Assassins Chapter 2
We left Haven June 6 heading to Jasper where I grew up. Trevor drove my Charger, Mike drove his Dodge Ram and Sarah and I drove my Ferrari. I was doing about 70mph when Trevor and Mike flew past me trying to out race one another. “Watch this babe” I hit the berm of the road and flew past them at about 120 and kept going. We pulled into a rest area about ten miles up and waited for them.
Trevor pulled in about 5 minutes later and his dad about ten minutes after him. “What kept you Mike?” I asked. “Fuckin cop nailed me about 4 miles back for going 60 miles over the speed limit. Of course Trevor spotted him and started shifting down without ever touching the break and I flew past him only to get a ticket.” I about died laughing from his story. “How much longer anyways?” Mike asked me. “Well if stay on the highway doing the lousy speed limit about 4 hours, however if wetake the back roads about 2 and a half hours because cops stay off the back roads and we can fly. So which way do you think we should go?” I said.
So we got back in the cars and took off for Jasper on the back roads. When we were about 15 minutes out I slowed down and pulled into the cemetery and drove up to where Jake was buried. His mom and dad were there which I wasn’t expecting so Sarah and her family waited for me.
“Hi Tyler, Lisa, how are you?” I asked kind of starting them. “Danny? Is that really you son?” Tyler asked me. I nodded and leaned down to put a bouquet of roses on Jakes grave. “It’s been so long Danny since we saw you last. Where have you been son? Your parents are leaving town tomorrow have ya seen them yet?” he asked me. “No sir, I just got back just now. I haven’t been home in 7 years sir because I’ve been looking for Jake’s killer and found out he was killedlast year but I did find out who put the hit out on him though. If you could join me at my estate this evening for dinner I can fill you in on everything.” So they agreed to join me at my home that night for dinner and to catch up on everything up until now.
When we pulled up to the massive gates at my estate Sarah just gasped in shock. “You.. You live here?” She had asked me as I pushed the button to open the gate and drive up to the house. She about failed when she saw my mansion, I chuckled at her to get a slap on the arm and her sexy pouty lip.
I had Sarah, Mike and Trevor follow me into the main part of the house and had them wait in the kitchen while I looked for my mom and step dad. They were out on the back porch talking to Jane my ex- girlfriend and when she looked up she gasped which made my parents turn around. “Danny!!!” My mom jumped up and hugged me. “Hi mom, hi dad.”
I purposely ignoredJane because in my mind she was not welcome in my home or my property. She walked over to me and tried to hug me but I pushed her back and told her not to touch me. My mom and dad both knew what she had done to me when we were younger and why I no longer liked her so they didn’t even say anything when I rebuffed her. “You need to leave here. Your not welcome here since you broke my heart and robbed me for over 10,000 dollars worth of jewelry.” I said flatly. My mom didn’t know how much she robbed me for and stepped in front of her and searched her before escorting her off the property.
“It’s so good to see you again son, I’ve really missed you.” My step dad said and to be honest I missed him too. I didn’t reply I just hugged him and started into the kitchen and hugged Sarah. It has so long since I had been home things have changed so much in the seven years since I had left in search of Jake’s killer. I just wishthat Jake was here to be with his family and that I could have my best friend back but I know he’s gone and will never be back. As I stood there with Sarah in my arms I had this strange sense of peace at that moment. It was like Jake was finally at peace and we could put all of this behind us.
As the evening quickly approached we were preparing for dinner and I was becoming nervous about the conversation that I was about to have with Tyler and Lisa. How were they going to react when I introduced them to the man that put the hit on their child? How do I explain to them that I just didn’t have the heart to kill the one man that they contracted me to kill? I was extremely good at what I did, and yet I could not kill this one man.
At five pm they knocked on the door and I quickly ushered them into the dining room. As introductions were made all around I became nervous once again, I mean seriously what the fuck is wrong with me?
“SoDanny, you said you had something you wanted to talk to us about?” Tyler stated.
“Tyler, Lisa, when you contracted me to find and kill all parties involved in the death of your son I readily agreed. I spent years searching for his killer first because I wanted that man to suffer for what he did to Jake. After years of searching I finally found out who he was but he was already dead. So I pressed on with my search and found the person who contracted him. I would love to tell you that I killed him but that would be a lie, Tyler the man that killed your son knew who I was when I walked into his shop and he immediately told his daughter to go home and he would see her there later.” I paused a moment.
“The man before me in my eyes was a dead man standing but something kept me from killing right then and there and I believe in my heart it was Jake telling me it wasn’t worth it. In my entire career as an assassin I have never hesitated in tapeng the shot but I did. I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise but I listened to what the man had to say and that man is in this very room. Before you say anything listen to what I have to say first. Back when Jake went to juvenile detention for involuntary vehicular manslaughter it was because he hit and killed a woman of two children and accidentally killed her. The father thought it was unfair that Jake got off with a year and he lost his soul mate for life so he wanted to hurt you by taking your child away. He lived with deep regret and almost committed suicide twice but he didn’t for the sake of his son and daughter. I couldn’t kill the man who already went through so much torque and if you decide to walk out that door right now and never want to talk to me again then I can live with that. Please forgive me for failing you on the task you paid me to do.” I finally said my peace and got it off my chest even if I just lost some great friends.
Tyler spoke first and asked Mike if everything I said was true and he clarified that it was. Lisa spoke to me next. “Daniel I am so proud of you, after we hired you we thought that we would be happy to finally get to see the man who killed our son dead. Two years later we weren’t so sure having to regrets sending you after them. In our eyes all is forgiven but it is time you get back to work. You have customers who need someone take out and we all know what your best at and that’s being an Assassin!”
This is the end of chapter two, I am sorry to everyone who enjoyed the first installment of this series but I had a lot going on in my life that I had to sort out. I am back writing again in full swing so stick with me I have one or possible more series that I am working on for your enjoyment.
As always Please Enjoy!
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