Now that I’ve actually written this all down, I feel I should explain. I’ve looked on here for a while, and want to give back. I’ve found I hate the stories where they have horrible grammar, or whenever they begin to describe sex, inexplicably caps lock gets slammed on, and the rest of the story is shot. Most of this this is a true story. A few facts have been changed (not the whole,I’m 13 but yet I have a 12 inch dick & abs sense of change). I’ve changed the names, and a little bit of the event, in case that I ever want to write a sequel if I get enough good comments – it will be easier, or in the really unlikely case that someone I know reads this, they won’t know it’s me. Couldn’t think of a title, thought it would just make it sound really cheesey. Maybe someone could help with that. after thinking about This, it isn’t a whole “I slam her pussy and she moans harder harder” type of story. This is more of my retelling of what I thought was an incredible night.
Well, there’s a bit of ground to cover, at the time when this happened I was 17. It was August, the week before my senior year of high school. I had joined the national guard over the summer, and my friend Josh had just returned from basic training. So, he and I got together, and decided we had a lot of time to make up for, and decided that a good old fashioned “girls + drinks = fun” kind party. It’s hard to explain, but remember high school and college parties, and the knowledge that any liquor is good liquor.
I’d never considered myself ‘hot’ or anything. I’m 6 foot & half an inch. I weight 190 pounds. I’m not fat, but not anorexicly skinny, or that steroid ripped look. I’ve got muscles, and definition but not to the point where veins pop out when I open a jar.
I live in a town of about 2,000 people. My graduating class wasof 70 kids. So instead of it being the town where everyone knows each, it was more like the COUNTY where everyone knows every fact about each other’s lives. That being said, I already knew who I wanted to have there for the party. Between Josh and myself, we didn’t really want to drop two hundred dollars on liquor and a hotel room, so we deemed it easier to go to our friend’s house. It was one of Those houses, where you know that you were supposed to avoid when you’re a kid.
My friend Cory lived in that kind of house. The kind where you know they spend more money on drugs then gas, and you’ll be lucky if you get dinner, but you can be there’s at least 20 beers in that house at any time. We invited a couple of girls that we knew to the get together. Firstly, and I thought most important, was Sarah. She is about 5 foot 7, maybe 110 pounds. Blessed with an amazing ass, and I’d guess about a B cup bust. Blonde and curly hair,Just the kind of girl you want to be with. There was also Chelsey. I called her Chel, just ’cause it pissed her off to have a cute nick name. She was one of the kind of girls that had the hair dyed completely black, wore a lot of eyeliner and mascara, with the black fingerprinternail poison and tight clothes. Very hot, but not the girl you’d bring home to mom. Hair cut in a sort of boy cut (I guess you could call it ’emo’) to about her jaw line, the look that some girls are just able to pull off. Had an awe inspiring D cup, with a fantastic ass.
Well, we got together at my friend Cory’s place. Cory promptly brought out the weed, none of the girls smoked, Josh and I being in the army, and being able to be piss tested at any time, couldn’t. In the space of about 30 minutes, he went through at least an ounce by himself, then passed out. I got a call from my mom, and through some divine luck, my grandma was having some little family reunion Thing, basically lunch and a movie together, the next day. My mom decided to take my whole family, and said it was alright if I didn’t want to go, just to be ok all weekend, and that she left $20 on the table for some food throughout the weekend.
So, we all decided to just leave Cory, and go to my place. We packed up our liquor and left. Got to my place, just a regular house in the suburbs of middle America, minus the picket fence, that’s just pretentious. We decided that the time at Cory’s place was a bust, and that we should just start annew at the whole party. So I took the $20, ordered a pizza, and got a movie. We popped in the movie, ate and drank the entire pizza and at least half a bottle of Captain Morgan, as well as 10 beers between the four of us. The cap. morgan being my one true vice in life, it was mostly me that drank it, and I was feeling pretty buzzed. My friend Josh had gone into the beer and pizza stupor, and promptly passed out. Sarah,being the cute little girl that I’d come to know had fallen wait, “passed out” is too harsh a term for someone so cute, on the couch.
Well, Chel and I went to my back yard. It was still pretty warm out, but we grabbed two blankets. We decided we were going to look at the stars. We laid out one blanket on the ground, and I don’t think we ever even discussed it, but we just laid down together. It was one of those things in life, that you just do without thinking. We laid down, started talking about school and how great it’s going to be once we’re down with the damn place.
I’d never really thought of her in any way physical. She had a really arasive personality, that you just couldn’t get past. But, when we were laying there together, it was almost like I was meeting a whole new person. But she did one thing in particular that shocked me. As we were laying there, she leaned up, put her forehead to mine, whispered “I think you’re really cute, and have had this little thing for you for a long time now” and kissed me on the lips.
It had taken me by surprise. She pulled back, thinking that by me not reacting that I didn’t want her. It was my turn to play the sweet person. I got onto an elbow, and grabbed her hand. I leaned in and kissed her back. Her hand found the back of my head, while I was feeling her neck and leg. We started making out, soft as could be. I gently push her shirt up her stomach. Playing the part of the punk rocker she’s got a bully button piercing. Her skin is so smooth and flawless, I’m starting to get into the moment. If you’ve never experienced the fabled “moment” it’s hard to explain.
We start to explore each other’s body. I pull her shirt completely off, revealing a very, very sexy black bra. She pulls off my shirt, letting her hands explore my back, I kiss her from her mouth,down to her neck. As I start to nibble around her collar bone, I pull off her bra. She has about quarter sized nipples, brown, and incredibly sexy. She’s hungry for more, and I’m enjoying the moment, every care seems incredible, and every time I feel her tongue on mine makes the night that much more memorable. She’s moaning into my mouth when I feel her breasts, lightly touching at first, then taking a Handful. Again, I kiss my way from her mouth, down her neck. Slowly I cross her neck, over the collar bone, and down to the breasts. I gently lick her nipple at first. Teasing her, getting her that much hotter. I take her whole nipple into my mouth, running my tongue over it, then taking my mouth off, I gently blow cold air onto her nipple. She arches her back at this, so I think I must be doing something good.
After about 2 minutes of my attention on her boobs, she’s grabbing at my belt. I lean up, then fall onto my back. I guess it’shave been to long since I’ve had liquor. Without missing a beat, she kicks off her sandles, and pulls down her jeans. I take off my belt, and before I can even unbutton my pants, she pulls them down. She’s wearing a black thong to match her bra, while I’m wearing a pair of simple hains boxes. Being as semiconductor as I’ve seen any girl, she pulls my boxers down, with one hand, the other pushing her hair out of her face, as she leans down and kisses me. I feel her hand struggling me, and really started to get hard.
I’m about 8 inches long, 7 and a half in the cold. She’s struggling me to full hardness. I reach one hand up to cup the back of her head, as my other hand is reaching behind her to rub her pussy. I can already feel the wetness and heat as soon as I touch. I finger her clip, and she moans into my mouth, harder than I’d ever heard her before. She leans back onto her butt, and pulls her underwear off. She does that sexy little onefinger “come here” sign.
I crawl across the blanket to her, and she wraps her tigh around my stomach and back. I feel the head of my dick press into her crotch. She guides me into place, as she pulls with her legs. I suck on her neck as I penetrate her. She whispers “I’m a virgin”, as I get about 3 inches in. I penetrate fully, then start to rock my hips. As I’m feeling her tensing underneath me, I get the feeling we’re being watched, but then hear a noise in the house. My mind not being far from the girl beneath me, I throw the second blanket over us in case of modesty, more for show than anything, as she’s moaning loudly, and you can hear her wetness.
I pull her legs from around me, and pin them to the ground, and start to penetrate her while she’s laying on her back. I start to rock harder, making her tits flow harder and harder across her chest. After about 5 minutes of that position, I let her legs up, and lean down kiss her ear, as I wrap my arms her. I pull her up off the ground, and fall onto my back. She takes the cue, and straddles me, with my dick still inside her. She leans down with her tits in my face. I don’t need a second hint, and start to suck her nipples again. After 2 minutes of this, she starts rocking harder, and I feel her pussy tension around me as she cums. The combination of her moaning, and the Feeling of her pussy is enough to push me over the edge. I cum hard, pulling out at the last second, and grabbing the blanket to prevent a mess. She collapses on top of me, pants heavily, and soon falls wait. I lay there recovering, thinking that this is what high school is really about.
I hear a screen door open and close, and I hear nervous foot steps get nearer to us….
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