My Ride Thru Boston

I’m new in Mass. and a friend of mine has suggested that I stay in this real nice hotel in Cape Cod. I’ve always wanted to visit Cape Cod, I’ve heard it’s very lovely this time of year, so I agree.

I need a driver, so I call for a personal one, instead of a cabby, they charge too much, The hotel tells me they will send their best one for me.

After I go to pick up my luck, I’m waiting at the Information desk, when I notice this very attractive, very tall man coming towards me. He smiles and nods his head politely to me, and then asks the lady at the desk to page, ‘Janelle Soel her car is waiting.’

I’m just starring at his profile, I’m too mesmerized to even hear that it was my name that he’s said. Until it goes over head, that’s when my face turns criminal, and I say, “Oh my gosh, that’s me. You’re my driver ? Lucky me” I feel a weird feeling in my gut, and thenI feel the familiar feeling in my cunt.

He stutters briefly, just enough to make me think mhmmm.

“Is this your luck?”
He takes my luck swiftly and in an authoritative voice says, “ This way.”

I can help but notice the growing bulge in his pants as I follow. That familiar feeling erupts within instantly, I’m ready, that churning feeling down below cannot be denied.

As I’m following behind this very sexy man, The only thing going throw my mind is, ‘ I’m def. going to have fun while I’m here, and maybe have some on my way to the hotel.’

I want to reach out and pinch his ass, but as I begin to reach out my hand, he turns and opens the back passenger side door. ‘Damn, I almost got caught.’
“How long until we get to the Hotel ?”

Skillfully but knowing he takes my hand and guides me into the back seat.

He introduces himself, “I’m John, I’ll be here all night if you need anything at all. We don’t have a busy night ahead so please feel free to call if you want or need anything. We will be at the hotel in about 20 minutes.”

He loads the luggage into the back of the land rover and begins to drive. The look in his eyes tells me, that he wants me. The touch of his hand sends a little added tingle to my progressively moistening pussy. He knows now he can have me if he wants me. The bulge was huge, he is hard, I want to see it.

I sit patiently waiting for him to put my luck in the back. I’m thinking, 20 minutes, that would be enough time to seduce this handsome man.

I see him walking around to the drivers side, and I lean towards the window, just to check out his ass, and the bulge he has growing. I won’t have to work too hard to seduce him.

I watch as he expertly pulls out in traffic, I would be a nervous wreck if I had to drive in a big city. I also see thathe is deliberately keeping his eyes on the road, not looking in the mirror, so I decide to make my move, I’m an Independent woman, so I lean forward, and blow lightly into his ear. I see the shiver as he tries to sit still and concentrate on driving.

I slide over in my seat, so that I’m directly behind him. I lean forward a little more, and lean my head to the side, and lick his neck up to the shell of his ear. I whisper, ” You want to fuck me, don’t you ?”

His driving wobbles slightly, and I smile a knowing smile.

I blow light breezes on the back of his neck, and then kiss the nape. “You want to eat my pussy, don’t you?”

I hear a small sight from him, he’s really trying to concentrate, but it’s the last question that gets him reckless. “Can I come up there and suck your cock, while your driving ?”
‘This is it’ He thinks. ‘oh god this hot woman wants a piece of me…..I’d rather hold her off to a room…but oh god the head of my dick is starting to tingle with vigor.’

“Can you hop up in the front?” He asks

It felt like one smooth move, I pulled my panties off, and was in the front seat in no time. I couldn’t wait to suck his cock into my hot mouth, and maybe to get him to bury his fingers into my pussy. I couldn’t wait to do this all the while he’s driving thru the city. The thought of either being seen or getting stopped by a cop was so excited.

The second I was in the front seat, I started yanking on his trousers, while pulling up my skirt to show off my bald pussy. “I’m on fire now, could you please help me John ? Touch me, just there.” I say pointing to my clip.

That’s when we ran into the back of an officers cruiser.


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