
INTRODUCTION: Proper Welcome

Even though I’d ​​been here before, I was still nervous as I knocked on the door. With each rap of my fist, my other hand clnched the handle of my suitcase tighter. My eyes examined the house for only the second time.

It was a house of prestige, nothing like what I had grown up in. It was a soft tannish-pink color with white trim. It was fairly large, with high cathedral ceilings. The rooms inside, I knew, were large, the living room, dining room, and kitchen combined into one large one.

There were three bedrooms. One belonged to Fred Garrison, a strict and stern old man in his late seventies. That bedroom was purple, strangely. But his wife had re-done it, and he didn’t strike me as the kind of person that would care what color his bedroom was so long as it still had his bed. And his breathing machine, of course.

That breathing machine was the reason his wife, Betty Garrison, took up one ofthe other bedrooms. As I knew very well, she had a really hard time sleeping already without the noise of that thing. Her room was blue, just like her closet and half the furniture in the house. It was very plainly her favorite color.

The other bedroom belonged to the very person I was here to see. My long-time long-distance girlfriend, Brittany Wilson. I knew her better as Raven. That was the name she introduced herself as when we met at the age of thirteen. Well, her thirteen, my fourteen. She was a year younger than me. We met in an online chatroom, but not the kind you’re supposed to meet the love of your life in. It was a children’s chatroom, and this particular board was for roleplaying. Roleplaying was something we were both fairly new to at the time, but she had more experience do to the fact that she was a writer. We started roleplaying over an instant message client, and it wasn’t long after we started becoming friends. From there, it just evolved, and this very day on her doorstep marks two years of love between us.

I didn’t really know what to expect, even though we’d talked about it. From what we’d discussed, we would watch movies and TV together most of the time, probably just enjoying each other’s company. She didn’t know about how far we’d go, but I suspected based on her intensity sex drive, my urge to please, and the severity of our cybering for the past week that we may get farther than she thought.

I probably would be too embarrassed to admit it, but I really hoped we would get into it. I was eighteen-years-old as I knocked on the large door, and I was tired of holding on to my virginity.

She wasn’t a virgin, though, which would make things a bit easier. She’d only slept with one guy, and it wasn’t exactly enjoyable, from what I understand. We’ve tried to forget about that and everything else in our bitter pasts.

My breath caught when the door finally opened after what seemed like an hour. I’d seen Brittany in pictures, but she was all the more spectacular in person. I’d tried to prepare for the way she always made my breath shorter and my heart race, but I don’t think there’s any way to prepare for that. Because my eyes were on the ground, they raised and took her in from the bottom up, but it seemed in slow motion.

Her blue jeans fit over her wide hips and firm ass perfectly. Her legs were in perfect shape, mostly due to the exercise she put herself through for the Air Force. She was wearing socks, which I’d ​​learned she always did. My eyes slide over the fold of her shirt and pants, trying to lift her shirt telepathically, I think. The green in her shirt illuminated her matching eyes. My eyes paused on her firm, Perfect breasts, and I could feel my cheeks pinken. They quickly rose to her pink lips, raised in a broad grin. It immediately filled me with relief that she was pleased to see me. Her complexion was clear, more than I could say the last time I saw her in our “awkward adolescents.” Her skin was tanker, but still with the pale quality I adored. Her eyes were just the same bright green behind thin, oval-shaped spectacles. Her face was framed by her medium-brown, naturally-highlighted hair, layered perfectly and flipping beautifully.

Re-focusing, I smiled shyly and dropped my suitcase, ready for the hug she greeted me with. And she did, opening the screen door and nearly knocking me over as she jumped into my arms. I smiled. I loved her bountiful displays of affection. I wrapped her arms around her thin form and kissed her head. I held my face there in her hair, closing my eyes and inhaling the fragment of her jasmine-scented shampoo.

She didn’t remain in my arms long, eager to get me settled. I smiled gently and picked up the heavier of the two suitcases. I knew she could handle it, but it wasn’t gentleman-like to let the woman carry the heavier bag. She looked at me warningly. She didn’t like it when she was treated like a woman, which I found cute. I smiled innocently, and I could see her melt. She picked up the other, smaller bag and opened the door again.

Her grandmother was clearing a place in Brittany’s bedroom for my bags. That made my heart pump fast and excitedly as I set them down. Good excuse to come in here all the time. I could only hope I’d be sleeping with her, but I doubted that was going to happen. I knew her grandmother was “passive” about her granddaughter and me making love, but her grandfather didn’t even suspect such a thing would happen. And there was a gun in the hall closet.

As she straightened, Brittany gave me a wink. That sent chills down my spine and my heart racing. I took a deep breath before straightening to face her grandmother. Brittany was already set on persuading her out of the room. I blushed gently, knowing that means I was to receive my proper welcome soon.

After a moment, her grandmother left the room and shut the door, pretty much knowing what her granddaughter was planning. She was probably right, too. As soon as she was out of the room, my girlfriend sat on her bed facing me, beckoning me with her eyes. Obediently, I went to her. Even as I was walking to her, she was leaning closer. I matched her and we met in the middle.

Though our lips met in the middle, however, I continued to press, leaning her backwards until I could support myself on my hands over her. Due to my pressing, the kiss deepened. A blush alted my cheeks once more. We weren’t kissing long before her expert tongue slide elusively into my mouth. I almost moaned then, at the long-missed feeling of her soft, wet tongue sliding all along my mouth before teasing my own tongue. It responded, circled her tongue lovingly as my mouth sucked it softly. I could feel the violences of an inaudible moan from her lips.

She leaned further back and twisted at the same time so that I wason top of her on the bed, length-wise to make it more comfortable. It didn’t take much for her to get me hard, and I was. My seven-and-a-half-inch cock was becoming for release from my tight black jeans, but I wouldn’t do something like that in our first five minutes together. But, apparently, she had shameless intentions. One of her slender hands moved to my ass and forced my hips downward. I didn’t even Know her legs were spread until my cock was pressed to her clothes-hidden pussy. I gasped, releasing her tongue from my mouth’s grapsp. She drew her mouth away with a small giggle. I know that once our mouths parted, it was time to stop. This was exactly as far as we’d gotten the last time I was here.

CHAPTER ONE: Unimaginable

We spent the rest of our first day watching her favorite movies: Patriot, Troy, and Gladiator. I wasn’t paying attention entirely, too focused on her. I held her during all the movies, lying on a blanket on the floor with her before me, just holding her from behind. She enjoyed the movies, apparently, because she cried in every one. Must be a woman thing.

It was only on the third day that we—or more like she, actually—decided on more than just making out.

Her grandparents weren’t home. They were out at the “River,” which was a seafood restaurant by the river, apparently. I shyly asked Brittany how long they’d be gone, and two hours was the estimate. They’d only been gone a few moments before I was on top of her on the floor again. There were a few additionals this time, however.

Her arms were wrapped around my neck usually, but this time they immediately guided my own hands from their place at her hips to her breasts. My cheeses turned bright, but I didn’t move them. Her hands then slide behind me to my ass, both hands pressing me down against her again. I’d gotten more used to it, but it still made my erection swell and my cock ache. She held meThere long enough to feel that before moving her hands.

But where she moved her hands was even worse. One of them slide down my cock slowly while the other unbuttoned my jeans. This time, I couldn’t help it: a soft moan of mine vibrated the kiss. She seemed pleased with that, but it wasn’t enough to make her stop. She unzipped my pants, but moved her hand away from my cock…only to slide it into my pants to grab it. I broke the kiss as a louder noise escaped me. Her other hand pulled my lips back down, but not to hers. Instead, her tongue reached into my mouth and drew my own into the open air.

I couldn’t restrain myself any more. My hands grabbed her breasts eagerly at the same time my hips bucked against her pussy again. And they began a constant pace, pressing my cock to her pussy every time her hand pumped it. She’s released a few moans herself by now, sending shudders of excitement down my spine each time.

I know that now, even if she stopped abruptly, I’d need release. It didn’t matter if I had to go to the bathroom to get it, but I needed it. And I whole-heartedly believed that was her intention.

However, I didn’t know she intended to go even further. She slip me on bottom with me gladly submitting. I loved it when she was dominate. She drew her mouth away from mine to whisper, “I know you need it.” I blushed deeper than I already was, if possible and nodded admittedly. She smiled, and my suspicions of her intentions were confirmed. This was exactly where she wanted me for some reason unknown to me.

It didn’t stay unknown to me for long. She sat up then on my legs and began pulling my pants the rest of the way down. My mind immediately went into disbelieving denial. This is not happening, it repeated. This is too good to be true, it’s not happening… But she defied my mind and submitted me to torture: she bent down and licked my tip through the thin clothes of my boxes. My eyes snapped open, I inhaled sharply, and my hips bucked involuntarily. She giggled, excited by my reaction. I thought she’d end my torture there, but I was very wrong. She then bent down and sucked my tip softly.

“Ah!” my moan of shock and pleasure sounded into the musky silence. That made her hungrier… I had known she enjoyed pleasure a man, enjoyed the feeling of a cock in her mouth… But knowing it and experiencing it were two very different things. She slide my boxers off then and leaned down. She stopped then, as if she was enjoying my appreciation. And appreciate I was. Just her hot breath on my bare, throbbing cock was enough to make my cock quiver with desire.

She wasted no time then. She took in over half my cock, nearly shoving it into her wet mouth. “Aaah!” I shouted again. With just my tongue in her mouth, I’d tried to imagine what my cock would feel like inside that, warm, wet cavity. But I don’t think it’s possible to imagine it, not after experiencing it. She immediately began sucking my cock, and just the feeling of her welcoming mouth tightening around me, her saliva coating my cock, her warmth sending me into an intoxicated haze…was almost enough to make me come right then.

Somehow I managed to hold back, and from then on she was more careful. She wanted to prolong my pleasure, so she went slower. She drew her mouth back to the head of my cock and sucked softly as she flicked her tongue over it. That was infuriatingly taunting. If I wasn’t so shy and new to this, I probably would have shoved my whole cock down her throat then. It didn’t take long for me to realize she was slowly letting my cock sink into her mouth. I relaxed into the soft carpet and enjoyed, knowing there was nothing else for me to do.

It took longer than I would have liked for my entire cock to sink into her mouth, but it was worth it. My mind was in a complete haze, only introduced by the amazement that her mouth was seven-and-a-half inches deep. She sucked my whole cock for a long five minutes or so. It feel like preparation. And I feel right. As soon as she felt my body tension in hunger for more, she began sliding my cock out of her mouth again. It was painfully slow. She only slide it out to the head and abruptly shoved it back it. I gasped and my hips jolted. I feel one side of her mouth tug a little in a small smirk.

She was tired of being slow herself by then, I think. Because she started moving much faster with every thrust into her mouth and shoving my cock in with greater force. My breathing was coming short, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold it in much longer. Her hands encouraged my hips. They obeyed, sliding forward to meet her mouth each time. A low moan escaped my mouth at the compromising of a faster pace. I was approaching fast, her steady, calm pace driving me insane.

A shudder of ecstasy racked my body, making it tense even more. She felt that and shoved my cockin more clumsy. That was going to drive me over the edge: her eagerness and hunger for my cum. My hips jolted and got more forceful as well, starving for release. With a touch of finality, she sent her tongue up and down the sensitive underside of my cock. I inhaled sharply and grumbled, “Brittany, I-I’m…going to…” I figured she should have warning, but that’s all I could get out before my cum shot into her mouth. I shouted out again as ecstasy racked my body for the short time it took to explore myself. I collapsed onto the floor, but she held my hips up, my cock in her mouth as she drank all my creamy fluids.

It was only then that it struck me what she had just done. She, my beautiful, beloved girlfriend (or fiancée, actually), had just sucked my cock… I bit my lip, feeling myself harden again. She’d told me before that it was some uncommon for a man to remain hard after an orgasm, and I wondered now if she still found it a turn on. My question was answered with a lick of her tongue. It surprised me into gasping again.


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