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Previous: The Girl Scout-1;
The Girl Scout-2 Daddy;
The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man;
The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced
The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You;
The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good
The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen
The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter
The Girl Scout -14 Exam Hell
The Girl Scout -15 Training and Breeding
The Girl Scout -16 PARTY
The Girl Scout-17 The Great Escape
The Girl Scout-18 Street Justice
The Girl Scout-19 The Meat Wagon
The Girl Scout-20 Bitch Beat down
The Girl Scout -21 Going Home – Help at Last
The Girl Scout -22 Soccer Bitch
The Girl Scout-23 RUN BITCH RUN
(Girl Scout Lisa was kidnapped and subjected to terrible horrors both by street hoods
and the police who were supposed to help her. She was behind by Maddy
who had nursed her back to health and arranging her return home. Maddy betrayed her
and she has been sold to Russian criminal types who use her for their soccer games entertainment.
She is used for soccer all target and now made to run for her life)
He stepped back and the rest of the men lined up with soccer balls. Each man took a turn kicking at the
bitch hanging from the goal. A ball whizzed by Lisa. The next one scored hit to her belly. Suddenly they were coming from all angles. She almost passed out as one hit square in the face.
Lisa struggled to look around. The blood rushed to her head. She struggled to stay conscious.
The men had retrieved their balls. The lined up. She realized now they had just practiced. Now they were going to have a contest kicking the ball at her.
Lisa could see the man lining up a kick. Lisa twisted but the first ball hit her square in the groin.
The range was so close now they could not miss and the impact was jarring. The next hit her in between her legs. The next hit her breasts. Slowly bruises began to appear. There was cheering and laughing as the Men were betting, yelling .
“ThummmPPPP” Lisa hit the ground spraying with the men gathered around her. The contest was over. The man with the knife cut the ropes off her ankles. “Get the fuck up. Stand up.” Lisa struggle to her feet dizzy from her ordeals.
Lisa looked confused. “This you chance to get away. Run your little ASS off.”
Lisa didn’t believe they would let her get away but she had little choice. With great effort she started to
run. Dirty, bruised soaked with piss and covered with dirt the teen began running. Naked and dazed she made a dash away from the field.
“RUN BITCH RUN. She heard them yell
Naked and barefoot the teen bitch ran. “Come on CUNT, you can run faster. “ “Move that Ass.”
The soccer players were running with her on each side. Lisa, desperate tried to run towards the street
but the Russian thugs kept her running deeper into the park. The men laughed and taunted her as her
naked body bounced as she ran. “Faster. Run Bitch. Run. Faster. Faster.”
FASTER they screamed at her. Lisa tried to out run them but they could easily keep up.
They hemmed her in, hands slapped her ass, another smacked her head. Everything spun around.
She was shoved from one side and then the other.
“Keep running. RUN RUN”
“AGGGHHHH” Lisa screamed, falling to the ground. Her feet where bloodied from running.
She sprayed on the ground surrounded by the men. “Get UP. Get UP.” A foot pushed her,
Another kicked her.
Lisa tried to get up, desperate. “Get up Bitch. “ A hand grabbed he rand pulled her up by the
“RUN RUN RUN” the men chanted. “I can’t, please.” “Come on, we will give you a head start.”
“AHHH.” She was shoved from behind and started to run. She looked back and the men were watching.
Lisa ran as fast as she could but shortly the men were again along side. They kept her running towards
a pond. Lisa tried to change direction but they kept her running to the pond. Finally she stopped at the edge of the pond and sank to her knees. “I can’t go on, please no more.”
“Fucking dirty scummy whore, time to clean you up.” “Dirty whore, clean up before we fuck
that ass. “ A man grabbed her by the ankles and anotherer by her wrists. Lisa screamed as they
swung her back and forth. “YAAAAAAAAAAAA/” the crowd screamed as Lisa flew into the water.
As she struggled to get her feet , hands pushed her back down into the water. A Russian thug pushed her head under the water. He pulled her head up as she gasped for air, only to be pushed down again.
“Take it easy on the Bitch, don’t throw her.” “Bring her up.”
Lisa was dragged up to a picnic table laying half on the table and feet on the ground. Blurred she looked around, there were men with the women and they were all laughing.
Lisa looked at the woman. “Please help me, Please.” A woman laughed and sprit in her face.
“My man is going to be the first to ass fuck you.” She felt men’s hands on her ass, spreading her cheats.
Fingers ran up her slit and probed both her holes.
“Fuck that ass,laughed the woman.” Standing around her were the men and women of the soccer
league, they were drinking beer and eating burgers from the grill. “Sergi, Sergio, Sergio. “ Everyone
was chanting. Lisa felt the spit on her butt hole and the tip of the prick probing. “Fuck that ass Sergio
laughed a woman sitting on the benchmark. She took a swig of beer and spit the mes over Lisa’s head.
“AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Lisa pinned up against the picnic table as the dick shove into her butt.
More spit beer poured over head. “Cheap Amercan Whore.” “Fuck that stupid bitch ass.”
Brutally he rammed himself inside her. Shoving her against the table. Straining to get as deep inside
her as he could. Back forth her fucked her while people laughed and joked .
“HARDER HARDER” They laughed.
Two hours later Lisa was unconscious but the brutal ass fucking hadContinued, one man after another. Cum mixed with blood ran down her legs. Two of the Russian women dragged a cooler by Lisa’s raved butt. They grabbed cubes of ice shoving them in her pussy and ass. Lisa refused consciousness and screamed like never before. “Take that out. Please take it out. “ They shoved more cubes in pushing them deeper. Lisa tried pushing them out but the women kept pushing in. screaming was incessant as the cold cubes were deep inside both her holes.
(To Be Continued)
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