Wet Dream Mom

Wet Dream Mom
by Kathy Andrews
(All characters in this story are over 18)
Is incest a widespread phenomenon going on behind closed draws all over the country? In slums, in middle-class neighborhoods and even in the mansions of the wealthy, are mothers lying with sons, fathers with daughters and brothers with sisters? Although we may never have answers to these questions, we do know that this practice has been going on since the beginning of recorded history.
Why we may never know just how common it is, however, is probably due to the fact that very few of those who indulge in this society perversion will ever admit it. Even those who have first-hand knowledge of the practice must remain in doubt as to how many other people share their strange habit.
WET DREAM MOM is the story of a boy and his mother who live at home by themselves. As you read this novel, you will see how the normal sex drives of each are twisted into a relationship that would bring the wrath of their neighbors down upon them if they ever found out.
The reader is left to decide for himself what the consequences of such a relationship might be – both for them and for society itself.
–The Publisher

Peggy sat on the toilet, her legs spread as wide as they would go. Leaning against the water tank, she caressed her slender thighs, running her hand up and down the smooth, creamy flesh. Her skirt was bunched about her small waist, and her tits strained at the front of her blouse. The top buttons of her blouse were open, and the creamy swells of her tits appeared ready to overflow the confines of her bra.
She was in her own bathroom, the one adjoining her bedroom. As she struggled with her decision, she carefully avoided looking at the small hole in the wall. On the other side of the wall, she knew her son, Joey, was peeking.
She had noticed the hole immediately a week ago,and at first she had been angry, but not very much. Then she decided it was fun, exciting. If Joey wanted to peek at her, she knew he found interest in her, in her body. Besides, she didn’t have to let him know she was aware. That way, she could do what she wanted, show what she wanted, and Joey would not know she was doing it on purpose.
So far she had not shown him anything but her legs, her panties. When she used the toilet, she made sure her skirt was over her knees. He had seen her tits, she was sure. He had a straight line to the bathtub as well as the toilet. And Peggy bathed every day, sometimes twice a day.
The decision she was trying to make was whether to piss into her panties or not. The fact that her son could see it excited her. The urge to piss into her panties had been with her for a very long time, longer than she cared to remember. Why she wanted to, she didn’t know. Why she had tried before and couldn’t, she knew. It was supposed to be wrongng, perverse. But Peggy couldn’t understand why that was so. She couldn’t understand why anything a woman wanted to do in privacy was wrong. If it felt good, and didn’t harm anyone, Peggy just didn’t understand why it was wrong.
Time after time she had tried to piss into her panties, and failed. The urge to piss into her panties came over her at the strangest times, in the most awkward places, like a shopping mall, a nice restaurant. When the urge struck, she would rush into a bathroom, lift her dress, and try to piss into her panties … and had not succeeded yet.
But she wanted to.
She wanted to piss into her panties badly; so bad, it was about to drive her up the wall. Yet, something always held her from doing it. She knew most of it was due to the way she had been raised. Anything sexual had been taboo, forbidden, to her. She could not talk about it to her mother, or anyone. Due to her suppressive home atmosphere, Peggy had not enjoyed fucking.That, she felt, had been the direct cause of her dividend, nothing else.
Her husband had been a password man with an erotic mind. He loved to try various positions and methods, and she just couldn’t get into it. She was embarrassed and shy, and her husband seldom saw her completely naked. The few times he had seen her that way, it was because he wore her down with his pleasures. Then Peggy would try to hide her blushing face from him, burning into a pillow, feeling the shade burn from head to toe. All she felt when he fucked her was a fullness in her cunt, and when he licked her pussy, she felt nothing but embarrassment.
Never had she enjoyed getting fucked.
But she wanted to enjoy it. She wanted to enjoy fucking very much. She fantasized about, imagined herself doing outrageous things to her partner, having him doing them to her. Yet, when it came right down to it, Peggy found herself unable to do them.
Peggy had come before; she knew what it felt like. Itfelt wonderful, terrific, fantastic.
But it happened only once, and never again. She had been in high school, sitting at her desk, trying to finish her test. She had to piss, and piss badly, but it was the rule no one left the class room once a test was underway. She had sat miserably, her thighs squeezing tightly, hoping she could hold it until she could get into the restroom.
She failed.
She had pissed into her panties.
Not much, just a few hot dribbles, enough to drench the crotch other nylon panties, make the insides of her thighs wet.
Feeling her face burn with embarrassment, Peggy had frozen in her seat.
The piss was hot on her inner thighs. Her eyes had closed as she felt a strange tremor passing about her crotch, and then something happened that sent ripples of delicious pleasure up and down her flesh. She had to press her knuckles into her mouth to keep from screaming, it felt so good. It was only later that Peggy realized she had experienceded an orgasm for the first time. But when it happened all she could do was sit there stiffly, blushing furiously, hoping desperately no one noted her. The orgasm had been very powerful, so powerful it squeezed the lips of her young cunt and held back the threatened flood of piss. The unexpected orgasm was the only thing that stopped her from pissing all over herself.
Fortunately she had not wet her dress, and the test was her last class of the day. She had rushed home, burst through the house and practically run to her room. She had stripped her wet panties off, putting on a fresh pair. She then stared at her wound panties on the bed, and felt the compulsion to hold them against her face. Rubbing the piss-wet crotch about her cheeks and chin, Peggy felt very strange things happening to her body and mind. Her cunt twitched and sucked inward, her clip starting to throb again, and she wondered if she would feel that delicious pleasure once more. But something stopped it from happening.
She had felt ashamed of herself that day, regarding the incident as something wicked, something not to be done.
She never again thought about it until after her dividend, and once she allowed it to surface, the urge to piss into her panties came back, too.
Time after time she tried to repeat the incident, but found it next to impossible, She didn’t know why, but she kept trying, sensing that would be the only way she could come.
When she became aware of the small hole in the wall, her anger lasted only briefly. The fact that her son had made it there with the hopes of seeing her naked made her feel good. It almost made her feel good enough to come. At first she wouldn’t even lift her skirt and tried to keep her arms over her shaped tits when bathing, always consciousness of the hole, of her son peeking in at her. By slow stages, she had come to the point where she was now sitting on the toilet with her legs wide, the crotch of her panties showing, allowing her son to see.
She wondered if his cock was hard, how big it was, if he played with his cock while peeking at her. The idea that her son jerked off watching her was exciting. She had seen her husband, in frustration at her lack of her cooperation, jack off, and she found it fun to watch. But she couldn’t bring herself to let her husband know that.
Gazing down her body, Peggy saw the teasing bulge of her cunt inside her panties. The thick mat of pussy hair made that bulge. She could see the slit of her cunt outlined by the tight panties and hoped her son could see it too. Just in case, she shifted her hips a bit, turning more towards the hole in the wall. Her cunt was juicy, very juicy now, hot and throbbing with a very pleasant sensing. Moving her palms up and down her thighs, she wondered how she could sit here doing this with her son watching through the hole, and not be bold enough to do it openly before him. Why could she fondle herself this way, knowing Joeywas watching, yet feel so shy and embarrassed? It didn’t make sense to her, but it felt good.
Joey was indeed watching his mother.
His cock was very hard, his fist sliding back and forth. He found the view of his mother’s pantied cunt exciting. He could see the shadow of her pussy hair, the slit of her cunt as the tight panties pulled into it. He fought to remain silent, not wanting her to catch him. He thought all the time about his mother, of her body, how she looked naked, what he would love to do with her.
Fucking his mother was his biggest fantasy. He wanted to fuck her more than any girl he knew and there were plenty of them.
He bad caught brief flashes of girls’ thighs, and a few times their panties, but they never excited him like his mother did. He loved to peek in at her even when she had her skirt about, her knees, listening to her pissing into the water, the tinkling sound musical and exciting.
Watching his mother cares her long, slim tighs, he hoped she would show her cunt to him. This was the first time she had touched herself, and his pulse raced, his young balls aching and full. He longed to touch her tights with his own hands, feel the smoothness of her skin, to cup her cunt and rub it.
Peggy made a soft whimpering sound as she dragged her fingers almost into her crotch. She closed her eyes, pretending Joey was in the bathroom with her, watching, his cock jerking with desire. She was seeing juices cruelly, more than ever before. Her hips trembled as her hands came close to her crotch. She wanted to rip the crotch of her panties away, to let her son see her hairy cunt.
Yet, she restrained herself.
What she wanted more than anything was to piss in her panties, even if her son was watching. She wanted to piss and feel that ecstasy she had felt so long ago. Somehow, coming off was now associated with pissing in her panties.
She sat upright, but left her legs wide open. She strained, trying to piss. It would be easy to piss if she removed her panties, but that wouldn’t serve her purpose.
She felt a small dribble, and her body flushed with heat. Her face turned pink, but not with shame. She was managing to do it. She pissed a bit more, feeling her panties become wet. Her cunt was pulsating as if on fire now, and she strained harder than ever.
A stream of piss flowed out of her cunt, soaking her panties, and dripping into the toilet. She lifted her head up, eyes closed with pleasure, her lips slightly parted.
Joey, although his mother was sitting uptight, was surprised. He could hear her pissing, and she still had her panties on. He had to dig his knuckles into his mouth to choke back the gasp of surprise.
Peggy wasn’t thinking of her son now. The gush of hot piss was flowing freely for the first time. Her body shivered with pleasure, her thighs and ass cheeses turning wet with piss. Her clip pressed hard at her panties, throbbingso deliciously. She felt the swelling of that long remembered orgasm, and her hands flew to her tits. She dug her fingers into her firm tits hard, grunting in a thick sound.
Her cunt suddenly convulsed, and she squealed, unable to hold back the sound. She came tightly, the lips of her cunt squeezing with fiery spasms. Her body shook as she came, and she kept squealing, kept digging brutally at her tits.
On the other side of the wall, with his eye pressed to the hole, Joey pounded his cock frantically. He didn’t know his mother was coming, but he knew she was pissing into her panties, and that excited the hell out of him. His cock was painfully hard, and his balls ached. He pumped his tight fist furiously, the head of his cock brushing the wall. Like his mother, he couldn’t stop the grunt of pleasure when he came. The creamy come juice gushed out of his cock and splattered the wall, running down it thickly. His vision turned hazy as he came, and when it cleared, he saw his mother was on her feet, her hands under her skirt. He watched her strip the wet panties off and toss them into the neary laundry hamper.
Peggy made sure her skirt remained down as she removed her panties, her body still tingling and glowing with her second orgasm of her life. She felt the impulse to stick her tongue out at the wall, knowing her son would see if she did. Instead, she turned and left the bathroom.
When Joey made sure his mother wasn’t watching him, he smelled into her room and pulled her panties from the hamper. They felt wet in his hands, and he brought them to his face. He smelled of them touching his lips to the wet crotch. A soft moan came out of his throat as his cock twitched.
What he didn’t know was his mother had been watching him closely, and found herself excited to see him kiss the crotch of her panties. When Joey stuffed her panties into his pocket she turned and rushed away so he wouldn’t catch her watching him.
Peggy stayed in a state of arousal the rest of the afternoon and even, peeking at her son from lowered lashes. She looked at the front of his pants, seeing his cock and balls bulge. She had never really noticed him in that way until now.
It was shortly before bedtime when she suddenly remembered she had not put on a fresh pair of panties. She was naked under her skirt and had been ever since pissing in those panties. For a long moment her face was warm. That was unlike her, she knew. Never had Peggy gone without panties, even in her nightgown. Nice girls simply did not go naked, she had been told all her life. Nice girls wore panties all the time, even in bed. Nice girls changed their panties two or three times a day. Nice girls… nice girls… Peggy had heard that so much as she grew up, she wanted to throw up when she heard those words.
Peggy didn’t want to be a nice girl.
Peggy wanted to come.
She wanted to come all the time.
Here she was,thirty-one years old, and had only experienced orgasm twice in her life.
It just wasn’t fair, she told herself.
Anger grew inside her, anger at her inability to come, anger at being told she was a nice girl. She was so angry, she was about to yank her skirt high, throw her slim legs wide apart, show her hairy cunt to her son. She wanted to reveal her pussy, have him look at it, tell him to fuck her, to make her come. She was ready to beg him-or anyone-on beended knee, to make her come.
And she might have done just that, but Joey had stood up, stretching. She stared at his hips as they jutted out, seeing his cock and balls bulging inside his tight jeans.
“I’m gonna go to bed, Mom,” he said. “I’m awfully sleepy.”
She saw the slight bulge in his pocket where he had stuffed her panties, and found herself wondering what he was going to do with them. She waited until her son was in his room, and with a girl giggle, a somewhatlewd giggle, she found a knife in the kitchen and, almost singing with happiness, went to her bathroom.
There she thrust the knife into the hole her son had made, widening it until it was two inches in circuitference. She wanted to make it larger, but that was big enough for him to see better, she felt. Pleased with herself, she started down the hail to put the knife away. She stopped near the closed door of her son’s room, and with a sudden impulse, pushed it open silently.
Joey was on his back, her panties drawn over his face sound sleep already. He lay on top of the sheets his pajamas gaping open. His cock was showing, and Peggy gasped softly as she stared at it. Heat flared between her thighs, and she couldn’t resist shoving her hand under her dress and touching her naked cunt.
She felt an overwhelming desire to run into his room, grab his young cock, caress it and make it hard, then stuff it into her cunt. But Peggy resisted this urge, too. It was tiresome resisting the urges that filled her. She stared at his cock for a long time, rubbing at her cunt with a firm palm.
Then she turned and went back to her bathroom, and began to widen the hole in the wall until she added another inch to it. That was big, she saw, big enough for her son to…
She shoved the thought away, and prepared for bed. She wondered what Joey would think when he saw how big his peep hole had become. He would know she had done it, of course. Taking a pair of panties from her drawer, she started to slide her foot into them when she stopped.
“Fuck it,” she said.
Then realizing what she had said out loud, “Why now?” she whispered pulling her gown over her body. “Fuck it! Fuck it good! I’ll sleep without panties if I want to. Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it!”
The word sounded good, and she whispered it over and over as she climbed into bed.
“Fuck … fuck … fuck.”
Peggy had never saidthat word.
But now … she hugged herself after turning out the light and climbing between the cool sheets.
She spread her legs apart, lifting her gown to her waist. She shoved her arms above her head and began to understand her hips, making sensitive motions, grinding lewdly, grinning in the darkness.
“Why not?” she murmured. “I’ll make any kind of movement I want. I’m a woman. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
She scholared her legs a while, feeling excitement throbbing in her cunt. The sensing felt good, but she knew that was as far as it would go.
She wouldn’t come.
She knew that much.
After a while, she turned onto her side, drawing one knee upward, and went to sleep.

Peggy wanted to be up before her son, so she had set her alarm.
She wanted to be in the bathroom when he discovered what she had done to his peephole.
With her son still sleeping, she bathedin scented water, enjoying the heat. She stuck her tongue out at the enlarged hole, her eyes taking on a gleam of pleasure. She had not made up her mind what to do with the enlarged peephole, but would take it as it came.
She had finished drying her body when, she heard her son enter the bathroom on the other side of the wall. She didn’t think he would peep unless he knew she was there, so she squatted and peered through it, herself. She saw her son, still in his pajamas. He had her panties in his hand, and she held her breath as she saw him pull his cock out of his pajamas. She felt her cunt starting to throb and swell when Joey began pissing.
The golden stream of piss came out freely, splashing into the toilet. Peggy’s eyes began to glaze as she watched her son piss, understanding it excited her. When she saw her son dangle her panties into the stream, she felt her clip bulge out with a painful hardness. She watched him piss against the crotch of her panties, then bring them close to his cock.
She moaned silently as Joey shook his prick. The moan almost gave her away when she saw him wrap his cock in her panties, and start to jerk his fist back and forth. She gazed with hot eyes as his cock swelled into hardness and her cunt became firey and wet.
Seeing him starting to turn, she drew away from the hole, not ready to let him see her watching him. She stepped back a few feet, watching the hole carefully. She was totally naked, and if her son looked through the wall, he would see her entire body for the first time. Peggy wanted him to see her naked now, and she stood with her feet spread slightly. She placed her hands on her rounded ass, arching her hips forward, the pink lips of her wet cunt showing.
Then she saw her son’s eye.
A tremor shot through her body.
Deliberately, while feeling her face starting to blush, Peggy slipped her hands back in front of her body, caresing her flat stomach. Joey’s eye followed her hands, and Peggy cupped her tits sensitively, fondling them. With her son watching, her excitement increased. Her nipples bulged out, stiff and tingling. She pulled them, twisting them, moaning softly, wanting her son to hear her now. Her hips moved, twisting in a slow, tight circle.
Her hands slipped down her quivering stomach again, and she pushed her fingers through the thick mat of pussy hair. She pulled the lips of her cunt open, her clip scanning outward. She heard the gasp of her son on the other side of the bathroom wall. Hearing his excitement encouraged her. She stroked a fingertip along the edge of her swollen clip, thinking she was doing exactly what her ex-husband had wanted her to do, only she was doing it for her son. Peggy felt deliciously wicked, not like a nice girl at all.
How could anything be nicer, she thought, than having her son watch her play with her cunt?
She dipped a middle finger into her pussy slowly, spreading her legs wider so her son could see what she was doing clearly. She fucked the finger in and out of her cunt a few times, then began to stroke her inflamed cunt once more. She felt the wet heat greater than ever, but she knew she would not come. She had tried finger fucking many times before, and it never worked with her.
She made soft sounds of pleasure, exaggerating them so her son could hear. What she wanted, specifically, she wasn’t sure. She knew only that it felt good to fondle her cunt as her son peeked at her. She knew his cock would be very hard now, and hoped he was gripping it tightly, maybe jacking on it. She told herself she would love to have him come as he watched what she was doing, spurt his come juice against the wall, leave it there. She would go to his bathroom and clean it up, maybe with… Peggy’s face burned as the thought boiled into her mind.
She would lick his come juice off the wall! She had never thought of doing such a thing in her life. She bad not even taken her husband’s cock into her mouth, despite his many requests. And now she was thinking about licking the come juice of her son’s balls off a bathroom wall! It was crazy, insane – and she loved it.
Listening to her son’s heavy breathing, she twisted her hips erotically, pushing her finger into her cunt and drawing it up over her inflamed clip. She felt as if she might come, but when the feeling grow, it suddenly received before she came. She didn’t know how long she stood there, feeling herself, wiggling her hips, with her son peeking. She heard a desperate gasp from her son, and recognized the sound her ex-husband made at the time he came off.
Then her son’s eye was gone.
Peggy leaned over and pecked through the enlarged hole, and saw the bathroom was empty.
She ran into her bedroom, pulling her robe on. She belted it as she entered the hail. She saw that her son was in the kitchen, making himself a bowl of cereal. Then she sneaked into his room and into his bathroom.
There, on the wall near the hole, his cock cream gleamed wetly. Her panties, she noticed, were drawn on his sink. Shivering, her legs rubbery, Peggy stepped close to the wall. She ran the tip of one finger along the edge of the wetness, and with a moan, squatted down. She darted her tongue out and swirled it through the warm come juice, tasting it.
As she licked at the wall, her eyes closed, she felt powerful spasms gabbing at her cunt. Her ass jerked tightly, and she was having the third orgasm of her entire life.
Groaning with rapture, Peggy lapped in a frenzy at the come juice, licking it from the wall, finding the taste sweet. She wanted to lick the wall forever, but she was so greedy, she soon had it cleaned of come juice. Still, she squatted there, her cunt spasming tightly. She couldn’t believe the feeling, the power of her orgasm. She rolled her tongue about in her mouth, taking a final lick at the wall, wishing there was more come juice for her.
Licking her lips, she stood up. Her legs were weak, and her cunt felt very sensitive.
She walked slowly to the kitchen, where Joey was finishing his cereal. She was in her robe, and that was something else a nice girl didn’t do – go to breakfast in her robe. A nice girl always dressed for meals, any meal. But Peggy wasn’t a nice girl; she wasn’t going to be a nice girl ever again, she had decided. She prepared coffee, and sat across from her son, sipping it. Her eyes danced and sparkled.
Joey glanced at her, but turned his eyes away quickly.
Peggy wanted to laugh at his shyness. She wanted to shout at him that she knew he had watched her, that she had known he jacked off that she had licked his jism from the wall. She wanted to jump up and rip her robe off, dance naked for him, then climb on top of her son and fuck his young cock frantically.
Instead, she sat in apparent calm, drinking her coffee, amused that he tried to keep his eyes off her. Peggy adjusted the folds of her robe, exposing the creamy swells and valley of her shapely tits, wanting to draw his eye. She had never done anything like this in her life, but then again she was doing a lot of things she had never done before. She was not going to be a nice girl ever again.
She had discovered the joy of orgasm.
Joey saw the creamy exposure of his mother’s tits, and compromised in the chair, his cock trying to poke from his pajamas. He peeked when he thought his mother wasn’t watching, but Peggy saw him every time. When he stood up, he tried to turn from her quickly, but she caught sight of his cock straining at his pajamas. She swallowed quickly as a lewd giggle started to bubble from her.
She watched her son walk from the kitchen. Then she got up and rushed to her room. She entered the bathroom and peered through the hole, watching her son shove his pajamas down. His cock rose up hard the cockhead swollen.His balls looked very tight and full. He picked up her panties from the sink, and started to draw them over his cock.
Peggy knew he had seen the wall now.
She almost giggled again. She wondered what he was thinking. He knew, of course, that she had been in his bathroom, had cleaned the wall, but he didn’t know who had done it.
Before she could stop herself, Peggy stood and turned her ass to the wall. She pressed her ass against it, and leaned over. She felt her cunt against the hole, knowing her son could see it easily. She leaned over, her hands on her knees, her cunt against the hole, waiting breathlessly, wondering if her son would get the nerve to touch her cunt.
Joey saw his mother’s cunt, saw the wet cunt lips and curly hair. He stared hotly, knowing she had cleaned the wall. That means, he thought, his mother knew what he had been doing. Then he realized the hole had been enlarged. For a moment he hesitated, then realized if his mother was pressing her cunt there, she wanted him to do something with it, maybe … fuck her.
Peggy, waiting eagerly, wanted her son to feel her pussy, to touch it with his fingers.
She felt a hot hardness pressing at the lips of her cunt, and she. couldn’t hold back a soft whimper. It had never felt this way with her ex-husband, she realized. But then she had not shoved her cunt to a hole in the wall for him, either.
Peggy’s eyes popped wide open, a gasp bursting from her.
Something was sliding into her cunt, and it was bigger than a finger.
For a moment she almost jerked her cunt away, then she stopped herself.
Joey was fucking his cock into her cunt!
She couldn’t stop the soft cry, and although she knew her son could hear her, she didn’t even try. His cock spread the lips of her cunt, going deeper, slowly, as if he were afraid she would jerk away. But Peggy didn’t jerk away. She pressed her cunt harder at the hole, sucking in hot hisses of air as she felt her son’s cock fucking deeper and deeper into her cunt. The stretching of her pussy lips felt much different than when she had fucked her ex-husband. There was something more exciting about this, about her son fucking his cock into her pussy.
Joey’s prick seemed to go on forever, and then it was still. He had his cock all the way in, she knew. She felt his cock throb between the hot lips of her wet cunt, and then there was a squeeze, gripping motion of her pussy that she had nothing to do with. She clung to her knees, her tits dangling, her son’s cock as deep inside her cunt as the peep hole would permit. Tears flooded her eyes as strange ecstasy flowed through her body. She pulled her arms from her robe and let it drop to the floor. She tried to twist her ass, but almost caused her son’s cock to pull from her cunt.
Then Joey was fucking her.
She groaned hotly as she felt his cock fucking in and out, pushing and pulling. The hairy lips of her cunt grabbed his cock as he pulled back, expanding and opening when he thrust forward. She had no idea her cunt had this ability, and it filled her with pleasure. She wanted to scream at her son to fuck faster, fuck harder. Her knees trembled, her ass shifting. She tried to straighten up, but almost lost his cock again. She moaned in throaty sounds, hoping Joey heard her. The friction of his cock fucking in and out of her cunt was very hot. Her ex-husband’s cock had never felt like this, never.
“Oooo!” she purred. “Ohhhh, God!”
Her son’s cock fucked faster, and she realized his excitement was growing. She thought about pulling away before he came, then realized she didn’t want to. Her cunt became hungry for his come juice, The cunt lips gripped hard, sucking on his cock. She sobbed softly, the sounds increasing in loudness as she felt her cunt throbbing. She shoved one hand up between her thighs, and began to agitate her inflamed cunt with a finger, her son’s cock plunging faster and faster into her cunt. She heard him gasping and groaning on the other side of the wall, felt his cock ready to burst.
“Come, Joey!” she hissed, not loud enough for her son to hear. “Come in mother’s cunt, baby! Come in my pussy! Squirt that thick jism up mother’s cunt!”
The words Peggy had never used before, but heard often from her ex-husband, tumbled from her mouth.
“Fuck me, Joey!” she mooned. “Fuck my cunt! Fuck my pussy! Fuck my hot snatch! Fuck my hairy, wet twat! Twat, snatch, cunt, cock fuck!”
Each word grew louder, and Joey could hear them all now. He pressed his head against the wall, his face turned sideways, humping frantically, fucking his cock into his mother’s cunt wildly, listening to her cries and words of password. His balls smoked against the wall, and he wished he had his mother with him, bent over, her ass shaking as he pounded her cunt. He wanted to hold her and grip her hips, jerk her hot cunt back onto his prick hard.
Peggy gritted her teeth.
Her cunt was on fire, and her clip was ready to exploit. Her tits became very tight, barely jiggling as she leaned over. She was holding her breath, feeling every muscle of her body straining.
Then she screamed.
She couldn’t help it.
Her cunt convulsed, spanned so tightly with wild, ecstatic contractions of orgasm, she didn’t believe it. But it was happening – she was coming and coming hard for the first time with a cock fucking her. Coming for the fourth time in her life.
She screamed and screamed, her ass shaking against the wall. She pressed as hard as she could, wanting her son’s cock deeper. The lips of her hairy cunt sucked and milked Joey’s prick. Let out a loud groan, and fucked his cock as hard and deep as he could into his mother’s cunt. The explorations of his come juice spattered the greedy walls of her cunt, sending Peggy into stronger orgasms. Her cunt seemed clutched with never-ending contracts, and she screamed loudly with rapture. It went on and on, until she became so weak her legs were giving way.
Joey sent a final spurt of cock cream into his mother’s cunt just as she slumped down. On her hands and knees, Peggy crawled to the far side of the bathroom, where she leaned against the wall, panting heavily. She slumped against the wall, her tits rising and falling, and spread her lips very wide, knees slightly bent.
She focused her fuzzy vision on the peep hole, and saw her son’s eye peering through at her. Deliberately, still weak, she ran a hand through the hair of her pussy, then pulled the cunt lips very wide. Joey saw his creamy jism seeing out of his mother’s cunt. Peggy stared at his eye, and slowly stuck her tongue out, wiggling it at him, grinning.
Joey drew away, wondering what had made his mother do this. Wondering, but very pleased she had.
Peggy rated for a moment or so longer, then struggled to her feet. She picked up her robe and pulled it on, belting it. She felt the insides of her thighs slippery with the dripping come juice. She entered her room and looked into the mirror above her dresser. Her eyes sparkled, and her face glowed, she saw.
Surprisingly, she didn’t feel ashamed of herself.
She didn’t even feel embarrassed.
She removed her robe, and went back into the bathroom. She peeked through the hole, but her son’s bathroom was empty. Disappointed, she showed and soaped her slender body with scented soap. She began to hum and sing softly, feeling so good she couldn’t believe it.
All these years, all these miserable years of not coming, and now.
After shining herself, she slipped into a pair of fresh panties, puffing on an attractive housedress. She smoothed it aver her body, and then realized she had forgotten to put a bra on. She grinned at herself in the mirror, seeing her nipples press at the thin material.
“So what if I don’t wear a bra?” she asked her reflection. “I’m never going to be a nice girl again.”
She walked from her room, her dress swirling about her thighs.
She found her son dressed and in the living room. They seemed unable to look at each other, not yet ready to admit openly what they had done. Peggy didn’t mind. She was going to shove her cunt to that peephole as often as she wanted, and let her son fuck her through it. If he didn’t want to talk about it openly, she didn’t mind. In fact, she felt as if she would be embarrassed to talk about it.
This way, she could pretend nothing happened, that nothing was changed.
But she could pretend only, because it had happened and things had changed. And she wanted it to happen again and again, as often as her son wanted to fuck her.
She picked up a magazine, sitting down on the couch, letting her dress swirl about her long legs. She didn’t even care that her knees showed. In fact, she wanted to pull her dress high, expose both her long thighs, perhaps expose her panties. She didn’t though. She thumbed through the magazine, thinking how silly she and Joey were acting. They were like two naughty children, she thought with amusement. Two naughty children that had done something both were afraid to speak out loud about.
The longer she sat, fidgeting, the more she wanted her son’s cock in her cunt again.
Then Peggy did something else she had never done before.
Thinking a nice girl would never announce such an intention, she said, looking directly at her son: “I have to go to the bathroom.”

Peggy could hardly believe the change that came over her. Once she decided she no longer wanted to be a nice girl, all the stops had been pulled.
“I have togo to the bathroom,” she said boldly, looking right at her son, meaningfully.
Joey looked right back at her, and she saw the sparkle in his young eyes. Both knew what she mean, what she was talking about. But neither was ready to put it in words before the other.
“I have to go now,” she said, her voice a husky whisper.
She swing her legs off the couch, and before standing, let her son catch a brief glimpse between them. She stood up, and with her dress swirling, twitched her ass down the hall. Reaching her bathroom, she waited until she saw her son’s eye peeping through the peephole.
She lifted her skirt slowly, facing the hole. She exposed the crotch of her panties, whispering, but loud enough so her son could hear.
“I have to pee,” she whispered, watching her son’s eye burn at the front of her panties, “have to pee… piss.”
She heard her son gasp, and a tingle rippled about her flesh. She held her dress at her waist, standing there and letting her son look at her. She wiggled her hips suggestively, giggling throatly at her sudden boldness.
“I have to take a nice, long piss,” she whispered loudly, and she moved to the toilet. Instead of sitting there, she straddled the toilet, lowering her crotch.
Remembering how her son had stolen her other panties, how be had had fondled the wetness, she wanted him watch her piss in this fresh pair. She held herself in a semi-squat over the toilet, watching his eye at the hole. Before she had trouble trying to piss into her panties, but that seemed history now.
She pursued hotly as she began to piss, feeling her panties become wet. She leaned over and managed to see her golden piss dribbling from the crotch of her panties. As the force grow, her hot piss sprayed out the edges of her panties, along her inner thighs. She listened to her son’s heavy breathing, feeling her cunt grow hot with desire. She didn’t have toWonder if her son was excited about this – she knew. She ran one hand over her lower stomach as she kept pissing, caressing herself lightly. Her hips began to move back and forth by themselves, making a slight pumping motion. The piss streamed from her cunt, through her panties, down her inner thighs, and Peggy shivered with increasing pleasure.
“Ooooooooo, it feels so good to piss,” she purred loud enough for her son to hear. “I love to piss … in my panties! Obhhh, it makes me want to come! It makes my cunt tingle.”
A slight flush crept over her face as she mouthed the words so her son could listen, but it was the flush of excitement now, not shame or embarrassment. She was exciting her son deliberately, as well as herself.
“My pussy is so hot and wet,” she keep saying softly. “My panties are getting so wet. It feels so good, pissing in my panties this way.”
She heard her son gasping on the other side of the wall, and slipped her hand down her stomach, and under her cunt. She let her hand fill with hot piss then pressed her palm against her pussy, feeling the piss spray from the edges. She was having no difficulty at all pissing into her panties now and she shivered and trembled with wild, delicious wickedness.
“Piss … hot piss,” she murmured.
Joey’s cock throbbed and he had to release it from his pants. He peered through the enlarged hole, watching his mother rub at her pissing cunt with her hand, slowly pumping his cock.
When Peggy finished pissing, she stood up, and in full view of the hole, stripped her panties from her hips. Her inner thighs glistened wetly, and she turned her ass toward the hole again. Flipping her skirt over her ass, she waggled it, then inched it back to the hole.
Joey starred hotly as his mother’s ass came closer, seeing the deep crack and below, her cunt showing, all hairy and wet and hot.
He stood up, and poked his cock through the peep hole.
Peggy, looking over her shoulder, saw his cock.
She turned and faced the wall, her right hand darting outward. She paused with her hand inches from her son’s cock, her palm itching.
Then, with a squeal, she closed her fingers about his cock. She gurgled as his hard-on throbbed in her fist, and she pushed and pulled on it. She heard her son gulping behind the wall, and squeezed his cock very hard, watching the cockhead bulge, his piss hole opening very wide. She stared at the juices seeing out of his piss hole, her eyes glazed with lust.
“Ohhhh, nice and hard! she gurgled, and she turned swiftly, shoving her cunt back.
She felt the head of her son’s cock against her fiery cunt, and with a hissing sound, she fucked her pussy onto it. She heard her son sight, and she pressed her ass tightly against the wall for the second time that day. Joey’s cock throbbed deep inside her pussy, and Peggy began to work her ass back and forth, fucking her son. She squealed and gasped with delight, holding her tits through her dress, her head lifted up, eyes closed. She wiggled her ass now without losing his cock, fucking her cunt back and forth.
“Ooooo, so hot and hard! Ohhhhh, God, it’s so hard! I love it, love your cock inside me! I love it so deep inside my pussy!”
She wanted her son to say something, to tell her how good her cunt was. But she couldn’t ask him – that would no longer be pretending. That would bring it into the open, and they would have to talk about it then, and Peggy wasn’t yet ready for that.
Sliding her cunt back and forth on her son’s cock, she sucked in air loudly.
“Ooooooo, so fucking good! My pussy is on fire, burning up and I want it so much!”
Peggy actually glowed with delight as she moved her ass back and forth, fucking on her son’s cock. Now that she had released all her pent-up desires, doing exactly what nicegirls wouldn’t – or shouldn’t – do, she felt so good, she could fuck her son’s cock through this hole all day long. The burning wetness of her pussy was unlike anything she had ever felt. She closed the lips of her cunt lightly as she pulled forward as his cock, crying out with pleasure.
The experience of licking his come juice from the wail burst into her mind, and she stopped moving on Joey’s cock. Her eyes opened, glazed with password.
She pulled her cunt off his cock, turning to face it. His prick stuck through the hole with beautiful hardness. She gazed at his cock with wet heat in her eyes. The many times her ex-husband bad attempted to shove his big cock into her mouth came flooding into her mind. She saw her son’s cock glistening with the wetness of her cunt juice, and started to take a clothes to wipe it off.
Then she grinned wickedly, thinking “Why wipe it off? That’s only the juice of my own cunt.”
She squatted, facing the wall. She placed her hands on the wall, and slowly pressed her tongue from her mouth. She challenged gingerly at her son’s cock with the tip, not knowing what to expect. She felt the heat of his hard-on against the tip of her tongue, and strange things happened to her. Her cunt almost burst with sudden orgasm, and her mind spun dizzily. With a hungry moan, Peggy began to lick her son’s slimy cock, darting her tongue against the hole in the wail, sliding it up the cockshaft and about the swollen cockhead, moaning and whimpering with ecstasy.
Joey, feeling his mother’s tongue licking at his cock, gasped with surprise. He had not expected anything like this.
“Mmmm, sweet!” Peggy moaned, surprised at her pleasure. “Sweet and hard and hot! Ooooooo, delicious!”
Greedily, she closed her lips about the smooth head of her son’s cock, her tongue swirling hotly in circles. She tasted the juices dripping out of his prick, probing the tip of her tongue against his piss hole, trying to enter it. She sucked with her hot lips, and sobbing softly, shoved her mouth onto his cock. She drew her son’s cock into her mouth, taking more and more, enjoying the way her 11ps stretched, her, mouth filling. She felt his cock scrape the roof of her mouth, and then she could go no farther. Her lips were against the hole, and the head of his cock was almost, but not quite, at her throat.
For some time, Peggy held her son’s cock in he mouth, her tongue swirling.
Then with a sob, she began to suck back and forth. Her cunt seemed to tighten and suck inward with spasms of pleasure. The slippery juices of her cunt on her son’s cock helped her lips slide easily, back and forth. She began to suck hard, her tongue in constant motion. She cried out with joy as she darted her face back and forth, stallbing herself in the mouth with her son’s stiff cock down her throat.
Joey felt his mother’s mouth pullinghard on his cock, and he was gritting his teeth, feeling as if his balls were being drawn up through is prick. His young, tender balls ached and throbbed, and he didn’t know if he should come or not.
Peggy didn’t know anything about her son’s thoughts. She wasn’t interested in his thoughts, not right now. The hot hardness of his cock throbbing between her lips excited her tremendously. She made moaning sounds as she sucked, clinging to his cock tightly. Her lips tingled deliciously, her tongue swirling. Although her cunt was burning, her clip bulging, Peggy wasn’t feeling it not really. Her mouth had become her most sensitive organ, her tongue the hottest.
Her knees, spread wide, were aching from pressing at the wail. She moved them, but refused to release her son’s cock with her mouth as she did so. Kneeling on the floor of her bathroom, she ran her hands up the wall, her tits now pressing at it. Her nipples seemed hard enough to bore two more holes there. She sucked and whimpered softly, twisting her lips tightly. She gripped the head of his cock just behind the ridge, flicking her tongue about his piss hole hotly. She heard her son moaning on the other side of the wall, his sounds of ecstasy increasing her strange hunger for his cock meat. She was aware of her own soft, eager cries, but at the same time not aware. Her cries of ecstasy and her son’s moans of rapture seemed to be background music to her active mouth and tongue.
Peggy didn’t really know how to suck cock, had not really thought of sucking cock. Refusing to take her ex-husband’s cock into her mouth had been her only introduction to cock sucking. She sucked on her son’s cock now as he pressed it through the hole in the wall, not with experience, but with enthusiasm, sucking and licking with increasing hunger, with intense delight. Her eyes closed, soft mewls coming from her constricted throat. She wasn’t thinking of her son coming, either. She wasn’t thinking of anything really. The taste of her son’s cock filled her mind, blotting out all else.
Now and then Joey’s cock would give a stronger throb. When it did, Peggy sobbed with delight, knowing she was making him feel very, very good. Her mouth watered and she swallowed often. The juices seeing out of his cock didn’t both her at all she loved the taste, the slipperiness of it. Swirling her tongue in fiery circles, she pumped her mouth back and forth, trying to fuck his cock into her throat. Her lips pressed almost into the hole as she struggled to swallow his cock.
Joey, grunting as his balls grow tight, aching with need for release, shoved his cock as deep into the hole as be could. He was about to come and still had not decided what his mother wanted. He didn’t know if she was aware of his impending climax, but the way she sucked on his cock he could hardly do anything but gasp.
Then, unable to hold back theFlood, Joey yanked his cock out of his mother’s mouth.
Peggy cried out, opening her mouth wide fighting to suck it back inside. She had her mouth wide open, pressing it at the hole, her tongue darting through in an effort to taste his cock.
Joey groaned, and his prick erupted.
The first powerful spurt of his cock cream, splashed across his mother’s tongue.
With a surprised yelp, Peggy pulled back an inch or so, her mouth still wide open. Joey’s cock squirted again, the thick come juice splashing at the back of her throat. Peggy yelped again, and her throat worked instinctively, the thick jism burning down it. The third gush of come juice spewed across her now-closed lips. Startled, Peggy frozen, taking the spraying juice of her son’s balls into her face. She felt the jism dripping hotly down her lips, over her chin, and sobbed softly, partly with surprise and partly with pleasure. The surprise was because she bad forgetten about his coming off, and the pleasure was because his come juice delighted her. She could just see the head of her son’s cock through the hole, and her eyes glazed as a final gush of jizz came from his piss hole, splattering on her chin.
Her cunt was on fire, and now she was acutely aware of it. Still on her knees, she shoved a hand down, pressing her fist against her inflamed clip, crying out with the delicious pressure. Gazing through the hole at her son’s glistening cockhead, Peggy frantically agitated her clip, her hips swaying. She rammed two fingers up her cunt, fucking herself almost violently. She felt an orgasm starting to swell, but then it went away.
“Ohhhhh, no!” she hissed, the fingers of one hand twisting and puffing at her distended clip while she fucked two fingers of her other hand into her cunt with a frenzy. The wet sounds seemed loud in the bathroom, but she didn’t hear them.
She was almost insane with sensing, sensing that was peaking and receiving. She whipped her ass back and forth, sobbing in mindless frustration.
“I want … I have to … Ohhhhh, please, no!”
On the other side of the wall, Joey listened to his mother. Leaning down and peering through the hole, he saw her kneeing about two or three feet away, her knees wide apart on the floor. He watched her violently fucking her fingers into her hairy cunt. He could see her tight shaped tits jerking, her nipples rigid with desire.
“Pee” he whispered.
At first, Peggy wasn’t sure she heard the word.
“Pee, Mom,” came her son’s whispering voice.
“Oh, yes!” Peggy while.
But she remained on her knees, clawing desperately at her hairy cunt. Joey saw the pink cunt lips, saw them gleaming with wetness, saw the way she pinched and twisted her clip. She listened to his voice, but it was as though in a dream, a wild, wicked, exciting dream. She responded to her son’s voice as ifit were a dream-voice, not real.
Jerking upright, frantic to come, Peggy pulled her panties on, almost tearing them in the process. Usually she adjusted the crotch of her panties, but this wasn’t a usual situation. With the crotch of her panties caught on one hairy, swollen pussylip, Peggy stood straddle-legged, facing the hole in the wall. She cupped her cunt with both hands, her fingers framing the puffy pussylips.
With a sob, she began to piss.
“Ooooo, yes!” she wailed.
Joey’s eye was wide as he stared at his mother through the hole. The hot piss boiled out of her cunt, spewed through the thin band of her panties. It sprayed along the edges, soaking her inner thighs and dripping down to her knees. The puddle of piss grew at her feet, and Peggy’s hips twisted erotically. The wetness of her panties soaked through until they became almost transparent. Joey saw the shape of his mother’s cunt hair, the golden color of her piss as itspurted from the tight crotch.
Peggy shuddered, then screamed, biting at her lips.
Her cunt convulsed with fiery tightness. The lips contracted as her cunt almost burst.
“Oh, God!” Peggy wailed. “Ohhhh, God!” The orgasm shot up and down her body, consuming her flesh. Her cunt seemed to suck inward, her cunt throbbing with spastic tremors that went on and on. She jerked one piss-wet hand upward and squeezed painfully at her title, twisting her nipple painfully. Her hips jerked back and forth as she came, and Joey stared in awe through the peep hole.
Her grinding hips slowed, and then she stood, her feet slightly apart, trembling from head to toe. As the frenzy of her orgasm faded, Peggy slowly removed her piss-drenched panties. She started to toss them into the hamper, but suddenly she stuffed them through the hole in the wall. She watched as her son pulled them through, then she bent over and peeked.
Joey was running her wet panties abouthis cock, bringing them to his face. She watched him for a while, curious. But Joey wadded her wet panties up and left the bathroom.
Standing up again, Peggy gazed at herself in the mirror. Cock cream glistened wetly on her face, mostly her lips and chin. She grinned at her reflection, wiping her fingers across her chin. Darting her tongue out, she licked at her lips. The warm taste of come juice sent a shiver up and down her spine. With her eyes glowing, she watched herself as she licked the jism from her lips, sticking her tongue as far down on her chin as she could.
Turning on the shower, she giggled softly. She was certainly taking an awful lot of showers and baths. But then, she had never pissed in her panties so often.
But, oh, how she had wanted to! It felt better than she had expected. Pissing in her panties felt good, exciting, and it was even better with her son watching her through the hole in the wall.
Peggy understand her son. She knew he was lookng at her, could feel his eyes on her body. After announcing that one time about going to the bathroom, she had never mentioned it again. When she went, she said nothing, but knew her son would be right there, peeking in at her.
She was sure Joey wanted to talk bluntly with her, yet she couldn’t. She needed more time. As days passed, she was slowly adjusting her dress, wearing more revealing clothing than ever before. They were always in good taste, yet sensitive and teasing. She was hardly aware of this, but Joey was, most definitely.
Almost all her skirts and dresses were slitted up one side or the other now. A few were slit very high, and if she wasn’t careful, a whole hip would be exposed, even the lace of her panties. She had one particular dress, designed on the lines of a Roman toga, that was slit to her waist. It dragged over her shoulders and clung to the tips of her tits nicely. When she wore it, she always let her long, exclusive thighs flash and tease.
There were changes coming over her, changes that surprised and delighted her. She was more relaxed, more comfortable, at ease with herself and her exposure. She became accustomed to her son looking at her, seeing the thrust of her tits, the flash of her legs. She no longer blushed when she caught his eyes on her body. Now she would shiver with pleasure, eyeing her son with flirty looks her mouth moist and pouting.
Then, a few days after she had enlarged the hole in the bathroom wall, she wore a white toga dress without a body suit. Underneath it, her tits were naked, her nipples straining at it beautifully. She wore a pair of tiny, skimpy panties. The panties were only two triangular pieces of sheer lace, with elastic band about her waist. The dark color of her nipples showed through the thin whiteness of the dress, and when she swirled into the living room where Joey was watching television, her long legs flashing to her waist, she whirled in a circle. The two flaps of her toga-like dress lifted high, revealing the sweet shape of her compact ass, the tiny crotch of her panties.
Then she sat down, letting her skirt fall where it might. It fell with one long leg showing to her hip, the band of her panties exposed, too. Joey immediately forgot his television program, and looked at his mother openly for the first time. Peggy sat with her hands folded in her lap, peeking at him from lowered, half-shy eyes, a very disappoint smile on her full lips. Joey fidgeted, adjusting his pants as his cock turned hard. Peggy glanced at it, watching his price swell, seeing the cockhead straining at his pants. Her cunt began throbbing with wetness. She and her son gazed at each other for a long, quiet moment.
Tension filled the room, and Peggy was very close to grabbing her son, fucking him frantically then and there.
She was about to reach for him when the doorbell clanged.
Jerking upright, she felt her face burn as she looked towards the door.
"Joey, I can’t…”
Joey understand, and opened the door, hiding his hard-on behind it. He held it open only for a minute, then closed it.
“Just some guy selling something, Mom,” he said. He leaned against the door, his hips jutting outward, his cock very hard and outlined in his pants.
Peggy stared at his cock-bulge, feeling herself shiver with need.
But the moment was broken.
She couldn’t reach for her son now.
She licked her lips as she stared at his cock. Then, with a shudder, she stood up. Swinging her ass exclusively, she grasped the flap of her skirt and waved it around, her long legs showing. She paused at the entrance of the hallway, looking back over her shoulder at him, her eyes smokering. The faith smile turned erotic, and then she moved swiftly down the hall.
By the time she entered the bathroom, she saw her son’s eyes peering through the peephole. She stood and swished her hips, swishing her skirt about, flashing her thighs, then the crotch of her lacy panties. She heard her son’s breathing, and flipped the front of her skirt up to her tits, making fucking motions with her hips. She turned her ass toward him, lifting that part of her skirt. She leaned over slightly, waggling her ass, grinding erotically.
She could as easily have done this in the living room, yet it seemed more erotic to have him watch her through the hole in the wall. She knew it was still a pretense. This way she could pretend she was alone, with someone peeking at her, someone she didn’t know. Peggy knew it was only a means of avoiding open confrontation with her son, which was silly and children, after everything they had done. Yet, she had to play the game this way.
Joey’s eye left the hole, replaced by his thrusting cock. Peggy gazed at his prick, running her hands up and down her body. The cockhead was big and smooth and sweet, wet at the piss hole. She did a dance step forward, leaning down and kissing the head of his cock, then swimming about the smoothness with her tongue. She heard her son gasp, and with a lewd giggle, flipped her skirt up in back and turned around. She jerked her panties away from her cunt, and edged her ass to the wall. She felt her son’s cock brush the slit of her fiery cunt, and she wiggled against it, not taking his cock inside yet. She wiggled her hips in a circle, then up and down.
With the hot head of his cock probed the crinkle of her asshole, Peggy’s eyes popped wide open. The sensing was unlike anything she had felt so far.
Her ex-husband had wanted to fuck her in the ass, she remembered. When she had refused, he had thrown her on the bed and attempted to fuck her resisting asshole against her will. Her cries of pain finally prevented him from fucking her up the ass, and the experience had frightened her. She had watched her ex-husband warily after that, making sure his cock was nowhere near her asshole.
But now…
She had control of Joey’s cock. He couldn’t push his fucker into her asshole. It was she who could rub there, decided how much pressure she wanted. She slipped the seat of her panties down. She pushed her ass backward feeling the head of his cock burning on her tight asshole. Holding her breath, she created a little more pressure. She felt the head of her son’s cock pushing inward. There was no pain now, only a tingling, nice Feeling. With the head of his cock pushing against her asshole, Peggy rubbed up and down, feeling the wetness smearing the ass pumper.
In her excitement, she pressed back a bit too hard.
The head of her son’s cock slipped into her asshole.
“Oh!” Peggy gunted, and quickly pulled away.
She turned and stared at his cock, and closing her fist about it. She pumped back and forth, jacking him slowly, twisting her fist about, watching the cockhead bulge.
“It’s so beautiful,” she whispered, but loud enough so her son could hear. “I love the way it feels. So hard and hot and just fits my hand!”
She pressed her body against the wall, shashing her tits. She rubbed her pantied crotch along the fiery shaft of her son’s cock, feeling it throb against the slit of her wet cunt. She moaned softly and squeezed her tights tightly, feeling her son’s cock. The insides of her creamy thighs were very sensitive, and she suspected it would be very easy to make her son come off this way.
But she wanted to make him come in a different way.
Pulling back, she knelt on the floor of the bathroom. Gripping her son’s cock tightly, she began to jack him. She used her other hand to rub at her cunt, feeling the heat and wetness soak into the crotch of her panties. She listened to her son’s gasping breath, feel the throbbing of his cock in her fist. She became more and more excited.
“Your panties,” she heard Joey gasping. "Use your panties!”
“Oh, yes, I will!” Peggy hissed, striping her panties off swiftly, ripping one narrow band.
She closed her wet panties about her son’s cock, and began to jerk his price again. She banged her fist back and forth against the wall, watching the smooth head of his cock disappear into her fist, then bulge out, wet and gleaming, his piss hole flaring. She listened to his grunts and groans, and knew she could make him come easily this way. The satisfaction feel of her panties on his cock excited her about as much as it did Joey. She again began to fondle her hairy cunt as she jacked on her son’s cock, dipping her finger into the juicy heat of her pussy, wiggling it about, then bringing the wet finger up and smearing her cunt juices about the head of his prick.
She adjusted her panties so she could see the head of his cock, and began to pound back and forth faster and faster, gasping with hot excitement. She was going to make him come,she decided. She would jack her son’s cock off with her fist, watch him gush that thick jizz out of his young balls.
Faster and faster she jerked, gurgling in a thick sound. Her eyes blazed with ecstasy, her lips parted, her tongue flicking at them. She lifted her free hand, cupping it about the head of his cock when he saw the juices increase.
“Come,” she heard herself cry softly. “Come in my hand.”
“Just about!” Joey grunted. “Faster! Pump faster, Mom!”
“Yes baby” she replied, speeding up her jerky motions.
A wild cry came from the other side of the wall, and Peggy squealed when she saw the thick him gushing from the head of her son’s cock. She caught his come juice in her hand, feeling it so hot as it pooled there. She jacked hard, squeezing tightly. When her son finished coming, her hand was full of the thick creamy liquid. She clutched his cock very hard, drawing her hand towards the cockhead,watching a bead of come juice see out of his piss hole.
Her tongue flicked up, then – still holding her son’s cock – she began to smear his cock cream about her face, moaning as her pussy contracted with orgasm.
“Ooooh” she moaned. “Ahhhh, wonderful!”
Joey had no idea what his mother was doing. His cock was gripped tightly in her fist, and he couldn’t pull it back through the hole. His prick was starting to droop, but his mother clutched it firmly.
How long she held her son’s cock this way, wiping his come juice into her face, Peggy had no idea. However, it must have been five or ten minutes. During that time, Peggy experienced a series of orgasms she would have thought impossible only a few days before. For a woman who had not experienced an orgasm in years, she was suddenly enjoying multiple orgasms of such fierce intensity she could hardly stand it.
“Mom, turn loose, please,” she heard her son saying.
Her fingers relaxed, and she felt him starting to pull his cock back from the peephole. Then, suddenly, she gripped his limp cock hard again, clinging to the cockhead and stopping him.
“Pee for me,” she whispered.
“I didn’t hear you, Mom.”
“Honey, I said pee for me,” she said a bit louder.
“Piss for me!” she shouted. “Piss, Joey! Piss through the hole!”
She couldn’t see his cock in her fist, and slowly relaxed her grip. But when she felt his cock pulling back, she clutched hard again.
“No, Joey!” she hisssed. “Piss through the hole? I want to watch you piss!”
This time as her fingers relaxed, his cock remained there. The prickhead was barely showing because his cock was so limp and soft, but Peggy could see it, and she waited breathlessly for her son to send a stream of hot, golden piss into her bathroom.
At first, Joey seemed to haveSome trouble. He dribbled a small amount of piss, but the force was not enough to send it past the hole in the wall.
“Harder” Peggy hissed excitedly.
The piss stream grow with power, and then it gushed through the hole and splashed onto the floor. Peggy gurgled hotly, her eyes haze as she stared at his piss stream.
“Ooo Joey!”
She moved her hand into the stream, feeling the heat of his piss. She tried to wiggle her fingers into the peephole, wanting to pull his cock through it, but she couldn’t. Now, all she could see was the spraying stream of hot golden piss. She shoved both her hands into it, tasting the acrid flavor of piss. Shivers ran about her body, shivers of such ecstasy, she almost came again.
Time and again, she used her son’s piss to wash away the come juice on her face, enjoying it. It was so perverse, it thrilled her unlike anything she could think of.
With a cry, she scooted on her knees until she was inFront of the peephole. Lifting her skirt, she spread her knees wide, shoving her cunt into the piss stream. When she feel her son pissing on her pussy, she moaned and looked down. The thick hair of her cunt was matted wetly against her flesh, and she pulled at the hairy pussy lips, making her clip strain forward. She arched and angled her cunt until she was taking her son’s piss upon her clip. It stung in a delicious way. Pulling at the lips of her pussy, she lifted her cunt high, trying to have him piss directly upon the sensitive cunt lips.
“Ooooo, that feels so good!” she hissed.
Joey, not knowing what his mother was talking about, asked: “What are you doing, Mom?”
But Peggy couldn’t tell him.
As his piss dribbled and finally stopped, she found herself embarrassed by what she had done. Not because of jacking him off or washing her face with his come juice, but because of how good it had felt to have him piss on her cunt, how muchshe had enjoyed dipping her tongue into his piss, how much she liked that strange taste.

Peggy contemplated the hole in the wall. It had served its purpose, but she wanted to be close to her son, skin to skin, now. It was foolish, she thought, to keep up the pretense of it all. Although not talking about it before each other, they did talk through the wall every time. Her son certainly was not pretending it was some other woman on the other side. He called her Mom each time.
Peggy wanted to stroke her son, cares his young body with her hands, to fondle him openly, feel of his sweet, young balls and tight ass.
She wanted to be lewd with him, erotic, without the damned wall between them. She wanted him to see her, without peeking through a hole. She didn’t want to be careful how she sat in his presence, how she was dressed.
She didn’t have to ask Joey what he felt, it was in his eyes. He tried to peek at her all the time, now. She would catch him looking at her when he felt she wouldn’t notice. She had seen the eager gleam in his eyes so often, that hungry, anxious expression on his young face. It had been so long since she had slept next to a warm body, and she missed having someone in bed with her all night.
Peggy bathed carefully, then she dried herself and, standing at the sink in her bathroom, applied perfume to her ears, between her tits, the backs of her knees, then with an impish giggle, along her inner tights. She brushed her hair until it sparkled with highlights. Although her lips didn’t need it, she applied, a very weak coat of lip stick. Pleased with her appearance, she glanced at her reflection, seeing her firm tits with those brown nipples ever so stiff.
A pair of lacy, very skimpy, panties was pulled onto her hips. She adjusted the crotch to allow thick cunt hair to stick out from the tight band. Behind, most of her ass cheeses were revealed. She pulled on a thin satin blouse, because it clung to her tits, making her nipples practically beg for attention. She then chose a straight skirt, a skirt that hugged and out lined the teasing shape of her swelling ass, falling just to the top of her knees. It wasn’t the dress of a woman planning a dispatch, but the dress of a woman feeling sensitive with exciting possibilities. Men looked at her when dressed this way, and Joey would be no different, she knew.
Without nylons, she slipped into a pair of high heels. Her legs were tanned enough so she could get away with this. Besides, the heels emphasized the length and slenderness of her thighs.
Joey would be home soon, and she waited for him like virgin schoolgirl. Although she had handled his cock through the hole in the wail, fucked him deliciously, made him come in her face and starred hotly as he pissed, she felt as if this would be the first time for her and Joey.
She made herself a cup of instant coffee, and drank it nervously. She kept looking at the clock, and the closer it came to time for her son to arrive, she was pacing. Then it was a few minutes past time, and Peggy was about to start climbing the walls. Her cunt was pulsating wetly, and her nipples actually ached, they were so hard. She thought about meeting her son at the door, her dress up, legs parted, with a finger jammed into her cunt. She thought about standing there with her back to him, leaning over, her skirt at her waist, offering her pantied ass to his eyes just as he came in.
She thought and thought, and became more eager as the time went by.
When Joey arrived, she was still pacing the floor, emringing her hands, wondering what was keeping him. She stood in the middle of the floor and just stared at him as he entered. Joey glanced at her, shut the door, and dropped his books on the floor. He didn’t come toward her, but leaned there, looking at her. He sensed a change in his mother, and he saw theway her nipples protruded against her satin blouse. He saw the fire in her eyes and the slight part of her lips, the way the tip of her pink tongue seemed to move just behind them, touching her white teeth.
“Joey,” she said, her voice whispery.
Joey nodded his head once, staring directly at her thrusting nipples. His cock started swelling, and he made no effort to hide this fact. Peggy saw it, and lowered her eyes. She watched her son’s cock-bulge grow and harden, and her palms started itching. She felt the lips of her cunt throb and grow tight, her clip tingling and burning. She wanted to run to him, grap his cock tightly, shove her tongue down his young throat, grab his ass and strain her body against his. Yet, her feet were frozen to the floor. Her legs trembled, and her knees felt like rubber. She licked her lips as she stared at his cock-bulge.
Then, with a cry, Peggy almost leaped at her son.
Her right hand smoked against his hard cock, her left sliding behind him and cupping a tight cheese of his young ass. Her mouth lowered, and with a moan, she thrust her tongue past his lips.
Joey grunted with surprise, his mouth opening to accept his mothers firey, flicking tongue. His cock throbbed against her palm as she tried to squeeze it through his pants. Her fingers clutched the cheek of his ass and she squirmed her lower body against his. Joey’s hands shot around his mother’s wait, then down over the swells of her ass, her tongue licking like liquid fire inside his mouth. He squeezed his mother’s ass through her skirt and panties, making Peggy groan against his lips. Feverishly, she rubbed at her son’s cock-bulge, wiggling her ass.
“Ohhhh baby” she whimpered, pulling her tongue out of his mouth. “Oh, God! Joey my baby”
She clawed at his pants, tearing at his belt, jerking at the button of his fly. Joey moaned lifting his hands off her ass, pulling her blouse from the wait of her skirt. He shoved his hands underneath and felt the creamy flesh of his mothers tits. He knew she wasn’t wearing a bra of course. He pulled his hands around in front, and cupped her naked tits. Peggy gave a quick sob of pleasure when he squeezed at her firm tits, her eyes slipped in fire hunger. She fumbled frantically with his pants, managing to get them open. Immediately, she clutched his hard cock and began to jack it with frantic motions, feeling the throbbing hardness. In her fury, she left his cock and cupped his tight balls. She pulled and twisted them, bringing moans of Pleasure from her son. He clung to her tits tightly, feeling those hard nipples burn into his palms.
Joey’s pants fell to his feet, and Peggy stepped back a bit, looking down at him. Joey kept holding her tits, his fingers squeezed at the resilient flesh, playing with her nipples. His eyes were glazed with delight.
With a wild cry, Peggy grasped the front of her satin blouse, and with one jerk, she ripped it from her body. The tattered blouse fluttered to the floor, and she stood naked from the waist up. Joey made a choking sound as he stared at his mother’s tits, seeing them for the first time openly, not through a hole in the wall. He was excited that his mother was doing this, and his cock jerked up and down, dripping that clear liquid from the piss hole.
Peggy sobbed, anxious. She pulled her son forward, bringing him to the middle of the room. She pushed at his shoulders, and Joey sank downward. Pressing at his shoulders, she placed Joey on his back, his cock standing up stiffly, his pants at his ankles.
She sat on her heels, gazing with hungry lust at his cock and bails.
Joey remained on his back, waiting for his mother to do what she wanted with him. He was very cooperative, eager.
Peggy pulled her skirt up over her thighs, but not all the way. Turning with her knees toward her son’s head, she opened them as far asthe tight skirt would allow, Joey’s eyes glowed as he found he could look between his mother’s thighs, see the crotch of her panties. Sitting this way, Peggy took hold of her son’s cock and pumped it, gasping in pleasure as she watched the cockhead bulge out from her tight fist. She cradled his balls, toying with them gently, making cooing sounds deep in her throat.
“Ohhhhh, Joey!” she moaned. “I need you so much!”
Joey nodded, grinning now. He arched his hips upward, driving his hard cock into her fist.
Peggy gave a throaty squeal, and once more her hands moved feverishly, this time lifting to her knees and dragging her tight skirt upward. She quickly straddled her son, the crotch of her panties showing. Her eyes blazed with password as she jerked the crotch of her panties to one side. Before her son had time to admit the beauty of her hairy cunt, Peggy lifted herself and placed the head of his cock upon the fire lips of her cunt.She held her breath, and with her eyes staring into his young face, she plunged downward.
“Ooooooo, my God!” she hissed as her son’s cock fucked into her cunt completely, her pussy throbbing against the base. “Oh, Joey! Ohhhhh, my baby!”
She sat upright, impaled on his cock, shuddering with the exhaustive sensings flooding her body.
Joey trembled, his cock enclosed by the tight wetness of his mother’s blistering cunt.
“Ohhhh, yes!” Peggy hissed, falling forward. Her hands caught her weight before she smoked her tits against her son’s chest. Her face hovered above his a few inches, and she began to twist her ass, grinding her cunt on his cock. “Ooooo, baby, I need this! I have to have this!”
With a wild cry, Peggy lunged her hips up and down, fucking her son almost violently, her cunt riding on his hard cock with wet sounds.
Joey could no longer remain passive.
He gripped his mother’sthighs, his fingers digging into the smooth flesh, and began to pump his ass up and down. Peggy’s cunt met the wild fuck-thrusts of her son’s cock. She gasped and cried out with the increasing sensings of ecstasy, her cunt gripping and reining around his cock, her clip being scraped on the sweetly hard cock shake.
“Faster, Mom!” Joey called out, pushing his hands under her skirt and past her hips. He grabbed the cheeks of her pantied ass hard, clutching them with squeeze fingers. He rammed his cock up and down, grunting with the force of his mother’s pounding cunt. “Fuck me faster! Ohhhhh, Mother … this is so good! Your cunt is so hot and wet, and my cock is so hard!”
“Yes, baby, yes!” Peggy gurgled, shaking her ass in wild pleasure. “Your cock is hard, very hard! Mother’s cunt is wet and hot and … ohhhhh, fuck me, Joey! Fuck me! Fuck me! Please, baby, fuck mother’s cunt!”
Liquid sounds came fromher churning cunt, the wet smacking of her pussy against the base of his cock. Her tits dangled in front of her son’s face, and she shrugged her shoulders, making her shaped tits dance with invitation. Grinding and thrashing on his throbbing cock, Peggy made hissing sounds and rubbed her nipples across his face.
“Suck my tits, Joey!” she cried out. “Ohhhhh, baby, suck mother’s hot titties! Suck my tits and fuck me!”
Joey caught a swinging nipple with his mouth, sucking it deeply between his lips. Peggy sobbed as his tongue swirled. She shook her ass about in tight circles, thrilled to have his hands off her ass, his cock fucking into her cunt without being hindered by a wall.
Joey went from one title to the other, tasting the hot nipples. His eyes closed with rapture. Peggy, her eyes wet with tears of ecstasy, whimpered with heat. She fucked her cunt up and down his cock violently, feeling the hot, wet, sweet friction as she bounced. She was sure she could feel the ridges of his cock with her sensitive cunt, feel the swollen prickhead. She fucked in so fast, frothy juices boiled about his balls now.
“Fuck my hot pussy, Joey!” she wailed. “Fuck my hot cunt! Ram your cock up mother’s hot, wet pussy! Fuck the piss out of mother’s cunt, baby! Ooooo, pound me hard! I love a hard fast fuck!”
She pressed down upon him, smoking her title deeply into her son’s mouth. With her weight fully upon him, her ass grinding and dancing, her cunt fucking his cock, Peggy shoved her hands underneath his body. She grabbed hold of his tight ass cheeks, puffing him tight, straining her cunt onto his cock. Moving from the wait down, Peggy began to fuck her son with a frenzy, sobbing loudly as her orgasm swelled hotly in the depths of her fiery pussy.
With his mother clutching the checks of his ass, pulling him upward, Joey couldn’t fuck.
He arched his ass upwards, though, sucking greedily on her title, letting his mother fuck him. His body was trembling as his mother pounded up end down, his balls tight
“I’m going to come, Joey!” Peggy screamed. “Ohhhh, baby, your cock is so deep, so fucking hard! Mother is going to come!”
Hardly had the words exploded from her mouth when her cunt rippled into a fire orgasm. The hairy cunt lips gripped his cock tighter, and then went into contracts that made Joey wonder if he would ever see his cock again. Peggy lifted her head, screaming loudly with the consumption ecstasy. She smoked her convulsing cunt onto his cock hard, straining to him. The waving tightness of his mother’s orgasm sucked at his prick, and Joey clamped down on her nipples, groaning loudly.
The boiling spurts of his come juice sprayed the walls of her greedy cunt, sending Pew into another shattering orgasm. Her hips shook as she came, her cunt sucking up the squirting sweetness of his young balls.
“Ohhhhh, my God!” Peggy cried out. “I can’t believe it! Ohhhhhhh, Joey, it’s impossible to come so hard! I can’t believe I’m coming this way!”
Joey didn’t reply. His mouth was stuffed with her title, his cock spewing jism time and again into her cunt. His balls throbbed and seemed to spasm as they emptied, and he had the distinct sensing that his mother’s cunt was trying to suck them up through his cock.
Then, suddenly, Peggy s1umped, weak with rapture. Her legs spread around his, her ass shifting. Joey, too, relaxed, not feeling the weight of his mother. Joey gasped and panted heavily, and then his cock relaxed inside her cunt, and the still-squeezing cunt muscles oozed it out.
Slowly, Peggy rolled off her son, falling onto her back, her tits jutting up nakedly. Her skirt was bunched about her small wait, and she opened her tights wide to the air of the room. Her panties were still stretched to one side, her hairy cunt seeing creamy come juice.
Joey lifted himself on his elbow, looking down at her. Curling hair was revealed above the elastic of her skimpy panties, but he gazed mostly at his mother’s cunt, seeing it openly for the first time. He placed his hand on her smooth thigh, stroking it, feeling her. Peggy shivered and her slitted eyes looked into his face, seeing his excitement.
“Isn’t this better than that fucking hole in the bathroom wall?” she whispered.
“Much better, Mom,” Joey agreed, running his palm over the front of her lacy panties. His fingertip touched the tip of her cunt, causing Peggy to jerk.
“Oooo, baby!’ she surprised.
Joey rubbed at her clip lightly, and Peggy’s hips twisted from side to side.
“I’m so sensitive there,” she murmured, but she didn’t try to stop him. “Keep that up and I might come again.”
Joey pressed at her clip, and Peggy jerked her hips away, pullinghis hand off her cunt.
“You have to wait awhile,” she said. “When I’m not sensitive, you can touch me, play with my pussy, darling.”
“Can I take your panties off, Mom?”
“Oh, of course,” she said, huskily, lifting her ass.
Eagerly, Joey peeled his mother’s panties off her hips. Peggy lifted her long legs in the air for him, then let them fall back to the floor, keeping them widely parted for his eyes.
Joey sat on his heels now, his eyes taking in the naked beauty of his mother’s body. Her skirt was still bunched about her waist. Peggy glanced at his cock, seeing her wetness glisten on it. She saw a few wind hairs at the base, now wet. Joey fondled her tits, pulling at her nipples. He felt her tights and stomach, ran his fingers through the crinkly curls of her cunt, but stayed away from her clip.
He had kicked his pants off, and sat with his T-shirt on. His appearance was erotic to Peggy, and sheslipped her hand between his thighs and cupped his cock and balls together.
“1 want you to lie back now, Joey,” she said in a whispery voice.
Obeying his mother, he stretched out, his legs open. Peggy sat up, facing his head once again. She placed her hand between his legs, and lowered her face.
“Are you going to suck me, Mom?” he asked.
“I’d love to,” she whispered, gazing at his cock.
“Suck it, Mom!” he urged, lifting his hips.
“Ooooo, so beautiful!” Peggy cried out.
She shoved her face to his cock and balls, kissing feverishly, running her lips up and down the wet cockshaft, against his young balls. She felt his cock throb beneath her lips, knowing it was hardening again.
She scooted her hip on the floor towards her son’s face. Lifting one leg, bent at the knee, she exposed her hairy cunt to his young, hot eyes, and opened her mouth: She closed her eyes as she pulled her son's cock between her lips, a soft moan of pleasure bubble out of her throat. She pulled his cock deep, her lips writing at the base. Sucking his cock this way, without a wall between them, sent a shivering ecstasy through Peggy’s body. Holding his cock deep in her mouth, she pressed his young balls against her cheek. She worked her tongue in hot, wet circles, tasting his cock. Her eyes slipted and closed, her breathing starting to come faster.
“Obhhh, I want to suck you off!” she cried out, jerking her mouth off his cock. “Joey, I want to suck your cock so much!”
Joey punted, his eyes darting from his mother’s password-laden face to her revealed cunt.
Peggy stared at her son’s cock, now throbbing with hardness again. She flicked her tongue across his piss hole, tasting the seeing fluids. With a moan, she swallowed her son’s prick and began to run her hot lips up and down, sucking noisily. She twisted her lips in a screwingmotion as her head bobbed, one hand rubbing hotly along his inner thighs, caressing his back, sliding under to feel his tight ass, then back to his thighs again. Her mouth pulled hard on his prick, her tongue lapping hotly. She held the swollen cockhead between her lips and licked in hot circles about the smooth, swollen head of his cock, tapping against his piss hole.
Groaning hungrily, Peggy began sucking up and down swiftly. She grabbed for his balls, holding them tightly, puffing on them, but gently. She made whimpering sounds, her eyes opening and closing dreamily. Her hair swirled about her face, and she wiggled her hips, her cunt pulsating wetly.
“Ooooooo, that’s good, Mom!” Joey gasped, staring at her mouth, seeing her lips stretching. “Your mouth is so hot and wet, Mom!”
“Mmmmm” Peggy responded, her eyes glittering up at his young, excited face.
Joey shoved his hand along his mother’s creamy thigh, and felt abouther hairy cunt, still staying away from her clip. Peggy wiggled for him, mewling with delight as he fondled her inner thighs and the cheats of her ass. She jerked her mouth up and down his cock, pressing her tongue at it, feeling his prick rub along the roof of her mouth, the cockhead almost penetrating her throat now that there wasn’t a wall to prevent it.
Sucking as hard as she could, Peggy wanted to feel his hot jism spraying the back of her throat. She wanted him to explode copiously, flood her hungry mouth with sweet come juice. She raced her lips up and down, fucking him with her mouth. Joey, intensely excited, thrust a finger into his mother’s cunt and began to fingerprint-fuck her swiftly. Peggy cried out around his cock with ecstasy, fucking her cunt back and forth on his finger. She sucked up and down as fast and furiously as she could. Wet sounds came from her cock-filled mouth. She moaned and sobbed with a muffled sound, her eyes rolling about.
“Oh, Mom!” Joey cried out, fucking his finger deeply into her hairy cunt, holding it there. He shoved his hips upward, his free hand pressing at the back of her head. “I’m gonna come, Mom!”
Peggy didn’t fight his hand. She let him press her head down as he fucked his cock deep into her throat. She closed her eyes, hungry for his boiling cock cream. Joey gave a gasp, and his cock exploded jism inside her mouth.
Peggy squealed wetly, sucking hard, taking the squirting come juice eagerly. It splashed at her throat, burning and spewing. She held his cock tightly with her lips, her tongue licking. She sobbed as she drank his jism, swallowing with gulping wetness.
Her cunt contracted.
While her son spewed jizz into her hungry mouth, Peggy’s cunt clamped about his buried finger, squeezing it with powerful orgasm. Her hips jerked back and forth, and she cried out with wet sounds. When she knew he was about finished, she sucked upward on his cock powerfully, holding the cockhead with her lips, and her tongue licked rapidly about his piss hole. The taste of his hot, sweet come juice increased the force of her orgasm, and Peggy began to experience a series of orgasms.
Now it was Joey’s turn to be sensitive.
Holding his cock with her lips, she licked about the head of it as he became soft. She still didn’t want to turn his price loose. When his cock was relaxed, she stuffed his balls into her mouth along with it. She licked her tongue about his balls while Joey’s ass squirmed from the almost unbearable sensitivity. He slowly pulled his finger out of his mother’s cunt, and pressed at her clip.
Joey’s eyes popped open her mouth stuffed with his cock and balls.
She was coming again!
Her mouth opened to scream, and his cock and balls fell free. She grabbed her son’s hand, pressing it hard against her spasming cunt. She cried out with intense rapture, and her final orgasm seemed to go on and on forever.
“Oh, my God!” she said, sitting up with her knees tucked to her chin, looking down at her son. “I can’t believe this, Joey. I just can’t believe it.”
“You mean us fucking, Mom?”
“Oh, not that, baby,” she grinned. “I mean the way I come. I come so strong, it’s unbelievable. I love it, Joey, and I love you. I love what your cock does for me.”
Joey, still on his back, looked at his mother’s cunt pooching from her thighs. Then he looked up at her face, grinning.
“You don’t have to piss, do you, Mom?” For a moment Peggy felt as if she were going to blush, then she nodded her head. “I think I do, now that you mention it.”

Peggy adjusted the crotch of her panties, standing before her son as he sat on the floor. Joey looked up at her, his gaze fixed upon her crotch, his eyes glleaming.
“You gotta keep your panties on, Mom,” he said.
“I will this time,” Peggy agreed. “But not all the time.”
She stood above her son, her legs parted, wiggling her ass and cupping her tits now. She remembered the many times her ex-husband had wanted to see her do the things she was now doing with her son. Once, he had convinced her to stand this way while he lay on the floor, looking up her skirt and between her tighs, and Peggy had felt ashamed. But not now. She felt very good.
“Not here,” she said softly, yet with a husky sounding her voice. “Let’s go to the bathroom, baby.”
Joey scrambled to his feet, and Peggy clapped his cock in her hand, pulling her son with her.
She was very excited, her cunt throbbing again inside her panties by the time they arrived at the bathroom.
“Let me take my skirt off,” she said.
“Oh, no, Mom,” Joey giggled. “I wanna see you with your skirt up.”
Peggy giggled, too. She started to straddle the toilet, then quickly changed her mind. Instead she squatted on the floor, holding her knees wide. Joey sat dawn on his heels, his cock and balls deliciously naked. His eyes burned at the crotch of her lacy panties, eager to watch his mother piss into them.
“Do it now, Mom,” he said, his voice husky. “I wanna see you piss in your panties! Come on, Mom … piss in your pretty panties!’.’
“I will, darling,” she whispered, holding her knees with her hands. She felt very lewd, squatting before her son this way, lewd and excited and very hot. “Watch. I’m about to piss in my panties.”
She dribbled piss slowly, but it was enough to drench the crotch of her panties. Joey, his eyes burning on her cunt, grasped his cock and began to pump it. Peggy watched his fist, and increased the force of her piss. It sprayed from the edges of her panties, golden and hot,soaking her inner thighs, dripping to the floor.
“Ooooo, watch mother!” she cried out throatily. “Watch mother piss in her panties!”
“Piss hard, Mom!”
Joey’s ass twitched. The feel of her piss soaking her panties and ass sent shivers of perverse feeling about her spine. With her naked tits straining outward, she began to slide her hands along her inner thighs, caressing them slowly. When her hands were almost at her crotch, she framed her panties with her fingers. Joey stared and gasped with excitement, pumping on his cock with a tight fist.
“Touch it, honey,” Peggy mewled. “Touch mother’s cunt! Feel me piss in my panties!”
Joey’s free hand cupped underneath his mother’s cunt, and he lifted it slowly to her tight panties.
“It’s hot, Mom,” he gurgled, watching her golden piss spray from the edges of his hand. “It’s nice! I like to feel you pissing in my hand.”
Peggy squeezed her cunt, stopping the flood of piss. She stood up quickly, holding her skirt at her waist. Joey looked up at her, questioningly.
“Lean back,” she said. “Lean way back.”
Joey did as she wanted.
Peggy inched her feet along his knees, and pulled the crotch of her panties to one side. Joey gazed into his mother’s hairy cunt, licking his lips, knowing what she was going to do.
“Is it OK, baby?” she asked.
Joey could only nod his head; he was devouring his mother’s juicy cunt with his hot eyes. His cock was half hard, and with his hands behind him, he was vulnerable to what his mother was going to do.
Peggy peeled the lips of her hairy cunt open.
And she began pissing.
“Ooooo, Mom!” Joey groaned.
Peggy gurgled, watching her hot piss splash upon her son’s cock and balls. Immediately when her piss stung his cock, it lifted into a quick hardness. Peggy twisted her hips, spraying the smooth head of her son’s cock with her boiling piss. She adjusted her hips to piss over his balls, watching his prick jerk back and forth.
“Oooohhhhhh, baby, you love it don’t you?”
Joey nodded, unable to speak. The wet heat of his mother’s piss splashing about his cock and balls felt very good. He felt her piss drip off his balls and into the crack of his ass. He couldn’t resist, and grasped his cock with a tight fist. He began to jack off frantically as his mother pissed about his balls, his cock and hand.
“Don’t come!” Peggy wailed. “Please, baby, don’t come, not yet!”
She bent her knees, her cunt spraying hotly, her hands pulling at the lips of her hairy cunt. Her eyes glazed as she watched her piss soak his cock, his balls, his pounding fist. The cheeses of her ass rippled with flexing tightness.
“I’ve got to stop pissing” she groaned.
“Mom,please! I’m about to come!”
“Don’t!” she squealed, and she dropped to her knees before her son.
Jerking his hand off his cock, she buried her face into his crotch. She licked at the piss on his bails, his inner thighs, running the flat surface of her tongue up and down his piss-wet cock, twisting it about the swollen cockhead.
She groaned, and began to suck her son’s cock in a frenzy.
The taste of hot piss on his cock sent her mind reeling and spinning with perverse rapture. She slipped her hands past his hips and clutched his naked ass. Leaning into his cock, she twisted her ass as she pressed her pussy upon one heel.
Joey, panting hard, ran his hands underneath his mother’s body, squeezing her tight tits, then down her back to her ass. He fondled the spreading cheats of her ass, dragging the edge of his hand up and down the ass crack. Peggy groaned as his hand rubbed at her asshole. She gulped wetly on his cock, her tongue licking feverishly. Releasing his prick, she mouthed his piss-wet balls, sobbing with mindless ecstasy. She ran her tongue along his inner thighs, sucking up her own piss. Her cunt swelled and tightened, her clip bulging. With cries of ecstasy, Peggy dragged her tongue about the whole of her son’s crotch, licking away her piss, feverishly sucking at his balls, then his cock.
But Joey, intensely excited, his cock scanning with painful hardness, lifted his mother and pushed her backward. Sobbing with frenzied desire, Peggy sprayed on her back, her legs scissoring.
“Tear my panties off!” she screamed. “Rip mother’s fucking panties off!”
Joey grazed the flimsy panties, and with a wild jerk, ripped them from his mother’s grinding, twisting hips.
“Now, fuck me! Fuck me hard, Joey!”
Joey moved between his mother’s spread thighs, and Peggy lifted her cunt to him.
With one wild, quick fuck-thrust, Joeyrammed his cock into her hot cunt.
“Ohhhhh, give it to me!” Peggy squealed as his cock fucked deep into her boiling cunt. “Fuck mother hard!”
Joey grabbed at his mother’s twisting hips, staring with hot excitement as she churned her cunt on his hard-on, seeing those pink pussy lips, so wet and hairy, sliding up and down his prick. Peggy, wailing with ecstasy, humped her ass powerfully, the muscles of her flat stomach rippling. She balled her hands into fists, arms bent on each side, biting at her bottom lip as she groaned. Her cunt fucked on her son’s cock Relentlessly, and Joey was so fascinated by the sight, all he could do was stare at it.
“Oh … uh… uhhh!” Peggy grunted with the force of her flying hips. “Oh, my God! Oh, my God! It’s wonderful, Joey! Ooooo, it’s so good, baby!”
Joey’s eyes shot up his mother’s body, fixing upon her tits. Even when she was on her back, Peggy’s titsseemed to remain hard and shapedly, her nipples taut with sensing. His eyes came back down, paused to peer at her dimpled belly button, watching her stomach ripple, then down to her hairy cunt again. He watched his mother’s wet, boiling-hot cunt fuck up and down his cock a while longer, then with a moan, he fell across her body. He quickly began licking and sucking at her stiff nipples, his tongue swirling wetly. Sliding his hands down his mother’s hips, he grabbed hold of her thrashing ass.
Peggy lifted her legs into the air, waving them about as her son held her ass up, stabbing his excited cock into her cunt brutally, his balls bouncing against her naked ass. Peggy’s heels pounded the backs of her son’s thighs. Joey clutched the bunching cheats of her ass with tight hands, humping his cock up and dawn faster and faster.
“Oh, yes! Oh, yes!” Peggy cried out time and again, grinding her fiery cunt powerfully against his plunging cock. “Oh, yes! Oh, my God… yes, yes, yes!”
Joey chewed on his mother’s tits, not hard, but enough to make Peggy cry out with delight. She arched her shoulders, ramming as much of her tit as she could into his mouth, sobbing with frenzied rapture. Her fists unclenched, and she moved her hands to his back. Her fingers pinched and rubbed his flesh, scooting downward. She gripped the cheeses of her son’s ass in both hands, squeezing hard, pulling him downward as she fucked her cunt upward.
“Ohhh, Joey! Oh, my God, Joey!” she moaned. Her hips tossed in all directions, up and down and sideways, always with her cunt pumping on his fucking cock. “Ohhh, so fucking good, Joey! You’re so fucking hard, Joey! Your cock, so hard! So fucking hard and in me! Fuck me, baby! Ohhhh, fuck mother hard!”
Joey pulled his mouth off her tit. With both hands, he clutched her tits, squeezing into the firm flesh, watching her nipples bulge up. He flicked his tonguess across each in turn, bringing more peals of intense ecstasy from Peggy. His hands dug hand into the creamy tightness of his mother’s ass, pulling her upward as he came down with his cock. He fucked into her pussy so hard it drove the breath from her lungs. She felt herself scooting along the floor with each thrust of her son’s cock, and then her head was bumping against the wall, beneath that peep hole they no longer had any need for.
The puffy, hairy lips of her cunt were tight, very tight, gripping her son’s cock as though not wanting it to pull upward. Yet, the friction of his throbbing hard cock fucking in and out of her pussy was what she needed. Her clip was pounding and swelling, her asshole crinkling tightly. She closed her fingers into her son’s ass hard, and whipped her cunt into him with such power, Joey was lifted upward.
“Ohhhhhh, my God!” she screamed, her cunt contracting about her son’s cock. “Oh, baby! Ohhhhh, my fucking baby! It’s … it’s … ohhhh, I’m coming! My cunt! Mother’s cunt is … oh, my God, Joey’.”
Joey’s senses spun. His mother’s cunt, convulsing, gripped his cock even tighter. He felt the fiery lips of her pussy gnawing and sucking at his cock, his bails smoked into the crack of her ass. He lifted his head upward, eyes squeezed tight, a bellow of ecstasy roaring from his open mouth.
The burst of his come-load felt like a blow to Peggy’s cunt. She screamed with rapture, her pussy working on his throbbing, jizz-spurting cock of its own voltage, sucking and chewing and demanding. The spurting come juice filled her cunt, like a hose on a blazing fire. But the more he came, the hotter Peggy’s fire burned. The series of orgasms only whetted her appetite for more, it seemed. They strained Together, Peggy’s cunt throbbing with wet heat, Joey’s cock spewing what seemed to be a never-ending stream of thick, creamy jism.
“Oh, my God!” Peggy whimpered softly, her cunt still churning with rippling orgasm. “I can’t believe it! I don’t believe I’m coming so fucking much, so fucking hard! Oooooohhhhh, my baby!”
A final shudder went through Peggy, and her ass slowly reined, lowering to the floor. But Joey kept his fingers tight on her ass cheeks as he slumped across his mother’s trembling body.’ He rested his face on her tits, gasping hotly, his cock soaking inside her quivering cunt. Peggy’s legs, wrapped about him, relaxed, sliding to the floor. She stroked his back with hot hands, but slowly, feeling his young flesh. She cupped the cheeses of his ass gently, then squeezed them, squealing happily.
“Oh, that was some fucking, boy,” she breathed. “That was a real fuck! A real man fuck!”
Joey giggled, holding himself up and looking down into his mother’s face, grinning.
“Mom, you get kind of crazy,don’t you?”
“Crazy?” she asked, dreamy. “What do you mean, I get crazy?”
“Wild,” Joey grinned. “Real wild.”
“I guess I do,” she smiled up at him, squeezing the cheeses of his ass again. “I don’t know why, though.”
“Maybe because it feels so good,” Joey said. “It gets to feeling so good, a person can’t think of anything else, and everything sort of take over – and who gives a damn?”
“Mmmmm, that’s probably it,” she murmured, lifting her head and kissing his mouth gently. “Do you care if I get crazy, honey?”
“I really like it, Mom,” he said, tasting her tongue as it moved from one corner of his mouth to the other. “Get as crazy as you want. You really get to moving then.”
“Maybe that’s because you’re so good, yourself,” she said.
“Aw, Mom,” he said, pleased, but blushing slightly. “I’m just a kid.”
“Maybe you are,” she agreed. “But, you’re the fucking best kid I know. I just love to fuck you, Joey. I just love to have your sweet, hard cock inside me, fucking hard.”
Joey wiggled his hips between his mother’s legs, feeling the wet heat of her cunt round his soft cock. “I bet my cock would get hard again if you’d squeeze it with your pussy, Mom.”
“You brag too much,” she giggled, darting her tongue into his mouth, making the muscles of her cunt grip his cock. “Give a kid a piece of ass, and right away he thinks he can fuck constantly. Don’t you think your cock needs a rest, Joey?”
“Not my cock, Mom,” he grinned.
She felt his prick stir inside her cunt.
“Maybe it doesn’t need to rest, at that,” she said happily, wiggling her ass. She looked up at the wall. “There’s our hole, baby.”
"This is my hole, Mom,” Joey said, pushing against her cunt.
“Hole!” Peggy snorted. “That sounds terrible. It isn’t a hole, it’s a cunt. Don’t call it a hole, please. I can’t stand some of the words you men use. Why can’t you call it what it is, cunt or pussy?”
“Snatch, Maybe?” Joey suggested.
Peggy giggled. “Well, I guess it does snatch, especially snatch at your cock when you’re so hard.”
“How about twat?”
Peggy pretended to think about it. “Well, that’s not bad. But cunt or pussy sounds best Joey pressed his mouth against his mother’s. Peggy mewled as they kissed, and when Joey moved his tongue past her lips, she moaned and began to suck it, playing with it, her tongue twisting with his. She squeezed his ass with her hands, and moved her fingers into the hot asscrack. She rubbed gently at his asshole, Feeling it pumper up on her finger. With his tongueinside his mother’s mouth, Joey moaned with this new sensing;
Peggy drew her knees along her son’s side, pushing them into his armpits. Pulling her mouth off his tongue, she looked closely into his eyes.
“Piss in me,” she whispered.
“Piss in you? You mean… piss in your cunt, Mom?”
Peggy grinned lewdly, nodding her head, wiggling her uplifted ass. His cock was still inside her cunt, not completely soft.
For a moment Joey seemed undecided, and Peggy wondered if she perhaps had asked too much of her son. But then a grin split his young face.
“Okay, I’ll try, Mom.”
Drawing her knees back tightly, Peggy lifted her ass high, her crotch open to him, his cock inside her cunt. Joey was almost on his knees, looking down at his mother’s pretty face.
Peggy’s eyes glowed with anticipation, and she seemed to be holding her breath.
A dribble of piss came out of Joey’s cock. It was only a small dribble, but Peggy felt it. She mewled softly, her eyes rolling with this strange sensing.
“More!” she demanded.
Joey moaned, and his hot piss streamed out of his cock, floating the inside of his mother’s cunt. The force of his piss ticked her guts and Peggy squealed.
“Harder! Piss hard in my cunt!”
The stream stung deep, and her pussy filled until piss was spraying from the hairy cunt lips. The feeling of being pissed in sent wild tremors about Peggy’s body. She gurgled happily, feeling her son pissing into her cunt.
“Ooooo, baby!” she cried out softly. “Piss in my cunt! Piss in mother’s hot, fucking cunt! Ohhhh, I’m going to come again! Piss… piss in my hot pussy!”
The contractions of a final orgasm erupted within Peggy; The lips of her cunt squeezed at her son’s cock, causing his piss to spurt and stop, spurt and stop. She flung her head from side to side, wakening with rapture. Her ass became drenched as the piss sprayed from her cock-stuffed pussy, burning the flesh, scalding her puckering asshole. She screamed as her orgasm intensified, every muscle of her slender body taut.
“Piss … piss … piss!” she urged. “Piss up my fucking hot cunt! Fill mother’s hot pussy with sweet piss! Ooooo, I’m coming so hard again!”

Joey lay across his mother’s bed, on his stomach.
Sitting between his legs, Peggy gazed at him. She could see his lovely young balls between his spreading thighs, the checks of his ass, even the inviting ass crack. She rubbed her hands up and down his thighs, over the cheats of his ass, feeling him, caressing him.
Like her son, she was naked.
After her shower, she had shoved her son into the stall and soaped him down, washing him as if he were still her baby. On her knees at the side of her shower-bath, she had worked up a good later, and cuddled his balls and played with his cock. Her hand slipped very easily on his soapy cock and balls, and she giggled with pleasure as his prick turned hard beneath her moving hands. She toyed with his soapy balls and cock for a long time, making him very hard. Without rinsing the soap from his cock, she had kissed it, on his piss hole, her eyes flashing happily up at his grinning face.
Rinsing his body under the shower, she pulled him to her face, and ran her tongue about his throbbing hard-on, dipping it down to ticle his balls, bringing moans of joy from her son. She used the flat surface of her tongue to lick from beneath his balls, over them, and up his cock. She placed the head of his cock just inside her lips, her tongue swirling around his piss hole, and jacked his prick as though intending to jack him off in her mouth. But that wasn’t what Peggy wanted, not this time. Later, she wanted to jack him off, with her mouth wide open to catch that squirting cock cream on her tongue, so she could see it bubble from his piss hole at the same time.
For a brief, teasing moment, Peggy had pulled his cock into her mouth and sucked it, moaning with delight as the swollen cockhead brushing the back other throat. Slit tried to pull his precious balls into her mouth with his cock, but couldn’t get her lips that wide open. She sucked on his prick with a few quick, frenzied movements, then pulled off. Squealing happily, she pressed her face into his cock and balls, nuzzling at his crotch as her hands fondled the wet cheats of his lean ass.
Peggy found it very delightful to have his cock and balls in her face, feeling the hardness of his cock, the sweetness of his hairless balls, the thrilling heat. She swirled her tongue about his balls, sucking them and caresing them with her tongue, kissing them with open lips, sliding her mouth up the hard cockshaft and sucking on the smooth cockhead a few times, bringing out hot, slippery juices.
Then she turned him around, feverishly kissing at his ass, licking at the asscheeks hungrily. She swiped the tip of her tongue up and down the crack of her son’s ass, probed at his asshole a few times, clutching his cock in one hand, his balls in the other, mewling and sobbing with perverse pleasure.
She had not intended to do much except play with him in the shower, but the more she touched, felt and kissed him, the hotter she became. Her cunt became extremely juicy, but that wasn’t where she wanted his cock, not yet. With soft moans, she feverishly kissed and licked at her son’s ass, one fist sliding back and forth on his throbbing cock, the other clutching his balls, pulling and twisting them. She challenged her tongue deeply into the crack of Joey’s ass. Joey had leaned over, his hands on the slippery wail of the shower-bath, shoving his ass to his mother’s face. He danced about with excitement, and Peggy pursued with increasing passion.
It was Joey who finally turned around, facing his kneeing mother. His cock strained out in hardness, the prickhead smooth and swollen, his piss hole opening, dripping that clear fucking nice Peggy loved so much now. With a growl, she had gripped his hips, and swallowed his beautiful young cock hungrily. With her lips writing against the base, her tongue pressed his prick to the roof of her mouth, the prickhead almost inside her throat. She felt the seeing juices burning down her throat, and couldn’t stop herself now.
She began to suck greedily, mewling with cock-sucking ecstasy. She slipped her arms about his hips, holding the cheats of his ass, and let her son fuck in and out of her mouth. Joey held her check in one hand, the back of his mother’s head with the other. He worked his hips from the wait down, watching with hot eyes as her mouth took his cock as though it were her cunt. Peggy loved the fucking sensing of his hot cock between her lips, lovedit when he plunged so deeply. She Was so hungry for his cock, so desperate to have it gushing his sweet, creamy come juice into her mouth.
She gently pulled her mouth off his cock, looking up into his face with smoldering eyes.
“Fuck me, baby,” she whispered throatily. “Fuck me in my mouth! Fuck mother’s mouth, Joey! Fuck my hungry mouth like you fuck my cunt! Use my mouth like a hot, wet pussy, darling!”
And Joey rammed his cock back into her eager mouth.
Clutching the cheeses of his ass now with hot hands, Peggy moaned as he fucked her lips faster and faster. The deeper he went, the better she loved it. Her cunt was throbbing between her thighs, cunt juices running along the inner flesh. Her clip seemed to strain outward more than ever before. She twitched her naked ass, grinding her hips as Joey fucked her mouth.
Joey held his mother’s face in his hands now, gasping as he watched his cock stallbing back and forth, her lips tight. Peggy pressed the bottom of his cock hard with her tongue, making her mouth tight for him. Her eyes fluttered open and shut, dreamily, sobs of pleasure bubbleing from her constricted throat. She held his ass cheats in her palms, pulling him forward each time he fucked into her mouth.
Joey fucked fast and hard, beating the base of his cock against her lips bruising them, making them tingle. Peggy waited in muffled sounds, not caring how fast and hard he rammed his cock into her mouth. Her cunt was throbbing as hard as his cock, and her cunt felt as big as a cock.
“I’m gonna come, Mom!”
Her mouth was suddenly filled with the scalding juices of his young balls. Sobbing hungrily, Peggy slurped and swallowed, the taste of his thick come juice causing her cunt to go into tight spasms of mind-spinning orgasm. She wailed and sucked powerfully, drawing the juices out of his tingling balls greedily, noisily. Her throat burned as the come juice spewed, splashing down it. Her tits smoked almost flat against his upper thighs, his balls against her chin. Her eyes blazed with dreamy ecstasy as she sucked the jizz from his cock.
After rinsing his body again, she dried him carefully, planning kisses all over his young flesh.
Now, kneeing between his tights on her bed, fondling his ass and legs and staring at his balls, Peggy knew what she wanted from him this time.
Leaning down, she pulled the cheats of his ass wide open, staring at the tight picker of his asshole. She pressed her face down, burying it between the buns of her son’s ass. She kissed hotly at his tight asshole, sucking on it. Then her tongue came out of her mouth and licked hotly up and down the, asscrack. The heat of his asshole drew her tongue back to it, and Peggy licked his asshole, making wet circles, then pushed at the tight opening.
“Mom, that’s my asshole!” Joey gasped..
“Mmmm, I know,” she whispered into his ass. “Lift up. Lift your ass up real high, baby.”
Joey pulled his knees underneath his naked body. Peggy starred hotly as his ass cheats parted. His cock and balls could be seen underneath, but it was his asshole that held her attention at this time. She touched it with a fingertip, rubbing tenderly. Joey made soft sounds of pleasure, and Peggy leaned forward. She kissed the inner surface of one asscheek, then closed her lips about his asshole. She sucked, sucked hard, as if trying to suck shit out of him.. That was not her intention, but Peggy was so excited and aroused, she wouldn’t have minded if she’d tasted her son’s shit. She pressed her tongue against his asshole, and with only a little effort, penetrated it.
Joey gasped again, but shoved his ass back into his mother’s face.
Peggy, with her tongue inside Joey’s asshole, shoved at and between his thighs and began to pump on his once-more hard cock. As she jacked him, she flickedher tongue in and out of his asshole. She plunged her tongue as deep as she could, tongue-fucking him in his ass. Hotly and wetly, she fucked her tongue in and out, making soft sounds of bubble delight. She squealed when her son’s asshole tightened on her tongue, pleased to hear his gasping response. She jerked her fist up and down on his cock, sucking and licking his asshole with hot hunger.
“Ohhh, Mom, Mom!” Joey gurgled. “You might make me come!”
“Mmmm,” Peggy purred, drawing her tongue out of his asshole. “Come all you want!”
And her tongue plunged back into his asshole. She stalled hard and deep, whimpering with excitement, thrilled to feel the ring of her son’s asshole grabbing at her tongue. She didn’t care if he came, didn’t care if he squirted jism all over her bed. If that happened, she would lick it from the sheets, and lick it eagerly. The way she had licked his come juice from the wall of hisbathroom.
Her fist pumped in short, quick thrusts, her tongue fucking in and out of his asshole. Joey grunted and sobbed with this new delight, shoving his ass back into his mother’s face, wiggling it. Now and then, with whimpers of password, Peggy pulled her tongue from his asshole, dipped it down and lapped feverishly at his loaded balls, only to rub her tongue back to his asshole, and fuck it swiftly. He was driving quite a bit, and she curled her palm about the cockhead, feeling it, letting her palm becomes slippery, then grasping his cock again and sliding her tight fist up and down the cockshaft.
Suddenly, Joey pulled his ass from his mother’s face.
“No!” Peggy protested. “Let me do it! Joey, I want to lick and kiss and suck your asshole! Come back here you little fuck-face! I want to suck your tight, hot asshole! You can come, honey! You can come on the sheets.”
But Joey turned on the bed, his cock scanning.
“I wanna kiss your ass, too, Mom,” he said in a strange voice. “Let me lick your asshole, too!”
Peggy didn’t hesitate. She scrambled hurriedly on top of her son, her knees on each side of his shoulders. She shoved her face down, swallowing his cock greedily, running her lips up and down it. Joey gazed into his mother’s crotch, seeing her hairy cunt, watching it see with juices. He saw her creamy ass cheeks opening, the light-brown bud of her asshole. Shoving his hands up her thighs, he cupped his mother’s naked ass, and lifted his face. Burying his young face into the crack of his mother’s ass, he licked without hesitation at her ass.
Peggy squealed hotly, and jerked her mouth off his cock. She pulled his legs back, and shoved her mouth against his asshole again. Her tongue ran in and out of her son’s asshole, fucking him in a frenzy, his cock throbbing along her neck. She clawed the cheeses of his ass open, pulling them as wide as she could. She wiggled her own ass into her son’s face, feeling his tongue sliding about the sensitive ring of her fiery asshole. She plunged her ass downward, and feel her son’s tongue fuck into her asshole. With squeals of ecstasy, she sucked and licked at his asshole with greater frenzy. At the same time, Joey was fucking his mother in the asshole with his tongue, his chin pressing into the juicy heat of her hairy cunt. The hair-lined lips of Peggy’s cunt surrounded Joey’s chin, smearing it with her wetness.
Groaning, Peggy strained her asshole into her son’s face, her cunt growing puffy as she felt the tremors of an orgasm starting deep inside the pit of her stomach. She had never felt a tongue against her asshole before. What her son’s tongue was doing to her ass now was exciting, very lewd. She began to squeal into his ass, her tongue stallbing hotly and quickly, feeling the ring of his asshole clamping and flexing about her tongue. His cock throbbedAlong her neck, the seeing juices smearing her flesh. Feverishly, she tongue-fucked her son in his asshole, shashing her cunt onto his chin, feeling his tongue fucking deep into her own asshole.
Making strange sounds, Peggy began to grind her ass into her son’s face, pounding against him. She fucked her tongue in and out of his assho1e, taking side trips to his balls, swirling at them wetly, then sucking them, only to plumge her tongue back into his burning asshole.
Joey, too, was moving his tongue from his mother’s asshole to her cunt, swiping at the swollen, hairy pussy lips, dipping inside to taste her cunt juices, then back to her asshole again. Peggy was thrilled to feel her son’s tongue licking from her swollen clip, across her bubble cunt, about her asshole. She squealed into his asshole each time his tongue penetrated her cunt or asshole. His cock was starting to pulsate with more power along her neck, and she was so excited, it didn’t matter to her if he came, gushing jism across her neck and shoulder.
They made wet, licking, sucking sounds as they devoured each other, sucking at assholes and cunt. Peggy, with her mind reeling with erotic hungers, lifted her mouth out of his hot ass, running her tongue feverishly about his young balls, up the shake of his cock. She swallowed her son’s cock, fucking him frantically with her mouth, gobbling wetly. She strained her ass into his face, sliding and grinding her cunt across his mouth, then her boiling asshole. She sucked powerfully and mindlessly on her son’s cock. Joey, with his tongue sticking far out of his mouth, let his mother slide her wet, hairy cunt over it, not caring if it was her cunt or asshole in his mouth. His cock was throbbing and about to exploit, and he arched his hips upward, fucking his cock far into his mother’s mouth.
Wiggling and slamming her crotch into her son’s face, Peggy began to groan. Her cunt was swelling, swelling hotly. Joey’s tongue was stabbing into the juiciness, licking in a frenzy. He began to poke and rub at his mother’s asshole with the tip of one finger. This added pleasure sent Peggy into a cock-sucking frenzy. She squealed and devoured her son’s cock with such hunger, she surprised herself.
Joey, about to come, plugged his finger past the tight ring of his mother’s asshole.
Peggy screamed about his cock, and when Joey began to finger-fuck her in the ass, tongue fucking her cunt, she couldn’t hold it back. Her cunt contracted, convulsing wetly and hotly about her son’s plunging tongue. The faster he finger fucked her asshole, the harder became her orgasm. She began to suck on his cock as if wanting to pull it into her stomach. Her orgasm sent her naked ass into shivering movements. She smoked her pussy hard and violently into her son’s mouth, her asshole gripping his finger. Then Joey’s cock exploded.
The hot creamy come juice splashed at her throat, and Peggy found herself going into intense orgasms that she would not, have believed any woman could experience. Although her mind was spinning with the intensity of her multiple orgasms, her mouth was just as sensitive. She sucked and gobbled with hot greed on his jizz-spewing cock, swallowing time and again at the thick, sweet come juice. His balls compromised about her nose, and without thinking, she stalled a finger up her son’s asshole.
Now they were finger-fucking each other up the asshole, with Peggy sucking frantically at her son’s gushing cock. Joey lapped and licked the juices from his mother’s spasming cunt, moaning as his asshole burned about her plumping finger. For some reason, Peggy thought her son came more than ever, and felt it was because of this added stimulation of fucking him in his asshole with her finger.
She knew, though, that his finger fucking in and out of her asshole certainly increased her orgasm.
Afterr the ripples of orgasm stopped, they clung to each other, with Peggy on top, her arms wrapped about her son’s hips, clutching the cheeses of his ass, holding his cock in her mouth, breathing with panting hisses. Then, lightly struggling his mother’s lovely ass cheeks, let her rest her cunt in his face, with his nose near her asshole as he gasped heavily.
After a long time, Peggy rolled from her son, looking at his wet, glistening face. Her eyes twinkled with pleasure as she spread her legs wide, then closed them, spread them again, Joey lay on his back, his chest moving up and down as his breathing started to calm somewhat.
“My God,” Peggy whispered. “I don’t know what we did, baby, but that has to be the world record for coming.”
“Yeah,” Joey grinned, sliding his hand up his mother’s thighs and fondling her hairy cunt. “I didn’t think I’d ever stop coming.”
“You came so fucking much, it almost choked me,” she giggled softly. “That is, if I thought about it. I was too busy eating you up to notice, though.”
“You really like to suck cock, don’t you, Mom?”
“I didn’t used to,” she said. “I mean, I didn’t think I liked it so much. But you’re right; I could suck your cock day and night.”
“But, Mom,” he teased, rubbing at her cunt with his fingers. “I need some pussy, too. If you sucked me all the time, I wouldn’t be able to fuck your cunt, and I do love to feel your cunt around my cock!”
“I love it, too,” she said, turning on her side and licking at his precious balls. “And you’ll always have enough cock for both my mouth and cunt. Always.”

They napped, and when Peggy woke up, the first thing she saw was her son’s cock.
She had been sleeping with her cheek againstHis hip, and when her eyes opened, his cock was there, lifted in hardness right in front of her eyes. She didn’t move but simply looked at his cock. The feel of his hip at her cheek was nice. Joey was still sleeping, his legs wide. She slipped her hand gently and lightly across his stomach and to his prick. Very carefully, she fondled his cock, not wanting to wake him. He needed his rest, she felt, after the fabulous fucking and sucking they had gone through.
She held his cock lightly in her fist, gazing at it as she stroked her hand up and down. She loved the heat of his cock, the exciting hardness.’ She ran her fingertip over the, swollen cockhead, feeling the smoothness, enjoying playing with his cock while he slept so peacefully. She kissed her son’s hip, lifting herself up on her elbow. Using only the tip of her tongue, she lapped gently at his thigh, working her tongue towards His precious balls. Being careful not to wake him up, she pressed her tongue at hisballs, then lifted her mouth and very slowly wiggled the tip at his piss hole.
What she told her son had been the truth.
She could suck his cock all day and all night.
She could fuck him day and night, using her cunt or her mouth.
Peggy realized she really had no preference where her son put his cock. Her mouth was as hungry as her cunt, and she would take it wherever her son happened to push his prick.
Remembering how good it had felt when he licked her asshole, she felt it pumper. His finger had been up her asshole, she remembered, as well as her finger up his. She giggled silently, thinking they were certainly becoming a couple of wild people. As she gently and lightly licked her tongue about the head of his smooth cock, she remembered when his cock almost went into her asshole that day, the day she had shoved her ass to the hole in the wall.
Curiously, Peggy wondered what it would fall like; taking her son’s hard cock into her asshole. She studied his prick. It was much longer than his finger, that was for sure. It was also thicker. His cock was at least six inches long, she determined, and perhaps an inch and a half thick. She wondered if it would go up her asshole, if it would hurt, if it would feel good, if she would come.
Getting to her knees, gazing at her son’s cock, Peggy moved a hand behind her ass. She ran her palm over her swelling, shaped ass cheats, wondering about taking his cock up her asshole. Sliding a finger into the crack of her ass, she felt the heat, and when her fingerprint probed the tightness of her asshole, there was a quick inward pumping.
Peggy was not naive; she knew some women took cock up the ass, and took it not only in comfort, but preferred being fucked in the ass instead of the cunt. When she first became aware of that, she found it hard to believe. She had not even enjoyed taking a cock in her cunt, let alone her asshole. But with the things she and her son had been doing lately, she realized there were many, many people who had a certain preference, and there was no way she could acuse them. She enjoyed pissing in her panties, enjoyed having her son watch her piss, enjoyed the taste of his piss … so, she couldn’t judge anyone.
She stood up on the bed, swinging a foot across her son, with her head towards his feet. She lowered herself until she was squatting above him. Still being careful and not knowing why, she held his cock at the base and rubbed the cockhead along the crack of her ass. She leaned over, trying to watch, but couldn’t see. She did feel, though. The touch of his cock against her asshole excited her, excited her so much, her clip swelled and hardened. She slipped her ass backwards, rubbing the head of her son’s cock along her cunt, but not taking it inside. She rubbed it at her clip, then along the sensitive cunt lips. She began to pant as excitement grow inside her naked body.
It was while she was doing this that Joey woke up.
He saw his mother’s ass spreading above his hard cock, and he grinned.
“Why didn’t you wake me up, Mom?”
Peggy looked back over her shoulder, grinning at him.
“You needed your rest,” she said, turning around and sitting on his thighs. “But you have this beautiful hard-on, and I just had to feel it.”
“You were trying to stick it in your ass,” he said.
“No, not really,” Peggy replied, sliding her cunt along his thigh, back and forth, smearing it with her pussy juices, crushing her clip against his flesh. “I was just rubbing your cock there. I wasn’t going to put it in my asshole.”
“Yes you were,” he insisted.
“Well, maybe I was thinking about trying it,” she admitted, struggling his cock with her hand. She leaned over and swiped her tongue across the smooth prickhead, her eyes burning up at his face. “But, just thinking,that’s all.”
“You wanna do it, Mom?” Joey asked.
“Take your cock in my ass?”
“That’s what we’re talking about, right?”
For a moment, Peggy’s breath was in her throat. “I wouldn’t mind trying it, once,” she said.
She rubbed her cunt up his thigh, and reaching his balls, she settled her hot pussy against them. With one hand, she stuffed her son’s balls into her cunt, his cock throbbing up into the thick pussy hair. She pressed his cock against her body, the lips of her pussy tithing on his balls. After a minute, she lifted her crotch, and pushed the swollen head of her son’s cock into her cunt.
With a sight, she sank down onto him. Sitting astride her son, she wiggled her hips gently, grinning down at him. “How does that feel? Is mother’s cunt hot enough for your cock baby?”
“You said in your asshole, Mom,” Joey moaned.
“You don't like mother’s cunt anymore?”
“I love it,” he said. “Your cunt is wet and hot and so hairy. And your mouth is hot and wet and you suck cock really great. But don’t you wanna try it in your ass, Mom?”
Peggy sat upright on his cock, her shoulders back, tits scanning out with hard nipples. She stroked her tits a few times as her son looked up at her, his hands moving along her creamy tights. Peggy twisted her hips, grinding her pussy on his cock, then worked her ass up and down. She fucked her son slowly, letting him watch her pussy pull his prick in and out.
“Ask me,” she teased. “Ask mother nicely if you can fuck my ass.”
“Please let me fuck your ass, Mom,” Joey said, grinning at her play. “I wanna stick my cock in your asshole, Mom. Please, let me fuck you up the ass.”
“Mmmmm, nice,” she purred, lifting her cunt off his cock. It was shiny wet with her juices. “Of cOurse I’ll let you fuck me in the ass. Mother will let you fuck her anyplace. When you get such a lovely hard-on, mother can’t refuse you anything at all.”
She lifted her hips, sliding her feet back until she was squatting, knees open wide. Reaching behind herself, she grasped her son’s cock at the base. Joey gazed hotly at her, seeing her pink cunt lips, framed by thick pussy hair, her clip standing out hard.
Peggy gazed down into her son’s eyes as she pulled his cock along the slit of her fiery cunt. It delighted her to see his expression of anticipation. Joey was staring between her knees, watching what she did with his cock, his mouth slightly parted. His eyes glowed, shining with expectation.
Teasingly, she rubbed the head of his cock along the crack of her ass. Her breath caught quickly when she feel the smoothness of his prick touching her sensitive asshole. Moving his cock back and forth, she touched herself from her cunt to the base of her spine with his prick, shivering with what she was about to do. With the head of his cock touching her asshole, she felt a different kind of thrill than feeling it against her cunt. Her tits lifted as she gasped softly, moving his cock back and forth, from her spine to her cunt.
Finally, she placed the dripping head of her son’s cock against her asshole, and while holding herself still, fondled his balls. She increased the pressure slightly, feeling the head of his cock starting to enter the tightness.
“Oooooh, Joey!” she hissed softly, her eyes taking on a glazed expression as she stared down at him.
Joey stroked his hands along his mother’s inner thighs, watching hotly as she wiggled her ass, feeling the exciting heat of her pumped asshole against the head of his cock. He could hardly wait to feel her asshole closing about his cock, and lifted his hips slightly. But Peggy moved up with him.
“Don’t be so anxious,” she cabused. “Let me do it, honey. Let me take your cock in slow and easy.”
Peggy released his balls, bringing her hands to her firm tits. Cupping them, she lifted one tit so her tongue could lap against the swollen nipple, her eyes constantly on his young, anxious face. She kept a relentless pressure on the head of his cock with her asshole. After squeezing her tits a few times, Peggy slowly moved her hands down over her stomach, through the soft hair of her cunt. She fingered the puffy pussy lips, struggling her inflamed clip gently. Then she pulled her cunt open, exposing the juicy pinkness of her pussy gas. She wanted her son to see her cunt as she slowly moved downward with her ass.
Feeling her asshole give way, Peggy squealed softly.
“Oh, watch it, Joey!” she cooed. “Watch what I do with my asshole, baby! Watch mother’s asshole … watch me take your cock right inside my hot asshole!”
Holding her cunt wide apart, Peggy slowlyeased herself down. When she felt the smooth cockhead sliding inward, she paused, holding her breath. For a moment she wasn’t sure this would be possible, but recalling the feel of his tongue and finger up her ass, she sucked in a deep breath, and moved down slowly once again.
The pressure increased, and the ring of her asshole was opening. The head of her son’s cock was starting to penetrate.
“Ohhhh, it feels so big!” Peggy gasped. “Your cock is going to really open me up, Joey!”
She lowered herself a bit more.
Peggy’s eyes opened wide.
The head of her son’s cock simply moved past the ring of her asshole, and it stuck there. Peggy made a sobbing sound, almost afraid to settle more of her weight on him. Her asshole felt stretched, open now more than it ever had been. She felt her assring ring flexing on its on voltage, squeezing at the head of his cock. Her asshole wasn’t trying to squeeze his prick out, but sucking inward as if wanting it deeper. She shivered as she squatted atop her son, the smooth head of his cock just inside her asshole. She kept pulling the hairy lips of her cunt wide open, and she was seeing pussy juice copiously, enough so the juices were dripping onto her son’s lower stomach.
“Oh, Mom!” Joey groaned.
“Mmmm, I know, baby,” she whispered in a tight voice. “Watch! See how your cock goes in my asshole!”
Peggy inched her body down, taking her son’s cock slow and easy, feeling the ass ring opening. The more she took, the better it felt. When she had half his ‘cock up her ass, she paused. Her asshole gripped and relaxed around his cock. Her eyes glittered with lewd pleasure, and very slowly she settled her ass down, the full length of her son’s cock fucking deeply into her fiery asshole.
“Oooo, it’s in!” she cried out. “Joey, your cock is all the way in my ass!”
“Yeah!” Joey groaned, seeing his mother’s hairy cunt smoked upon the lower part of his stomach.
“Oh, my God, darling!” Peggy sobbed softly. “I think I like it, Joey! My asshole is so stretched, so open, and your cock is so deep! Yes, I’m going to like this very much!”
She wiggled her ass, giggling lewdly down at him. She stroked her hands up his chest, down again. Slipping her hands to her cunt, she squeezed the firey pussy lips together, the tip of her clip protruding from them.
“Now,” she whispered.
Peggy lifted her ass, pulling the tight ass ring upward on his throbbing cock. She lifted until the ass ring clamped about the cockhead, then moved down again. She fucked her son slowly.
“Oh, Mom! Mom, Mom!” Joey groaned, his cock feeling squeezed. “You’re so fucking tight! Fuck me with your asshole, Mom!”
“Yes, I will!” Peggy gurgled, sliding her asshole up and down a bit faster. “I will! I’ll fuck you with my asshole, Joey! Mother will fuck your hard cock with her tight, hot asshole!”
Using the muscles of her slender thighs, Peggy began to bounce up and down on his cock. She went down faster, smoking her juicy cunt against his flesh, then up again. Each time she stood herself in the ass with his cock, she moaned. Placing her hands on her knees, she began to bounce and fuck on him. Within moments, Peggy was fucking up and down frantically.
“Oooo, it’s so good, Joey!” she while. “Your cock fills my ass … really stretches my asshole! I can feel it throb!”
The lips of her cunt twitched, her clip seemed to swell even more than before. Hot juices glistened on the hair that framed her cunt. She bounced on him without tiring, much too excited to feel the aching of her thigh muscles. Squeal after squeal bubbled from her, her eyes wild with wanton password.
“Fuck it! Fuck it!” she wailed,making slapping sounds against her son as her ass struck him. “Fuck that ass, Joey! Fuck that hot asshole! Fuck mother’s tight asshole! Ooooo, it’s burning and tingling and I love it!”
Joey arched his hips up, but the pounding of his mother’s ass drive them back down. He gave up trying to meet the thrusts of her ass, and lay there watching her asshole suck his cock up.
“My cunt is on fire, too!” she yelped. “Baby, this is making my cunt so fucking hot, too! Ooooo, stall mother’s ass … fuck mother in the hot asshole! This is going to make me come, Joey!”
The friction of her son’s hard, throbbing cock fucking in and out of her tight asshole sent ripples of ecstasy about her creamy, unblemished flesh, her tits lifting high, nipples rigid.
“Your finger!” she wailed, grabbing at his hand and jerking it to her cunt. “Fuck me with your finger, too, Joey!”
Joey stiffened his middle fingerWhile his mother held her crotch high, twisting with the head of his cock just inside her asshole. Plunging his finger into his mother’s juicy cunt, he stared as she plunged her ass downward, taking his finger and cock at the same time. Peggy began to cry out with delight, fucking up and down, her cunt on his finger, his cock up her asshole.
“Ooooo, wonderful! Sweet and wonderful and fantastic!” Peggy howled, bouncing her ass up and down now. “I’m about to come, boy! Ohhh, baby. I’m about to come so fucking hard!”
Peggy’s hips jerked back and forth, grinding. With gurgles of mindless ecstasy, she made screwing motions as she pumped her ass up and down, swinging her ass in tight circles. She was squeezing at her shapedly tits again, pulling and twisting her nipples brutally.
Joey was gasping loudly, his balls tight and hard, loaded with creamy come juice. His mother’s asshole slipped up and down his cock easily, squeezing tightly. His finger remained rigid as she pounded up and down.
“Fuck me … fuck me!” Peggy kept sobbing, although it was she who was doing everything. “Fuck my cunt! Fuck my asshole! Fuck me in both places … at the same time! My cunt is on fire and my asshole is on fire and I’m going to come! Ooooo, I’m going to come so fucking hard!”
Her body trembled and her tits wrongly. She rammed down onto Joey’s cock hard and violently. It feel as if she had taken his cock into her stomach. She twisted desperately, grinding her asshole on his prick and her cunt on his finger.
Joey groaned, his cock burning.
“Mom!” he shouted. “I gotta come! I can’t stop now! My balls … my cock! I gotta come, Mom!”
“Yes!” Peggy hissed, half screaming at him. “Shoot your jizz up my fucking ass, Joey! Squirt it right up mother’s hot fucking asshole!”
Through the tingling rapture that burned the ring of her asshole, Peggy felt her son’s cock throb and swell. Then she felt him come, a huge spray of boiling jism searing her ass guts. The quickly spurting come juice struck the trigger of her orgasm, and Peggy screamed loudly, her cunt exploiting. The contractions of her cunt caused her asshole to grip and suck at his jizz spewing prick, drawing the hot come juice out of her son’s balls.
Time and again Joey’s cock sent burning come juice up her asshole, intensifying her orgasm.
But, slowly, it was over.
As her cunt calmed down, Peggy again felt her son’s cock still inside her asshole; With a giggle, she clamped her assring tightly about the cock base, looking down at him.
“You like mother’s asshole as good as her cunt and mouth, baby?” she asked softly.
“Wow, Mom!”

Remaining on top of her son, Peggy wasn’t heavy to him.
The cheats of her ass spread about his balls; his cock still inside her asshole, her cunt touching his lower stomach. She didn’t want to move yet. She wanted to sit there and rest, feel his cock in her ass. Since his price had softened, it didn’t fill her as much as when hard. She felt quite comfortable with his cock up her ass.
When Joey shoved his hand to her cunt, Peggy leaned backward, giving his fingers room to toy and feel around. She cooled softly as he rubbed and stroked her clip, wiggling her ass. Joey parted the hairy lips of his mother’s cunt, shoving his stomach outward, enjoying the wet heat on his flesh.
“Mmmm,” Peggy mewled softly as her son probed and felt about her cunt. She tightened her asshole, squeezing his cock. “Ohhh, it still feels wonderful, Joey.”
“Do that again, Mom,” Joey urged.
“Do what again?”
“Squeeze my cock.”
Giggling in lewd sounds, Peggy began contracting her asshole about his cock. Joey moaned with pleasure, poking his finger into his mother’s juicy cunt. Peggy lifted up a bit, the tightness of her asshole stretching his cock.
“Now finger-fuck me,” she whispered.
Joey stood his mother’s cunt a few times with his finger, making her gurgle and twist. With her hands behind her, Peggy leaned way back, her cunt arching forward. The ring of her asshole keep a tight grip about the head of his cock. Twisting her ass, gurgling with pleasure, she watched her son’s face with slitted, steamy eyes. Her firm tits swelled again, her nipples becoming rigid, pointing upward.
“I bet you can’t piss in me,” she said, her voice husky.
“Piss in your asshole, Mom?”
“I bet you can’t do it,” she teased.
“What will you bet?”
“Oh a blow-job, maybe,” she grinned wanted.
“For a blow-job, I can do anything!” Joey laugheded, pulling his hand away from her bushy cunt.
When Joey attempted to piss into his mother’s asshole, he found it hard to do. Her asshole was much too tight. Peggy, understanding his problem, relaxed the firey ass ring.
“Now, piss in my ass,” she urged throatily. Joey shoved his hands underneath his mother’s ass, cupping the spreading ass cheeses in his palms. He stared into her hairy cunt, the head of his cock just inside her asshole. He began to strain, and then a short splash of piss gushed up Peggy’s asshole.
“Oooo, see!” Peggy gurgled, her slitted eyes blazing. “You can do it! Come on, Joey, send a real strong piss up mother’s asshole!”
Joey let it go, and the force of his hot piss splashing the walls of her ass guts sent Peggy into shivering squeals of delight.
“Oh, I can feel it, baby!” she moaned. “I can feel you pissing up my ass! Ooooo, Joey, fill my asshole with hot piss! Mmmmm, piss hard, Joey!”
Staring at his mother’s ass gripping his cock, Joey sent a seating stream of golden piss into her body. Peggy held it, not losing any, trembling with the intensity perversity of what they were doing. Her ass guts filled, and it reminded her of taking enemyas when she was small. Her excitement grow as her son pissed and pissed into her asshole. Her cunt ripp1ed with sweet sensings.
“I bet I can come, Joey!” she gurgled. “Ohhh, I bet my cunt can come! Piss in me… piss in my hot asshole, baby! Ohhh, my pussy is starting to burn again! Piss, piss, piss!”
When he finished, Peggy felt filled. She had the desire to release his piss, to let it drip out of her asshole. But she clamped the assring tighter on his prick, keeping the cockhead inside. Holding herself up with one hand, still leaning back, her knees wide, Peggy brought her free hand to her cunt. Splitting the hairy cunt lips apart with her fingers, she made a hissing sound as she sent a hard stream of hot piss arcing out of her cunt and over her son’s stromach.
“Mom!” Joey gasped.
“Watch it!” she groaned.
Joey gazed at the piss streaming out of his mother’s pussy. He felt it splashing across his stomach, going as high as his chest.
“I’m pissing on you!” Peggy cried out softly. “Mother is pissing on you, Joey. Oh, baby, watch mother’s cunt piss all over you!”
Straining, and with a slight lift to her hips, Peggy sent the golden stream all the way to her son’s neck. Joey stared with hot eyes at her open wit. Lifting his head, he felt the hot piss spatter over his chin, and his cock started to throb once more, the cockhead still inside the ring of her asshole.
The stream weakened, and before she stopped pissing, Peggy gave a cry, jerking her ass off his cock. Quickly she fitted the swelling prick to her cunt, and smoked down on it.
“Fuck me now!” Peggy sobbed, bouncing up and down. “Fuck me, baby!”
With her knees wide apart, Peggy again pounded on her son’s cock, feeling it turn harder inside her pussy. The liquid sounds of her cunt fucking up and down his cock were loud. Part of the wet noise was due to the fact her cunt was very juicy, and part of it was because his cock and balls and lower stomach were drenched in piss.
“Ohhhh, yes, baby!”
Peggy fell across her son, smoking her tits into his piss-wet chest. Spreading her long legs along his, she began to chum her naked as~ UP and down, fucking his cock with her boiling cunt. She felt his piss seeing from her asshole, but all it did was urge her to greater movements.
She rammed her cunt up and down, fucking her son wildly, grinding and pumping. Shoving her arms past his head, she rubbed her tits about his piss-wet chest, her nipples stiff with her ecstasy.
For a moment she wasn’t aware of it, then she lifted her head and looked down between her son’s head and her tits. Joey was sucking hungrily at her tits, going from one nipple to the other, his hands gripping the thrashing cheeses of her ass.
“Ohhh, Joey, Joey?” she moaned. “Suck those tits off! Suck mother’s nipples! Oooo, lick the piss off my titties!”
Seeing her son sucking at her piss-drenched tits spurred her into pounding violence. She fucked her son hard and brutally, smacking the hairy lips of her fierce cunt onto his cock with loud, wet sounds. Joey sucked greedily, moaning deep in his throat. He squeezed his mother’s bouncing naked ass cheeks tightly, clawing them open, pressing them together. His cock was being devoured by his mother’s boiling pussy, sucking it deeply. She pounded so hard, there were times his cock slurped free.
“Up my asshole!” Peggy screamed.
With his hand, Joey managed to place the head of his cock against his mother’s asshole, and Peggy squirmed onto it. It was an awkward position to get fucked up the ass, but Peggy and her son were determined. After taking his cock a few times in her asshole, she lifted high, and banged down onto his cock with her cunt. She lifted with mindless ecstasy, taking his cock from her cunt to her asshole, and back again.
“Oh, my God! My God, my God!” she said. “Oh, baby! Joey, I’m about to come, baby! Oooo, fuck me, fuck me hard! Ram that sweet cock up mother’s cunt… mother’s asshole! Anywhere … just fuck the piss out of me!”
But it wasn’t Joey doing the fucking. His mother squashed him, banging her ass and cunt onto his cock, flattening his naked ass against the floor. The best he could do was hang onto her naked, churning ass and suck hard on her tits.
With a wild scream, Peggy fucked her cunt onto her son’s cock, and the contracts grabbed him. The orgasms burned through her, driving her out of her mind. Time and again her cunt sucked and pulled and squeezed her son’s cock. Joe could take no more, and with a growl that was muffled around one of his mother’s firm tits, the come juice gushed out of his cock with the force of a water hose. Again Peggy screamed as her son flooded her pussy with that precise come juice, sending her clip into painful spasms. She twisted and fucked frantically on his jizz-spurting cock, her head lifted, her eyes squeezed tightly, screaming out her ecstasy. Slumping tiredly, Peggy almost smoothed her son. She ran her hands up and down his trembling body, struggling his hips, his sides, his tighs. After a moment, she cupped his face, and smoked her mouth onto his, her tongue wiggling past his teeth. Peggy licked about the inside of her son’s mouth, cooing happily.
“That was very good, Joey,” she whispered. “I swear, it gets better every time we fuck.”
“Yeah,” he grinned at her.
Tiredly, Peggy climbed off her son. Before she stood up, she leaned down and kissed his cock, sliding her tongue about the cockhead. Then she kissed his balls tenderly. “We’ve got to take very good care of your cock and balls, don’t we?”
Joey nodded, struggling upright. “You take a shower and I’ll fix you something to eat,” she said, standing up, feet apart. She rolled her hips suggestively at her son, then waggled her lovely naked ass towards the kitchen.
After setting sandwiches on the table, Peggy showed. When she returned to the kitchen, her naked body glowed beautifully. She sat down at the table and ate her sandwich, her eyes flashing with happiness at her son. She wondered if she would ever get enough of him, of his cock. He was so eager, so willing to do anything she wanted. It was almost impossible to believe she had changed so much in such a few days. She had gone from a woman who hardly enjoyed fucking, to a woman insatiable for hard cock-her son’s cock.
Joey finished his sandwich, and wiped his mouth with a paper napkin.
“Ready for desert?” Peggy asked.
“What is it, Mom?”
“Sweet, wet cunt!”
Joey laughed.
“That’s not dessert, Main.”
“Oh, what is it then?”
“Just pussy,” Joey replied. “That’s not a special treatment, I can eat your cunt anytime.”
“Oh, is that right?” she teased. “You think I’m easy, do you? You think all you have to do is snap your fingers, and I’ll just fail on my back and spread my legs, huh?”
“No, I don’t think that, Mom,” Joey said. “All I have to do is show you my hard cock, then you fall on your back.”
“You know me very well, I see,” she said, her eyes starting to smolder again.
Joey nodded, taking hold of her title and pulling at her nipple.
Peggy moaned, her eyes starting to close dreamily.
“See what I mean?” Joey said.
“Fuck you!” she smiled at him.
“Anytime Mom”
She shoved her hand under the table and found his cock, wrapping her, hands about it.
“Nice and hard again,” she pursued softly, sliding from her chair and kneeing at her son’s side. She dipped her head and kissed the tip of her son’s cock, swiping her tongue across his piss hole.
“I guess I get my blow-job now, huh, Mom?”
“Mmmm,” Peggy responded, sliding her lips down onto his cock. She sucked it deeply, lifting his precious balls and rubbing them about her cheek as she sucked on his cock.
Sliding her wet mouth up and down, Peggy pursued softly as she sucked, enjoying the hard cock between her lips. She swirled her tongue about the throbbing cockshaft, then pulled her mouth upward until she held the cockhead between her lips. She ticked his piss hole with her tongue, feeling her son’sbody tremble. Sliding her lips down the cockshaft, feeling his cock rubb along her cheek, Peggy pulled his balls into her mouth. Sucking on his balls, she worked a finger into the crack of his ass, rubbing the pumper of his asshole.
“Ohhh, Mom!” Joey grunted.
“Mmmmm, sweet balls,” Peggy murmured, licking them. “Beautiful, sweet, loaded balls. Oh, baby, I love your balls! I love your balls and love your cock and love your asshole!”
With a squea1, Peggy swallowed her son’s cock again, bobbin her mouth up sad down swiftly, whimpering deep in her throat. She slipped one band under his ass, the other clinging to his balls. She sucked hard and hungrily, twisting his balls gently, squeezing the cheese of his an. Joey lifted his hips for her, and Peggy feverishly rubbed at his crinkled asshole, sucking his cock with greater force. She sucked up and down, making throaty sounds, her tongue swirling, her lips tight.
Joey turned in the chairUntil his mother was on her knees between his legs. Peggy lifted one of his legs and dragged it over her shoulder, shoving the other wide, not once taking her mouth off his cock. Cupping his naked ass with both hands now, she sucked in a frenzy, shashing her bottom lip against his hot, loaded balls.
“Suck it, Mom!” Joey groaned. “Ohhh, Mom, suck my cock! Oh, your mouth is so fucking hot and wed Suck me… eat me!”
His hand rested on the back of her head, easily. Peggy would not have minded if he forced her mouth down, drive his cock into her throat. Her cunt was bubbleing with jealous pleasure, the hot wetness seeing along her inner thighs. The checks of her ass tightened and bunched as. she moaned about his cock.
“Suck harder, Mom! Ooooo, suck my cock hard! My balls are hard, Mom! I’m gonna come a lot!”
Listening to her son’s ecstasy, Peggy devoured his hard prick, taking the swollen cockhead into her throat with greedy dlight.
She squeezed the cheats of his ass, lifting him to her gobbling mouth.
His cock was deep in her throat when Joey let out a loud groan.
The eruption of thick come juice spraying her throat sent Peggy into spasms. Her cunt sucked inward as her orgasm blew wide open. She waited as her son sent spurt after creamy spurt of cock cream into her mouth. She made wet swallowing sounds, her hips twisting as her cunt. rippled with orgasm. Despite the number of times Joey had come already, Peggy felt as if his balls would never empty. The squirts came and came, flooding her mouth and burning down her throat. The more he came, the more she sucked and swallowed, moaning in ecstasy.
Pulling up on his cock as he finished, Peggy drew out one final drop of her son’s come juice. When she lifted her head, she smoked her lips, then licked them, looking up at her son with slitted, smoldering eyes.
“Joey,” she said softly, “you taste better each time.God, you come so fucking much! I could drink that sweet stuff all day.”
Joey slumped on the chair, breathing noisily, his young chest heaving. He sat with his ass over the chair, his legs wide apart. Peggy gazed at his cock and halls. Burying her face into his crotch tenderly, she lapped and kissed, working her tongue beneath his balls and tasting the pumper of his asshole. The cent of his crotch excited her, the feel of his cock and balls in her face sent tremors of wild desire racing about her creamy, unblemished flesh. She wished his cock would stay hard all the time, constantly throbbing for her cunt, her mouth, her asshole.
With a happy sob, she wrapped her arms about his hips and hugged him tightly, her face pressed into his crotch. She kissed about his inner thighs feverishly, making soft whimpers. Lifting her face, she held his cock at the base, aiming his piss hole up.
“Oh, I wish you could piss right in my cock-sucking face now,” she while.
“I can later, Mom,” Joey said.
Peggy’s eyes were misty with password as she worked her tongue about the head of his cock, staring up at him. “Will you, darling? Will you piss in mother’s face? Piss right in my fucking face?”
Joey nodded.
“Oooo, sweet!” Peggy cried softly, running her tongue about the head of his cock. “I want you to piss in my face … piss all over my cock- sucking face … in my mouth, too!”
Joey nodded, his excitement showing in his young eyes. Like his mother, he found pissing on her exciting. It wasn’t like fucking her, or having his cock in her mouth or asshole, but exciting in a different way. He knew, by now, that his mother would come when he pissed for her.
With trembling excitement, she took her son’s hand and pulled him out of the chair. She pressed her body tightly against his, kissing his forehead as she ran her hands up and down his back, feeling the sweetnessof his young ass.
They entered her bedroom, arm in arm.
Peggy climbed onto her bed, with Joey standing there, watching her. His cock was lifting again, as she knew it would. On her back, she spread her legs wide, her feet towards him. For a moment she teased her son by wiggling her hips, pumping her exposed cunt up and down in fucking movements.
Joey gripped his cock as he watched his mother, his eyes glaiming, gazing at her cunt.
“Pump it,” she hisssed. “Let me see you jack it, baby.”
Peggy drew her knees up, then back. Clutching her legs behind her knees, she lifted her crotch high, the cheeses of her ass parting. Joey stared at his mother’s hairy cunt, the pumper of her asshole. Peggy kept pulling her legs back, and she almost managed to get her pussy into her own face. The best she could do, though, was have her cunt about six inches from her mouth. She shoved her tongue out, trying to lick her own cunt, but couldn’t reach it. Joey watched with increasing excitement, hoping his mother could touch her cunt with her tongue, but she failed.
“I wish I could,” she moaned. “I wish I could lick it, Joey. I’d love to have you see me lick my cunt, but I can’t reach it.”
Joey knelt on the bed, pushing at his mother’s ass, peering into her crotch, trying to help her. Peggy’s tongue almost reached her cunt, but still couldn’t manage the final inch. Joey shoved his face into her pussy and sucked hard, stalling his tongue into the hot wetness. Peggy squealed and wiggled her crotch into his face, her eyes smoking with excitement.
Drawing his tongue along the slit of his mother’s cunt, Joey licked her clip, then back to her pumped asshole. Peggy sobbed with pleasure.
“Ohhhh, fuck me, Joey!” she pleaded. “Shove your cock in me and fuck me!”
Joey pulled his mouth from her cunt, leaning down into her face. Peggy feverishlylicked at his cunt-wet mouth, tasting her own pussy. Again Joey ran his face into her juicy pussy, and once more Peggy licked the juices from his mouth.
“Fuck me now!” she screamed huskily.
Joey stood up, turning around, swinging one leg over his mother’s uplifted ass. With her knees along each side of her head, Peggy gabbed his hard cock, fitting it into her cunt. She gazed up at her son’s ass, seeing his asshole and balls. Joey held his mother’s ass up, and began to fuck her standing there. Peggy squealed and gurgled, playing with his balls, rubbing his asshole. Her back was straining, but she wouldn’t stretch out for anything now. She loved the view of him fucking her in this weird position. She lifted her head and tried to lick into his asshole or at his balls, but she couldn’t reach them.
Joey, knowing what his mother was trying, pressed down. Peggy felt her back strain, but she shoved her face upward. With his cock buried deepinto her cunt, Peggy managed to swipe her tongue against his asshole. She feel her son’s cock lurch inside her cunt, and with stretching muscles, got his balls into her mouth.
“Ohhh, Mom!” Joey groaned.
He couldn’t move, couldn’t fuck up and down and still let his mother keep his balls in her mouth. He settled there, pressing down, feeling her hot mouth sucking his balls, his cock very deep inside her cunt.
Peggy sucked hard, her nose in his ass. She clutched at his hips, pulling him downward, hardly feeling the pain of her straining back now. She ran her tongue wetly and hungrily about his balls and the crack of his ass, feeling his cock throbbing deep inside her cunt. Wondering if she could make him come by using the muscles of her cunt and sucking on his balls at the same time, Peggy licked feverishly about them, dragging her tongue across his asshole time and again.
Joey pressed hard, his cock very deep in his mother’s cunt. Feeling her hot mouth sucking at his balls, her tongue licking his asshole, he too wondered if she could make him come. He was practically sitting on his mother’s uplifted crotch now. His ass was in Peggy’s face, and although she couldn’t stick her tongue up his asshole, she could lick it.
“Oooo, Mom, lick my ass! Suck my balls!”
“Mmmm, baby!”
While she licked about his dangling balls and tightly pumped asshole, Peggy’s cunt clnched and flexed about his hard cock. Her back felt as if it was about to break, but she wasn’t going to stop now. Her son-‘ s cock seemed to be throbbing with more power, and when she had his balls in her mouth, she felt them emrithing. Sucking frantically on his balls, she strived to tighten her cunt about the base of his buried cock.
The fire in her cunt increased, and then Peggy didn’t have to think about working her cunt on his cock. It was grabbing and sucking on its own. Joey gritted his teeth, groaning, his young face expressing torque.
Peggy’s tongue was moving rapidly from her son’s balls to his asshole, and suddenly she shrieked.
Her clip convulsed, grabbing her son’s cock tighter than ever before. She moaned in a choking sound as she came, and then her son’s cock burst inside her pussy. The rapid gushes of his come juice sprayed the walls of her greedy cunt, and in the trembling excitement, Joey’s cock jerked out of her pussy. With a wail, Peggy jerked his ass backwards, catching the head of her son’s cock with her lips as he kept squirting come juice. She sucked and swallowed hungrily, her tongue racing about his jizz-spurting piss hole.

“I guess we don’t need that peephole anymore, huh, Mom?”
Peggy sat at her dressing table, brushing her hair. On her bed, Joey watched her reflection. He had taken to watching her as she bathed, dressed,brushed her hair and applied her makeup. He enjoyed the view of her tits in the mirror, her back and ass. Peggy wore panties now, but nothing else.
She paused, looking at him in the mirror.
“I’d like to keep the peephole, honey,” she said. “You never know. We may want to use it just for memories, or … “She smiled a lewd smile at him.
“Or what, Mom?”
“Oh, maybe one of your young friends will need to use your bathroom,” she said, trying to look mysterious.
“You wanna peek?” Joey giggled.
“Why not?” Peggy replied. “It would be fun, I think.”
“They might poke their cock through it,” Joey warned.
“Mmm, so what?”
“They’d probably get one hell of a blow-job, huh, Mom?”
“You know it!” she said, putting her hair brush down and turning on the stool to face her son. “Would that both you?”
“Notif I can watch you,” Joey said, his eyes moving down his mother’s flat stomach.
Peggy parted her knees so he could see her crotch. Leaning back, she exposed the tightness of her panties to his eyes. “You can always watch what I do,” she pursued, seeing his cock swelling. “Watch and do it to me at the same time.” Peggy’s eyes began to glow with hunger. “I think that might be fun – one of your little friends sticking his cock through the wall for me to suck, while you fuck me behind.”
“You’d like that, huh, Mom’
“I think I’d love it,” she replied, sliding the tip of her finger up and down the crotch of her panties, feeling the throbbing slit of her cunt through them. “In fact, it would be wonderful.”
Joey gripped his cock tightly, making the cockhead bulge from his fist, watching his mother stroke her cunt. He enjoyed watching his mother play with herself, touch her cunt or her tits. It was very erotic to his young mind. Like most boys, he loved to watch as much as be involved. Peggy knew this, and always cared herself for his visual pleasure, knowing she would get his cock eventually. Besides, letting him see this kept his cock very hard for her.
But at the moment, Joey wanted to taste, not watch. He slipped from her bed and moved towards her. Peggy, with her eyes burning on his out-thrust cock, spread her legs wide, scooting her ass to the very edge of her padded seat. Joey dropped to his knees in front of his mother, sliding his hands along her creamy, very smooth, thighs.
His tongue darted out of his mouth and licked along the exciting flesh of his mother’s inner thigh. He licked from her knee to the edge of her panties, then the other thigh. Peggy mewled softly, enjoying the wetness of his eager young tongue. She held his head lightly, looking down at him, watching his tongue as it sent shivers about her flesh. As her son licked at her skin, she imagined one of his friends poking his cock through the hole in the wall, imagined taking it into her mouth and sucking it, with her son behind her, fucking her in the cunt or asshole, she didn’t care which. Her cunt boiled with the erotic thought.
“Oooo, lick at my pussy, baby,” she whispered. “Lick mother’s cunt through those panties!”
Joey’s tongue swung up and down, licking at her panties, tasting the cunt juices seeing through the thin nylon. Peggy twisted her hips, grinding her pantied cunt into her son’s face, cooing as she watched him. With increasing need, she slipped the crotch of her panties to one side, and immediately Joey lapped at the hairy cunt, drawing his tongue up and down the slit, curling it about his mother’s swollen clip.
“Suck it, Joey!”
When her son closed his lips about her cunt and sucked, Peggy squealed with pleasure, pressing her cunt hard into his face, pulling at the back of his head. She began to whimper as his tongue licked the tip of her cunt while his lips sucked it. It felt so good she had to move her hips, and she began banging her cunt into his face.
“Oooo, baby, baby!” she whimpered throatily. “Suck mother’s hot cunt, Joey! Oh, lick mother’s wet pussy! Ohhh, you’ll make me come doing that!”
Joey’s eyes flashed up at his mother’s flushed face, his tongue dipping into the fire wetness of her cunt, sucking sweet juices from it. Peggy’s back was against her dressing table as she lifted her crotch to him, twisting hotly. She gasped with rapture as his tongue fucked into her cunt, then swirled rapidly about her clip. His hands were under her ass, holding it. Peggy draped her long legs over her son’s Shoulder, squeeze his face with her hot, smooth thighs. Her cunt contracted.
“I’m coming, Joey!” she shrieked, her pussy convulsing with wet heat. “Tongue my cunt! Fuck my cunt! Suck mother’s hot, wet cunt! Ooooo, this is so good, baby! I’m coming so fucking hard!”
Her hips jerked and banged into her son’s mouth, his tongue inside her pussy as often as it was licking her clip. Tremors of ecstasy caused her body to shudder, her tits scanning upward with very stiff nipples.
She slumped, her legs sliding off her son’s shoulders as she relaxed, a smile spreading over her lovely face. Joey kissed and licked along his mother’s inner thighs until she calmed, then he pulled back, sitting on his heels. His face was smeared with her pussy juice, eyes hot and excited, his cock throbbing up with hardness.
“My turn,” Peggy gurgled, sliding off the dressing benchmark.
She leaned into her son’s cock, licking about the hard cockshaft with the flat surface of her tongue, her ass waving. With a soft cry of hungry pleasure, she swallowed her son’s cock, taking it deep into her mouth. Shepumped her lips up and down, sucking as her tongue licked.
“Mom, let me suck you.”
Joey slipped his cock out of her mouth and lay back. His cock jutted up so beautifully, Peggy grabbed it once again with her lips, sucking up and down rapidly, her ass wiggling as she drew her knees underneath. Joey watched his mother’s lips stretching about his cock a moment, then pulled at her leg.
“Let me suck your cunt again!” he groaned. “Mom, put your wet cunt in my face! I wanna suck it while you suck my cock!”
Without taking her mouth off his prick, Peggy twisted about, throwing a leg over her son’s head, her hairy pussy moving down to his waiting mouth. But Joey still didn’t start sucking her cunt. He moved his hands about her creamy ass, rubbing her asshole, staring at her cunt.
“Mom, I wanna see you piss.”
Peggy pulled her mouth off his prick. “You want me to piss like this, Joey? Honey, I’d be pissing in your face.”
“I know,” Joey giggled.
“Oh, darling!” Peggy gurgled. “I will! Yes, I’ll piss in your face, baby. But… can you piss for mother, too? I mean, you have this great big hard-on.”
“I can try,” he replied, his voice hoarse, as he peeled his mother’s cunt open, exposing the wet, pink flesh inside.
“Do it!”
Peggy wrapped her arms about her son’s hips, cupping the cheeses of his ass, her face only inches from his cock, her eyes blazing with desire. Joey, holding the hairy lips of his mother’s pussy wide open, anxiously waited for her to piss. Joey was the first to start. The golden stream came slowly at first. Peggy mewled as she saw it, and slipped her tongue down onto his piss hole, tasting it. While her tongue was licking at his piss hole, the stream grew in force, and when his piss splashed at her throat, Peggy’s cunt almost went into spasms. The hot tasteof her son’s piss gushing into her mouth made her mind spin with erotic rapture.
She had no difficulty pissing.
The hot stream of piss spurted out of her cunt and into her son’s face. Joey gurgled softly as his face was quickly drenched in his mother’s hot piss, and he widened his mouth, adjusting his face. Peggy sent a strong stream of golden piss into her son’s mouth, while she held her own wide open, taking his piss into it. The hissing sound, along with pissing into each other’s mouth, caused both of them to shake wildly. Peggy could not resist, and lowered her face, closing her lips about the head of her son’s cock, swallowing his piss thirstily. Joey lifted his face, pressing his lips about his mother’s cunt, taking her piss down his throat. At the same time he rubbed a finger about her crinkled asshole. They swallowed wetly, drinking thirstily.
When the force of her son’s piss slowed, Peggy rammed her mouth down onto herson’s cock, and began sucking with desperate hunger, wanting his come juice to spurt now. At the same time, she pressed her cunt into his face, her own piss stopped. Joey slurped wetly at his mother’s cunt, his tongue flicking in and out. He gripped the cheats of her ass, pulling her cunt hard into his face. Peggy squeezed her son’s naked ass cheats, fucking his cock with her mouth as rapidly as she could move, growing and sobbing with pleasure. The taste of his piss in her mouth drive her wild.
Joey, arching his hips up, ran his tongue feverishly about his mother’s hairy cunt, into her asshole, and back again. Peggy’s ass thrashed about as her mouth devoured his delicious, hard cock. She grabbed for, his balls from behind, and began twisting and pulling them. A finger of her other hand pressed at his pumped asshole, and with a senile pressure, she thrust it into his ass. Joey grunted into her cat, sucking and licking harder than ever.
True orgasm that bubbled in her was the best yet.
She screamed around her son’s cock as she smoked her cunt into his face, coming violently. She kept running her mouth up and down his prick, sucking as hard as she could. Her efforts were quickly rewarded. The boiling splash of cock cream coated her wild tongue, then burned down her throat. Peggy squealed and sobbed as her son’s balls unloaded, squirting hard into her mouth. It seemed that Joey came more than before. Her mouth filled deliciously, the taste of his sweet come juice keeping her orgasm going until the spasm became somewhat painful.
“Oh, my God!” she cried, rolling from her son on the floor. “I can’t ever get enough of your beautiful cock, Joey!”
Despite the power of his discharge, his cock was still hard, not as hard as before, but still hard. Peggy panted as she turned her head and stared at his prick. Her tits were still swollen, her nipples still tingling.
“Oh, I want it again!” she cried out, scrambling about until she was sitting over his cock. “I want it up my cunt, in my mouth, and fucking me in my asshole! Joey, you need three cocks!”
Joey giggled as his mother rammed her ass down, his cock fucking into the tight ass ring swiftly. He enjoyed watching his mother fuck him with her asshole this way. He could see her lovely, hairy cunt and watch his cock disappear into the firey heat of her asshole at the same time.
Peggy bounced eagerly, squealing and pulling at her tits.
Joey didn’t move, but lay still, watching his mother fucking onto his cock with her tight, hot asshole. His balls felt full again, and his cock felt as though it had been plugged into a boiling caldron, a very tight ring of fire.
While she fucked her son’s cock with her asshole, Peggy’s eyes burned into his face. “You’ve got to have one of your friends use your bathroom, Joey! I have to watch them in there! I haveto see them piss there … I have to see those young cocks! Joey, oh baby! I have to! I want you to fuck me while I suck cock any cock!”
“Yeah, Mom!” Joey grunted, feeling his cock throbbing inside his mother’s hot asshole. “We’ll do it! We’ll do it for sure!”
Peggy, sobbing with pleasure, fucked up and down on her son’s cock, her asshole stretching and burning. In her mind, she already had a young cock sticking through the hole in the wall, her mouth around it, sucking hard with her son fucking her.
“Ohhhh, I’m going to come again!” she shouted.
“Me, too!”
Joey’s cock spurted jism deep into his mother’s ass guts, with her cunt lips sucking at the base of his cock and her clip throbbing in orgasm…



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