Spying on my 19 year old sister

So about a m5onth ago I got extremely curious about my sister and her anatomy and such. She would walk into the living room as I watched tv and bend down to look for a movie under the tv. At first she spread her legs and bent down and I just imagined myself or another lucky human being under her and having the privilege of sticking it in her. After a little bit I could tell her legs were getting tired and then she bent down on her knees with her big tight ass up in the air. It was like she was saying in body language, “Fuck me hard!.”
She is 19 and very good looking..feels kinda weird thinking my sister is attractive..but some girls are hot some arnt..she is about 5’8 skinny, 34B, dirty blonde hair, big ass, probably weights about 105 pounds. Anyway..I really enjoyed what i saw that day in the living room so I thought i’ll look at her when she gets out of the shower. One night mom and dad were already stay and she hoped in the shower. I knew thiscould be my only chance so i took it.
I slide a CD under the door when she turned the water off and slide her arm out of the shower to grab a towel.
I could hear her moving around in the shower and anticipated her exit from the shower. I stuck the CD under alitle bit more and my dick was already hard. With anticipation and the feeling of being “wrong” in the back of my head just excited me even more.
Finally she stepped out. I would have guessed she would shake her pussy. but i was wrong. She actually had quite the mane..nothing disgusting but definitely not bald. She started drying off her erect nipples and I got even harder. I literally thought i was about to cum all over my shorts. After she was done drying off her top half she started moving south!
She started walking towards the door so I moved the cd back some just in case she would grab a glance of it. I pulled back expecting the door to swing open and her waiting there asking for an excuse of whaty I was on the ground by the bathroom door. But I heard a slight thud. I looked under without the cd and only one foot was on the floor. I took the cd and put it back under only to find in amazement she was standing practically right over the cd with her leg up on counter. I got a perfect shot of her pink pussy. She was so tight. She hasnt had many of any boyfriends that i can remember specifically. She always said it was stupid to date in high school because the chances of her marrying someone from high school was so low. after I saw her tight cunt I was so excited i had to get up and walk away before i just started knocking and asking “hey can i fuck you?”
I wanted her to see me in the flesh now to see if maybe she liked what she saw.
I went into the living room turned the tv on took my shirt and shorts off and my half erect penis was protruding from my short flannel checked boxes. I knew she would come in their soon and the thought of seeing her up close even with close on made my penis stay more erect than limp. I carefully pulled my dick out of my boxes to the side and placed it along my leg. I heard her come out of the bathroom and go into her room. About two min. later she came out of her room and said my name. I pretended i was sleep and she came into the room. i wish i could have seen her face but she stood over me in silence. Just starring im assuming. Idk if that was the first dick she had ever seen or what. But i heard her move closer to me and then heard the sound of shorts coming off. I was scared stiff! i didnt move an inch and just kept breathing as though I was sleep. A few seconds later I heard someone else breathing heavy too. I realized my sister was breathing really hard and then she started singing in relief and after that started moaning not too loud though im sure she didnt wanna “wake me up”
I couldn’t resist i slowly opened my eyes and saw her standing over me with her shorts down and her black thong was exposed. she had moved it to the side other side of her thigh and was playing with herself. She was looking up at the ceiling and her back was arched. I closed my eyes quickly. About that time I heard my parents door open. she frantically grabbed her shorts and ran off to her room. my mom came into the room and my dick was still out! My mom is ugly btw..not anything like my sister. But I Just ignored her and waited for her to shut the lights off and turn the tv off in the living room. She went back to bed and the rest of that night I could not stop thinking about my sister. The next morning I woke up around 9am. I walked out into the kitchen to see my sister in her work out clothes. White short cheer shorts and a pink tank top. I could also see the outline of her sports bra. She walked towards the hallway and i noticed she didnt have any painy lines. Then I noticed the outline of a pink thong. I instantly started thinking about the events that happened the night before. She went in her room and as i walked by saw her bending down to untie her shoes. her chest was almost completely exposed.. I could see the sweat running down her cleavage. her boobs arnt that big but big ones on her would look funny. they are the perfect size for her body. I went into the bathroom and took a piss. I looked over to the window and thought if i opened these would she even notice?..I thought she probably would. I Just moved the bottom blind up so that there was just about an inch and a half of light coming through the one blind. I looked outside to see the fence. I thought this would be a better vantage point.
About 10 min later I was in my room and heard her shut the bathroom door. I knew she was about to take a shower after her morning workingout..neither of my parents were home so I didnt have to worry about anyone but my sister knowing what I was doing. I slipped out my window conveniently the bathroom window is right next to mine..and i peaked in at the bottom of theblinds. I saw her getting into the shower..that was it just a bare ass..I was disappointed that I didnt get to see anything more but I waited in my room patiently waiting for the water to shut off. About 7 min later I heard it shut of and quickly hoped through my window in hope to get a glance at my sisters naked ass and tits again.
She hoped out of the shower with the towel wrapped around her body and she grabbed a towel and put it on her head. After a min or two of drying her hair she set one towel down and started to take the one around her body off. I started touching myself and it felt sooo good. I tried to imagine her giving me head or something of that nature. She then reached under her sink and pulled out a bottle of lotion. She started putting it on all over her body she worked from top to bottom…hands…neck..chest..boobs…stomach…ass…and then her thighs..She started rubbing the inside of them slowly working the lotion into her already young and healthy skin.I then noticed she was rubbing her crotch slowly. She started arching her back again this time with no shirt on though..her erect nipples poked through the steam still lingering in the hot bathroom. She then started playing with her nipples..squeezing them and pinching them gently..at this point i was straight jacking off trying to get off before she put her clothes on. I looked down at my massive erection to see precum drizzling out the tip of it..looked back up and she was gone…I thought my contacts had dried up so i blinked and looked through the window again…and still no sister..I keep looking and about that time looked to my right a little she was sitting on the toilet looking out the window at me..i jumped back out of site and thought to myself “SHIT! FUCK!!” I ran back into my room through the window..i heard her come out of the bathroom and then she opened my door..I was expecting to see my sister furious in a towel but what i got was a completely naked college girl with a shaken pussy now…she must have shaken in the shower and i didnt even notice until now..she looked at me and said “you like what you see?” I was so shocked I didnt know what to say I just stood there looking her straight in the eyes..then she said ” I saw your penis last night hanging out of ur boxes..and it kinda turned me on..actually it really turned me on” I was in complete disbelief..I knew this opportunity might only come once so then I answered her first question and said , “we’ll I like what I see too.” she took a step towards the door and shut it..she asked me “when are mom and dad supposed to be back?” I responded in about 30 min.
She then took two or three steps towards me and looked at me as if she wanted to fuck me. She took my hand and pressed it against her bare chest her nipple was hard still..I could imagine after being in the show rand then coming out of the bathroom even my nipples get hard..we leaned in forward and we kissed for about 20 seconds or so..She leaned out of it almost out of breath.. and said ,” you wanna get a little crazy?”
I said “fuck yea!”
She then leaned in to kiss me again and started giving me some tongue..I really enjoyed what I was feeling and of course had a mega huge boner poking out of my shorts..she then moved her hand down my chest and eventually got to my balls…she started massaging them slowly and sensitively..
She the asked if i was a virgin..I responded, no ive had sex before.
And then what she said next I’ll never forget.
“We’ll I am..and I wanna have sex..will you show me?”
I said of course i’ll teach you.
Slowly she took off all my clothes and then we sat down on my bed..she looked a little timing so I decided i would start steering..i started sucking on her nipple and playing with her wet pussy..gently struggling her clip with my middle finger..she started moaning andsaid “mmmm this feels so good” then i slowly pushed with my middle finger until I feel her warm vagina engaging my middle finger…I could tell she had never been fucked..she was as tight as girls I had fingered in middle school. She started dripping with juices and we were both panting pretty hard by now..I pulled away and reached for a condom out of my night stand..i pulled out one and started unwrapping it…I noticed I wasnt very hard so I told her…suck on my dick so I can get hard…she immediately started licking it all over…then she put it all the way in her mouth and moved her head back and forth over my shake..she looked up at me and let my dick fall out of her mouth and said “does that feel good?” I quickly assured her she was doing just fine..after a min or so I was horny ass hell and hard as a fuckin rock..I said “okay hold on” she stopped sucking me off and I started to put he condom on…she grabbed my sack and looked at me and said "come on stick it in me before i go crazy” so I throw her on the bed on her back..pulled her closer to me and opened up her thighs…her perfectly bald pussy was staring at me dripping with juices..i grabbed my hard cock and put it at the entrance of her twat..i barley stuck my head into her and i looked at her and asked her if she was ready?..She responded “yea just do it already”
I counted to three and slowly penetrated her tight, warm, moist vagina..she let out a long and loud moan right when i stuck it in..
I asked her if it hurt at all and she said no not at all keep going.
After about 4 min of me continuously fucking her slowly I started to speed up..she started moaning even louder..I lurched over her and whispered in her ear tell me when ur almost there.
she responded ..”okay im almost there!”
I started fucking the shit out of her and rubbing her clip with my thumb..she started yelling and moaning even louder with every thrust of my hips came a scar moan or scream of pleasure…after another 3 min or so she we both started slowing down because both of us had gotten off…She looked up at me and said “you just gave me 3 orgasm’s!” I was feeling very confident and said with a smile “it was good for me too.” we put out clothes back on after we had laid there a couple min to comprehend what had just happened. She looked at me and said “happy 16th birthday!”..”CANT WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR!”

The End


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