Mortimer and the Baker’s Dozen (Folklore, fant, gnome, teen girls, mast, ws, preg)

Mortimer and the Baker’s Dozen (Folklore, fan, gnome, teen girls, mast, ws, preg)

Several centuries ago, a folktale says, there lived a gnome named Mortimer. Mortimer was well known to the girl pixies because of his huge manliness. Mortimer could not keep it in his pants. He used it on every one who happened into his district. Word had it that he even violent fairy rules and planted his seed in his mother and sisters.

Because of his wanton disregard for the guiding principles of the kingdom, the king fairy finally banished him to live away from his fairy brethren. That put him in close proximity with humans. At some point during his wanderings, a some uncouth witch ahead Mortimer. Before they parted, he persisted her to grant him the power to make himself any size he deemed necessary. This, folklore said, allowed the gnome the ability to take advantage of young girls in strange ways .

Later, in the dark woods of eastern Europe, mothers and fathers began impressing upon their female children the importance of never exposing their genitals in any manner when in the forest know as the Pixie Woods, for, the folklore said, if they did, Mortimer might see them and take advantage of their indiscretions causing them to find themselves in a motherly way. Another version said that Mortimer would shrink in status until he could climb inside virgin vaginas and once there, impregnate the hapless teens, often inducing multiple birthdays.

One day, not too long ago, Tallia and her father, Simon, decided to go for a walk in the woods behind their home. Tallia had just had her 14th birthday and was becoming a very gorgeous young woman. Her long blond hair flowed in gentle waves all the way to her slim waist. Her green eyes sparkled like precious gems. Her peaks and cream complexion drew the attention of all to her, first to her face and downward from there to the remainder ofbounteously proportioned body.

Father and daughter were walking for some time when they came upon a beautiful stream. The waters gurgled and splashed as they cascaded down small falls and over rocks. Whirlpools swirled downstream from larger boulders. Soft green grasses grow to the edge of the banks. The hanging browsers of centuries old trees caused the sunlight to be broken into soft dabs that danced and played on the forest floor.

“Oh father,” the young woman exclaimed, “we just must sit here and enjoy the beautiful picture nature has painted for us.”

Simon agreed with Tallia. He dropped his pack from his back and pulled out a large blanket and spread it on the ground. He and Tallia seated themselves and enjoyed the lunch his wife had prepared for them. The two sat there for several hours, talking, listening, and watching.

Dragonflies darted about searching for mosquitoes and other small insects. Butterflies flapped their wings almost as if dancing, probing their long slender tongues into the hearts of small flowers. Fish splashed the surface of the water in attempts to capture insects that landed or fell in the surface. It was so serene. She knew she needed to tell her friends about this place; she needed to share the beauty with all of them.

As the warmth of the sun began to wane, Tallia’s father gathered up their things into his pack and pulled it up onto his shoulders. Hand in hand, they retraced their steps until they were once again at the gate of their cottage. Inside, the girl related their find in total exhaust to her mother.

The teen’s mother listened with interest to her story. She listened intently to her daughter as she described in intricate detail the forest glen, the brook and all that was contained there. As her mother continued to listen, her expression went from one of happiness to one of concern. A cold shiver shook her body as she had suddenly remembered the warning of old that her grandmother had often told her. Young women should never venture far into the forest.

When Tallia finally calmed, her mother cautioned, “Tallia dear, be very careful when you go into the forest. There are forces that live there that could cause great harm to young girls like you.”

“Oh, woman,” her husband admonished, “you and your wives tales. Don’t forget, we too went deep into those woods and often; nothing sinister ever befell you. Why do you burden our daughter with such tongue waggling?”

“Mark my words, Simon,” she said as she shook her finger in his direction, “some day you will be sorry for poking fun at those admonitions.”

“Come now,” she continued, “supper is on the table and it will soon be cold if we do not sit down and eat.”

The three sat down and enjoyed their meal with little or no more reference to their earlier discussions.

Several days later, Tallia began telling her friends about the place she had her father had discovered. She described its beauty and how peaceful she found it to be. Within just a few days the word had spread to twelve of her friends.

About a week later her mother traveled some distance away to visit her sister and spend a few days there. With her absent, Tallia began to become restless and decided to once again visit her beautiful find in the forest. After gaining permission from her father, the young girl invited her friends to accompany her the next day.

Twelve teens gathered at the cottage to join Tallia to visit this remarkable place of which she spoke. Each had packed a lunch and several even brought cameras to capture the reported beauty for the future. The day dawned bright and with the promise of sunshine and warmth throughout the balance. They set out, thirdteen young girls, chickenchatting about this and that, with little cares in the world.

As they walked on, one of the girls giggled and said to the others, “I’ve got to tell you about the story my grandmother told me about these woods. She said there’s a fairy gnome that lives in these woods that attacks girls who venture in and make them have babies. She says he does it without even taking her virginity.” After taking another breath, she said, “Has anybody ever heard anything that crazy, pregnant with a cherry?”

The others wagged their heads and laughed at the old woman’s tale. How could anything be so preposterous, they quipped?

Finally after rounding a little bend and passing several very large trees, the opening in the woods appeared ahead of them. When Tallia saw it again, she cried out to her friends, “Look, there it is! Isn’t it the most beautiful place you ever saw in your life?”

Most agreed, though one commented that it could maybebe better if her boyfriend were there also. The others quickly told her she was still too young and should forget about him for a couple more years.

The girls unpacked their bags and packs, spread out their towels and blankets, and took their places on the soft grass. As they began to relax and better enjoy the warmth of the day, some began to disrobe. First it was their shoes and socks. Several then opened their blooms to allow the warmth of the sun to cares their young breasts. One by one, they slowly shed one piece then another and another of their clothes until all thirteen were enjoying the day in the same clothes they wore into the world.

As the day continued on and after having their lunches, one by one the girls began to feel the need to relive their bladders. Now, all know better than to do so in the stream. Instead, one of them found a fallen tree with a small depression behind it. She suggested that they could use the tree as a seat, and with their tender hips extended behind, could do their business without spoiling the location and do so without worry.

One by one, they took their turn, taking seats then relieving their bladders. None had thought to bring anything to use for hygiene and therefore had to depend on handfuls of grass or leaves to blot the final dribbles from their soft creamy lips.

None thought that any harm could come from such an innocent act. One, two, three young women sat down on the log and urinated. Each one added a little more acrid liquid to the building pool behind the fallen tree. Four, five, six, three more girls released their streams to fall into the growing pool. Finally all thirdteen, a baker’s dozen had peed over the fallen tree, none aware of anything out of the ordinary.

The early ones to relieve themselves disturbed a power that had remained dormant for some years, a gnome of infamous correspond. The seepage of their peeinto the soil saturated the area. The chemical unbalance caused Mortimer Gravid to stir, to recognize the sources of the fluid. It was surely innocent young women.

Quickly, Mortimer sprang into action. He scampered from beneath the rock under which he had lain. When he emerged, he was a mere 2 inches tall. He looked around in search for the source. There it was, looming just a few short inches above his head. It was the tender privates of a teenaged-women, the last few drops of pee dripping from between her legs. Immediately, he decided upon a course.

He climbed the back of the log and huddled near the origin of the stream of yellow water. He blinked his eye and as quickly shrank to a being no larger then a common flea. As Adrian, the eighth young girl to relieve herself rose from the log; she thought little about the pieces of moss and leaf littler that clung to her backside. Like those before her, she nonchalantly brushed it away and returned to her towel. 5 more girls followed her in their footsteps, each adding slightly to the pool before it was allowed to see away.

Finally, after dangling their feet in the babbling stream, the girls dressed, packed their possessions and set off first for Tallia’s cottage then their respective homes. No one was aware that any of them was harboring a hithiker who would in time become significant to each and every one of them.

Mortimer for his part was already planning for the future. He had secreted himself between Adrian’s thigh and the fleshy outer lip of her pussy. She, at 13, was one of the youngerest of the thirteen and still had only minimal hair to crest her pubes. At first this concern him a little. He liked a dense growth of feminine bush. It provided ample opportunity to hide and still feel safe when not hiding outside inside her tender body. Without those curly tempers, he had to take more chances by frequently the girl’s clothesing when he was not busy at work.

Finally, using the coordinate fabric of her slacks, he was able to climb from the leg band of her panties to her little inny navel. It was warm, dark and with an ample collection of lint, very comfortable. He climbed in and relaxed without her ever becoming aware.

At the cottage, the other girls bid Tallia “good day” and departed, each to their own home.

That night, Adrian readi herself for bed unaware that she had become the host to an interloper. For his part, Mortimer, hidden out in her navel until he sensed that she was lying in bed and quietly sleeping. Finally he slowly climbed out and looked around.

He made his way from her navel to the waistband of her panties and then across her soft tummy to top of her legs. There, he squeezed between her girly thighs, drawn to the musty scent of her lady crack. Soon, he was pushing his way up between the folds that protected her vagina from the outside world.

Mortimer forced his way upward, drawn by the source of her cent to her vagina. Finally, after sort of hanging out while she turned over and pulled the blanket up over her right shoulder, he made his way deep inside her private opening.

The mischievous gnome quickly recognized where he found himself, for he had visited similar cavities in many young ladies over several centuries. This was his first in this woman and he needed to do some investigation, he needed to determine if and when she would next become fertile.

He spent the next several hours drifting around inside testing this and inspecting that. When morning came, he had determined that he would need to wait around but three more days before his time would come. Mortimer was determined to be ready so he decided to just hang around and wait. He recognized the young girl’s rising restlessness, so he made his way back to his reject in her navel.

When she rose, she made her way to the bathroom and saved herself then showed. The feisty gnome at first worried that his hiding place might be disturbed, but soon, he recognized that Adrian was like so many other young girls and did little to dislodge the accumulation of foreign substances that had taken up residence there. Two more days past while Mortimer lay low. Finally, on the 3rd day, he sensed Adrian’s restless spirit coming back. He rode out her shower and waited for her to dress and sit down for breakfast before he decided to make his move.

He waited for his chance then reentered her pussy. Once there, he set about scratching around inside her pussy lips. He made several trips upward in her cleft, causing an itch at her cliporis. He then traveled back down to her vagina where he scrambled in through a hole in her cherry and deep inside. After a few tests, he determined that this indeed was the day. He had to work cautiosly so as not to cause an alarm.

Adrian felt the itch Mortimer was causing. Her pussy was itching and she felt the need to scratch it. It was convenient this morning she thought. All she had to do was go to her room and use her fingers to care for her problem. Later, she planned to go with her friends and that would pose more of a challenge since they might see her.

In her room, she lowered her panties and lay back on the bed. Her robe fell open and her fingers dipped inside her pussy. Up and down, up and down her fingers slide. It was then she became aware of something different with her body. Always before, when she put her hands between her legs, it took her some time to build up a layer of lubricant. Now, she was nearly dripping, her juices were flooding her pussy and running down her legs. Her panties were soaked. She wondered to herself, “what is happening to me?”

Slowly her itch was alleviated and she was able tomove on with her plans for the day. She pulled her panties back on, the crotch was wet and cold. She completed dressing, totally unaware that the unusual life form had taken up residence inside her pussy. Adrian said goodbye to her mother and made her way to Tallia’s.

There, she, Tallia, and 4 of their friends were going to enjoy a day of togetherness at the cottage. Tallia’s mother was still at her sister’s house and with her father at work in the village, it provided the girls with a full day of privacy in which they could relax and be themselves. That usually means playing some girly games that would in some way involve sex and probably do a little sunning too.

Adrian was the last to arrive at Tallia’s. The others were already there and were all out in he back yard stretched out on a large blanket. Tallia and Mackenzie were lying side by side with their orange sized breasts pointed towards the sun. Samantha and Shelbi were lying together,lying on their sides fingering each other’s breasts. Kathleen was lying on her stomach by herself. She was the one who usually teamed with Adrian and was awaiting her appearance.

As soon as Kathleen saw her friend, she hollered for her to strip and join her. She enjoyed fingering Adrian because her bush had yet to become dense. “It makes me feel like I’m playing with a baby,” she told her friends. Soon all had become fully absorbed in their games.

When Mortimer’s ministries inside Adrian’s private area began to excite her itching again, she implemented Kat to probe her slit to scratch it. Mortimer had adjusted his size a bit to allow him the ability to stick his dick through Adrian’s cervix. This he needed to do so that when the proper time came, he could use his tool to inject his sperm deep inside the 13 year old. He battled to remain hidden from Kat’s finger and the Battle was not without consequence. The older girl’s finger jostled himaround so much, that he lost his first load of cum right there at the entrance of her vagina. He wanted it deeper to ensure his sperm would unite with her egg and vowed to pay her back in spades.
Mortimer made his way back up to the entrance of her womb and pushed his cock through the portal. When he felt the first waves of orgasm, he punched hard and began dumping his second load, this one in the intimate environment of her uterus. He was satisfied that his work would be successful. He used her high level of stimulation to cover the fullness that his scaled up body brought to Adrian.

Kat continued to slowly wriggle her finger inside Adrian’s little pussy for a minute or more after her friend’s climax. Mortimer decided that it was time to jump ship for a new pussy to punch. After doing his thing for Adrian, he scrambled towards Kat’s fingers. Once again miniaturizing to his near least size, he scampered under the girl’s fingernail and road out into the big world.

The sudden change from darkness to sunny daylight blinded the gnome and he was totally unaware of his surroundings. He clung to Kat’s finger with all his strength. As his eyes adjusted, a shiver of fear overtook his body. Her finger was moving quickly towards what seemed to be her mouth. “Oh no,” he thought, “if I don’t get off quick, you might swallow me.” Instead, she held her finger under her nose for a few seconds then wiped her friend’s juices onto the blanket on which they were lying.

Mortimer was beside himself with pleasure. He quickly scuttled from one young woman to another, slipping undetected between the legs of each, sampling her nectar to determine her condition. He soon found that it was Kathleen that was next to come fertile.

Not only did it makes him happy that another would soon be ready, but, it was to the one who had just cost him a wasted load of his valuable cum. Little did Kat know that with the insertion of her finger into her own pussy, she started a chain of events that would lead to her own undoing.

As soon as the little opportunity sensed his success, he set about preparing Kathleen for what he had planned. He knew well the affect of his body fluids. He stretched slightly to increase his size. This allowed him to well up a bit more pee before he dropped the little flap on his trousers and let it fly. He figured that maybe one more application would be all that were needed to properly prepare Miss Kat for his revenge.

With her unable to sense his presence inside her body, and he knowing that each time he pissed inside her vagina her ovaries would be prepared more eggs to meet his cum, he knew now he had her number. He lay back and enjoyed the ride.

Later that day, with Kat pulling her panties back on as she prepared to make her way home, Mortimer began his tests to make sure everything would be ready and in twodays and the teen was going to be in big trouble.

The little elf decided that it was time to just kick back and enjoy life. He divided his time between Kathleen’s vagina and her panties. With her healthy growth of fur on her bush, he didn’t need to use her belly button as he had with Adrian. He enjoyed the airy nest above her pussy. It allowed a better vantage point to see the world. He liked to look down too when the girl’s were on the commode. If it were known, he had a fetish for peeing girls. It was now fun to sit back and be the little fucker he was.

Kathleen’s day of destiny dawned gray and raining. She had wanted to go over to Tallia’s as it was going to the last day that her mother would be gone. With the weather so bad, they would not be able to do anything outside. Inside, they would probably have to even build a small fire in the fireplace to nip the slight chill. Kat decided that it was not worth the effort to go out, so aftereating some breakfast, she walked back to her bedroom and tucked herself back into bed.

The house was peaceful and quiet and she began to drift off to sleep. Soon, she was out to the world and Mortimer kicked his plans for the teen into high gear. He sprinkled some dream powder near her clip. This not only brought on some very pleasant dreams for Kathleen, but also served to bring on an itch at her little button. As she was stretching her hand down to attend to her needs, Mortimer climbed into her vagina. He clawed his way to the depths of the girl’s hot vagina.

He dropped the flap on his trousers and out popped his cock. He wrapped his right hand around it and pressed the head through the muscle ring leading to the girl’s womb. Under cover of her own orgasm, Mortimer dumped his load of fairy cum deep inside the teen. As he did, he smiled to himself knowing the complications he was causing for her.

When Kat’s orgasm weakened, he too relaxed and stuck his head out through her lips to catch a breath of fresh air. He was sort of wishing she were going to Tallia’s today. Had she, she, would probably have taken a shower. She wasn’t rank, Mortimer thought to himself, but she wasn’t the freshest flower in the garden either.

Over the next few weeks, Mortimer practiced his erotic pleasures with Mackenzie, Samantha and Shelbi, leaving each with a growing souvenir of his presence. By the time he had impregnated Shelbi, Adrian had already missed her second period. Kathleen had also missed one, but she still didn’t give much thought to it.

From Shelbi, Mortimer visited Tallia. The little gnome was very appreciated of Tallia for she was the one who had brought the other girls to the glen where their need for relief had awakened him from his lengthy slumber. He decided that he was going to treat her real special before doing his magic with her.

Afterbeing at Adrian’s most of the day with some of the other girls, Tallia lay down on her bed with her legs spread and began slowly drawing her fingers up and down on the outside of her panty gusset. As the pleasure increased, she interrupted her self-gratification long enough to remove her panties and returned her fingers to her pussy.

As she did, Mortimer recognized her climbing sense of stimulation and increasing tension of her vagina. He pulled out his little fairy pecker and jammed it through her cervix. As Tallia’s orgasm began, the little gnome began his own pumping, spilling his very potential sperm inside her teen womb.

After her cum, the teen rolled over onto her side to regain her composure a bit before going for her shower. While she was lying there, Mortimer decided that it might be his opportunity to exit her vagina for a while to explore this new setting.

Mortimer curried out from between her legs and hidden underthe rumpled sheets where he hid out until she left. He decided he wanted to give her a bit of a surprise when she returned. He stretched and as he did, he began growing till he was about an inch tall. This was his preferred size to pleasure girls vaginas.

Again he so he stretched and grew again, this time to nearly 6 inches tall. Still again he stretched and pulled until he was nearly 3 feet tall. It was this size that most fairs and gnomes assumed when they appeared to humans.

Because of the spell that had cast on him by the king, one part of his body was greatly out of proportion with the remainder. At 37” tall, he possessed a penis that was nearly 10” inches long and as big around as his wrist. This endowment often caused grown human women to cry out in distress when they coupled yet they seemed always to beg for more.

He secreted himself in the back of her closet and awaited her return. After watching her brush out and dry her hair he was eager to be with her. He watched for an opportunity to show himself. Finally, she turned down the lamp and sank down onto her bed, her lightly tanned skin almost glowing in the subdued light.

Mortimer climbed from the closet and leapt up onto her bed. Before she could pull the blankets up to cover her body, he was on top of her. He straddled her body just below her waist and sat down. Tallia was shocked at the sight before her. Here was this little troll, naked from the waist down, a giant penis sticking out from below his belly, now resting on across her own naked body.

She was totally distracted from her own purpose for lying down. Now, with him sitting across her body, there was no longer any way she could gain access to her private area.

Mortimer leaned over and fondled her breasts. As he did, he repositioned himself so that the head of his prick was pressing firmly into her flat belly. As she continued to stare she began to imagine with it would feel like to have a man make love to her and embedded his thick meat into her tender body.

Mortimer read her thoughts and would have very much enjoyed fulfilling her dreams. He knew however, that his state in life limited his carousing to virgin girls and so there was no way he could take her virginity and still justify him secretly impregnating her fertile body. Oh, how he now desired the teen, but he knew he had to restrain himself at all cost.

He lowered himself so his body was pressing his huge tool against the gap between Tallia’s upper legs. He began rocking up and down causing his member to rub aggressively along her pussy and over her tender clip. She closed her eyes and let his ministries favor her desires. Finally, her climax hit like a ton of bricks. Her hips began humping her pussy against the little man until her mind collapsed and she passed out.

It tookminutes for her to recover to a degree of lucidity that would allow her to again become aware of her surroundings. When she did, she looked around to room to see where the little man was. She could not find him anywhere. The little man could not be located. Seconds later, an itch again reappeared between her legs. Little did she realize that itch was Mortimer, the same gnome she had just seen sitting with his huge cock at her pussy. Mortimer stayed with the girl for 5 more days before he was able to take up resident with another of the their group.

Samantha, Mackenzie, and Dianna were all easy makes. All three were spending the weekend together at Sam’s. The little elf was able to fertilize all three during the stay-over.

Over the next three weeks, he attended to Lillian, Michelle and Gretchen. That left only April Anne, Charlene, and Sarah on which to bestow his gifts before he moved on.

Charlene was the other 13 year oldin the group and was not really that memorable for she was still some skinny and without any hint of what she would become. The one thing that excited Mortimer about her tiny body was the small slit in her cherry. It was tiny, so tiny that he at first wondered how he would get to her womb. He had to nearly force himself through the tight ring of her hymen.

Sarah was a big girl. She stood almost 6’ tall and probably weighed 130 pounds, yet she was only 15 years old. When Mortimer first entered her cunt, he could hardly believe how much room there was inside. If the others were like small hotel rooms, Sarah’s pussy hole was like the ballroom.
Early on, April Anne caught Mortimer’s eye. She turned 15 while he was attending to his needs and those of the other girls. What got his eye was the total lack of hair on her pussy. He had checked her out several times and saw that she regularly shabled it smooth. He therefore had nowhere to hide when he wanted a breath of fresh air. One night he was bumming around her lower extremes when she went over to the bathroom and closed the door.

She turned on the faucet in the tub and ran in about 3 inches of hot water. After allowing the water to remain for a couple minutes, she unexpectedly opened the drain and allowed it to flow out. Finally, she removed her clothes and took a seat in the warmed tub.

Mortimer was accustomed to hanging out when the girls peed. He would either slip quickly back inside their warm baby cute or sometimes even scanner up to hide in her pubic hair.

He was amazed though at what happened next. She lay down on her back. She lifted her legs and hooked her ankles over the edges of the tub. After a few seconds pee began arching from between her pussy lips. Mortimer was standing at the entrance of her vagina when the yellow fluid began flowing above his head. He was amazed at this and at the same timeconcerned about what would happen if a couple misdirected drops hit him and caused him to lose his grip and be washed away.

Now, very concerned for his own safety, the little gnome scampered out and around her outer lip. When the last drops of water had splashed on the floor of the tub, he quickly scanped up and into her navel. What happened next so started the gnome that he sat there shaking.

The girl pressed a hollow tube inside her vagina and began flooding it with water. His whole life flashed before his eyes. This was the first time he had ever seen such an act. Why would any girl want to do such a thing? Why would they want to shoot water in their vagina? He could have been drowned or at the very least washed out and down the drain.

It was right then that Mortimer decided that April Anne needed to be punished and punished well. He waited till April Anne returned to her room and lay down on her bed before he made heway back to her vagina. Once there, he had to admit that it did seem much cleaner inside now. Cleaner or not though, he needed to act.

He whipped out his cock and shoved it through to her uterus and took a healthy pee. Two hours later he did the same again. Now, he thought, all he had to do was wait the prescribed 3 days then do his thing and breed her. Unknown to April Anne, her body like Kathleen’s presented the gnome with two eggs each that took root in their wombs.

It was now 5 months since Mortimer had been awakened by the yellow rain of 13 teen girls’ pee. Now, his job was done in this area. He was to be the proud papa of 15 human children. How could elf life get any better?

One by one, parents became concerned about their daughters. One by one they missed periods. One by one they were hauled off to the village clinic where the doctor proclaimed each of them with child. When the 13th virgin was diagnosed as pregnant, one of the elder ladies of the village proclaimed, “My God, it must be Mortimer; no girl is any longer safe here.”

One of the younger women inquired as to what she was talking about.

The old woman replied, “Mortimer Gravid has once again visited our village. The gnome has defined our young women. A new generation is dawning. Now, no young girls should be allowed to venture out into the Pixie Woods. The wise tales have once again been fulfilled.”

One by one, the teens delivered their babies. 11 were girl babies while 4 were boys. The girls were all beautiful babies with very dainty features. The boys too were handsome, though all bore one mark of their father; all had an endowment that would make any man proud.

[FONT=&quot]It didn’t take long before more news reached the elder women of the village. It confirmed their deepest fears. When the young teen girl mothers returned to the doctor for their checkups, he was amazed at his findings. To a girl, each of the baker’s dozen had their vaginas once again protected by the fresh growths of hyperneal membranes. Each one was again a virgin.[/FONT]


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