She was an avid beach-goer which gave the sun time to turn her pale complexion to very tan. The ocean reflected in her blue eyes and the sunshone in her deep red hair. She was a tad short and a good deal on the heavy side. She was a very proud person who never covered herself any more than she had to. This was a problem for some of the other people who would laugh or snicker at her protruding belly, but it never bothered her. Most people just ignored her though. She wasn’t a threat to anyone. Her name was Veeta.
Veeta laid on the beach every morning to watch the sun come up. There was a spiritual connection there that she just couldn’t get enough of. The sun, it made her feel like it was rising, just for her. No matter how chilly or hot it was –though it was fairly same temperature all year round- she was out there; lying in sand or walking through the water. On days when there were people there, she would sit among ones she knew. Ondays when there were no people, she felt strange eyes watching her from the woods, but she just thought it was part of the experience of the sun. She was looking at the sun and the sun was looking at her.
Once the sun was high in the sky and all the pink and orange had turned to blue, she would start to walk down the path, back towards her cottage. This was her routine since she acquired her cottage seven years ago. The schedule of the routine was comforting to her. It was a much simpler lifestyle than she used to have growing up. The city was no place for an old soul like her. She left the first chance she could and never looked back.
That day was like every other day. She got up an hour before the sun, put on one of her many bikinis, tugged a dress on top of it and walked down the path towards the beach. It was a particularly warm morning so she throw off her dress and walked into the cold water. It splashed against her face and she instantly tastedthe salt. She moved closer to the beach and kneeed down. The waves pushed at her and she tried her best to stay stationary. It was a great feeling when the waves crashed against her skin to cool her off as the sun warmed her. After about an hour of waiting and watching the sun rise, she spent about two hours playing with the children that went to the beach that morning.
As she walked back along the path she began to hum to herself. Then, suddenly, there was a blow to her head. She fell to the path with a ring in her hears. She tried to push herself up but she was being held down. Her head was pounding and she couldn’t quite shake it but the fear in her was rising. Her hearing started to come back and she heard rugged, hoarse breathing. It was a man!! Her heart started racing and she tried to get up again but he pushed her down and huffed, “Stay down bitch! I have looked in’ fo’ward to this fo’ a long time!”
He was feeling her body over her dress; rubbing and squeezing her ass, grabbing her sides, pulling her hair and pushing her back down in the dirt every time she moved. Her adrenaline kicked in and she pushed back with all the strength she could muster. She was up! However, it wasn’t enough. He grabbed her by the leg and she fell back down. She realized she probably wouldn’t be able to get away. The thought of what was about to happen Both scared and excited her. He had his knee on her back and he was back to fondling her ass. Her vagina was soaked.
Almost on cue, he hiked her dress up and started rubbing over her suit. She bit her lip to remind herself not to enjoy it. She squirmed every little bit, but not because she wanted to get away anymore, only because she wanted him to think she still wanted to get away. His hand slipped into her bikini bottoms. He rubbed her clip for a second and then got up. She didn’t move, she just listened to him walk to her feet. Then hepulled her bikini bottoms off and flipped her onto her back. She screamed and flailed and hit him, but it didn’t faze him one bit. He positioned himself so he was between her legs so she couldn’t kick him and yanked his pants off.
Veeta looked down. She didn’t see how large he was before he pushed it in her with ease. She couldn’t hide it anymore. A loud groan escaped her lips and she reached up and grasped his shirt. There was a bit of pain as she hadn’t been with anyone in so long. As soon as that wore off, she stopped groaning and started moaning. He kept whispering things at her like, “Oh you like that don’t ya’? You dirty slut,” and, “Awe, baby, your cunt is dripping, you like getting yer little cunt fucked.” It strangely turned her on.
She kept uttering no between her moans and pushing against him. He grabbed each arm and pinned her down. Then he stopped. She looked at him wondering, “Was that it?”
He laid on top of her for a moment, slowly pumping in and out of her slick cunt. She wasn’t even fighting anymore. Then he got up and she jumped with surprise. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up and then flipped her over. She was on her hands and knees. He lined himself up and pumped into her, hard and without mercy. She let out a cry. As he fucked her hard and fast, he pushed her back down. Her ass was in the air and her face was in the dirt. Her neck was hurting and her face hurt. She couldn’t breathe and she couldn’t move. There was something about being so compromised that she just couldn’t grapp. Her body started to react and she could feel a tingle start to build.
Just as she was about to orgasm, he shouted, “Awe, baby, I’m gon’ cum in yer pretty cunt!” and started to ram into her faster. She panicked. She tried to fight him off but she couldn’t move. Then, her whole body tensed. She was holding it in, but she couldn’t. Her orgasm came and shook her body. She couldn’t even hear her attacker when he yelled as he filled her cunt with his hot cum. A few more hard pumps into her and he let her fall. She was so deprived of oxygen that the very second he finished, she passed out.
A few hours later she woke up without her bikini bottoms and sore. She got up, brushed herself off and smiled. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too much longer before she could get another visitor…
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