CASSANDRA (romance, young)

Ch. 1

Noah paused from his assault on Dawn’s lips only for the moment it took him to rip her shirt over her head. He was back to forcefully kissing her once her breasts were free except for her bra, and he could remove that while his mouth was attached to hers, which he wasted no time doing.

Soon she was naked from the wait up, and he could feel her tugging at his own shirt. He lifted his arms, allowing her to pull it over his head, before he grabbed her, shashing her full, heavy breasts against his chest.

He kissed his way down her throat, pushing her away slightly to take one of her big, brown nipples in his mouth. He suckled on it, and she moaned, jerking her hips against him.

By this time, his dick was throbbing and hard in his pants, and he wasted no time unbuttoning his jeans and pushing them down, along with his boxers, in on fast motion. They got stuck around his ankles, because he hadn’t bothered to removehis shoes, but he ignored that fact and pushed Dawn back onto the bed.

He hiked her short skirt up around her waist, and roughly grabbed at her panties. He could feel that they were sopping wet, and he would have laughed at her if he weren’t in such an aroused state. He tugged them down just far enough around her thighs, so he had open access to her pussy.

And without any pause, he thrust his cock into her. Dawn was no virgin, and though she was warm and moist, he had no trouble shoving his cock into her in one push. Dawn let out a loud half gasp, half scream as soon as he was in her, and her moans grow louder and louder as her orgasm built.

She peaked just before he did, her pussy contracting around him, and he finished, spilling his seed in her. He collapsed on the bed next to her, both of them breathing hard. After only a few moments to gather himself, he sat up and pulled his jeans back up around his waist buckling them and looking forhis shirt.

“Great fuck,” Dawn said smiling seductively up at him, not bothering to attempt getting dressed.

“Yeah,” Noah mumbled distractedly, seeing his shirt lying by the closet across the room. Dawn watched him covetously from her position on the bed. He was only one year older than her seventeen years, yet there was something about him that was incredibly mature and alluring. He was quite handsome, with his shaggy brown hair and muscled physics, and he was a bit of a lonely and a renegade, which had all the girls drooling over him. Although this fact, though, he didn’t have a girlfriend, had never had a girlfriend. Instead he chose to have flings and one-night-stands, like Dawn.

Noah had just bent and picked up his shirt, when he happened to glance at the half open closet door, and came face to face with a pair of big blue eyes. “Whoa,” he couldn’t stop himself from shouting and jumping backwards from the closet, “shit,” a moment later, “there’s someone in there.”

He pulled open the closet all the way, and saw a cute little girl, probably about ten, staring up at him. “Shit.”

“Don’t mind her,” he heard Dawn says, and upon looking back, realized that she still wasn’t even attempting to cover herself, “that’s just my little sister Cassandra, she’s always lurking around.”

“Fuck, Dawn, she was in here the whole time, she saw what we did,” Noah said worriedly. Jesus, she was just a little kid.

“Whatever,” Dawn said, “Just close the door.”

Noah could’t believe Dawn’s callousness; she just wanted to shut her little sister back up in the closet. Noah shook his head and pulled on his shirt. “I’m out of here,” he said walking towards the door.

“Wait, don’t leave, we can order some food ” Dawn finally jumped up off the bed, staring after him.

“See you around,” he said, unfazed.

“Don’t let Cassandra scare you away,” Dawn begged, coming towards him, her big breasts still naked, though her skirt had fallen back down, “She’s just a little freak, don’t mind her.”

Noah looked over Dawn’s shoulder to where Cassandra still stood, unmoved. She was staring at him with a blank expression on her face, her big blue eyes seemingly vacant. “What’s wrong with her?” he asked, curiously.

Dawn shrugged, “I don’t know, she’s insane,” she said dismissively, “She’s not really my sister, you know, my dad married her mom six months ago, then her mom up and died three weeks later. Now we’re stuck with the little brat.”

“Maybe she’s just upset about her mom,” Noah said defensively, mad about the way Dawn talked about the death of the little girl’s mother right in front of her like that.

“Nah, she’s been creepy from the day she got here, hardly ever talking and always hiding in closets and cutting up things. And she always just stars with this weird expression on herface. No, she’s just insane. I only hope that she doesn’t go crazy and try to murder me in my sleep one night.”

“Yeah, well, I’ve gotta go,” Noah said, turning for the door again.

“Wait,” Dawn grabbed his hand, “My dad isn’t going to be home tonight, and you can do whatever you want to me,” she said seductively, rubbing her naked breasts against his chest.

Noah just glanced at Cassandra, who still stood in the closet, staring. “Cassandra, go to your room,” Dawn ordered harshly. And he watched the girl anxious quickly by them, and out the door.


Noah felt a soft palm against his cock, and could feel himself hardening under the stimulation. Dawn was quite insatiable, he thought, half sleep. Well, if she wanted to wake him up in the middle of the night for yet another fuck, he could be agreeable.

Without opening his eyes, he reached out and grabbed the arm attached to the hand, and hearing a tiny cryas he did so. Something was wrong, he thought immediately, this hand was too small, the arm too delicate, that cry too sweet. He opened his eyes, realizing that it was the little girl who now held his cock in her hand, Cassandra.

He glanced over to see Dawn still sleep on the other side of the bed, and back to the small girl crouching beside him. She seemed to be frozen, as was he. They stayed completely still, staring at each other for a long moment, before Cassandra let out a little whimper, releasing his cock and tugging at her hand, which was imprisoned in his grip. After a moment he let her go, and she ran out of the room.

What was that about? he wondered to himself. Maybe there was something wrong with the girl. Noah didn’t stop to worry about it, instead got dressed and quietly left the house.


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