Sex story about my wife Kris getting gang raped part 6

Okay last left off Charlie just came inside Kris’s pussy and filled it up with his cum and then their was a knock on the bedroom door.

Ray looked at Kris and told her she had better be cool and fix this so Ray and Charlie and James went into the closet. Kris put her robe on and open the bedroom door. Whats up honey her husband said why was the door locked Kris said oh it was a mistake sorry honey. He looked at his wife and asked her if everything was OK OK she said yes. Honey have you been taking care of the painters and making sure they are all doing good, she looked back at him and said yes again.

Okay honey well I was just checking on you I have to go out for a few hours and pick up some supplies so I will see you later, as he reached in and kissed his wife on her mouth not realizing she had just sucked Ray’s cock and Jose’s cock and had charlies toungh in her mouth and Jose’s cum down her throat.

He turn and left and yelled out to her honey keep the painters happy okay honey and Kris replied back I will, but she feel so helpless wanting to tell her husband about them raping her but she knew that would cause great pain for both her and her husband.

Ray and guys came out of the closet and said well that was really good you will be rewarded. Kris looked up and said you will leave now? Yes but you are coming with us we have some friends that will really enjoy you. But first get back in the tub and clean up again I want all of the cum cleaned out or you ass and pussy so you are ready for the next group of guys.

To be continued:


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