Wost things to say on a date with some one new

You’re wearing ‘that’?! – Never, ever ask if that is what they, he or she, is wearing when going out with you. Hopefully they are trying to dress to impress you and think what they have on is OK to wear to the event you have planned. Leave it as such. Such a question can be safely asked only after the 4th to 6th date. And only then then if your own “personal style” is up to snuff.

Some smells funny. – For your first 3 dates, at a minimum, everything smells great. Perfumes and colognes are not too harsh, strong or overwhelming when hurt by your date. They are always just right or maybe even “a little subtle” is your answer if asked. Pungent, rude and even disgusting odors are the same. You don’t mention them unless they are pointed out to you, unless the bad odor may seem to Come from you, then a small “Ugh” is acceptable, just so you can show that the odor comes from elsewhere. You don’t want to seem to be a gassy person, do you?

When meeting people in a crowd of strangers at a party or social gathering that your date has taken you to (maybe a party at one of her/his friend’s or boss’s) never comment negatively about anyone there. You may never know who might be a well-thought of friend, ex-romance partner or supervisor, and if you want to get to the next date, everyone there is a great person and could be your next best friend or traveling buddy. Believe us, it’s one of the ways to not offend your date about his/her lifestyle before dating you. And if you fail here you might as well throw out their phone number and email address too.

Never comment on your date’s driving habits. Never, not ever. Don’t do it. Maybe, years after you’ve married him/her, you can (in an off-hand kind of way) mention that they should drive a little more, or a little less, aggressively. But never during the time you are dating. This is a best bet to start a fight.



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