The Best Doctor Visit Ever!

I’ve always loved playing with myself. I started when I was about 5 years old in the shower one day. I found out that if I touched my pussy in the right spot it felt really good, so I kept doing it. Ever since then there hasn’t been one day that I haven’t played with myself. Now I’m 11 years old, I’m still flat-chested and I don’t have any hair down there yet, but I will, I hope. I have, however, had sex with several guys. The first guy that I got to fuck me, I was 7 and let me tell you that it fucking hurt, I bleed for two days after that. My mom was worried that something was wrong but I assured her that everything was fine, but she still took me to the doctor. I hated the doctor, she was ugly, fat and loud. But of course I didn’t have any choice. The day of my appointment the bleeding stopped but mom once again insisted that I go, so that afternoon, she checked me out of school and we went to the ugly, fat bitches doctor’s office. We sat in the waiting area for about an hour when they called us in, the nurse came into the exam room and checked my temperature and all that shit. And just so you know, i’m pretty damn mature for an 11 year old, ok. Anyway, we waited for the doctor and I could hear her loud fucking voice a mile away, she opened the door and walked in and with her stepped in this really really really pretty woman. Of course a stump is More pretty than that other bitch, but this woman was beautiful. She looked at me and smiled as I smiled back.
“What seems to be the problem missy?” The ugly bitched asked.
My mom wouldn’t even let me say anything and told the ugly bitch that I had been bleeding from my ‘vagina’ for two days.
“Now tell me the truth, have you put anything you’re not suppose to up inside you??” The ugly bit asked me directly.
“No, I haven’t put anything up there,” I sharply replied and turned my head away from her’s because he breath stunk.
“Well then I guess we’re just going to have to take a look,” The bitch said.
My eyes widened and I know my face turned a bright red and I yelled out, “NO, you will not look at me or touch me!”
“Honey, she is going to have to in order to see if there is anything wrong with you, ok?” Mom gently commented to me.
“Well if anyone is going to look at me, I want her to do it,” As I pointed at the beautiful woman standing next the dog of a doctor.
“Oh, well, I’m sorry sweety, she’s just an intern and she’s not suppose to do anything with patients yet, now, take off your pants and climb up onto the examing table,” The dog said with a nasty grin.
“Nope, I will not and you can’t make me,” I yelled back.
The pretty woman turned to the ugly one and said something that I couldn’t hear and the ugly doctor agreed. “Ok sweety, Jennifer will take a look at you, ok?”
“Thank you”
The ugly doctor and my mom left the room. I stood up and began to take off my pants and panties. Jennifer put on some gloves and help me up onto the examing table.
“Ok, sweety, spread your little legs for me and we’ll take a look at you,” Jennifer said with a soft and sensitive voice. “Well, I don’t really see anything wrong…Oh, I see.”
My face turned red again and she looked right at me and said, “Sweety, you are way too young to have sex, were you raped?”
“No I wasn’t raped and I know i’m young but if feels so good and I couldn’t say no to him,” I told Jennifer with a girl and innocent voice.
“How in the world did it feel good, when I was your age I didn’t feel much of anything down there until I was 14 or so?” Jennifer questioned me.
“Well I can feel it and it feels great, here I'll show you and I’m not faking!” I said as I slid my hand towards my hairless crotch and began to rub my little clip.
“What are you doing!?, You don’t have to show me that, I believe you!” Surprised and stunned, Jennifer sat back in the chair and looked back and forth at my pussy and my eyes. I didn’t stop rubbing myself, because I knew that what she was seeing she liked and I was bound and determined to cum for her. Jennifer stood up and made sure the door was locked, she sat back down and told me to take my hand away from My cunt. She then began to lean forward and she gently placed her tongue on my little clip and I almost went over the top. I had never had my cunt licked, only rubbed and fingered and her tongue felt sooooooo good. I leaned up a little and noticed that she had her hand down inside her pants rubbing her own pussy, while eating mine. We both moaned quietly and I felt my orgasm rising as I pushed my cunt into her mouth. She stuck her finger in just as I came and my cunt clinked around it. She pulled her head away from my crotch and sat back in the chair with her hand still in her pants.
“Do you want to see my pussy little girl??” She said.
“Well sure, I’ve never seen an older girls close up before,” I smiled and said while sitting up on the table. She helped my back down and I sat in her chair as she climbed up on the table. She wasn’t able to take her pants all the way off, but she did manage to get them to her knees and spread her legs enough for me to see her warm, soaking wet, bald pussy. It looked so tasty, but I honestly didn’t know what to do exactly. I just sat there and stared at it as she began to once again play with herself. She rubbed her clip slowly and I could see her juices run out of her and down across her asshole. I got closer and closer to her snatch and could smell her sweet cunt.
“Why don’t you put a couple of fingers in me, and I bet you could get your whole fist in me,” She said while smiling at me.
I happily obliged and put two of my little fingers in her moist cunt and ran them in and out slowly, she leaned her head back and started to moan softly, not wanting to make any noise. I moved my fingers in and out faster and faster, then slowly started to push my entire hand inside her. I could feel how warm it was and it felt so wonderful. I pushed my enitre hand in and knew she could hardly contain herself as she rubbed her clip faster and harder. As I fist fucked her, my other hand became very curious about what it would feel like to be inside her asshole as well as her pussy. I started to rub her dirty hole gently then pushed a finger in, all the while watching her face to make sure she liked it. She didn’t stop or say no when i pushed 3 fingers into her butthole nor did she when I started to put my entire fist in. Of course, me being only 7 my hands aren’t that big, but I wanted to make sure she liked it well enough for me to have one fist in her cunt and the other in her ass. She didn’t say a word as I pushed both my hands in and out of her holes and I could start to feel that she was about to cum. Her pussy and ass both at the same time grabbed onto my hands and I could hardly move. I know she wanted to scream out loud but she couldn’t. I watched as more of her juices flowed out of her pussy and all over my arm.
She leaned up a bit, looked at me and smiled. “That felt so fucking great! We need to do that again sometimes!”
“Yes we do!” I replied.
“Now, slowly pull your hand out of my asshole first, then out of my pussy,ok?” She quietly asked.
I nodded and did as she instructed. She moaned slightly as I pulled my hands out. We both started at each smiling as I licked all of my fingers clean as I stood up out of the chair. She and I put our pants back on and sat back down into our chairs respectively.
“There’s one more thing I want to do sweety,” Jennifer said playfully. I want to kiss you.
“I’d love to!” I said as I moved my head towards hers and we both kissed passwordately.
There was a sudden knock on the door and Jennifer sprang up to answer it. The ugly, fat, loud bitch entered the room with my mother tailing behind.
“Is everything ok?” The dog doctor asked.
“Yes everything is perfectly fine, I believe it was just a hormone thing, and there’s nothing to worry about.” Jennifer said with a confident look and tone of voice.
“Well ok then, lets ok,” Mom replied to both the dog and beautiful Jennifer.
Our eyes locked as I left the room and I knew that we would be seeing more of each other in the future.





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