From a BWB to a BBW

Several years back, in my college days, I met a beautiful woman who, quite literally, swept me off of my feet:rose:! I was in a fairly serious relationship with a young lady of similar ethnicity to myself (I come from Eastern European Jewish stock). This ‘other’ woman, Janet, was blonde, blue eyed, 5’2″ and about 110 pounds, soaking wet! Her nuclear form individualized me, and I quickly found myself in love…
Two years from the day we met, we were married! We were happy together, and had a family too. 4 kids, who range from 23 down to 6 years old.

About 5 years ago, though, she changed – a lot! After her parents died, from ‘natural causes’ (age, alcohol and tobacco), we moved into the house where she had grown up. During the last several years of her life, my Mother-in-law seemed to make it a personal goal in her life to make my Father-in-law miserable! All seemed to be going well in my life, until I became disabled from MS. When I could no longer work, Janet took a job at a local retail store, and we were managing to make it, at least financially.

I guess I should have taken a hint from the way she spoke in such derogatory terms of my religion, that she had little respect for me. She often remarked that she is White, but I am Jewish…

At some point, she must have decided that I had very little value to her! Although our sex life had started out really well, and for the first 20 years of our marriage had continued to be so, suddenly, I was damaged goods. She wouldn’t let me cook, as I had melted an Espresso pot once, she didn’t want me to do the laundry lest I wash something in a way she deemed unacceptable, and she didn’t want me to walk around our lovely suburban neighborhood, lest I walk into the street (there were , at most, 4 cars an hour that went by our house, at a mighty 25 miles an hour!. She saw me as not good for much other than cleanning the litter-boxes of the cats she was accumulating, despite my objects (an ominous portent, indeed!). Intimacy of all kinds, certainly sex, was a distant memory, and becoming more and more distant with each passing day!

I felt like a prisoner in my own home. She seemed to have forgotten the part of our marriage vows about,”for better or for worse” after the “for better” part! When I told her I was feeling un-wanted, un-needed and un-loved, all I got in return was a blank look. She said NOTHING!

The next day I left, after making certain there was someone around to watch my/our younger two kids. I walked the almost 3 miles to the nearest point that the local public transit reached, I got on a bus, and haven’t slept in that house since.

She was, and is, beautiful, but it turned out that the beauty was entirely external beauty, as once adversity arose, she revealed herself as the Bitchshe really is! My Beautiful White Bitch!

Almost as soon as I was out of that house, old friends and family started to seemingly spring from the woodwork! It turns out that she had manipulated me into being a real hermit, and many of my old friends missed me! Within a matter of a few weeks, I found myself being offered comfort of all sorts, and the comfort some of my former girlfriends offered was not what I had expected. Neither was it something Jan would have approved of !
I started to hang-out with an old friend , who then became more of a girlfriend! She was Big girl, not too tall, but with some serious meat on her bones, if you gather my drift! She was sweet and loving, and treated me with respect, as I did her. As time has gone on, I have come to realize that I was feeling in love for the first time in a long while :rose::rose:! This Beautiful lady, who was encouraging my hopes, my dreams, and my aspirations, as well as giving me some of the greatest sexual thrills I have ever had . She has a lovely face, general curves which are wonderful to see, to touch and to caress, and her kisses… Oh her Kisses!.She makes me very happy, and I cannot get enough of her !

So I have made the complete transition, from the Beautiful White Bitch to the Big Beautiful Woman. And I don’t think I could be happier :-D:-D:-D.



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