Sexual Justice 2

“Gloss, can you please answer the question, did the men release you to leave after the rap?” the Prosecutor asked.
“No, it got worse.” Gloss replied.
“ Please tell the court what happened next, if you will.” Said the Prosecutor.
Gloss began to continue her story.
After the Men released my arms and legs, Boss had instructed them to follow the next procedure. The men chuckled and cheered as Master grabbed my arms and pulled me up so I could stand up. He took the clothes out of my mouth. Boss’s juices ran down my thighs and legs. Master ran his fingers between my legs and I shuttered as the mere touch stung from the assault. He laughed and called me a slut. His fingers came back sloppy wet. He rubbed his fingers across my lips. “Suck the cum off, suck it!” he demanded and he shoved his fingers in my mouth. I did as I was instructed. He yanked his fingers from my mouth and slapped me, for what reason I don’t know. I was being to realize I was going to get slapped an awful lot. He grabbed my face and told me I was now going to be cleaned and I should behave. I was glad that I was going to able to clean myself up. Then two young women walked in with no clothes on. One carried a large red bag. At this moment I knew I was in store for more humiliation. Master told me to climb up on the table and get in the middle. I didn’t want to get slapped again so I did what I was told.
I heard Boss instruct the girls what to do.
The Prosecutor asked, “ Do you know the names of the two ladies?”
“Yes I later learned their names. They are Crystal and Lexy.” Gloss said, and she continued.
Crystal began to lay out the items in the large red bag while Lexy climbed on to the table with me. She reached over and was handed a couple of red beach towels. She laid them out one atop of each other. My heart was racing as I looked over at the items. Nothing looked familiar to me they were all painted red. As I started to try and study each item Lexy pulled my hair and my head went back. She whispered in my ear, “ no looking, Bitch!” Crystal laughed a wicked laugh and I heard her climb on the table as well. I felt cold hands rub over my body and Lexy held my head back. Then Crystal spoke to me. “ Sister my name is Crystal and this is Lexy, we are the clean up girls and we do and take Our jobs seriously.” She told me. “If you don’t do what is told to you we get in trouble, then we will punish you for getting us in trouble. So I advise you to follow all instructions do you hear me bitch?” Crystal ended. I told her yes and started to cry again I was heart broken. I raced my eyes over the room and the men where still in the room silent. Lexy pushed my head down and told me to get up on my knees and my shoulders to the table to where my ass would be straight in the air. Crystal got right behind me and spread my legs open to where once again my ass and pussy where totallyexposed for all to see and do as they pleased. Crystal ran her hands over my swollen privates and moaned. My head spun. What in the world is happening? I thought to myself I am about to be rapid by women now! I could her my wetness as Crystal rubbed and played with my pussy. Once Lexy felt I was going to do as I was told she released my hair. She stood up and straddles my back with out putting all her wait on me. I could feel her pussy warmth on my back. She told Crystal. “Let me see what she’s working with.” She spread my ass cheeks open to show my ass hole better and laughed in sultry manner. She let my ass cheeks close and slapped them hard. I cried out. The bitch was heavy headed. Crystal inserted her finger and twisted it around in my wet pussy. While Lexy started to the same with my ass hole. I wanted to hold back the familiar urge I had with Boss. But again I knew it was no use. So I went with it. My mind seemed to yell at me the fact was these are bitches playing with your pussy and ass like a man should. My body didn’t care. I felt them both take their fingers out and slurp on their fingers. Crystal inserted her finger back in to my pussy. She had told me she would open my pussy up wider than before and clean it out for my next lesson. I couldn’t comprehend how. But I knew I would find out. Lexy giggled and said her job is to open my ass and do the same. I wanted to ask why but I couldn’t so I stayed in the position and yielded to my next lesson. I felt Crystal insert another finger and move it back and forth with deep twist. My body pushed back to receive her fingers. She released her fingers from my aching snatch and gave her fingers to Lexy, as she talked nasty to me. Sharpness went thru me as I felt my cunt being stretched. “ Yeah open her pussy!” I heard one of the men yell. Then all the men clapped. “She just jabbed your cunt with all four fingers!” Lexy screamed. I tried to crawl away from the assault but Lexy clapped her strong thighs around my ribs and scratched my ass “ Don’t run Bitch, take it, take it all!” Crystal laughed and moved her fingers in and out of my pussy. Soon my lips and pussy gave way to her fingers and she pulled them out and I could feel it gain open. Then I felt my pussy spray my orgasm out at her. This excited the whole room. Crystal rubbed my pussy again and stroked it playing close attention to my clip. I couldn’t handle it and my pussy vibrated and gushed again. I moaned and yelped like a baby puppy. I felt Crystal rub my thighs and she licked and bit them until she found my pussy lips she licked and fucked my pussy with her mouth. Lexy cheered her on as she spread my ass cheeses open so Crystal could do the same to my ass. Crystal shoved her fingers in my now soaked pussy and scooped out my nasty pussy jizz and Wiped my ass hole. Lexy shoved what seemed like two fingers in my ass and fingered me while Crystal ate my pussy as my ass relaxed Lexy inserted finger after finger until her fingers where buriedinto my ass hole. She released her finger and spread my ass cheeks to reveal my gaped hole this made me cum harder than before. Lexy leaned forward pressing her hot wet cunt on my back. And began to lick and suck my asshole. I never knew when Crystal stopped her assault until I felt what I later saw was a large plunger type thing being shoved in my soaked pussy. She then squeezed I then felt really warm water and what smelled like vinegar being rushed into my pussy. She keeps the large douche pluger into my cunt while Lexy played with my ass. What seemed like hours Crystal pulled the object out. Liquid ran out. Next was my ass. I felt a cold bottle being inserted into my ass. Liquid was not being squeezed into my ass but slowly poured. It was cool and I felt it deep in my bowels. While this was done Crystal was rambling around on the table.
After the bottle was emptied into my colon the bottle was released but the end was plugged into my hole. I was instructed to squat as Lexy got off my back. There was a large bowl next to me I was instructed to squat over it. Oh no I am not going to shit in front of these people no! No! No I can’t. I cried my thoughts out loud and Master stood up. I pleaded as I looked into his eyes. Please don’t make me do this I glanced over to Boss whose face distorted at my disobedience. Lexy slapped me hard and pulled my hair. Words didn’t have to be spoken. I knew I had to do it. I began to cry. Crystal waited for me to get in the perfect position and Lexy began to laugh at me as tears flowed down my face. I sat in this position on toilets in privacy never have I had an audience. The moments I wasted with my cries I felt my ass wanting to push the waste from its tunnel.
I grabbed my stomach, which was the cue for Lexy to remove my butt plug. As she did the bowl filled quickly. I had no control of it as it flowed out. “Push it all out Bitch!” Master yelled. What these men got out of looking at me shit had me dazed. It was not meant for me to know what they got out of any of this. As I finished Lexy instructed me to get back into the position that I started in. Shoulders down, with my ass up. Crystal placed a hot towel on my holes. And began to clean them. As she finished up the bottle was placed back into my ass by Lexy as she got back on my back with her hot wet pussy pressing down on me. Crystal crawled around to the front of me told me I was going to clean her pussy now. I never did this before. I kept my comment to myself. Crystal lay down and scooted her pussy into my face. Lexy slapped my ass with her free hand and told me to start licking. I did. Crystal’s pussy was wetter than Lexy’s been. To my surprise it smelled like a light musk. I licked it lightly and her lips opened in response. It looked amazing. I never saw another woman’s cunt up close and personal like now before. I licked and sucked on it as I felt she did mine. She moaned softly and grabbed my head and smoked her cot to my faceand grinded it hard. I could barley breath but I got excited and rocked with the bottle being pushed into my ass. My bravery grow as I rested on my elbows completely and stroked her pussy with my fingers and licked her clip. It rose like a small dick and Crystal began to hump her hips. Lexy talked trash to us but I ignored her, as my goal was to see if I could make Crystal cum like she did me. My feast was cut Short as Lexy got off my back and released the bottle and smoked my ass and pushed me from Crystal. “Time to squat Bitch.” I wiped my mouth and looked at Crystal with lust. I wanted to finish. As the urge to release my self again I held my position and waited for someone to unplug my ass. Lexy grabbed my plug and yanked it out again I let go this time I could tell Boss and Master were please with my Cleanness. Back into position I was told I leaned forward and got into position. Crystal cleaned me up again. Lexy crawled in front of me and said clean my ass Bitch and turned to where her ass was in my face she leaned forward like me and grabbed her cheek and spread them so her rose bud ass hole looked at me. By this time I hungrily wanted to lick something after having to eat Crystal so I did my best. I lapped at her pussy too as she wiggled her ass. I sucked her clip. She shoved three fingers in her ass hole and pumped. I took the moment to watch closely once she withdraw them I sucked them and watched as her rose bud blossomed wide open. Wow I thought is this how mines looks. I stuck my tongue deep as I could into the hole. I had forgotten where I was for those minutes. Crystal slapped my ass hard and I felt a soft cold object being pushed into my pussy. What was this? I relaxed and let it slide in with ease. I heard a clamp and snap. I then felt two small ropes hanging from both sides of my thighs. There was no pain. A continued my tongues play with Lexy as she neared orgasm. She placed her finger deep in her pussy as I sucked her large clip. Soon she let her pussy spit out her jizz all into my face I continued to suck and lick. I loved it. I made another woman cum. Lexy jumped up and smiled. She crawled up and jumped on my back. I felt warm goop rubbed on my asshole it felt like Boss’s cum so I relaxed Lexy shoved her fingers in my ass and then I felt it. It was a large butt plug. I then felt a stick being wrapped underneath me and up on my back. I heard more snaps. Crystal crawled over to the front of me and smiled and rubbed my face and said, “ You are going to be perfect.” I smiled back only to get slapped. I didn’t take any offence to that. The stick that was behind me was brought to meet the butt plug stick. Now there were straps underneath me and on my back. Crystal placed a collar on me with loops in front of me and behind me. The Straps where then pulled thru the loops and locked with yellow locks. I was then told to sit up. My pussy was open and my ass stuffed. On my knees I looked around the room. I placed my eyeson Master who was smiling and clapped. Boss had a serious hungry stare.
Master walked over to the front of me. He kissed Lexy deep and helped her off the table. Next Crystal crawled to the front of me. One of men walked over to help her off the table. He kissed her deeply and she then turned to give Master a kiss. What the fuck is going on? A slight jealous streak crept upon me. Crystal leaned forward and grabbed the yellow straps that hung from my collar She handed them to Master and walked away with the man. Master pulled the straps. And instructed me to crawl towards him. I did. He grabbed my face I winced I thought I was about to get slapped again. He held my face and kissed me and told me I did well. “It’s time to go home now.” He pulled me off the table and walked me to the back of the room where an older woman stood with a white pant suite and her hair is a tight bun. She handed Master a small pile of clothes. Gently he dressed me in tight yellow mini skirt with a white bLouse that buttoned in front. Leaving three buttons undone to show my breast slightly. He was then handed a pair of yellow pumps to match. I hated yellow. Why yellow I thought but never spoke. The lady turned me around to look me over. She turned me to where my back was facing her. I felt the brush hit my head and she brushed my hair to smooth it out. She nodded to Master. I realized I was like the lady in the elevator. The straps hung from underneath me. Rested in Master’s hand. He gently tugged and I felt the sensing run from the tug to my ass and pussy. He looked down at me and smiled a wide grin. “ Come on Pet, we have so much to do.” We left with me walking behind Master.
The Prosecutor looked to Gloss to silently tell her, she did well. “ Ok and this left you feeling how Ms. Gloss?”
“ Strange I had mixed feeling. I was scared. Lost. Humiliated in a way. I really don’t know.” Gloss replied.
“ After this ordeal did you wantto leave with Master?” The Prosecutor asked.
Gloss took a deep breath and held her head down. She had to answer honestly.
She looked at Boss again and then to the Prosecutor. She wiped her hands and leaned forward to the microphone.
“ No, no I didn’t” Gloss replied.
The Prosecutor turned to the court and asked her last question.
“ Ok then Ms. Gloss then what did you want to do?”
Gloss held her head down leaned forward and said,
“I wanted to stay with Boss.” Then she exhausted.
The courtroom gasped in amazement and whispers shot through the air.
The judge banged his gavel and spoke loud and deep. “ Order, Order in the court room!”



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