Metagame: A Series of League of Legends Shorts_(0)

Quick note: hey there guys, I am not the creator of this
storie so all cradit goes to a site member
Undefined7. If you wish to see more of his work, just go

Warning: This story contains futanari on female. In other
words – girls with dicks having sex with females. If the
Continent offends, you are advised to leave

Eyes in the sky

Quinn returned to the ladies’ locker room
After suffering a crushing defeat. As she
removed her heavy pieces of armor she
overheard the murmurs of her allies.
“God, why can’t people just summon Vayne
or Caitlyn?” Katarina whispered.
“Even Urgot would be a better choice, at
least that… thing can initiate.” Shyvana
fired back.
Miss Fortune poked her head out from her
locker. “What’s the point of having less
than 550 range in the first place? When
does that ever work out?”
Though her face remained calm and stoic,
her allies’ words pierced Quinn straight
Through the heart. She was always eager to
test her skills and put showcase the fruits
of her training, and yet nobody wanted to
see her on their team. If she performed
well and led her team to victory, someone
else would take credit. If she performed
well and lost, she would take the blame.
“Hey can you just stick to top lane or
something and let real marksmen do the
whole “carrying” thing?” Katarina shouted
from across the room.
“Why? So she can feed somewhere else?”
Shyvana added on. The rest of the girls
laughed. The whole room seemed to be
against her. She stared at her crossbow in
her hands and bit her lip. She didn’t want
to be there. She wanted to be out with
Valor, hunting in the cold northern forests
of Demacia, or even exploring in Freljord.
Though she enjoyed being summoned by a
competent summoner, Quinn was more
than happy to be off on her own where she
could enjoy the fresh air with only Valor at
her side.
She removed her ornate golden helmet and
placed it in her locker, scratching her short
purple hair. She looked over her shoulder
to the shows and could see they were
already starting to fill. Quinn preferred to
shower by herself. She surprised and wrapped
a towel around her waist before slipping
out of her brown, armored leggings from
Most of the ladies in the League had no
trouble changing out in the open. Their
sizeable breasts, feminine curves and long
beautiful hair gave them the confidence to
Prance around in the nude. But Quinn was
different. She was shorter than most of the
women, her breastswere small, her body
was toned and muscular and she didn’t do
anything fancy with her hair. Her most
admirable feature was her perfectly round
ass, the result of a strict workout regime
and proper diet. Still, she did whatever she
could to remain covered when in the
presence of others.
She wrapped her towel tighter above her
chest and walked over to a small hallway
at the end of the lockers. Five small saunas
were installed at the request of a few of
the more influential female champions,
though they didn’t see much use aside
from the odd occasion. Quinn seemed to be
the only one who used them lately.
She walked to the last sauna in the row
and peered through the window, double-
checking to see if anyone was there, then
entered the room.
She inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with
the warm sauna air and her nose with the
scent of cedar. She disrobed of her towel
and placed it on a hook near the door. The
saunas were meant to be used after the
Showers as a way to dry off and relax the
muscles. However Quinn used them as a
way to hide until the rest of the girls left
so she could shower in peace.
She sat down on the lower level of the
sauna and stretched out her arms and legs,
revealing the other thing that separated
her from the ladies in the league. A soft,
modest dick wiggled between her thighs,
atop a pair of approximately sized testicles.
She had sprouted the uncharacteristic
appendage after an unfortunate encounter
with a carnivorous plant while on an
excursion in the Plague Jungles.
She reached over and picked up a wooden
ladle on the bench, dipped it into a bucket
of water, and poured the water over the
rocks in the center of the floor. The room
quickly filled with a steamy haze and Quinn
let out a satisfied sight.
As she got more comfortable in the room
her mind began to wander. She thought
about what mistakes she had made during
the previous match. She could hear the
voices of her frustrated allies and their
insults. She then began to imagine their
naked bodies as they ridiculed her. Oh no,
don’t think about that. She thought. Not
now, wait until we get home. No matter
how hard she tried to quell her thoughts,
she couldn’t shake the images from her
head, and she feel her cock begin to twitch.
She squeezed it tightly in her palm. Please,
not now. It continued to grow in her hand
until it stuck out at an impressive six
She began to lightly stroke it between her
fingers, cursing the appendage that
seemed to have a mind of its own. Why do
you keep doing this to me? She wiped the
sweat forming on her forehead and
between her Bcup breasts and brushed it
off on the bench. Her breathing became
more labored as she struggled to inhale the
hot sauna air. Just anxious up and finish. She
Her grip tightened and she stroked harder
and faster. She stood up in preparation to
shoot her load over the sauna rocks when
she heard a knock on the door.
What?! Who the hell wants in? She
thought. She sat back down on the benchmark
and squeezed her lady boss between her
legs. If it weren’t for her rock hard thighs
it would have simply shot straight back up.
She fidgeted in her seat and tried to
remain quietly; hoping the person at the door
would leave. She heard another knock, this
time followed by a voice.
“Is someone in there?” The voice asked.
Quinn didn’t reply. Please go. Please don’t
come in. Please, please, please…
The door opened slightly.
"Is someone in here?” Ashe asked through
the crack in the door.
Well shit, I’ve got no choice now. “Yeah i-
it’s me.” Quinn spoke in a hushed voice.
“Oh, hello Quinn.” Ashe poked her head
Through the door. “Do you mind if I join
Quinn scratched her head nervously. “Uhh…
The pale frost archer squeezed through the
crack in the door.
As Quinn would have expected, Ashe was
fully nude. Her long, snow white hair
highlighted her beautiful lady-like curves on
her front and back. Her large, beautiful
bus swayed and bounced slightly with her
step. Her long, pale legs seemed to glow
amidst the darkness of the room. She truly
was a queen. Quinn could feel her loins
stirring between her thighs.
Ashe walked over to Quinn and sat down
beside her on the upper level of the sauna.
“I was looking for you.” She leaned
backward over the top step of the sauna
bench, her gorgeous breasts jutting out
atop her ribcage and tilting slightly
outward. “I’m sorry you had to hear those
nasty things.”
Quinn knew it was rude to stare, but she
Couldn’t help but peek every now and then
at the goddess laying next to her. She
swallowed hard. “Don’t apologize for
them.” She told. “I’m used to hear
stuff like that.”
“But you shouldn’t be. They should respect
your talents and treat you as equal.”
Quinn wiped the sweat from her face
again. “I’m not equal.”
“You have strengths that they don’t. You
and your bird are a formidable duo. I know
What the two of you are capable of.
You brought light to the growing turmoil in
the Freljord. You enlightened the southern
nations of aVery serious matter. If not for
your assistance we would not have received
Demacian reformations. That alone is
worthy of praise.”
Quinn surprised. “Ashe, why did you come
Ashe sat up and looked down at Quinn. “I
could tell you were upset. I wanted to
remind you that you are a hero to both the
Freljord and Demacia. You must never
forget that your actions brought peace to a
Quinn stared at her toes and wiggled
them. “Thanks, I guess.”
The Frost Archer stood up from her seat
and sat downward on the same bench as
Quinn. “I never properly thanked you for
What you did.”
Quinn looked away shyly. “There’s no need
for thanks. Knowing the Freljord is now at
peace is thanks enough.”
Ashe smiled and gently placed her left
hand on Quinn’s thigh. “As Queen it is my
duty to rewardthose who helped my people
prosper.” She slide her hand upward to the
V between Quinn’s thighs.
Quinn gripped Ashe’s wrist before she
could go any further. “Ashe, please, stop.”
She pushed the hand away and finally
looked her in the eyes. “Look, I’m honoured
that my efforts were of use to you, truly, I
am. Please, just, know that I accept your
thanks. That’s all I ask. You don’t need to
do me any favours or anything. It’s not
Ashe frowned and leaned back again,
arching her back over the seat behind her.
“Alright, if you insist.”
Quinn surprised again. “Thank you.”
The two ladies sat in silence. Quinn
awkwardly scratched her head and wiggled
her toes, hoping Ashe would hurry up and
Leave so that she herself could finish. She
thought about jerking off in front of Ashe
and closed here eyes tightly. No! Why would
you even think about such a thing!? Despite
her best efforts, she could feel herself
getting harder once again. She fidgeted in
her seat in an attempt to stifle the growing
She moaned silently. Ohhh. The sensing
of her thighs rubbing against her cock
elicited an incredible pleasure. Oh god,
please don’t do this. She could feel her
heart beat quicken. Well, maybe I can just
cum like this and run to the shower once
Ashe leaves.
She quickly glanced at Ashe from the
corner of her eyes to make sure she was
Still resting, then began to roll her tights
slightly from side to side. She could feel
her head rubbing against her tight thighs
and imagined it was another girl she was
thrusting around inside. The image in her
mind changed from a plain, brown-haired
mystery woman to Ashe. Quinn bit her lip.
No! Not her! Don't think of her.
Though despite her best efforts, she
Couldn’t shake the image of her
penetrating Ashe from behind. It was
beginning to drive her crazy. Okay we really
need to hurry up with this, she’s going to
open her eyes any moment now. Quinn
looked beside her for a quick peek at
Ashe’s naked body, in hopes of speeding
things up. She watched as the queen’s
breasts heaved up and down gently with
her breathing. Quinn had never been so
close to them before.
She felt her throbbing cock tighten even
harder, causing her to moan slightly. Oh
shit, was that out loud? Oh god I hope she
didn’t hear that. Maybe if I can just… She
looked over at Ashe one last time and
saved the image in her mind. Okay, it’ll
Only take a couple seconds, then we can
relax. Quinn placed her hand over her
crotch and slowly spread her legs.
Her cock sprang upward, flinging a drop of
pre-cum that had been dangling from her
head into the hot stones at the centre of
the room. A loud hiss erupted and Quinn
froze in terror. Ashe looked up from her
rest, first at the stones, then at Quinn.
Quinn was a status. Her mouth frozen in
Shock and her hands hovered over her
throbbing ection.
Ashe giggled. “I’ve never seen it like that
Quinn slammed her hands down on her
cock and looked over to Ashe, breathing
heavy. “Before? You’ve seen it… before?”
Ashe nodded. “Once or twice. I do have the
eyes of a hawk after all.”
Quinn sulked, her hands still working to
keep her stiffness down. “Does… anyone
else know?”
“Not to my knowledge, no.”
Quinn sent again. “Please, please don’t
tell anyone about this.” Her Face was
bright red.
Ashe grinned and shuffled closer to Quinn.
“Yes it… it would be a shame if anyone
found out wouldn’t it?” She placed her
hand on the woman’s leg again and slowly
inched towards the stiff member.
“Please… don’t do this.” Quinn’s cock
twitched in anticipation.
Ashe looked up again. “I’ve been married
for four years. I know how to help when it
gets like this.”
Quinn blushed and wiped the sweat from
her browser with both hands. “No, I mean.
It’s just, I don’t know… it’s embarrassing…
having someone else do it.”
“Then you can do it.” Ashe smiled warmly.
“I simply don’t want to see you in pain.”
Quinn laughed nervously.
“So what will it be?”
Quinn swallowed again and bit her lip. She
slowly gripped the shaft of her cock with
her right hand and began to move it up and
down. It was incredibly difficult for her to
ignore the fact that Ashe was watching
“Do you always do it so slow?” Ashe piped
“Uh… only w-w-when I’m getting ready.”
“Ah.” Ashe stood up and sat down on the
adjacent bench. Though she didn’t want to
admit it, Ashe wanted Quinn to look at her
while jerking off.
She sprayed out across the benchmark,
fondling her breasts and tracing her fingers
across her legs, drawing attention to the
pink slit between her tights
Quinn gulped and began to stroke faster.
Ashe moaned. “Mmm yes, like that.”
Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened as
Quinn stared, hypnotized by Ashe’s beauty.
Her back arched and she pulled the skin of
her dick back as far as it would stretch. She
instinctively stood up as she shot six decent
spurts of her hot cum into the coals. The
coals hissed and steamed and Quinn fall
down to her seat once again, breathing
“All better?” Ashe inquired.
Quinn opened one eye and nodded, her
tongue hanging from her mouth as she
Desperately tried to return her breathing to
“I must say that was quite impressive, the
way it shot with such velocity to reach the
Quinn didn’t reply.
“Shouldn’t it be returning to normal now?”
Quinn opened one eye and looked
downward. Though it no longer stand on its
own, her cock lay fully grown against her
stomach, twitching occasionally. Why aren’t
you shrinking? Don’t do this to me… She
gripped the shaft with a tired hand and
flicked it downward in hopes that it would
sink down in between her legs. The cock
bobbed and bounced against her thighs but
refused to yield.
“Looks like you still have more in you.”
Ashe joked.
Quinn sat up, looking noticeably irritated.
“It’s… never… done this… before.” As if
the steam in the room was not enough,
Quinn’s arousal made it that much more
difficult for her to catch her breath.
“Perhaps I may give you a hand?” Ashe
stood up and bounced towards Quinn, sitting
at her side once more.
Quinn wanted to refuse but couldn’t find
the energy to speak. She nodded lightly
and closed her eyes.
Ashe curled her delicate fingers around the
shaft of Quinn’s semi-erect dick and gently
rubbed her fingers up and down.
“Interesting things, aren’t they?”
Quinn opened her eyes briefly, but couldn’t
keep them open.
With her other hand, Ashe caresed Quinn’s
abdomen. “Your physics is your most
admirable feature my dear. You must work
out quite often.”
Quinn continued to ignore Ashe’s
questions. She was completely focused on
the arousing pleasure below her waist.
Ashe stopped for a moment as Quinn
exhausted deeply. “Should I open the vent? It
may be too hot for you.”
Quinn shook her head slowly. “No…” She
placed her hands behind her head and
stretched backward, her abdominal muscles
outlined below her chest.
“Very impressive.” Ashe leaned forward
and placed her chef against the girl’s
stomach. “Very fit indeed.” She whispered.
She continued to stroke the once-again
throbbing cock in her hand.
Quinn could feel her heartbeat in her
temples. She never imagined a stunningly
beautiful queen would be serving her like
this. She closed her eyes and revealed in the
pleasure when she suddenly felt a new
sensing against the tip of her penis. Her
eyes opened and she leaned forward.
Ashe gently flicked her tongue across the
sensitive tip, giggling as Quinn twitched
and cringed in delight. “You’ve never been
sucked before have you?” Ashe looked up
and Quinn shook her head. The Frost
Archer deliciously kissed the smooth round
head and slipped it between her lips. Quinn
exhausted loudly and let out a slight moan as
she felt the woman’s ice cold lips against
her warm cock.
Inch by inch, she enveloped the universal
dick with her mouth, licking and coating
the shaft with her saliva. Quinn wronged
and ached with each movement, still
sensitive from her previous orgasm. As
Ashe bobbed her head up and down over
the shaft, Quinn dug her nails into the
bench, splintering the red cedar. She could
Feel her orgasm approaching quickly.
"Keep… keep going.” She finally found the
effort to speak.
Ashe removed her lips from Quinn’s girl
cock and exhausted. “Hold on, I want to
savour this.”
The Freljordian Queen stood up and
climbed on to the bench where Quinn was
seated and sat on her knees above Quinn’s
throbbing cock. She reached her hands back
towards the girl. “Please.”
Quinn gripped the queen’s wrists as Ashe
sat down on her lap, forcing her cock into
her cold, damp pussy. Ashe pursued at the
sharp difference in temperature she could
feel inside her; her ice-cold pussy against
Quinn’s hot cock.
Quinn moaned violently as Ashe slowly
bounced her hips on her lap. A light
slapping echoed as Ashe’s soft buns
smacked against Quinn’s hard thighs.
Through the space between her arms and
torso, Quinn could see the edges of Ashe’s
breasts as they bounced up and down with
Each of her thrusts. The sight was enough
to send her over the edge.
With a sudden surge of energy that
completely caught Ashe off guard, Quinn
released Ashe’s hands and grabbed her
Below the knees, raising the taller woman
in the air. Quinn stood up and pressed her
cheese against the woman’s bare back as
she thrust one final time into her cold
flesh. Her ass tightened and her face
contorted as she pumped the frost archer
with her seed, holding the woman tightly in
her arms.
As she felt the last drop squirt from her
head, Quinn sat back down and let go of
Ashe’s legs. For a moment Ashe sat still in
amazement at Quinn’s strength, the girl’s
dick still inside her. “Goodness. I wasn’t
anticipating that.” Ashe exhausted.
Quinn panted then swallowed hard. “I’m…
sorry. I-Ihope… I didn’t hurt you.”
Ashe turned her upper body and smiled at
the purple-haired woman beneath her.
“Not at all.” Ashe finally stood up, Quinn’s
cock slipping out from her pussy and
landing against the girl’s thigh, finally at
rest. Ashe stepped over to the coals and
spread her legs. She placed two fingers
between her pussy lips and spread them. A
short stream of warm, white liquid oozed
out from her and landed on the hot coals. A
pillar of steam erupted out in response,
warming Ashe’s legs.
She stepped back and sat down at Quinn’s
side once again. “I think the shows are
free now.” She leaned over and kissed the
small woman on her cheek. “Promise me
we’ll do this again?”
Quinn nodded and closed her eyes.


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