Me and Mr. Blue

When I was in high school I always had the biggest crush on the 12th grade literature teacher. You know how young women can be when they focus on an attractive older man. Mr. Blue was the youngest on the payroll at 24 years old. He had turquoise eyes and careless dark hair. He didn’t really spend time with the other teachers, electing to read Byron and Shelly under a large magnolia tree by himself instead.

It was here that I first developed a password for poetry. I would sit with him under the tree everyday. In a way, I felt like it was inappropriate… But it was dangerous and he didn’t seem to mind having me around hanging on his every word.

Sometimes I would dress sexy for him, hoping he would notice. And he did, but he was too much of a gentleman to give in to my charms. As the months went on, my skirts became shorter and my tops more low cut. I was taking full advantage of being an early bloomer with my 36 DD’s.

Then, June came. It was time for me to graduate and I was heart broken that I hadn’t been able to steal a single kiss from the lips that poured romantic prose into my heart. Every day I would come to class and look deep into his eyes hoping he could read my mind.

On the last day of school, I was sulking while walking to my crappy celica in the student parking lot when I heard the most wonderful sound. It was Mr. Blue calling my name. I turned around and waited for him to catch up to me.

He told me that he had very strong feelings for me but he didn’t want to feel like he was taking advantage of a young woman and that he didn’t want to lose his job. He also said that he didn’t want to hurt me if things didn’t work out.

A smile worked it’s way playfully across my lips. I told him that I was more mature than he thought and that sometimes I would touch myself at night while imagining him reading the poetry.

He was completely shocked but I could clearly see a bulge starting to form in the front of his pants.

I turned around and grabbed a paper from my bag and began scribbling when I felt his hand gently touch the side of my face. I took his hand in mine and put his index finger all the way in my mouth. I slowly pulled his finger out of my mouth, swirling my tongue around it and leaving behind a burgundy smudge from my lipstick.

I put my phone number in his hand and said, ‘I turn 18 in two months.’ Call me, tiger. He stood there. Looking at my number and then at me, completely unable to string a sentence together. For once, I was the one with all the right words and it left him speechless.

With a smile like the cat who caught the canary, I drove home knowing that in two months I would have Mr. Blue.

That night, after I got home from a graduation celebration I noticed a message on my phone. It was Mr. Blue asking if he could come pick me up for a bite to eat.

I called him back and told him that I would be ready in an hour. I ran a nice hot bubble bath and filled it with wild jasmine petals from the field behind my house. I held my cookie until it was perfectly smooth and got ready for my date with Mr. Blue.

I wore a beautiful sheer dress that was the color of the ocean before a storm and fastened at the shoulders like a greek goddess. Typically with a dress like this most ladies are supposed to wear a slip under but I decided to go with nothing because the fabric felt amazing on my bare skin. I wanted as little fabric between me and Mr. Blue as possible and this dress was perfect for that.

As I waited in front of my house under the light of the moon I fantasized about him. What was he going to wear? Where was he going to take me? Was he going to take me? Am I making a huge mistake?

My thoughts were interrupted suddenly when I saw his car coming down the road. As he got closer, our eyes locked and he almost crashed into our mailbox haha!

I walked casually in front of his car as he waited so the headlights of his car would shine through my dress, giving him a teasing glimpse of my naked body. As I got into the car he seemed a bit more composed then when I left him in the school parking lot earlier that day.

‘I hope you like poetry and coffee.’ he said as we pulled away from the house.

‘I’m pretty sure you already know everything I like.’ I grinned. ‘Thanks by the way. For not getting hung up over my age. Most of my friends have been having sex since they were in middle school.’

He raised an eyebrow. ‘..have you..?’

‘God no Mr. Blue!’ I laughed ‘I was 16. Everybody keeps calling me a late bloomer. I disagree though, I’m just picky.’

Mr. Blue laughed out loud. ‘Well, it's good to know you have standards. And stop calling Mr. Blue, it makes me feel old. My name is John.’

‘Ok John.’ I smiled.

15 minutes later we were at the Surly Bean, a local coffee house that was popular for its open mic nights. I was excited to hear some poetry since a bit of art always gets excitings me.

We got our coffee and had a seat at the table. As the night rolled on we made intellectual banter while listening to the poets read their work.

I lost count of how many poems I heard until the coffee house owner stood up and announced that John would be reading something special for a special lady.

To say that there were butterflies in my stomach would be a huge understatement. John took the stage and looked deep into my eyes before recalling probably the most amazing poem I’ve ever heard in my life.

If there was any doubt in my mind about whether or not I wanted to have sex withJohn, it was now completely swept away.

We finished our coffee and went back to his car.

‘Where to?’ I asked nervously. I was afraid that he would change his mind and take me back to my house.

‘I thought maybe we could read some more poetry at my place. If you have to go home though, I understand.’ He said.

‘Me? Oh hell no, let’s go read some poetry. I never want this night to end!’ I was so excited because my dream was finally coming true. So many torturous years of wanting to be Mr. Blue’s plaything and only now getting a chance.

When we got to his place, I saw right away that his house was huge. There were probably about 7 bedrooms in this house and there were books in almost every one of them. I was in heaven. My heels clacked on the hard wood floors as he led me to the parlor and put on The Night by Morphine.

We slow danced for a little while before I took himby the hand and led him up the stairs. I guessed that his room was the one with the oldest books in it and a huge bed with blood red satin lines.

We kissed for a long time before he undid the clasps of my dress at my shoulders and watched in awe as it slip down over my perfect DD breasts, dropping to the floor. He slowly laid me down on the bed and kissed all of my skin.

Before I knew it, I felt him kissing me down there and I was not expecting that since the boys that I fooled around with were typically allergic to going down on girls haha.

It was my first taste of purest ecstasy. He teased me for almost an hour before he finally let me climax.

I was so out of my mind with pleasure that all I could say was, ‘Please…’ Because I just wanted him to make love to me so badly.

‘Nuh-uh’ he said ‘You don’t get to have that for a couple months.’

I looked at him confused for amoment. Then I smiled and said, ‘Oh come on, that hardly seems fair. There must be something I can do for you. I would feel so rude not returning the favor at least.’

I undid the front of his pants and he made no move to stop me as I pulled his manhood free from his boxers. It was the most delicious thing I had ever seen.

I pulled him down onto the bed and I climbed into a 69 position with my cookie on his face and I started to work on him with my lips and tongue. Gently at first but soon he was moaning more and more as I took him deep down into my throat.

I could taste his excitement starting to spill forth as he licked me, causing me to rock back and forth on his face while I pleased him with my mine.

I let him slide out of my throat a bit and playedfully licked him until he exploded in my mouth. I swallowed every drop, savoring his taste. I was so turned on that I ended up climaxing all over again.

The next morning he dropped me off and I got in big trouble. But it was 100% worth it.


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