Nice title? I thought it was funny but my style of humor is not of highest tier of comedy, so I digress. I missed you all, my faithful readers. Seeing all of your comments about not wanting to see the wrath of Gaia end fills my heart with warmth and joy so thank you for that. Now let’s get down to business…….
I’m alive! I promise I’m not a zombie so don’t fret, I’ve just spent a month in purgatory, but now that I’m back, I have a few things I need to write to you, my loyal readers, about. First and foremost since it’s what you all are here for, the wrath of Gaia. There has been a lot of comments and messages about me not finishing the wrath of Gaia and I complete agree with all of you. I started writing the wrath of Gaia over three months ago now and there hasn’t been a day that’s gone by in which I haven’t thought about a future point in the story. I love this story and refuse to not finish because that’s a disservice to you all as readers, but also to the story that I spent so much time and emotions on. I want to see it through to the end and I will see it through to the end, but that leads to the problem. I reached a low point in my life three weeks ago that I never thought I would reach and I won’t go into detail on it. I hated my life because of that incident and it made me start to rethink everything I had done up to that point. To make matters worse, after posting chapter 12 I immediately regretted it and didn’t like it, even though it was the direction I had intended to take the story from the beginning. I found myself continuously getting stuck trying to write chapter 13 and it didn’t help that I was doing so while fighting off my own depression. I am happy to say I have passed that point in my life finally, but regretfully inform you I still have nothing for chapter 13. I refuse to let the wrath of Gaia end at what I wouldn’t even call 25% complete,but I think I need to take an official break (as opposed to an unofficial one like spending three weeks in purgatory -_-) and step away from the story. Let my mind wander to other things and then let my thoughts flow free again. As you as all may have noticed by now, I love all of your feedback and love leaving choices up to you as readers because you all push me to write better and more, but on this decision I don’t think I can leave it up to you. I need this break and unfortunately I think I’m going to take it.
“Oh no, J is leaving! Nooooooooooo”
No, I’m not leaving I promise, I iust need this time away to clear up any lingering doubts I have on where I want to take this story. It means a lot to me and I really don’t want to do it any less than perfect. Hell, I’ve even contemplated deleting all my chapters and starting from scratch just to make it perfect (i promise I won’t do that, alcohol was involved). It’stough for me to keep all of my thoughts neighborly inside me when I also have all my aspirations, all my fears, all my doubts, and all my emotions in there as well (man I’m a wreck, I’d hate myself just reading that).
“You’re not special, how come P.O.I. can post stories four times as long as you can with ten times the plot?”
Because P.O.I. is amazing, let’s just be honest, and I agree I’m not special. I’m just a punk 19 year old kid trying to cope with his shitty life (which really could be shittier, but let’s not jinx it) and this is how I cope. I know I’m not special, and that’s why you all mean so much to me. I know I can’t write a great story spanning 5, now 6, series like P.O.I. can, but I can write one or two stories with everything written from my heart and be just as proud of my work as he can of his, and that means something to me. (Please don’t hate me P.O.I. I love your story :P). Speaking of writing two stories, I might as well bring up my last big update.
A new story. Alongside the wrath of Gaia I have a second story in my head that is nothing like the wrath of Gaia and is even using a different writing style than the wrath of Gaia. I think the best way to manage not ending the wrath of Gaia and continuing to write for you all would be to look at this like a tv show season for a channel. This will be the official end of season one for the wrath of Gaia and this new season will bring a new show. This is where my love of giving you all choices will come- would you like a new story while the wrath of Gaia is on a hiatus? Or would you rather just get random updates letting you know when to expect the next chapter of the wrath of Gaia? Let me know in the comments or don’t be afraid to pm me. I’d like to personally thank arkangel for sending me my pm showing his praise for the story as well as telling me he’d wish for me to continue itand not let it die. I do read all of your comments and messages, even if I don’t reply, and I take them to heart, so I would like to sincerely thank you for your continued support.
Until I hear the consensus of your comments on the subject of a new story, this J will continue to stay thoughtful. Have a wonderful night/day!
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