Soft darkness enveloped him, the slight breeze from the windowsill made his nipples stiffen. Blushing with embarrassment he tried to reach for a blanket, a coat, something to cover his bare chest.
A soft hand gripped his and he felt warm breath and words pour into his ear. “Now now, stop that, you’ll be warm soon enough.” He felt himself stir at the promises her lust filled voice held. “Oh, isn’t that cute,” her hand brushed him though his pants, “my little slut is getting hard.” The hand tightened and a soft moan escaped his lips.
Her laugh was light and smooth and she observed the boy with brown hair tinged with slight amounts of gold’s cheats turn red. “Embarrassed?” she chided and moved her hand slightly. “This is only the beginning.” She bit his neck and a whimpering mewling noise escaped and his hand pressed against the back of her skull, burying in her pink hair.
Her pouty pink lips tightened into a taunt grin of control. He couldn’t see the outfit she was wearing but he could feel her lipstick on his neck. Confused and aroused for the lack of sensing projection he tried to stay still but her hands were making him twitch and move. Her commands to stay still got brisker and harsher till he felt his arms jerked above him, rope tangling around his wrists. The smooth synthetic parachute cord wrapping around and under his wrists, between them and being tightened till they were pulled above his head he felt her lipstick smeared lips right against his ear, “Stay. Fucking. Still. Bitch, or I swear I’ll make you regret it.”
A shudder ran through him at her words. She noticed and dragged sharp fingerprint fingerprinternails up his back. She was smiling as he tried to stay still but his feet twitched. “Awww, you didn’t stay still…pathetic.” He felt her nails dig in to his back, whimpering and stuttering out a protest he felt the sweet fiery burn of fingerprinter nails ripping down his back, moans escaped him as he tried to bow upwards.
She moved away. He felt her absence like a hole in the ribs, he called for her and whimpered. “Sa-S-sarah? Mmughmm. S-sarah…?” She sat down on the chair near the footboard, watching her little bitch understand for her. She held the zip ties she selected for the occasion, smooth and without barbs. Distracted by his calling she spoke moving across the grass-mat to rummage through the closet. “I’m right here. Don’t Worry.”
Selecting a torn shirt she cut a long strip from the centre. Smiling at her choice, she walked back to her boyfriend. Seeing the fear on his face she frowned. His mouth was mumbling words she could barely make out. “Don’t go don’t go don’t go.” Was repeating from his cut up lips, fear shot through the simple words. She bent her head down her voice low and soft “hey, hey shush, I’m not goin’ nowheres.” Licking his ear she smiled watching his feet stir. “Lift your legs, bitch.”
He whimpered at the harsh name, not in humiliation but in ecstasy. Her voice with the deriding tone of command excited him. She grinned knowing what he was thinking about from the teeth chewing his lip. “I said lift your fucking legs, bitch.” His legs lifted up enough for her to slide the ties behind his calves and around his ankles. He felt the tightening of the zip ties. Rope slide through the ankle zip ties and was tied into the footboard. Whimpering in confusion and slowly turning to exultation.
Slightly annoyed by his mumbled stream of words she reached for the clothes strip she’d torn from the shirt. As she reached over she remembered something that made her boy moan and whimper in pleasure. She stripped off her panties and she was slightly surprised by how wet they were. “Open your mouth.” He did, confused as he was. Then he tasted her, sucking at her taste he shuddered and then felt a strip of clothes wrap around His mouth and tied behind his head. His ability to speak gone he shuddered.
Smiling to herself she glanced at the mirror hanging on his wall. Taking in her reflection she smiled and thought how his jaw would be dropping if he could see her. A fishnet shirt of fine mesh stretched over her chest, below it a shred of clothes that could charitably be called a top, and bluntly was a band of clothes that held her breasts so they were not exposed. A short skirt that skimmed above midthigh and fishnet stockings of the same weave meeting the hem of the skirt. Her high boots were the piece de resistance, she knew how he enjoyed seeing them grace her lithe form. She looked back at her love, smiling as she noticed his hips making fear rocking motions; a dead giveaway that he was horny as hell, as if the tent in his pants wasn’t a sufficient clue. Deftly sliding her hand over the bare skin of his cock she smiled at the shudders that rocked his form, trying to stay still. “Good boy.” She murmured loud enough for him to hear. “Very good boy.” Smiling wider as she felt him tense up and a low muffled moan escape his lips even through the gag. Stroking him softy, teasingly dragging her fingertips and nails across the underside of his dick. Giggling once at how he spasmed in his bonds. “Mmm, if you think that’s good my little slut feel this.” She licked the head and grabbed him roughly jerking up and down. His back bent and she took him into her mouth, tongue swirling under the head. He moaned and tried to pant through the gag. She lightly, barely touching him at all; oh so lightly dragged the tip of her tongue over the slit and he bucked. Sliding up and down teasing and sucking on him, all the sensitive spots, around and under the head, the slit, and the entire underside. She watched him whimper and head roll on his shoulders. Wishing she could see his eyes but they were blocked by a blindfold, a soft black band of clothes possibly from a shirt or a bolt of fabric. A twisting ballof lust boiled in her lower stomach and loins, she wanted him, now. Pushing down on these feelings she teased him more. She flicked his nipple, nipped it, clawing down his ribs she saw his dick twitch and he tried to hide his face from her.
“Don’t hide,” she gripped his throat and felt her fingers tighten around his neck gently, “or I’ll squeeze.” He shook and tried to hide his further growing embarrassment. He felt her fingers tighten and a strange mixture of helplessness and arousal ran through him and he felt her straddle his hips. Sitting lightly so that he had no chance of getting friction at all she licked and nipped all over his upper chest and neck. He was bucking gently now and she smiled and climbed off him. He felt himself be shifted over from his back to his stomach, fear and confusion shot through him, like cold fire. “Shhhh, shhhh…its fine baby its fine. You’ll be fine.” He whimpered and nodded conveying ultimate trust in her.
Her hands slipped to the bottle of lubricant she had packed in her pink backpack. He lifted his knees up and managed to get into a bowing position. His legs were quickly locked into position and he dug his face into the sheets from sheer embarrassment. Feeling disgusted with himself, here he was with his love’s taste in his mouth secured by a strip of what he thought was some sort of cut up shirt, a thick blindfold on his eyes so his sense of touch was peaked, bound up and on his knees while he felt his lover behind him and he hid his face glad she could only see his outline. He didn’t hear if she had turned on the lights. But he did hear the snap of a bottle opening and he felt something wet against his asshole. Instinctive fear shot through him and he suppressed the urge to flee, to struggle and hide. Even though he loved her in him he was still terrified of the ripping tearing pain inside of him that was inflicted before he met her. Forcing himself to stay still he shuddered andShook as her fingertip pressed in gently.
She smiled and drove her finger in all the way, he was slick and wet from the lubricating oil she put around his hole, sliding her finger in and out briskly she watched his hips rock backward trying to get her in deeper. She knew that he was going only on feeling and that he’d do anything for her. She added another finger and his fingers clenched and he shook more. Glancing at his cock she noticed the slight leak of fluid from the head. Even though she didn’t like the taste she licked the slit and cleaned the leak, figuring it’d turn him on, she didn’t realize how much.
He couldn’t see, he had no warning so he couldn’t put up his walls. He just suddenly felt her tongue on him, eyes rolling back in his head he moaned through the gag. Embarrassment gone he whimpered and tried to get her deeper in him. Her two fingers were the perfect fit, not to wide so it didn’t hurt badly but they just weren’t long enough.
She sensed and saw him trying to get her deeper and she smiled. Pulling out the other ‘gift’ she brought: a six inch dildo. He felt her pull her fingers out and his head snapped around, trying to hear what she was doing, all he heard was an opening and closing of a door somewhere downstairs and the zip of a zipper. Then he felt it, the warm plastic brushing against his ass, fear and panic welled up and she saw his head thrash. Getting the tip and shake lubed up she laughed gently, “don’t be such a baby. You’ll love it, I promise, then again you would, you fucking whore.” She got her desired response of moans and his head ducking down and saw his fingers grip the headboard. She took this as a sign he was ready and slid the dildo, slightly wider than her fingers into him. He moaned louder and hips rocked, backing himself up onto the plastic. It felt huge in him, stretching and pushing into spots he felt only briefly a few years prior. He was shaking and his cock spasming whimpering and completely helpless. She was grinning at an idea she had watching him writing. Pressing the button on the base of the dildo it vibrated at high speeds a whirring noise humming in the dead air. His body went limp shaking and quivering in a feeling he’d never felt before. The dildo was shaped so it would stay in him if he tried to push it out; she gracefully sat with her legs spread in front of him.
He blushed as he smelled her and his mouth watered. He wanted to taste her, badly, needed to in fact. The panties had lost their taste and he longed to eat her. Although the whirring victory and waves of inexplicable pleasure he was feeling, he held the feelings at bay so he could try to stay sane. “Mmm, you want to taste it little bitch?” His head jerked up and down and she smiled, “You wanna eat me Cammy-kun?” He nodded again and shook more from losing concentration. “C’mon says it, oh, are my panties in the way? Aww lemme take care of that, slut.” She reached over and slit the clothes hearing it part with a ripping noise.
He opened his mouth and let her panties fall out. Inching his head forwards towards her he felt her hand hold his head still. “No, say it, beg you fucking bitch.” He whimpered and mumbled out words too soft for her to hear. “Louder. Fucking says it louder!” He moaned at the words and looked up at where he thought her face was, “Please, mistress, please god let me eat you, I want you I want you, let me taste you please. Do anything…I’ll do anythingin’” he moaned out and she leaned her pussy to his face, “Good boy.”
He pushed forwards and felt her stockings against a chef and pushed the mini skirt up with his forehead and licked and lapped at her, looking for the little bud that makes her go insane. He felt it and listened to her light gasps and felt a hand rake through his hair and glowed with pleasure because he was pleasing her through his actions. Pushing his tongue against the bud and flicking and sucking as best he could. He felt immense pride while she shuddered and shook. Her moans became louder, getting closer and closer, “Eat me eat me eat me.” She moaned and gripped his hair, “I-I’m comingggg” panting and tensed up, coming for him, he felt a surge of pride. He pulled back as she finished. “G-good boy.”
He rested his head on the bed panting and trying harder to ignore the vibrations inside him. Shaking he felt himself put onto his back by her, “Kyuu?” he whimpered out, a confused mewling noise. He felt her mouth close over him, hot and wet. He moaned and tried to pull his hands down to stop it from feeling too good. He felt her bite his hip, “Shut the fuck up and take it,” she grabbed the dildo and rammed it in harder. He was assaulted by dual pleasures and whimpered panting and struggling against the rope confinement.
She sucked hard and fast, bobbing her head with her lips pressed tightly against his shake. Whenever she stopped to watch him squirm she rolled her tongue around the head, adding little sucks to see how he reacted. She took her mouth off of him and gripped tightly jerking her hand up and down “come goddamnit!” Moans escaped and he struggled to force out “Let me do it…”
“NO.” she sucked hard on the tip and he shook, jamming the dildo into him over and over into his spot he shook. Over and over she pushed him to the brink, he moaned and shook and shivered and compromised but she couldn’t push him over the edge, ripping out the dildo she throw it to the side “Goddamnit! FUCK ME.” She cut the zip ties off of him. Slashed at the rope and the blindfold, facing away from him her ass wriggling exclusively, “come here, now damnit goddamnit fuck me bitch.” He crawled up behind her and she grabbed his cock and placed it at the right place and he bucked forward, trying not to scream as he pumped in and out slowly, “faster damn you fuck me hard” he obliged and sped up soon unable to stop going as hard as he could pumping in and out faster and faster. She was making and moaning as he worked in and out pushing himself to the limit.
Whimpering as he gripped her hips and bent his head down and kissed her between the shoulder blades as he felt her tighten around him, hot and wet. An orgasm ripped through her and she screamed his name. Unable to hold back he moaned her name over and over “Sarah Sarah AAAhhhhh mgmhmnnn. I-I’m gonna come…”
“In me in me in me in me in me.” She mumbled out incoherently, as she became he was unable to hold back. He moaned and erupted into her screaming her name and shaking. She moaned as she felt him pumping into her, “feels so damn good,…uuunnnnnn” she collapsed, spent. He pulled out and drew her close.
“I love you.”
“I know, I love you too Cammy…”
The two lovers heldEach other close. Breathing contently till they fell asleep, caressing in an intimately familiar way.
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