Sister Teresa

I was to pick her up at half past six. I rang her doorbell at 6:35 PM on a hot and humid July evening.
The door of her apartment opened and a man about my age stood at the door. I said, “I’m looking for
“She’s inside. I’m just leaving,” he said. “Have fun, dude. She’s really something’ amazing.”
I walked in as he left and saw Tina on her bed dressed in a purple see-through baby doll negligee,
no panties, just the flimsy top. I asked, “Tina, do we have a date tonight or did I get it wrong?”
“Come on in and join me, Mr. Hunk,” she said. “You’ve got the right day but I thought we’d have an
Appetizer before we go to dinner. By the way, what’s your name?”
“Benjamin but people call me Benny.”
“Okay, Benjy, the cork screw is in the kitchen. Open that bottle of wine you’re holding and bring us a
couple of glasses. They’re in the cupboard above the sink.”
Obviously, we didn’t know each other well. I met her in a uptown bar the previous week and we
seemed to be getting along pretty well so I asked for her phone number. When she left the bar with a
couple of guys, she turned towards me and said, “Now, don’t forget to call.”
Today we were to go for dinner and get to know each other better. It seemed we were going to get to
Know each other very well and sooner than I had expected.
When I got back to the bedroom with the wine and glasses she said, “Benjy, take off that tie and
relax. We’re pretty informal around here.”
“I noticed and it’s Benny.”
“You found the cork screw, good. After you screw the cork, you can screw me.”
Let’s say that this was a first for me. Once in college, my girlfriend greeted me at the door in a robe
and when I went to kiss her, her robe flew open and she was completely naked underneath.
“Surprise!” is all she said before she led me the bedroom.
This time was different. I was being seduced by a complete stranger, well almost a stranger. I poured
the wine but Tina had little interest in it. She was far more interested in what was between my legs.
“What have we here, Benjy?” as she stroked my crotch.
“Oh, just a little appetizer for you, Tina, and it’s Benny.” I thought it would be fun to play along and
see where this would lead.
“How nice of you to bring it along with that bottle of wine. I’m a bit hungry so can I have it now?” as
she unzipped my pants. “I hope it is big because I’m very hungry, Benjy.”
She pulled my cock through the pants’ zipper and gave it a first glance. “My, Benjy, you might just be
the man to satisfy my hunger. You see, the fellow who justleft didn’t satisfy my hunger. I’m still
starving. He didn’t have as nice of an appetizer as you.”
“I see. Maybe you will be stuffed before I leave and by the way, it’s Benny.”
At that I dropped my trousers and was left standing by the bed wearing a dress shirt, socks and
shoes with my pants and briefs around my ankles. My cock and balls stand out like a nightclub singer
under a spotlight.
I was dazzled by Tina’s body. Her tits were large, firm and nicely shaped. I just stood there at the
edge of her bed as she crawled on her hands and knees to closely inspect her treatment.
“I think I’m going to like this, Benjy. Can I have a taste?”
“Go ahead. Is it alright if I just sip my wine while you are doing your taste test?”
“Yum,” is all she said as she put her sweet wet lips over the head of my cock.
I let her suck my dick and play with my balls until a certain urgency said it was time for her to have a
drink along with the meaty appetizer. Pushing my cock deep into her throat, I released a prolific
amount of cum filling her mouth as it oozed out onto her lips.
She smiled at me licking her lips saying, “Delicious. That’s so delicious.” Then she smoked her lips
to emphasize the point.
“Benjy, maybe you would like an appetizer of your own.” She laid back onto the bed and spread her
legs inviting me to eat her out. I obliged.
Tina had such a beautiful cunt. It was smooth and puffy with only a slit to provide evidence of her
tight vagina hidden inside. Her pussy was completely shavled. My tongue circled her pussy lips and I
could smell a musty odor that was a mixture of her wetness and a deposit made by the man who
visited before me.
I pulled apart her pussy lips and could see the milky cum drip from inside her. He might have had a
smallish dickbut he made up for it with volume.
A few minutes into licking and sucking her swollen clip, she abruptly closed her legs nearly crushing
my head and said, “Let’s go to dinner. You can fuck me for dessert and anyway, you need to have a
few hours to properly recover. I so much want your cock inside me, Benjy, but later.”
“It’s Benny, Tina. I’m Benny.”
“Okay, whatever. I’ll put on a dress and we’ll be off.”
That was exactly what she did. She took off the baby doll and slipped into a dress, nothing
underneath, just the dress with plenty of cleavage. Tina put on a pair of sandals and within minutes
we were in the car headed to the restaurant. I imagined she had cum trickling down her legs but then,
my imagination was ripe and swirling with ideas of what we might do after dinner.
All the waiters knew Tina. Each came over to say hello and Tina introduced me to them as, Bernie or
Benjy or Bart or Billy. At least she got the first letter right.
“Hi Harry, this is my date Bernie,” she would say and Harry would be sure to take a good look down
Her dress knowing she was hiding nothing. We shook hands. Then George came over to the table.
“Hi George, meet Billy.” I was never Benny but after awhile, it didn’t matter. All that I knew was that
Tina was well acquainted with the staff.
I can’t remember what we ordered but what I remember is that Tina had her hand between my legs
for nearly the entire time. When I wasn’t shaking hands with one of the wait staff, I had my fingers
under the table exploring her pussy feeling the sticky gooey cum she still held inside. Tina delighted
in the attention she was getting from the servers as well as my fingers.
It was past nine when I paid the bill and we jumped in the car. She gave me a big kiss thanking me
for the dinner and especialy for finger fucking her at the table.
“Bobby, do you like fucking in a public place?” she asked as I started the car.
“I don’t know, Tina. What do you have in mind?”
“Let’s go to the kiddy playground and you can fuck me on the swings.”
“Where’s that?” I asked.
“Just around the block from my apartment. I love the excitement of doing something dirty like that.”
“Okay,” I said and parked on the street opposite the playground. There was a family with two kids
playing on the Jungle Jim so we just made out in the car. She had me unzipped and teasing my cock
with her lips priming me for the swings.
Eventually the family left and we headed for the swing set. She led me like a dog on a leanh except
the leash was my cock. Tina had a firm hold on my very hard erection until she pulled up her dress
exposing her cunt to the evening air.
I was a little tenative until Tina said, “Come on, Brady, fuck me.”
“Someone might come along, Tina.”
“Get over her and shove your meat inside me.”
I was astounded by this girl who had the face of an angel looking so innocent but with the desires of
a whore. I loved the way she talked dirty to me. She swung forward meeting my cock that easily
penetrated her cunt. I just banged into her with deep strokes until in the corner of my eye, I saw a
middle age couple coming up the sidewalk.
“Oh no, Tina. We need to get out of here. There’s someone coming!”
“Don’t you dare leave me before you finish,” she said. “Anyway, I love an audience.”
She became more vocal with the sounds of lust as if to attract the attention of the couple that was
now close enough to see us. I pushed in harder but the more I thought about the couple approaching
us, the harder it was for me to cum.
I kept hammering inside Tina’s soaking pussy and she kept yelling, “Harder, fuck me harder.”
Meanwhile, the couple stopped and sat on the park bench to watch. I started to feel the excitement
Tina talked about by having an audience and it felt like my cock had grown another inch or two.
By the time I had finished with a half dozen squirts inside Tina’s well lubricated tunnel, she had
several orgasms of her own letting out screams of delight each time.
We had an appreciated audience as they gave us a standing ovation when we left to return to my
“What next?” I asked Tina while I zipped up.
“Let’s go to the bar in town and have a couple of drinks.”
“Okay. Where?”
“Let’s go to Freddy’s Thirst Emporium on Maple Street,” she said.
“Sounds good. Hey, here’s some Kleenex to wipe my cum from trickling down your leg. It’s makinga
mess on my upholstery.”
She pushed away the box of tissues and said, “I’ve got a better idea, Buddha. Come down here and
freshen me up.”
Tina parted her legs and dragged my head down to where she individualed me into licking her clean. It
took some time before we got to Freddy’s. Just when I thought no more milky fluid would ooze out of
Tina’s cunt, more appeared so I was busy until about nearly eleven.
I knew a few of the guys at the bar. Tina new them all and flirted with them all. When she sat at the
bar, she would swing around on the bar stool and slowly cross her legs giving anyone interested a
good look at her pussy. Believe me, everyone was interested, even some ladies.
Several of the men came up to her and asked, “Are you okay for tonight?” She usually turned and
told them she was with Benjy, which of course was me.
Sometimes a guy would ask me if there was a party goin' on tonight at Tina’s place. I didn’t know
What they meant and simply said, “No, I don’t think so.”
I never had to buy Tina a drink. The other guys took good care of her. One asshole grabbed her by
the arm and said, “I’m takein’ you home to mommy, bitch,” but she was adept at handling jerks. She
slapped him in the face and knee him in the balls. He went away whimpering like a scared puppy.
She knew how to take care of herself, that was clear.
I took her home around two in the morning and she asked me to stay the night. I thanked her and
said I was whipped. “Maybe some other night, okay?”
“Look, Blake,” she said as I was leaving, “I’m not good with names but I remember cocks. You look
like a cucumber so when you get in touch, just say you are Cucumber and I’ll know who you are.”
“Got it and thanks for an entertaining evening.”
This might be the end of the story with Tina but it’s not because a week later I received a formal
invitation to a “Girl of Prime Attention” party at Tina’s on Saturday night. It was a black tie affairs.
“RSVP by phone only.”
“Hi Tina, it’s Cucumber.”
“Hey, glad you called. Did you get the invitation for Saturday? Can you come? she anxiously asked.
“I’ll be there but do you really mean I need to wear a tux?”
“That’s right. It is a formal occasion and Saturday will be a special event.”
“Okay, I’ll dust off my suit and see you then. Bye,” and I hung up wondering what kind of special
event she had in mind.
I was the tenth of eleventh person to arrive on Saturday night. By nine, everyone was there. There
were ten men and ten women and everyone was elegantly dressed. It remindded me of the red carpet
at the Oscars. Soon I was to learn it was all a masquerade like the 17th and 18th Century masked
The evening’s agenda was hanging there right before my eyes so I might have guessed what was
about to happen. It was a swing securely fastened to the ceiling but not an ordinary swing. It had
Stirrups and belts that suggested a sex swing. It wasn’t there on my previous visit so it must have
been placed there for this special occasion.
By ten in the evening, each of the guests had enjoyed several glasses of champione before Tina
asked for our attention.
“Hello everyone. Thanks for coming to my third ‘Girl of Prime Attention’ party and you all know who
that girl is.” A few of the men nodded and the girls smiled. “Some of you have been here before and
Know the rules but for those of you that are new, please honor my wishes. First, there is only one girl
thatgets fucked here tonight and that is the girl in the swing. Second, the other women here are
‘fluffers’. They will keep you aroused and hopefully as hard as a telephone pole but you may not fuck
them no matter how fabulous they look. Third, some of the men will be drone bees and will service
the queen. Three of you men will be worker bees and will clean up the queen when she calls for you.
Those of you that I call Ocra, Bean and Jalapeño are tonight’s workers. The rest of you like Carrot,
Banana, Cucumber, Corncob, and Zucchini are the drones. Men, you can remove your jackets and
pants but the bow ties must stay on. Let’s get started.”
With that introduction, the fluffers removed the tops from their gowns showing a beautiful display of
breasts. Every fluffer had large natural well developed tits just like Tina. They went to each man
planning a kiss on his lips while unzipping his trousers. It was easey to tell which men had been here
before because they wore no briefs or jumpey shorts. The fluffer simply pulled out their cocks and
balls with hardly any effort.
For me, the task was much harder. My girl struggled to get me out and said, “Geez, didn’t Tina tell
you to lose the shorts?”
I just gave a look of frustration and thanked her for taking care of me.
Tina came over to me and said, “What do you think of the swing, Cucumber? I got the idea the night
we played in the playground. Usually I’m seated on a padded stool that I call my throne.”
“Terrific idea, Tina. It should be fun but maybe the most fun for you.”
“Right you are. This party is costing me a small fortune so I hope so,” she said with a smile. Then
she announced, “Okay fluffers, time to measure up. Remember the guy with the longest cock goes
first and then the next size and so on. Size matters boys."
The girls each had a tape measure like the type tailors use. Some of us weren’t very hard and the
fluffers job was to help us get to our maximum length. The girls used various techniques. Some kept
sucking with the force of a vacuum cleaner. Others licked the tip of the guy’s penis then wrapped their
lips around his cock. Some title fucked their man. The girl working on me pulled down my pants and
briefs to my knees and said, “You’re Cucumber, right? That’s a perfect name for you. You’ve got a big
one, long, wide and juicy.”
I think that got me started. I love dirty talk. The girl know what she was doing. She spread my legs so
she could ticle my balls before using her tongue to circle around my dick. It worked and I was at full
length, eight and a quarter inches.
When the measuring was finished, Mr. Zucchini measured in at a solid nine and a half inches so he
was allowed to go first.Tina was now almost naked except for wearing siletto heels when she was
helped onto the swing by the workers. She put her feet into the stirrups helping to keep her long
sensuous legs far apart and her pussy exposed. Mr. Zucchini removed his jacket but kept his bow tie
in place as per the rules. While a fluffer helped him out of his pants, a worker was busy at Tina’s cunt
lubricating it for the first entry.
Tina loved the attention. She loved being the center of attention. She was delicious with anticipation
and most of all, Tina loved sex. My guess is she didn’t need much lubricating.
As Mr. Z approached the swing with a cock looking like a knight’s lance, Tina murmured, “I am at
your disposal, sir. You may enter at will.”
Mr. Z did not demonstrate patience and impaled the princes balls deep. He held onto the ropes
holding the swing from moving but keep shoving himself in and out of Queen Tina's cunt with
Continuously powerful strokes.
The man’s size and energy sent Tina over the top when she had a convulsion inside her pussy
producing an orgasmic vocal response. “Oh, oh, oh. Do it harder, fuck me hard.”
Her orgasm led to Mr. Z pouring his creamy liquids into her with more powerful strokes until the
mating pair finished with mutual hugs. The sight of his mamouth cock when he pulled out reminded
me of watching a video of woman fucking a horse. It glistened and was covered with creamy fluid that
dripped onto the floor as he walked away.
The audience gave them both a round of applause. The workers licked Mr. Z’s cum off of the hard
Wood floor, a fluffer cleaned Mr. Z with her lips and Tina breathlessly said, “Who’s next?”
It was not I. I was third on the dance card. Banana was next. He measured in at eight and a half
inches and plowed into Tina’s cum soaked pussy with as much energy as his predecessor. Maybe
twenty strokes and he finished by squirting Tina’s face with gobs of gooey cum. Mr. B. hold up his
arms in a victory salute.
Tina called the workers over to lick her face especially around her eyes that were singing from the
assault. This took a few minutes before Tina called for the next drone. That was me. I was primed
and ready for my role thanks to my fluffer who never left my side. Whenever my dick seemed to
soften, she was there to stroke it back to attention.
I eagerly approached the women of royalty. She smiled and said, “Oh, it’s your turn, Cucumber. Fuck
me like you did in the playground.”
I needed no second invitation and pushed all eight and a quarter inches deep into her wet cunt. I was
rather proud of my staying power because I lasted as long as the other two drones combined.
“Come on, Cucumber. Give it to me deep and hard,” she cried. "Don’t wait, fuck me, cum inside me.”
My mind just began to spin and was overtaken by lust as I plowed my cock into her slippery tunnel
time after time. I pumped my cum into her as if I had a fireman’s hose soaking a flame that was deep
inside her burning fire box.
She hugged me and said, “Thanks, Cucumber. That was a great fuck.” Tina always compiled a
man after he finished. It was her way of showing her gratitude.
I pulled out and called my fluffer to help me clean up. She was more than happy to lap up the jizz
coating my dangling cucumber.
Mr. Corncob followed me approaching rather tenatively. Once he got close, he slowly squeezed in
his muscle plump specimen, picking up the pace as he went along. Finally he exploded on her tits
with a volume none of us could ever hope to equal. Volley after volley creamed her breasts and it
drained down to her belly as if she had taken a cum shower. In fact, that was exactly what she was
Drone followed drone until all seven drones had served the queen bee. Some gave her a facial. Mr.
J. would lap up the cum dripping from her cheeses, then go tongue to tongue with Tina so she could
share the earthy salty taste.
Mr. Carrot finished by blasting Tina’s tits again and Mr. O. took his time about lapping up the spunk
by tending to her nipples. He would lick them and suck them until Tina’s tits were as hard and firm as
steel thimbles.
Of course Mr. Bean had the most challenging but enjoyable job as cum from Tina’s rosy twat flowed
like lava from a volcano. He licked and sucked until he had swallowed most of the liquids pouring out
of Tina’s slit but paid special attention to her clip.
A good time was had by all but one more thing needed attention. Tina was helped off of her throne
and said, “Let’s give all of the drones a hand fomaking Queen Bee, Tina, very happy.”
Everyone applauded.
“Now let’s give a special thanks to our dedicated workers. Girls, I think they deserve an appreciation
from you by giving the three of them a really nice sloppy blowjob.”
Everyone shouted words of agreement and encouragement. Like in a square dance, we circled
around Okra, Bean, and Jalapeño who stood with their cocks exposed to their audience. First one girl
seductively approached Mr. O. and gave him a little strip dance until she had nothing on except a bow
in her hair. Slowly she sank to her knees and began licking his balls, then his cock and finally took
him deep into her throat. While she was administratoring to Mr. O., another girl approached Mr. J. in the
same way and followed with the same supervisory routine. Finally, Mr. Bean was being deep-throated.
Several more fluffers joined in so that each man was being sucked off by more than oneof the girls.
Mr. J. came first to the applause of the onlookers followed by Mr. O. Last, Mr. Bean explored all over
the hair and face of two rather surprised ladies.
This ended the party at around two thirty or three. I asked my fluffer if I could take her home and she
said, “Yes, if you mean to your house.”
I said, “Of course.”
She was a great fuck and loved to try every possible position for me to drive my cock into her pussy.
In the morning she said, “You know, Cucumber, I love Tina’s parties and I go mainly to be invited
home with a man like you. But really, I’m jealous of Tina. I want to be the Girl of Prime Attention and
get gang banged like her.”
“Well,” I said, “Maybe it will be your turn soon. How about if I invite some of my friends here one night
for a gang bang and you can be our princess to be seated on the throne.”
She said she would like that but she never replied to any of my tweets or e-mails.
I lost touch with Tina over the years. She seemed to have dropped out of sight until one day several
years later I was at a friend’s wedding. After the ceremony I heard a voice say, “Hi Benny, is that
When I turned around, I saw a woman wearing a nun’s habit. She was the most beautiful nun I had
ever seen. She had the same innocent angelic face I remembered. It was Tina!
“Tina, what’s this with the costume?” I asked.
“Benny, it’s no costume. I’m now Sister Teresa.”
“God help us when my favorite slut becomes a nun.”
“Don’t be rude, Benny. I’m happier now. The priests treat me well especially now that they are
familiar with my past. Give me a big hug for old time’s sake, Benny.”
I hugged her and said, “But you called me ‘Benny’. You never did that before."
“I know,” she smiled. “I was just playing with you and the others. It was just a way to get attention
and tease you a little.”
“Okay, I get it. Great to see you again, Sister,” and I left the church hoping to find another slutty girl
to take home after the reception. But no girl could ever replace Tina.


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