Well, when I started writing this, I didn’t think I’d be writing a damn novel as my first story. I’ve been working on my writing skills, so I hope this turn out better. Crits and comments more than welcome.
[/FONT] Chapter – 4
So there they were, sitting on the edge of the bed while Jen’s father yelled at them. Our ears as naked to his verbal assault as our bodies were to his eyes. Laura was just sobbing uncontrollably. Jen wanted so much to hug her and hold her close to comfort her, but she know her dad would only break them up again.
“But Daddy! I love her!” Jen cried.
“Love? What do you know of love? She’s a woman! How can you love her like a man? It’s not the same thing!” He shouted. Apparently, according to her dad, loving someone requires that somebody had a Penis, Jen thought. Her mom had gone downstairs, she couldn’t handle this.
After a few minutes of yelling back and forth, her dad finally stopped and talked in a quite voice.
“I don’t want you living here anymore. You’re not going to be some damn lesbians under my roof. I want you gone tonight. Now both of you get dressed and get out of my house.” With that he left.
Jen felt a bomb had just been dropped in her stomach. Laura had stopped sobbing now but she still had tears falling down her cheeses.
“I want to go with you. I don’t care where we end up; I want to be with you.” Laura said. Her eyes were starting to well up again.
“Laura, no! You can still live here. You’re parents haven’t kicked you out. Most of your stuff is there!”
“Yes, but they’re not really any different than yours, and I know you’re dad’s already on the phone to mine telling them what happened. Besides, I don’t want to leave you. I can always get new stuff; I can’t get a new Jennifer.”
Jen leaned over and hugged her. “I love you. Okay, let’s pack some stuff then. You have your spare clothes in this bag.” She handed Laura a duffle bag that would hold about a weeks worth of her clothes. “I’ll put mine in the body bag.” She pulled a huge bag out of her closet, one that you could literally hide a body in, thus the name. “I’ll also put some blankets, towels and stuff in here. If you can think of anything else, let me know.”
Laura throw the clothes she kept in Jen’s bedroom into the bag. She then grabbed another small bag and went into the bathroom to get some soap and shampoo.
Meanwhile, Jen was busy packing blankets and pillows and comforters into the big bag, and then went for her clothes next, first dumping the contents of her underwear drawer into the bag. Fortunately, Laura had caught up to Jen in size over the past year which means that Laura could wear Jen’s panties and bras, saving on space. The same thing was true for most of their clothes now, but it was still nice to have their own stuff.
“Don’t forget your laptop.” Laura said as she packed hers into the body bag.
Jen finished packing her clothes and computer, grabbed some personal items and was done. Laura was already getting dressed when Jen grabbed her clothes up from the floor.
“Where will we go? We can’t afford much on what we make.” Laura said. In fact, over the past year, they had accumulated over eight thousands from selling memberships to the website with Jen’s nude modeling and some side work Laura did programming web pages. They had opened a joint account at one of the local banks and pooled their money together. Money won’t be a problem initially, but they made less than seven hundreds per month, and if they weren’t careful, it wouldn’t last long.
“Well, we can find a hotel for the night, but we can’t do that for long. We’ll need to find an apartment that we can afford within range of school.” Jen explained.
“School! What if this gets out? We’ll never be able to go back there.”
“I wouldn’t worry about it now. If it gets out, what’s the worst that can happen? I mean who cares what those losses will think.” Laura looked a little more comfortable at that thought. Jen grabbed the keys to her car and they hauled the bags down the stairs. Her parents were locked in their bedroom. She could hear her mom softly sobbing and some movement from the light shining from under the door.
As they packed the stuff into the trunk and back seat Jen took one more look around.
“Come on, we need to get going!” Laura reminded her.
“Right, let’s go.” Jen said and she started up the car.
* * * *
Neither one of them talked much during their journey due to the shock and despair setting in. They drive allthe way to Hanford, the next big town. It was some sixty miles from home, but that didn’t matter anymore. They would still have a thirty miles drive to school in the morning, but as long as they minimized the chances of running into their parents, that was OK.
They went to several cars and finally around one in the morning, they found one that cost about $69 per week. It wasn’t the best of places, but it looked clean and they could stay there for a while.
“Well, it may not look like much but I’m too tired to go on.” Jen said. She dropped the big bag next to the queen size bed and stripped out of her clothes. Laura did the same and they got into bed. Too tired to do anything more than sleep, they curled up in a spoon and fell asleep.
* * * *
The next day, Jen got up and looked around the room. They were going to need to look for a job and an apartment. They couldn’t afford to live here for long.
First thing was the job, and for that they needed a news paper. Since she was hungry and she was sure that Laura would be too, she got dressed and left a note for Laura stating where she was going. No need to traumatize her anymore after yesterday by disappearing.
She walked a few buildings down to where she saw a McDonalds. There she bought breakfast for the both of them, and a local newspaper. When she got back, Laura was awake and sitting on the edge of the bed watching TV. Jen noticed a few tears rolling down her cheeses.
“Hey sweetie, I got breakfast for you.”
“Oh thank you!” Laura said, almost instantly cheering up. She grabbed the bag and wolfed down her breakfast sandwich. Laura was one of those people that could eat a ton of food and never put on a pound.
“I also have a paper, I’m going to look for a job and maybe see what we can do for a place to stay.
Jen sat on the bed next to Laura and they went through the classified ads.
“Oh, here’s one!” Laura excitedly pointed out.
“ ’West-End Tack Shop.’ “ She said as she read the ad. “Cool, I’ll head down there right now. You want to come?”
“Sure, maybe they have more openings and I could work there too.” Laura said as she went to put some clothes on.
“I just hope that we can find an affordable place to live in now.” Jen said.
* * * *
Jen and Laura entered the store and looked around. They noticed an older man at the counter looking through some boxes.
“Excuse me sir, we saw your ad in the paper about a job?’ Jen said nervously. Neither one of them had ever had a job outside of working on their parents ranches.
“That’s right. I need someone to help me take care of the store, especially cleaning up at night. Say two hours at night and five Saturday and Sunday.”
“We can do that. We’ve worked with horses all our lives, so we know most of the stuff you have in the store.” Laura said.
“Well, you seem like nice girls, but I can only afford to hire one person.” He said.
“We can alternate. You see, we live together.” Jen explained. She thought of how to tell the kind looking old man that she and Laura were lovers. “We, ahhh… well… are together.” She gave him a weak smile.
They could see the meaning dawn on his face. “You mean you two are into other girls?”
“Ah… Yes sir. Laura and I are in love. We’re lesbians.” She admitted.
“Ah,” He chuckled “Love is a wonderful thing. You say you’re living together? You look to be too young doing that sort of thing.”
“Our parents found out about us and they kicked us out. They didn’t want us to be ourselves under their roof, but how can you just stop loving someone? I’m sorry, but we’re more than capable of taking care of ourselves.” Jen said defiantly.
“Well, that’s an awful thing to go through. Maybe I can help.” He thought for a few seconds. “Are you still looking for a place to live?” He asked.
“Yes sir, we were going to look after we got a job.” Laura replied.
“Well, how about this. If you two want the job, I have an apartment upstairs that’s sitting empty. I’ll let you live there rent free instead of paying you each week. There are not enough people living around here to want to live in that apartment, so it’s just sitting empty most of the time.”
Jen and Laura just sat there in stunned silence at the change in their luck. After a few moments, Jen was the first to speak up.
“We would love it!” She said. “Can we see it today?”
“You sure can. Welcome aboard.” He said, shaking their hands. “My name is Daniel Howard. Now if you’llJust follow me, we’ll go take a look”
* * * *
They entered the apartment through the stairs outside, next to the front entrance of the store.
“The keys will open both the door at the bottom of the stairs and the top as well.” Mr. Howard said.
They stopped at the landing as he opened the top door. When he was done rattling the keys and opened the door, they entered the apartment. It was actually quite spacious, more than enough for the two of them. To the right of them, was a nice size living room, and ahead and to the left was the kitchen.
“Wow, this is huge! Laura exclaimed.
“Heat, water, and cable TV are paid for, since it goes to the shop too. You will have to pay for your own electric and phone, but I don’t imagine that those will add up too much each month.”
They walked thru the kitchen and then the bathroom, which was about the size of Jen’s old one atHer parent’s house. The bedroom was quite spacious, with a walk in closet and some nice windows overlooking the river and mountains behind the store.
“Most of this was renovated about five years ago and only one person lived here for a few months. The appliances are fairly modern- all electric. Rent free if you help me out in the store.”
They were just about in tears. “Mr. Howard, this is too wonderful! You’re such a kind man, we can’t thank you enough.” Jen said.
“Well shot; it’s no problem at all. You two remind me of my daughters, even if you’re not into guys like they are. I’ll appreciate the help more than anything; I’m getting too old to be doing some stuff anymore. If you’d like, you can move in today. I just have to make some calls to get electric and other stuff turned on.”
“Yes, we would love that!” Laura said. “We just need to get some furniture in here.”
“There are some good thrift shops around with furniture for sale, and an actual furniture store just down the street. Heck, if you need to, just borrow my truck, I shouldn’t be needing to go anywhere for a while.”
“Oh Mr. Howard, that’s great!” Jen said and she and Laura gave him a big hug at the same time.
“Careful, the Misses will get jealous and I’ll have to hide all the knives.” He joked.
Mr. Howard then left them alone in their new apartment and Jen and Laura looked around a bit lost.
“So, what next?” Laura asked a little bewildered.
Jen looked around the bedroom. “A queen size bed should do us nicely. Plus we’ll need a dresser and lamps and hungers, etc…”
Jen stopped and looked at Laura. “Why don’t you take the car and go get some stuff from the grocery store. Also, we’ll need some curtains and extra sheets, kitchen utesils, etc…. Use you’re imagination.” Jen reached into her purse and pulled out their check book and keys to the car. “Use this, I’ll take the debit card and buy us a mattress at the furniture store and look for other stuff like chairs at the thrift store.”
After moving their bags in the apartment, the two girls went down the stairs and parted with a kiss.
* * * *
One long day of shopping the girls were back at the apartment. In addition to buying the mattress, Jen had found a couch, loveseat, a kitchen table set, and a microwave oxygen. While they weren’t the latest style, they were still nice.
“Holy shit! I never knew moving would be so hard!” Laura complained. They had moved the mattress up first, setting it up with the box springs and frame. Next came the couch and loveseat. Lastly, they moved the kitchen table and chairs to the dining area.
“I don’t think my back will ever be the same.” Laura rubbed her lower back as she sat down in one of the kitchen chairs. There was a nice arrangement of roses on the table that Jen got for Laura to try and make her feel better since she lost all of her stuff.
“Same here.” Jen got up and walked over to Laura and started to rub her shoulders.
“Mmmmmmm… That feels so good.” Laura rolled her head around, stretching her neck as Jen’s hands did their work.
“How about you go lay down on the bed and I’ll take care of that back for you?” Jen suggested. It didn’t take Laura but more than a second to agree.
Laura got up and they moved to the bedroom. She stripped down to her panties and lay down on the stomach on the bed.
“Oh god, this bed is so soft, I love pillow tops! It’s much better than my old one! Awesome job girl!” Laura ran her hands over the comforter, feeling its softness.
“I’ll be there in one sec.” Jen called. She walked into the closet and took a bottle of lotion out of her as of yet unpacked bag. She went back to the bed and stripped down to her panties as well. Finally, she climbed on the bed and knelt between Laura’s legs.
“You know I’m all hot and sweaty.” Laura said.
Jen leaned forward to whisper in Laura’s ear, her breasts, swinging from her sudden movement, brushed against Laura’s back. “So am I, we’ll shower later.” Jen said as she lightly ran her tongue around the outside of her ear.
“Stop that!” Laura squirmed “You’re going to get me all horny!”
“Now we wouldn’t want that.” Jen teased. She squirted some lotion out onto Laura’s back.
“Eek! Did you keep that thing in the refrigerator?”
Jen rubbed in the lot, paying close attention to her lower back where she was sore. A bit later, she pulled down Laura’s panties a few inches so she could rub her hips, one of Jen’s personal favorites. After a few minutes of rubbing there, she pulled Laura’s panties all the way down, exposing her cute butt and tantalizing sex.
“Hey!” Laura protested, albeit with little vigor behind it. Jen leaned forward again and kissed the back of her neck, silencing the protests.
Jen kissed all around her neck, and nibbled on her ears some more. All Laura did now was let out soft gasps. She kissed her upper back, then lower back and sides. The kisses on her sides would occasionally elicit a shriek from Laura as it was a very ticklish spot for her. Now Jen was at kissing her ass cheeks, from one side, into her crevice and to the other. Finally, she licked up and down her ass, at first pressing in with just her tongue, then using her hands to spread her shaped bottom to get better access. Jen could smell her musky scent as she started to gunguing her hole, pressing in just past the powerful sphincter. Laura started moaning in pleasure, slowly wiggling her bottom back and forth.
Jenbacked off for a moment, admiring the sight of her lover. She noticed a drop of her pussy juice ready to drip down onto the new bed sheets. She leaned in and licked it off, savoring the wonderful taste. Jen started moving her tongue up and down, at first lightly brushing the outside of her slit, and then a little harder, pushing past her folds.
Laura, wanting to give Jen better access to her pussy, pulled her legs up under her. Face still in the pillow, she moaned as Jen’s tongue penetrated her hole. She started rocking back and forth as her pussy was licked from behind. This was one of her favorite positions, as the orgasms always seemed more intense. Jen’s fingers found her clip and she felt as if her world was going to exploit. Burying her face in her pillow to hide her screams, as she always did when the two girls had sex at their parents’ houses, she let out a muffled scream. Laura felt her pussy convulsed around Jen’s tongue as she came.
Jen for her part was just trying not to drop in the juices spinning out of Laura’s pussy. Finally, Laura’s orgasm subsided and her legs slipped out from under her as she collapsed to the bed.
“Oh shit, that was wonderful. I love that tongue of yours.” Laura said, voice still muffled by the pillow.
“And it loves your pussy. It loves your ass too for that matter” Jen joked. “If you hadn’t worked a sweat before, I think you just did now. How about a shower to wash it off?”
Laura rolled over and propped herself up on her elbows. “That sounds like a great idea.” She said, still sounding a bit out of breath.
They got up and Laura grabbed some of the new towers that she bought at the store today. Jen was already turning on the water, getting it ready for their shower.
“Mr. Howard told me that this building has it’s a rather large boiler, so we can probably shower until we’re prunes.” Jen said. She removed her panties and climbed into the shower. Laura put the towels on the back of the toilet and climbed in after her.
Laura got the body wash and started rubbing it around on Jen’s back. She rubbed it in all over her back, then down, between Jen’s ass cheeks and down her legs. Jen turned around and Laura got more soap to put on her front side. She soaped up her shoulders, breasts and down her belly to her pussy.
“Now you’re starting to get me turned on.” Jen said. Laura moved on from her pussy and finished her legs. When she was all washed, she hugged Jen from behind, kissing her neck and shoulders.
“Okay, now I’m really starting to get turned on.” Laura started playing with Jen’s breasts, rubbing her hands up and down her chest. She slowly kissed down Jen’s back and ass. Jen bent forward, grabbing on to a towel rack.
At the angle Jen was bent at, Laura couldn’t reach her pussy with her tongue, so she licked up and down her ass. She started to gunguing her hole and moved her hands down to Jen’s pussy. She inserted a finger and Jen gasped with pleasure as it started moving in and out. Laura was doing the same with her tongue on Jen’s ass, moving it in and out past the sphincter.
“Oh god Laura, that feels so good. Don’t stop!” Jen felt Laura’s tongue in her ass and finger in her pussy. All she could do is hold on the towel bar and enjoy the sensings. As she felt her climax build, she started screaming.
Laura felt Jen’s ass clamp down on her tongue. She couldn’t tell in the shower, but she was sure that Jen was dripping wet. Jen’s pussy throbbed around her finger as she came.
Laura withdraw her tongue and gave her one last kiss on her ass. After a moment, Jen stood up as well. She turned around and embedded Laura and gave her a deep kiss.
“Well, if we keep doing this, we’ll never get out of here and we’ll end up looking like prunes.” Laura quipped.
* * * *
Later that night, they were lying in their new bed, Jen lightly rubbing Laura’s back.
“Hey, it’s pretty cool that we got our apartment and bed now. Heck, we even got a cat.” Laura said as Rudy the Cat curled up at her feet. “It feels like we’re more like a real couple.”
“Don’t you miss being at home?” Jen asked.
“Yes and no. I miss the security and having my family and my horse. I miss it all a lot.” She was starting to cry a bit now. “But, I also like having the freedom to be on my own. I can get out of bed and get a midnight snack without having to put anything on. I love being with you. I can be with you every night, wake up with you every morning, and make love to you without trying to hide behind a locked bedroom door.” She stopped and thought for a bit. “It’s really scary being on our own though, what happens if somehing goes wrong? There’s so much stuff we don’t know. What do we do about health insurance? Mr. Howard doesn’t have any. If one of us get’s really sick, we’ll be in big trouble.”
“Life is full of risks.” Jen said. “Every time we went out back horseback riding, one of us could have got hurt or killed. I think every couple starts out without knowing much or having much of anything. Personally, I’m actually glad it happened. I felt we’ve been living like we were under lock and key, never able to be our true selves around other people. Now I can love you and never feel any Guilt.”
Jen finished rubbing Laura’s back and curled up behind her in a spoon. By then, Laura’s tears had dried up.
“We’ll make this work Laura.” Jen said reassuringly.
She just responded by pulling Jen’s arm around her and they fell asleep together.
* * * *
Several days later, Jen and Laura were doing thebudget and finding out how much they spend.
“Well, we’ve spent over two thousand dollars so far.” Jen said as she added up the numbers on her computer. “That leaves just under six thousand in out account.”
“But we have just about everything we need now.” Laura replied. “We have all of the furniture that we wanted, and most of the small things like utesils, trash cans, and cell phones. I’ve even replenished my wardrobe and I have my own underwear with some sexy lingerie that my mom would never approve of. Now it’s just paying the bills, buying food, and gas for the car.”
“We should be in a good position if we keep to the budget and keep the money from the website coming in.” Jen said. She was always good with budgets and numbers. When she went to college next year, she wanted to major in business and accounting.
“Yeah, we need to do more shoots for the site. I only have about 6 more weeks of material left.” While Jen was good at handling their money, Laura did all the photography and website publishing that keep them in it. Of course it helped that she had a beautiful woman, in the form of her best friend and lover, to take pictures of. The problem is that Jen, at seventeen, was still technically underage for nude pictures. So was she for that matter, but Jen at least looked like she was in her early twentyties. They just were careful and put a disclaimer that Jen was nineteen. Who was going to check? There were probably tens of thousands of sites like that with girls on them, probably a bunch of them were underage as well. While Jen did have a following, she doubted that the government would find out anytime soon.
“Well, now that we have our own place, we can take some interior pictures. Maybe next summer, when you’re almost eighteen, we can do some girl-girl shots. But that doesn’t help us now. Maybe we should just drive around and get a bit more familiar with the area?” Jen suggested.
“Sounds like a great idea; I’ll grab the camera in case we find a spot. Make sure you wear something with a soft waistband, like sweatpants. And no panties or bra, I don’t want to see any marks on your body.” Laura reminded her. Dozens of photo shoots had taught them the basics of nude modeling, by now they were both pros.
* * * *
They drove around for an hour before they spotted what they were looking for. Part of the state forest that ran behind their ranches also ran near town. The spot was a trail that led up to a river with a small waterfall. Laura grabbed the camera bag and Jen a small duffle bag of supplies. After a mile and a half walk, they reached the spot.
“Wow, this is beautiful. How about you start down in that small pool over there and then we’ll go over and do the water fall.” Laura suggested.
“Sounds good, I just hope the water isn’t as cold asit looks.”
Jen stripped off her clothes as Laura set up the camera.
“Holy crap, this is cold!” Jen said. She walked around the pool and stopped in the middle, where it was up to her waist. “Still not as cold as that stupid winter shoot that we did.” She shivered at the memory of walking around in a snow covered forest nude with nothing but her riding shoes on while Laura photographed her.
Laura directed her to stand under the waterfall. The cool water drenched her as she posed for the camera. After a few minutes, she got out from under it and Laura had her go over to a moss covered rock.
“Why don’t you give me a good show? If you get me horny enough, I might call it a day.” She teased.
Jen sat down on the rock first in a semiconductor pose with her legs spread. She started playing with her breasts as she gave the camera a semiconductor look. One hand moved down to her pussy and she started rubbing back and forth.
Laura was getting horny herself. As she was taking pictures, she slipped her hand down her pants and started rubbing her own pussy.
Jen was leaning back on the rock by now, her hand alternatively circled her clip and entering her pussy. When she observed Laura with her hand in her pants she got really excited. Her fingers started doing quicker circles around her clip and she started moaning loudly.
Within a few minutes both girls were screaming in powerful orgasms. Jen just lay back on the rock exhausted and Laura had to sit down next to the tri-pod as her legs gave out. She snapped a few more pictures of the sedate Jen with her remote as she recovered.
“Well,” Laura looked at her friend “I think we can call it a day.”
* * * *
A few weeks later Jen was working on the accounting for the store. She had learned how to keep track of the finances from her dad and had taken as many classes as she could in school. While most people abhor working with numbers, she loved it. Balancing a budget was almost orgasmic when she hit the numbers dead on. When Mr. Howard found out about her skill, he offered to let her do the finances for the store. Since this was above and beyond what they originally hired on for, he started paying her for her work.
Laura for her part had put up a website for the store so people could order what they needed online. Since Mr. Howard wasn’t too computer savvy, he hadn’t thought of that before. Now, with the upswing in business brought by the online orders, he paid Laura to keep the site updated and offered her a commission on each item sold.
Jen finished the accounting for the store and moved on to their own finances. Now that they had some more income, they could consider doing some fun stuff like going out. After reviewing their finances, she closed down her laptop andgot up from the computer desk.
She went into the kitchen where Laura was making dinner in the nude. Jen walked up behind her as she was making a salad and slid her arms around Laura’s wait.
“Hey sweetie, you want to go on a date?” Jen asked
“Oh sure, you want to date me now that we’re all domestic.” Laura ground her butt into Jen as she teased her.
“Oh you!” Jen backed up and swatted Laura on the ass. Laura turned around and snapped a kitchen towel at Jen and she reeled back, looking for a way to defend herself. She grabbed up another towel and snapped back. The Bra and panties she was wearing didn’t do much to mitigate the sing when Laura made contact. They severed each other around the kitchen table and into the living room where they both fell to the couch laughing.
“Oh my god! You’re too much fun.” Jen said, catching her breath
“One of the reasons you love me, right?” Laura smiled.
“I’ll show you how much I love you later tonight.” Jen teased. “Would you like to go to a movie with me?”
“Why Miss. Wilson, I’d be delighted to go, but just know that I don’t kiss on a first date.” Laura said in her finest imitation southern accent. “But dinner is getting cold,” She said a bit more seriously “so why don’t we go get something to eat?” Laura got up and Jen followed her best friend’s shaped ass to the table.
* * * *
They got tickets to the latest action movie playing at the theater. After getting some pop-corn and drinks, they sat down at the back of the theater. After the movie started and the lights went down, Jen’s hands wandered up Laura’s leg.
“So, I finally got the loving you promised?” Laura said. Jen just leaned over and kissed her.
Jen’s hands wandered up to Laura’s crotch and she rubbed her pussy through her jeans. Fortunately,There were only a few other couples in the theater, and they were at least ten rows away.
Jen could feel the heat from Laura’s pussy through her pants as her hand rested there. Her other hand unbuttoned a few buttons on Laura’s shirt and she slipped her hand in, feeling her breast through her lacy bra.
“You make me so hot.” Laura said. Jen unbuttoned her pants and pulled down the zipper. Laura slide down her seat giving her easier access. Jen slide her hand down Laura’s pants and under her panties and feel the soft hair covering her pussy. She could instantly feel that her panties were soaked with her juices. She slide her hand deeper, sliding her fingers down into her slit. Her fingers were coated in her lover’s juices as her hand probed her depths.
“Oh god Jen, you’re going to make me cum.” Laura breathed between kisses. Jen hadn’t even started playing with her clip and already she was ready to go off. She felt Jen inserta finger into her hole and slide it in and out. Jen found just the right spot and she let out a soft moan that was drowned out by the action on the screen.
“Oh yes, keep it up!” Laura arched her back as she felt her orgasm building. “Oh god! I’m cumming!” She said with a muffled voice as she kissed Jen full on the lips.
Jen felt Laura’s pussy squeeze her finger and her juices run out over her hand. After what seemed an eternity, the contracts in Laura’s pussy subsided and Jen felt her relax as she fell back into the seat.
“Oh god you’re so good. I love being a lesbian.” Laura surprised. “Me thinks it’s your turn.” She said with a devilish grin.
Laura got out of her seat and kneeed down in front of Jen. Her hands moved up her legs and slide up under the bottom of her shirt, briefly feeling her breasts. She then hooked her hands in the waist band of Jen’s pants, tugging her towards the edge of the seat.When Jen was in position, she undid her pants, and pulled them down to her ankles, leaving only her panties. She moved forward and kissed just above the waist band of Jen’s panties. Next, she kissed the front of her panties moving lower with each one until she was kissing the damp fabric next to her pussy. She kissed up and down, savoring her musky scent. Then, with great anticipation, she pulled aside the panties to reveal Jen’s pussy, already dripping wet.
Jen felt the cooling of the air in theater on her exposed flesh. She felt Laura’s hot breath on the cool skin of her legs, causing an exhaustive sensing. As Laura’s tongue went to work on her pussy, she gave a soft cry. At first Laura just kissed the outside of her lips, and then she felt her licking up and down, flicking up past her clip then back again. Each time her clip was touched, she felt a little shock run up her spine and through her body. When Laura used her teeth to nibble on her it, Jen had to cover her mouth with her hands to keep from screaming.
“Oh Laura, you’re going to make me cum!”
Laura kept nibbling and licking Jen’s clip as she inserted a finger into her hole. Jen was squirming as her moans came quicker.
Suddenly, Laura’s mouth filled with Jen’s juices as her orgasm started. Jen lifted her ass off the seat as she arched her back in ecstasy. She tried to keep her voice down as she came to avoid calling attention to them. Fortunately, no one noticed what was going on in the back of the theater as Jen withered in pleasure.
Jen finally relaxed and took a few deep breaths. “Wow! that was intense!” She said.
Laura kissed her way up Jen’s body until she ended at her lips. Jen saw the juices on Laura’s face shine in the light from the movie screen.
“This was fun; I think we need to go on more dates.” Laura said. She sat back on her seat as Jen pulled upher pants and retreated them.
Jen leaned over and kissed her lover. “Well, I think I’m free next week.” She said.
* * * *
Eight months later, they had just come back from another date when they saw two men sitting on the steps outside of their door.
“Who is that? Laura asked.
As they got closer, Jen saw who it was.
“Oh shit, it’s our dads.” She said.
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