Hey all,
I started writing this story. I plan on it being plenty long, but was kinda discourage when I first posted it (on Literotica). I had some negative comments. Could you all take a look and tell me what you think? This is the very beginning, so its kinda slow going. The second chapter is almost ready… Kinda stick.
Mind Ops. Pt 1
James Burke was a normal geeky high school student. Jimmy was from a small tourist town in Washington State. Anacortes was the gateway to the famous San Juan Islands. Most all the business in town revolved around the tourist trade or the salmon fishing fleet. Jimmy’s father was a deck hand on one of the salmon boats, and consequently wasn’t around very often. Due to the instability of the Salmon industry, and his fathes drinking habits, money was often tight in the Burke house. Jimmy was often asked with helping to make the bills. Jimmy resented having to pick up odd jobs and swore that as soon as he was able to get out of Anacortes he would be gone. Now Jimmy wasn’t the best student in school, but he wasn’t a Dunce. He was a solid B+ student. Good enough to get into most any university, but not good enough to get scholarships to pay for it. His academics counselor asked if he was good enough in any sports to maybe get sports scholarships? Yeah right. Jimmy spent his freshman year on the football team watching from sidelines, and being a moving tackling dummy. He had two left feet, so soccer was out, and he got winded walking to the computer lab, so track was defiantly out.
Jimmy’s social life wasn’t much to talk about either. He had no Girlfriend, Had never kissed a girl, let alone gotten himself laid. Not to say he never tried to get a date, but the girls usually just laughed at him. Take the last time he had tried his luck. He had asked Ashley Johansen out. Jimmy went up to Ashley in the hallway in between classes and without much of a plan tried his level best to at least make a positive impression.
“Um….. Hi Ashley… I’m Jimmy. We’re in Biology together.” The poor son of a bitch stammered.
“Yeah, so?” God could she be a bitch if she wanted to be. She looked at Jimmy and wondered what this geek could possibly want. Didn’t he know they weren’t in the same circle, hell they weren’t even in the same social caste.
“Um…..I was wondering if you would like to go to a movie this Friday?” Please say yes. Hell says no, just don’t make a scene! I know you’re not in my league, but a guy has to try.
“You mean a date? With you, I don’t think so… George, you have got to hear this!” Now George wasn’t Ashley’s boyfriend, but he was in her clique. He was the starting middle linebacker for the school football team. George came over to Ashley and lookedat the skinny geeky kid who was hassling Ash.
“This guy bothering you Ash? You want I should get rid of him?” George was born and raised in Anacortes, but somehow ended up talking like a goomba from Brooklyn. Jimmy thought he must have a thing for the Godfather trial and Goodfella’s.
“You won’t believe what…. What’s your name?”
“Jimmy… I just asked…”
“Right, what Jimmy here asked me; get this, he asked if I wanted to go to the movies with him. Ha ha, can you believe that! Like I’d go out with him!”
Man why did she have to bring George into this. I’ve been hit by him on the practice field when we were freshmen. God that guy can hit. I really don’t want to go to work this afternoon with a concussion….
“George, look man, I was just asking….”
“I thinks I know what you was asking, let me tell you what. You gonna turn your skinny but around, and make like a tree and leave. Stop hassalin Ash, or I’m gonna pound ya.”
Man, George just turn around and go away. People are starting to look. I knew this was a bad idea. Please just turn around and go away!
At that point, George turned around and walked away. Ashley stared at him in disbelief. Where was her George going? She didn’t want him to bust up the geek, but she did want him to make the geeks life a little miserable.
“Ashley” said Jimmy, “I’m sorry if you don’t want to go out with me. I’ll see you around.” And with that, Jimmy left Ashley standing next to her locker mouth agope and still wondering how the geek managed to leave with out massive trauma to his ego?
What was I thinking? Why did George just turn around and leave? Man I’m late for the senior assembly!
Jimmy ran to the other end of the school and tried to slip into the auditorium with out being heard. Instead of singing in soundlessly, Jimmy tripped over one of the teachers and fell flat on his face with a thud. Jimmy looked up, and half of the studentts in the auditorium were gawking at him. Embarrassed as could be, Jimmy found a seat and tried to become invisible. After a few minutes Jimmy started to pay attention to what the principle was saying.
“Now those of you who have no clear plans for the rest of your lives need to pay attention to what these gentlemen have to say. They can provide you with an education outside of this school, and can give some of you direction in your life. Now with out further ado, here is Sargent Barnes of the Marines….”
“Thank you for that kind introduction Mr. Wiesenthal. My name is GUNNERY SARGENT Barnes. I am your local Marine Recruiter. My mission in life is to find qualified applicants from the local High schools and enlist them into the United States Marine Corps. But seeing as how most of my applicants are Sports stars, and your school has the worst record in the league in just about every sport, I’m going to let the Army and Air Force have first crack at you all. I don’t think any of you have what it takes to be a Marine. Except for maybe that kid who busted his Butt to get here. He might have a chance, just because he tried. If any of you heartless, gutless wonderers care to try, you can give me a call. The career counselor has my card”
And with that Gunny Barnes right faced, and walked out of the auditorium leaving the Army and Air Force recruiters steaming mad that Barnes made it seems that they were willing and eager to take the Marine Corps rejects. Jimmy could not believe that the Marine Recruiter thought that he might have what it takes to be a Marine….. Aren’t they all big meat heads who can bench press an ox? He had seen pictures of the Marines on the News. They had been in Afghanistan and they had been carrying huge packs, and walking over entire mountain ranges. Could he do that? Maybe it was his way out of this crazy little town? Jimmy decided to take the time to visit the Counselor’s office and pick up a card. What was theWorst they could say? No? Hell, he was already used to rejection. The Gunnery Sergeant couldn’t be any worse than the girls he asked out.
Jimmy had picked up a card from the Counselors office, and had finally gotten the determination to call the Marine Recruiter.
Man this is nuts .RING. There is no way the Marines could possibly want a guy like me. What did the recruiter say? “Most of my applicants are Sports stars” I can’t throw a foot ball or base ball to save my life! RING. I’m not that good of a runner, and can’t catch to save my life! This is just nuts…..
“UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS RECRUITING Gunnery Sargent Barnes, How may I help you?”
‘Uh….hi…. My name is Jimmy Burke. I’m a senior at Anacortes. I saw you at the assembly and thought I might give you a call.”
“ Jimmy Burke? Why don’t you answer some questions for me, and then we can talk.”
“Do you have Asthma, Scolosis, or any Medical problem that you think would keep you out of the Service?”
“Do you count that I’m a klutz?”
“No, being klutzy won’t keep you out of the Corps. How about any kind of Drug Habit? Ever smoke weed, huff paint, or put anything up your nose?”
“Nope, I never tried that stuff”.
“Good, so why do you want to be a Marine?”
“Um…. I’m the guy who you said might have a chance….. I was anxious to make the assembly….”
“Oh, YOU! Sorry to pick you out of the crowd, but I had to say something. I was going to miss a very important meeting if I got stuck at that assembly.
“Excuse me?” What the hell is he talking about???
“Sorry kid, but I had to get somewhere important, and I needed an example for my spiel to go over right. I hope you’re not pissed about it. I mean what I said though, with that kind of hustle you might do ok in the Corps. You just need to work on your punctuality. So what can I help you with”.
“Um, I was wondering ifI could talk to you about maybe joining the Marines. I mean my grades are pretty good, and um….”
“Sure Jimmy, I’d love to talk to you about your options ….. hold on a second ok”?
Gunny Barnes looked up from his desk to see his favorite poolie, Natalie Johnson. Natalie was a five foot nine, one hundred and twenty pound, dark haired, almond eyed knock-out. And to top it all off, she had a pair of Dick Sucking Lips that she knew how to use. Now recruiters are not supposed to fuck their poolies, but Gunny Barnes just couldn’t keep his crank in his pants when Natalie started rubbing his cock through the front of his PT shorts after a group run the Gunny had with all his potential recruits. Ever since that fateful afternoon fuck in the back of the government van they had been knocking boots every chance they got.
Natalie kicked up the door stop and locked the door as she shut it. She then set the hands on the “I’ll be back clock” that hung in the window, and closedthe blinds so that no one could see her and the Gunny.
“Jimmy, something has just come up, and I have to go. But why don’t you come into the office tomorrow. I’ll be here all day. Good bye”. Jimmy heard the phone click when the Gunny put down the phone.
Natalie came over to the Gunny’s desk and dropped to her knee’s as Barnes backed his chair away from the desk.
“Hey there beautiful, did you stop by to suck your Gunny’s dick”? Natalie was busy undoing the Gunny’s pants.
“I had a hell of a day at work, and I need a fix. If I don’t get some cock, life is really goanna suck. Suck…. ha ha, that was funny!” Natalie then dove down on the Gunny’s growing cock and started licking it.
The Gunny was in heaven. Did it get better than this? He had a HOT nineteen year old coming into his office to suck his dick. Hell, he never even had to pull the usual Recruiter Bull Shit to get her to do it. It was all her idea. She would come in early before herfirst class at the local community college, and would beg the Gunny to “lick my hot pussy”. Then every other day or so, she would come in after her part time job and they would fuck on top of the Gunny’s desk.
“Oh yeah beautiful, that was funny. Ohhh, you’re gonna make the Gunny cum too quickly if you keep that up!” The hot brunet looked up at Barnes with one of his balls in her mouth. She buzzed her tongue in response. “Oh sweetie, I do love it when you suck on the Gunny’s Balls.”
While Natalie was busy caresing Gunny Barnes’s Balls with her tongue, The Gunny got busy undoing her hair pins. He really loved to hold on to the back of her hair while He fucked her hard from behind. Hating to do it, Barnes Gently pulled Natalie off of his Balls, and stood her up. After all, a blow job is nice, but this piece of ass deserved more than that. He started unbuttoning her work shirt, revealing her beautiful C cup titles. They were encased in a standard Wal-Mart issue white bra. With her shirt hanging off of her shoulders, Barnes moved to her pants. He undid the snap and zipper and slowly slide the blue slacks down over her scrumptious ass, sliding them down past her well muscled thighs. With his hands holding on to her trousers down at her ankles, he buried his nose into the front of her panties. Oh man, this girl always smelled good.
“Oh Gunny, I love it when you do that!” It was true after all, Natalie did love a good tongue fucking. The Gunny proceeded to dive his tongue deep into Natalie, burying his nose in her clip. Natalie sat on the desk and the Gunny proceeded to lick and nibble on Natalie’s little nub. The Gunny did love the taste of the young slut. She was very sweet with just a hint of tang. Gunny Barnes worked Natalie’s button until she started to scream “Ahhhh! That’s it Gunny, Suck my clip!” Natalie grabbed that back of Barnes’s head and ground her pussy against him. The Gunny’s face was soon covered in Natalie’s juices. The Gunny stood up and lined his rock hard cock up with the lovely slit in front of him.
Jimmy was walking home from school that afternoon. His conversation with the Gunny was interesting. He couldn’t believe that the Marne Corps would want him. Then he saw “her”; his next door neighbor Julia was cleaning out her car. Julia was nineteen and a freshman at the local community college. Jimmy had been fascinated with Julia since she had moved in next door back when Jimmy was in the 5th grade. She was an absolutely stunning blond. Five foot nine, and one hundred and thirty five pounds, with some very perky titties. Jimmy couldn’t tell if they were big “C” cups, or smallish “D” cups and he really didn’t care. Julia was of Nordic decent; her features were sharp, her skin an alabaster white that was smooth and blemish free.
“Man I wish Julia would think of me as more than just the nice kid next door” Thought Jimmy. He hadhave been beating off thinking about Julia for the last couple of years. One of his favorite fans came to mind as he sat on the porch swing on the front porch of his house.
Jimmy’s fantasy revolutioned around Julia and her car. It was a classic. A 1965 Mustang Fastback, cherry red with white racing stripes. In his day dreams, Julia was washing the classic wearing a white sports bra (like the one she wore when he would see her going for a run) and some very short shorts. The shorts were the kind that had writing on the ass. Usually they would have “Princess”, “Hot Stuff” or “Beauty” written on them. But in Jimmy’s fantasy they said “SLUT”. He would imagine Julia getting all wet and soapy washing her fastback. Her big beautiful bouncing breasts mashed into the passenger side window while she was scrubbing the roof. Jimmy would imagine those luscious titties moving in counter rotating circles against the glass. The nipples clearly outlined by the damp, soapy fabric. Eventually Julia would move up to wash the hood with her lovely ass swimming back and forth; the word “SLUT” moving in time to some song playing in the background of Jimmy’s mind.
Lost in thought, Jimmy failed to notice that Julia had disappeared into her garage. She appeared a few minutes later carrying all the necessary tools to wash her car. While Jimmy was lost in thought Julia went up to her room to change. She had no idea why she was changing into short shorts and just a sports bra, but for some reason she felt compelled to.
Usually Jimmy’s fantasy would degrade into visions of Julia sitting on the hood of the mustang, with her top up over her titles. Jimmy could (and usually would) imagine her massaging her boobs with one hand, while her other was down the front of her shorts.
Jimmy eventually noticed that Julia had gone inside, and was about to go in himself, when he saw her coming back outside. The strange thing was that she was dressed just like in his fansies. Jimmy promptly parked his butt back in the swing and watched as his fantasy was all but coming true. Jimmy sat back and watched as Julia started to hose down the car.
“Man, she is so damn HOT!” Jimmy thought. “She needs to hose herself down, so I can see those tits”
Julia promptly turned the hose on herself, looking like something out of a 1980’s music video, and let the water flow over her head and down her chest. Jimmy could see her nipples through the white fabric, instantly pop to attention when the cold water ran over her marvelous chest.
“Oh my GOD, I can’t believe she’s actually doing this! She has never washed her car like this. Hell she’s usually in a big baggie sweatshirt. This is so damn amazing… Get the soap, get the soap”.
Weather it was Jimmy wanting it to happen, or if it was just that time, Julia took a large sponge out of the soap bucket. Julia started scrubbing the bottom of the driver’s side of the car. She was facing away from Jimmy, and he had a perfect view of her ass as it swayed side to side as she bent over to bus loose the crud on the lower rockers. Jimmy could only sit back and watch as his beautiful neighbor scrubbed her car, working from the bottom to the top, and moving around the back of the car. Jimmy had a perfect side view of her titties swaying side to side, as Julia bent over to wash the trunk lid. Jimmy’s dick was stiff and trying to get out of his pants, as he sat unmoving on the swing. Julia moved to the passenger side of the Mustang and disappeared from Jimmy’s sight as she bent over to clean that rocker panel.
“Oh man, it would be so cool if she came up with the bra over the top of her titles” Jimmy’s hormones were raging in his ears; pounding with an unknown rhythm that matched Julia’s swinging movement. “She should be coming back up any time…” And then it happened.
Jimmy saw the blond head come into view and bob back and forth as Julia scrubbed the door panel. On her knee’s she soaped and scrubbed the window glass, creating an opaque film of bubbles. Jimmy couldn’t really see her anymore, but could tell she was in the process of standing up. He saw her head pop up over the roof line, and then had the shock of his young life. There, perfectly framed by suds, were Julia’s uncovered breasts mashed into the glass. The nipples were hard and clearly defined, surrounded by a light pink areola that dissolved into the surrounding white of her breast flesh. Jimmy busted his nut in his jeans, right there on his front porch. Jimmy could hear Julia moan as she laid her head down on the roof of the classic 65’, her arms out stretched, one hand squeezing the life out of her sponge as she orgasmed from washing her car.
CRASH!!! Jimmy whipped his head around, and saw Mr. Alexander who had just rear ended some poor lady at the intersection in front of Julia’s house. Julia gave a little shriek and pulled her bra down and rushed inside. Jimmy slowlygot up from the porch swing and covering the jiz spot on the front of his jeans went inside. “What the hell has happened today? First I should have gotten my ass kicked, then I get told I could be a Marine, and now I saw my first real boobs! Holy shit, why did Julia do that? It was just like my daydream…..Did I make her do that? No! No fucking way! What other explanation is there? Hell, I Need to take a shower and think about this….”
Let me know what you think…. I’ve had this sitting on my Hard Drive for a while now…. Need to know if it’s good enough to continue….
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