Christmas Miracle

This is a very romantic Christmas story with a lot of action, but also a lot of dialog. I hope you enjoy it and, as always, feel free to leave helpful comments! Thanks! If you would like to e-mail me suggestions, leave your e-mail in the comments space and I will e-mail you! Thanks!

I reached around her and cupped her soft, smooth breasts. My hands massed them both as I slowly worked my fingertips towards her tiny nipples, all the while continuing my steady rhythm of sliding my cock in and out of her unbelievably tight pussy.
She was bent over on the bed, holding herself up with her hands and resting on her knees. Her tiny butt keep tightening and loosening as she worked herself into my movements. In the pale light Icould see her face, shining with a little bit of sweat. Her eyes were closed and she had a trace of a smile around the corners of her mouth which opened and closed for a small gasp every time I pushed myself deeper inside her.
“O sam…” She gasped. I could tell she was nearing an orgasm, the first one she would ever experience. I couldn’t believe how fast this had all happened. Just this morning I had been laying in bed with my wife and now here I was making love to a fifteen year old in the back of a department store.
I leaned down and moved some of her blonde hair aside so I could kiss her neck, though I was careful not to remove the sexy Santa Claus hat she was wearing. She moved into my kisses and I pressed more firmly on her left breast, which I was still caresing.
“O Sam…” she said again, this time adding in a disappoint laugh at the end. This was almost too much for me to take. I had to control myself so that I didn’t blow my load right then. I wanted to hold back. I wanted her first orgasm to be as memorable as possible.
You’re probably wondering how all of this happened. How I ended up in this situation. Well, to be honest, I still am to, so let me tell you the story and maybe we can figure out together…

— — — — — — —

It was around three o’clock in the afternoon and it was Christmas Eve. The mall was packed with last other last-minute-shoppers and procrastinators like myself. I had a list a mile long of things to buy and had only gotten through about two of them. My eyes scrambled over my list as I passed by the Victoria’s Secret Store. Normally, I wasn’t too distracted by the window displays at Victoria’s Secret- after all, I didn’t consider myself to be an especially horny guy and I was, for the most part, happily married- but today, I saw a picture of three of the most adorable girls wearing red and white Christmas lingerie. It caught my eye and I thought, “What the hell? Maybe she’ll wear it?”
I had been trying to get my wife, Katie, to be more exciting and open in our sex life ever since we’d got married two years before. But nothing I did seemed to help. Still, I held onto the hope and walked into the store. I was immediately greeted by two girls who asked me if I needed any help. I thanked them but said that I was alright.
I was walking through the store, searching for something just right when I spotted her. She stood out first because she was the only employee who was clearly not even sixteen yet, but then because she had such a precious smile. She was talking to two of her friends and laughing with them. Her entire face was adorable and I couldn’t help but find myself moving my eyes up and down over her body. She had golden blonde, straight, shoulder length hair that was topped with a cute red and white Mrs. Clause hat. She wore a cute matching outfit- a top with three quarter length sleeves and an adorable suit that looked like the hat with fluffy white cotton around the edge-, but it was by no means too revealing; just cute. She was about 5’3” and she was skinny, but also had curves to her and adorable blue eyes.
I was still staring when she looked over at me. I jumped a little bit and gave my head a quick hard shake to snap myself back into reality. She said good-bye to her friends and walked over to me.
“Can I help you, sir?” She asked, looking up at me with another sweet smile.
“Umm, yes,” I answered. “I’m looking for a Christmas gift for my wife.”
“Oh?” She said, biting her lip? “Something fun?”
“I hoped so!” I laughed. “To be honest, I kinda liked the outfits the girls in the poster were wearing.”
“O yea! A lot of guys really enjoy that pair this year. Would you look me to show them to you?”
“O absolutely,” I said and began following her through the store. “So you’re quite a bit younger than the other women that work here, aren’t you?” I asked.
“O well… can you keep a secret?”
“Of course,” I assured her.
“My aunt is the store manager. We’re not telling anyone because she doesn’t want to get accused of favoritism or anything.”
“O ok,” I said. “So are you in high school then?”
“Yea, I’m a sophomore. I go to Grandville High. I play volleyball and I’m on the cheer team.”
“O really? You must be busy,” I said.
She nodded and rolled her eyes. “Too busy…” She had led me to a wall stacked with red and white laugherie. “Here you are.”
“Hmmmm…. Which ones should I get?”
“Well…” she said, “I personally like these ones here.” She reached forward and grabbed a thong that had about two inches of material in the front. “They’re fuzzy but not too fuzzy.”
She wasn’t saying it in a sexy way, but I would feel myself stirring in my pants all the same. “Yea, I’ll take a pair of those.” I said, even though I knew Katie would never wear.
She helped me get a pair in the right size and walked me towards the checkout.
“It was nice to meet you,” she said, reaching out her hand. “You seem really nice. My name’s Jenna.”
“O, I’m Sam,” I said reaching out to shake her hand. “Hopefully, I’ll see you again sometimes.”
“Yea, I hope so,” she said. She started walking away then turned around, raised her eyesbrows and said, “You have fun with those!” giggled and walked away again.

— — — — — — —

I spent about another two hours getting Christmas shopping done and then went over to the food court to grab some dinner. I looked around and decided on Chinese.
I fumbled in my wallet as I walked over and got in line. When I looked up again, I noticed a girl with blonde hair and a red santa hat right in front of me.
“Jenna?” I asked.
She turned away and smiled to see me. “Sam!” she said, more excitedly than I’d expected.
“Well, I didn’t expect to see you again this soon,” I said.
“I know! I just got out of work. I love Chinese food!”
“So do I,”I said. “Especially…”
“Orange Chicken is my favorite!” she said, at the same time as I finished by saying, “…Orange Chicken.”
We laughed and I said, “Well, shoot would you like to just split a large order rather than buying two smalls? We’d save a lot that way. I’ll even buy.”
“O, are you sure?” Jenna asked.
I bought the chicken and we walked over to a table and sat down.
“So tell me more about yourself,” I said. I couldn’t keep myself from thinking about how cute she looked no matter how hard I tried. “Do you have a boyfriend or anything?”
“Yea. His name is Rick. We’ve been dating for three months.”
“Oh, how did you guys meet?”
“My friend Shannon. He’s three years older than me. I really like him…”
I could tell there was something more. “But…?” I pressed.
“Well… sometimes I wonder if he could be cheating on me. He always says things about the way I kiss and such that makes me wonder…”
“Like what? Hedoesn’t like the way you kiss?”
“Well, he’s just so forceful whenever we do anything. He always starts accidentally hurting me.”
I paused a minute, then asks, “I know I don’t really know you, but just so I can offer advice, may I ask how far you guys have gone together?”
“Well…” She waited. “Well…”
“It’s ok,” I said. You don’t have to answer,
“No,” Jenna said, softly. “I want to. I haven’t told anyone. I think we’ve had sex but…”
“But, what…?”
“But, I thought it was supposed to feel good?” She said. My heart melted. This poor thing…
“You mean it hasn’t?”
“No!” She cried quietly. “It hurts so bad! And when he’s made me give him blowjobs, he always jams himself down my throat!”
“O jenna… So you’ve never even had an orgasm? ” I said.
She slowly shook her head and looked down. Suddenly, she got all red. “I’m so sorry,” she said. “O I can’t believe I’m telling you all this.”
“No, really it’s ok. You had to get it out to someone.”
She smiled at me. “Thank you so much, Sam.”
We ate our chicken for a few minutes and I avoided the subject. Then she asked, “So what about you? Girlfriend?”
“Well actually, I’m married.”
“O really? Whats your wife like?”
“O she’s…” I couldn’t believe I was struggling to come up with words. “Well she’s a banker. She is very busy. And she is very intelligent. It’s just that…”
“Well… I feel like we’ve lost all of the excitement, you know?”
We sat in silence as we ate our chicken, but it wasn’t awkward. We both just seemed to have a lot on our minds. Finally, she looked at the time on her cell phone and said, “O shoot! Sam, I need to go. Rick is supposed to pick me up in two minutes…”
“O ok. Well it was nice talking to you, jenna.” I said as I got up. “I have some more Christmas shopping to do before everything closes anyway, so I should already be getting that done.”
“Well thanks for talking,” she said. Her beautiful eyes seemed so sad.
“Of course…” I said. “And please, take care of yourself?”
She nodded and I watched as she walked away. I couldn’t help but feel empty as I went into the next store to finish my shopping.

— — — — — — —

An hour later, I was leaving the mall with all my bags in hand. I walked out into the darkness and into the flurry of large snowflakes that were coming down. I walked towards where I had parked, when again out of the corner of my eye, I saw that red Santa cap. I squinted and saw Jenna leaning on the railing. I walked over to her and could hear her sobbing.
“Jenna?” I asked softly.
“O Sam!” she cried and wrapped her arms tightly around me. I held her close and dared to kiss her forehead. She was freezing. “Whats wrong?” I asked, after a few moments of holding her.
“O sam, o sam…” She cried. “Rick said he was going to pick me up, but when I called him I heard a party in thebackground and a girl’s voice telling him to just fucking kiss her…” She broke down and I pulled her close to me again. I held her in my arms with the snowflakes coming down around us until she stopped crying.
“Would you like me to take you home?”
“Mm-hmm…” she nodded, as she whipped away her tears.
We drove to her house in silence, but she held my hand in hers the entire way and just starred out the window. When I we arrived I was shocked to see that she lived in one of the largest houses in a gated community on the outskirts of our city. It was completely dark inside.
“Will you be alright?” I asked.
She looked at me and then asked, “Will you come in with me for a little while?”
I thought for a minute. “Won’t… your parents think it’s a little funny.”
She shook her head. “They’re at a holiday party all night.”
My heart pounded in my heart as I followed her into her house and downstairs into the basement which she had made into her bedroom. It had a fireplace in one corner and a large, comfy-looking bed in the middle. She went over and turned on the fire, then asked, “Is it ok is I go change?”
I nodded and made myself comfy by the fire. I tried to think through everything that was happening, but it was all too much. Especially what happened next.
I looked up when I heard her and saw that she was walking towards me in a white, fuzzy bath robe. She was still wearing the Santa Claus hat. She sat down next to me on the heartth.
I couldn’t take my eyes away from hers. I could feel us getting closer and closer to each other, but seemed unable to stop it.
“Je…Jenn…” I tried to whisper but almost nothing came out.
“I just want to thank you…” she whispered almost too softly to hear a second before our lips met. I kissed her softly and tenderly, just barely touching my tongue to her lips. We broke for a minute and each opened our eyes. She smiled and I moved in for a much longer, more passwordembrace. My arms wrapped around her as her tongue crept into my mouth and met mine.
We kissed deeply for another minute and then I started kissing her neck.
“O sam…” she murmured. I could feel her arms untying the knot in the front of her robe.
“Are you sure?” I asked her.
She drew back and looked at me. She nodded as she smiled and then let out a little giggle as she pulled her robe off. She was wearing the sexy little thong I had bought early that day and a bra to match it. I couldn’t hardly contain myself. The thong was partially see-through and I could see a very small patch of blonde hair underneath it; just enough to be sexy.
Her breast were perfectly round, but also firm and lifted up. They were about the size of large softballs and I could see her nipples getting erect underneath. I immediately kissed her again and let me hands slide along her torso up into her blonder hair.
She reached back and unclasped her bra, but I let it rest on her breasts for another minute. I slid my hands back down and underneath her panties where I massed her hip bones, making her squeal just a little bit. I kissed my way down her neck and then began kissing her chest. I purposely planted a nice hickey on both her breasts and then, with my teeth, pulled her bras down til I could see her tiny nipple, illuminated in the light of the fire. I kissed it passwordately, letting my tongue slide back and forth across the top.
I heard her whisper, desperately, “I’m in heaven…” And I took that as permission to carry her over to her bed still kissing her chest. I laid her down on the bed and slide her panties off from her. She gladly spread her legs to allow me to do so and I massed her pussy with my fingers as I stripped my clothes off.
I climbed on top of her and continued making out her, allowing my cock to rub between her legs but refusing to slide it inside. After a few minutes, I feel her small, soft hand reach down and begin rubbing me aswe kissed. A minute later she guided me to her pussy and just said, “Please, Sam…”
I slowly slip inside her, listening for every slight gasp. It was the greatest feeling in the world. I could not believe how tight she was.
Once I was fully inside her I lifted myself up on my elbows and looked down at her. She had her eyes closed and looked so helpless. She had a faith look of pleasure across her face and her entire body was moving with my every thrust. She was so cute…
And that is basically how I got to where I am now. I rolled her over and whispered for her to get on her hands and knees.
I reached around her and cupped her soft, smooth breasts. My hands massed them both as I slowly worked my finertips towards her tiny nipples, all the while continuing my steady rhythm of sliding my cock in and out of her unbelievably tight pussy.
She was bent over on the bed, holding herself up with her hands and resting on her knees. Her tiny butt keep tightening andloosening as she worked herself into my movements. In the pale light I could see her face, shining with a little bit of sweat. Her eyes were closed and she had a trace of a smile around the corners of her mouth which opened and closed for a small gasp every time I pushed myself deeper inside her.
“O sam…” She gasped. I could tell she was nearing an orgasm, the first one she would ever experience. I couldn’t believe how fast this had all happened. Just this morning I had been laying in bed with my wife and now here I was making love to a fifteen year old in the back of a department store.
I leaned down and moved some of her blonde hair aside so I could kiss her neck, though I was careful not to remove the sexy Santa Claus hat she was wearing. She moved into my kisses and I pressed more firmly on her left breast, which I was still caresing.
“O Sam…” she said again, this time adding in a faint laugh at the end. This was almost too much for me to take. I had to controlmyself so that I didn’t blow my load right then. I wanted to hold back. I wanted her first orgasm to be as memorable as possible.
“Sam,” she gasped. “Sam, wait.”
I slowly stopped and looked at her. “What is it?” I asked.
“This feels so good, but I want to do something for you.”
“O Jenna, you already…” I tried to say but was interrupted.
“No, please? I want to do something special? A Christmas present?”
I didn’t know what to say. She smiled at me and bit her lower lip again. “Please, sam?” I couldn’t resist.
“Ok…” I said.
She grinned and pulled me to the edge of the bed. “I know how much you wanted something more exciting than just the usual,” she said. She got down on her knees and licked the tip of my cock playfully a few times as she laughed. Then she said, “I want you to tell me when you’re ready to cum, ok?”
I nodded and she wrapped her lips around my cock and began sucking away on it. I couldn’t last very long watching her cute head with only the santa hat on top of it bob away before I said, “Ok, hon…”
She wrapped her hand around my cock and pulled her lips off then said, in an excited voice, the sweetest, sexiest thing I’d ever heard.
“You can put it all over my face, if you want…” And she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue right as I began blasting her with my cum. Wave after wave hit her face and all she did was giggle with each blast and swallow occasionally.
When I finally finished I fell back breathless.
“Merry Christmas…” she said.


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