Lesson for a Tease

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Lessons for the Tease

Candie stood 5 feet, 5 inches tall and weighed a mere 110 pounds. Her lightly tanned face was accented by deep blue eyes, a button nose, full lips, and was surrounded by long blonde hair. She was just past her eighteenth birthday, and her class had recently graduated from their small town high school.

Candie had been an early bloomer. Her breasts had started developing while she was still in elementary school. By the time she started her freshman year of high school, she had a firm set of B-cup tits. By the time she graduated, her tits had filled out to become C-cups. The rest of Candie’s slender body had kept pace with her tits’ development. She had long, shaped, legs that were brought together by a nicely rounded ass. Candie as a close to being a living Barbee doll as any human could be.

Candie had indeed grown into a lovely young lady. The problem was, she knew it. She had become a remorseless tease, and gleefully tortured any boy who dared approach her for a date, even those who only wanted to be her friend. All through high school, as she grew older and her body developed, nearly every boy who knew her had asked her out.

From an early age, Candie would laugh, cup her breasts in her hands, and tell her suitors. “Drool all you want, I’m saving these for someone who can afford me.”

Candie admitted she wasn’t looking for a boy to love her. She was looking for any man that had a fat checkbook.

She hadn’t been much nicer to the girls she had gone to school with. She frequently referred to them as jealous, title, little bitches that resented her for her good looks.

Through their senior year of high school, many of the boys had grown more and more resentful of Candie’s attitude. Five of them, part of a rough and less than popular group, had an especially strong dislike for Candie. It seemed she took extra delight in dressing provocatively and parading past them every chance she got.

“One of these days, she’s going to get what she deserves.” George often said after Candie had flounced by. George was something of a leader of his group, and the others tended to agree with his assessment of Candie’s future.

One warm summer night, George and his buddies had bought a couple of pizzas. They were leaning on their cars eating and generally shooting the shit.

As luck would have it, Candie had decided to pick up a pizza before heading home that same night. As usual, she only sneered at them when the guys said hello and asked her how her night was going.

“That bitch needs to be taught some manners.” George told his friends.

Almost in unison, they all replied. “Hell yeah!”

It was then that a plot was hatched. That bitch, Candie, would be taught a few lessons in manners. They figured someone had to do it. Why not them?

Over the next few days, George and the guys discussed their plans for Candie. They gathered the required supplies. They soon had what they needed. A rope, a gag, a bag to put over her head, rags, and ether (starting fluid stolen from a local auto parts store) were all stashed in the trunk of George’s car.

George also picked up a few supplies from the pet store and adult toy store. He bought four small dog collars, two steel food bowls, and a leash from the pet store. From the adult toy store, he bought a larger leather collar, several tubes of sexual lubricant, and a rather large butt-plug. The others laughed their asses off when George showed them the extra supplies.

The capture would be the most critical, and dangerous, time for the guys. After they had her they would need to take her some place where they would not be discovered. George’s deceased uncle’s barn would do nicely. The details were soon worked out, and the conspirators only had to wait for the opportunity to carry out their plan.

Candie lived with her parents in an average home on the edge of town. Her home sat about 150 yards from the nearest neighbor on a paved, two-lane, rural road. Behind the house was a wooden area with a seldom used dirt road running through it.

After about two weeks, an opportunity presented itself. Candie’s parents left for a Mexican vacation. Candie had stayed home alone.

Late the following Friday night, a dark colored car rolled silently to the side of the dirt road. The lights from Candie’s house could not be seen through the trees, and the car was not visible from her house or the neighbors’ houses. Gathering the things they needed, George and the boys slipped through the woods.

In a short time, they stood at the edge of the woods to the rear of Candie’s home. They watched as, one by one, the lights went out in the house. Finally, the light in Candie’s bedroom winded out.

After giving what they considered enough time for Candie to fall asleep, they put on their ski masks, crossed the yard, and prepared to enter her darkened house. With a quick flip of his pocket knife, George had the rear door open. Quietly, they moved through the kitchen, down the hallway, and gathered outside Candie’s bedroom.

With a rag soaked in the ether, George and the boys slipped into her room. For the briefest moment, the guys admired Candie’s sleeping form. She was clad in a light blue, two piece, pajama set. The top buttoned up the front. Her matching bottoms were like lose fitting shorts.

A terrified Candie awoke for only a few seconds. As she sprang up, someone throw an arm around her neck. Before she could scream, her attacker covered her mouth and nose with his other hand.

“No!” She screamed. It wasn’t just a hand that covered her mouth. There was something in his hand. A rag muffled her scream.

The ether soaked rag did its work swiftly. Candie quickly stopped kicking and screaming. As everything went black for Candie, she caught a fading glance of several guys around her bed.

While Candie was knocked out by the ether, George and the guys bound her hands and feet. They then placed a cloth bag over her head. Wearing only her two piece pajamas, Candie was carried from her house. They carried her across her back yard, through the woods, and to the waiting car. She was placed in the trunk and its lid quietly closed. The car slowly left the area undetected.

As Candie began to come to her senses, she realized she was in the trunk of a car bouncing down a rough road. With her hands and feet tightly bound, she could move very little. She could see nothing. There was something covering her head. She wondered what was going to happen to her and began to cry.

Suddenly, the car stopped. A moment later the trunk opened and Candie immediately began screaming and cussing at whoever was there. “Let me go you son-of-a-bitch. Who the hell do you think you are?” She struggled as best she could as she was dragged out of the car’s trunk and stood on her bound feet.

A husky male voice spoke softly into her ear. “Shut the fuck up, bitch.” She then felt the covering over her head being loosened. Suddenly, a rag filled hand was again held tightly over her nose and mouth. Blackness again envelopedCandie.

When Candie began to come around again, she realized she was on a straw covered floor. The bag over her head had been removed and replaced with a soft leather hood. The hood covered the top and back of her head and extended down her face to the tip of her nose. It was held in place by leather straps running under her chin and around to the back of her skull. A small pad lock secured each stick. Her mouth and nose were unobstructed, but she still could not see.

She again began screaming at her unseen captors.

“Shut the fuck up, bitch.” It was the husky male voice again. Suddenly, her left title was roughly pinched through her pajama top. She opened her mouth to scream. But, before any sound came out, a ball-gag was roughly shove into her mouth and secured behind her head. Candie’s torquer then placed a small nylon dog collar on each wrist and each ankle.

Her binding ropes were then cut. She was stood up, walked a short distance, and turned to face the direction from which she had come. Though she couldn’t see, Candie was standing in the doorway to an old horse stall. Her arms were each stretched up and out. The collars at each wrist were tied with rope to eyesbolts in the top corners of the door jam. Her legs were then violently jerked apart and the collars at her ankles secured to the bottom of the door’s frame. She then looked like a giant X.

George then whispered to Candie. “We’re going to teach you a few lessons, bitch. You will learn it’s not nice to tease people.

Candie jerked her head towards George in an attempt at hitting him. He ducked and slapped her cheek, hard. He then licked the cheek he had just slapped from the tip of her chin to near her ear.

Candie grew at him.

George reached out and firmly, but not roughly, squeezed both of Candie’s tits. She unsuccessfully tried to twist away from his hands.

Almost gently, George took a hold of Candie’s pajama top near her neck. He kissed her lips. When she turned her head to avoid the kiss, George tore her top open with a jerk. He took out his knife and carefully cut both sleepers and shoulders of the pajama top. It fell to the floor leaving Candie’s firm tits standing in the air for all to see. Her nipples hardened as a cool breeze hit them.

“Look guys, I think she’s enjoying our party.” George said to his friends.

Candie hear several guys laughing.

When George snapped his fingers, the laughter stopped and there were hands all over Candie’s tits and soft belly. The guys took turns licking and sucking her hardened nipples.

Candie whimpered, but stood still. Hell, what else could she do?

Candie hear the fingers snapagain and the guys immediately left her. She then heard two faint clicks. She couldn’t quite figure out what the clicks were.

George then took his knife and sliced ​​both sides of Candie’s pajama bottoms. He left about 1/4 inch of the waistband uncut. He gently rubbed her still covered pussy.

Candie flinched and violently shook her head and tried to say ‘no’ through her gag. All that came out was a muffled, “Ooooo!”

Gently rubbing her belly, George grabbed the front of Candie’s pajama bottom and yanked. They easily tore away leaving Candie clad only in a pair of silky, light blue, nearly see-through panties. Two quick flips of the knife and the panties joined the pajamas on the floor.

Except for her hood, gag, and dog collars, Candie stood naked before her captors. Her firm young body was exciting the guys. She was a natural blonde. She heard the faith clicks again.

George got his box of toys and whispered into Candie’s ear. “Since you act like a bitch, we’re going to treat you like one.” With that, he placed a 2” wide leather collar on her neck and padlocked it in place. He snapped the leash to her new collar and released her wrists and ankles from the stall’s door frame.

“Get down, bitch!” George ordered, as he pulled Candie down to the floor by the leash. She was made to crawl to the center of the barn where all the guys used their hands to fondle, pet, stroke, pinch, and probe her tits, pussy, and ass.

Candie hung her head and grudgingly accepted her treatment. She was then led back to her stall where, still on all fours, her knees were forced apart and secured to the door’s frame with rope. The collar around her neck further restricted her movement when its attached leash was tied to a horse feed rack. This allowed her to moveonly a few inches back and forth.

“Now we’re going to fuck you, like the bitch you are. We’re going to fuck you like a dog.” George told her.

Candie shook her head violently and tried to yell. Again the only sound that came out was muffled be the ball gag. “Ooooooo!”

George started patting and rubbing Candie’s ass. She swayed side to side trying to avoid his touch.

CRACK! The sound echoed off the barn walls. George had slapped Candie’s right ass cheek. When she again tried to move from his hand, CRACK! Her left cheek was solidly struck. Both cheeks had a well defined reddening hand print.

George reached between Candie’s legs and cupped his hand over her pussy. She tried to wiggle away, but could not. George slide his middle finger the length of Candie’s split. Starting at the front, he stroked his finger over her clip, spreadher pussy lips, and ended at her asshole. She continued to shake her head no.

George dropped his pants and his seven-inch cock pointed straight out towards Candie’s pussy. He used some of the lubricant he had brought on his cock and lightly lubed her pussy. He wasn’t interested in her comfort, but merely easing his entry into her pussy.

Kneeling behind Candie, George placed the head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy. Gently, he patted her ass. He then firmly grabbed her hips.

Candie continued to rapidly shake her head.

Without warning, using her hips for leverage, George lunged forward. His rock hard cock was speared into Candie’s tight virginal depths. With just this one plumge, George had his cock fully buried in her tight, hot, hole. He had hardly noticed the resistance of her hymen, as it was swept away by his invading cock.

Candie snapped her head up. Her gag muffled her scream of pain. As the initial shock and pain of her first cock began to subside, she let her head hang down and sobbed quietly.

George began pumping in and out of his new bitch. Her pussy was tight. It was so tight that it didn’t take too long for him to be on the verge of cumming. He was soon slamming into Candie’s hole without mercy.

“Take my cum, Bitch!” He hissed, as he buried his cock in her depths and bathed her cervix with a load of cum. As he pulled out of Candie’s pussy, a trickle of cum oozed out. The cum was tinted pink with Candie’s virgin blood. George was certain then he had taken her cherry.

In the mean time, the other guys had taken their cocks out and had stroked themselves to full edicts. Each one of them took a turn at doggie fucking their bitch. Each added his load of cum to her cunt before pulling out so the next guy could have a shot at Candie’s still tight hole.

When all the guys had taken a turn and cum in her cunt, George patted her ass and whispered into her ear. “Not bad for a cherry hole. I’m going to remove your gag now. If you make a lot of noise, it goes right back in. Understand bitch?”

Candie nodded yes.

George removed the gag, and Candie, through her sobs, asked. “Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? You know that was my first time. I’ll never be the same.”

“I reckon your pussy ain’t worth so much any more. Is it bitch? No rich son-of-a-bitch wants a doggie fucked whore.” He whispered in her ear.

She continued to cry.

As he released the ropes holding her knees to the door’s frame and took the leash off the feeder, he explained to her why she was there. “When you act like a teasing bitch, you get treated like one. From now on, you will answer to the name, Bitch. But, it’s getting late now. Crawl like the bitch you are, and follow me.”

He led her by the lean the rest of the way into her stall. He took her to a steel dog bowl on the floor filled with cool water. As she drank, he left her for the night.

Candie heard the heavy door close and the bolt slam into position. She was locked in, alone, and unable to see. Her pussy felt like it was on fire from the rough first fucking it had just endured. Cum and blood were leaking out of her stretched hole. She wanted to check the damage to her pussy. She just knew she was split wide open. The hood prevented her from seeing anything. Try as she might, she could not get the hood off. She finally gave up on the hood, lie on her side, and fell asleep.

The door opened with a bang and started the sleeping girl awake. “Wake up, Bitch! It’s morning. Your breakfast is here. Eat it! You’ll need your strength.”

Candied crawled to where here water bowl was and found another steel dog bowl next to it. Breakfast consistent of runny oatmeal. “There’s no spoon. How am I supposed to eat this?”

“Lap it up like the bitch you are!” The door slammed and the bolt latched in place.

Since her hands were free, Candie picked the bowl up and drank her breakfast.

A short time later, George entered her stall and snapped her lean on her collar and commanded. “Come, Bitch.”

He led her to the middle of the barn. Her knees and wrists were secured to boards to keep them well spread. The boards also prevented Candie from moving too far.

George and the guys all had another go at her pussy. It didn’t hurt her nearly as much as the first time. In fact, she even began to enjoy it a little. As a tingling began in her core, Candie bent her elbows and lowered her head to the floor. Her pussy was nicely presented to any who cared to use her. Her groans and cries had turned to moans.

Then the fucking abruptly stopped.

George said. “A good bitch needs a tail.” He had modified the large butt plug so it now had a bushy dog’s tall attached. He put the tail in Candie’s hand and let her feel the plug. “Where do you think your tail goes?”

“No! Please, no! It’s too big. It’ll never fit.” She begged.

“Perhaps you’re right. It may be too big for your little ass. Your ass is probably too tight. I reckon we’ll just have to loosen it up a bit.

“No!” She screamed.

“Do you want the gag back?”

“No, please, no gag. I’ll try to be quiet. How are you going to stretch my butt?Candie had a good idea how they would stretch her ass. She just didn’t want to admit she knew about such things.

“OK, but please go slower than last night. It hurt like hell when you rammed into me.”

OK Bitch, but your ass will still get well fucked. Your ass needs stretched, and your tail needs to be put in. One way or the other, you will get your tail.”

Candie began sobbing again as George lubed up his cock. He put a good sized gob of lube right on her asshole and roughly shoved it in with his fingers.

He placed the head of his cock at Candie’s asshole. As promised, he didn’t ram into her. With a quick little push, his cock’s head popped past her sphincter and into her asshole.

Candie gasped, but didn’t fight or yell. Again she heard the clicks.

Inch by inch, George pushed his cock into Candie’s ass. She grunted with each push. He soon had his 7-inch cock fully in her ass. Grabbing her hips for leverage, he began struggling in and out of her tight ass. Candie’s asshole was even tighter than her cherry pussy had been. He withdraw his cock until only his head was still in her ass. With one final shove, he buried himself deep in her bowels and dumped his load of cum.

As the other guys lined up to butt-fuck Candie, she began to like it. She grunted and groaned with each thrust into her ass. She pushed back each time one of the boys pushed into her.

George had lubricated the butt plug and handed it to the last guy to fuck her ass. He picked up Candie’s head and firmly kissed her mouth. She returned the kiss. As they kissed, the guy at her ass shoved the large butt plug fully into her stretched asshole. Candie screamed into George’s mouth, but her tail was in place. More clicks were heard.

When she was released fromthe boards that had held her in place, Candie tried to pull the tail out of her ass. The guys were laughing hard as they watch her roll around on the floor unsuccessfully trying to pull her new tail out.

“How long do I have to have this tail?”

“Until you learn to be a good little bitch, do what you’re told, and treat others better. Now, crawl over here and suck my cock.” George gave her lean a slight tug forward.

After only a short hesitation, Candie crawled in the direction her leaned her. When she reached George, she immediately started licking and sucking him.

George quickly had his cock filling her mouth and ready to exploit. More clicks. As he pumped her mouth full of cum, she did her best to swallow every drop. When George pulled his limp cock out of Candie’s mouth, a cock of one of the other guys quickly replaced it. Like her pussy and asshole before, each guy fucked and dumped his load of cum in Candie’s mouth. She swallowed it all.

It was midday by then and Candie was already feeling tired. The guys all petted her head and told he what a good little bitch she was becoming. She was smiling as she was led to her stall. She even seemed to put a little extra wag in her tail. Still more clicks. She hadn’t figured out what the clicks were, yet.

She found her water bowl had been filled with fresh cool water. Her food bowl held various kinds of fruits that had been cut to bite sized pieces.

As evening approached, Candie was led out of her stall, and taken to the middle of the barn. George loudly asked her. “What’s your name?”

“Can…er…Bitch.” She replied.

“Good Bitch.” George criticized her.

Bitch smiled and shook her tailed ass back and forth. Bitch hear many clicks. She sensed someing was different.

“Suck my cock, Bitch.” George ordered.

As she sucked George, one of the other guys twisted a small knob on her butt plug/tail and it shrank in size. It was pulled out, and the guys began using her asshole and pussy at will. The clicks were nearly constant.

Bitch pulled off George’s cock to ask a question. She said. “I keep hearing clicks. And now, there seems to be more boys here. Please, what’s happening to me.”

George waved off the guys at Bitch’s rear. He then told her. “Sit!”

Bitch sat on her haunches.

George, petting Bitch’s cheats said. “Bitch, you remember how badly you treated all the guys while you were in school?”

Bitch lowered her head and nodded.

“Well, a lot of them are here. It’s payback time. They will all be fucking youlike the bitch you are. While you suck me, they will be fucking your ass and pussy. You understand, don’t you, Bitch?”

Bitch slowly nodded her head. “And what are the clicks I keep hearing?”

“Oh, that. Well Bitch, we all have cameras, and pictures have been taken of all your training. That way, if you decide to complain later, we can show all these pictures and claim it was all your idea. Hell, when something stinks, the dog always gets the blow. Now get back to sucking my cock, Bitch.”

Bitch, did as she had been told. When George had shot his load into her mouth, he turned her over to the large group of boys she had offended over the years. Each fucked Bitch in any hole they wanted and as often as they wanted.

Several hours later, Bitch had fucked and sucked the assembled group into submission. To her surprise, she had cum numerous times herself. She was driving cum from every hole in her body. She was dirty, smelled badly, and was exhausted.

She was led by her lean outside and washed with doggie shampoo and a garden hose. It felt surprisingly good to her.

Her tail was replaced, and she was led to her stall. After a long drink from her bowl, she quickly curled up on the floor and fell asleep.

She slept until late the next afternoon. When she woke, she was led to the door’s frame and spread eagled into the X again. George told her. “There’s one last thing to do.”

“What more is there? I’ve been fucked in my virgin pussy, taken it up my ass, swallowed more cum than I can imagine, and I have a tail. What more can I do?”

Cupping both of her tits in his hands, George said. “Do you remember when you used to say you were saving these for someone who could afford you?”

Bitch nodded.

“Well, I’m claiming them.”

Bitch said. “They’re yours any time you want them.”

“No! I need to mark them, and it may hurt a little.”

She thought he means to give her a hickey, or maybe a tattoo. “All right, I am your bitch. I guess you can mark them if you want.”

She obeyed immediately when George told her. “Open your mouth.”

The ball gag was shoved in and secured behind her head. George began by sucking her nipple hard. Ice was then slowly worked all around the right nipple until it was nearly numb. He pinched her nipple very hard and pulled it out from her title. He then pulled the strange pliers from his hip pocket and placed them over her distended nipple and squeezed.

Searing pain shot from Bitch’s nipple to the rest of her body. She screamed behind the ball gag. Her screeams covered the rapid clicking.

The left nipple received the same treatment. It was aroused, numbered with ice, pinched, and pulled out. Again the pain shot through Bitch, and she screamed again. A trickle of blood was strreaking the underside of each title. Tears were running down the side of her nose from under her hood. Bitch had a new pair of heavy gauge, stainless steel, self-locking, nipple rings.

Bitch was released from the door’s frame and allowed return to her stall to relax. She was given a bowl of ice to help reduce the swelling of her nipples and tits.

As night fall, all the guys except George headed back to town. They’re fun with Bitch had ended for the time being. George said he would take her back to town late that night.

When they were alone, George and Bitch talked about the weekend and what had led to it. Bitch finally realized she had been a bitch most of her life. Her presentcondition was only fitting. She was Bitch, and George was her master. A bitch needs to do anything in her power to please her master.

George promised her there was only one more thing
to do to get home. He led her to his car, on two feet, and paced her in the passenger side. During the ride back to town, Bitch sucked George’s cock as ordered.

At the edge of town, George reached into the back seat and grabbed a sealed bag. It contained an ether soaked rag. Bitch was soon out cold.

Bitch awoke a short time later. Her hood was gone and she could see again. The collars on her wrists and ankles had also been removed. The collar on her neck was still locked in place. Her lean was locked to the collar with the other end locked to a pole. Of course, her tail was firmly in place and had been nicely brushed. Bitch got her first look at her new nipple rings. She liked them.

The thing that really bothered her was she wasn’t at home. She was tied to the flagpole in front of the local high school. Next to her, and just out of her reach, was a hand painted sign. It read: “My name is Bitch. Please, use me as you like. Then help me find a new master.”


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