My Sugar Daddy Part 3

Jack and Natasha had been steadily seeing each other for about a year now. Their chance encounter turned into a full blown love affairs. Neither one of them cared about the age difference, or what others thought, the only thing that mattered is what they felt in their hearts.

Jack lay there looking at Natasha sleeping so peacefully next to him. He doesn’t regret the day they met, but that morning, he was sitting there watching her and quietly questioning himself.

“What am I doing? She’s young enough to be my daughter. I probably shouldn’t be here, in love with her, but how could I stop myself…the first time we kissed, she had my heart.”

Natasha was like a breath of fresh air in his life, since Rebecca died. They had no children, maybe in the back of his mind, he saw her as the daughter he wished he had. That was until that first night when they made love. She proved that doesn’t matter in affairs of the heart.

Jack noticed that since then, Natasha always looked happy and told him that he satisfied her sexually. It took her a year to admit she had fallen in love with him.

In return he told her that she was everything he wanted or needed. In addition, he too had fallen head over heels for her.

She had this funny way of getting him to talk to her about things, he hadn’t told anyone for years. Like the fact of how he and his deceased wife wanted children, but were unable too. At times he wondered if he’d missed something by not adopting kids. However, they never seemed to have the time, his job kept him out of the house a lot.

He then wondered if Natasha wanted kids, Oh God, he was too old for that kind of nonsense. —Or was he?

Suddenly, Jack was brought back to reality, with a soft care on his left arm.

Natasha flashed him a sultry look and purred, “Good morning, sexy!” She then noticed he looked preoccupied. “Jack, you look like you’re a million miles away. What’s wrong?”

He looked down lovingly into those blue eyes of hers and replied, “Aww nothing really. I was just thinking about my life, and I do too much of that.”

She snuggled up close to him and asked, “Thinking huh, about what, may I ask? Come on big guy, you can tell me.”

Jack pulled her closer into his arms, kissed her softly and confessed, “What does the future hold for us my love? In twenty years will you still love me, or will you have moved on to someone younger? A person you can have kids with.”

Natasha took his face in hers, giving him one of her serious you’d better listen looks. “What makes you think I won’t love you in twenty years? As for kids, I’m not sure about that yet, because we haven’t really talked about it.”

Tears formed in her eyes and with a quivering voice she asked, “Are you unhappy with me Jack?”

Jack hugged her tight and confessed, “I’m very happy with you darling. I’m just thinking out-loud. Now, enough talk, I need to make love to you.”

Her face lit up as it showed the love she had for him. Natasha’s hands touched his face, arms and chest, while her lips kissed him deep letting the password flow between them.

Jack trembled as their tongues entwined in a sensitive dance of lovers. He cupped her breasts, caresing them, and then slowly pinched the nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

He felt her quiver as a sensitive purr came from Natasha’s lips.

Jack lowered his head to her breasts and started licking and gently sucking each nipple, as the other hand slide down to her thigh. Gently, he moved it up her smooth inner tigh towards her pussy.

Natasha gasped in delight and slowly parted her legs so Jack could cares her pussy.

As his fingers slide across the moist folds of her pussy, Natasha ran her hands down Jack’s back. When they slide beneath the moist slit and inside her, they locked once more in a heated kiss.

Following the kiss, Jack’s lips teased her ear, and then went to the hollow of her throat. She gasped.

Natasha then moved her hands to his chest, down over the stomach, and then she wrapped her fingers around his swollen cock.

Jack started finger-fucking her precious pussy deep and hard. Natasha’s chest was flushed. She let go of his cock and both hands gripped his head as her hips pushed up against his stroke fingers.

She throw her head back, closed her eyes, and trembled all over with an impending climax.

With a breathless voice she squealed, “Ooooh Jack, I’m about to cum. I need to feel your cock deep inside me!”

Jack moved and positioned his cock just outside the hole, and began rubbing it the length of her pussy, knowing that would make her cum. When she started shaking he rammed it deep, and hard all the wayinside her with one thrust.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and began moving in unison with him. While the vaginal muscles milked his cock, she brought her lips down upon his left nipple and bit it gently.

Jack loved it when she did his nipples and it triggered his climax.

He looked into her loving eyes and exclaimed, “Oooh Natasha, I love what you just did to me. It felt so good!”

She smiled mischievously, giggled and asked, “Do you feel better now baby?”

Jack flashed a questioning look and said, “I didn’t know I was feeling poorly.”

She replied, “Well, if you’d seen that look on your face this morning, you will know why I decided to make love to you baby.”

He frowned, “I looked that pathetic did I?”

She gave him a sad puppy dog ​​look and said, “Yes, you looked sad.”

He then sat up and took Natasha’s hand in his. “I’m serious honey. I do not wantto loose you darling.”

Natasha felt him tremble and saw the sadness in his eyes. She then reassure him, “You are not loosing me love, ever!!”

Jack paused; thinking for a moment then looked at her seriously. “Can I ask you a couple of questions?”

Natasha gave him her full attention and replied, “Sure, what’s up love?”

Jack chose his words carefully and said, “Would you consider marriage if the right man came along? Do you want to have kids?”

She thought for a moment, as that was a loaded question. “I’m not sure, I want kids right now, but if the right man came along, I would consider marrying him.” She then giggled and said, “Why, are you asking?”

Jack’s face went as white as a sheet, and he looked as if he would pass out. Natasha reached out for him and said, “Oh-my-God, did I frighten you that much?”

He slowly looked into her eyes pulled her close and uttered, “No, I just realized, Iwant to marry you!”

Natasha’s mouth went dry and she began to shake nervously. Then shrieked loud enough to break crystal, “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

They both just looked at each other without saying a word. Then Natasha moved so jack could hold her. She snuggled up into his arms, and looked up into his face with tears in her eyes.

With a quivering voice she answered, “Jack I won’t say I will not marry you, just give me time to think about it okay?”

Jack’s face beamed with excitement, “Natasha, take all the time you need, after all this is a very important decision you are about to make. I love you darling.”

She leaned up and met his lips, and they kissed deeply.
She then uttered, “Oh-oh, excuse me, I need to,” and before she could finish she was in the bathroom throwing up.

Jack followed her and got her a warm clothes. He watched her and with a calm reassuring voice asked, “What’s wrong baby?”

She wiped her mouth and answered, “I’m not sure. I just hope it not the flu.”

All the rest of that day, Natasha stayed in bed, because she really didn’t feel so well. She took her temperature and noticed there was no fever. Jack offered her toast and tea and she couldn’t keep it down.

Jack noticed she was looking pale, so he kept an eye on her. Around noon, he made some fresh tea and although she kept it down, Natasha still said she didn’t feel well.

Around two p.m. he sat down on the bed and said, “I think I’ll need to call the doctor, don’t you?”

She just told and replied, “Yeah, maybe you better, if it’s the flu, I don’t want you getting it. His name is Doctor Williams, and the numbers in the phone caddy on the table in the living room.”

Jack went into the living room, sat down, looked up the number and dialed the doctor.

He then explained to the doctor what symbols Natasha was having. “When can you see her doctor?”

The doctor replied, “Can you bring her in around four p.m. today?”

Jack answered, “Yes, see you then.”

The doctor instructed Jack to keep her hydrated with fluids and he would see her at four.

They said their good-byes and before Jack went into the bedroom, he sat there thinking. He wasn’t sure what was wrong with Natasha,

When he entered the bedroom Jack told her, “The doctor will see you at four today. Would you like some more tea darling?”

She looked up at him and said, “Not now love, I need a nap. Just wake me in time to go see Dr. Williams OK?”

Jack sat on the bed holding Natasha’s hand until she fell asleep. He then went into the kitchen and made him a sandwich.

He kept his eyes on her until around three o’clock, and then went into the bedroom to wake Natasha.

She looked lovingly into his eyes and asked, “Will you help me get dressed darling? I’m still kind of weak and dizzy.”

Jack replied, “Sure, baby.”

She then asked him if he knew how to get to the doctor’s office. He informed her he knew the area but not the address. So she gave him the address plus directions how to get there.

Jack drove her to the doctor’s office. Once inside, she got in to see the doctor around 4:15 p.m., while Jack sat in the waiting room.

The nurse led her down the hallway stopping at the bathroom. She then handed her a specimen cup to pee in. Telling her it was to see if everything was okay. After she was finished to go into exam room two.

When the nurse saw Natasha was done and heading towards room two, she followed her. Once inside, she instructed her to take everything off and put on the paper gown and sit on the table.

The nurse then took vitals, and told her the doctor would be in soon and left the room.

The doctor camein and greeted Natasha, “What’s this I hear about you not feeling well?”

Natasha told him what happened that morning along with the symbols.

He then asked, “When was your last period?”

She thought for a moment and replied, “About a month ago.”

He then asked, “Are you sexually active? If you are do you use birth control?”

Natasha answered, “Yes, I am a monogamist. I’m not really trying to get pregnant or being that careful either.”

The doctor smiles and said, “You could have the flu or you just might be pregnant.”

When the doctor said those words, Natasha looked as if she was going to pass out. He told her to lie down and just stay calm. They would know soon enough as it was routine to test her urine for pregnancy.

For a few moments they talked about her symptoms, birth control, and safe sex. It was then that the nurse knocked on the door.

The doctor excused himself and said, “I’ll be right back, okay?”

She watched as he left the room. Natasha heard him and the nurse talking but couldn’t make out what was said.

The doctor came back into the room and said, “Well, Natasha, looks like I have found out what is wrong with you.”

She looked at him and asked, “Well, don’t keep me in suspension, do I have the flu?”

The doctor walked over to Natasha, took her hand and with a calm reassuring voice said, “Looks like you don’t have the flu, but what you do have taken nine months to get over.”

Natasha passed out.

The doctor and nurse were both standing over Natasha when she came too.

He asked, “Are you OK dear?”

She blinked and said, “I think so, you just caught me off guard. Oh-oh, I’m going to throw up!”

The nurse handed her an emesis basin. The doctor told her when she was feeling better to get dressed and meet him in his office.

The nurse then informed her, “Natasha, the father should be told.”

She looked up and said, “Oh-my-God! Please go out into the waiting room and get the man that brought me in, he’s the father. Don’t tell him anything, just bring him back here to the doctor’s office.”

She then looked at the doctor with tears in her eyes.

He touched her shoulder and asked, “Are you OK honey.”

Natasha wiped her tears and with a shadow voice replied, “I’m not worried about me, it’s Jack. I can’t wait to see his reaction.”

Jack saw the nurse come into the waiting room. She came over to him, “Sir, you need to follow me to the doctor’s personal office. Natasha is getting dressed and will meet us there.”

He looked at the nurse and asked, “What’s wrong with her?”

The nurse gave him a reassuring smile and answered, “I’ll let her and the doctor tell you that. Follow me.”

He followed thenurse down the hall, she offered him a cup of coffee as he waited. He decided, because he was too upset and didn’t want any.

When he entered the room, there sat Natasha and the doctor. For some reason, She was smiling, and he couldn’t
see why…until.

The doctor stood up and introduced himself, and Jack welcomed it. “Now have a seat Jack, we have some news to tell you. Want me to tell him Natasha?”

Before he got a reply she took Jack’s hand and asked, “Honey, would you like a boy or a girl?”


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