First attempt, first draft.
I slammed my cell phone shut and throw it in the corner of my room, disgusted.
I could not believe what I had just heard.
Again, I had gotten another phone call from a blocked number about where my girlfriend was, and it had usually been right where she shouldn’t be.
Don’t get me wrong, she was a heartbreaker ever since I met her she was about my height, easy on the eyes and an awesome body… not your typical dirty blonde with a big fake chest that mommy or daddys bank account paid for, but it was enough to fill out those sexy little numbers with the low plunging necklines that she’d find herself in more often than not.
And to see this 5’7” dirty blonde strutting her stuff at you with every girls favorite little black dress that looked like it couldn’t keep a secret even if it tried, well she was used to the heads she would turn, as well as the dumbfounded looks that she would get at the gas station or fast food places; I usually would get a good laugh for the next week or so with one night with Vicki.
She ordered a taco one time and ask the punk behind the register if they could make it fast because she had to really go and the guy kinda just stood there and actually dropped her food on the floor on the way over to the counter. She just picked up her cup she had just filled with soda and throw it at him, cursing him out as she walked out the door pissed as hell. I just laughed at the guy as I walked out behind her.
She had done some modeling on the side for a name brand denim company, which eventually led to her fucking her photographer.
But when you realize that you’ve been dating someone for 4 years and they show up at your door with keys to a brand new Eclipse and wanting to get some things off their chest, well, you listen.
This phone call was not what I had wanted to hear. It had only happened almost 5 months ago, but Iguess you cant teach an old dog new tricks.
Pissed at the fact that someone called my cell and told me this just made the whole situation even worse, that everything was not in fact better.
I took a second to digest the content of information I had just received, too aggravated to actually process the facts and truths of what had actually happened.
Vicki had been more elusive for the past few weeks, staying out later and seeing movies with some new friends.
I had grown equally suspicious of her whereabouts with each passing day, but as it grow closer and closer to the holiday season, the never-ending piles of work and files, not actually realizing that she hadn’t come home until late every night and had been rushing to get me out the door early the morning when she did come stay with me. We had lived together until she started modeling and she was on the road so much that there wasn’t much point to her staying.
Either way, it was time to takea drive and see just what the hell was going on.
I grabbed my jeans and a semi clean t-shirt and hurried to get dressed when I stumbled over my phone that i had thrown out of disgust moments ago and picked it up.
Another voicemail.
I checked it, not knowing the number that had left me it, when I heard yet another familiar voice.
“Hey Adam its Sara. Listen I figured I’d try to call you and see if you were doing anything this week. I had just gotten back from the west coast for a week or so to see the family and whatever. I know that we really haven’t talked ever since high school, which is kinda weird for me leaving you this, but … I’d like to see you before I have taghfg- shreet- … coming back— shereeet-teet-…. “ I couldn’t make out the rest of the voicemail because obviously she didn’t have much service where she was calling from.
That had throw off my aggression for a second.
Sara had called me?
I had known herback in high school and a few years in college before I had to drop out. She had gotten into a few wrong crowds with a few abusive boyfriends, one in which I fucked up pretty bad when he hit her across the face outside of her dorm one night, and I literally had beaten him within an inch of his life when the cops pulled me off of him. He never laid a hand on her again, nor did anybody, because she knew that if something went down that I was there for her.
We had become pretty good friends in college, and it grew more and more apparent that she wanted me. More than a friend. She would as it seems purposely hang in with a few guys that were bad news just to see my reaction, to see if I would still stand up for her.
She made it quite clear that she was comfortable around me, telling me what she wanted, how she liked it, and from what I heard she didn’t really give head, which is something Vicki could never get enough of.
After I dropped out, I had gotten a full timeas a paperwork clerk for a small dental office not too far from where my apartment was. I was boring and quiet, but it was good money and the hours were there.
She was always clean and well kept, her darker middle eastern complex always seemed quiet yet definitely sexually appealing. She was an avid biker and soccer player, so she was always in far better shape then Vicki, and just a few inches shorter.
I hadn’t really seen much of Sara after college, she’d gotten some medicinal job on the west coast, and that was all I had really heard from her, other than that she just kinda disappeared, until now.
I was still confused as to how she got my number, but either way that was rather low on the concern list. Vicki had better hope I don’t catch her again, or… I didn’t even want to think about it right now.
Throwing my coat on and slamming the door, I locked my car door and must have done at least 60 in that parking lot. Realizing that I didn't have much of a plan once I got there as to what I was gonna do, I brought the car back down to normal speeds as I waited for a stoplight with light traffic. As the light turned green the thought of her letting someone pound her ass was enough to make my blood boil, and the fact that it could again be this dirty older photographer, which quite frankly could have been old enough to be her father.
As I crept the car down the road, realizing that even though it was sometimes around 6 or 7 at night, it was already pretty dark, and to find out what was really going on would be pointless if they saw the car.
Parking at the end of the street, I silently got out of the car, noiselessly closing the door behind me. Walking down the opposite side of the street, I made my way down to the old beat up yellow house down on Ames. Old 22.
Just as I walked underneath the cover of a neary tree a familiar giggle escaped out of the opening door directly from me.
As a messy haired but yet still semi-dressed Veronica had appeared from inside the building, as a half dressed older had shown up behind her, carrying the rest of her things in his hands, both stumbling over each over and very touchy feely. I just stood there, at a complete loss of words as to who and what I was seeing.
As she made it back to her sporty little white car and drive away.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket, as it read that I had a new text msg.
It had been from Vicki’s cell.
“Hey stuck in traffic, just caught a movie w. sum friends, if ur lucky maybe If I’m back soon we can get dinner n mabe dessert.. lol wink”
That bitch.
That slutty, dirty bitch.
Making my way back to my car, I began to think of what I could do about this. She had been sleeping with this guy again, and it had been weeks since we had sex.
No wonder I had gotten so much head, shes been gettin drilled by another man and …. Ugh I didn’t even want to finish the sentence.
I drove to a nearby dinner and just slumped in a corner booth and just ordered a coffee and just ran through what had just happened.
“I never would have taken you for a coffee drinker, but seeing what you look like after drinking it now I see why.”
Looking over in the booth next nearest mine, the darker skinned girl laughed her funny little laugh, and flashed me a big smile, the one that I hadn’t seen in years.
The attractively dressed female picked up her things and came and sat down next to me, her eyes warm and comforting.
“Well so much for hey you’re back and its nice to see you too.” She laughed again, obviously still just as happy as ever to have run into me, and at the worst possible time.
I would have returned her remark, but I just didn’t have the strength nor the will to do so.
She looked me over, and realized too that I hadn’t been in the mood for her cheerfulness.
Rubbing my handshe asked me what was up, and I told her. Everything from when the photo shoot had come into play almost a year ago and Vicki’s actions, then, as well as now and her little sint coming out of the photographers place.
She just rubbed my hand, very caringly and just stared at me the whole time as I told her, as if I had let her know about the passing of one of her relatives.
She just reached over and hugged me, rubbing my shoulder, muttering how sorry she was to hear that. I was just getting annoying and I wanted to lay down and relax but I obviously couldn’t do that at the dinner, and I felt rude asking to leave so I can sleep this shit off but that’s pretty much what I wanted to do, and again she picked up on it rather quickly.
“Well if you want maybe we could grab some drinks or something some other day, I see it’s a bad time and I-”
“Why don’t we go back to my place?” I blurted out. It was suddenly, and I hadn’t even really thoughtabout it and it just came out. I didn’t want her to go, and timing sucked, but right now everything didn’t make sense and she was just one friendly face that I didn’t want to be without.
Sara was started for a second at the question, which had apparently caught her off guard as well, but again beamed a warming smile
I fitted with my wallet to pull out cash for the drinks and started to explain, but she stopped me with a simple “that’d be great.”
For about 3 seconds I felt like it was old times again with me and her, like nothing had changed. We were always close, but after that whole thing with that guy I had pummeled in front of her, it had been blatantly obvious that she wanted to be closer, even though I had a girlfriend at the time.
We made idle chicken on the drive back, with her efforts apparently keeping my mind off of Vicki, as my mind wandered on and off of what we were talking about.
As we walked in I realized that the place was pretty clean since I had left last, only the small pile of workout clothes next to the bed and a few undone dishes, otherwise It didn’t really look like I had been here at all. She comfortably looked around, obviously pleased with what she was seeing. I pointed towards the kitchen “Fridge”, I pointed behind me “Bathroom”, and I pointed to me and the bed and me “Sleep”. As I sprayed out on my futon she sat in my computer chair and spun around in it a few times, amusing herself and taking my place in.
I groaned and flexed my shoulder blades, all the stress went to my neck. I felt a few fingers nudge my neck muscles, then a gentle massage here or there.
“Ugh. You’re all knotted up. Poor baby.” She said sarcastically, feeling up my neck and shoulder blades.
“Really Sara? Huh imagine that.”
I feel her knuckles to into my spine.
“Stop being such a dick Adam.” she hissed, and began the massage again, this time more intense.
“Well if youwant me to keep going then it would would a lot easier if you took your shirt off, I can’t get at this mess of knots that you call a back with your t-shirt on so…”
I laughed at her and rolled over. “If you wanted me to strip you could have just said so.”
She flashed me an ugly smile “Well where would be the fun in that?” She said playfully, and poked me in the ribs.
I sat up enough to pull my t-shirt up off over my shoulders and throw it at her face.
“Hey!” she yelled, have serious, half playful, “If I wanted things thrown at me, I would’ve been a hooker and not a part time masseuse.”
“I laughed at her. “Well maybe you should have stayed at your night job, or was it your night job?”
She shot me a dirty look and throw my shirt back at my face, obviously insulted.
She walked away and closed the bathroom door.
I just showed, and just rolled over and throw my shirt off the bed. My thoughts had begun to turn back to Vicki and her bullshit.
God, what a fucking day. First I find out again that Vicki’s been fucking around and then I run into my old dick tease from college. Yeah sure I had a girlfriend then, didn’t mean that I didn’t want her any less, and especially after today. So pent up and stressed from weeks of paperwork, and lack of sex of any kind….. I just… yawn…
Slowly, I realized I was dozing off…
I felt someone touching my stomach, feeling my abs. I rolled over, half out of it myself and not really paying attention, still half sleep. I felt something wet on my back and hands massaging my shoulders, quite well in fact.
I snapped back for a second to realize where I was and what was going on. I roll over and sat up to see Sara stumble over and almost fall off the bed. She was kind laughing, but I had realized that she had shown while I slept and had thrown own one of Vicki’s bathrobes that she had left here from one of her last times she had come over. Sara’s hair was still damp, which explained the slightly wet feel I had experienced on my back. She also seemed drunk.
She just tried to sit upright herself again and rested her forehead on my arm, still laughing for no reason.
I didn’t have any beer in my fridge, and the only stuff we had over there a while back was a couple of wine coolers that one of Vicki’s friends had given her a while back. I didn’t drink, so I was confused as to where booze had come from.
I pulled her upright and held her at both shoulders, firmly.
“You ok?”
My question offset her mood from drunken laughter to more and more obvious sobs of depression. Tears began to form and the crying more eminent. She sniffled for a second, then looked up at me, as if trying to grap for the words.
“Adam…. Chris… Chris raped me.”
A sudden surge of panic and anger swept over me once again. That motherfucker that I had practically beaten to death back in college had rapid her.
“I … I couldn’t tell anyone, I didn’t know what to do then. He… He force me back to his dorm and forced himself inside me…”
I just looked at her, unsure as to how I was supposed to feel. Sure I was not dating her, but knowing that she had known this all this time and hadn’t told me was a bit of a shocker; she had told me details of other things Im guessing that other people had never known, and this was just icing in the cake.
She grew slightly more calmer now, throwing back her dark free flowing hair behind her little ears and ran a finger under each eye to dry the forming tears.
“I could never tell anybody what had happened because… because….”
she took a deep breath, and let it out, slowly.
“… Because I liked it.”
My eyes widened. I was now the one at a loss for words.
“When I was little my father used to get real dunk and come in my room and beat me. Every day when my mother wasn’t home he’d come in and beat me, telling me that I was a bad girl, and when I used to hide from him he started getting me drunk, confusing me..”
I didn’t know really what to say to that., but still listened just as attractively.
“There I was 7 years old, and taught to like being beating. He tried one day to get me to suck his dick and I almost did if it wasn’t for my mother walking in.
After that it was all weird, different. He wasn’t there anymore and they had put me through all sorts of therapy about it, and I learned about fucking at 8 years old. I had to know about the body and the acts to know what he had done.
I…. I haven’t told anybody that. And… and when the whole thing went down with Chris, I didn’t know what to do.”
Now it all started to make sense now, in a sick sort of way.
I looked down for a second, taking in everything that she had just told me about her childhood. No wonder she ducked family questions and followed me as well as a few friends to school. She wanted out.
“ I didn’t know how I should have felt when he did that, and then when you… “
A slight smile crept across her face, creepy a first, but then rather semiconductor.
“You beat the hell out of him. And it just… I had never felt so turned on in my life. You saved me, and yet made me so fucking horny watching you destroying his face. I didn’t know what to say to you after that, not knowing what you would think If I did let you know about it.”
Her composition was much better now, and the sexy dick tease that I had come to know her as was back, and she actually broke into a giggle here and there telling the story, obviously now pretty turned on by her own account of her life.
“Nobody had ever done anything to me like that after you. I couldn’t have you because you had Vicki, but nobody would come near me after what they saw happened to Chris, and I was stuck. I wanted you and couldn’t have you , and I couldn’t have anyone because of you. It had always been you, and you didn’t even know it.
I just sat, looking at her, not really knowing what to expect now. I didn’t know shit about this girl all along, and now I wasn’t even sure what I wanted.
She realized my hesitation and rolled her eyes, “Oh well the hell with this!” she yelled, and dove towards me, pinning me on the bed, spread out and locked her lips around mine.
She was so into the kiss that she didn’t realize she had pretty much held me there for its entire duration. She tasted so good…. But… no!
I forced her off me and again held her violently against her will upright again in the position her and I were just in for her conversation. She jerked violently, eyes closed, her entire body spasmed, and she enhaled sharply, moaning the breath back out.
I realized what happened and let go of her. She surprised and opened her eyes back up.
“Ooh….. that wasn’t…. ohmygod….” She said, gaining her breath back. “That’s what it feels like?… Mmm..”
I realized that she wasn’t going to stop and was not going to leave until I had fucked the shit out of her. If I decided her, as I just tried, she would only come back wanting even more.
You know what? Fuck this I said to myself, thinking about todays events; Vicki had her fun, and I wanted mine. I reached over to Sara who had finished getting off and I began kissing her, opening her mouth with my tongue to meet hers. She moaned in anticipation of our make out session and off all the things I would do to her.
My dick strained against the beat up old jeans that I had on, straining for more room. I was definitely bigger than average, but not like a 14 inch pornstar, but I hadn’t heard any complaints from anyone I was with at the time.
I put my hands behind both of her ears and forced more of her mouth and tongue to meet mine. She was so soft, and from college till now that had never changed, even with all of her sport practices, her body remained as silk and her mouth amazingly soft.
I tore off her bathrobe, revealing a deep blue bra to match the robe and a sexy string to match. I grabbed her by her waist and throw her on the bed, grinding on top of her as we made out.
Her hands left my back as she made her way down my stomach and to my jeans, attempting to undue them without breaking the kiss. I grinded on her, hard against her pelvic bone and flexing, contracting, awaiting vagina and grabbed her hands, throwing them behind her back and locking them. She groaned loudly and forcefully grinded back, trying to wrap her legs around mine. I grabbed a handful of hair with my other free hand and began to rapidly dry fuck her, roughly. She groaned to be let free, and I just kissed her back harder, spreading her legs open even wider. I let go of her and went to undue her bra, fumbled for a second and then just yelled fuck it and put my hands on theflimsy piece of fabric holding the bra cups together in the front and with an angle tug ripped it apart. Sara arched her back in the moment of aggression and her breaths became short and rapid, as if getting ready for another climax. I wanted her to last this time, or rather let it last as long as it could possibly have made it last.
Taking the left nipple in my mouth, and roughly fondling the right with one hand, I gave her navy blue thong a quick tug to the side and softly rubbed the already exposed clip, absolutely soaked from just a few minutes ago.
Without warning, I slide one finger inside, barely able to move it around much. Her mouth hung open, and motionless as I moved it in and out of her, faster and faster. She did not say a word, nor utter a sound, just keep flexing her muscles towards my fingers, getting as much of my hand inside of her that I could get in. Her insides were tiny, as if she was still a virgin, and it took me a couple of minutes to actually beable to move my fingers in and out of her in some sort of rhythm. Her whole body constantly shuddered, her back constantly arching and her muscles in her stomach contracting hard around my finger. I slide another finger in and both hands held onto the sides of the bed and her mouth dropped open even wider. She contracted hard and my hand was soaked from all of her coming out. She had probably had the biggest orgasm that I had seen in my life. My bed was soaked entirely in her fluids, at this point not caring what was going on.
Letting her catch her breath for a minute, I pulled off the remaining leftovers of thong and bra off of her recovering body, looking much like a fish out of the water gasping for air. I took the time to start taking my pants off and she got up, still panting shaking her head no. “Let… me.” She said in short gasps of air.
I laid down at the end of the bed as her breathing became normal as she began undoing my jeans, kissing and licking at my stomachas she did.
I had known she hadn’t blown anybody, that’s what she had told me then and what I had heard around anyway, so I was a little confused as to what was gonna happen next.
“What’d you have in mind?” I asked, total guy mode not even bothering to see the obvious situation.
She stopped of a half a second, then moaned while rubbing the palms of her hands up the sides of my stomach, kissing my stomach and gently raking my back as her fingernails treaded down back towards my massive erection.
I swear if she even touched it I probably wasn’t going to be able to hold back and probably blowing it all in her eyes, since that’s what was directly in front of my dick at the time.
“ I want to do something that I’ve never did to anyone else, and I want you to be the first I do it to.” She whispered, looking up into my eyes, a crazy desire filled them with only one thing on my mind; filling this girl with as much of my dna as possible.
Removing the button and catching my boxes down in one quick motion, she was greeted by one of my hardest ections that I’d had in quite some time. A full seven or eight inches fully at her command, he hesitated for a second, then without warning, I watched it disappeared into her tiny mouth, and from what it felt like down half of her throat.
I couldn’t go now.
I had to hold back.
I wanted to exploit in her throat at that moment so bad, so much built up that needed release, but I forced myself not to, to number the rather intense deepthroating session that was gonna about to go down, and her soft tiny mouth which was even softer then her silky body had fall against mine.
She didn’t gag too bad, but had most of it in her mouth, an inch or so probably away from the base. She pulled off, if only for a split second, then forced herself even further onto my dick, engaging the entire thing deep inside her throat.
I grabbed her hairand whipped it into a messy ponytail as I began face fucking her, forcing myself even deeper then she would allow me in to, making her choke and her eyes tear as her bodies normal reactions to something so big in her throat blocking her air. With all of her gagging and choking and tears running down her face, not once did she try to pull off of me. Id give her a second to get air, I didn’t want to kill her, but she wanted to be roughed up, she wanted to be forced. She didn’t want to make love; she wanted me to rape the fuck out of her and finally fulfill her years old fantasy.
I realized that it had been so hard for so long that I didn’t need her to blow it in her throat, but after all of her face fucking, she started rubbing at her probably over aroused clip, practically begging me to take her.
I pulled my dick out of her mouth, and grabbed her by the throat and throw her up against the back of the bed. Her soft naked back hit the wall hard, causing her togasp at the sudden change in feeling. Catching her breath, all she could get out was “fuck me, fuck… fuck me….”
I grabbed both of her legs and forced them open, dragging her body towards my own. I shifted from my knees and grabbed her by her shoulders, lining myself up with her entrance. I leaned over , whispering in her ear “If I would have known this is what you wanted for so long I could have-”
Without letting me finish, she dug her nails into my back, anticipating that I would say something that would again throw her over the edge.
I grew out of surprise, squeezed her shoulders hard, and bit her neck, hard. She gasped, mouth again hanging open and again arching her back quickly, shoving a few inches of me into her without either of us realizing until it happened.
Violently I rubbed in and out of her, realizing that I didn’t have much space to work with in there. Either she had never had sex after Chris, or she was still a virgin. Didn’t matter. Just like everywhere else on her body I had explored, she was just as small and wet there as she was everywhere else
It took us a moment to get her to relax those muscles to get as much of me in there as would fit. I had fucked Vicki plenty of times over the years, but compared to Sara sex with Vicki felt like fucking a old woman.
I sunk in as far as I could force myself and then began to slowly penetrate her. I felt like I would break something, and I felt my balls tighten close and know that I could go at any second, and either of us had said a word about a condom. I would just have to pull out just as I had with Vicki.
Harder and harder I slammed her tiny little hole, feeling everything inside her flex and contract against my dick.
A deep throated groan made its way from her throat and she drew in a sharp breath and without warning was yelling as loud as she could muster.
Her body was constantly shaking, as if she was convulsing. I had hit her spot, and she was orgasming loud enough that I was sure that I’d have the landlord banging on my door in the other building across the way.
Her stomach flexed and squeezed on my dick, as if to plead with it to surrender its seed, to fill this girls stomach with as much semen as my balls could let out.
I didn’t care who heard me and at that point I couldn’t hold back any longer.
I went to pull out to shoot it somewhere on her stomach when both of her hands sprang up and clamped themselves onto my ass. She grunted the word no and squeezed me as hard as she could. She wanted me to shoot it deep inside her aching womb.
Just that action alone did it for me. My balls strained for a good three seconds and I let out a growl as I exploded inside her, feeling load after load after load shot deep inside places of her that I’d never see. Again and again and again and again until I was sure I had pumped my weight in liquid into her body.
I slumped over toone side of the bed, desperately trying not to pull out. I had never felt so much leave my body like that, ever. I looked over to a raspy Sara, whose throat was fucked up from her fiveteen or twenty minute orgasm, trying to smile but yet not even having enough energy to even accomplish that.
She tried for words, but either didn’t have enough breath, or couldn’t figure out just what to say. I just rolled back and kissed her shoulder, and then back to her soft lips, in a final moment before I passed out.
It took Sara a good half hour or so to muster the energy to get out of bed with Adam. Adam, still out cold, didn’t even notice her getting out of bed and making her way to her things in the bathroom , to her phone. Glancing over her back one last time, she dialed Vicki’s number. After a few rings, it picked up, the other line connected, Vicki’s familiar voice answering.
“Did you make it back to his place alright?” she asked.
Saraoddly to herself, still smiling about what had just happened not even an hour ago and replied with a hushed “Yeah.”
Vicki laughed, rather pleased with herself. And hung up.
Sara chuckled quietly too. She had gotten to fuck the man she always wanted, and neither of them knew the full of it.
And neither of them needed to know.
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