Mother-daughter tag team-Part 3

By now you should be wondering when the ‘tag-team’ is going to happen.
I’m not sure myself at this point. I am remembering alat of things that happened in between that need telling, so I may not get to it until the next chapter.

Please be patient, my tale only gets better from here.

Okay, where was I? Oh, yeah.
As it turned out, Sandra was in love with me also. She and I made love as often as we could get the chance. Most of the time she would come to my house right after she got off work and we would fuck, then she would have to leave, but other times I would go to her house late at night after Tina and her mom were sleep and we would have sex in her living room, or in the kitchen, or wherever the mood took us. A couple of times during the following summer we went out to the back yard, laid out a blanket, and fucked under the stars. Every time we would both have mind-shattering orgasms.
We were very happy togetherer. Tina was like a daughter to me, and I like a father to her. Sandra went to school and became a nurse. I quit the gas station and got a job working as a forklift driver at a warehouse. I had fully intended to marry Sandra and I needed to make some good money.
Sandra bought a house and moved out of her mother’s, which made it aloof easier to spend more time with both of the women in my life. I ended up staying at her house more than I did my own. Sandra never once asked if I would like to move in. I guess that’s one of the things I loved about her. She never made any demands on me, and I was free to come and go as I pleased.
Don’t get me wrong, of course we had our ‘disagreements’; although there were times we fought so frequently that I was sure that we would come to blows(but I could never EVER think of raising my hand to her, nor she to me). We were both very strong-willed. And besides, the make-up sex was always very passwordate.
One day about four years later, things took a wierd turn.
I had stayed the weekend at Sandra’s house and Monday was a holiday so Tina and I had the day off, but Sandra had to work(no rest for the wicked, she joked),so I volunteered to stay with Tina for the day. Well, that morning I awoke before she did and I decided to give her something to help her through the day. I slipped under the covers and got between her legs and buried my face in her pussy. She woke up when she felt my tongue on her clip. She reached down and grabbed my head in her hands and thrust her pussy against my face, moaning all the time. It didn’t take her long to climax. I had four years to learn everything she loved me to do to her to make her cum, and I was an expert. Then she pulled me up to her, kissed me deeply and said “I want you to fuck me.” So I did as she asked. I fucked her brains out, and as usual, it was it was fantastic. Sandra and I could never get enough of each other. Every time wehad sex, it was as new and exciting as it was the first time. Hell, we had just fucked three times the night before, then fell asleep in each others arms from pure exhaust. Anyway, Sandra was on top of me, riding my dick like a horse. I was holding her breasts in my hands and playing with the nipples. She had her hands on my chest and was rocking back and forth violently, grinding her pussy against my crotch. Her eyes were closed in esctacy and she was moaning softly.
Then she said “Oh, Martin, I’m gonna cum.” And with that she gave that long , low moan that usually accompanied her orgasm. That sound always brought me to climax, too, so I did.
When we were both spent, Sandra collapsed on my chest and said, softly, “Oh, Martin, I love you.”
“I love you too, Baby.” I replied and kissed her gently on the lips.
Then she got off of me and said, “I’ve got to get ready for work.”, and got out of bed.
“Iwas you didn’t have to go.” I said. “I always miss you when you’re not around.”
Sandra leaned over and kissed me. “I miss you too.” She said. “It’s like part of me is missing when you’re not with me.”
Sandra started to leave the room when she turned to me and whispered, “Did we forget to close the door last night?”
I turned my head to look. Sure enough, the bedroom door was partially open.
“Oh, God.” I said. “I hope Tina didn’t hear us.”
“Me too.” Sandra replied. “That would be embarrassing if she caught us. She’s only ten.”
“Maybe it’s time for you to have that ‘mother-daughter’ talk.” I said to her.
“You’re right, maybe I should.” She replied, “She’ll be eleven in a couple of months and she needs to learn about sex.”
Then she turned and walked out of the room and went to the bathroom to get ready for work.
I lay in bed, dozing until she came back into the room, where she got dressed. I watched her get ready and admired her beautiful body. She still looked as good as the first day we met.
When she finished dressing, she sat down on the bed and leaned over to give me a long password kiss.
“Wow.” I said, surprised. “What was that for?”
“For putting me in a good mood for work.” She replied, grinning.
“My pleasure.” I said, and we both laughed.
Then she got up off the bed. “I’ve got to go.” She said. “I’ll try not to be too late.”
“Don’t worry about it.” I said. “Tina and I will be just fine.”
Sandra turned and walked out of the room. I heard the front door open then close, then I heard her car door open and close, hear the engine start, then hear the car drive away.
I lay there dozing for a few minutes when I felt the bed move. I opened my eyes and saw Tina climbing onto the bed.
“Good morning, Sweetheart.” I said to her.
“Morning, Martin.” She said back to me. Then proceeded to climb on top of me and straddle my hips, hugging me.
She was wearing a large t-shirt which covered her body but it had hiked up when she climbed on top of me, so I could see her longish legs and her pink panties.
Now I’m no pedophile, but the feeling I was starting to get made me a little nervous. I was struggling her back while she hugged me and I suddenly felt my dick start to stir.
I was trying not to move, praying it would not get hard, but no such luck. The fucking thing had a mind of its own. Tina lay on top of me, snuggling, and I fervently hoped that she did not feel my hard-on under the covers.
Then she surprised the hell out of me when she suddenly asked, “What were you and Mommy doing this morning?”
“What do you mean?" I asked.
“I saw Mommy on top of you and she was moving back and forth and you had your hands on her boobies and you were both making funny noises.” She replied.
‘Oh, shit.’ I thought, ‘She hadn’t just heard us, she SAW us.’
I didn’t know what to say. Sandra was supposed to have this talk with her, but now I was being forced to do it instead. Tina was too old to believe any lame excuse I might come up with.
“Well, Baby-girl.” I started. “You know that your mommy and I love each other very much don’t you?”
“Yes.” She replied.
“Well, when a man and a woman love each other, they have sex with each other.” I said.
“Is that what you were doing with Mommy?” She asked.
“Yes, it was.” I replied.
“Does it feel good?” Tina asked.
I blushed. “Yes Sweetheart, it feels very good.” I replied.
Then Tina saidsomething that totally blew me away. She looked at me and asked; “Can I have sex with you, too?”
I was too stunned to speak. I stammered out; “N-No Tina, we can’t have sex.”
“But we love each other, too, right?” She said with a hurt look on her face.
“Of course, Baby-girl, but you’re too young to have sex, period, much less have sex with me. I could get into alat of trouble. And you’re mommy would put me in jail and I would never see the two of you again.” I explained.
“But I want to feel good like you and Mommy do.” She flustered.
“I know, Sweetie.” I said. “When you’re older, you can have sex all the time.”
“But I want to have sex now!” She pouted. “I won’t tell Mommy, I swear!”
‘This is going nowhere.’ I thought. ‘She is just as stubborn as her mother.’ I had to find a way to make her understand how importantit was for her to wait. Meanwhile, my now rock-hard dick was aching to fuck that ten-year old pussy right now.
“Look, maybe we can make some sort of compromise.” I said, hoping she would concede.
“Like what?” She asked.
“Maybe I can show you how to masturbate.” I replied. “Then you can make yourself feel good any time you want.”
“Okay.” She said, smiling. “What’s masserbait?”
“Masturbate.” I corrected her. “It’s when you make yourself feel good.
“Cool.” She jumped up. “I wanna do that.”
“Okay.” I said, still appreciate about what I was about to show this little angel, but I figured, ‘what’s the harm. At least it would get her off my back about having sex with me.’
“What do I do?” She asked.
“First, take off your t-shirt.” I said.
Tina pulled her t-shirt over her head showing me her naked body. Her tiny breasts hadn’t started developing yet, but her nipples became hard little nubs when the cool air hit them. She hadn’t started getting hips either, but her legs were becoming fuller and losing that gangliness that small children have.
“Okay, now what?” She asked.
“Take off your underwear.” I said.
She got off of me to pull hear panties off, then throw them on the floor. Now she was completely naked, standing by the bed. I thought she looked angelic. Before long she would be just as grogeous as her mother.
I had sat up when she got up off of me. and I had my hands in my lap to cover up my hard-on so she couldn’t see it. Then Tina climbed back onto the bed and sat on her knees across from me.
“What now?” She asked.
“Sit with your legs out in front of you.” I said. “Then spread them open.”
She did so, revealing her small, underage pussy to me. God, my dick was so hard, I thought it was going to pop right off my body like a bottle rocket.
“Now, take your hand and touch your booby.” I explained.
Tina reached her hand up and put it on one her breasts.
“Now lightly pinch your nipple.” I continued.
She grasped her nipple with two fingers and gave it a squeeze.
“Ouch!” She cried. “That hurts.”
I laughed. “I said gently.”
“Now roll it between your fingers.”
Tina wasn’t getting it. She was trying to roll her fingers around her breast.
Without even thinking about it, I reached over and grasped her other nipple between my fingers and rolled it. “Like this.” I said.
She copied my movements and soon she was doing it like a pro.
She closed her eyes and opened her mouth a little and gave out a sight.
“That does feel good.” She said. “Is that masturbating.?”
“Well, that’s part of it.” I said, removing my hand from her breast.
Tina opened her eyes and gave me a pout. “Put your hand back on my booby.” She said, frowning.
I sawed and put my hand back to her breast and resumed playing with the little nub of a nipple, while she went back to rubbing her other one.
“Okay, now this part you have to do on your own.” I said, firmly. “Take your other hand and put it over your pu-private area.”
Tina placed her free hand over her mound and looked at me for the next instruction.
“Take your finger and rub the top of the opening in your slit.” I explained.
She started rubbing the top of her pussy with her finger.
“I thought you said this feels good.” she said, frustrated.
“Your not doing it right.” I said. It looked like I was going to be forced to show her how to do it rather than get by just explaining it.
I sawed and reached over with my other handand pushed her hand away and lightly rubbed her pussy, then with my first and third fingers, parted the lips and gently rubbed her little clip with my middle finger.
She gave a little start when I did that and I jumped back, scared.
“What’s wrong.” She said, looking at my expression and frowning.
“I thought I did something you didn’t like.” I explained, the blood coming back to my face.
“No, it just felt really good and I couldn’t help it.” She said, smiling again. “I want you to keep doing it so I can know what to do.”
This was just too wierd, I thought, but I went back to rubbing her little clip with one hand, while playing with her nipple with the other.
Tina had closed her eyes again and started to moan softly. My poor dick was straining against my underwear, which thankfully I had put back on while Sandra was in the bathroom getting ready for work.
Pretty soon, she started to rock backand forth against my hand and was moaning louder, her eyes squeezed shut.
I rubbed a little harder and faster against her gyrations. I looked and saw that her other hand was gripping her whole breast and her fingers were pinching the nipple really hard.
Suddenly she let out a gasp and arched her back, grinding her little pussy against my hand, and I felt hot liquid gush out of her pussy. Her whole body rocked and spasmed as her first orgasm raged through her.
When the spasms subsided, Tina opened her eyes and smiled brightly.
“Wow, that feel GREAT!” She exclaimed, breathlessly.
“I’m glad you liked it.” I said, returning her smile with one of my own.
Tina crawled over to me and throw her arms around me and gave me a big wet kiss right on the mouth. I was taken aback for a moment. I could feel her naked chest against mine and her small wet pussy was sitting right on top of my still rock-hard dick. God, but it felt good. I kepttelling myself that I shouldn’t be doing this, but she had insisted so fervently that I could not refuse her wishes.
“Thank you, Daddy. She blurted out, hugging me; “I love you.”
It took a moment to sink in. She had called me ‘Daddy’. Tears suddenly welled up in my eyes. “I love you, too, Baby-girl.” I whispered in her ear, holding her close, my hard-on forgetten for the moment.
She pulled away with a funny look on her face and I got concerned.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Something is poking me.” she replied.
“Where?” I asked.
She looked down. “Right here, between my legs.”
‘Oh, shit.’ I thought. ‘She feels my goddamn hard-on.’ I didn’t know what to do or say, so I just said; “Really?”
“Yeah.” She said, and before I knew it, she got off of me and pulled the covers down, exploring my wait with my dick trying to rip through my underwear.
“Jeez, what’s that?” She asked.
I blushed, and with a lump in my throat, I responded; “That’s what happens to boys when they get excited.”
Tina’s eyes lit up. “Can I see it?” She asked, excitedly.
‘Fuck.” I thought. ‘Now what do I say?’ I was busted and I didn’t see any way out.
“Very well.” I said, exasperated.
Tina grabbed my waistband and pull my shorts down and my dick sprang out all red and angry-looking, like it was really pissed at having to be trapped in my underwear for so long.
“Wow!” She exclaimed. “It’s so BIG!”
Now I wouldn’t call my dick ‘big’. It’s rather average-sized, but I guess in the eyes of a ten-year old, it would look pretty big.
“Can I touch it?” She suddenly asked.
“I don’t know.” I responded, nervously. ” I think we've gone too far already.”
“Awww, I wanna touch it. Please?” She while.
I resigned myself to the inevitable. Tina was going to have her way no matter what. So I nodded. “Okay.” I sawed.
She reached out her hand and grabbed hold of my dick.
“It’s so hot.” She breathed.
I couldn’t say anything. It felt so good having Tina’s little ten-year old hand gripping my rock-hard dick.
Tina moved her hand up to the tip, which was gushing pre-cum by now, and scooped some of it with her finger and put it in her mouth. I thought I would explode right then and there.
“Mmmmm.” She smiled. “It tastes good.”
I had crossed a line that I had never before thought of crossing and I was sure I was going to burn in hell for it, but I suddenly found that I could not stop my body from responding to this beautiful little version of the woman the I loved more than life itself.
Tina suddenly piped up; “How do boys masturbate?”
I opened my mouth, but no sound came out.
Finally, I found my voice. “Boys play with third wee-wee’s.”
Tina gave me a funny look. “How?” She asked.
I wrapped my hand around my dick and started struggling it up and down.
“Just like that.” I said.
“Does it feel good?” She asked, her eyes intently watching my hand stroke up and down on my dick.
“Yes.” I replied. “It feels very good.”
“Can I try it?” She asked, excitedly.
The line had already been crossed. There was no going back now.
“Okay.” I replied. “But be gentle, it’s very sensitive.”
“Okay.” She said, and reached out and grasped my dick, then starting to stroke it up and down just like she had seen me do.
My hand instinctively reached up and cupped her tiny breast, and my fingers began pinching and rollingher nipple. Tina moaned softly and closed her eyes, continuing to stroke my dick.
The pleasure that I was feeling at her gentle manipulation was bringing me ever closer to the broke. I didn’t want to scare her when I blew my load, so I said to her. “Honey, you’d better stop or I’m going to cum.”
She stopped and asked; “What’s cum?”
“It’s the stuff that comes out a boy’s wee-wee when he masturbates or has sex.” I replied, gently. “It’s like what came out of you when I fingered your clip.”
“Oh.” She said, then asked; “Why don’t you want to cum, doesn’t it feel good to cum?”
“Of course, it feels really good.” I explained. “But when boys come, it shoots out of third wee-wee hole real fast.”
“That’s neat, I wanna see it.” She exclaimed.
“Okay.” I smiled. “I just didn’t want you to get scaredWhen it happened.”
Tina resumed stroke my dick and I was about ready to exploit it felt so good. I was getting real close and I wanted to warn her.
“I’m about to cum Baby-girl. I rasped. “Get ready.”
Somehow, Tina instinctively knew what to do. She started pumping faster and my hips were now thrusting against her downstrokes. My breathing became shallow and I was clenching my eyes shut. Now my other hand had found it’s way to her pussy and my index finger was playing with her tiny clip while my middle finger had made it’s way halfway up her tight little sopping wet pussy. Tina was breathing faster and moaning softly because of my manipulations, but refused to close her eyes so she could watch me squirt.
Then it happened. My whole body locked up and I thrust hard against Tina’s downstroke. Cum spewed out of my dick and flew high into the air before falling to land on her hand and my lap. Some fell onto her hair and shoulder, but she never took her eyes off of my dick as it spewed gob after gob and continued to pump it, trying to get every last drop of cum.
Finally, when I was spent, I collapsed back onto the bed and lay there, breathing hard.
“That was SO cool!” Tina exclaimed, then surprised me by licking the cum off of her hand.
Mmmmm.” she moaned. “Your cum tastes good, Daddy.”
It took a moment to realize that she had called me ‘Daddy’ again. I pulled my finger from her pussy and put it in my mouth.
“Mmmmm.” I copied. “Your cum tastes good, too.”
Tina giggled and I laughed.
I sat up and said to her; “Let’s get cleaned up and I’ll make us some breakfast.”
“Okay, Daddy.” Tina replied, and jumped off the bed. She was calling me ‘Daddy’ now, but I didn’t try to stop her. She was my daughter now, and I was her father, and that how our relationship would be fromnow on.
I got up and she took my hand, and we walked to the bathroom together, naked.
“You know that we can never tell anyone what we just did, not even Mommy.” I said to her, firmly, as we walked.
“I know, Daddy.” She said, then whispered; “It’ll be our secret.
I gently squeezed her hand as we went into the bathroom to get cleaned up. Then we got dressed and went into the kitchen, where I cooked us both some breakfast.

To be continued…

I hope you enjoyed this part of my story, even though it was a bit twisted. As I said before, I wasn’t sure if this chapter would include the ‘tag-team’, but it should definitely be in the next one.

Thank you for your patience.


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