Band Fags 2

I chaged a few things and added a shit load more to the story…tell me what you think.

I was 15 years old and in the 9th grade. I have medium length dark brown hair, and dark green eyes. I’m on the shorter side kind of average about 5’ 7” For the past 3 years I had been noticing that I am sexually attracted to boys. No one knows about this, it is a secret I have been keeping to myself all these years. I feel like I am alone in the world. All the guys I hang out with talk about how hot girls are and I just play along with them secretly wanting them to be gay and talk about how hot guys are. Those feelings raged inside of me until this point in my life where I began high school and I join the marching band.

Being in the band with a bunch of guys and girls who became my best friends in a few short months opened my eyes and changed my outlook on life a lot. I no longer felt alone but I still feel like I was the only guy who lusted after other guys. Whenever it was time to change into uniform the guys would go into one room and the girls would go into another. My heart would sink as I watched the other boys slide their clothes of revealing their naked bodies. I would feel a tickling feeling in my stomach and soon be covering up a rock hard erection from all the excitement building up inside me.

One day in band camp I saw my friend Chris naked for the first time. It was getting late and after a long hot day we were dismissed from practice to go back to our cabinets. All the boys arrived at the boy’s cabin and took turns using the shower. Chris was taller compared to me, he was 5’ 10” with long strawberry blond hair that glistened it the sun so beautifully. His skin was a little pale and he had a really nice body. When he stripped down to his boxer briefs I couldn’t help noticing the nice sized bulge protruding out.

He went into the bathroom and started up the shower. I wanted him so badly. I was so horny all the time I felt like I could cum without touching myself. I walked into the bathroom and got undressed. I stepped into the 2nd shower stall next to Chris. I heard him say.

“Mike is that you?”

“Yah its me” I replied

I stood there for a minute, soon I felt my cock stand straight up again. All six inches pulsing so hard I thought I would explode. I finished up showering and my cock finally softened up. I wrapped a towel around my waste and stepped out of the shower. I frozen dead. There was Chris standing there totally naked, his 6 “ soft cock flopping around as he moved. I thought I was going to melt. He looked up at me and noticed I was staring at his dick.
“Oh hey mike. I didn’t see you were out of the shower yet. Do you want me to put some clothes on?” He said.

“You don’t have to. I don’t give a shit” I replied

“Oh ok then” he said.

I was too nervous to move. I juststood there. He asked me why I was staring at his cock. and I tried to deny it but he knew I was lying.

“Wait a minute, are you a fag or something?” Chris yelled out.

I had no ideas what to say I was tired of hiding it and I wanted him so badly I just blurted out the word “yes!” Before I could say another word he grabbed me and throw me up against the wall. I thought he was going to beat the shit out of me but instead he grabbed my head and pulled it closer to his. I had never seen his face so close up before. His lips were so perfect and his piercing blue eyes gave me a raging hard on. Before I knew it he kissed me.

It lasted forever. The feeling of his tongue swirling around in my mouth and playing with mine was unbelievable. He pressed me harder and lifted me up holding me tight up off the ground between him and the wall. I felt his cock get hard and rub against mine. The feeling was unlike anything I had ever felt before.

After we were done kissing he said, “ I have been waiting to do this for so long.” He turned me around and ripped my towel down. He got down on his knees and stuck his tongue in my ass, wiggling it around and slobbering spit into my tight virgin asshole. He got back up on his feet and took his 7.5” hard cock and began to force it slowly into me. I felt the head of his cock slide in followed by the shake. I let out a soft moan as he buried his dick deeper and deeper into me.

He grabbed onto my throat and pulled me back close to him. He kissed and sucked my neck and started to thrust in and out harder and harder. I started to moan loud he whispers into my ear “If you’re to loud the other guys will here us in here”. I tried to quietly down but the pleasure of his hot body on me and his cock riding my ass was just too much. Soon he too started to moan and the thrusting became more intense.

“Oh I’m going to cum so fucking hard!” Chris said

Suddenly Ielt Chris blow a few hard bursts of cum in my ass. He pumped for another minute and then slide his soft cock out of me leaving a trail of warm sticky cum dripping out of my asshole. We were both breathing heavily in exhaustion and relief. He licked the cum off my asshole and spat it into my mouth. He told me to spit it in his ass and fuck him as hard as I could.

Without hesitation I knelt down and swirled my tongue in his tight asshole spitting the cum all over it. I rose back up and entered him slowly, he moaned as I went farther in. Soon I was fucking the shit out him as hard as I could. Our balls were flopping around and hitting each other and we couldn’t help but moan so loud in all the pleasure.

After a few minutes he stopped me and said he wanted to try sucking my dick. He got down on his knees and stuffed my dick into his mouth and started to finger my ass as he was sucking. He jacked me off as he sucked the head of my penis. After a few minutes I felt like I was going to explode. Before I knew it I blew the biggest load I have ever blown in my life in his mouth.

He tried to swallow it but streams of it were running down his chin. We were exhausted. We kissed one more time and promised to do it again in the very soon.

We showed up again quickly and then left the bathroom so the other guys could use the shows next. I couldn’t believe what had just happened in there, I thought I was dreaming. I had always thought Chris was totally straight. I see him making out with some of the color guard girls all the time and I used to wish it were me instead of them he was kissing. Now my wish came true, I couldn’t believe he felt the same way I did for so long.

It was now 11:00 at night and time for everyone to go to bed so that we could wake up at 6:00 in the morning for practice. After we were all done showering and done joking around it was lights out and everyone hoped in their sleeping bags.

Chris’s sleeping bag was right next to mine. He whispered to me, “wait until everyone falls sleep, then we will sneak outta here.” I was very excited but I knew if the band director or one of the drum majors caught us we would be in big trouble. Anyone who is out after curfew is in deep shit with the staff. We just laid there for an hour before another word was spoke.

“Hey! Mike are you still up?” Chris whispered

“Yah I am” I said.

“Ok lets get outta here now, everyone is sleep” he said

“Alright, be sure to be extra quiet so no body hears us, and take a flashlight too.” I replied.

We tip toed out of the cabin and down the dirt path heading towards the football field were we practice everyday. Once we were away from our cabin and safely past the staff’s cabin Chris flipped on the light so we could see the path in front of us. The camp the band uses is located in the secluded wilderness and there wasn’t a light around for miles.

The woods were dark and restless in the cool summer’s night breeze. The whistle of the wind and the sound of owls and critics and other night creativity stood about in all directions. Chris put his arm around me and held me tight against his warm body as we walked. I wrapped an arm around his waist and grabbed onto one of his belt loops.

We arrived at the football field and sat down right in the middle of it. The bright moon and stars were illuminating the open field I could see Chris’s cute boyish face glowing in the moonlight with his long straight reddish-blonde hair covering one eye. He flipped out of the way and held me tight. We laid back on the ground and cuddled with each other. His perfectly shaped, juicy lips stretched back to form a sexy smile exposing his beautiful set of ninety-three teeth.

We laid there for a long time talking. He pulled a silver flask from his pocket and opened it up. He took a swig of the vodka that was inside and passed it to me to drink. After a couple of shots of the vodka we started to feel the effects. I had never really had an experience with alcohol before then but now I feel myself getting buzzed.

It felt amazing as we started to make out and his warm hands slide up and down my cool body. He rubbed my nipple with one hand and held me closer to his body with the other. He worked down with his hands rubbing my stomach and feeling up my hard cock. I reached down and grabbed his cock through his jeans a squeezed it. I felt it get instantly hard in my hand.

I slipped my hand down his pants and rubbed his cock. He let out a sight of relief and began to take his clothes off. I did the same. We were now rolling around naked on the 50-yard line in the middle of the night. I took his cock into my mouth and began to lick his head. Then I went farther down his shake and came back up.

He pushed my head down forcing his cockinto my throat. I gagged a little but soon began deep throating his amazing dick. I came up to his head and twirled my tongue around it and then went back down until his balls hit my chin. The feeling and taste of his cock sliding down my throat was orgasmic.

He moaned out the words, “I’m gonna cum.” Before I knew it he shot a huge load down my throat and all over my mouth. I swallowed and licked his cock clean of his cum. After that Chris knelt down and bent over. I came up behind him and forced my cock into his ass as hard as I could. Chris was surprised at the force I used and started to yell out in pain and pleasure all at the same time.

I kept pumping in and out of his tight asshole. He was really enjoying it by now and was moaning the words “HARDER! HARDER!” I started to cum and then erupted inside of him. Suddenly we saw the light of a flashlight and saw that it was moving in our direction. We got up and quickly throw our clothes on and ran into thewoods.

We snuck through the woods to the back of our cabin. We went around to the front and opened the door to find everyone up, lights on, and the director inside with an angry look on his face. He yelled “Nice of you boys to drop in at 2:00 am! Where the hell have you been?” Before we could say a word he started to yell again.

“Have you two been drinking?” He asked.

“No we swear we didn’t do anything, we just went for a walk that’s all” Chris said

“Don’t lie your eyes are all red and I smell alcohol on you boys!”

The director was really a nice guy but we did break his biggest rules and he had every right to be mad as us. We just stood there speechless.

“I have both drum majors out there looking for you.” He said in a now calm but disappointed voice.

“Were sorry.” we both said to him.

He left our cabin and told us we will be dealt with in the morning and that if we were caught out there again we would be suspended from the band automatically. We hoped in bed and went right to sleep hoping we wouldn’t get in to much trouble.

I felt to the sounds of taps blowing through the camp’s loud speakers. We were called into the director’s cabin within minutes. He said that we would be punished by having to clean the mess that all 100 band members make after each meal instead of having free time. We were relieved to have such a light sentencing since we were close to being kicked out for good.

Before we knew it, it was time to line up. I got my trumpet and lined up with the rest of the band to march down to the field that Chris and I had almost got caught fucking on last night. We got there and started are 3 hour practice in the hot August sun. The whole time I couldn’t keep my eyes off Chris. He drove me crazy. Every time I see him I feel so fucking horny.

After the three hours had passed everyone lined up to march to the cafeteria for breakfast. Once we got there everyone started eating, goofing off, and having a good time. Unfortunately we couldn’t enjoy it too much because we knew we would have to stay after for an hour to clean all the shit up. Soon kids began leaving, and then the rest followed the only people left were Chris, the director, and me. He told us to get busy and then he left the cafeteria leaving us totally alone in the building. We started cleaning all the mess up, wiping tables, and throwing trash away.

We were almost done when I felt Chris come up behind me and grab my ass. It felt good as he started to kiss my neck and dry hump me a little as his cock hardened. He pulled my pants down to my knees and then whipped his dick out of his shorts. He slip it slowly between my ass cheats and started to thrust it up and down. Soon he plunged it deep into my asshole, which felt amazing. He fucked me as hard as I fucked him the night before but since his dick was bigger thanmine it felt even better. He fucked me harder and harder until cum was dripping out of my asshole he pulled out of me and then turned me around. He picked me up and sat me on the table I had been cleaning. He grabbed me and passwordately kissed me. In all the excitement I had cum without even touching myself we laid there on the table to catch our breath and make out for a few minutes. Soon we got dressed and were on are way.

It had been a long week and it was our last day of band camp. The day was over by noon and we started loading the buss at that point. We sat in the back and held hands the whole 1 hour ride home without anyone noticing us. When nobody was looking we kissed for the last time before going home. We knew the amazing relationship would not end when we got off the bus, and we looked forward to the rest of the competitive marching band season that we had to fuck around during.


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