seeing Erin coming at him again, Steve finally lunged back away from Bonnie, jerking his penis out of her asshole as he turned to face Erin.

“Oh, God,” Bonnie groaned as she fell to the bed holding her ass in her hands.

Seeing Erin drop into a karate pose, Steve laughed and stepped towards him. Just as Steve stepped towards him, Erin pivoted and turned on his toes, kicking out one leg as he spun around. He caught Steve in the middle of the chest with his foot sending him flailing back across the room.

"Whooooooooooffffffffhhhhhs,” Steve gasped as he slammed up against the wall and slowly slip down to the floor. “CAANNNNTTTT BRRTHHHTHH.”

Seeing he had knocked the breath out of him, Erin purposely walked over to where Steve sat gasping for air.

Steve sat leaning up against the wall, writing and trying to get his breath. Holding his throat and pointing to his chest, Steve struggled to breathe, but Erin just stood there glaring down at him malevolently.

Finally, Erin saw Steve’s chest began to shudder and jerk as his diaphragm began to function again. Erin could hear him gasping and wheezing asthmatically as he strained to breathe. Smiling maliciously, Erin took another step and aimed a second kick directly at Steve’s exposed genitals.

“AWWWWHHH GAAWWWWDDDD,” Steve screamed out as Erin’s toes slammed into his bare balls and cock.

Erin could only imagine what the pain was like as it spewed up from Steve’s bruised testicles. Steve’s face turned green and it looked like he was about to barf.

Erin feigned like he was going to kick him again and Steve grabbed hold of his balls to protect them from another attack. But instead of kicking him, Erin grabbed a handful of hair and slammed Steve’s head back against the wall as hard as he could.

“Listen to me, you scum bag,” Erin grew at him, “If you ever touch my mother again, I will kill you. Do you understand that?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Steve returned insolently, still not beaten.

“I don’t think you believe me,” he said, jerking Steve’s head back and slamming it into the wall again.

And then again.

“Erin,” Bonnie said from the bed, “Don’t kill him, Baby.”

“What,” Erin muttered, as the black rage inside of him slowly began toloosen its grip on him.

Looking over at her, he saw that she had crawled under the covers and lay looking out at them with fear written all over her face.

“Do you understand, dirt bag,” Erin asked Steve again flinging his head back against the wall one more time.

“Yes,” Steve answered, much more consistently this time.

“Now, the first thing you’re going to do is to apologize to my mother for hurting her,” Erin told him, pulling his hair roughly.

“I’m sorry,” he said almost too softly to hear.

“I can’t hear you. Louder.”

“I’m sorry,”

“Louder,” Erin shouted.

“I’m Sorry,” Steve yelled.

“That’s more like it,” Erin grinned evilly, slamming Steve’s head back into the wall one more time before as he disentangled his fingers out of Steve’s oily hair.

“Now, you’re going to leave this house and never come back,” Erin told him walking over and picking up Steve’s pants and shirt, “Understand?”

“Okay,” Steve said humbled and beaten. “But I think you hurt me bad down there. I don’t think I can walk.”

“Crawl then,” Erin told him.

Pain etched on his face, Steve somehow got up to his hands and knees and crawled across the room and out into the hallway.

A beaten man, Steve shamefully moved down the hallway as Erin strode into his room. Reaching into his suitcase, he pulled out the forty-five pistol, his father had given him before he had left for college. Flicking open the cylinder, he shook out all of the bullets and slammed it shut again. Stomping back out into the hall where Steve was still crawling along smarting and stinging from his whipping.

Stepping up to him, Erinreached down and shoved the long, cold barrel of his gun into Steve’s anus.

“OUUUCCCHHH, Don’t, Please, Don’t shoot,” Steve begged as he lurched and compromised, trying to dislodge the gun barrel from his asshole.

“You mean, like this,” Erin spat at him as he pulled the trigger.

“OH FUCK,” Steve gasped in horror and then anger as he heard the firing pin snap on the empty chamber.

“Just remember what it feels like,” Erin cached democratically, jerking the barrel out, making sure the bead sight nicked Steve’s skin as he pulled it out, “Because the next time it’ll have a bullet in it. And the bullet will have your fucking name on it.”

Following Steve down the stairs, he waited until he was almost down to the bottom before he gave him a shoe that sent him spraying down the rest of the way.

“Now put your clothes on and get out of here,” he commanded him.

“What about my other stuff?” Steve sniveled, clumsily pulling his pants on.

“It’ll be setting out on the curb tomorrow. You can pick it up then. But don’t even think about coming inside or I’ll kill you. It’s that simple. Is that clear?”

“Yeah, sure,” Steve said tiredly, finally able to stand.

“Just steer clear of my mother and I, because if I ever see you near her, your ass is mine. In fact, if you were smart, you should seriously think about moving to another town. Like today. Or tomorrow at the latest.”

He felt little remorse as he watched Steve painfully limp across the room and out the front door. Following him over, he watched as Steve back his car out into the street. There, he stopped for an instant, but after one quick look back at the house, he drove off, tires squealing as a huge cloud of smoke erupted from his tailpipe.

Going back up the stairs, he looked down at his hands as saw that they had blood on them.

Walking over to the door of his mother’s room, he peeked inside.

“Are you OK?” He asked her, seeing that she was still under the covers.

“Is he gone?”

“Yes, and I don’t think he’ll be back,” he grinned sickly.

“Thank Goodness,” she cooed, smiling finally.

“I feel all dirty,” he said to her. “I’m going to take a quick shower.”

“Okay,” she smiled again.

Walking back into his room, he hurried into his bathroom and stripped his clothes off. He felt dirty and tired. Letting the water course down his body as he thought back on the sordid event that had just taken place. The picture of his mother standing on her hands and knees with Steve’s penis thrust up her ass was indeed etchedinto his memory banks. It had been horrible. But strangely, now that it was all over, he felt a tingle of perverse excitement and his penis began to harden. God, I’m not any better than Steve was, he thought as his cock continued to swell and grow.

But he couldn’t help it. His mother was still a beautiful woman even if she had to wear the gown to hide all the bruises Steve had put on her. Those bruises would soon heal but the scars on her psyche would take much longer to heal?

Finally, he turned the water off and grabbed a towel off the rack. Slipping it over his head, he stepped out of the shower, rubbing his hair roughly with the towel. Still reliving the fight, he walked out into his bedroom and stood drying his hair for several moments. Finally, he pulled the towel down off his head. Looking up, he was stunned to see his mother sitting on his bed watching him.

Looking down at himself, he shamefully saw that his big, thick cock was jutting out hard and ripe.

“Aw, Mom,” he blushed, jerking the towel down and wrapping it around his waist, trying to hide his thick, heavy prick from her, “why didn’t you say something.”

“Like What?” she asked him, a soft blush spreading over her face.

“I don’t know, something, anything to let me know you were in here.”

“It’s okay,” she told him, “I just wanted to thank you for doing what you did. The things Steve was doing to me were beginning to worry me, but I didn’t know how to ask him to leave.”

“How did you get involved with slime like that?” Erin asked her.

“One of my friends introduced him to me,” she said, frowning.

“Well, I don’t know if I would call her my friend any more,” Erin complained. But I don’t think that you will have to worry about him anymore."

Erin sat down on the bed beside her.

“Anyway, I thank you for rescuing me,” she smiled, leaning forward and giving him a soft kiss on the cheese, “You are my hero.”

“I’m just glad I was here to stop it,” he blushed again.

“Me, too,” she smiled appreciatedly, “and to show my appreciation, I’m going to prepare a feast for my conquering hero tonight. Okay?”

“Great,” he told her, “I’m familiar.”

“Okay,” she bubbled, “and thanks again.”

Watching his mother walk to the door, he saw that she was in obvious pain.

“Hey, what’s wrong,” he asked her, getting to his feet and following her.

“Oh, nothing,” she told him, trying to hide the grimace of pain on her face.

“Come back over here and sit down,” he told her, leadingher back to the bed.

“I’d rather not sit,” she told him.

“Then tell me what’s wrong,” he said, holding her hands and waiting for her to explain her discomfort.

“Oh, it is nothing,” she told him again.

“Tell me, or I’m going to put you to bed and fix supplier myself,” he said emphymically, “After all who’s the doctor in the family? Or soon to be doctor, anyway?”

“Really, it’s nothing,” she blushed, “It just kind of hurts back there where Steve, uh, Steve, uh, you, you know. He must have scraped me or something. It just hurts a little bit though.”

“Right,” he smiled knowingly, “You don’t act like it hurts just a little bit.”

“Really,” she grinned through the pain, “It doesn’t hurt very bad.”

“I’m afraid that I’m going tohave to see it,” he told her.

“What….” She sputtered, “Are you forgetting that I am your mother.”

“And are you forgetting that I am studying to be a doctor?”

“That is beside the point,” she said, blushing royally, “I don’t think it’s just not right for a son to see his mother like that.”

“You’re forgetting that I’ve already have seen you,” he said, wishing he hadn’t said it even before the words were out of his mouth.

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, “I wish you hadn’t.”

“I know, Mother,” he said softly, “But I really need to make sure that he didn’t tear you or something. That part of your body can get infected very easily.”

“I know,” she said, “but it’s so embarrassing.”

“I’ll just take a quick look," he said in his most persuasive voice, “and it’ll be over before you know it.”

She just stood there for several seconds mulling it over in her mind.

“It’s me or your family doctor and I’m afraid that could be just as embarrassing. ” he said persuasively. “But someone is going to make sure everything is OK.”

“Lord forgive me,” she mumbled, “Okay, but please anxious though.”

“I will,” he said inevitably.

“What do you want me to do,” she asked turning as red as a beet.

“Lay down on your stomach with a pillow under your pelvis,” he directed her in his most professional manner.

Turning away from her, he walked over to his suitcase and pulled out a small black leather bag. Popping it open, he dug around inside and took out a tube of antiseptic/anesthetic ointment.

Turning around, hestopped dead in his tracks confounded by the sight before him.

His mother had followed his directions and took them a step further. She now lay on the bed with her robe pulled around her waist and her beautifully rounded butt jutting up in the air, bare and perilously vulnerable. Staring at her exposed beauty, he felt a vulgar shiver of excitement course through his cock.

Shamefully, he feel his penis lurch as it grow hard once again.

“What is it,” she asked innocently as she waited for him to examine her.

“Uh, I, uh, I haven’t looked yet,” he said, gulping and trying to swallow the bale of cotton that had mysteriously formed inside his mouth.

Finally, he got his feet working again and he stumbled up behind her.

“Are you okay?” She asked innocently. “I thought you said it wouldn’t take long.”

Bending down over the wonderful globes of flesh, Erin trembled as he deliciously probed around her anus with his finger.

“Ouch, that hurts,” she whimpered as he touched the red, swollen area around the pumpered ring of darker flesh.

“Your, uh, your, uh, your anus has an abrasion all around it,” he was finally able to say, “so I’m going to put some ointment on it. It has an anesthetic in it, so it will stop the pain. Okay?”

“Oh, Erin, I think I’m going to die of embarrassment,” she mumbled.

“It won’t take long,” he said, seeing several bruises on her legs and buttocks, too, “and when I get through, I’m going to run out to the car and get you a surprise.”

“Oh, Erin, you don’t have to do that,” she said, self-consciously.

“I think you can use it,” he said.

“Oh, Honey,” she voted contentedly, seeming to forget that she lay infront of her son, naked from the waist down, “I’m so glad you’re home.”

“And I’m glad I came back when I did,” he told her again, squeezing a little of the antiseptic ointment onto his finger, “Very, glad.”

Being as gentle as he could, he softly spread the ointment around and over the wrinkled little prune of his mother’s anus.

“Oh, that’s cold,” she winced as his finger gently worked the medicine into the above area encircling her clenching anus, “Oh, this is so embarrassing.”

“Just relax,” he told her, seeing she was as tense as a fiddle string.

As he deliciously coated her anus with the medicine, his eyes straighted down to the fleshy gash below it. Rubbing the slippery salve into her skin, he stared down at the place he had come from so long ago. Suddenly, he felt another tingle of excitement trickle through his penis.

Watch yourself, your lecherous pervert, he warned himself, as he tore his eyes away from the fleshy wound of her pussy.

Finally, he finished spreading the cream around her anus. Wiping the excess off his finger, he admitted her beautiful ass one last time as he twisted the cap back on the ointment.

What and idiot Steve was to want to disfigure such a work of art, he muttered to himself.

Then he felt his anger rising again, as he thought back to the incident. Maybe he ought to find Steve and finish the job he had started. But no, no, he wasn’t going to ruin his life for that slime. He would find some other way to reap vengeance on him. Whatever, it could wait.

“You stay put, now,” he told her, dropping the tube back into his bag,

“Do I have to?” she asked him.

“Yes, you do,” he told her, walking into his bathroom and closing the door behind him.

DroppingHis towel, he saw that his cock was jutting out hard and ripe. Ashamed of it, he quickly pulled his bathrobe on. Shoving his penis up against his belly, he closed his robe and pulled the belt around it, tightening it so that it held his penis pressed up against his belly.

“I will be right back, okay?” he told his mother as he stepped back into his bedroom.

Thankfully, she had pulled her robe back down and was sitting up.

“Your muscles are kind of tight,” he smiled. “Would you like a massage?”

“Oh, that would be nice,” she cooed, “but, could I put on a bathing suit or something?”

“Not yet,” he told her, “I want to let that abrasion to get some air for a few minutes. And stop being so prudish, after all, I’m your son.”

“I KNOW,” she blurted out, “That’s the problem.”

“Oh, Relax,” heshushed her. “How does it feel, now?”

“It’s already better,” she smiled at him. “You’re such a good doctor.”

“Okay, then, I’ll be right back.”

Still dressed only in his robe, he tore out to his car. He had planned to celebrate his homecoming with a bottle of Champaign that he had put on ice that morning. And now would be the perfect time, he thought, grabbing the cooler. They would have a little bubble, he would give her a massage and then she could fix them dinner and they would have a warm, cozy evening. Just the two of them. No More Steve. No more anger. No more pain. Just him and his mother.

Lugging the cooler into the kitchen, he popped it open and pulled out the Champaign and set the chilled bottle on the table. Taking down a couple of wineglasses from the rack, he transferred some of the ice in the cooler into a ice bucket and put the Champaign in it.

Hequegged up the stairs and walked into the bedroom. Out of breath from his currying around, he saw that his mother was still sitting on his bed with her robe on.

“Look what I brought you,” he said, holding up the Champaign, “I thought we could celebrate my homecoming at dinner, but I think we would enjoy it more now.”

“Oh, that was thoughtful of you,” she smiled as she watched him remove the cork from the bottle.

“I hope that you like it,” he grinned back at her. “It’s the real stuff from France.”

“You know,” she said coyly, “If I weren’t your mother, I would think you were trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me.”

“Oh, Mother, Really,” Erin blushed as the cork flew out of the Champaign bottle.

Tipping the bottle, he filled both glasses with the sparkling Champaign and then set the bottle down.

“Here you go,” he told her, handing her glass and gently tinkling his glass against it, “Here’s to a new beginning.”

“And here’s to you and I and may Steve roast in hell.”

“I’ll drink to that,” he grinned.

Tossing her head back, she quickly downed her drink in one gulp.

“Oh, this is good,” she giggled.

Picking up the bottle, she hurriedly refilled her glass and leaned back against the headboard. Smiling happily, she sat sipping on her drink while she adoringly looked at him.

Shyly, Erin took a sip from his glass and set it down.

“You still want that massage?” He asked her.

“Of course. Although I must admit that the Champaign is doing a good job of relaxing me already,” she tittered.

“I’ll tell you what,” he said, standing up. “You take your robe off, and I'll cover you with a towel just like a real masseuse, okay?”

“Well, I guess so,” she told willingly as she turned around facing away from him. “I just feel a little self-conscious doing this.”

“Just a minute,” he told her.

Walking into his bathroom, he got another towel and brought it back to her, “Here, I’ll go back into the bathroom and you can undress and put this towel over you.”

“I don’t know why I’m such a prude,” she smiled. “You’ve already seen most of me anyway, but it’s nice of you to preserve what’s left of my dignity.”

He stepped back away from her and hurried into his bathroom to wait.

Knowing that he would soon be massaging his mother while she was naked except for the towel, he felt another spark of excitement shot through his cock. Ashamed of his depraved feelings and the state of his swollen masculinity, he wanted to delay his return as long as he could. But this plan was foiled when he heard his mother call to him.

“Okay,” she said, “I’m ready, you can come back in.”

Walking in, he saw that she was lying on her stomach with only the tower hiding her beauty from him as it lay across her back and buttocks.

Walking over to the bed, he sat down beside her.

Reaching inside his satchel, he picked up a bottle filled with a burgundy colored substance. As he unscrewed the top, the sweet smell of cinnamon and cloves filled the air.

“Oh, that smells good,” she said as he leaned over her and squeezed out a few drops of the liquid onto her calm.

He slowly began to massage her soft, smooth skin skillfully avoiding the blue-black crueles that spotted her legs.

“Oh, that’s nice,” she finally said as she felt his fingers gently massagingthe tension from her muscles. “That feels so good. “I’ve always said you had magic fingers.”

“I’m glad you like it,” Erin laughed happily as he squeezed out a few drops onto her skin.”

“It feels wonderful,” she murmured sleepily, “and I don’t care if you never stop.”

Taking his sweet time, he slowly moved up her leg until his fingers were rubbing the soft skin along the demarcation line between her leg and her buttock. Lifting the towel up from it, he folded it back over onto her back, exposing the perfect roundness of her beautiful derriere. As he did, he felt another twininge of excitement sparkle through his penis, just as he had the first time he had seen her lovely butt. Trying to ignore her sexuality, he squeezed out some of the fluid onto the rounded perfection and began gently massaging it in. Repeating the process, he spent another two or three minutes kneeling the tensionout of her soft, firm buttock.

“That feels good,” she mumbled sleepily, “but you sure are taking a lot of time back there.”

“Uh, what, Uh, yeah,” he blushed realizing that he had been so busy admiring her gorgeous ass, he had forgotten about the time, “but scenery is quite distracting.”

“ERIN JOSEPH, you stop that now,” she admonished him loudly.

“Uh, I’m Sorry, uh, Mom,” he apologized.

“Well, just keep your mind on the job at hand.” She said demurely.

“Uh, Okay,” he laughed nervously.

What had started out as primarily as a way to help his mother relax was having quite the opposite effect on Erin. After all, he told himself, he was a man and the way his body was reacting to the beautiful woman lying on the bed was instinctive. Even if she was his mother, was little he could do to control sick, wicked feelings that were churning away inside his head.

IT’S YOUR MOTHER FOR CHRIST’S SAKE, his conscience screamed out at him.

He knew that, he kept telling himself, but she was still a beautiful woman. And she was almost naked. What else could you expect whit her spread out before him. It was having an evidence and obvious effect on him as his rock-hard cock jutted out making a tent out of the towel wrapped around his waist.

Pulling the towel down over her magnificent butt to remove the temptation, he moved up to her bare back and began to massage it.

“Oh, Baby, that feels so good,” his mother mewed contentedly as he slowly worked his way up to her neck and shoulders. Kneading and plying the taut, bruised muscles he felt the tension flow out of them. Soon, the muscles in her shoulders were supplement and relaxed as he finally stopped.

“That’s all of your back,” Erin said, having difficulty talking with his mouth so dry.

“Good,” she murmured, sounding a little tipsy, “I was getting thirsty anyway.”

“So was I,” he muttered, picking up his glass and emptying it in one gulp.

Apparently forgetting that she was naked, she rolled over onto her back and sat up.

As she did, her large, pendent breasts came into Erin’s view, bobbling and wiggling about delightfully.

“Oops,” she giggled as she saw her son’s eyes shot down to her exposed breasts, “I guess I’d better cover these up.”

“Uh, uh, I think so,” he gulped loudly.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized, spreading the towel out and covering her tits and womanhood from his leering eyes, “but that Champaign is so good. That and your magic fingers almost put me to sleep. I forget who I was with.”

“Uh, that’s OK,” he stuttered, feeling himself becoming more and more excited.

“Here,” she said, taking his glass and filling it, “Maybe you need some more to help you relax, too.”

“Okay,” he smiled, taking his glass and thirstily gulping down half of his drink.

“My, My, you were thirsty,” she laughed softly, leaning back against the headboard and looking down at her long, lovely legs.

“Those crueles look terrible, don’t they,” she complained, “I don’t see how you can even look at me, I’m so ugly.”

“Don’t even say that,” he blurted out angrily, “I think you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Just because some slime-ball beat up on you, it doesn’t make you the least bit ugly.”

“Oh, Erin, my Darling,” she murmured softly, “What in the world would I do without you?”

“Well, I don't plan to let you find out for a while,” he grinned back at her happy, quickly finishing his drink and setting the glass down.

“Well, back to work,” he grinned, “Although I think I’m getting as much pleasure out of this as you are.”

“You are making me feel so good, so, so, so, so feminine,” she smiled down at him as he crawled down to her feet, “I’d just about forgotten what it felt like to feel happy. But with you around, it comes quiet naturally. I can’t explain it, but I didn’t feel like a woman any more. Not the way Steve treated me. But you. You make me feel like a real woman again.”

“Good,” he told her as he delicately rubbed a bruise on her ankle.

Working his way slowly up her legs, he finally found himself looking down at the hem of the towel that rested only an inch or so away from the forbidden secret underneath it.

Loosing hisourage, he moved up and began to work on her arm, postponing a frontal assault for the time being.

But before he knew, he had finished both arms and now the only remaining unmassed territory lay underneath the towel.

“I guess that it is show and tell time,” his mother said quietly as she slowly folded the towel back down into her lap, baring her extremely beautiful breasts.

His mouth dropped open as he gawked on in admission at the lovely pink melons.

Shaking noticeably, he cautiously reached out and spread the warm, soothing balm onto the quivering, yielding softness of her breast. Round and round, he gently rubbed and massed her breast as she watched him warrily. Then, as he worked, he noticed that her was swelling and expanding.

A jolt of pure, sexual excitement arced through his throbbing prick as it obviously lurched underneath the towel. It was almost more than he could stand, he thought, as finalhed one breast and moved to the other. Softly, lovingly, he kneaded and massaged the soft, spongy mound of flesh as long as he thought he could without bringing on his mother’s ire. At last, he reluctantly moved his hand away from them.

“Thank you very much,” she whispered softly, “That felt so good I didn’t want you to stop . . . But it was beginning to feel a little to good.”

“Your breasts are so soft and uh…” he paused, searching for the right word that wouldn’t embarrass her yet tell her how truly gorgeous they were.

Gorgeous, no, beautiful, no, ravishing, no, attractive, no, aw to hell with it, “uh, they’re so pretty.”

“Thank you,” she said, blushing softly.

Now only her Netherlands remained unexplored. The last frontier and he didn’t know what to do. He sat back and looked up at her for direction. Asking her with his eyes if she wanted to go on. Go on or stop?

Waiting breathlessly, he saw that the tiny smile that played across her soft, full lips slowly disappeared as she stared back at him. Keeping her eyes locked on his, she deliberately reached down and ever so slowly, peeled the towel back away from her womanhood. It took all his strength not to look down, but he continued to peer into her eyes as she uncovered herself for him. Instead of covering her breasts with the towel, she laid it down beside her. She was now completely and totally naked.

Finally, he looked down to the bruise on her inner thigh and saw that it disappeared down into the Y between her legs. Dripping several drops of the elixir down onto the bruise, he leaned over and began to rub it in. As he did, he was shocked to see his mother slowly spread her legs apart wider and wider until at last he had a clear and unobstructed view of the bruise.

But what was more disappointing was the picture of hismother’s vagina slowly blossoming open like a beautiful pink rose. It nearly took his breath away as he stopped massaging her cruele and shamelessly stared down at the pink wetness of her secret. He couldn’t breathe. His heart felt like it was going to explode out of his chest any second as the wet, sticky opening of her cunt gaped open wider and wider.

Neither of them moved for several moments.

At last, Erin replaced some control of his senses and leaned over farther. With trembling fingers, he began to softly rub the buese again.

What was happening between them, he feverishly wondered? She had to know that he had been staring at her pussy. But she didn’t stop him. She didn’t say a word.

Moving his hand closer and closer to the soft, wetness between her wide spread legs, it was all he could do to keep from touching it. Touching the heavy, swollen lips surrounding her mysterious secret. Touching it and pushing his finger down into its gaping innocent.

But as he tried to sort out what was happening between them, he didn’t know that his bathrobe had gaped open revealing to his mother his potential manhood, jutting out hard, proud and ready.

Staring down at her son’s obvious excitement, Bonnie couldn’t believe how large he was. She could remember when he was a little baby and his penis was no more than a couple of inches long, but now, it had to be nine or ten inches long. Feeling her son’s fingers inch closer and closer to her secret place and seeing his obvious reading, she became flustered and started to reach for him, but caught herself at the last moment.

What am I thinking, she asked herself in horror as she, realized what she had almost done? Can I be this depraved? What was this new emotion she was feeling towards him? How could she be feeling it towards this man of all men? How could she ever feel this way toward him, her own son? Suddenly, the answer explored inside her brain. The emotion she was feeling wasn’t a new emotion. It was just one that she hadn’t experienced in such a long she had forgotten what it felt like.

IT WAS THE HOT, FIERY LOVE THAT A WOMAN FELT FOR HER MAN! HER LOVER! HER SOULMATE! It wasn’t mother and son love. Yet, it was. It was all mixed up together and coalesced into a mutant love so strong, she knew that she couldn’t control it. It would overwhelm her and force her to relent to its evil urges.

Unaware of the battle raging inside his mother’s mind, Erin was shocked to see how wet her vagina was. Why was she so wet? Unless, he realized with a shock, unless she was sexually aroused.

Almost as if to answer to his question, a little stream of juice began to see out of the dark secret of her womanhood and drip down onto the bed.

Confusion reigned in Erin’s brain. Desire and lust came welling up from his throbbing, twitching prick. But he couldn’t allow this to happen. As much as he wanted it to, he knew that it might destroy them. She mustn’t know. She mustn’t know how much he wanted her, he told himself as he lurched backwards.

But as he did, he was shocked to see his giant penis was uncovered and sticking straight out in front of his mother.

“Oh, For God’s sake,” he gasped, reaching down and jerking his robe closed, “I’m so sorry, Mom.”

“That’s okay,” she said softly, slowly closing her legs and covering herself with the towel again, “I understand.”

“You must think that I’m a terrible son,” he groaned, standing up and retying his belt so that the evidence of his desire was once again restrained.

“Quite, the opposite,” she smiled at him, “I think you are a wonderful son.”

"Even after, uh, after you saw, uh, well, uh, you know what I mean,” he stuttered, his face bright red with shame.

“Even after that,” she said softly, “and maybe even because of it.”

“What, what do you mean?” He stuttered.

“Nothing,” she told. “Nothing.”

“Well, I guess that ends your massage,” he told her, assuming that she wouldn’t want to continue their dangerous flirtation.

“Only if you don’t want to go on,” she told him, boldly staring deep into his eyes. “Is that what you want?”

“Yes, uh, no, uh, oh I don’t know what I mean anymore,” he blubbered.

“Well, why don’t you take off your robe and put on a towel,” she suggested, “and maybe we won’t have any more accidents.”

“Uh, I don’t know, uh, well, uh, I guess I could," he stammered, “If you think it would be better.”

“I do,” she told him.

“Well, Okay,” he said, turning and disappointedly walking into the bathroom.

Closing the door, he dropped his robe to the floor and slapped his huge, jutting cock, cursing it for revealing his evil desire to his mother. Pulling down another towel, he wrapped it around his waist and tied it. But his cock was still jutting out wickedly obvious. There was not way he could hide its evil intent. Not as long as he was around her and she was letting him touch her the way he had. But what else could he do? Plopping down on the toilet seat, he tried for several minutes to will his cock into softness, but he could see that it was a futile attempt. It continued to stick out, arrogantly staring up at him with its evil, drooling eye.

“Are you okay in there, honey?” his mother called out questioningly.

“Uh, Yeah,I’ll be right out,” he told her.

Not knowing what to expect, he shoved his cock under the towel, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

His heart skipped a beat. His mother was lying on the bed naked. Thankfully, she had her legs pressed together and she was lying on her belly so there was only her cute, round butt to torque him. But he still couldn’t stop the evil sickness jutting out of his groin from lurching despicably as he let his eyes play over her beauty.

How was this all going to play out, he wondered? Could he trust himself enough to touch her again? Or would he do something stupid and make a fool out of himself?

He should be praising his lucky stars that his mother would even speak to him after his faux pas, he thought to himself as he stumbled towards the bed. Guiltily, he jerked the knot in the towel tighter to keep his defiant manhood from freeing itself again.

“I was beginning toWonder if I was going to have to come in there after you,” she smiled at him, handing him another glass of Champaign.

“Oh, uh, I was just, uh, trying to, uh, make sure that, uh, I won’t have, uh, another accident,” he blushed, stammering and gulping down his drink in one quick swallow.

“I can hardly wait to have you . . .” She said, suggestively pausing for the longest time before she continued, ” . . . . uh, massage me some more.”

Erin suddenly realized that the room had suddenly grown unbearably hot. Setting down his glass, he crawled down to his mother’s feet. Sweating profusely, he wiped his forehead with his hand and sat down on his knees with his butt resting on his heels.

“Uh, where, uh, where would you like for me to start this time?” He muttered foolishly.

“Just do it all over again,” she muttered into the bed.

His hand shaking noticeably, he carefully spilled out a small trail of the oil up both of her long, statistics legs.

“Oh, that’s cool,” his mother complained softly.

“It will warm up as I massage you,” he told her, gently beginning to knee and manipulate the tight, firmness of the muscles just above her ankles.

Boy will it, he muttered to himself.

“Oh, Yes it is,” she murmured as she felt his fingers pushing and digging into her flaccid muscles. “Feels good.”

The walls of the room seemed to be closing in on them as he slowly worked his way up her beautiful legs.

He could barely breathe in the stifling heat of the room as it grow smaller and smaller. It felt like the air was being sucked from the room by the whirlpool of depraved desire that was slowly, but inexorably drawing them into its deadly, swirling core. As he sweated and toileted, he saw that ever so gradually, her legs werecreeping farther and farther apart as he moved up them. At last, her legs were so far apart he could see her the pink wetness of her womanhood peeking out at him again. His whole body was trembling as he stared down at the secret beauty of her womanhood.

Lying on her belly, feeling her son’s magical hands working their spell on her, she found herself recalling the image of his big, beautiful penis.

How could her little baby be so grown up, she asked herself? Why it seemed only like yesterday that he had been a little baby.

But he wasn’t a baby anymore. God no. Now he was all grown up with his cock was so big and so hard. But why was he so hard? Did he love her in the same sick, despicable way she loved him? He must, she thought as she felt a flash of heat flare from her secret place.

As wickedly perverted as it was, she somehow found it sensitively excited to know that she was the reason for her son’s state of sexual arousal.

She couldn’t help being attracted to her son. He had always been the center of her universe. She had always doted on him, even to the point of overindulgence. So why, why wouldn’t it be logical for her to find him desirable sexually, too?

But how could she take such a heinous thing and make it seem rational? It was so wrong. Wrong!


Wrong by whose standards? What could it hurt? They wouldn’t be hurting anyone else. It was just them. Just the two of them. No one else would even know.

And it was painfully obvious that Erin was just as sexually aroused as she was.

Then the image of his big, beautiful manhood floated back into her mind. Yes, it was very, very obvious that they were both infected by the same depraved sickness. The same deadly, diseased virus must be cursing through their veins. It must be he fault, she feverishly thought. I must have passed the evil, corrupted gene to him while he was still inside my womb being formed. Just the thought of him being back inside of her womb sent a gush of her warm, sticky reading pouring out of the burning pit down between her legs.

Not only had she passed on the sickly tainted gene to him, she was now placing them in harm’s way. Placing them in a situation so fraught with peril, there was little chance of escape. It was they were in a boat drifting towards a huge waterfall. But instead of trying to paddle away from it, they were paddling hell-bent for it. She knew that they were going to be washed over the edge of the violent, foaming turbulence and send them pluming down into, into . . into what?

She didn’t know what would happen once they were catapulted down into the waiting uncertainty. But she did know that she didn’t have the courage or desire to stop it.

The room was growing hotter and hotter. She couldn’t stop thinking about Erin. The pain and suffering she had taken from Steve had made her distrustful of all men. All men, but one. There was one glaring exception.


And now he was with her again. He was her knight in shining armor. And he had fought a dueel to win the right to claim her as his own. He had fought and won. Won her away from the evil Steve and his destructive ways.

She felt so warm and safe now. She wanted to tell him that. But she was afraid. She wanted to tell him how much she loved and needed him. Tell him that he means the world to her. But she didn’t want to consume him with her love. She didn’t want to drive him away with her possessive love. She just wanted to hold him and never let him go.

But how could she show him how much she loved him?

He had given her life back to her and now she had to repay him by giving him her total, unconditional love. She had to give herself to him completely, purely, totally.

She knew that she must make sweet, beautiful love with her son. Make love to him and show him just how much he meant to her.

But even to admit such a thing was sick.

Her conscience was going berserk. How could she even consider such a thing it cried out?

It was so wicked and vile, her inner self raged. You know you will go to hell if you do it, her spiritual self told her. Why she would probably go to hell for even thinking about it.

Then she found herself trying to justify it to the voice within her head.

Why shouldn’t a mother and her son be able to make love to each other? The bond between a mother and her son was the strongest bond of the human race. But she knew why. Why it was such a taboo? Men. Men were afraid of the love a mother felt for her son. Afraid it would be too strong. Too strong and no other man would stand a chance.

So man had made a rule that mother's couldn’t make love to their sons. That was it. She knew down deep inside of her that sex between a mother and her son could be a gentle, loving experience. But because of men, it couldn’t be allowed to happen. Her head was spinning. Had she finally convinced herself that having sex with Erin would not be wrong?

She knew that she wanted him and it was apparent that he wanted her.

But, still there were lingering, nagging doubts.

If they made love, would he love her afterwards? Or hate her?

But the alcohol finally deadened the raucous complaints of her conscience.

“I love you so much,” she murmured, almost under her breath.

“I Love you, too, Mother,” he muttered, trying to control the burning desire burning out of control in his belly.

Erin glanced down making sure that his aching, throbbing giant hadn’t’ escaped once again. Surprisingly, it hadn’t. But it was so hard and stiff, he didn’t know how long he could keep it concealed he told himself as he worked higher and higher up her legs. At last he came to the swell of her beautiful bottom, jutting out round and soft.

He delicately fingered the plumant flesh for a moment, but he couldn’t trust himself so he quickly moved up to the hollow of her back. Pushing and plying on the muscles there, he felt the tension in her back slowly drain away.

“Mind if I turn over?” She asked.

But she didn’t wait for an answer.

Erin couldn’t move as he watched her push herself over onto her back.

Standing on his hands and knees beside her, he suddenly found himself looking down at her heavy, swollen breasts once again.

Quickly scrambling back down to her feet, he grabbed them and began to roughly knee and rub them.

“Take a break and have another glass of Champaign,” his mother laughed softly, refilling their glasses and handing him his.

“To us,” she softly murmured, gently clicking their glasses together, “and our love for each other.”

Taking his, Erin nervously downed it in one panicky gulp.

“My, My, but aren’t you the thirsty one?”

“Uh, I sure am,” he muttered moronically.

“Uh, is it, is it hot in here,” he mumbled, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand? “Or is it just me?”

“Yes, I think you’re right,” she agreed, “it is quite warm in here.”

Erin couldn’t help but notice the change in his mother. She seemed amazingly calm under the circumstances. Here they were, sitting on a bed, her naked, him with only a towel wrapped around him, both of them obviously sexually aroused and yet, she seemed calm and collected. It was almostas if she had made her mind up to not let anything both her. It was weird. He couldn’t explain it. She just had a different air about her.

He certainly wasn’t calm and collected, he muttered to himself. He was so provoked by the situation, it felt like his skin was crawling. Setting his glass down, he quickly moved down and began to knee and massage her feet as she lay sipping on her drink. He could see that she was calmly watching him as he bought himself massaging her small, dainty feet.

She could see the profound effect her nudity was having on her son. And why wouldn’t it, she smiled to herself. After all, she was naked and she was his mother.

He was very tightly wound, she thought, watching him frozenly glancing up at her body as he massed her feet. She couldn’t mistake his obvious excitement as it was clearly evidenced by the giant protrusion jutting up under his towel.

There was little sense in protracting his age, she told herself. She had made up her mind, so there was no need to torque him any further.

Feeling his hands slowly creeping up her legs, inch by inch, she began to slowly spread her legs apart bit by bit.

Sweating and trembling with excitement, he worked his fingers up her long, shaped legs until they were only an inch or so from the glistening wetness between her legs. She could see the sweat glimmering wetly on his forehead as he excitedly poked and probed the muscles of her inner thigh.

Now, she telepathically urged him on, now. Touch it. Touch me. Please.

But even as she silently pleaded with him, he suddenly stopped and moved his hands away from the drooling pit between her legs. Quickly scooting up the bed, he abruptly began to knee and rub her and hands and fingers. She wanted him so bad, she was aching all over, but she didn’t speak as she let him gradually work his way up her arm to her shoulder. Then he began work on the other hand. Deliberately, purposefully, he worked up the muscles in her arm inch by inch. As he moved up her arm, her hand was forced farther and farther down until it brushed up against his granite-like hardness thrusting up under the towel. She didn’t move her hand until she felt him stop massaging her shoulder.

“I don’t think I should go any further,” he grunted, starting to stand up.

Reaching out quickly, she grabbed hold of his towel. Then, as he drew back with her holding onto the towel, the knot unraveled and the towel dropped away from his lurching, slashing cock.

“MOTHER,” he gasped staring down at his mother holding onto to the towel as she gaped at his bobbing manhood.

“Oh, Crap,” he cursed, grabbing for his towel.

“I would like to give you a massage, too,” Bonnie coyly said, jerking the towel away from him and tossing it across the bed.

“Jeez, Mom,” he groaned, trying to cover his huge cock with his hands, “Please give me back my towel.”

“Why,” she said teasingly, “You got to see mine, why can’t I see yours.”

“Mom, you’re drunk,” he sputtered angrily, turning away from her, “and I don’t like it when you tease me.”

“I am not drunk,” she said softly, leaning down and reaching for him, “I just want to show you how much I love you. Show you how much I need you. And I think you want me, too. You must or why else would you be like that.”

“God, Mother, what are you saying?” he gasped, his face turning white with shock.

“Do you?” she asked him, softly caresing his rock hard buttocks as he stood by his bed trembling.

“Do I what?” he wanted to know, still not believing what he was hearing.

“Would you like to make love to me?” she murmured.

“Oh, For, God, MOTHER, Do you know what you are asking me?” he groaned, feeling the strength leave his legs as his knees began to quake.

“Yes,” she told him, watching him start to sink to the floor but catch himself and sit down on the edge of the bed.

“This can’t be happening,” he muttered, shaking his head and pinching himself, “I must be dreaming.”

“This is no dream,” she told him, “but, if you don’t want to make love to me, I will understand.”

“Oh, Mother,” he blubbered impotently, “What are you asking me to do?”

“I’m just asking you to make love to me,” she said softly, clearly in charge of the situation unlike the one earlier in the day, “Don’t you want to make love to me?”

“Damn it, Mother," he cursed, “You make it sound so innocent. So casual. Like it’s uh, uh, I don’t know, so frivolous.”

“Forgive me,” she said emotionally, “I didn’t intend to make it sound that way. God knows, this is the most momentous moment in my life.”

She paused, a tear trickling down her cheek as she looked deep into his eyes.

“I just want to share something loving and tender with the man that I love more than anything. More than life itself. I’m sorry that it came across as casual and frivolous. But I’m not sorry that I want to make love to you. I could never be sorry about that. But, if you feel that it’s wrong and you can’t do it, I will understand.”

Electricity arced around the room, sparking and crackling dangerously as they stared into each other’s eyes.

“Oh, Mother, I think that making love to you would be the most wonderful thing ever,” he told her, wanting to be certain that his mother wanted him, “But are you sure?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” she told him obviously.

The tension in the room was so charged, she couldn’t breathe as she waited for him to respond. Finally, he slowly turned to face her with his hands still hiding the huge monster jutting out of his groin.

Like a child caught doing something wrong, he rarely sat down by his mother.

“Oh, Erin,” she gushed, taking him in her arms and pulling him to her tightly, “I Love You So Very, Very Much.”

“Oh, Mother, I Love You, Too Much,” he cried out, returning her embrace.

They sat holding onto each other for the longest time, each of them wrapped in each other’s arms, soaking up the love that flowed between them.

At last, Bonnie slowly released her hold on him.

As they parted, she reached down to his great, towering penile monolith. Gently wrapping her hand around thick, rigid shake of his penis, she lovingly began to stroke him. Staring down at his mammoth cock, she slowly ran her hand down from its great, rubbery cockhead all the way down to the hairy base of his cock and back up to his cockhead again. Pauling for a long, dizzying moment, she held the huge, bulging cockhead in her hand and then gently squeezed and kneaded its firm solidity. As she did, she felt him struggle for control.

“Oh, God, Mother,” he groaned, “I don’t know how long I can hold it back.”

“My poor, little Baby,” she cooed intimately, “I’m sorry that I teased you so long. I didn’t want to but I couldn’t help it. So don’t hold it back, now. Let it go. We have the rest of the night, the rest of our lives to make love. Let go and come. Mommy wants to taste your cum. Let Mommy suck you and drink your cum.”

Her vulgar, obscene words lit the fuse on the powder keg of bubble, boiling cum inside his aching balls as she continued to gently stroke his quivering hardness.

As he felt her fire fingers scorching the taut, stretched skin on his throbbing cock, he groaned and whimpered increasingly trying to hold back the flood that was damned up inside him.

Then suddenly she felt his giant cock jerk and bulge out threateningly.

The upheaval was imminent. His cock, stretched as tightly as a bow vibrated with dangerous tension as it prepared itself to erupt in her hand.

Quickly, she clumsily bent down over his jutting manhood and just as she opened her mouth and softly sucked the bulging head of his penis into her mouth, she felt it jerk and shudder.

“OhhhhmmmmyyyyyyGGGaaawwwddddddd”, Erin bellowed out as he felt his mother’s hot, sucking mouth close down around his hypersensitive cockhead.

The depraved excitement of the moment overwhelmed him. With the force of a cannon firing, his gigantic cock detonated and shot out a huge spout of thick, white love-cream into his mother’s mouth. The pent up password had built up such a load of hot, creamy cum, it immediately, filled her mouth to the point of overflowing. Sucking and swallowing as quickly as she could, she still couldn’t keep up with the great gushing torrent of syrupy cum that spurted from her son’s gigantic manhood. The flood of burning gun gushed gush out and trickled down the shake of his cock and onto her hand. Never had she known such virility in a man. But still, his great cock bucked and spit as gusher after gusher of his rich, potential semen poured out of it.

She lost count of how many times the mighty colossus erupted in of her mouth, but at last she felt the vigor of the ejaculations began to wane. Then, at last, his cock shuddered feebly and spurted out one final spurt of creamy froth.

As she tightly held onto the towering monolith, she felt it began to weaken and die. With her hand wrapped around the withering stalk of his penis, she tenderly sucked and licked the sensitive head of his cock as it wilted.

“Oh, Mother, Oh, Mother, please,” Erin while, at last, “I’m so sorry I came in your mouth.”

Without answering him, she tenderly nibbled on the rubbery head of his cock until he couldn’t stand it anymore. Wincing, he gently took her head in his hands and lifted her mouth up away from shrunken manhood.

“What’s wrong, Baby,” she asked him, licking his wasted cum from her lips, “Don’t you want Mommy to suck on it?”

“It is just too sensitive, Mommy,” he blubbered.

“I’m sorry, Baby,” she cooed, “I’ll stop.”

Slowly, hesitantly, shelet his penis slip from her hand. Wiping her hand on the towel, she reached down and quickly peeled back the bedspread.

“Get under the covers, Baby,” she whispered to him, “you can finish your nap while I go down and make us a snack. Okay?”

“But, Mom,” Erin groaned, “Don’t you want me to, to . . . “

“To what, Baby,” she asked him.

“How can you, you just leave? Don’t you want me to do you, too?” he asked her.

“We have all night, Love, remember,” she smiled down at him lovingly, “and I know that it takes men a while to recoverate.”

“Uh, well, uh, well OK, if you’re sure you don’t want me to, to . . ” He surprised, physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted by the day’s events

Slipping under the covers, he watched his mother pull them up over him, covering him from the waist down. Even though he had just shot his wad, he still felt a stir of excitement course through his penis as he watched her beautiful dangling breasts twitch and wiggle above him.

“Relax, Baby,” she whispered to him, softly kissing him on the lips, “And Mommy will be back soon.”

“Mother, I Love you,” he smiled up at her, reaching out and delicately caresing one of her big, soft breasts. “I can hardly wait.”

“I Love you, too, Darling,” she happily chirped, standing up.

Erin watched with wonder and love as his mother treaded across the room. He had never seen her naked before today, and he could feel his juices already rebuilding inside him as he gaped at her with open admission. Although she was thirty-eight, she had an ageless beauty. Her large, pendent breasts were perfectly shaped for their size. Big, creamy melons with large, circular cups of dark pink flesh each tipped withbig, tapering nipples jutted out from her chest. Watching them bounce and wiggle strictly with each step she took, Erin remembered back to his youth when he had sneaked into her room one day.

He recalled prowling through her lingerie and finding one of her brassieres. He had been perversely excited as he had breathlessly held the lacy-cupped brassiere. He had known that it seemed large, but he didn’t really comprehend what the 42D on the tag meant, until now.

Her waist, while narrow was a healthy narrow and not like some women whose waist was so narrow they looked starved. Her buttocks were full, firm, perfectly shaped and were so lovely it made him ache with desire just to watch her walk. All of her beauty was completed by her long, beautifully proportioned legs that moved with fluid grace as she strolled out of the room. The only flaw in her beauty was that caused by the numerous bruises, but they were only superficial and would soon be gone.

Now alone, Erin couldn’t believe what had happened. The events of the day all seemed to mesh into one outrageous orgasm of emotions. First there had been happiness at his homecoming, then rage at Steve, then humiliation of being seen aroused by his mother. Next had come the hot, steaming stimulation that it had lured both of them into an act so vile and depraved, he still couldn’t believe it had happened. How would all this change their life? He did know how it would, but he did know, without a shadow of doubt, it would change their life.

Trying to sort out his feelings, he realized that his feelings for his mother had suddenly and irreversibly changed. On the one hand, he felt much more protective of her. He had never seen her so vulnerable and hurt. He vowed to himself that he would never let anything like that ever happen to her again. He loved her more deeply than he could have ever imagined. He still loved her as his mother, but now those Feelin feelings had to share with the feelings he felt for her as a woman. His love for her was so deep and strong, he wished that he could take her for his wife and live out his life loving and taking care of her.

Why not? Maybe, just maybe, he thought as a tiny germ of an idea blossomed in his imagination.

Putting aside everything else, he pictured his mother in all her naked innocent. As the image of her nudity flowed across his mind, he suddenly felt himself growing hard again. Reaching under the cover, he wrapped his hand around the germinating erection and began to roughly stroke it to hardness as he thought of his mother.

“Oh, I wasn’t enough for you?” she laughed, slipping slipped into his room unannounced and catching him in the act.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” he blushed, “I didn’t hear you coming.”

“That’s OK,” she smiled.

“I was just thinking aboutyou and how beautiful you are and I just started getting hard,” he said, still a little self-consciously, “so I just thought I would help it along.”

“Can I see?” she asked, leaning over and putting the tray onto the bed.

“Of course,” he bubbled throwing back the covers to reveal his rock-hard cock and reaching up to pull her down to him all in the same motion.

Staring into the deep, warmth of her smokey blue eyes, he tenderly pressed his lips to her, kissing her so softly, it was like the wings of a butterfly brushing across her lips.

“This is what love is supposed to be,” she moaned softly as he released her, “I don’t know if I can live without it.”

“Me, either,” he said explicitly.

“How did all this happen so fast?” She mewed. “I still can’t believe it.”

“I don’t really understand,but,” he paused, gently caresing the silky softness of her thigh, “I don’t want to ever leave you.”

“Oh, My Love, would that it was that easy,” she mumbled.

“But, Mother,” Erin protected.

“Stop,” she told him, “Stop, for just a while. Here. Eat, drink and be happy. We can worry about that later.”

“But, I,” he started to say but found his mother’s fingers on his lips blocking any further conversation.

“Eat,” she commanded him, “Or, I’ll send you out of your room without any supplier.”

“What,” Erin laughed out loud, “Great, Mom, Best one yet. But I’m already in my room.”

Both of them became hyperstatic with laughter. It seemed to serve as a release of all of the pent up emotions that were smoldering just under the surface of their new relationship.

Finally,with tears running down their cheeses, they stopped laughing and looked over at the tray of food setting before them.

“Wow, Mom, that’s enough to feed an Army,” he said, reaching for a chicken drumstick.

“Just eat,” she laughed, opening another bottle of wine and pouring them another drink.

Then handing him his drink, she sipped from her glass before filling her mouth with food.

They hungrily devoured the food and almost finished the bottle of wine before they were finished.

“Wow, I didn’t realize how hungry I was,” Erin said, rubbing his stomach appreciatefully, “and I had forgotten what a good cook you were.”

“It was only left overs,” she modestly said.

“But excellent ones,” he prayed her.

“Well, thanks,” she laughed, picking up the tray and setting it onto the floor.

Pouring the last of the wine into their glasses, she leaned back on the bed. Sipping her wine, she aadoringly ran her hand up her son’s thigh, stopping just short of his drooping cock.

“This is nice,” she said softly, “I can’t believe that we’re doing it, but it is beginning to feel natural. Don’t you think so?”

“It could be,” he remarked to her as he ran his hand up the soft, smooth skin of her inner thigh, stopping just short of her oozing vagina.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I have an idea,” he smiled at her, “but I need to think out a few other things before I explain it to you.”

“Oh, Really,” she smiled, “And does your idea involve me.”

“Most definitely,” he grinned, gently fingering the soft, limp lips of flesh surrounding her inner most sanctum.

“That feels good,” she told, slowly spreading her legs farther apart and exposing more of her bubble femininity to him.

“Your, uh, your, uh, pussy is beautiful,” he told her, blushing as he spoke.

“Why, thank you,” she returned, blushing too, “But I don’t know what you men see in it that is pretty.”

“It is so soft, and wet, and warm, it makes me hard just looking at it,” he tried to explain as she saw his cock twitch.

“Can I kiss it,” he asked, scooting over closer to her.

“Of, course you can, My Love,” she cooed, lifting her foot and drawing her leg over his arm, “I would love for you to kiss her.”

Inching closer, Erin stared into the very core of his mother’s oozing sexuality. It was almost impossible to imagine that he had once been deep inside of this beautiful, warm place. Leaning closer, he gently kissed the soft, flaccid flesh that hung downencircling and guarding the deep, wet chamber of her vagina.

“Oh, My Love,” Bonnie surprised euphorically as she felt his tongue probing her vaginal lips.

Running his tongue around her hot, dripping slit, Erin eagerly lapped up the overflow from her drenched gash. Then slowly, he cracked the soft flesh, searching for her cliprioris. Poking and exploring with his tongue, he found the little fleshy sheath and the slippery, little marble inside it. When he did, he felt her jump.

“My God,” Bonnie whispered as she felt him tenatively poke the protruding button.

Seeing how much she enjoyed it, he gently nuzzled the smooth little bead of flesh peeking out its fleshy cave and feel his mother quiver with excitement. Running his tongue around it teasingly, he toyed with it for several moments before he began to flick his tongue back and forth across it roughly.

“Oh, Lord,” she groaned out loud as she felt her cliporis being ravaged by her son, “you’re going to make me finish if you don’t stop.”

Hearing this, Erin began to lick and lap her cliporis even harder and faster. Lapping at her hungrily, he felt her dig her fingers into his hair. As he vigorously attacked her clipit, she grabbed handfuls of his hair and pulled his face down into her public shaft. Sucking and pulling on the slippery little knob of nerves, he flicked it up and down and back and forth as fast as he could. As he did, he could feel her anticipation growing quickly.

“Ah, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,” she panted, shaking and quivering as he licked her into a frenzy.

Raking his tongue across her throbbing little cliporis, he feel himself growing harder and harder, too. The animalistic sounds coming from his mother were so lewd and obscene, he could barely contain his password. Then, suddenly, he felt her stiffen as her body began to jerk and twist.

Pulling his into her imploding pussy, she thrust herself up into him.

“Awww Fuuuucckkkkkkkk,” she grewled as her body began to twitch and shake uncontrollably.”

“Immcccooommmmmiinnnnnn,” she blathered out as her body was consumed with the unholy password of their love.

Sucking as much of her pussy lips and cliporis into his mouth as he could, he kept licking and teasing her pulsating cliporis as she understood under his onslaught. Keeping his face plastered down on her bouncing, gyrating pussy was difficult, but he managed to do it as he rode out her stormy climax with her.

Gnashing her teeth and groaning, Bonnie was carried to heights that she had never achieved before. They were so high and wonderful, it almost took her breath away as she felt wave after wave of pleasure wash over her body and mind.

It seemed like it would go on forever, but unfortunately the spasmodic contractions of joy slowly began to lessen and lessen until finally they stopped altogether. Left weak and disoriented, she was left gasping for air.

Erin had felt his mother’s muscles violently contract and relax for several moments as she was consumed by her orgasm. Finally though, he felt the tension slowly flow out of her, leaving her limp and almost lifeless. Gently nuzzling her cliporis, he felt her hands disentangle themselves from his hair and fall to the bed beside her.

“Oh, My Baby, it was beautiful,” she cooed softly.

“Good,” he mumbled, lifting his mouth away from her drooling pussy.

Sleepily, Bonnie watched him languidly get to his hands and knees. Looking down his body, she was started to see that his penis jutting out as stiff and hard as a baseball bat.

“Oh, My, Baby, you’re hard again,” she said amazed at his virility.

“Kissing you made me hard,” heblushed, slowly crawling up between her still outstretched legs.

“Do you want me to kiss your thing again,” she asked him, reaching for his huge, thick cock as it jutted out at her, bobbing up and down malignantly.

“I’m want to make love to you this time,” he told her, gradually lowering his hips and aiming his enormous love-weapon at the wedding gash between her legs.

“I hope I can take all of you,” she said uneasily as she bent his rigid maleness down towards the drooling pit between her legs.

Suddenly, Erin felt a bolt of electricity shoot through his cock as his cockhead nestled down into the soft, wet core of his mother’s secret.

“God, it’s so hot,” he gasped as he slowly eased the giant head of his dick down into her waiting overnight.

“Oh, You’re Huge,” she groaned as his gigantic prick slowly penetrated deeper and deeper into thehot, clutching cavern of her vagina.

“You want me to stop?” he grunted, not really sure that he could even if she wanted him to.”

“Oh, No, Baby, don’t stop,” he whimpered, “I want to take all of you in me.”

His might cock was so hard and full of blood, she could actually feel his heartbeat pulsing through it. Like a giant pink serpent slippering into a wet, dripping cave surrounded by soft, curly hairs, his cock disappeared inch by inch into the deep, soggy gash between her legs.

Deeper and deeper it plowed into the inviolate depths of her tightly clutching cunt. Slicing through the sopping, clinging flesh of her vagina, his cock sliced ​​in like a knife slicing through butter. She could feel his great round cockhead filling her vagina with its wonderful hardness as he forced more and more of his cock into her.

Finally, just when she thought his enormous cock would never end, she felt his belly gently nudge up against hers.

“Oh, Baby, I took it all. I took all of you back inside me again,” she bubbled, relishing the feel of her son’s giant cock filling her to her limit.

“Oh, Mom,” he groaned, kissing her on the lips, hard and long.

Then as slowly as he could, he backed his cock out of her wet, clinging woman place. As his cock came out, it glistened wetly coated with her juices. Pushing it back into her slowly, he watched her eyes soften and her pupils dilate larger and larger until there was only a tiny rim of blue surrounding the huge pools of black.

The pleasure she felt was indescribable. Never before had she known such joy. Knowing that she should be filled with shame and remorse, she couldn’t keep revealing in the wonderful new love she had found. She had never had a man make love to her so lovingly. So gently. So tenderly. She couldn’t believe how gentle he was ashe slowly worked his wonderful penis in and out of her tingling womanhood. She was so focused on the delightful pleasure that was pouring from her pussy, she could even feel his big, soft balls softly slap up against her bottom every time his cock completed its journey into the depths of her drooling femininity.

His cock slip in and out, in and out as Erin fucked his mother with powerful, slow, deep strokes that drive his cock into all the way to the hilt every time. He had never felt so powerful and protected at the same time. He realized that he was committing a heinous trespass, but that didn’t seem to matter now. Nothing mattered to him at the moment except bringing pleasure to his mother.

He had seen the pain and suffering she had, had to endure at Steve’s hands. And now he wanted to drive all the pain away. He wanted to make her happy once more. Happy, like she had been when he was a little boy. It was all that he could think of as he lovingly drive his manhood in and out of her hot, clinging pussy.

Time seemed to stop as they fucked. While their lovemaking was physical, it was as if they were fucking each other emotionally, too. He couldn’t explain. It was just the most wonderful thing he had ever done. They never wanted it to stop as Erin would fuck his mother until he felt her muscles started to tighten and then he would stop for a while, leaving his cock buried inside of her. Again and again, he brought her to the very point of orgasm only to stop and wait until she was able to regain control. Every time he did it, she grew a little more frantic in her drive to attain it. Leisurely, lovingly, he once again stroked her to the very edge of the abysmal pool of pleasure only to stop and hold his cock thrust into her all the way to the hilt.

“Oh, Baby, Please, Please,” she begged him, “Please finish me.”

“I want it to be the best one you’ve ever had,” he told her clenching his prostate and making his cock swell up inside her.

“Please, Baby, Please make love to me and finish me,” she pleased again, squeezing down on his cock and milking it with her strong cunt muscles, “It’s killing me.”

Seeing she was becoming frantic with desire, he began to fuck her again. This time he drove his cock into her with quick, powerful strokes. Slamming his cock into her hot wetness, as deep and hard as he could, he felt her rapidly respond to the hammering attack on her cunt.

“Yes, yes, oh yes,” she hissed, digging her long, sharp fingernails into his back as she wentaded him on.

The room reverberated with the lewd sound of their bodies slapping together as they fucked furiously.

But it only took a few, deep driving strokes to bring her to the apex of password and she felt her vagina burst with pleasure.

“OHFUCKINGLORD," she gasped as the fires of incestuous gratification consumed her.

Her whole body was on fire as it shook and compromised. Her clutching cunt collapsed down around her son’s cock triggering it into its own cataclysmic eruption.

“OH, MOTTTTHHHHEEERRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,” he bellowed as he felt his cock exploit inside of her releasing an enormous gusher of his hot, creamy man-seed into her.

Her pussy clapped his spurting penis so tightly, the river of cum he was spewing into her couldn’t escape. Again and again, his giant cock bucked and spurted gob after gob of his potential cream into her. As it did, she could feel the pressure inside of her growing greater and greater, but she couldn’t relax her hold on his cock. Higher and higher she spiraled up on a great upheaval of pleasure and joy. Higher than she had ever been before. Higher than she thought she could ever go. Higher than anyone else had ever been. Higher that anyone wouldever go. It was fireworks going off in of her head and bursting in her cunt as each brilliant burst of pleasure filling her mind with exhaust delight.

On and on it went as her son’s great spurting penis pumped more and more of his hot, thick cum into her until after what seems like hours, the fireworks finally stopped exploding inside of her head and she reluctantly floated back to earth.

As the last throes of her orgasm wrapped her body, she feel the muscles inside her pussy slowly relax and release their toughlehold on her son’s cock. As they did, she felt the pressure inside her vagina suddenly release. At the same time, she felt a gush of Erin’s hot, sticky man-cream spew out of her pussy around his colossal penis coating his balls and her tighs with its evil stickiness.

Neither of them moved for the longest time.

Finally, Erin slowly pulled his shrunken man-thing out of her vagina that was now stretched andbattered by his mighty engine.

Rolling over, he lay beside her and began fondling her breast.

“How much money do you have, Mom?” he asked her.

“What,” she asked surprised by his question.

“How much money do you have?” he asked her again.

“Oh, I don’t know, around a half million I guess, Why?” she asked him, wanting to know why he wanted to know how much money she had.

“I was just thinking,” he smiled at her nervously tweaking one of her big, ripe nipples, “That maybe we could move somewhere and, uh, and, uh”

“And what?” She wanted to know.

“Oh, I don’t know,” he muttered, “You’ll probably think I’m crazy.”

“Oh, come on and tell me,” she implored him.

“Well, I was just thinking that we could move somewhere and live like a, uh,a husband and wife,” he finally blurted out.

“What,” she sputtered, not sure she had heard him correctly.

“Well, that way you wouldn’t have to worry about jerks like Steve,” he tried to explain his idea to her, “And we could make love all the time, like tonight without worrying about someone finding out.”

“Well, I would never. . . ” she hesitated, trying to let the idea sink in.

It would be wonderful to share her new life with her son. She did love him more than life itself. It would be wonderful having him with her all the time. But could they get away with anything so diabolical?

“What about your college?” she asked him, knowing that he had his heart set on becoming a doctor.

“I could enroll in a different college,” he said, “And we could live together off campus. No one would know.”

“I’d have tothink about it,” she told him, “It is so wicked and unbelievable, I don’t know what to think or say.”

“I think it would be heaven on Earth,” he murmured, leaning over and sucking her hard, tingling nipple into his mouth.

“You’re going to get me all hot and eager again, if you don’t watch it,” she warned him, feeling her juices start to warm again.

“Oh, really,” he smiled, sucking harder on her nipple and gently massaging her big pink melon.”

“Oh, you naughty little boy,” she laughed, grabbing his hardening cock and roughly kneeing it back to life, “Oh, You naughty little boy and my hero all rolled into one.”

Smiling wicked, she thought they might pull it off. It could be disastrous if they were caught, but it would be wonderful if they didn’t. But right now, she told herself, she had something else to concentrate on as she ranher hand down to her son’s monstrous cock . . . .

The end


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