The Barbie Lez Fantasies – Week 74: The Yoga Teacher

Author’s Note 1:These short fans started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fansies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all.

Author’s Note 2:Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-73”.


Have you ever had one of those fansies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now…

I have never understood people’s fascination with yoga. Give me a choice between trying to bend by body in ways it was not meant to in a room filled with sweaty people or going for a relaxing run in the fresh air and I will pick the ladder each and every time. Then again, that could be because running always helps me relax and give my usually busy mind a break. But this fantasy is not about running and if you think it is, I recommend going back to the start and reading the title again.

Given what I just said, you are probably wondering how I could possibly have ended up attending a yoga class. The simple answer is: My friend convinced me to accompany her. She insisted it was for moral support, but I had the nagging feeling she just wanted to see me rage at the impossible positions the teacher would demand of us.

By the time we arrived, my mind was already made up. I would hate every second of my first yoga class and nothing anyone said or did would change that. But my plancame crashing down around me as soon as I laid eyes on the teacher. This was a beginner class and I expected some overweight soccer mom or some efficient gay guy. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against gay people—after all, I am a lesbian—but I just cannot stand those homosexuals that act more like a woman that most women. Each time they speak in that fake, high-pitched voice of theirs, I Just feel like punching them in the… But I am getting off track.

The teacher was the typical yoga instructor you see in pornos. A hot, young woman with the body of a goddess. And since she taught yoga, I could only imagine how flexible she was. And given my track record, my imagination would soon come into play.

“Maybe this won’t be so bad after all,” I thought. Luckily, my friend did not notice the smile that had curled my lips as we picked our spots. Lucky for me, we had arrived moments before the class was scheduled to begin and the only spots left were in front of the class—this was a beginner class, remember?

“Welcome,” said the hot teacher. As if being one of the hottest women I had ever seen was not enough, she also had the voice of an angel. An angel I desperately wanted to fuck, but an angel nonetheless.

I knew what was coming, but I held on as long as I could. I made it all the way through the warmup exercises while somehow managing to keep all the fans I was having at bay. But as soon as she did the first pose, my determination was shattered. Her incredible flexibility made it impossible for me to resist my arousal any longer and I let one of the most powerful fans of my life grab hold of me.

Though the world around me looked just the same, I knew I was now surrounded by a fantasy world. Nothing I did now would affect the real world. Still, I decided to play it cool andwait for an opportunity to present itself. I only had to wait a few seconds.

“Would anyone like to volunteer to help me demonstrate some of these poses?” she asked in that sweet voice of hers. My hand immediately shot up and brought a smile to her lips.

“I see we have a volunteer,” she said as she gestured for me to join her. Standing up, I hurried over and waited for her instructions.

I would try to explain the position she asked me to take, but I have no idea what it was called. Or maybe it’s because I performed it so poorly that it would be like describing a twenty car pileup. But my amateurish performance did have an upside. It forced her to help me rectify the pose. Unfortunately, the feel of her hands all over my body soon drive me wild with desire. I was on the verge of giving in and pulling her in for a passwordate kiss, but she spoke before I could.

“Maybe you should remove your clothes,” she offered. “They can sometimes be restricting.”

I seriously doubted that was the reason for the request, but I nonetheless began to strip. At least I would have had she not taken it upon herself to do it herself. I just stood there and let her slowly, sensitively remove my clothes. I did not care that the entire class would see me naked. I did not care that some of them were men. I did not even care that I did not know this beautiful yoga instructor’s name. All that mattered was that I was soon naked and the fun could finally begin.

The beautiful instructor told me what to do and I performed it to the best of my ability. At least I hoped that was what it looked like, because I was deliberately doing a poor job, knowing she would come to my rescue. Sure enough, her hands soon made contact with my bare skin, sending a shiver or arousal running through me.

“You’re quite tense,” she observed.

“No duh!” I thought, but what I actually said was, “Really?”

She gave me a kind smile.

“Don’t worry,” she assured, “I think I know the perfect way to help you relax.”

I opened my mouth to inquire further, but nothing came out because she took advantage of my parted lips kiss me.

“Mmmmm?!” I moaned in a mixture of surprise and arousal. But in less than a second, the surprise was gone and only the arousal remained. Unable to resist the taste of her minty tongue any longer, I started reciprocating her eager tongue strokes.

“Mmmmm!” we moaned in unison as we passwordately made out. I heard a few people in the audience gasp, but I did not care.

“Do you feel more relaxed now?” she asked once the kiss ended.

I nodded.

“But I still feel a little tension,” I admitted with a mischievous smile. I heard a few chuckles emerge from the audience, but I ignored them.

“Not to worry,” she assured, “I know just what to do.”

Without a moment of hesitation, she forced me to the ground and buried her face in my boobs.

“Oh yes!” I moaned as she began playing with them. Her tongue, lips and hands danced from breast to breast for the next few seconds. As great as it felt, I soon began craving more.

“How was that?” she asked after pulling away.

I smiled.

“Awesome,” I admitted, “But I still feel a little tension.”


I could not help but giggle as I pointed to my pussy. A smile curled her lips, telling me she knew perfectly well what I was up to and she was just as eager to take things to the next level. Sure enough, I soon felt her fingers make contact with my cunt.

“Mmmmm!” I moaned softly as she began teasing it. Her fingers felt great on my labia and my pussy grew increasingly wet. But the more time went by, the more aroused I became and the more this teasing was starting to feel like torture. When I could finally bear it no longer, she stopped. I opened my mouth to protest, but only a powerful moan escaped. She had just buried face in my poon and her tongue was now darting in and out of me.

“Oh yes!” I moaned. “YES!”

Her tongue continued darting in and out of me, the speed of her strokes increasing with each passing second. I feel a powerful orgasm grow within me, but she performed one final escalation before I got a chance to climax.

“Fuck!” I moaned as she slipped a finger in my ass. A second was soon added and the two digits began darting in and out of my rectum as her tongue did the same in my cunt.

“I’m gonna cum!” I soon warned her. But instead of getting ready, she increased the speed of her tongue and finger thrusts, pushing me past the point of no return.

“FUUCCCKKKKK!!!” I shrieked at the top of my lungs. Wave after wave of cum started shooting out of me. As much as I wanted to watch it rain down upon her, the sheer force of my orgasm had forced my eyes shut and it was in a state of total darkness that I squirted what felt like all the fluids in my body.

Moments before the final wave oozed out of me, I was snapped back to reality. Once quick glance at my surroundings told me that I was still fully dressed and back next to my friend. Speaking of my friend, she was attempting to make me understand we had now changed positions. I felt my face turn red with embarrassment when the teacher’s gaze landed on me. But it had nothing to do with me falling behind and all to do with the intensity fantasy I had just had about her. A smile curled my lips as I realized something.

“Maybe yoga isn’t so bad after all,” I thought as I felt another fantasy coming on. Then again, I had done more fantasizing than yoga, but the experience was nonetheless still quite enjoyable.


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. A new fantasy will be published each week, so make sure to check back every so often.

Have a horny day,

Barbie Lez


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