This is the following-on story to “The Day After.”
One of our family’s spring rituals was to go to the beach every year towards the end of April or the first of May. This was primarily for a short vacation for the family, but my sister and I always used it as the time to begin the “serious” part of our annual tans. I always believed that skin looked better, at least on me, with a tan. Since I spent a lot of time out at the pool at our house, I had to do very little in order to maintain one, but it never got really dark until our first trip to Florida each year. The beaches we normally visited were in Daytona, Fort Lauderdale and Miami. Though we spent a lot of time on several different beaches, my favorite was always Haulover Beach, which is a clothing-optional beach operated by the Miami-Dade Park Commission. It was unique, I would come to find, in that it was the only government-operated C/O beach in the United States.
Haulover was a unique place, if for no other reason than the fact that 99% of the people who were on the beach at any given time were completely nude. There is something about being nude and having the sun and wind caress your naked body that is invigorating. Since I swam nude much of the time at the house, it never even occurred to me that some people find nude beaches “weird.” I didn’t understand until later in life how unique this place was – to me, it was always just another beach, but everyone was naked. Even further south, on South Beach, where toplessness was de rigueur, people still wore swimsuit bottoms (though frequently, they were barely detectable). There was never a shortage of people on Haulover, however.
Haulover Beach is operated by the city-county parks board, and is patrolled by lifeguards and local law enforcement just as all the other beachs operated by the city are. I’ve often wondered if the lifeguards assigned to that beach are the ones that draw the short straw, or that is considered the pinnacle of assignment for a county lifeguard. For those that have never visited a nude beach before, their first thought about such a place might be one of grogeous women parading around with no clothes on. Or, alternatively, they might envision a place with a bunch of pervy guys ogling the women. The truth lies somewhere in between. While there are pretty women on the beach, the majority of the people on the beach are just your average, run-of-the-mill person. Just….average – nothing more, nothing less. People from all over the world can be found on Haulover, and you will hear several different languages if you spend any time at all listening to the variety of conversations Taking place at any given point in time. Many people from outside the United States cannot fathom the prayishness that exists in American society aboutthe naked human body. These kinds of beaches exist all over Europe and South America, and Haulover is really the only place in this country that they can come to enjoy the freedom of being unclothed on the beach.
Like any beach, however, there are issues that come up. Occasionally, males who like to roam the beach in search of the perfect female form can get a little annoying. Okay, hugely annoying. I have seen instances where a guy will literally set up a pallet right next to an attractive female and stare at her until she complains, or until someone notices and complains to one of the lifeguards. Haulover is unique in that it has its own citizen security force in a manner of speaking. There are several regulars on the beach that takes great strides to ensure the safety of everyone there, especially the women. It is not uncommon to see one of these regulars approach someone who appears to be taking photos and ask them to leave the beach, and even confidentTheir cameras and remove film. If the offender doesn’t leave, the lifeguards and/or local law enforcement officers are called in to deal with the situation. The citizens will frequently ask irritating people to move or leave in some cases, and even provide language translation services between visitors and lifeguards. All in all, however, I feel safer at Haulover than I do on any other public beach in Florida. And, Since I adore an all over tan, this has become my favorite beach.
It is not uncommon for us to take friends with us, and this year was no different. Last yea, we’d brought Chelsea’s boyfriend with us, and this year, I got to pick some friends to bring. I chose Nikki and Kelsey, neither of whom had been to such a place before. My parents asked me to explain to them what kind of place it was, and that they would contact their parents to get permission for them to go (after explaining how the place worked). At first, neither of the girls was terribly excitinged about going to a nude beach. But, after I explained to them that they didn’t have to be nude if they didn’t want to, and reminded them they both swam nude here at the house all the time, they seemed to be okay with it. Still, the talk over the preceding couple of weeks was lacened with dread and trepidation about being on a beach in a less than clothed condition.
True to form, both Nik and Kelsey took up their spots on the towels on the beach in full bikini swimsuits. I immediately removed all of my clothes, as did my sister and parents. As we had been walking out onto the beach from the boardwalk, both of the girls had been uttering, “Oh, my god,” and other feigns of astonishment until we got to where we wanted to set up right next to Tower 26. I noticed that they tried to Conceal the fact that they were looking around at all of the naked people that were walking leisurely by, or those that were parked in the sand at various points across the relatively small beach. We all got settled, and I lay naked right next to Nikki, while she and Kelsey both just stared at me for what seemed like an eternity. It seemed surrender since, as I had pointed out before, they both had no problem swimming nude at my house almost daily. At any rate, after the girls got settled and a little more comfortable, and realized that everyone else, in all of their shapes, forms and shades were Also sans clothing, they apparently began talking to each other about whether or not to shed their suits. About fifteen minutes later, both girls started removing their swimsuits, though they ended up face down to begin with. Gradually, they came around and we ended up spending a considerable amount of time out in the ocean completely free of both clothes and inhibitions. I would later find out that both girls found the experience invigorating.
During one of our walks down the beach, Kelsey brought up the subject of Nikki and I having had sex over the past few monthss. I had told Nikki that I had seduced Kelsey and thought that at some point we’d end up sharing her, though I was only half being serious at the time, so I figured at some point the subject would bring itself up in one way or another. I’m not sure what prompted Kelsey to want to discuss it that day, but the timing was great. Kelsey and I had not done anything physical since that night, and I was relatively certain that she had not done anyone else of the female persuasion. She did have a boyfriend at that point, and I know she was doing him since their third date almost a year earlier, but as far as I knew, I was her only female sex partner to that point. We had discussed what happened on several occasions in form or another, but since I knew she’d had some problems with doing it to begin with, I was determined to let her take her time getting used to the concept. From the tone of her voice, in this case, I could discern that she’d been thinking a lot about what had happened.
Though Nikki was obviously embarrassed and was blushing, she took the horse by the tail and asked Kelsey what she wanted to know. Kelsey was curious as to how we felt about each other. When pressed by Nik to explain, Kelsey said she was curious as to whether we considered ourselves “going together,” as if we were in a girlfriend-girlfriend relationship. Both of us simultaneously exclaimed that we were’t, and I tried to explain that Nikki and I just enjoyed the physical act of sex with each other. Though we were close friends, we both considered ourselves free to have boyfriends. As a matter of fact, at that point, Nikki had a suitor that would, indeed, become her official boyfriend some month or so later.
“So, you guys just fuck just to be fucking, then?”
“Pretty much,” I explained. “We enjoy sharing each other and getting each other off, and there are no dangers involved like pregnancy, STDs, or the actual relationship that might get damaged if someone does or says something stupid. Basically, we just like fucking each other, Kelsey!” Nikki and I both laughed.
“Holy shit, that is awesome.” Kelsey then dropped a bombshell on us, “I want to try to get in Sam’s pants.”
The eyes in both mine and Nikki’s heads got as huge as saucers. “What do you mean?” I asked.
“I mean, I’d like to do to her what you did to me. I think I have a little crush on her, and I get the sense that she might like to experiment a little to see what it feels like.” Nikki and I were astonished. Not so much because of what she’d said about Sammi (we both agreed with Kelsey’s assessment, actually), but that it had come from Kelsey of all people. I had explained to Nikki Kelsey’s seeming reluctance to get serious when I was trying to seduce her on our one and only night, so it seemed almost out of place for her to have wanted to initiate a lesbian encounter with anyone else. Nevertheless, to say that wewere intrigued would be an understanding, and we both pressed for more details.
Over the next few hours, at the beach and down by the pool at our hotel, we talked with Kelsey about what she should do, how she should go about trying to get in Sammi’s pants, and what to do when she got there. And, perhaps more importantly, how to handle the fallout – good or bad, that might result from whatever happened. We were all highly intrigued and looking forward to what the results might be. I told the two girls that, if Kelsey was successful, all four of us were going to have to get together and play around a little bit, just for fun. Nikki and Kelsey both agreed wholeheartedly, and I seized the opportunity while we were sitting out at the pool. “Nikki, why don’t you kiss Kelsey and see how good she is?” After an initial squeal of surprise from Nik, she reached over and engaged Kelsey in an intensely erotic kiss that left me breathless. It was at that point where I realizedthat I was going to enjoy being around these three girls (Nikki, Kelsey and Sammi) over the next few years, and was looking forward to being playing with them when they were around. “Too bad we’re all in the same suite with my parents,” I lamented. Both girls agreed. Over the next few days, we continued to offer ideas and encouragement to Kelsey about her upcoming adventure, along with the occasional dirty talk about what we might do to each other at some point. There was also a lot of discussion about the differences between penis-induced orgasms and tongue-induced ones.
The weekend after we returned to Nashville, Kelsey finally got her chance. She had been planning on how she was going to initiate a sexual encounter with Sammi, and was torn between a variety of competing ideas. Regardless, she was finally successful. Kelsey called me at 1:30 in the morning to share it with me. She had basically began her discussion with Sammi about a two-girl kiss they’d seen ina movie that evening, and it progressed to what it might like to have sex with another girl. At some point, Kelsey explained to Sammi that Nikki and I had been fucking each other since our New Year’s Eve kiss (Sammi had been at the party), and then explained to her that I had seduced her into her first lesbian experience. Sammi told Kelsey that she had wondered on many occasions what it might be like to have sex with another girl, but that she’d been unsure about how to go about doing it, or even how to bring it up. I would find that to be the case with so many girls as I progressed though life – they are unsure how to bring it up because they don’t want to be ostracized for being a “lez” or “dyke” or any of the other terms used to describe girls who like to have sex with other girls. Truth is, in my experience, the overwhelming majority of girls would die to have a lesbian experience, just once.
Regardless, Kelsey had successfully negotiated her way into Sammi’s pants, and, as far as I was concerned, all four of us were now officially bisexual. I immediately began trying to come up with a way to get all four girls together for some fun and frivility – a four-girl orgy as it were. I decided it would have to be a sleepover of some type. We had a guest house next to our pool that had provided ample room and opportunity for my division of Kelsey, so I deemed it perfectly acceptable for this task. Now, I just needed to find a way to get everyone else in the family to abandon the house altogether – I sure as hell didn’t want my sister or one of my parents walking into the middle of my little orgy. As luck would have it, my parents were to be out of town in Europe over an upcoming weekend. That would solve part of the problem, but there was still my sister to deal with. That also proved to be Easy enough when I convinced her boyfriend that he needed to take her somewhere so that I could have a party that I didn’t want anyone to know about. Heagreed to whisk her away, though he certainly never knew exactly what kind of party I was planning.
I also adopted the philosophy that I wanted all of us to come into the “party” knowing that we were going to be experimenting with each other sexually. I therefore explained to the girls individually what I had in mind and everyone seemed amiable to the idea. What I wanted to happen was for each of us to do some research on the Internet for something we could do while having sex with each other – sort of a seminar of sex, if you will. Each of us was to focus on one topic and we would all agree to learn what we could, and would get to experiment on the other three as we learned. This presented all of us with two weeks of extreme anticipation, and Nikki and I spent more than our fair share of time playing with each other as we thought about the possibilities associated with having the other two girls with us. I knew it was likely that similar ideas would be used by morethan one of the girls, so I focused on one that I new would be the most intense – the “G-spot.” Nikki was to focus on different positions, Kelsey would work on creative use of the fingers for penetration, and Sammi would focus on the art of eating pussy since she was the relative newbie of the group. Nikki and I certainly knew by this point in time what the G-spot was and how to use it for maximum benefit. I wanted to Import that information to the other two girls as well, though.
Nikki came home with me on the appointed Friday afternoon, and the other two girls showed up around 6PM on that warm evening. I suggested we all go hop in the pool. Without any hesitation, everyone stripped down and jumped in the pool. We spent a leisurely hour or so just swimming and enjoying the evening air, along with what was left of the late afternoon sun. When we were done, we all went in and snacked on the variety of odds and ends that I had assembled. After we finished eating,I suggested that we go take shows. Someone said they wanted to go first, and I explained that I mean for us all to take a shower together. Everyone was immediately struck with the “are you serious?” look on their faces, as I left the kitchen and headed out the back door to the guest house. Our guest house doubled as a “pool house” and was equipped with a two-headed, glass enclosed shower that was more than sufficiently sized to accommodate the four of us. When we got to the guest house, we immediately stripped out of our clothes again as I turned on the water to allow it to warm. As we all climbed in and began soaping each other up, I took advantage of everyone and spent lots of time soaping up the girls’ chests. Everyone took note and began doing likewise. We rubbed naked bodies against each other, screaming and squealing Just as if this were the first time any of us had touched anyone else like this before that night. Finally when we were done, we got out and sheled off.
The only way I could think of at the time to get things started was to have each of us kiss the other three girls in as erotic a French kiss as we could do. So I suggested that I start with Nikki. Nikki and I did our level best to recreate our kiss from the party, multipled by a factor of ten! We wrapped out arms around each other and kissed passwordately. Sam and Kelsey got tired of waiting and began kissing as well. After a minute or so of tongue fucking each other’s mouths, I suggested we swap out, and I looked over at Sam and said, “I haven’t had the pleasure of tasting you yet, Sam, so you come here.” Everyone laughed as we paired up and Nikki moved over to Kelsey. Again, we spent well over a minute playing tonsil hockey, and I discovered that Sam knew how to kiss just as well as Nikki did – she had a very erotic kiss and knew how to use her tongue. I pulled back and leaned down and playedfully bit at Sam’s left nipple, which elicited a short squeal from herand caused the other two girls to look up. I knew that if we stopped doing things to discuss what our next moves were to be, we’d lose any sense of eroticy that we might generate, so I decided, initially anyway, to just let things go as they would.
I reached back up and started kissing Sam again, and moved my hands down to her tits and began to squeeze and fondle them. She took my lead and began to do the same to me. She would take my nipples between her fingers and roll them, and I was getting the sense that she’d been playing with hers for quite some time. After a few minutes of this, I looked her in the eyes and said, “You know what I want, Sam,” and pushed her back on the bed. She did indeed know what I wanted, and immediately pulled her legs back where I could have unobstructed access to her pussy. I kissed my way down her leg from her foot, and wasted no time burying my face in her sopping wet pussy. I could tell she had gotten terribly horny and that it wouldn’t take long for her to cum, so I quickly got my finger wet with her pussy juices and pushed it in using short thrusts into her pussy as I licked and sucked on her clip. As I pushed in, I began thrusting my finger into her cunt, and she came strongly after only about four or five movements. Sam’s hips began bucking and rising up off the bed as she ground her pussy into my face, and I continued to bury my finger into her depths while I sucked on her clip and rolled it around with my lips.
Sam came down from her orgasmic high, and immediately sat up and said, “I want to do you, Cathy. Lie down.” Who was I to argue with her? I was impressed by her drive to see what she could accomplish. Kelsey had told me that Sammi had not had any hesitation about going down on her, but I never got the sense that she was as driven as she appeared to be here based on what Kelsey had told me about their encounters. Sammi’s approach to eating pussy was a little more direct than mine had been – she went straight for the clip. However, she had some sense about what she was doing, and proceeded to give me a fairly good tongue-fuck. I don’t know if Sam had been practicing with another girl or what, or if she just knew specifically what it was that got her off, but she attacked my pussy like she knew what she was doing. And, boy did she ever. I had a major orgasm within a minute of her starting her work down there. She basically mimicked what I had done with my finger, and had no problem entering me with her index finger as I climbed higher on my way to Nirvana. As I came down from my high, I looked over to see that Kelsey and Nikki had not waited for any prodding from us and they, too, had been hard at work bringing each other off. I leaned up and kissed Sam on the mouth, and we exchanged spit and Let our tongues dance across each other’s lips. Sam and I just laid there and watched the other two, both of whom were completely oblivious to the fact that they hadan audience. Watching two people have sex has always been interesting to me – I’m not sure if it was because of what transpired here, or if that was just the first evidence of it.
I had figured that, given the higher state of arousal that we would be in, we’d probably immediately achieve orgasms with each other, and had planned accordingly. Once we’d recovered from our mutually orgasmic fuck session, I suggested we see what each of us had learned from the research we were supposed to do. Nikki went first, and explained and demonstrated a handful of positions that we could use to fuck each other to the best of her ability. Of course, she and I had used most of these positions already, and this was primarily for the benefit of the other two girls (so I thought). My favorite position with Nikki had always been the 69 position, if for no other reason than it allowed us to mutually pleasure each other simultaneously. To this day it remains my favorite position for fuckingAnother girl. On many occasions, we had managed to get each other off at the same time – I had not yet realized that this was not a normal occurrence in most physical sexual encounters. We therefore had spent great amounts of time in a 69 position, since we could also do this while lying on our sides – we could interrupt sex for a few minutes if we wanted without having to disengage ourselves and then work to get back into position.
One of the positions Nikki demonstrated was what I refer to as the “Hindlick Maneuver,” where one girl gets on her hands and knees like a male-female doggy position, and the other girl comes in from behind her and engages her pussy. As Kelsey and I helped Nikki demonstrate this position (which at the time was fairly new to me), I couldn’t help but think about Kelsey’s asshole, which was positioned right in front of my nose at this point. I suspect it would not have been as pleasant an experience had we not had our shows, but at this point I remember wondering to myself what kind of fun one could have using the other’s ass for sexual pleasure, though admittedly I had gotten the idea from what I had seen in porn. Oddly enough, it would be another year before I would become as familiar with that area as I’ve come to be. We also worked on other positions – pussy grinding (which I now know as “tribbing”), one girl bent over a chair and the other one going down on the bent over one, the standard kneeing and lying positions, etc.
Then it was time to learn about using fingers to penetrate the various orifices of the body, though this night we concentrated solely on vaginal and oral penetration. Kelsey was the resident “expert” on this, and set about explaining how to ensure that the fingers were lubed up sufficiently. She briefly touched on the subject of using fingers to get to the G-spot, though she clearly did not have a sufficient breadth of understanding on how that special place could be used in the most powerful of ways. I would be correcting that very shortly. Kelsey did explain that guys really got off watching girls masturbate themselves, especially if they occasionally reached their fingers up to their mouths and tasted their own juices (she’d been watching too much porn as well, it appeared). I playedfully reached my fingers down to my pussy, inserted them, and brought them up to my mouth and made a production of cleaning them off. “Oh, you’re right. God, I taste delicious,” I chimed, to which everyone else laughed.
Sam was up next, and I found out why she had been so adept at eating my pussy earlier that evening. Her “topic” was how to eat pussy, and she’d obviously done considerable research. She went to each girl and demonstrated how to lick and suck the clip of another girl masterfully. In each case, she did just enough to get us horny again without actually bringing us off – a feat that had all of us on the edges of our seat at that point. She demonstrated how to roll your tongue to make a close semblance of a penis, and how to use that to actually “tongue-fuck” another girl. Although several attempts, the rest of us could not roll our tongues like Sam could. Nikki couldn’t stand it any more and masturbated herself to another orgasm as Sam demonstrated on her. Sam started to stop and Nikki hollered at her to keep “fucking her with that fucking tongue,” or she would Kelsey and I just laughed.
Then, it was my turn. My expertise was to be the G-spot and how to use it to create or heighten an orgasm. I had discovered in my research that not every girl even had a G-spot and some couldn’t even achieve orgasm through the use of that special mechanism, but given that all of us had already achieved multiple orgasms this evening, I had moved the thought that that might be a problem to the back of my head. Nikki and I both had become masters of G-spot orgasms with each other, however, and I was determined toImport that wisdom unto the other two girls. I asked for volunteers and looked at Kelsey and said, “You!” Kelsey turned thirty shades of red and came over to me. “Lie down on the bed, Angel Face. I’m fixing to rock your world.” I explained for their benefit the appropriate location of the g-spot and how to discern it when you inserted your fingers into the pussy. I asked Kelsey, “You remember how hard you came earlier, right?” to which she replied that she most certainly did.
I pushed Kelsey back, and went down on her again. After a minute or so of mouth action, she was sufficiently wet enough to allow my fingers to penetrate her easy enough that I could get to the place where the G-spot is supposed to be. As I worked my fingers deeper into her wet pussy, and I continued to use my lips and tongue on her engaged clip, I could sense that she was already moving towards an orgasm, so I backed off her clip a little. I finally maneuvered my middle finger to where I could touch the upper wall of her vagina and found that soft, fleshy mass that I recognized as her G-spot. I remember thinking to myself that I hope she didn’t suffocate me with her legs when she came. Regardless, I began attacking her clip again, and massaging her special place. As I did this over the course of many seconds, Kelsey began to grunt and groan unlike anything I had heard from any of the girls Before. At first I thought maybe I was hurting her, but I quickly reassessed that she was indeed on the verge of a powerful orgasm. I continued tongue and finger fucking her, and she began to scream so loud that the other two girls’ eyes got extremely wide (according to Nikki). Finally, she let loose. Kelsey began undulating, moaning, screaming and bucking like she was riding a wild horse. She reached down and grabbed my head and pulled me into her tighter, and I tried to increase my intensity. According to Nikki, Kelsey came for two full minutes- I certainly was unable to keep track of it, so I have no way of knowing for sure. But I do know that she came extremely hard. As her O subsided, I slowed down my massaging of both her clip and her pussy and began to back my finger out of her pussy. Kelsey withdraw her legs up to her chest and continued moaning and then began bawling her eyes out. I thought, “Oh, my god, I have hurt her.” I moved up to her face and apologized and said I didn’t mean to hurt her. She cried, “No, you didn’t hurt me, Cathy. I’ll be okay in a minute.” She continued crying for a minute or two as the other two girls wondered if she was okay.
“Oh, my fucking god. That was the most intense feeling I have ever had in my entire fucking life. Oh, Jesus. Fuck me. That was so fucking powerful. God damn. I can’t imagine that a cum could ever feel any better than that.” Kelsey continued her attempts at conveying how powerful her orgasm had been for the next several minutes. I looked over at Sammi, and she got the mostsheepish look on her face. “Your turn,” I said with a huge smile.
“Do Nikki next,” she chimed. I explained that Nikki and I had been demonstrating this on each other for months. “Oh, my god,” she squealed as she came over to the bed. I had Sam lay back and proceeded to perform the same magic on her that I had just done on Kelsey. Kelsey, meanwhile, was still doubled up on the bed in the throes of post-orgasmic bliss, where she remained for another fifteen full minutes. I was able to bring Sam off similar to the manner in which I had done Kelsey; though with nowhere near as powerful as result, at least not obviously. I could certainly tell that Sam’s O was more powerful than what she’d experienced before that evening, but she did not double up like Kelsey had done.
After our sex session, we all just laid around and watched at the television and made small talk. We all agreed that we would continue to enjoy each other sexually whenever and wherever we felt like it – and that we would all be friends for life (and we are to this day – more on this as the chapters develop). We all got dressed to one extent or the other and crawled into bed. Kelsey was still sobbing for much of the evening, and I seriously wondered if I had done any damage to her, physically or emotionally. I finally got her alone when she went to the bathroom a little later and I had to ask her if she was alright. Kelsey explained to me that she was fine, that she had just been incredibly overwhelmed by the intensity of the orgasm she’d just been subjected to. She looked me in the face and said, “Cathy, you are the most incredible girl I have ever met.” I lavished a “Thanks” upon her, kissed her passwordately on the mouth, and said, “Thanks, Kels. What a wonderful thing to say. You just be sure you use that in the future, babe.” She just laughed. We spent the rest of the evening snacking, making out with each other dozens of times, watching TV, and then went midnight swimming. It occurred to me that I could not have been this open had I been in a group of guys. I would come to realize over the next several weeks and months that the sex one girl can have with another occurrence on such a different emotional plane than the sex she has with a guy. That’s not necessarily better – just different. I’m not 100% sure when I made it a consciousness decision that I would make it one of the things I did in my life, while I could, that I would do whatever I could to bring other girls to that level of enjoyment. But that has been and remains one of my “hobbies.”
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