Kevin & Ginny
~*~Version 1 ~*~
Kevin Moreland, a Gryffindor in Harry and Ron’s year , also very intelligent, well toned body, and highly popular walks up to Ginny and starts making a conversation with her. She thought that this was kind of wierd, why someone like him would be talking to someone like her, she noticed he kept smiling and every minute or so he would inch a little closer to her. They were talking about music they liked and about the song playing on the wireless when Ron being the protective brother walks up. “What’s up Gin?” He asks eyeing Kevin oddly.
“Nothing just talking to Kevin.” She responded.
“Are you hitting on my sister?” Ron said, thinking he was putting him on the spot.
“I’m trying too.” Kevin responded smiling slightly at Ginny causing her face to match her hair.
“Well that’s- WHAT?” Ron stopped realizing what Kevin said. “Hey man, i’m beating everyone who trys to play my sister ok.” Ron said threateningly.
“I’m not trying to play her, I just want to get to know her better, and i’d like to steer it towards more than a friendly relationship. That is if its comfortable with her.” Kevin finished.
“Well you’ve been with Katie, Alicia, Angelina, and probably half the school so, I think it would be in the best of your interests to leave my sister alone.” Ron responded coldly walking away to glare at Kevin.
Kevin turned to Ginny, “Look, sorry that had to come out so blunt, but I really would like to get to know you better, if nothing else we could be friends right?” He asked her. “Would you be cool with giving me a chance, to be your friend?” He finished waiting.
“I would if I believed for a second that this wasn’t some bet or something, that you could stiff me on a date or kiss me first or something.”Ginny told him sincerely looking bored with the sincerity of his last statement.
“No. No this is not some bet or something, I will prove it. If you just hang out with me for a while, get comfortable with me, you’ll see. I will do anything you say, I will completely be your slave.” He told her finally, kind of hoping she would take control of him as he would enjoy making her happy.
“Fine then. Anything I say?” She asked.
“Anything if that’s what it takes for you to believe me and give me a chance.” Kevin told her.
“For how long?” Ginny asked him.
“Until you’re satisfied.” Kevin responded.
“Alright then i’m going to sit here and I want you to get me something to drink and do my homework while I read this book.” She said propping her feet up on the couch. Kevin hastily got her some cold water from the stone gargoyle and brought it to her side, scooting the table towards thecouch so she didn’t have to stretch when she reached for her drink. In about ten minutes he was done with all of her homework, just making the pen fly as fast as he could think of the answers.
“Okay, i’m through with this. Do you want me to rub your back while you check it?” He asked her dutifully.
“Mmmmm, yes that would be nice, but if you try anything funny I will hex you into next week.” She told him kind of nervous.
“Don’t be nervous Ginny,” He said because he could read her emotions. “Here you can even Hex me with my own wand, i’m defenseless.” He said trying to comfort her by making himself vulnerable to her. She seemed to relax and after a few minutes of getting her back massed she was relaxed completely.
After she had read through a couple of the essay’s she saw that he explained stuff she had forgotten and completely covered everything so she trusted the rest of his work. “I neverHe knew you were so smart.” She finished sitting down the papers.
“Oh, yeah.” He said thinking about massaging her more than anything.
“It hurts lower, but if your not comfortable don’t do it.” She said looking over her shoulder.
He lowered his hands and massed her lower back, but she interrupted this, “Lower.” She said.
“Tell me when to stop.” He said slowly sliding his hands down her spine until he reached the end of it, practicely on her butt.
“Right around there.. oh yes that’s perfect……uh yes.” She moaned and Ron walked up, fuming at the sight and hearing his sister moaning.
“You little-” He said starting.
“No Ron,” Ginny said standing. “I am letting him do this, it feels good. First of all i’m allowed to do what I want, ok, and second of all we have an agreement so I think you need to mind your own business.” She spat and he walked offettering mad.
Hermione walked down the stairs and saw Ginny recalling her massage and practically started drooling over Kevin. All the girls thought he was hot, he had this perfect body and he had the most amazing smile with beautiful eyes. “Ginny… What’s up?” Hermione asked trying not to smile at the two.
“Nothing. Meet my slave, Kevin.” Hermione Shook Kevin’s hand and he smiled turning back to Ginny.
“What do you mean…slave?” Hermione asked perplexed.
“Well he was pretty much asking me to hang out with him so we could go out, and it was too odd so i’m going to keep this up until he finally admits it was just a joke or a bet from his friends.” She told her boredly, but looking pleased by the massage she was recovering.
“It’s not a bet. I just, I just saw you one day and started thinking about how beautiful you were and then how nice and smart you were, and I decided that I wanted to give that a chance, because I couldn’t get you out of my head.” He said looking her right in the eyes.
Hermione thought he looked like he was telling the truth. She whispered something to Ginny and her eyes lit up, Ginny nodded and Hermione ran upstairs. Ginny rolled over and surprised laying on her back feeling amazing after the most relaxing feeling she had ever experienced. “Feel better?” Kevin asked her smiling.
“Yeah, I feel a lot better.” She said, laying back, Hermione returned and they whispered again for a few moments before Hermione sat down on a chair beside the couch.
Hermione had got some Vertasium and was going to put it in Kevin’s drink then ask him if he really liked her or if it was a bet.
Ginny decided on making a destraction so Kevin wouldn’t see, she asked him to massage her left ankle, putting it in his lap. Then she raised her right leg bending her knee, she had on a fairly short skirt and she was hoping Kevin would get a peek and start to stare. He saw, but immediately looked back down as if guilty, and feeling as though he had violent her trust.
“Can you see up my skirt?” She asked him.
“I-I tried not to look…” Kevin stammered.
“It’s ok, Go ahead.” She told him.
“What?” Kevin asked.
“You heard me, I said if you want you can look up my skirt, but only for a few seconds.” She told him.
“Really? Why?” He questioned at such an odd thing.
“Just because I can.” She said smiling.
He lowered his head a little to look up her skirt noticing the small panties that barely covered her pussy, but from what he could see of the sides there was no hair, so he knew she shacked some, but not for sure if all. He had just started to drop his gaze downward to see if it turned into a thong or not when she put down her right leg.
“Was that nice?” She asked him still smirking, but for another reason.
“I-That-It-.. Amazing.” He stuttered incomprehensly. Before she could even hope he reached for his drink, and taking a sip he sat it back down. “Someone’s put Vertasium in my drink.. I can taste it.” He said.
“But that’s impossible no human can taste it, only werewolves.” Hermione said looking at him hauntingly.
“I’m not a werewolf, but that still doesn’t explain why its there.” Kevin looked puzzled.
“Okay I put it there so I could ask you if it was a bet or not. I put three drops in your drink. I don’t think you drank enough for it to matter now, but oh well.” Ginny said giving up easily, but not really caring.
He grabbed his cup and drank it all, then sat it down empty on the table. “Ginny I swear that I have nothing to hide, and especially after what happened right before this, I am attracted to you. There is no bets, there is no dare,” He stopped for a moment feeling a wave of dizzyness sweep over him, but he still remembered what he was saying and continued. “I like you for who you are, your beautiful, you have a great personality, you’re intelligent, and I personally and solely came to you and all I can do is wait on you to believe that I really like you and i’m being honest. And after that I will still treat you the same as i’m treating you now.” He told her honestly with a dazed look filling his eyes as the Vertasuim was cursing through his bloodstream.
“So you really do like me?” Ginny whispered looking at him excited.
“Yes, I like you.” Kevin said still focusing on nothing.
Kevin kept sitting there staring off, for about five minutes, while Ginny and Hermione talked. Then Hermione relized that and snapped her fingers waking Kevin from his truth bearing trance. Shaking his head a little to clear the fog from the potion, when he focused his eyes on Ginny,she was smiling.
“Well Mr. Moreland, it appears that you weren’t lying, and that you are very persistent. I would like to get to know you better.” Ginny said looking into his eyes smiling warmly.
“I am glad that’s over with!” Kevin said happily chuckleing with Ginny. “Look, I just want you to know that I don’t like guys that try to take advantage of girls, or con them into having sex or anything like that. If anything is to ever get started between us, I will never push you into anything. I’m a nice guy, trying to find a nice girl that he can make happy and she can make him happy.” Kevin finished impressively.
“You talk sweet, but we’ll see how you act.” She told him starting get up and go to bed.
“My lady, I will treat you like a queen if you wish.” He said quickly standing, taking her hand and helping her to her feet.
She giggled at this, and his smile broadened. Ginny almost melted, ‘Damn’ she thought ‘he looks so hot. Damn he’s hot.’
“Are you ok?” He asked because she was staring at him.
She started to blush a little and nodded walking towards the stairs. Kevin followed her, “Goodnight Ginny. Thank you for believing me.” He said smiling at her.
“Goodnight Kevin, and Thank you for being honest.” She said smiling back, then turning to let him watch her swway her hips up the stairs.
He turned running into Hermione, “Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?” He said.
“Sure, what’s up?” She asked.
“Look, Ron doesn’t like me, he thinks that just because I went out with Katie, Angelina, and Alicia that I had sex with all three of them. That’s not true and I don’t want Ginny to think it is, I won’t lie to her about anything. I’v was looking for someone who is honest since I first got cheated on.” Kevin said telling Hermione knowing that she and Ron were good friends.
“Look, I will talk to Ron, but you have to do something for me.” She told him.
“Okay, what?” He asked.
“Will you, in turn, talk to Ron, f-for me.” She stuttered out. “We’ve only been friends, and I can’t seem to bring it up to him, even though I stare into his eyes and I try to let him know, but- If he thinks that the idea is crazy and says’s there’s no way he would ever like me like that. Then don’t say anything else and just come tell me.”
“I will gladly talk to him for you.” Kevin said. He went to talk to Ron too, and let him know he wasn’t such a bad guy, and that he didn’t have sex with all three girls, he slipped it in that he thought that Ron was looking at Hermione, Ron blushed. Kevin knew, so he told him that he asked Hermione about it and she told him that she really liked Ron, and was hoping that he liked her too.
Ron thanked Kevin and went off to talk to Hermione immediately, and after a few minutes Kevin walked by and smiled brightly at Hermione, who returned it very happily.
After a few days of doing everything Ginny asked him to do, and talking with her about all kinds of things, they were getting along great. Kevin made Ginny laugh, and whenever she was with him, she was happy. She was in her sixth year she was 16 and a half, and Kevin was in his seventh year and was already seventeen, she was very mature for her age and he respected that. Ron lightened up towards Kevin and found that he couldn’t beat him at wizard chess, and he allowed Ginny to sit on his leg and put his arm around her wait while they played. Ron beat Kevin once when Ginny was terribly distracting him and she even made some moves for him, but it was still a win for Ron. Ron and Hermione were found ‘hanging out’ more, well a little more privately, and one night Hermione thanked Kevin profusely for arranging that.
Kevin took Ginny for a walk around the lake and they were laying back on a blanket holding hands when she rolled over and propped her elbows on his chest staring at him. He smiled a little, “Can I, uh, kiss you?” He tried.
“Yes, you can.” She replied smiling. He leaned forward and she scooted in, he didn’t hesitate he put their lips together and felt how soft her lips were, she pulled back to look at him, then he leaned towards her again. She backed away though, he backed away looking a little confused. “Just making sure you wasn’t going to say that it was a bet.” She replied smirking before she leaned in and started kissing him, she pushed him back slowly crawling ontop of him grabbing his wrists and (he obviously let her) pinnning them back while she started exploring his mouth with her toung, rubbing her crotchagainst his ever so slightly, inwardly enjoying the groans he was emitting.
She broke off and he started panting, “Wow, where did that come from?” He said amazed.
“I was just enjoying myself.” She smiled.
“Mmm damn! You can do that anytime.” He told with a smile.
He leaned to her and they kissed lightly, Kevin told her they needed to go before they locked the door and had to go in a secret passage. They got up but just as they got to the doors Kevin stopped Ginny, “Ginny I really like you a lot.” Kevin confessed.
“I really like you too Kevin, your amazing.” She told him.
He walked her to the common room and they sat down, Kevin putting his arm around her. Hermione was sitting on the floor laying her head back in between Ron’s legs and he was massaging her shoulders kissing her. Ginny started kissing Kevin, and they were consistently making out when Ron started with, “Hey! That’s mysister!”
“So, She’s going to be my girlfriend.” Kevin told him.
“You are not going to go out with him!” Ron started.
“Shut up Ron! Hermione even agrees with me that Kevin is a good guy.” Ginny jumped in.
“Whatever, I know what he wants…” Ron said staring at Kevin meanly, “Oh yea.”
“Man how many times do I have to tell you-” Kevin started but Ron jumped towards him trying to tackle him. Kevin just grabbed ahold of him holding his arms down Ron slammed his head into Kevin’s head, it kind of pissed him off so Kevin squeezed him hard demanding that he stop and Ron quickly gave up and Kevin let him go.
“Well its just that I know you’ve already had sex, and that’s what you want from her.” Ron argued.
“No. That’s not true.” Kevin said firmly. ” I don’t care about sex, I already told her she is totally in control of anything that isgoing to happen between us.”
“I swear if she comes to me crying over you… Its on brother.” Ron stated firmly.
“I don’t want to hurt her, I like her too much.” Kevin said honestly, looking at Ginny.
Everything was normal at Hogwarts, every night Kevin would practically do Ginny’s homework while she just studied what he had answered instead of having to look it up and then study it. He told her he would help her study for her O.W.L.S. next year, “It won’t be a problem for you baby.” He told her affectionically.
Kevin romanticly asked Ginny out and she happily said yes, and they continued to be together.
One night randomly Ginny was sitting practicely on Kevin talking to Harry, Ron, and Hermione when she leans back and whispers in his ear, “Meet me in the common room tonight at one.” Then sofly kwassed him on the cheek, Kevin nodded dutifully. Ginny said she was thirsty so Kevin went and got her some water, while Ginny told Hermione “Make sure Ron stays in the girls dorm tonight, drag him up with you when the girls are sleep put a soundproof barrier around the bed and have fun! Yes I know that’s my brother but I want to spend time with my boyfriend.” Ginny pleased. Hermione had no problem accepting that idea, wondering why she herself didn’t think of it before.
At ten until 1 Kevin crept down the stairs listening he heard 1 person breathing, and he knew it was Ginny so he just walked on in. “Mmm your even early.” She said smiling. “Let’s go upstairs, to your bed.”
“Whoa, what about your brother?” Kevin stopped her immediately.
“Hermione’s got him taken care of for the night, I promise.” She said smiling.
“Well, Alright, I know something we can do.” Kevin said nodding.
They walked upstairs quietly getting inside his four poster and Kevin casted a silencing charm around the bed. Then he put a mini-tent on the bed and he and Ginny entered. There was a nice romantic bed with a dozen roses on the table, white tablecloth with wine chilled perfectly. They had a glass of wine laying on the bed beside each other making out heavily, “I-uh, what do you want to do?” She asked stuttering.
“So your like a true virgin, like never seen a penis or just never had it inside of you?” Kevin questioned.
“I’v seen one and jerked him off, but that’s as far as anything got.” Ginny stated.
“Well if you ask me what I want to do, I want to lick your pussy. It is my most favorite thing to do, and I think that you will really enjoy it, release some stress.” He ended kinda chuckling.
“Wow, I-I’ve never been offered that before.” Ginny stuttered nervous of not knowing what to do.
"All you do is lay back and let me do all the work, if you want to pull my hair or scratch my head, whatever, just do it. That is, if you want to.” Kevin said.
“Well I want to do something for you.” She said.
“How about you jerk me off after your done.” He told her.
“How do I know when i’m done?” She asked him.
“I’ll tell you.” He replied. She nodded putting her hand on his chest, giving him a wanting, lustful glaze that made him catch his breath. It almost undid all attempts as his self-control not to just bow down and surrender to her completely, which he knew would happen someday.
“Alright first you just rubb on my cock, just like it is now and i’ll do the same to you.” Kevin stated. So they rubbed each other until Ginny unbuttoned her pants and slide them off. And Kevin asked her to take off her shirt, she sat back in her bra and Kevin began to massage her breasts while kissingher then trailing down her neck. He felt her chest rise in acceptance as he slyly slide his hand around the back and unbuckled her bra. He held it in place covering her smiling, “Can I move it?” He asked her.
She reached up and pulled it off throwing it aside, he started kissing on her neck and down rubbing and then licking her nipples sucking gently on them.
“Ooh…” She moaned. He lowered his mouth, licking down her stomach and below it. He licked just above her panty line, rubbing her clipit, sucking and licking just above her panties. He stopped and looked up at her, she smiled. “Take them off.” She demanded. So he pulled them down and off her ankles, then throw his shirt off, he came back looking at her pussy and getting a semi-hard on. He came back up and laid her back laying on top of her with his crotch on her bare pussy,she shavled, and she could feel the protrusion while he kissed her and it got bigger. He stopped humped her, laughed about it and she smiled then he slip down kissing her breasts on the way. As he got between her pussy he licked and kissed around it, then slowly licked up from the bottom and grazed up it coming to the clip and getting her aroused. She had a shocked look on her face, then she finally laid back and put her hands on his head. He went a little lower, sticking his toung inside of her as far as he could go licking and sucking vigoursly, Ginny moaned and shivered underneath him. He came back to her clip replacing his toung with a finger and making her take one hand on his head and one hand holding his other hand so he couldn’t pull it out of her. He sucked and licked her for about 10 minutes and she started shivering seriously and holding his head down. “K-Kevin, I-I uh, ooh.” She moaned intensely starting to shake, then she pushed his head off of her and gave a throaty cry holding herself. She was breathing heavily, then she stopped and grabbed his fully erect cock and started to pull on it.
“I am about to nut, like everywhere.” He panted. She started jerking on it and massaging it, pulling quickly as he started to shake, “Ah-” Kevin moaned his eyes rolling back in his head, and his hot cum shooting out of his dick in splurts while his chest and stomach muscles twitched and he panted.
Ginny smiled at him, “Does doing that really make you horny, or do you cum quick?” She asked.
“I can hold out for a long time, but doing that makes me really horny.” He admitted. “I can hold out for at least 45 minutes at anything, even being the first time.” He told her.
“I will bet you ten galleons, that I can make you nut in less than 45 minutes.” Ginny said firmly.
Kevin held out his hand, “I had a girlfriend a long time ago, and it was constant, I learned to be able to control it.” Ginny shook it shaking her head and smiling.
“We can wait until tomorrow morning, and I will wake you up and let you do whatever you want me to do to do to get your dick hard, and then i’m going to show you I can make you nut.” She said confidently.
“Well then how about you sleep here beside me tonight then?” He asked wrapping his arms around her and kissing her on the forehead.
“Mmmmm if you promise to cuddle with me…” She told him.
“Not a problem, you can be my little teddy bear. Anytime.” He told her.
They exited the tent and fell asleep on the bed,
So they snuggled up beside each other and slept and and about five in the morning Ginny woke Kevin by kissing on his neck and rubbing his cock through his boxers. When he awoke and looked at her she kissed him, then she trailed off down his jaw and neck, all across his chest. She licked down his stomach and just above his boxers, then she pulled them downand off of him. He started to sit up, but then she pushed him back onto the bed and she started jerking him off.
“I want you to lick my pussy while I suck you off, and I will show you I can make you nut even if you try not to.” She told him sure of herself.
“Shhh,” He said hushing her. He put a silencing charm around the bed, then he pulled her to him. “Sorry, what were you saying?” He asked her lovingly.
“Your so hot. Lick my pussy and I’ll suck your cock.” Ginny told him.
“Whatever, but I would love to do that.” He said sliding his arms around her hips and kissing her then raising her nightdress over her head. “Wow.” He breathed seeing her pussy again, then she turned around and he was sliding his hands along her legs feeling goosebumps rise. He started licking it unexpectedly and he had a hard on within thirty seconds of having her sit on his face. Then she took control, and was rubbing the bottom of his cock and sucking the head and top, it felt amazing and he started to moan. She immersed it in her mouth and he stuck his toung inside her pussy and moaned sucking and licking vigourously, she sucked hard keeping his whole cock inside her mouth as she ran her toung all around it and sucked then she came up. She started rubbing this spot up the side of his dick and he was moaning into her pussy, she felt him tremble.
She stopped, “Remember, 45 minutes. It’s been Seven.”
“Alright then.” He told her taking a deep breath.
She started sucking up and down on his cock for a minute, then she started rubbing up and down that spot and he was progressively moaning louder and louder. She could feel his muscles twitching, his head hit the mattress. “W-What are you doing?” He panted out. “Oh- I’m fixin- I can’t-” He started panting hard, and shaking. He moaned and came hard while she took down his whole dick sucking hard. She finally stopped and turned to see him twitching with goosebumps all over him, he shivered and they went away. He just looked at her, amazing shaking his head still trying to catch his breath. “You-You are -ama- completely amazing.” Kevin stuttered out.
“I will get you ten galleons because, oh-man.” He said rubbing his hand roughly across his face as if trying to wake up. He finished licking her pussy, she turned around and sat on his face looking in his eyes while she came in his mouth. He almost nutted again, and his dick was laying rock hard up against his stomach. He stuffed it in his boxers pulled his pants on, but couldn’t button them. “Ok i’m going to Take this silencing charm off because I know Ron’s going to come up here soon.” So he put some cologne on their bodies that was light chaos, but better than what it might have hinted to him, and he removed the silencing charm from the bed after they got outof the tent.
“Kevin, I know that we-we’re doing all this stuff, and I-uh, I really really like this. But- I’m not sure if- Well I don’t know if i’m ready to-to” Ginny stuttered and Kevin interrupted.
“Baby, listen, I told you that you are totally in control alright. If being with you is just a matter of waiting, and I think its good to wait, it truly makes it better. But for you, the wait is more than worth it. I am in no hurry, we have years ahead of us Ginny.” Kevin said looking at her with his heart on his face.
“You are so amazing sometimes I can’t believe that you really like me, me of all people.” She smiled at him.
She was so beautiful, no other female could ever compare to her beauty to him. He told her his feelings for her whispering in her ear while holding her close and she snuggled her head on his lean chest running her fingers across his stomach muscles. “I promise, that no matter how longyou want to wait I will never pressure you. And don’t think for one second that I would ever cheat on you, because my last 2 girlfriends did that to me and… it is a really hard thing to-I-I just don’t like that kind of stuff.” He told her.
“We’ll I hope so, because i’m not easy.” She told him seriously.
“I wouldn’t have liked you if I thought you were, you gotta make me work for something right… ” He said chuckleing a little. “I’m just kidding, you know I worked plenty hard to get you to even believe it was the truth that I liked you.”
“I know, and i’m sorry about that.” She told him.
“Well don’t be, because I know how it is to be played with. I’ll say this, yes I have had a lot of girls and if they tried to sleep with me within the first week I would break it off. You wouldn’t believe how many tried to though. An uncomfortable amount, I’ll tell youthat.” He told her seriously.
“How many girls have you had sex with?” Ginny questioned.
Kevin surprised. “Four.”
“Really, that’s all?” She questioned.
“What do you mean that’s all?” He said perplexed.
“Well I mean, you’re really hot babe. Like really really, all the girls think so, I know. And I just thought that you would take advantage of that.” She told him.
“But i’m not looking for just casual sex, i’m looking for a relationship. With someone to bond with and stay with.” He told her seriously. “I don’t want to have sex with someone if I don’t see a chance of falling in love with them.” He finished.
“Would you have sex with me?” She asked him.
“Until you begged me to stop.” He replied.
“Baby!” She cried laughing.
“You asked.” He told her.
“So you thinkthat you could fall in love with me?” She asked him.
“Definately. Love doesn’t just happen overnight or anything, it starts with just liking a person, and moves gradually to love. I’m on that track.” He told her. “I really want to be with you Ginny. I want you to be mine, I want to be selfish and greedy with you and I want to make you happy. I want to make you smile, take care of you and obey your every wish and command.”
“Why?” Ginny asked.
“Because I am a man, and that’s my duty to my woman.” He told her.
“I mean why me? Of all the girls you could have, why me?” She asked him.
“Please don’t speak like that. Like your unimportant. You are completely amazing, your beautiful, intelligent, charming, sexy. What isn’t to be loved about you?” He asked her.
“Look what I did my first year, killed the roosters and keep on talking to Tom, because I was stupid. He told me that I needed someone like him, that’s who I deserved for the things that I’d done. No good, loving man would want someone who would kill roosters and release a basilisk and lie about it.” Ginny told him bowing her head shamefully.
“Oh Ginny, I wish I could kill that bastard for the horrible lies that he told you. Don’t you believe that for a second, you are way better than that. He was a sick bastard who tried to seduce you while you were very young. Ginny that was a long time ago, please don’t ever believe anything that -W- worm-whatever you want to call him- just don’t believe it. It’s not true.” He said looking her in her eyes as he wrapped his arms around her kissing her breifly. Thankfully Kevin had put on his shorts and pants, and Ginny had slid her nightdress over her head, because Kevin heard someone running up the stairs. “Oh shit! I think Ron’s coming!” He said freaking out buttoning his pants.
“It’s ok. We’re dressed, were just talking.” She told him calmly.
“Yeah like he’s going to believe that that’s what we’ve been doing.” Kevin said, but by that time the door opened. Kevin dropped his head to the pillow thinking of how bad the situation was about to get. Ron walked to his own bed, withdraw the curtains, then he smelt walked slowly towards Kevin’s fourposter and pulled the curtains open quickly. Ron’s jaw dropped and Kevin knew the fight was about to start, Ginny stood got right in Ron’s face and started yelling.
“I got up to go to the loo, well you’re silencing charm apparently only worked inside the girls room, because I could hear you guys terrible right there in the first stall by the door. Well, Ron that made me a little nausious, so I thought I would come lay by Kevin and he would make me feel better, we talked for a while, feel sleep and we awoke a little earlier and have been talking since. He is my boyfriend, you were just shagging your girlfriend, I have the same rights with Kevin, even though I’m not taking advantage of them yet.” She finished impassively.
“Well-” He said, she knocked the wind right out of his sails. “D-Do you guys want to go running?” He tried.
“Sure, I’ll go.” Ginny said.
“That’d be nice.” Kevin said.
Ron was getting dressed for running and Ginny slipped on her nightrobe and left the room. Kevin stood to get dressed also for running, when he looked and Ron was sitting on the bed looking at him with a pondering star. “You know I guess your a pretty good guy, to my sister I mean.” He said quietly not looking away.
“Yeah, what made you just realize this now?” Kevin questioned thouhgtfully.
“I was listening to what you was telling her at the bottom of the stairs for quite a while.” Ron said quietlya little ashamed at the thought of eavesdropping.
“That’s cool dude, I’m glad that that could help you accept giving your sister some rights and supporting her decisions.” Kevin said honestly.
“Well anyway’s I’m just glad that your nice to her, and you really aren’t pressuring her at all into having sex with you. That’s all I needed to hear.” Ron told him happily carrying on.
The next morning at breakfast Professor McGonagol asked to speak with him and afterwards Kevin came to Ginny whispering softly in her ear. “I’m going to be gone for a few days, tell everyone my uncle is sick, I have no time to explain now. Just know that I’ll be thinking about you ok. Please be safe baby, don’t get in any risky situations ok?” Kevin pleased, he didn’t sound hapy About the situation.
“Alright, I won’t. Be careful ok. Promise you’ll be back safe?” Ginny said.
“I’ll do my best.” Kevin replied gravely but honestly. He left quickly without another word, and Ginny continued her classes all day and that night she sat with Ron, Harry, and Hermione, for once doing her own homework.
“I miss my boyfriend.” She proclaimed aloud sadly.
“Awww, he’s been gone a whole ten minutes.” Ron said sarcastically.
“It’s been longer than that, I just-he didn’t look like he had a good feeling about going. And I don’t like it, he left in a hurry and I just don’t have a good feeling about it.” She finished.
“You need to stop worrying about it, it won’t change anything.” Ron advised her.
“Well I can’t help it when I miss him terribly.” She said unashamed.
“You act like your in love or something… ugh.” Ron said disgusted.
"You know maybe I am falling in love with him! He’s the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me.” She told him.
“Look I really like Kevin, Ok. I think he’s good to you, me and him already talked about that. I just don’t like hearing you parading your love sickness about him, ok?” Ron finished.
“I was just worried. Ok? And you need to stop being mean or I’ll tell Kevin not to go easy on you when your playing chess.” Ginny said knowing that comment would hit Ron’s nervous.
“He doesn’t! And I’v beat him before anyway!” Ron proclaimed.
“Oh yes, because I was making intentional moves so you could win. We planned it, remember?” Ginny said very nasty. “Well i’m tired of this, i’m just going to go to bed.” Ginny said walking away holding her head high. Ginny went to her classes the next day, and everything was as normal as could be except Dumbledor was absent at the head table all day. A few people asked about Kevin, and Ginny did as told telling them that he went to visit his uncle who was sick, except for Ron, Harry and Hermione. She knew that she could trust their discrepency, and she had to talk to someone, she was worried sick and trying to get it off of her mind.
The next day passed and still no news from Kevin or anything, Ginny was getting very upset about it and she went to bed that night sad and missing the man she was falling in love with. She awoke that morning and at breakfast Professor McGonagol motioned for her to come to the side.
“Mrs. Weasly, when you’ve finished your meal come to my room. Eat well, but try to make haste, I know you will want the time.” She said marching out of the Great Hall.
Ginny ate quickly and hurried to Professor McGonagol’s room, before she knocked on the door it was opened. Professor McGonagol closed the door behind Ginny, “Mr. Morland was injured last night and he was rushed here to keep him away from St. Mungo’s because no one is to get wind of the operation and there’s no other explanation for how he would have been injured like this.” She started walking to the back room, and she opened a side door that lead into a giant bedroom and in the bed with bandages wrapped along one of his legs, both arms and around his head was Kevin. “He’s recovering, but he’s very Weak.”
“Oh, Kevin.” Ginny whispered tears forming in her eyes.
“C’mere.” He beckoned.
She walked and sat on the bed beside him. His torso and stomach also holding some bandages, but with blood leaks through them. Ginny started sobbing uncontrollably, “W-What h-h-appened?” She questioned. Kevin mustered all the strength he had to sit up and put his arm around his girlfriend.
“Shhh, please.” He said taking a painful gasp of air. “Ginny, I love you. I really love you.I thought that I was going to die last night, and all I could think about was telling you I loved you. I hope this doesn’t scare you, but I had to tell you. I-I just had to let you know how I feel.” He slowly laid back down singing with the relief of not having to hold himself halfway up.
“Kevin I love you too,” She said. “I missed you so much and I was so worried, worried that something like this would happen. Please tell me what happened.” She begged.
“I will tell you. Kevin needs to rest.” Professor McGonagol said conjuring a glass of water and handing it to Kevin, he drank it thiristily.
“Kevin and six other operating people were sent to scotland to a building thought to be rubble, but had suspicious death eater activity. It was a complete trap, there was five death eaters to each one of our seven men. Kevin was the last standing and when we finally got to them they were tied and gagged and prepared for transportaion.”McGonagol said. “Mr. Moreland’s excellent sense of hearing allowed us to be kowledgable of Voldenmort’s base, and we are closely monitoring all activity.” McGonagol finished.
“Kevin, your so brave for going. I love you so much.” She said looking into his eyes. “I-I’ve never felt this way before.”
“I will return momentarily…” Professor McGonagol said exiting quickly.
Neither Kevin nor Ginny really cared, they were both happy that they were in love with each other. They kissed for a few moments while Ginny laid her head beside his, listening to him breath. She kissed him on the lips and took his hand and brought it to her face. He felt her softness and she closed her eyes enjoying being near the man she loved. “I really can’t remember a situation where i’v was in more pain, yet have been more happy than i’v ever been in my life.” Kevin said with a small smile.
“Well, I’m glad that your happy. You’ll be healed up soon, not soon enough, but soon.” Ginny told him.
Professor McGonagol walked back into the room, “Professor could Ginny stay with me today?” Kevin asked her.
Professor McGonagol gave him a stern look, “Perhaps until lunch.” She said showing a rare warm smile to Ginny.
“I expect this will be entirely for health reasons?” She said looking at Kevin very meanningly. Then Ginny realized they were in the staff wing and Kevin was in her bed.
“Professor I think health reasons are making sure nothing more could happen.” He told her seriously.
“Well, Mrs. Weasly you are on orders from me, not to leave his side until myself, or another faculty member is watching him. I want someone with him at all times, I had a house elf here, ordered to report to me any changes made.” She told them. “With that, I must be off. Mr. Morland, do get better, I think you wanted this more than getting healed.”
Kevin nodded. “I already feel better. Thank you Professor.” Kevin said honestly. McGonagol left and Kevin had Ginny crawl up and lay beside him, and they cuddled together and Ginny sat quietly while Kevin slept for about 15 minutes beside her, suddenly waking and telling her to get up. She did as he asked but she started to get lightheaded and before she knew it, she had stumbled backwards landing over the chair. “I’m so sorry. I forgot, I-I I didn’t mean to- I’m so sorry baby. Please.” Kevin had got out of the bed, standing remarkably well Ginny thought. Then he totally surprised her by picking her up and laying her on the bed. “I am so sorry about that. W-When we were touching.. I-I forget about when I’m injured- I-I took your energy, and like your health I guess you could say, strength. It’s hard to explain. I drained you of your day’s strength. You need to rest now. If it makes you feel betterr, i’m healed almost completely. But i’m still really really sorry about that. I will wake you up a little later and give you something to eat, It will help you. I’m so sorry baby, I was just so happy that you told me you loved me too, that I-I forget about that. I’m so sorry, I love you.” Kevin said kissing her softly on the lips.
“Kevin, I went and saw Madam Pomfrey.” Ginny told him.
“What for? Are you sick?” He asked.
“No, I-uh-I went and saw Madam Pomfrey.” Ginny said raising her eyesbrows slightly grinning.
The realization hit Kevin and he smiled at her, “Tha-I-You are so amazing. ” He stuttered, “I love you Ginny. With every beat of my heart and every breath that I breathe.”
“I want you, Kevin.” She said looking in his eyes with an unmistakable expression on her face.
He was very aware that he was leaning over her laying in a bed, “I want it to be perfect.” He whispered before covering her mouth with his.
“You want what to be perfect?” She asked sliding her hand up the back of his neck into his hair and pulling his mouth to hers.
He let her control the kiss and as she withdraw he nipped at her earlobe before sitting up. “Our first time.” He said looking into her eyes.
“But how are we ever going to get the alone time?” She questioned him.
“Look babe, Christmas break is coming up in two weeks, you just walk out like your going back to your place and then you just come with me.” Kevin told her.
“What about my brothers?” She questioned. “They’ll ask mum about me.” She said.
“We’ll only stay the night. Do you think they’ll write her directly after you leave?” Kevin said. “Or, You do turn seventeen next week. I daresay that your boyfriend will at least get to take you out for part of the day.” Hetold her.
“You would have to meet my parents.” Ginny said.
“Well, that’s something that I can handle.” He told her.
“You know I have seven brothers right? Oh and there’s Maggie my sister as well, we have really bonded you know.” Ginny said grinning mischievously.
“Well as long as I treat you like a princess, and keep you completely happy then I should be ok, right?” Kevin said.
“At all times.” Ginny said smiling.
She was so beautiful, “Well then I have absolutely no reason to worry. Because those were my complete intentions anyway.” Kevin said kissing her lightly. “You need rest. I will wake you later and get you some food.” He walked around to the other side of the bed.
“If you healed already, can we lay together.” She asked.
“Yes, and you stay right there… I’ll come to you. I will give some back as well, I generate it back quicker.”He said snuggling up beside her loving her with everything he had and enjoying Ginny. Just enjoying his time in her presence, as he always would. He held her close to him, knowing that it would never really be close enough. Soon he could hear the whistling that told him the love of his life was at rest. He softly rose, going into the kitchen and preparing a meal for her. He didn’t know if she had ever ate muggle food, but he made some chicken, and spiced and cooked it well. When he was finished he took a plate and glass to her room, he conjured a tray and sat her things on it. “Baby…” He whispered running his hand over her hair.
“Mmmm” She whimpered in protest.
“Do you want to eat? I’ll feed you, its right here.” Kevin said sweetly.
Ginny squinted open an eye, “Where?”
Kevin sat the tray infront of her, and she sat up smelling the auroma. “What is this?” She questioned immediately.
“Itsmuggle food, Its called chicken. You might like it, I do.” She ate a bit, and Kevin layed back with her and she fell back sleep. He put more of his strength into her, and in minutes she was waking, and telling him to get up.
“Are you ok?” She asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine, you go to McGonagol and tell her and I need to see Dumbledor. Is he here?” Kevin asked.
“No he isn’t, McGonagol said he was gone, and he wasn’t at the head table. Why don’t we just sit here and spend some time together? Please.” Ginny started to beg.
“It’s whatever you want sweetheart. Anytime, whatever you want, just say it.” He kissed her on the head.
“Why, do you not want to spend time with me?” She asked.
“Yes I do, more than anything. Its just, well I really need to speak with the headmaster. But if you want to wait, then I will stay by my lady’s side if she needs me for as long as she needs me.” Kevin told her smiling.
“Mr. Moreland, I understand that you are not leaving Mrs. Weasly’s side, forgive me for interrupting so rudely. But perhaps I could speak with you a moment.” Professor Dumbledor said standing in the doorway.
“Absolutely Sir, would you like to step out?” Kevin said reaching for the door.
“No, I believe we can trust Mrs. Weasly’s discrepency.” Dumbledor said.
Kevin and the headmaster talked of the things that were said, Kevin identified many death eaters. Having his keen sense of smell he also knew that they were brewing many creedrons of polyjuice potion, which gave the order much forwarding on how the Death Eaters were planning to attack. Dumbledor spoke about many Auror’s at the ministry and Kevin knew all of whom he was speaking. They talked about the Order and some of its Members, then Dumbledor thanked Kevin and bade them both goodday.
At lunch both Kevin and Ginny returned tothe Great Hall at the same time, and Ron raised a very suspicious eyebrow having smelt that they had been very close to each other for the past few hours. The next week flew past and Ginny’s seventeenth birthday party was going to be Friday night in the Gryffindor Common room. Kevin had bought her an amulet that held a calming liquid in the core it was of a winged wolf, he told her that his animagus form was the winged wolf. She thought it was beautiful, and he also got her an amazing watch encrusted with diamonds and emeralds. She was amazed with his touch for beauty and engulfed him in a kiss that stole both of their breaths, he stared deep in her eyes smiling. The next day was her actual birthday and he had already cleared it with the headmaster that the two of them were going to leave the castle for the day and come back later that night.
Kevin insisted that they go to the burrow and meet Ginny’s parents. “Afterwards we will say were going to watch a muggle movie, but we will go back to my place for a little while. If you want to.” Kevin told her that night and she was extremely excited.
“That’s what I want more than anything for my birthday.” She said.
“What?” Kevin questioned.
“I want to spend some alone time with my boyfriend.” She said plainly and simply.
“You are so amazing. Ginny I don’t think you realize how much I really love you. I completely surrender to you, everything of mine is yours and anything you wish is my command. You are my everything, you are my home, my security. You are my best friend, my trust, my love.” He said looking deep into her eyes.
She pulled his mouth to hers and didn’t pull back until Ron was tapping on his shoulder, at first she still didn’t pull back and finally Ron tapped on her shoulder. “I think you need to come up for some air before you pass out.” He said irritably.
“Oh bugger off, it's my birthday, we’re fixing to go off on our own for a little while. Ooooo. What are you gonna do about that Ron? Grow up, try that one.” She said coldly walking away.
Kevin looked at him sadly singing, “You know, she has a temperature. A real temperature.” He said shaking his head and following her down to the common room.
Kevin told Ginny they would leave after breakfast the next morning and she had already written to her parents and they were expecting them. When Kevin walked down to the common room really early for him, at six-thrity. He was very surprised by Ginny sitting by the fire with a blanket wrapped around her. “Well goodmorning beautiful.” He said sitting beside her on the floor kissing her on the cheek. “Is everything OK?” He asked her.
“Would you rub my neck?” Ginny asked him, she looked tired like she’d tried to rest, and pain had stopped that. He immediately sat behind her and had her relax on himand he began to massage her neck and shoulders gently but inevitably working the muscles. Eventually he felt them release and he just rubbed her for her pleasure, she didn’t complain. He laid her on the couch covering her halfway in a blanket, then climbing behind her and snuggling her close to him. In a few minutes she was sleeping and at seven-thirty, he tried to get up without waking her but it didn’t work. She said she felt a lot better and she wanted some breakfast, then she was ready to spend the day with him.
“Well I don’t want you to feel tired, or be wore out.” Kevin told her.
“I was going to be wore out anyway…” She said smiling. “I can’t wait.”
“Are you serious?” Kevin looked taken aback.
“Yea.” Ginny told him.
“Wow, well I’ll do my absolute best, not that I wasn’t going to anyway. But, I want it to be everything you dreamed of.” He told her.
"You, are everything I dream of. That thick piece of meat down there, yea I think about it. In fact its been on my mind since I went and saw Madam Pomfrey, just about all the time.”
“You are not helping me go to breakfast.” Kevin said looking at her lustfully. “There’s this thing called self-control, and when you say stuff like that it makes me forget all about that.”
Ginny giggled, she slide her hand up the side of his face kissing him slowly. “Tonight, you can forget about it completely.” She said standing and taking his hand.
They ate breakfast and took a portkey to the burrow, Mr. Weasly knew Kevin from somewhere, but said that he just couldn’t place him. Kevin told him he didn’t know, but her parents were very friendly, and allowed Ginny to watch a muggle film with him. They left the Burrow at about 3:30 they had to be on the portkey at 10:30, Kevin had changed it to later. They left the burrow and got on the knight bus, riding it to a town called Alkaline, and to Aberdeen Castle.
“Wow, and who lives here with you?” Ginny asked.
“Just my elves and me, my Uncle moved out soon as I turned eleven.” Kevin told her opening the door and leading her to the large entrance hall on the inside. It was amazing, with beautiful paintings on the celing and certain rocks and stones adorned with small caverns in the rocks. He led her to a couch towards the left side of the hall, “Would you like something to drink?”He asked her.
“No thank you, but you could show me your bedroom.” She said very clearly.
He gave her a look that made her melt inside, holding out his hand she took it following him up the stairs. He opened a door to the right into a large bedroom with a king size bed, and a handsome dresser and chests. “Would you like to take a shower?” Ginny asked him turning around.
“Yea, I would.” He said. Again he held out his hand for her and she followed him to the left side of the room into a big bathroom. He turned the water on hot to let it get warm inside, he turned back around to disrobe and Ginny was already half through. He paused, mouth open just staring at her amazing at how beautiful every inch of her body was, even though she wasn’t fully naked he was still locked in a trance.
“Damn babe, don’t drool.” Ginny said laughing.
He closed his mouth and smiled, then he started to disrobe. He had just got down to his boxes and shirt and he pulled the shirt over his head and the sight that met his eyes almost made him fall. She was standing, not four feet from him, fully naked and his dick got semi-hard in two-seconds. “Well…” She said putting her hands on her hips. He dropped his boxes and slide them aside, she walked to him and he opened the shower door and turned it down. Ginny got in and turned the water a little hotter, then she pulled Kevin close to her rubbing her hands across his chest, then sliding them around his neck and pulling his face to hers. He surrendered to her letting her control him completely, just holding her to him not wanting the moment to ever end. Yet, he wanted to continue so badly it hurt, he just wanted her in every sense possible. She completely took his breath away when she slide her hand down his chest and stomach grabbing him, he moaned into her mouth sliding his hands just above her hips and feeling her slightly tremble. “I love you.” She said gently pulling away from him, and taking his hand with her other hand and sliding it around his back pulling him into her. She rubbed his cock against her pussy feeling it slide across her clip, while she was kissing him. At length they stopped kissing and finally got out drying off, Kevin started to get dressed but Ginny interuppted. “That’s Not really necessary, as we’re just going to the next room.” she said smiling mischevously. Thistime she held out her hand, and he took it following her.
“I would follow you to the end of the world and back Ginny. I love you, you are Amazing.” He said as she opened the door and walked him to the bed. When they got to it, he engulfed her in a deep kiss, and she pushed him back on the bed crawling ontop of him. She kissed him and trailed down his neck, kissing on his chest a little, running her fingers across his lean muscles. After a few moments of him holding her to his chest, she rolled over pulling him ontop of her. She could feel his cock laying on her pussy and she had never been more aroused in her life. She reached down and grabbed it rubbing it on her pussy, getting some of her wetness on the head of his dick. His mouth dropped open and a lustfully surprising look crossed his face. “You are so hot.” He said simply.
“You are.” She said pulling his mouth to hers. His cock was rock hard at this point, and she kept rubbing across herpussy. Once, when she got over the entrance, Kevin pushed like he was going to go inside and surprisingly she spread her legs to accept him. He looked at her questioningly. “I was wondering when you couldn’t take it anymore.” She said mischievously.
“Sweetheart, if you say stop. Then I will stop. I was just wondering how you would respond to that.” He said.
Yet again she pulled his mouth to hers, this time grabbing his cock and putting directly on the entrance. She slide her hand around the back of him, pulling him to her. So he started to softly push inside her, he got a little way in and he could feel her hymen. “Ok, This is the part that hurts, are you sure your ready?” He asked her.
She nodded looking deeply into his eyes sliding her hand up the back of his neck into his hair, he quickly thrust into her stopping as soon as he was through it.
“Are you ok? Do you want to stop?” He asked looking into her face.
“I’m ok, and No. But I want you to go slow, please.” She said.
So he started to very slowly push himself in and out of her, until a few minutes later she started to enjoy it. He had started kissing her and he pushed himself deep inside her and she moaned, so he started rocking himself back and forth increasing his pace subtly. Within minutes a few beads of sweat had broken on her browser and she was breathing like she had been running for hours. He was steadily pumping into her, and with every stroke she brought him to a level he had never reached during intercourse before, he had never felt anything like the inside of her. He never wanted it to end because it felt so good, and he whispered his feelings to her softly while he pushed himself deeper inside her. She was running her hands through his hair and pulling it, while he kissed on her neck moaning into her. “Oh, Kevin please.” He adjusted so he could find her G-spot, as soon as he did she let him know. She was kissing him, and she went stiff holding her mouth open and not moving. But in return she wrapped her legs around him and tigtened herself. When he pushed hard and quick inside her in this position, it was almost unbearable for him not to cum deep inside of her, and with his every stroke she was meeting his thrust, slamming her pussy against his cock and tightening it. Then she started moaning his name and trembling underneath him, and he thrust quickly in and out of her until she finally collapsed underneath him and he felt her pussy throbbing around his dick.
“Oh god.” He moaned.
“Everything ok?” She asked panting.
“It-just feels S-so good.” He said biting his lip.
He scooted closer to her, until he was all the way inside of her. He started slamming himself into her, lifting her ass a little off the bed, and making direct G-spot contact. She started moaning again, and this time he knew he wasn’t going to be able to control himself. He put his hands on her shoulders and pushed himself as far inside of her as he could go and he felt her sight against him, then he started slamming inside her while he was kissing her deeply. She moaned into his mouth, up until near her climax, and she pulled his hair, and during her orgasm she moaned his name. He was slamming into her as hard as he could and he plunged deep inside of her cumming harder than he had every came in his life. He trembled ontop of her and she watched him moaning her name softly as his eyes rolled back in his head, and she felt his hot load deep inside of her. He collapsed, panting heavily and rolling off of her. He looked over at her beautiful face, his heart completely on his face. “You are completely amazing. I love you so much, Ginny.” He said cupping her cheek in his hand. He kissed her softly on the lips snuggling her close to him and holding her and kissing on the back of her neck.
At length, they combined again. They thought they weren’t going to finish in time for the portkey, but Kevin just didn’t want it to end because it was the best feeling in the world, he told her. Then Ginny climbed ontop of him and he had to work hard to hold out until her orgasm, but the moment she climaxed he was helping her move her hips and he convulsed beneath her, yet again, deep inside her pussy. They quickly got dressed and took the portkey back to Hogwarts entrance hall, and the moment they walked into the common room, Ron was waiting with a chair beside the hole. The first bad thought that hit Kevin’s brain was “Cologne.” He took a deep breath inhaling their scent, and fury became clear upon his features.
“So. You think you can just-” Ron started, standing.
“No. I can just- Ron, I’m of age, and if I want to be with my boyfriend, its perfectly ok.” She told him simply.
“Not with me.” He said firmly.
“Well, the last time I checked…I didn’t ask you, nor did I care.” She replied coldly.
“Well I-”
“Would you have rather it been me, or someone who doesn’t care about her?” Kevin asked him openly.
“I would rather it not have been at all.” Ron spat standing furiously. “Next your going to dump her now that you got what you wanted.”
“You don’t talk to him like that!” Ginny yelled slapping Ron rather hard in the face. “You don’t know anything that goes on between us.” She bellowed.
“I was trying to save you from getting your feelings hurt because I know how guys are Gin.” He said painfully holding his face.
“Well Ron, I think that your crazy if you think Ginny’s going to let me treat her bad or do her wrong, she’d hex me into the next millionium.” Kevin said. “She’s very intelligent, you know.” He said looking at the woman he loved. “But I will do anythinging she says, Anything.”
“Yeah, I bet.” Ron said huffing.
“Kevin, go make out with Hermione.” Ginny said.
“B-But Ginny, I’d really-” Kevin started.
“Kevin.” She interrupted seriously.
“Ok.” Kevin stood and walked to where Hermoine was sitting reading a book, he glanced back at Ginny who nodded her head. Kevin tapped Hermione on the shoulder, and leaned down placing his lips on hers, he opened his mouth and surprisingly she opened hers accepting. He pulled back looking in her eyes, then softly kissing her to which she yet again accepted.
“That’s it.” Kevin heard Ron says loudly from across the room. He looked and Ron was walking furiously towards him, Hermione was still staring at Kevin with an odd expression on her face. “What were you thinking?” Ron turned on Kevin.
“He told you that he would do whatever I said, whether he wants to or not.” Ginny saidstanding next to him, he put his hands around her and put his face next to her.
“I would let her do the cruciatius curse on me with my own wand if she wanted.” Kevin said.
“Yeah well, i’m not so happy about you making out with my girlfriend.” Ron said with anger.
“Sorry dude, but that’s what Ginny told me to do.” Kevin said. “I was serious about what I said.”
“Isn’t that great?” Ginny said smilng at her power over him.
“mmmmhuh.” Kevin hastily agreed.
“I think, it better not happen again. And don’t think Mom and Dad won’t hear about this…” Ron said. “Oh yeah..”
“Ron if you tell Mom and Dad, Kevin and I will find the most incriminating information on you. And promise to make it worse than my only loosing my virginity to my boyfriend.” Ginny said straight forward. “What’s the matter Ron, do you think Mum didn’t know we wasn’t going to see a muggle film? Maybe it just took you a little longer for the ship to pull into harbor, but it’s alright now.” She said.
“Whatever Gin, watch your ass Moreland.” Ron spat.
“You know that I didn’t pressure her!” Kevin said. “Did you really expect me to refuse? I love your sister man. I really do, and I wil take care of her, and be loyal to her, and treat her exactly how she wants to be treated, forever. She will always be my number one priority, her happiness is my number one priority.” Kevin said.
“Ron, please, just understand that i’m not a little girl, alright? It’s not like he done it just to get in my pants, he would have given up long ago. And besides he asked me a million times if I really wanted to and told me how he wouldn’t be upset or mad one bit if I wanted to do something else. I swear it, I thought I was going to have to force him into it.” Ginny said.
“Look, I was just trying to save you from getting hurt. How do you know he’s not getting it from somewhere else and that’s why he’s not hurting for it?” Ron said to her.
“Man that’s rediculous and you don’t need to be making her stress out about shit like that, because I wouldn’t do that, I know how it feels to be cheated on.” Kevin told him.
“Yeah you’re getting real defendensive about her not thinking your getting laid elsewhere.” Ron said knowing that Kevin was getting a little pissed. “I’m tellin’ you Gin. Remember how mum always said when it seems too good to be true, it probably is.” Ron said looking at her and walking off.
Kevin led Ginny to the other side of the common room by the girls stairs, he held her and kissed her goodnight and they went up to bed.
The next day Ginny was acting a little odd, then Kevin realized why when she asked him what he did do allday while she was in classes since he didn’t have any. He explained that he did stuff for Dumbledor and occasionally went to the ministry.
“Why?” He asked her.
“Just wondering.” She told him. She went on like nothing so he had forgotten about it. The castle’s security had been bumped up a notch since Voldemort’s attacks had been so severe. Select students, and mainly prefects and the techers patrolled around the castle after-class and night hours.
Kevin, Hermione and others were part of those students. One night Kevin had gone to do his rounds, he had kissed Ginny goodbye, and noticed that her and Hermione had been whispering, and Ginny knew how well he could hear and they would get quiet when he was near or use a jibberish charm.
Anyway Kevin started his rounds, which happened to be with Mariah. She wasn’t bad for a Slytherin, she was pretty honest and Kevin didn’t mind her so much because she was one of Ginny’s friends and she went running in the mornings with them sometimes. They were walking down by the dungeons, when Kevin had started thinking about her. He glanced over at her, and she was looking at him with a lustful glaze. His enhanced hearing let him know that her breathing had changed, he was looking out of the corner of his eyes at her, noticing her large breasts, nice legs leading up to a small ass and a tight looking little crotch. Then he realized that he was staring at her, he looked a little confused but she smiled a little and pushed him up against a wall. He looked around, they were in a narrow stone passage, she let her body relax onto his sliding her hands up around his face pulling it to his, she started kissing him, his eyes drifted shut and he was kissing her back. The next thing he knew, she was on her knees burying her face deep in his crotch trying to swallow his cock. He moaned and slid his his hand through her hair, and opened his eyes looking into hers. He suddenly realized, that wasn’t Ginny. It was Mariah.
“No.” He said, trying to back up but he was against the wall. “You’re not her. You’re not Ginny.” He slide sideways away from her, grabbing at his pants pulling them back up. Somehow his shirt had been removed, he remembered it, but it was like he was watching himself. She stood and started staring at him, rubbing herself, thoughts of her going racing through his head again, and he could feel himself drifting off again. “No! Please, Please Stop!” He said curling up in a ball. Mariah took a few deep breaths.
“I’m sorry Kevin- ” She started.
“What are you?” He said frightened
She told. “I’m a Selkie.”
“Please don’t do it again, I know there’s nothing I can do to stop you, but I have a girlfriend and Ilove her, and she’s probably going to leave me over this, she already knows I bet.” Oh shit, the amulet that he gave her for her birthday, she said that she could see him if she held it tightly and thought about him. She could see where he was right that moment, to know if he was ok. What if she had looked.
He cradled his head in his hands. He grabbed his shirt and put it on.
“That’s not how it was supposed to happen Kevin.” Mariah said looking at him frightingly.
“Why? Why when I fall in love with a girl does something fucked up always happen?” He said crazily.
“I’m sorry, really. ” Mariah said giving him a sad look. Kevin took off in a dead run for Gryffindor Tower. He burst through the portrait hole, and did crumble to his knees at the scene. Ginny was sobbing uncontrollably in her brothers arms, she looked up and straight into Kevin’s eyes and took off running upstairs to the girls dormitories. Kevin saton the edge of the couch while Ron waited for Hermione at the foot of the stairs. About twenty minutes later Hermione came downstairs and shot Kevin a dirty look. Kevin stood and walked over to her and Ron, “If you fuckin’ says something to my girlfriend that you shouldn’t I will beat your ass, I should anyways you asshole.” Ron said before Kevin could even say anything.
“Yeah Ron, you should, I deserve it, I really want you to.” Kevin said honestly not giving a shit.
Hermione cast a jibberish charm on her and Kevin. “So why did you do it?” She asked him, but something wasn’t right.
“Mariah is a selkie. She was going full out on me, in the middle of her sucking my cock, which i don’t know how that happen, but in the middle of it, i looked at her and i was like NO! Your not my girl, you know. I mean I stopped her. That doesn’t happen you know. Not with selkies, you know how strong their powers are. I-I tried,I didn’t know that was gonna happen- i swear it-it didn’t lead up to that, there was no before.”
He put his head in his hands and started full blown sobbing, Ron stood up and was getting angle because he didn’t know what they were talking about. And Kevin told him “I hurt your sister, i’m a fucking asshole, and you should kick my ass for it. Really, I’m not even gonna fight back.” He said to Ron.
“What? Look there’s obviously something else that’s happened or you wouldn’t be telling me, so you obviously feel bad right?” Ron said reasoning.
“What? I thought you hated me? Why do you care? I hurt you sister! Fuck!” Kevin said yelling.
“Ron, Mariah is a selkie and she used her charms on Kevin, but he stopped it.” Hermione said quickly explaining to Ron.
“Well how did Ginny find out about it so quick because you came running in and she had been crying for only a few minuteses?” Ron asked smartly.
“Because that amulet I got her, s-she can see me, like when she thinks about me, she can see me I guess, that’s what she told me. But I guess she saw.” He choked out. ” Which is so fucked up! Hermione will you please go tell her? Check on her. Please.” Kevin said begging her. She looked like she knew something more.
” She told me she wanted to be alone and she would come back down later.” Hermione said.
“This is the worst thing in the world.” Kevin sobbed out. “I never wanted to feel like this, I would never have willingly done something like that. Not to her especially.” He cried into his hands.
Hermione patted him on the shoulder, “I’ll go talk to her, ok? I think it will be ok if you two can work together well.” She said honestly.
“What’s that means?” Kevin asked.
“I’m just saying, with good communication, a relationship canstruggle and not crumble.” She told him.
Ron just sat and stared at Kevin. “You really do care about her, huh?”
Kevin looked up, and wiped his face free of tears. “What makes you think that?” He spat.
“I’ve never seen you cry before, I saw you when you stumbled through the door with McGonagol after saving Percy. I never told anyone, you were almost dead, but you were standing strong, and you weren’t crying.” Ron said looking genuinly upset.
“Yeah, well this hurts a lot more than that did.” Kevin said. “Then, I almost died. Now, I almost wish I was dead.” He said.
“Don’t be like that. Ginny loves you. She will forgive you, she will understand, I mean you obviously wouldn’t have done it had it been your choice. I think she will come off it, If she’s mad at anyone it should be Mariah.” Ron said.
“I know right! I thought they were friends? That’s the only reason why I was even nice to her… Slytherins.” Kevin said singing.
Kevin got up and went to sit at the window in the corner and smoke a blunt. Just as he sparked it, Hermione followed by Ginny, came downstairs. Ginny’s eyes searched the room and they looked hurt and full of pain. He lowered his head, ashamed and feeling worse. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes, Ginny was walking across the room in his direction. He didn’t know what to think at first, but she sat in the chair beside his, out of the corner of his eye he saw Hermione leading Ron upstairs. He hit the blunt again and held it out to her, she took it and hit it. Handed it back and sat back staring at him. He did the only manly thing he could think of at the time.
He hit the blunt again, still staring back at her, and at the same time they said, “I’m sorry.” To each other. He looked at her throughout confused.
“What would you be sorry for?” He said. Then millions of thoughts started flowing though his head. He felt sick, she would never look at him again, never have anything to do with him again. She was sorry that she couldn’t forgive him.
“I’m sorry because- God this is stupid. I am so stupid.” She said grabbing the blunt and hitting it a couple times. He sat back and let her take her time. “Ok, I-I asked Mariah to do that.” His jaw almost hit the floor. “Well not that, but. Ok- She was supposed to like get you a little aroused and make an open offer and see what you would do. And I know that’s not what happened. She said it-it took control of her, she wrote me the saddest letter. I told her I forgive her, and I had to talk to you. I’m very sorry Kevin. I know that that was a lot of bullshit I put you through.” She said finishing and sitting back taking the blunt and hitting it.
His jaw was still open, “Wh-What?” He said, cradling his head in his handsand rubbing his face roughly.
“I know. I’m fuckin’ stupid.” She said getting teary eyed. “You probably hate me and I understand.” She said sobbing a little.
“No, I don’t hate you. C’mere.” He said patting his lap for her to sit in.
She wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly for a moment, he just held her back and let her take her time still. “I- -I-” She started, but Kevin cut her off.
“Shhh,” He said placing a finger on her lips softly. “It’s Ok, I understand, I know that you were thinking a lot about what your brother had said, and I know that your intentions were good whether or not the outcome was or not. And I still love you very much.” Kevin told her.
She was staring deep in his eyes, “You still love me?” She whispered.
“Yes,” He said, “and by the way, you don’t have to ask me that again because it’s going to be thesame answer for a while.” He said smiling.
She slide her hands down his face and led it softly to hers, she began to kiss him gently, then she softly made out with him. She leaned back putting her hands softly on his chest, “I love you too.” She told him.
He slide his hands up to her hips and she placed hers ontop of them and guided them to her breasts, he helped her remove her shirt and bra, and began licking and kissing her boobs. He was laid back in the chair and she was straddling him, with one hand he had a breast, the other breast in his mouth, and his other hand was on her ass or pussy. His cock was throbbing hard, and she pushed him back and pulled his belt off of him unbuttoning his pants. “I’m going to suck your cock and fuck you, and that will make up a little bit for what I done” She told him.
“No. Baby, you don’t have to make up for anything, I’m serious-” He started.
“Babe! BABE.” She saidraising her voice a little. “I want to.” She said looking him in the eyes, kissing him, then sliding down. His cock was already peeping out a little, and she easily exposed it, running her hands softly from top to bottom then back again. He sat back and looked into her eyes the whole time, then she lowered her head and engulfed his penis in her mouth. He leaned his head back and moaned with the amazing sensing, she was swirling her toung around the head, and sucking it whole. She was deep throwing his cock, and he started to shiver. She came back up, put her legs on the outsides of his, and grabbed his penis holding it under her pussy. He slide his hands softly along her legs and hips feeling goosebumps rise as he went. She leaned forward and put her head on his shoulder, her chest against his, shame breathing in his ear. She lowered herself on him slowly all the way down, he moaned into her neck and started kissing on it right after that, he heard her breathing change toa steady rhythmic pace as she started consistently pumping up and down on his cock. Then she stuffed it all the way inside, grabbed the back of the chair behind him, and started grinding forwards and backwards ontop of him. He immediately started moaning and his hands on her hips started helping her move ontop of him. His hips were thrusting upward to ensure he was deep inside of her. She was still breathing in his ear, moaning softly but steadily increasing, he moved his cock a certain way and felt her shiver, so he continued that movement. He could feel her orgasm mounting, her pussy was throbbing, she was softly biting his ear with constant whimpers and moans that were driving him mad. He pulled her face to his and started to kiss her passwordaltely, he also stifled her moan that was escaping loudly as her orgasm was peaking. She convulsed ontop of him and stopped for a moment, just sitting ontop of him. He was still panting and jerking around trying not to cum, because her pussy was contracting around his dick and it was still an amazing feeling. She finished and looked at him, they were both smoking and panting, she smiled. “I love you.” She said.
” I love you too baby, i’m about to cum too.” He said still panting.
“You like that?” She asked.
“I like it all, yeah.” He said.
In response she began grinding on him, deep and hard. She was intentionally moaning into his ear because she knew it drove him crazy. Her hands were in his hair, his hands were everwhere and she started to cum all over him. She slammed her pussy down ontop of him while he was moaning hard, she started to hit her waves of orgasm, and he took a deep breath and nutted hard. She felt his hot load began to shoot out of his cock and she grinded herself deep and hard ontop of him a couple of times until he stopped moaning and twitching. She held him to her, and finally they separated and clothed themselves. Then Ginny sat on hislap again and they smoked another blunt. He told her he still loved her and would do anything for her, but in the morning he might have a lie in and just think about it.
She stopped in front of him and whipped around. “What? Think? About what?” She stopped him dead.
“It’s just hard for me to accept what I done. I-I’m having problems with myself about it. I just still feel bad about it, like i’m not a good man.” He said shamefully hanging his head.
She immediately changed her tone, she took her hand and softly lifted his chin up, “You’re more of a man than all of the students in this school, and probably half of the faculty. My dad even said you were quite a gentleman, as did mum.” Ginny said to him. “I know that I won’t ever find anyone else like you boy, and i’m just afraid that another chick is going to see how amazing you are and take you from me. You make me feel safe, relaxed, calm, and complete. And when you tell me that you want to be with me a long time, it makes me happier than anything.” She said looking in his eyes.
“Well knowing that makes me feel a lot better, and I really mean that when I say it, everything, that I love you, that I want to be with you, keep being with you, and that I will do anything you ask.” He said, softly running his hand to her cheek, leaning down and kissing her softly. “Just tell me what you want, and it will make me happy to do it for you, I want you to be happy, I love you baby.” He said.
“I’d do anything for you too babe, and I love being with you, and I love you.” She told him.
“Well you can do something for me.” He told her.
“What’s that sweetie?” She asked smiling.
“I ask that you tell me everything that you want so I can get it for you, and I don’t want you to be afraid to tell me anything, ok?” He said.
“Ok baby, I willif that’s what you want.” She said.
“It is.” He told her, kissing her again. “You are amazing.” He said simply.
“I just don’t want you too feel like a bad man for what happened, because it really was my fault. And when you feel bad, it makes me feel worse. I don’t want to loose you, and I just had to be sure, and it was soo stupid-” She said. He started to interrupt her, but she raised her finger and he immediately feel silent. “But the point is, its over now, there’s nothing we can do about it. And I am sure, I am completely sure that you are loyal to me, because Hermione and my brother said you were devastated, Ron apologized to me over and over for saying what he said. He said that you really were a good guy, and if I should be with anyone, it should be you.” She said.
“What? Ron said that!” Kevin exclaimed.
“Yeah, I am not even kidding either. Ask him or Hermione, they will tell you that he told me that. I know I was shocked as shit too when he said it.” She finished.
“Wow, well, i’m glad that that didn’t just happen and you were mad at me for it, and I mean, i’m glad that you’re sure about me really wanting you and only you. I have been waiting for that from a girl from a while, someone who wants to make sure before they make sure. And if i’m still the lucky man that’s with you when you decide to get married, I would treat you as best as I could and try to give you the best, because that’s what you deserve. I really want to be with you for a long time Ginny, I love you.” He said.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and started kissing him, he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her up to his bed, and they slept beside each other, and awoke around eight o’clock. Ginny got up and stretched her arms and pulled her nightrobe on, Kevin stood and walked aroundd the bed to her. He was in his boxes still, he leaned down and gently kissed her while rubbing softly up her arms. She let out a satisfied moan with a smile, she gently kissed him back, then pulled open the curtains to find Ron getting a drink right there at the stone basin by Kevin’s bed.
“Morning.” He said, going about his way.
Ginny turned around and gave Kevin a ‘did you just see that shit?’ look, shook her head and went to the girls dorm to shower and change. Kevin did the same, when he was done, he waited for her at the foot of the stairs. He was sitting down on the bottom steps, she came down behind him, leaned down and put her hands under his chin lifting his head, and kissing him.
“You look beautiful sweetheart.” He told her adoringly.
“You held. Next time you do, can I do it?” She asked.
“Of course.” He told her. So when classes got out, Kevin had a normal man’s 2-day bear. Apparently he usually shacked 5 times a day, or more because of him being half-werewolf. She gave him a thin line down his jaw, and a small patch on his chin, with the smallest mustache barely noticeable in the light. Then she fixed his hair and told him that he was definitely the hottest guy in the school by far.
“Well, you are easily the most beautiful and amazing woman i’ve ever got to know in my life.” He told her taking her hand and kissing it softly.
Hermione and Ron were sitting at the couch across from Kevin and Ginny while this was going on, Hermione said to Ron. “See, he’s Romantic, still, and they’ve been dating as long as us!” She said. Ron put his arm around her and she rolled her eyes at him. Ginny giggled, Kevin smiled down at her.
“Will you get me some water?” Ginny asked him.
“Of course babe.” He told her, getting up and going to the stone basin conjuring a glass, without his wand. He brought it back, handing it to her and grabbing the large stone table, and scraping it loudly across the floor several inches closer so she could easily reach it. He sat back down, and she put one leg over his, and laid her head on his chest.
“I can hear your heartbeat.” She said to him.
“I can hear yours too.” He said, he kissed her gently, taking her hand and holding it.
“Yeah well, I can hear all four of ours.” Ron said jokingly from the other couch.
“I can hear the four of ours too bro.” Kevin said, joking right back. He looked over and Ron was smiling at him, and he noticed that he had gotten Hermione to take the same stand as Ginny. “Hey.” Kevin said very softly, only so that Ron could hear and maybe Ginny. Ron looked up, Ginny was still laying her head on his chest, Kevin gave Ron a hand gesture to get him to give Hermione a massage. Ron nodded, he asked her and she smiled, kissing him, then layed down. Right on his crotch. He nodded smiling at Kevin, and started to massage her. Occasionally Kevin could hear her moaning, probably on his cock.
“You want to take a walk? Before it gets dark.” Ginny asked Kevin.
“Yeah, that sounds great babe.” He said. They left Ron and Hermione, and when they got outside, then wind had picked up and the temperature had dropped a little. Kevin took off his cloak and wrapped it around Ginny.
“Babe, you’re groing to get cold in just your robe. I have my cloak.” She told him.
“Your cloak might not be enough, and I will be fine. Seriously I get hot in that thing. I only keep it with me because of the outrageous pocket spacing. But it’s compact, and lightweight, so no bulge or anything at all. It’s handy.” He told her.
“You sure?” She asked.
“Yes.” He said. “Definately.”
They walked around behind the quidditch fields and when they got onthe Southside of the stadium, the wind was blocked. “Ok. Yeah I am getting hot in this cloak. That’s crazy how warm it is.” She told him.
“I’ll see if I can’t get ahold of the lady that made this one for me. I will ask her to make one for you, a style that you like and all. She can do whatever you want, if she will.” He told her. “I will try to get her to do it. Let me know of a coat style that you really like, I will send it to her, with a plea. She might request something crazy like we have to come and have tea with her, and she will give it to you then, but we will have to do something like the dishes and take out her trash in a muggle neighborhood because that’s where she lives for security. But, if you want one, I will do whatever you want.” He told her.
“Ok.” She told him.
“Well, Valentines Day is coming up soon, I had already got you something, but I will give it to you sometimes before. Unless she absolutely refuses.” He told her.
“You’re so sweet boy.” She told him. She pushed him gently up against the wall, kissing him, then making out softly with him. He let her control him completely she relaxed her body against his, and he held her to him, she ran her hands through his hair, kissing him slowly and passwordately for several minutes. He kissed on her neck, and around her ears until she pulled his face back to hers intensely kissing him and rubbing her crotch against his. They both moaned as they combined, even with clothes on being that close to her made him go wild.
“Can you get inside this building, in the changing rooms?” She asked him.
“Well yeah, I can lock the door behind us too so that no one will come through it without us knowing first. But I mean, I will wait, I mean, don’t do this for me. Ok.” He said to her.
“I’m pretty sure it was my idea to take a walk, and I pushed you upAgainst the wall and started kissing you and I rubbed my crotch on yours. Not the other way around, and, and I asked if you could get inside, you didn’t bring it up.” She said smiling, but still holding onto him.
“Mmmm, ok, just wanted to make sure. C’mon, let’s go in from the cold.” He said leading her to a side door. He removed his wand from a pocket in his cloak, tapped the door and it opened. They walked inside and Kevin flipped on the lights. “Hello?” He called to no answer.
“What if someone from the castle see’s the lights on. It’s going to be dark really soon.” She told him.
“I cast a spell on the building before I turned them on so that from the outside, the lights still look off, no matter how close you are. Until you get inside.” He told her. “I put alarms on all the exits of the building, and then we’ll go in the changing rooms and I’ll securely lock that door.”He told her. He scooped her up into his arms, carrying her to the changing rooms, and sitting her gently on the couch, kissing her softly. He stopped for a moment, holding his wand at the door, it closed and locked.
“Mmmmm, all alone with my boyfriend.” Ginny said smiling mischievously at him. “Whatever could we do?” She said.
“I know something.” He told her, he started kissing her and gently lay her back on the couch, he had removed her top, and had her pants unbuttoned, working on getting them off, but they were very tight. He tried and tried, but she just layed there and smiled at him.
“W-Will you take them off?” He asked her.
“Is that what you want?” She said looking in his eyes.
“I want to eat your pussy.” He said nodding.
“Ok, but only of I can suck your dick right before you’re done.” She told him, putting her hands on her pants.
“If that’s what youwant babe, anytime.” He told her.
“I love swallowing your cum while you’re twitching and shaking with pleasure, it’s hot. She said kissing him again.
She laid back and worked her pants off, finally removing them and laying back, Kevin spread her legs, running his hands softly down the inside of her thighs hearing her breath get shallow. She licked her lips, looking him in the eyes, he softly let his toung touch her clip. She gave a little jerk, and he followed up with licking all over her clip and lips, sucking and licking. She tilted her head back, moaning, then getting a little smile on her face before she sharply inahled when he stuck his toung far inside of her pussy. She moaned hard, putting her hands on his head, and her pussy flowed with juices announcing the arrival of her soon-to-come orgasm. He continued his movements, while she twiched and moaned getting wetter and hotter in his mouth by the minute. He went wild and so did she, he was thrusting his toung hard and fast and as deep inside of her as he could and flicking it around. She started to escalade, she was completely shaking, taking quick short breaths, for about thirty seconds, before she grunted hard a few times jerking. “S-St-Stop.” She breathed out. As soon as he did, he looked up and she had laid her head back and was panting, with her mouth open like she was in shock, and all her muscles were twitching.
“You Ok?” Kevin asked her.
“Yeah, you just made me cum really, really hard.” She whimpered out. She leaned her head up and smiled at him. “I love you boy. C’mere, lay down, it’s your turn.” She told him.
“You can go in place of me.” He told her.
“But I really want to.” She said, pumping out her bottom lip. “Do you not like it when I do it?” She said.
“That is not it at all. You know how I react when you do that, it is amazing, I just wantto make sure you’re satisfied. Always.” He told her. Coming up to kiss her softly.
She started to unbuckle his pants, and unzip them, he stood and let them down. His cock was pointing up, she started licking the top, then went all the way to the bottom, licked his balls, then came back up licking. She came back to the top, she looked in his eyes and kissed the head of his penis, then stuffed it down her throat. He immediately started moaning, “Oh, God.” He said, running his hand through his hair and across his face.
“Are you Ok?” She asked him, stopping momentairly.
“Yeah-Yeah, I’m bet-better than Ok.” He panted.
With that she slid his cock down her throat, she was sucking on it, the base of it and then she would take it all the way back to the head. He was softly running his hands through her hair, and she was moaning on his cock. “I’m gonna cum soon.” He told her. She took her hand and cupped his balls, gently massaging them, she could feel him trembling and she could feel his cock throbbing. She tasted precum and knew he was very close. She went all the way down sucking and moving her toung as fast as she could, and he convulsed spluting cum into her mouth, for quite sometimes. He felt her swallow more than once, she continued to gently suck his cock until she got it all. Then she pulled his boxes up for him, and held close to him.
“I will never get enough of holding you Ginny,” He told her. “Or licking your pussy. Or you doing what you just did.” He told her.
“Good, don’t get tired of sex either. Because you are amazing, I can’t compare you to someone else because your the only one, but I still talk to the other girls and they’re like, ‘no I don’t ever get off when he’s on top because all he does is fuck me hard and in the same spot until he nutts or I get ontop. It’s like its a race or something.’ Yeah, so I know that your good, and I love it. I love you baby.” She told him.
They bundeled back up, and snuck back to Gryffindor Tower, there was only four or five first years in the common room and they were playing a game. Ginny quickly walked to the men’s shower with Kevin. She pulled him into a stall and shut the door locking it. She started removing her clothes, he couldn’t help but stare, it was the only thing that he could do. She finished and stood, staring at him. He closed his mouth, and licked his dry lips. He pulled his clothes off quickly and stepped up behind her while she was setting the water temperature. She rubbed her ass against him, then stood turning around and pulling him to her, she had backed up to the wall, she spread her legs and made sure her pussy was rubbing his cock, while she was kissing him. She reached down with a hand a started to massage and stroke it, holding it infront of her pussy. He watched her and let her play with his cockfor a moment kissing her, before putting his hands under her ass, living her up, and letting her wrap her legs around him tight, her back was against the wall, so he cast a cushoning charm on it for her. She was rubbing his cock, and pulling it towards her pussy, and rubbing it across her clip. She put the tip inside, then wrapped her hands around his neck. He pushed inside of her, she witnessed in his ear, softly running her fingers Through the back of his hair. He pushed into her for a few minutes, then he found her spot. He was holding his cock to the side, and she was moaning like mad, she convulsed severely times beneath him, licking the hot water off of his neck and shoulders. She was about to cum again, and he couldn’t hold out any longer. She was whimpering in his ear, and he was shaking hard. She moaned hard, and her pussy grabbed his cock and squeezed the cum out of it. She could feel it hot inside of her, and she moaned into his ear.
“That feel’s -S-So goodbaby, uhhh.” She was encouraging him.
“My C-cum?-” He panted still twitching.
“Yy-yea-Yeaaaah.” She said slamming her final orgasm quivering while she was holding onto him.
“Ah-uhhhhhh,” He moaned squrting more cum out, he was still holding her up against the wall, quivering and panting.
“I love the way your cum feels inside me.” She told him softly in his ear.
“You- Are- s-so fucking hott-” He was still panting. “It should- be -ille-illegal.”
She smiled arching her back, shoving her pussy hard onto his cock. He put his hands around her and slammed himself up inside of her a few times, he hit the small ball inside of her and she contracted around his cock, and he almost came again, he leaned against the wall, holding her on his cock while her pussy was throbbing and it was about to make him drop down. She was panting in his ear, and he was trembling all over, she slide her arms around his neck, and removed her legs from his wait, standing on her own. He was still holding himself up with the wall panting, she took advantage of this and started kissing him, licking the water from his neck, shoulders and chest. He was barely breathing, his eyes drifted almost closed, when she finally stopped. She waited, but he was still immobile. She gently put her hand on his chin, he opened his eyes, they looked glassy. He looked like he was dazed, “Babe?” She said softly.
He took a deep breath and shakily let it out, opening and shutting his eyes a few times, and shaking his head he finally got his vision focused.
“You ok?” Ginny asked him.
He nodded, sliding his hands to her hips and kissing her very slowly. He slide his arms around her and they held each other. He told, “You are amazing. Really.” He said in her ear, then he pulled back and looked into her eyes. “I love you. I am willing to commit everything that I have in my lif to you.” He said still looking in her eyes and holding her to him. He was very serious, “Everything, my house, my gold, my everlasting attention and devotion, everything I posses. I will do anything to make you the only woman in my life, and me the only man in yours. I am completely and insanely in love with you Ginny.” He said looking in her eyes for a response.
She smiled looking back at him, “I love you too boy, I would do anything for you, and I do hope that i’m the only woman in your life from now on.” She said.
“Then it will be so…” He said.
They finally got out of the shower, and it was time for dinner, they have got dressed and joined the school in the great hall. After dinner Kevin and Ginny layed on the couch and held each other, talking and listening to thoughts, or stories. Anything, Kevin told her how beautiful she looked, and she started kissing him, and softly making out with him. “I Love you.” Kevin said to her. He was about to kiss her again, when he felt something a little hot in his pocket. He sat up straight and pulled everything out of his pocket laying it on his lap. “What?” He picked up two keys. They looked identical.
“What?” Ginny asked not understanding why he was so confused.
“This is my Gringotts key, and it just- I guess- copied itself.” Kevin explained. “I-I think maybe, it’s because what I was telling you earlier. I really mean it, and I think that’s why the key copied itself, so here. It’s all yours, i’m serious or it wouldn’t have happened.” He said looking in her eyes, and handing her the other key.
“Wow. I-I wish I could give you something in return-” She started.
“You do!” He interrupted. “Everyday, your smile, your laugh, a kiss, to hold you and know that your my girl is amazing. I don’t know what your thinking girl, but you’ve gave me more than I can ever return. I can keep trying though, and that makes me happy. I love you and you loving me back is worth more than anything I posses, worth more than anything I can think of actually.” He told her. “You will probably just know the password to enter my castle while i’m away, but I will tell you anyways.” He started.
“It’s ok. We have years ahead of us remember…” She said using a statement he had used weeks ago. Smiling she kissed him gently. Suddenly, a school owl flew in with a letter from Madam Pompey stating that she wasn’t sure if she had given Ginny the right potion. She wanted her to come to the Hospital Wing.
Kevin stared at her wide eyed…”Oh, yeah well, if you’re not on the right potion, you’re already pregnant. I know. I’m going with you, when she finds out it’s me that you’re dating, she will definitely do a pregnancy test.” He told her seriously.
They walked to the hospital wing and when Kevin followed Ginny in, Madam Pompey looked seriously at the two of them, she turned to Kevin. “You?” She asked.
He nodded.
“Oh my,” She said softly walking into her back room.
“Wow,” Ginny said putting her head in her hands. “This is really serious, my life could change forever.” She said.
Kevin walked to her side, putting his hand on her shoulder, “I don’t know what it’s worth to you now, but i’m behind you 100% no matter what, Ok.” He told her. She wrapped her arms around him, and he held her to his chest, “It’s gonna be ok.” He whispered in her ear softly kissing her on the cheese. Madam Pompey returned, she cast a spell on Ginny’s stomach, she told them if she was pregnant, it would turn very yellow. Kevin and Ginny were holding their breath’s, they waited a few minutes before Madam Pompey concluded the session telling Ginny sorryfor bothering her, but she was clearly taking the right potion.
Ginny let out a shaky breath, covering her heart with her hand. Madam Pompey gave her a calming potion, patted Kevin on the supposedr and bade them goodnight. They held hands, but walked in silence all the way to Gryffindor tower. They held each other, not speaking and fell asleep in each others arms on the couch in the common room. In the morning when they awoke it was very early, no one was in the common room. Ginny awoke first, but Kevins started rustling at her movement, just as he opened his eyes she covered them with her hand.
She heard him smell quickly and relax recognize her scent, “Don’t open your eyes, focus on touch.” She told him softly sliding her hand away, his eyes were shut.
“Are yours closed as well?” He asked her.
She giggled, “You can have your turn in a minute.” She told him.
“Ah I see.” He said smiling. She brought herlips to his neck, she felt him swallow. She traced his jaw line and softly kissed him for a moment before taking his ear in her mouth, she was running her hands softly through the back of his hair. She straddled him, grinding ontop of him while she was making out with him. She pulled his shirt up and started kissing on his nipple, then down his chest and around his stomach, she unbuttoned his pants and slide them down, he kicked them off.
“Eyes closed.” She told him, her lips still tracing above his boxes, she pulled them down slowly following them with her lips. She started licking the bottom of his cock, and continued kissing and licking all the way to the top, she pushed his boxesers down. She licked his penis until it was wet, she grabbed it and started to pull on it, she held it up and started to lick and kiss his balls she went behind them and licked almost to his asshole, she put his balls in her mouth and gently massaged them for a minute feeling the hot precumon her hand while she was rubbing him. She came up a little putting the head of his cock in her mouth and running her toung across it sucking a little. She felt the muscle tense and his penis moved up. She looked up at him his eyes were still closed and she slowly slip his cock inside her mouth watching as his eyes clenched and he trembled, when she got to the bottom and shoved her face hard against his crotch sucking and running her toung along the base of his cock, she could hear him whimper and moan. As she came up she massed his cock with her toung all the way back to the tip. “You can open your eyes.” She told him looking directly into his taking his cock all the way down again, he bit his bottom lip trying to hold his eyes open as they drifted shut, he was moaning and when she finally stopped he had goosebumps and was close to busting a nut. “Ok.” She whispered kissing him gently and laying back.
“My turn?” He said smiling.
“Mmmmm,huh.” She said closing her eyes. He softly kissed her trailing down her jaw line, taking her ear while rubbing his hand softly on her side, she moaned softly, he kissed down the side of her neck, pulling her shirt up and kissing her breasts. He immediately started to remove her pants, and he pulled them and her underwear off, tossing them aside. He started licking her clip, he licked it for several minutes, then went deep inside of her pussy with his toung, until she was shivering. She thought he was done but he told her to roll over on her stomach, she did as he asked. He started to lick her pussy, then he licked behind it, and keep going. He spread her cheats a little, licking inside of them. He heard her inhale sharply, he went further licking directly on it, sliding his toung up and down and across slightly prodding at her hole. She was rubbing her clip, he stuck his toung inside of her, moving it around, he took one hand and started to finger her pussy trying to gently rub her spot that he hit with his cock. She started gurgling a little, moaning, she whimpered for several seconds of which Kevin’s dick was seeing precum and they both had goosebumps. He licked the outside clean of his saliva, producing his toung inside her pussy for a few moments while she moaned sliding her hands across his head, through his hair. He sucked on her whole pussy, making large laps across all of it. She rolled over on her back, He was still facing her pussy, he licked her clip a couple times before she pulled him up, kissing him and spreading her legs, wrapping them around him. She put her hands in his hair, and he slid his cock inside of her gently pushing it deep into her pussy. He stayed there looking in her eyes, she looked deep into his, pulling his face to hers and passwordately kissing him, they both moaned and he pushed himself as far inside of her as he could, he started gently thrusting into her, but soon she was pulling him deeper, and he started to slam his cockhard into her pussy their pelvis bones touching almost constantly. He was slamming into her hard moaning when she started to orgasm, first she was moaning loudly, then it got softer and softer, then she was whimpering and grabbing at him pulling him into her as she whimpered in his ear softly. He was slamming into her hard and her pussy was contracting and he couldn’t help but start to shiver and moan into her neck. She stopped everything, he grabbed her hips and started to slam deep and hard inside of her knowing he was about to cum. She started taking sharp quick breaths, and she moaned, screamed really, and her pussy contracted on his cock and he let out a loud moan. She could feel his dick spluting cum inside of her, it would twitch and she could feel the hot cum seeing out of it. She was still whimpering from her huge orgasm and her pussy was spasming. He collapsed ontop of her, shaking and breathing hard, she ran her hands lightly across his back. He pushed deep inside her a few times enjoying her smile and moans before pulling his drenched cock out of her pussy. They put their pants back on and held each other kissing until people started coming down to the common room. They joined everyone for breakfast and after every class Kevin waited for Ginny and he would carry her books for her and wish her a happy hour. Everything was going great between the two of them.
Until one day. Kevin walked around the corner after using the bathroom and taking Ginny to charms when he walks up on Ginny and Harry Potter making out in the hallway.
“What the FUCK?!?” Kevins jaw almost hit the floor. He stared at her like he didn’t even know what she was, he didn’t.
Then he turned his eyes on Harry and the werewolf in him could be seen, red glint in his eyes. “I should fucking KILL YOU, you punk mother-FUCKER!” He yelled taking a stomp forwards. “FUCK!” He turned andWalked away and Ginny didn’t see him again, nor did Harry. Apparently he left Hogwarts.
Ginny and Harry dated for a while, almost a year and then Harry cheated on her with Cho Chang and then married her. Ginny was distraught, then she knew how Kevin felt and she felt like a slut. She stayed home for a long time not dating anyone, graduated. She got a job at an inn in Hogsmead. Several months later there was a big party at Katie Bell’s house and a lot of the old Gryffindor’s were going to attend, a reuniun kindof.
Kevin had kept to himself, for over a year, actually right before the party Lee and Katie had broken up. Katie had owled Kevin and he went to her house. They were holding each other, and Katie was crying she was sad. Kevin understand and was just being a good friend holding her and talking with her. She put her hand on his chest and started to kiss his cheek, he let her continue and she got to his lips and he deepened the kiss at that point. “IStill love him, and I want him back, I-I need this, but if you can’t I under-” She started to say.
“It’s ok. I’m single and if I can help you in any way, I will.” He told her honestly. “I still love her, you know that.” He said.
She made out with him and they started undressing. He went down on her then she pulled him up and stuck his cock in her pussy wrapping her legs around him. He pushed and slide all the way inside, it felt really good, he hadn’t had sex in over a year. He started pumping into her pretty hard and she started to moan. He knew right were her spot was, he dated her long ago, he put his dick on it and she started going wild underneath him. “Oh my god y-yes. You-You’re still awesome-uh- why would she- ch-cheat on you?” She moaned and whimpered.
Kevin slammed into her harder making it where she couldn’t talk, “Why would he want someone else’s pussy? When you cum it grabs my cockand tries to milk that shit.” He said in her ear knowing how talking dirty got her off. Then he took her ear in his lips and ran his tongue all over it, she started whimpering softly in his ear, then she put her hands in the back of his hair knowing his cock would twitch and when it did she tightened herself and enjoyed his gasp and moan. He started kissing her neck slamming deep inside of her, she stopped him and rolled him over. She went down and sucked his cock, she had a thing about doing that in the middle of sex, he didn’t mind at all it was hot.
“Oh god-” He moaned.
“There’s no way you’re about to cum… i know you.” She said.
“Yeah well I havn’t had sex or anything in like a year.” He told her.
“Really?” She said slamming her pussy on his cock watching his reaction.
“Uhhhhh-yess-” He moaned. He softly slid his hands across her breasts, and she started grinding on him hard,apparently she had him right where she wanted him because she was holding his arms tightly, he started to thrust his cock up at her to meet her stroke harder. Everytime he did she whimpered, he couldn’t help but start to shake.
“Are you about to cum? Seriously?” She asked him looking amazed.
“Yeah… I-I’m sorry its just-” He started.
“No- I always wanted you to cum fast and hard, but I couldn’t make you, and now you’re having to try and hold out for my third orgasm. YES!” She said grinding on him hard.
“Uhhhh, Ok baby whatever you want- ahh” He moaned and whimpered closing his eyes and starting to tremble hard. “It’s coming, you kn-know?” He told her moaning hard.
She was breathing hard, “Yeah, Well so am I-I-Yeahhh ah” She whimpered slamming down on him and grinding while her pussy was going crazy clenching and unclenching on his cock.
“Uhhhhhh-” He thrust upwards squirting cum deep inside of her pussy and with her just laying motionless ontop of him, her pussy was still making him jerk and twitch and cum was shooting out of his cock for several seconds while he was gripping her ass and pumping his cock up inside of her until he stopped. She laid ontop of him watching him tremble, she had a glazed look in her eyes. She laid her head on his chest, kissing it loudly and just holding him.
“You’re really sweet Kevin, I’m glad were such good friends.” She told him.
“Me too.” He said holding her.
After that he went home and he hadn’t heard from Katie since then, he told her that if she needed anything to let him know, she said she knew and he left. He got an invitation to this reunion party thing, he thought he would check it out for Katie’s sake, he didn’t know who all would be there. He put on some nice jeans and a nice looking shirt, when he got there it was a full-blown party! He immediately pulled a blunt out of his pocket and lit it and starting to smoke it seeing that all kinds of shit was going down already. He spotted Katie, she ran over to him and hugged him kissing him on the cheese. “I’m so glad you’re here!” She screamed so he could hear her over the crowd and music.
“Big party, I was surprised I didn’t know what to expect.” He told her.
“Wanna dance?” She asked him. Winking. He saw Lee in the corner of his eye.
“With you? Yeah I’d love to dance, sweetie.” He said checking her out and smiling.
He didn’t say it too loud or too quiet, and he caught the slightest glance at Katie from Lee, she sat down her drink and draped her arms around his shoulders. He already had his hands on her hips, he was in her ear whispering, “He totally looked when you asked me.” He told her.
“Thanks you’reso great-“
“I told you anytime you need something-“
“Ginny’s here.”
“Harry cheated on her, she’s been single for like 3 months. Maybe she learnt-“
“Nah, I dunno-“
“You still love her.” Katie pulled back and looked in his eyes. “She told Hermione that she wished she hadn’t have done that to you. Don’t worry I told Hermione that you were just flirting with me because your helping me make Lee jealous, I think she told Ginny.”
“See I knew you were interested.” She said smiling.
“All right a little. I mean, she was-“
“No she IS, she is a sweet girl ok, really think about a second chance, she’s not a completely different person even though something may have changed, you know that people can change and how stubborn people can be at learning from their mistakes.”
“Mmmm yea your right of course, thanks Katie your a doll.” The song ended, Kevin kissed her on the cheese and her hand and led her off of the dancefloor. “I’m gonna get a drink.” He said saying goodbye noticing Lee watching him.
He walked to the butterbeers and was standing there drinking one, when someone behind him spoke. “Hey Kevin, I havn’t seen you in a long time.” He would have recognized that voice anywhere.
Not Ginny, No. It was her brother. “And how have you been Ron?” Ron walked out, he looked almost thirty even though he wasn’t.
“Not too bad, you know how to disappear don’t you?” Ron chuckled a little looking younger. “My sister is here.” He said.
“Hmm, I’ll have to say hi if I see her.” Kevin said.
“She’s right over there, you should go talk to her.” He said pointing.
“Why?” Kevin said.
“Well because you havn’t seen her in a while right?” He said.
“Yeah, but why doesn’t she come talk to me. I mean if, she wants to.” Kevin said looking at Ron.
Ron knew what he was getting at. “Ok yeah she wanteds to talk to you, well she wants you to talk to her lets say that. Does that answer your question?” Ron said exasperated.
“Yeah, thanks bro.” He said patting him on the shoulder, smiling and walking away.
He moved around the dance floor near the barstool’s. Ginny was sitting on one, her back was turned and she was talking to Hermione. Kevin sat down, neither of them noticed him. He could hear them, “So are you sure he’s coming?”
“Yeah Katie said he was here. Ron’s supposed to talk to him if he see’s him. He’ll be her-” Hermione stopped finally seeing him sitting there. He smiled chuckling a little. She gave Ginny a look and she turned slightly seeing him out of the corner of her eye and pretending not too. Kevin ordered a double shot, he killed that and then sent a shot to Ginny and Hermione, raising his glass. Ginny motioned for him to come sit with them, he walked and sat down on the other side of her. “Hey.” He said smiling. He took another double shot.
“How’ve you been?” Ginny asked.
“Ok I guess, just chillin you know.” He said pulling out another blunt and puffing on it not remembering where his last one went. The bartender gave him an ash tray, he sat down his cigar to take another shot.
“Can I?” Ginny said looking at the blunt.
“Uh huh, sure can!” He said smiling happily. “So how’ve you been?” He asked her.
“Ok you know, same thing. Different day.” She said. They talked for a little while smoking the blunt together, Hermione left to dance with Ron. Kevin and Ginny sat there and laughed and talked Kevin had quite a few shots and was pretty buzzed if not drink.They asked each other if they were dating both said no, both of them smiled and nodded looking away.
Ron walked up holding Hermione and they were laughing. “C’mon you two, there’s a dance competition! It’s great!” So Ginny and Kevin walked to the stage, people were going crazy, then a really jazzy song came on and the crowd roared. Ginny looked questioningly at him holding her hand out. He took it and followed her to the middle of the crowd, she turned around and started grinding her ass up against him, he put a hand on her hip and moved with her, surprising her. He would stand and she would lower her ass almost to the floor. They were having fun, people were laughing, she put her crotch to his and they grinded. She had her hands around his neck, she slide one hand up the back of his hair for just a moment, while shoving her pussy on his cock. She turned at him, pushing him away dancing on her own, he recovered coming up behind her and she was leaned backso that she was almost sitting on his cock, he was thrusting it at her ass. He knew she could feel it. The song ended and they sat down Kevin got them drinks, he had a beer this time. Ginny was sitting closer to him, she had a water and a couple of shots.
“I’m getting a little drink, I think.” She said after sitting there taking her shots and sipping her water.
“Yeah. You ok?” He asked her.
“Yeah, just getting a little drink you know, just a fair warning.” She said giggling.
“And what are you warning me about?” Kevin asked her.
“We’ll I might do something crazy. You never know.” She said.
“Oh, I see.” He said nodding.
“I might get really flirty.” She told him smiling.
“Oh.” That was all he said.
“What about you?” She asked.
“I guess i’d have to flirt back.. I dunno what you want?” He asked a little confused.
She smiled laughing a moment, “I mean are you getting drunk.”
“Oh, No i’m not really that drink.” He said laughing a little, he had sobered up since the dance.
“Mmm well I am!” She said loudly laughing. He smiled at her she was pretty lit up, she was staring at him biting her lip.
“You look really good, did I tell you that?” She said leaning closer to him.
“No. You look really good too, did I tell you that?” He said smiling at her.
“Yeah I think you have.” She said giggling a little.
“Well I will tell you again then.” He said still smiling at her, she was really cute and her being drunk was making her very outgoing and he was feeling shy so it was bringing out the best in both of them.
“I’ll listen as many time’s as you’ll tell me.” She said looking at him with lustful eyes.
He swallowed hard. “You look amazing Ginny.” He saidsoftly.
She giggled. “Your really sweet.”
“No, Your really sweet and you look beautiful by the way.” He said making her giggle some more.
“How many times will you tell me that?” She said, she was really close to him, she had scooted her stool next to his and she was leaned over close to him.
He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “I’ll tell you over and over until you get tired of hearing it.” He said and leaned back. She put her hand ontop of his looking in his eyes, he didn’t move.
“I’m sorry. I know how you feel now. I-I shouldn’t have hurt you like that, you were the best thing that ever happened to me. Is it too late?” She asked him.
“We should talk about this sometimes when you’re not so drunk-” Kevin started.
“I’m not that drunk Kevin.” She said honestly.
“Ok. To answer your question, No.” He said.
“No?” She said.
“It’s not too late.” He said.
“You give me a second chance?” She asked.
He nodded lighting another blunt, he sat it in the ashtray standing and taking her hand. He pulled her to her feet then wrapped his arms around her hugging her tightly. “I really missed you girl.” He said in her ear.
“I missed you too.” She said holding him close. She snuggled her head against his chest feeling his warmth surrounding her, she feel safe and secure when she was holding him. She really didn’t realize how much she missed it. They hugged for a long time, then Kevin let go and Ginny finally let go, but when he sat down she put her stool up against his, and was sitting right next to him, their hips touching. He used to give her a “Number 2” hit when they we’re going out, and he would take a hit and kiss her then she would inhale the smoke.
He took a hit, “Number 2?” He asked smiling.
She quirked her eyesbrows immediately sliding one hand behind his head of course through his hair, and taking her tongue and exploring his mouth then inhaling a hit and leaving with a small kiss. She sat back grinning a little, and blew her smoke out like it was nothing. He sat back and stared at her, letting her know, he knew that she liked for a guy to be very obvious about wanting her. She tried to not notice it but he knew she was gloating inside, there was two or three girls behind him, but he was completely oblivious to them with her infront of his eyes, she knew it and loved it. He could scent that she was hot, horny hot, wet, he could smell her, he remembered exactly what that scent was like and he inhaled deeply closing his eyes.
“What?” She asked.
He smiled staring at her still, “Just lost my breath for a second.” He said. “Another 2?” He said hitting the blunt. This time she throw a leg over him straddling him and wrapping her armsAround his neck while making out with him, then she inhaled deeply. She continued making out with him, grinding her pussy on his cock while one hand was moving between her breast and her side and the other was glued to her ass helping her grind her his cock. She stopped and blew out her hit, she took the blunt and hit it while he stared at her, his hands still where they were although the one on her ass was caresing it. He leaned up sliding His hand around her neck moving her hair and starting to kiss gently on her ear, “You’re so damn sexy, you know that right?” He said kissing on her neck.
She let him continue around the other side back up to her ear. “S-Stop.” She said.
He immediately leaned back looking to her face. She climbed off of him sitting back beside him. She bit her lip, “I’m getting really horny.” She told him.
“Oh, god, wouldn’t want that to happen now would we. And c’mon I mean look at my bulgingpants, i’m not even horny.” He said sarcastically, then laughing.
She laughed with him, taking his hand. “Come with me?” She asked standing.
“Anywhere.” He said following her lead, taking her hand in his. He followed her upstair’s Ginny gave the password and unlocked a guest room, locking the door behind them after they entered. “How do you know the password?” Kevin asked her.
“Well I told Katie I liked you, well told Hermione to get the point across, and she told me when I got here that you would be here and she gave me the password and said that if we needed to be alone we could come here. She’s really nice.” Ginny told him.
“Yeah, me and Katie are good friends.” He said agreeing with her.
“So about that bulge in your pants……” She said sitting on the bed, laying back and staring at the bulge. “Wow.”
He walked to her, unbuckling his belt and dropping his pants, kicking them and his shoes off scared in his shirt and boxes, then pulling off his shirt. He was standing at her feet, she was laying back on the bed, and her legs were hanging off the side. She looked him up and down.
“What do you want?” He asked her.
She had forgotten how amazing he was, he always wanted to do it the way she wanted it, whatever she wanted. However she wanted it. “C’mere.” She said, he crawled ontop of her, she put one hand on his ass pushing his bulge into her pussy, the other hand was in the back of his hair pulling his face to hers while she made out with him intensely. She started moaning, she pulled back and looked in his eyes, he slid her dress up, over and off of her head, he started to kiss on her breasts, after a few moments she put her hand on his head knowing he loved to be shoved into her pussy, she gently shoved him, the she grabbed her panties pulling them down and letting him pull them off, she had her hand onHis head and she guided it to her clip he stayed there for a moment then she pushed his head further down and he stuck his tongue deep inside of her pussy. She held him their playing with his hair and moaning softly, “Hang on.” She said stopping him. He leaned back a little, she rolled over on her stomach, “Your the only man I let near this.” She told him, and he immediately started lapping at her cheeks and he gently spread them licking all over. She moaned and squirmed, he shoved two fingers in her pussy and started to finger her, and he prodded his tongue deep inside of her, she moaned and he could feel hot cum surge through her pussy, his hand was all wet from her cum. He darted his tongue in and out quickly and she started shivering and moaning, “My-My pussy- Llick-it please.” She moaned and he went deep inside of it with his tongue rubbing on her clip. He reached up with another hand and grabbed on of her tit’s, he moaned hard into her pussy, and he could feel her taking a deep breath and starting to shake. “Uhhhhnnnhhhhh,” She moaned clenching the pillow in her fists. She was moaning and breathing hard, she rolled over and looked into his eyes, he was still staring at her pussy. She nodded, he softly licked it while she ran her hands through his hair and whimpered.
“Lay down.” She said to him. He stood.
“Because I want to suck your dick. Please.” She asked.
“You want to?” He asked laying down on the bed.
She got between his legs, “I want to bad.” She said coming up and kissing him rubbing his cock on the outside of her pussy while he kissed her and looked deep in her eyes. She slip down, and pulled his boxers off of him. She kissed the head of his dick looking in his eyes, than taking it all the way down and sucking hard. His mouth fell open and he leaned his head back closing his eyes, she stayed down for a long time sucking hard and when she came up he let out a moan and a sight, gasping for air.
“Oh my god…” He moaned out.
“What’s wrong?”
“You’re amazing. I-I – Your amazing.” He stuttered incomprehensivly. “Uhhhhhnn” He moaned as she sucked his cock back down her throat, in just a couple minutes of her mouth on his cock he started to shiver and shake. “I’m going to.. G-Gin-B-I’m-cu-cumming-” He said gently rubbing on the back of her head, she went all the way down on his cock, and he thrust it hard up and started nutting hard. He felt her swallow and start to move her toung around, he was still shooting out cum, she swallowed again, and he grabbed her head and shoved his cock deep in her mouth.
“Mmmmmmm,” She moaned around it moving her tongue faster and sucking harder. He blasted a huge wave of cum deep in her mouth and she kept her head at the bottom of his cock sucking hard until he stopped moaning andmoved his hand from her head. He was still shaking all over, she came up laying ontop of him, her pussy ontop of his cock that was going limp from cumming so hard.
“You like that boy?” She asked him running her hands through his hair.
” That was amazing. You are amazing. I liked that a lot sweetie.” He told her kissing her gently. They got dressed and rejoined the party, the next morning Kevin asked to take Ginny out to lunch, they went and then that night he asked her to stay with him. She told her parents she was going out for the night, and at 7:30 she was stepping off the knight bus being greeted very warmly. He was waiting with roses and she throw her arms around him kissing him intensely. “You look beautiful.” He said immediately.
“You still havn’t got your eyes checked.” She said smiling.
“They told me I could see like an eagle, so you should take my word for it.” He said smiling. They walked to hiscastle, Kevin led her inside and they sat down on a couch, and Kevin introduced his house-elf family. They talked for a little while, Kevin asked her if she wanted a drink. She accepted and they had some shots and she had a glass of wine. He started kissing her this time, she moaned and laid back pulling him ontop of her. His cock was laying on her pussy and as they kissed she could feel it getting harder. She slide her hand down his pants and started rubbing it, she was kissing in his ear.
“I want it.” She said to him. He picked her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist, and he carried her to his bed. Laying her down softly and crawling ontop of her. “We havn’t done it here since-wow.” She stopped caught in the memory.
He was looking deep in her eyes, “Our first time.” He told her. She started kissing him and she pulled his shirt off of him, she was trying to get his pants off too, but he was busy starting to undress her. He got herShirt off and she finally helped him get her pants and underwear off. He laid her back, grabbing her boobs and kissing her, then heading down.
“Mmmmm.” She moaned watching him, he started licking it and she went wild, he licked her ass and made her cum while doing it, then made her cum again by licking her pussy. She wanted more. His cock was rock hard, it was sticking out of the top of his boxes. She pushed him back pulling his pants down and sticking his cock deep in her throat. She pulled it out, “Fuck my mouth.” She told him.
He just stared at her until she had his cock all the way in her mouth and she moaned at him like ‘c’mon’. He put his hand on the back of her head and started to pump himself in and out of her warm mouth, “Mmmmmmm.” He moaned. She stopped again.
“Do it harder.” She said sucking him back inside. Before she could get her mouth to the bottom on her own, he shoved his cock hard in her mouthand held it deep inside, she was moaning and trying to pull back a little so he let go.
“Keep fucking it.” She told him.
He directed his cock at her open mouth sliding it inside, then grabbing her head with both hands ramming his cock down her throat hard and fast, he feel her gag once, the next time he held her head down hard she moaned, then she gagged and coughed.
“You ok?” He asked her
“Yeah sorry I-“
“Whoa, don’t be sorry, that was awesome!” He slip his hand down her cheek and kissed her gently. He pulled back, but she pulled him back ontop of her on the bed. She looked him in the eyes and spread her legs letting him lay between them, she reached down and grabbed his dick, putting the tip to her entrance. He leaned forwards and kissed her deeply, and shoved himself all the way inside of her.
“Ahhhh.” She said biting her lip. “Please go slow.”
“Mmm sorry, I will ok."; He said trying to catch his breath. He pumped softly in and out of her for a few minutes until she started thrusting her pussy upwards at his cock and moaning in his ear.
“Ohhh yeah, baby- I don’t know why I would ever have wanted anyone else.” She moaned in his ear. “Go deeper.”
He slid closer, pulling her legs up, she put them on his shoulder’s and he had them almost touching the pillow behind her head, he was slamming deep inside of her, and she had ahold of his hips pulling him into her hard. “Uhhhh y-y-yeeeess” She screamed. Her pussy contracted hard on his cock, he shoved himself deep in her scooting as close as he could and shoving into her hard trying to go deep inside of her pussy , “uh huh huh ahh ah.” She whimpered shaking violently each time.
“Mmm you are so damn sexy girl!” He said looking down at her trembling underneath him and around his cock.
“Cum deep in my pussy.” She whimpered in his ear and at that point he didn’t even care whether or not she was on the potion, and he started slamming inside of her and shaking and moaning and she orgasmed for the five minutes that he fucked her hard and wild until he busted a huge nutt deep inside of her and he kept pumping making her cum one last time then he collapsed ontop of her, letting her pussy milk him of all that he had. She witnessed against him, pulling his face to hers and kissing him gently. “That was amazing.” She said smiling at him.
“You were amazing.” He said, still panting he pulled his cock out of her. There was a huge wet spot on the bed where she had came so much, which made him very happy. They went in the living room, and the elves had made dinner, so they ate, Ginny keep watching Kevin and when they were done she was snuggling next to him making out with him. “You horny today or what?” He said looking amazed at her but smiling.
“Yeah can I trysomething?” She asked.
“Girl I will do whatever you ask.” He told her sitting up.
“Mmmm, ok. She pulled his dick out sucking it until it was a little hard, “Will you lick my pussy a little and lick my ass a lot, get it nice and wet because I want to do something.” She said.
“Seriously?” He asked looking amazing.
“Yeah you like that?” She asked standing and shaking her ass in his face, he stood behind her rubbing his cock on her ass while her reached around in front of her and fingered her for a moment while kissing on her neck and holding her boobs. She was grinding her ass on his cock, and he started to unbutton and pull down her pants and panties, he dropped to his knees. She faced him looking down into his eyes and putting her hands on his head, he held her pussy lips open and started licking the inside and sucking on it, she moaned and pushed him down further. He went wild shoving his tongue as far inside of her as he could and moving it around flicking it. She got really wet and took a deep breath, turning around, getting on her hands and knee’s on the couch. He slammed his cock inside of her pussy hard and fast for about thirty seconds and then shoved it as deep inside as he could at that angle and rubbed her clip grinding hard inside of her and kissing on her ear. She slammed an orgasm, and he pulled out and licked it a little more before going to her ass. He licked the outside all over, then got as far inside as he could until she was satisfied and then she hummed on his cock getting it soaked in spit and she turned around begging him to be easy.
He slide behind her spreading her cheeks putting the tip just on the hole, any further and it would start to stretch the skin a little. He whispered in her ear, “This really really feels weird and kinda hurts at first no matter how slow I go ok?If you don’t want to do it I will slam your pussy and no prob-“
She putHer hand on his ass and started scooting her ass onto his cock, she surprised him, she almost got the head of his cock in without stopping. He was gently rocking back and forth, she finally slowly backed him in about 6 inches or so when he started to just fuck her with that much, he fucked her for about ten minutes, he still had about 3 inches more, and when she started moaning for him to go harder it was hard for him not to plumge deep into her. He gradually slid into her, and she had an orgasm with every inch he shoved into her. He was pumping steadily into her and she had her ass in the air pulling at him. She had him reach around and finger her and she was screaming his name becoming him not to stop. Just as she started to hit a big orgasm he went from two fingers to three and shoved himself deep inside of her. She moaned and screamed, and she trembled not saying anything, Inresponsive. “Baby?” Kevin said. “Baby.” He whispered in her ear and shoved three fingersback in her pussy.
“Uh uhuhhuh.” She moaned slightly opening her eyes.
“You ok?” He asked her.
“Mmmmm yeah baby but I like it better in my pussy.” She said looking behind her at him.
“Yeah so do I, you want me to pull out and fuck you in the pussy instead?” He asked her.
“Yeah, would you rather?” She asked.
“Yes.” He said pulling his dick out but before he could put it inside of her she laid him down and climbed on top of him. He put his hands on her breasts and she stuffed his cock in her pussy and started riding him hard. She was cumming ontop of him and he nutted hard cumming inside of her. She whimpered in his ear moaning and sucking on his neck leaving a huge hickie. He was panting, and she had collapsed shaking from her orgasms and his hot cum. She lay beside him, and they fell asleep and awoke in the morning and Kevin took Ginny home, they had been owling each other, she was workingpart-time in hogsmead at the inn, so he hadn’t seen her in about a week and a half. He went to the Inn one night before her shift ended and he rented a room and they slept beside each other, nothing sexual, and the next morning he ate her pussy, and she pulled him inside of her, but he came hard and pretty fast she had three orgasms, but she had to go meet with her parents. It had been two weeks before he saw her again, they had lunch together, and then Kevin had to go off for a week on ministry business.
When he returned he immediately contacted Ginny, she was home, not at work. She told him she needed to see him, right away. He adopted to the edge of the property, and stood at the gate ringing the bell. Ginny came running out, she throw her hands around his neck and kissed him.
” I missed you baby.” He told her smiling.
They were walking around outside of the house, when Ginny told Kevin something that he fell to his knee’s over.
Ginnyaid that she wasn’t on the potion. She went to the doctor.
He already knew what the rest was, he knew that she was pregnant if she wasn’ t on the potion.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked her, standing and holding her to his chest calming her.
“Because I needed you at the time, really bad.” She said looking up in his eyes.
He kissed her nose, “It will be ok. Do your parents know?” He asked.
“Yeah.” She told him.
“Girl or Boy?”
“Can we wait to know.” She asked him.
“Yes babe.” He told her. He whispered in her ear. “Do you still have that key?”
“Yeah.” She said opening the locket on her chest that she always wore and it was shrunken so she could fit it inside.
“Good. That’s for all three of us now.” He told her. He slide his hand down and over her belly, he dropped to one knee putting his ear to her stomach. He could hear a second heartbeat, very. He listened to its steady pulse, she put her hands on his head, looking down into his eyes.
“I love you Kevin.” She told him. He stood, sliding his hand softly on her cheek, he pulled her face to his kissing her gently.
“I love you too Ginny.” He said.
“I promise I won’t hurt you again.” She said looking in his eyes.
“Good because I don’t think I could do it again.” He told her seriously.
“I’ve been in love with you for all this time Kevin.” She said to him. “I don’t know why I did that, but I know that it will not happen again, and I know that I want to be with you for a long long time. I love you more than anything.” She said.
He hugged her, holding her to him with one hand on the side of her belly, he whispered in her ear. “I’ve loved you since I first saw you Ginny. I will do anything you ask, and I wouldn’t want another woman to be carrying my child i’ll tell you that right now.” He said. “You’re my dream, my everything, my life. Ask and it will be so, anything for the woman I love.” He told her. They kissed for a few minutes, and went back inside, Kevin was very nervous.
Ron, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Mr.Weasly and Mrs.Weasly were sitting in the living room and when Ginny and Kevin entered, everyone stopped talking and looked to them. Ginny grabbed Kevin’s hand holding it sensing that he was nervous, they sat down, and Ron spoke first.
“So, ready for five new brothers-in-law?” Ron said crossing his arms, but smiling.
Kevin nodded smile at Ginny, “Then welcome to the family.” Mr. Weasly said smile at his daughter.
Ginny was beaming at Kevin, “Thank you sir, I-I’m really happy about it, I’m honored.” Kevin said honestly. “Just wasn’t sure if I was going to walk out of here alive.” Kevin said chuckling, everyone laughed and the mood lightened.
“We’ll wait until the baby’s here then we’ll kill you.” Charlie said grinning. Everyone laughed and they all had a good time hanging out together. When it got dark, Ginny asked Kevin if she could go with him, “It’s your castle my lady, you don’t have to ask.” He told her. They adopted to the gates together, and Kevin carried her to the door, inside and laid her on his bed. “I love you Ginny.” He said starting to get up.
She pulled him back down, “I love you too,” She said kissing him, spreading her legs so he could get on the bed and lay on top of her, they were making out consistently. “Make love to me…” She whispered to him.
They started taking their clothes off, not saying anything, and Kevin went down licking her pussy all over while she laid back and moaned. His cock was rock hard, she tried to pull him up, but he insisted that she cum first. That didn’t take long, he was prodding his toung deep inside of her and in a few minutes she was trembling and her pussy was flowing juices. He came up just as she was pulling for him, she grabbed his cock immediately, spreading her legs wider and shoving the tip inside of her. She put her other hand behind his head, pulling him down to her, and while he was kissing her her shoved himself inside. She moaned in his mouth, and he had to stop kissing her and wait a moment because she took his breath away. She lay underneath him looking in his eyes as he gasped for air, as soon as he opened them looking into her’s she squeezed her pussy tight around him, and he pushed deeper inside of her. She lay her head back and whimpered, and he started kissing on her neck, pushing into her deep and hard while she was whimpering softly in his ear. “Uh- I-Lo-Love you.” He panted out on top of her while she was having an orgasm.
“UUnnnnnHH!” She moaned hard. “I-l-l love you too baby-y-uh.” She whimpered out still shaking all over and holding him tight to her. He softly pushed into her waiting for her orgasm to subside so he could get her going again before he nutted. She rolled him over and started riding hard ontop of him holding the headboard, moaning and screaming. He lay beneath her with his hands on her hips, and breasts, and she started slamming hard orgasms. He was starting to get ready to cum, he started thrusting up slamming himself in her pussy hard. She was having multiple orgasms, holding on to his chest and arms, she collapsed forward her head on his shoulder, her chest against his. He put his hands on her ass and continued slamming himself up inside of her deep. She was moaning into his chest, and she started biting on it a little, and he slammed hard inside of her cumming. She felt his hot load start to shoot out of his cock, and she started grinding slowly ontop of him, slowly milking all the cum from his cock that she could. As he finished she continued to slowly ride him enjoying his gasps and whimpers, she knew that it was hard for him to keep going after cumming so hard, but she loved his cock grinded slowly and deeply in her pussy and she continued to slowly ride him until his dick went soft and came out.
He was staring deep in her eyes, running his fingers along her back lightly. “Anything girl, anything just says it and it’s done.”
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