Sex Story about My wife Getting Gang Raped Part 7

When I last left off Kris’s husband had left to go to the store and Ray had made Kris take another bath and get all cleaned up. Ray had given her red lace panties and bra to put on with the shortest black skirt he could find in her closet and a very low cut see through white shirt. You could see her red lace bra right through it very well without lokking hard.

Kris was dressed and they were ready to go and Ray told Kris to grab her makeup and that she can put it on in the van. She continued to comply but thought once they got out side she would make a run for it to a neighbors house for help. Then Ray told her to put on her Red 2 inch high heel pump shoes and she knew she wouldn’t be able to run in those and her thoughts of running to safety where now gone and she was filled again with sadness and dispare. She knew that she was going to be rapid again probably by serveral more black men and she was so afraid.

They were heading into thegarage and their van was already parked inside for easy access she they just opened the door and pushed Kris right in she didn’t have a chance to run anyway.

They were all inside the van and then they headed out they got on the highway and headed south towards the getto, Kris had never been down there before she always avoided that area as she new bad things happened there.

They came to a stop and opened the door they let Kris out not even holding her arms or anything she thought now is her shance they were not paying attention so she ran from them in high heels she wasn’t very fast.

Kris headed towards a house where she saw a lady sitting on the front pourch. She cried out please lady help me these men have kidnapped me and are going to rape me. The black looked up at her and said okay girl come inside my house you will be safe there. She ran inside and the women locked the door and finally Kris felt safe. Now would you like me to call the police the woman asked and Kris of course said yes please.

The woman replied OK you go downstairs and hide in the basement incase they try to come looking for you and I will call the police. Kris went straight downstairs and closed the door behind her. Kris began looking around the basement a noticed some pictures on the walls one was of that and Ray suddenly she felt scared again. Oh no where is she there was no phone and no door down there anywhere she felt trapped but then noticed What looked like a bedroom door and she opened it.

Inside was a young looking blond girl chained down to the bed she looked at the girl and and the girl couldn’t speak as she had a ballgag in her mouth. Kris quickly went to her and undid the ballgag. Are you okay Kris asked the girl replied no they have kidnapped me and have been raping me for days now. Please help me she said. Kris told her I am sorry but they have kidnapped me as well and they have already Rapedme and I know they want to do it again. How old are you Kris asked she replied back I am 19 my name is Kristie, Kris responded back my name is Kris let me try and undo these chains but Kristie said you cant without the key and only this guy Ray has it.

Kris felt so sad knowing that Ray would be along soon to rape them. Oh course she heard the basement door open and footsteps coming down they didn’t sound like they were going to end how many guys were coming downstairs was uncertain but the footsteps kept coming.

The bedroom door open and Ray was stand there and her saw that Kris had met Kristie and he was very excited about that. I am glad you to have met now you to will get to know each other very well but first I am in need of a really good blowjob so my sluts get to sucking. Ray pulled his big black cock out and sat down ont the bed and right away Kristie went for his cock opening her mouth as wide as she could to get His cock head in there Kris was surprised at how quick Kristie responded but Ray looked at Kris and said you see this this is how you will respond from now on or there will be all kinds of pain for you. Kris moved quickly and started to share Ray’s cock with Kristie they were taking turns sucking on it taking as much of his big cock into there mouths as they could.

Kristie was struggling it while Kris was sucking on it. Ray looked down at his sluts and said now this is a blowjob and reached over and lifted Kris’s skirt up and grabbed her ass cheek with one hand and reached over and grabbed Kristie’s ass cheek with his other hand while they continued to suck.

Kristies little blond head was bobing up and down she was now sucking it so good and hard pumping that cock into her mouth in and out to the back of her throut gagging her with every pump thrust sucking it and sucking it so hard and good Ray was going to cum soon and he grabbed Kris by the back of her hair and pulled herface up to his and shoved his toungh down her throat and then his cock started to cum Kristie kept it in her mouth and began to swallow all of his cum and the cum kept cumming down her throat, as they had been training her to do so for a week now. Kris felt so groosed out have Ray kissing her and having to suck suck his cock again.

At the doorway a large group of back men all enjoying the view and waiting there turn Kris could see how many there were just that there were alat.



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