Before I began, I want to tell the readers that this is not a conventional sex story. My tale has a sci-fi twist that some may find refreshing. Please let me know what you think.
My name is Taren. I am from a world called Tulari. My mother is Tularian, but my father is human, from Earth. I have two sisters; Yani, who is 18, and Sora, who is 13. Yani is my mother’s daughter from a previous marraige. Her father died right after she was born. My father was in the Merchant Marines working as an engineer on an earth fighter that had stopped on Tulari. While there he met my mother, who was an ambassador. They fell in love and got married a year later when his contract was up. Two years later I was born.
My mother came from a wealthy and influenced family, and we lacked for nothing. My father took on the role of a ‘House-Husband’, as he liked to call it(sometimes he would joke that all that was missing was that he wasn’t ‘barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen’), while my mother worked in the Tulari embassy.
Tulari society is unlike earth culture. It is a matriarchal society where females hold positions of power and the males stay at home to raise the children or work as general laborers. That is not to say that the males hold no influence in the household; they have a say in all family matters and generally make the final decisions.
Five years ago, tragedy struck. Scientists learned that the Tularian sun was going to nova and we had to flee our world. My family left in my mother’s yacht with all the belongings we could carry. We traveled with the rest of the Tularian fleet of refundes hoping to find another world to settle.
Ten days out we had a serious malfunction with the yacht’s drive system and had to stop to make repairs. My father informed the rest of the fleet to continue without us, that we would catch up whe repairs were made. It turned out to be the worst decision he could have made.
We resumed our trip once my father had fixed the problem and we were pushing the engines to their maximum to try to catch up to the fleet. Suddenly, we encountered an uncharted wormhole and were pulled into it. We exited on the other side in a region of space that we did not recognize. We were lost, with no way to contact the fleet of our situation. We continued our journey alone, trying to find planet we could settle before we ran out of supplies.
Three weeks later we found that planet. We landed and turned it into our new home. The only problem was that we were all alone. After surveying the entire planet, we found no signs of life save for some indigenous animals.
We made a go of it for awhile; hunting for our meat, while my mother grow vegetables in her garden. Then about two years ago, my father became ill. He had scratched himself on a thorny bus while hunting and it became infected. My mother tried to treat him with whatever medicines we had aboard the yacht, but it was no use. My father died four days later. My mother was inconsolable. She stayed locked up in her room for two weeks, leaving my sisters and I to grieve by ourselves.
Then one day she came out of her room. Her mourning period had ended and it was time to get on with her life as a single mother. We managed to have a decent life over the next couple of years and continued to thrive. Occasionally, I would find my mother kneeing at my father’s grave wedding, but she was a strong woman and made sure that we would all survive.
One evening, about a week before my sixteenth birthday, my mother made an announcement at dinner.
“Children.” She said. “Taren will be coming of age in six days. According to our traditions, he must pass through the Rite of Ascension.”
She looked at us a moment before going on. “As you all know,” she continued; “the Rite of Ascension requires all males of our species to choose a mate when he turns 16.”
My sisters and I exchanged confused looks. “Mother,” I spoke up; “We’re all alone here. How can I choose a mate?”
My mother closed her eyes and lowered her head. Then she looked up, and with tears in her eyes, said; “You must choose one of your sisters or me.”
I was stunned. I couldn’t believe my ears. My mother was actually suggesting that I have incest with her and my sisters in order to choose a mate. Although incest was not taboo in Tularian society, it was not a common practice to choose a mate from one’s family.
I looked at my sisters in disbelief. Their mouths hang open with the shock of what they had just heard my mother proclaim.
“M-Mother.” I stammered. “Do you realize what you’re saying?”
“Yes, Taren, I do.” She replied. “I’ve been thinking about this for a few weeks now. You are right. We are all alone here, a long way from the fleet and others of our kind or anyone else for that matter. We must continue our traditions and we must propose our species if we are to survive on this world.”
I looked at my sisters again. Physioligically, Tularians aren’t much different than humans on Earth, except for the eyes, which are yellow in color. My older half-sister, Yani, had never been selected as a life mate, although she was very beautiful. She looked like my mother. Her long blond hair drawn around her shoulders, framing her face. I gazed at her slender body. Her breasts were full and ripe, and I could see her nipples showing through the thin fabric of her dress. Sora, on the other hand, took after my father. She was plump, with short red hair and green eyes. Her breasts hadn’t fully developed yet, but were showing signs that they would soon.
I looked back at my mother. She was still a beautiful woman, even though she was well past 40.
“Mother,” I started; “I don’t know if I can.”
My mother slammed her fists on the table, angrily. “You will do as I say!” She spat, glaring at me.
My sisters and I jerked in surprise. None of us had ever seen our mother lose her temperature like that before. I looked to my sisters again. They had remained silent this whole time. I wanted to reach out and slap them both. To make them wake up and understand what my mother was asking…no, forcing them to do. I was their brother, their blood, and our mother wanted me to have sex with them; and her, just for some tradition.
“Yani! Sora!” I yelled. “Say something!”
They cringed at my outburst, tears welling in their eyes. It pissed me off even more.
“Goddamn it!”I screamed, causing my sisters to burst into tears. Even my mother cringed at the outburst, tears streaming down her face.
I got up and stormed out of the dining area. I went to my room and closed the hatch and lay down on my bed. I could hear the murmurs of my mother and sisters through the vent, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying.
I tried to sleep, but I couldn’t. The more I thought about it, the more I realized my mother was right. We were alone here, separated from the rest of our kind. We needed to populate this planet with our descendants.
Finally, I drifted off to sleep. But my dreams were filled with visions of my sisters and my mother, naked in my bed, making love to me. I couldn’t control my passages. I was helpless against their beautiful naked bodies pressed against mine.
When I awoke the next morning, I feel a wetness in my shorts and on the bed. I throw back the covers to find my shorts were soaked and a wet stain on the sheets. I soon realized that I’d had what my father had referred to as a ‘wet dream’.
I took a shower, then got dressed. Then I changed my sheets and throw the soiled articles into the laundry cute.
I went to the kitchen area to make breakfast, which was my duty, being the only male in the ‘house’. The women weren’t awake yet so I was alone to contemplate the decision that I had to make.
The more I thought about it, the more I found myself thinking about the dreams I’d had the night before. My prick started to swell as I imagined my mother and sisters naked in my bed; their bodies pressed against mine.
I shook my head to cast away those thoughts, but it was a feeble attempt. I just couldn’t get rid of the images in my mind.
Just then Yani came into the kitchen area. She was wearing a sheer nightgown that left nothing to the imagination. I couldsee her whole body through the thin negligee.
“Good morning, Taren.” She yawned, not seeming embarassed at me seeing her mostly naked body.
“‘Morning.” I replied curtly, trying not to look at her.
She must have sensed that I was still upset, because she said, “Taren, listen I…”
“No! You listen!” I spat, angrily, shaking the spoon I was holding at her. “This is wrong! I can’t choose one of my sisters, much less my own mother as a goddamn mate!”
Yani burst into tears. “You don’t understand!” She cried. “It’s for our survival!”
“I won’t do it!” I yelled. Then I throw down the spoon and pushed past her.
“Make your own fucking breakfast!” I swore as I left the kitchen area.
End of Part One……
Let me know what you thinkso far. More to follow…hopefully.
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