Anne’s Story
How could I tell James that I had a dark secret, something he may never be able to understand? I’ve asked myself this since we first met at the party about six weeks ago and have not yet found and answer that would let me explain my two four legged lovers. But I’m getting ahead of myself and thinking back on how it all started I wonder if I perhaps hadn’t married my now dead husband David, Things might have been different. I was totally besotted by David almost from the moment we met and sex with him was just the best. He knew exactly where to touch me to turn me on and when it came to fucking me, his cock sliding into my wet pussy just drive be crazy and he knew it. We tried all sorts of things during our initial months together, B&D, S&M we just par for the course and not really a turn on for me, but David liked them so I just played along. Being fucked with a dildo while strapped to a bed is not my idea of fun though Iwill admit that David never failed to make me cum when I was bound like that. It seemed that the more he fucked me the more I wanted to be fucked, the harder he fucked me the harder I wanted to be fucked and the more I sucked his cock the more I wanted to suck it. You could say I was totally besotted by his cock and you’d be right, I was. When David suggested having a threesome I wasn’t particularly thrilled with the idea and said so; but I should have known better than assume that David meant an ordinary threesome for David never was conventional. We’d just finished a particularly hot fucking session and I was lying on top of him with his cock in my pussy. I could feel him slowly going limp when he asked me outright, ‘how about we try a threesome.’
I was a little taken aback and trying not to sound angle said, ‘I’m not sharing your cock with another female and don’t want another man’s cock inside me.’
‘Well what if…’ he paused, ‘what if it wasn’t another man or woman?’
‘I’m not a lesbian,’ I said and I don’t think your gay.’
David laughed before continuing, ‘Anne you are silly, I didn’t mean a lesbian or a gay man.’
My mind was now starting to clear now that my last orgasm had subsided though I was not clear quite what he meant.
‘Well,’ he said, I was thinking about maybe something with four legs rather than two.’
I as now beginning to get a better idea of what it was that he was proposing and I could feel my face flush at the idea but I asked, ‘you… you mean with an animal of some kind?’
‘Not an animal of some kinds,’ he replied, ‘an animal of an exact kind. Like Barny.’
Barny was a two year old Labrador, his gun dog, that David kept at his country property who’d greeted me the first time we met by sticking his nose into my crotch, something I actually found exciting at the time, though I never told Davidso.
‘I don’t think I could do,’ that I said feeling my face get even more flushed.
‘Ah…’ he laughingly said, ‘aha, if you don’t think you can do it then perhaps you may consider it.’
I had to admit that I’d never thought of such a thing before but the idea of a dog fucking a woman made me very curious. Before I could raise any possible objects David said, ‘look we’re going down to the farm tomorrow so let’s discuss it later.’
I rolled off of David and lay back on the bed looking at the ceiling. I was thinking to myself, ‘is he crazy of what?’ Even though my mind was racing, the ceiling slowly went out of focus as I fell into a deep sleep.
David was awake at 6am and by the time I’d showed and had breakfast, he’d packed the car ready for our trip. It was a bright sunny day and the two hour drive to the property was pleasant due to the light traffic. David drove the BMW onto the dirt road leading to the property, which sent up clouds of dust. It was a short drive along the dirt track and ten minutes later the car hit the gravel of the driveway in front of the house. As we pulled up behind the Toyota I knew to belong to Frank, David’s farm manager. No sooner had David switched off the engine than the front door opened and Frank stepped into the sunlight. It was very warm stepping from the air conditioned environment of the car into the raw sunlight that hit me. Frank was a man in his 50’s, one of those typical country people who are the salt of the earth. In spite of his age, he was a fine figure of a man who stood over six feet tall with sharp angular facial features that women admire so much. In his day many women in the district had shared their nights with him and I am sure they had many very satisfied times. We exchanged pleasuresants and Frank took our bags inside.
‘Shall I put these in the bedroom for you?’ he asked.
‘That would be lovely I replied as I entered the house, which felt cool and inviting.
‘Well I’m off to the city,’ said Frank when he returned. ‘I’ve left the bags on the bed. Now there’s plenty of food in the refrigerator and you of course know where everything is. I’ll be back first thing Monday morning so have fun. Oh, by the way, Barny is in the back garden.’
Even though David and I had not discussed Barny on the trip down and I again felt myself flush at Frank’s remark. ‘Thanks Frank,’ I said, ‘we’ve both been looking forward to some time away. Have fun in the city and we’ll see you on Monday.’
Frank nodded and said, ‘tell David I’ll see you both around 7am Monday.’
I nodded in response then Frank slid into his Toyota and was gone is a spray of gravel and dust. We were now totally alone, David, Barny and me.
I went inside and headed for the bedroom. I was hot and had to get out of the clothes I was in before I melted. I flipped the lid on my suitcase and began taking out the clothes I’d packed the day before. On the bottom were the tops and shorts I was looking for. I laid out a yellow top and blue shorts then started to undress. I undid the buttons of my floral dress, slide it off my shoulders then stepped out it off. I was now wearing nothing more than a white bra and matching panties that clung to my skin. I looked at my reflection in the full length mirror of the wardrobe. ‘Not bad,’ I thought as a turned and inspected my body; my panties helped emphasise the shape of my pussy and as my pubis was quite pronounced, my pussy lips were well outlined by the fabric. A small bead of sweat ran down my neck and over my shoulder and I wiped it away with my hand. It seemed to be hotter than I thought. Slide aside the door of the wardrobe and hanged my dress inside. When I slide the door back, I could see another reflection in the mirror. It was Barny and he was sitting in the middle of the room moving his head from side to side looking at me. I must admit I felt like I was being looked at by another man for my instinct was to try and cover myself, after all I was practically naked. I don’t know what caused the sensing I felt but I felt the muscles in my pussy clnch, which only really happened when I was aroused. I turned and slide open the top drawer of the chest of drawers next to the bed and started laying my remaining clothes into it. Barny came up and sat beside the chest of drawers and looked up at me sweetly. I bend over and gave him a pat and he licked my hand in response. ‘Hello darling,’ I said rubbing his head. He got up, started wagging his tail then turned and left the room. I finished unpacking, slide the cases under the bed and slipped into my top and shorts.
The house was fairly large, one of those old country houses made from sandstone and timber. There were four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a huge living room/kitchen/dining area that David had restored before we met. The garden dropped away from the house down towards the creek that was dry at present as it usually is during summer. I walked from the bedroom onto the cool tiles of the living room and was hit by the aroma of freshly made coffee.
‘Some of that for me darling?’ I asked walking into the kitchen.
‘Just how you like it,’ said David laughing, ‘hot and sweet, just like me.’ With that we laughed as we always did even though the joke was old and hurt.
‘You know me too well,’ I said, ‘far to well.’
‘I don’t know about that,’ he responded smiling down at me as I flopped into the soft leather lounge, ‘perhaps I do, perhaps I don’t.’
Given what he’d said last night I thought I’d tease him a little and said, ‘bye the way, your four legendary friend was just getting an eyeful in the bedroom. I was changing and he broke in. I think he’s into women’s underwear,’ and with that I smiled athim as I sipped the strong coffee he’d made.
‘That dog has great taste in women,’ David said, ‘I should have a word with him about that. I was serious about what I said last night.’
‘Yes I know you were,’ I responded, ‘but give me time.’
‘Of course I’ll give you time,’ he laughingly replied, ‘anytime within the next hour will do.’
I smiled nervously behind the coffee cup; clearly the situation was reaching a point where a decision had to be made. We said no more about it that morning and in spite of my time limit, David did not broach the subject with me either that morning or in the afternoon. I must admit I felt a bit saved and a bit… well a bit let down for in spine of myself I was very curious to know what it might be like to touch a dog’s hard cock.
Dinner that evening was very pleasant and by the end of it we were both a bit light headed from the read wine we’d consumed. I was still dressed in my yellow top and shorts and feeling quite horny due to the amount of wine I’d consumed. We left everything on the table and had retired to the lounge where we’d messed around with a game of touch and feel and I can tell you that my pussy was quite wet by that time.
‘Hey here’s Barny,’ I heard James says, ‘want to play boy?’ he said grabbing a cushion, which he held out in front of the dog. Barny jumped around excitedly as his master waved the cushion in front of his face. I could see that the dog was enjoying the game and as it went on he appeared to be getting more and more excited and eventually I say his cock begin to protrude out of his sheath. Although it Initially looked thin and a bit limp, it quickly grew in length and thickness and began to look like a cock that was thicker near the end. After about another minute James throw the cushion down in front on me and Barny immediately jumped on top of it. He was now side on to me and I could see him clearly.Barny held the cushion between his front paws and started pulling it in towards his cock that was now about twice the thickness of James’s. I was fascinated and could feel my pussy clnch as the dog proceeded to fuck the cushion for all he was worth.
Holy shit,’ I said, ‘look at the size of that cock.’
‘It could be yours,’ said James, ‘he’s gagging to have some pussy and by the look of you, I’d say you’re about ready for a cock.’
‘Not quite,’ I said fumbling with the buttons in my shorts. I slipped off my shorts and slipped my hand under the waistband of my panties as I continued to watch the dog humping the cushion.
‘Fuck stop his,’ I gasped, ‘he’s making me horny.’
James smiled and merely said, ‘Enjoy it honey,’ then slightly added, ‘I thought you would.’
My cunt felt that it was on fire as I watched the animal. I couldn’t believe it when his knot popped out of his sheath andI almost came when it swelled to almost twice the size of his cock. His cock was continuously dripping a clear liquid and in spite of myself I swiveled round to face him and bend over to touch his doggy cock. A surge went through me as my fingers touched him. He felt warm and not at all slimy as I’d thought. Now my legs were spread and I was leaning forward at this time as I touched his huge rod. My pussy felt like it was on fire and I could feel it spasm with excitement. If I’d know it was this exciting I though, I’d have tried this years ago. As I sat back in the locke to clear my head, Barny seemed to take this as some kind of signal. I’d forgetten that legs were still spread wide, though I was fully aware that my pussy was dripping, when I suddenly felt Barny’s tongue on my thigh. My thighs are just about the most sensitive spot on my body and the feel of his rasping tongue was something new and exciting and in spite of myself, I spread my legs further apart for him.
‘I can see you like,’ this said James, fuck you look so hot with Barny’s head between your legs. Let him like your pussy darling, let him slide his tongue into that sweet pussy and taste those juices.
His words drove my password to a new height and I slide my hands down between my legs, but before I could slide aside my panties, Barny’s tongue found its target and I felt him licking me through the crotch of my panties. My password went into overdrive and I started to push my crotch into his face like he were a man going down on me, only this felt so much better. Through the haze I remember pulling my panties to one side and almost instantly the dogs tongue hit my puss lips. This was like nothing I’d ever experienced with any man. The dogs rough tongue easily parted my pussy lips and I could feel his warm tongue against the smooth inside of my pussy that was flowing juices more freely than I could remember. After several short licks he started to increase the lengthh of his stroke and his tongue ran all the way from my arse right up to my clip. When that rough tonge touched my clip I thought I would cum on the spot.
‘Fuck that feel good,’ I gasped as the dog once more licked me from arse to clip. “I’m going to cum if he keeps doing that!’ I panted in my growing excitement. ‘Oh fuck, oh fuck this is fantastic.’
It was as it a switch had been thrown in the dog’s head. No sooner had I said these words than Barny began licking me with an increased frequency, his tongue going deeper into me with each pass of his rasping tongue. I was on fire and my hips started bucking against his face. I wanted that thick hard cock of his inside my pussy. David seemed to know how I was feeling and said to me. ‘Get down on all fours and let him fuck you doggy style.’
‘yes, yes,’ I though in my frenzied state, ‘doggy style.’
I slipped off the blinde and lowered my sodden panties to the floor. Barnywas jumping around in anticipation of what was about to happen and seemed to know that his reward was close at hand. He sniffed my panties as I got into position and on my hands and knees I pointed my arse towards him. He seemed to be in no great worry and slowly came up behind me. I looked around and could see his huge cock hanging between his legs and at it’s end was the most huge knot I’d ever seen on a dog. I kept telling myself, this is going to be good, but I didn’t realize just how good it was in fact going to be. I felt Barny’s rough tongue on the back of my right leg then my left then on my pussy. As his tongue probed between my pussy lips I automatically lowered the top of my body and offered him my hot pussy by pushing my hips towards him. That did the trick and I immediately felt him jump up and grap me around the waist with his paws. He seemed to be having trouble finding my aching cunt that was oozing juices like there were no tomorrow so I reached down between my legsand placed my hand on his thrashing member that felt gigantic. I nearly came just touching him but my cunt needed that cock so much that I automatically guided his dog cock towards my opening. I can’t express what it was like to feel his dog cock slide into me and slide in it did. The end of his cock was a little less wide than David’s so it slide in easily but this doggy was in a hurry and with a couple of thrusts I felt my pussy resistance then suddenly opened as he slide deep, deep inside me. His cock was like a long cigar tube that was thicker near the beginning than the end, it filled me completely, it was like no other cock I have ever known and to be honest this felt so much better. I was being lost in my own password. As Barny started to fuck me with super fast jabs into my cunt I willingly pushed my hips back into him. ‘Oh yes, fuck me, fuck me, I almost screamed, ‘fuck I want to cum, I love this, fuck I love it, if only I’d known how good this is, ahhhh fuck me, quickly fuck me ahhhhh his cock is so thick…’ I could feel the fluid he was dripping mixing with my own pussy juices and the thought drive me to even greater levels of password. Suddenly he broke off and started licking himself. I felt exhausted and fell over onto my side then rolled and la onto my back.
“I thought you’d like that,’ said David.
‘Like it,’ I said, ‘Like it?… I love it!’
Barny finished licking himself then looked around to see that I had changed positions and again turned his attention to me. He strolled over and started sniffing my pussy. I opened my legs in response and was rewarded by the feel of his tongue against my lips once more. I was in transported to another place by the feel of that doggy tongue against my clip. I wanted his cock inside me again but this time I was in a position to control his movements. He seemed to know what to do and positioned himself over me so that his cock hung down between my knees and my crotch. I brought my feet up and raised my hips towards that dripping member and without touching him moved my hips around until I felt the tip of his cock between my pussy lips. He just stood there while I did this and without moving a muscle he stood rock still as I relaxed and squeezed that magnificent dog cock inside. When I had about two inches of his member inside me I started to raise my hips. It was then that I saw David slide two cushions under my hips. ‘You’ll need these he said, as I felt Barny’s cock slide up my cunt spreading it wider with each inch I eagerly took. I could feel his cock deep inside me and the feeling of his fur against my breasts and stomach was sensing. Barny’s cock felt like it was almost level with my belly button and my pussy immediately started to involuntarily start squeezing his cock. I knew I was going to cum and cum like never before. I pushed my hips further into him and felt Davis slide another cushion under me. I was positioned now so that Barny’s knot was slapping against my pussy lips with each thrust he started to make. I was on fire and my head began thrashing from side to side. ‘oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…’ was all I could say as his doggy cock kept oozing fluid into me. Suddenly I felt his knot start to go deeper into me. I thought it would be impossible for me to take that thing but I was so hot now that I wanted all he could give me. I relaxed my muscled slightly and suddenly felt my pussy stretch to accommodate that big red knot of his. I thought I would pass out from the sensings that began flowing through my body. My clip was almost on fire from the sensing his knot was putting on the back of it. I automatically reached down towards my clip and almost as soon as I touched it, I had an orgasm that sent ripples of pleasure surging Throughout my entire body, then I had another almost immediately, which was something I’d never had. I then felt his warm sperm inside my pussy, ‘Oh fuck I thought, I’d being fucked by a dog and I love it, I love it…’ It was then that the spasms from my third orgasm started to rippled through me – it started at my clip and spread out like a stone that’s been thrown into a pond. I think I almost passed out at that point for the second time but I managed to hand in there.
‘God you’re really into this baby,’ said David, ‘if I’d known you’d enjoy it this much I’d have arranged this sooner.
“I wish you had, I said, ‘this is unbelievable, just unbelievable.’
‘Now don’t move until he comes out, said David, else you might damage him.’
I understand what he was saying and what her meant but could only say, ‘fuck I’m cumming again!’ For the fourth time pleasure swept through me and this time I lost consciousness and awoke to see David smiling down at me.
‘Fuck I love you,’ he said, ‘Will you marry me?’
‘Yes,’ I replied as tears filled my eyes, ‘after what you’ve introduced me to tonight of course I’ll marry you. We kissed and I looked towards the door to see Barny wander outside and flop over onto his bed. Clearly Barny and I were destined to repeat tonight little game but for the time being I had a wedding to look forward to and a marriage that would be spent with two great lovers.
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