***************Edited and re-posted. Finally…
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When you have a boring family like mine, you get creative. I’m not sure if it happens with everyone, but creativity hits you when you are at the very peak of boredom. Being a teenager in a neighborhood like this one, you get to spend a lot of your time staring out of the window, especially when Fayes home.
Faye was a girl that lived in the house opposite, and her family was almost the same ratio as my own, except for the fact that I had a nine year old sister. She lived with her parents and went to the same school as I did, though she was in the same year as me, we never communicated. Only exchanging the occasional hello/how are you whenever we passed in the street. She didn’t know it, and thank god, but she was my hobby.
I would spend countless evenings sitting at the far end of my darkened bedroom, staring through my telescopic lenses at her in her bedroom. She would spend most of her nights sat on her bed, either talking on the phone or using it to text. I had a perfect view of her from here, and I always silently thanked what ever force it was that was at work in keeping me undetected.
My mother was a pretty good woman, a hard working house wife that was in her mid-thirties. Dad was the bread winner, working long hours doing who knows what at an office located who knows where. My sister was an announcement, but she always kept out of my room, so she wasn’t all bad. As I began to discover my hormones I noticed that my mothers were at a high level and my Dad’s were not. I could Sometimes see the frustration in her eyes whenever he dragged his ass through the door, slumped down onto the couch and halfway through a beer; fall asleep.
She would do what she could to patper herself and make herself lookappealing, curling her long brown hair and taking at least an hour to do her make up, but the only thing he had his eyes on were the back of his own skull whilst snoozing on the couch.
Faye was a beautiful red head, with a figure that would make a man cry himself to sleep to only then dream of being able to touch a body like hers. She was perfect in all the right areas, but then that may just be my hormones speaking. Her mother wasn’t too bad either, also a red head. In fact, I think her Dad was too. It was a good job Faye came out red haired, any other colour and her Dad might have been walking.
I remember this night in particular as the beginning of the rest of my life, I was sat in my usual spot peering through my lens when I saw Faye walk into her bedroom, and immediately I noticed the change. She was blonde! She had died her damn hair and I couldn’t make up my mind whether I liked it or not. I had spent months staring at her and fantasising aboutt the things I would do to her, the thought of shooting my cum-load into her flaming red hair had even came to mind at some point. The red locks were one of the things that separated her from the other bimbo’s at school, and now it seemed she was joining them.
I opened my bedroom door and went into the bathroom to splash some water onto my face when my mother came out of her bedroom wearing her pink silk night gown.
”Sweetie, you okay?” she asked me, I must’ve looked as dejected and down as I felt. ”I think so, a girls I like has changed the one thing about her that made her unique from the others. And I don’t know if I like her any more.” I told her honestly.
”Aw sweets, there’s more than one girl out there that’s unique.” she said. ”Well,” I huffed, ”She’s the only one I’ve seen that has held my attention.” I said.
Iwasn’t a bad looking kid by some of the standards, I was unique in my own right. I didn’t follow the latest trends and I didn’t watch the same TV shows as everyone else. It wasn’t through choice or anything like that, I was into my own things. I wasn’t a hugely popular kid, but at the same time I wasn’t a complete nobody. I was a middle guy, me and my group of mates were essentially nobody that Everyone knew. While others played football, we’d play cards. It was more entertaining, at least to us.
My mother took a step forward and held out her arms for a hug, I figured why not, and responded by wrapping my arms around her waist. My head was brought into her chest and her robe opened a little, another inch or so and I’d be eye-to-eye with nipple. My mothers nipple. I did what I could to avert my gaze, but my eyes kept coming back to the same spot. The smooth spot of skin that surrounded her areola, it was reflecting the light and I felt asThough I needed to either pee or stroke one out.
I pulled my head away and looked up into her wide brown eyes, she leaned her head forward a little and planted a kiss on my forehead. ”I’m not that old Mom,” I said as I reached my head up and pecked her on the lips. She jerked her head back a little, ”My little man, growing up fast,” she said. I smiled up at her, ”But not too fast.” I promised.
I pulled away from her and saw her robe open a little more, and I quickly realized that I should stop trying to get a peek of nipple but to grab a peek of her landing strip. But before I could she pulled her robe shut and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Damn, what the fuck was I thinking?
I turned to go back into my room and saw Bobbie stood right in front of me. She had her pyjamas on and seemed annoyed at the very sight of me, ”You kissed Mommy’s mouth.’' she said.
”Yeah, so?” I asked as I went back into my bedroom, ”That’s what a good child does, love his Mommy.’ I told her, her stern expression didn’t change as I closed the door.
I sat back down in my usual chair, and peered through the lens once again. She was dashing back an fourth in her room with a towel wrapped around her, she stopped for a moment as her bedroom door opened and her Dad appeared. They talked for a moment until she walked out of view, I then saw him walk up to her bed and pick something up. I adjusted the focus on the telescope and could see that it was something pink, something fabric-like. He raised it up to his face and took what looked like a big long sniff.
Her father was sniffing her underwear.
He dropped her underwear back down onto the bed and left the room, just as she re-appeared and closed the door behind him. More and more I was starting to get the sense that I really should havee a hidden camera somewhere in that bed room. But I had no chance of getting in there, or getting a small camera for that matter. It would be perfect, I could sit at my computer and watch from a perfect angle all the things that went on inside that room. God, that would be perfect. If only.
I was almost home, the day had seemed to drag it’s heels right from the moment the first bell at school rang. I couldn’t wait to get home and spend the weekend doing absolutely nothing. As well as a break from school, the weekend was also a break from the spy game. I didn’t use my telescope at all during the weekend, as I needed a couple of days without blue balls and cold shows.
So the weekends were dedicated to doing whatever I wanted, whether that was hanging with friends or sitting in and parking my ass in my favorite chair in front of the TV to play some games.
I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table, Mom was in the middle of washingthe dishes when she turned her head in my direction, ”Hey sweetie, guess what?” she asked.
”What’s up Mom.” I replied, ”I was talking to Pamela earlier, you know, who lives opposite?” her tone was playing yet my gut was telling me that something bad was going to happen.
”Well she was saying that your school has a pretty big history test coming up, and apparently Faye is struggling with history. You know her daughter Faye right? Blonde girl who used to be a red head?” I could smell her sarcasm like I could smell the dogs turd stewing out in the garden whenever I walked through the back door. ”Yes, I know Faye.” I replied.
”So I mentioned that you weren’t doing anything this weekend and could probably go round and help her out. Like, tutor her or something.” she said with a smile, such a cocky smile.
”Mom, I haven’t finished Arkham yet and was hoping to this weekend.” I told her. She looked a little confused by this for some reason, ”Really? I thought all you did was star gaze through that telescope of yours.” she answered.
”Your sarcasm is so thick you can cut it with a knife.” I told her.
”I don’t know what you mean, dear. Besides I can’t do it, because I have to take Bobbie shopping tomorrow for some bra’s.” she said.
”Bra’s?” I said loudly, Mom turned back to look at me, ”You know that girls start to where they at her age, right?”
”Christ,” I replied, ”That’s all this house needs, another bag of hormones!”
She laughed a little, but then I think she realized that Saturday night was going to be her latest attempt at getting some off of Dad. She certainly seemed to needit, since I said about the hormones she had been wiping the same glass up and down for about three minutes.
I got to my feet and slid my arms around her waist from behind, she puffed a sight as I rested my head between her shoulder blades. She took off the washing gloves and ran her hands over mine, she then broke my grip and turned to face me, re-joining my hands at her lower back. She brushed my hair off of my forehead and looked into my eyes.
”I’m so glad I have you, Doc. You always know what I want most, and yes sometimes, it is just a hug from the boy I love.”
She wrapped her arms around the back of my neck and pulled me into her, her chin resting on top of my head and my face once again in her chest. Her shirt was unbuttoned down to just below her bra line. I could see right into her top, her blue lacened bra supporting her ample sized breasts.
”Mom,” I started, ”Don’t take this the wrong way, but what size are you?” I asked. If there was ever going to be a time to talk to you Mother about breast sizes, this was going to be it. I wasn’t sure what her reaction was as I couldn’t see her face, but she answered, ”Thirty six D. why’d you ask?”
I thought for a moment about what the best possible answer was going to be, ”They’re comfy.” I said. It made her chuckle, ”Well that’s one for me then.” she said.
I released my hands and keeping one hand at the base of her back I brought my other hand to her front, I reached up and cupped one of her breasts, I then gave it a slight squeeze.
”Feels good too.” I said.
”That’s two for me then.” she said with a very serious tone. The laughter had gone from her voice, I wasn’t sure if it was replaced by concern, fear or lust. All I knew was that I held firmly in my handmy Mothers breast and it felt good. It felt so good that my other hand dropped down a little to the small of her back, then a little more until it was resting on her buttocks.
I began feeling a rush of blood, it was draining my brain and filling my penis. It was also having an effect on my Mother, as she had brought one of her arms around and lifted my head by the chin, she slowly leaned forward staring into my eyes. As she got closer to my face her eyes closed, it happened so fast, and yet it was as if time had stopped. A day or so ago the only woman in my life that I wanted was Faye, but it all changed right there and then as Mom’s lips touched mine. Her flowing brown hair faded as my eyes closed, all there was in that moment was the darkness and her lips.
They touched once, twice and for a third time before meeting for a longer period of time. Her mouth opened slightly and her warm tongue came forward, my grip on her breast tightened and she moaned into my mout. Her hand held the back of my head while her other pulled open her shirt, my hand cupped her bra as she now had both hands on my head. Holding me in place as our tongues danced a very forbidden dance.
We heard the front door slam shut and broke away from one another, she turned around to face the sink as I quickly sat back at the table, my erection was hurting as it pushed against the fabric of my trousers. It had somehow found a way out of my boxers and it was desperate to escape the next wall of clothing too.
Bobbie walked into the kitchen and dumped her coat down onto the table, her bag quickly followed.
”Hey honey, how was your day?’ Mom asked her before clearing her throat, ”Sucked, a boy slapped me on the bum and it hurt. It still feels painful now.” she said.
”Oh dear, let me see,” Mom said finishing the buttons on her top and turning around.
Bobbie turned to face me as she pulled down the back of her trousers to show Mom, ”Oh no, Bobbie, that looks sore!” said Mom sympathetically, ”Show Doc.” she said.
I didn’t want to see it, but Bobbie seemed to be in the mood where she wanted sympathy from everyone, even me, and that means playing the hurt victim. She walked over to me wearing a pair of puppy dog eyes and turned around, leaning forward slightly whilst still holding down her trousers to reveal her buttocks.
There was a glowing red hand mark on the right hand cheese, ”Jesus Christ Bobbie, whoever that kid is he has quite a swing on him.” I told her. She pulled her trousers up and just stood for a moment, revealing in the fact she was centre of attention.
”Why don’t you go upstairs and get some air to it, I’ll come and run you a cool bath.” I told her. I didn’t get to be a decent big brother often, but when I did I nailed it. Plus, I was ina pretty good mood. She smiled and ran upstairs as I looked at Mom, she was staring at me right back and as I got up from the chair and took a step towards her, Bobbie shouted from the top of the stairs, ”Come on then Doc!” she yelled.
My previous thoughts about my family being boring was wrong, hugely wrong. The new term I would use to describe my family was fucked up. God fucking knows what kind of relationship I was having with my mother, as I headed towards the stairs the only thing on my mind was kissing Mom again. It wasn’t a healthy way for either of us to deal with our hormones, but neither one of us seemed to want to hold back and put a stop to it.
As I reached the top of the stairs, my little sister was outside the bathroom door and striping right in front of me. I moved passed her and into the bathroom, twisting the taps on and tossing in a bath bomb, Bobbie came to my side and I realized Mom was right, Bobbie needed a fuckingbra. She had these small puffy tits, with tiny pink nipples standing at attention. She stood next to me as I ran my hands around in the water, keeping an eye on the temperature to make sure it wasn’t too cold. Her hands rested on the edge of the bath and arms were straight, pushing her small puffy boobs together as she watched my hands play around with the water.
I flicked her in the face and she winced, but followed it with a smile, she tried to get me back but I was too quick and just grabbed her, lifting her up and slinging her over my shoulder. Her hand-printed ass next to my face as I lightly smoked her other chef before dumping her down into the water.
”Mom!” she yelled, ”Doc just slapped my bum on the other side!”
Her nipples now stuck out like pin-heads, ”It’s too cold!” she shouted. I ran the hot tap for a few moments and when she finally stopped frowning I shut it off, she cupped ahandful of water and slung it into my face, I narrowed my eyes at her and grabbed her foot, yanking her under water and then leaving the bathroom.
I opened my bedroom door and then dropped down into my chair, I had a quick look through the lens and saw that Faye wasn’t in her room, but her father was.
He was sat at the edge of her bed slowly jerking himself off, he lifted up a pair of her panties and took a long sniff, he then appeared to of wrapped them around his cock and jerked himself off harder and faster than he had before.
I sat there for five minutes watching another man jerk off to the thought of his daughter. What the fuck was seriously wrong with me?
I was struck by a crazy idea, and I now found myself thankful for Mom arranging a tutor session tomorrow. I left the bedroom and went back down stairs and into the kitchen, Mom was sat at the table drinking a hot drink and she smiled when I walked into the room.
”Mom,When we were little didn’t you used to have a Nanny-cam?” I asked. She thought for a moment before putting her drink down, ”Yeah I remember that, what do you want it for?” she asked. I thought for a moment whether to be serious or play around first, ”I wanted to set it up in the bathroom, isn’t tonight your bath night?” I asked smiling. She chuckled a little, ”Doc, what do you want it for?” she asked again.
”I think something weird is going on across the street, I can’t really explain it though. I figured I’d use the tutor session you arranged tomorrow as a chance to do some investigation.” I told her.
She nodded for a moment and then took a sip of tea, ”It’s up in the attic somewhere, I think it’s in a box marked ‘Mom’s things’.” she told me. I then turned to leave, ”Oh and Doc, you don’t needa camera hidden in the bathroom to watch me take a bath. The doors always unlocked.”
I smiled and left the room, I knew Dad would be home soon and I didn’t want him to walk through the door and catch me and Mom doing what ever the fuck we could do when left unattended.
I headed up the stairs and saw Bobbie coming out of the bathroom in a dressing gown. ”Where are you going?” she asked me, ”The attic, I have a predator to hunt.” I told her.
I opened the small door and climbed the stairs to the attic. I started scanning the room, looking for a box with my Mothers writing on it, I found a bunch of my old toys which brought a smile to my face. Toys that would probably be worth something on eBay, but worth more when I was the age of my Dad.
A moment later I found the box Mom had described, I pulled it closer and ripped it open. There was a photo album from her school years, a framed picture of herand Dad from their wedding day and two small framed pictures of me and Bobbie, both newborns and in our Mothers arms. Her looks hadn’t changed much over the years, she was still as beautiful now as she was back then.
After a little more digging I found it, It was a small camera with a USB slot embedded inside a teddy bear. I didn’t even know they had USB slots back then, I was half-expecting to find something with a floppy disc slot. I took it down to my room and immediately ripped the bear apart. A brand new bear would draw too much attention, I thought. So I removed the fluffy stuffing and was left with the camera and the small hard drive that had the USB slot.
Looking at it I wasn’t even sure how it would work, I sat at my computer and plugged it in. a pop-up appeared and told me that the device was installing the components, and then it said it was charging. I didn’t even know how long a charge would last.
It installed an access wizard on my coputer, meaning I could access the feed at any time. It was in that window that I saw how much charge is remaining. I also noticed that the hard drive was almost full, I clicked on the videos option and saw the three files.
Christ, I thought to myself, I figured that I was up for a trip back in time, so I played the first video.
It was like watching an old home movie of me when I was five, I saw Julia, the babysitter, and remembered how hot she was. I saw her messing around with me and I decided to skip on until Mom and Dad came home. Props to Julia for being a good babysitter.
The second file, to my chagrin, was corrupted and wouldn’t play. But the third began with Mom pregnant with Bobbie, she was messing around with the Nanny-cam and then walked out of the room. I skipped a head and saw Dad come in and sit down, Julia then appeared with me in her arms, she must have taken me out somewhere. I watched as I ran out of the room and Julia approached the sofa, shewas smiling and came up behind Dad, she ran her hands down his chest as he quickly unbuttoned his trousers. He pulled her over the back of the sofa and she took in a mouthful of his cock. He thrust it deeper into her mouth while pressing down on her head, forcing her to take it all.
He jerked himself off while shuffing his cock in and out of her mouth and her tongue was going crazy. I couldn’t believe what I was watching. Julia rolled to her side and grabbed her own breast, he held her hair back and right there he shot his load over her face.
He then rammed his cock back into her mouth and pushed her head down on him so that she could catch the last few shots of sperm, she swallowed the lot and then sat up right on the sofa. They both exchanged a kiss as he tucked himself away and she re-arranged her top. She then got to her feet and went out into the kitchen as Dad sat there on the sofa looking pleased with himself.
I couldn’t watch any more and deleted the three files. Did Mom know? Did she suspect and set up the cam to trap Dad? If so then why were they still together?
These questions and many more raced through my head as I got to my feet and left my bedroom. I crossed the landing and checked her bedroom to see if she was in there, she wasn’t. I started making my way down stairs when Bobbie came up from behind me and leave onto my back, ”Jesus!” I cried as I struggled to stop myself tumbling down the stairs, she giggled into my ear as we went downwards.
I piggybacked her into the kitchen where we found Mom standing by the back door, I thought for a moment that I caught a glimpse of her tossing a cigarette into next doors garden, ”Your father’s late.” she said.
Bobbie slid down my back and went into the fridge, ”Mom,” I started, could I really say anything to her about what I’d seen? It was ten years ago, maybe longer. Maybe she knew,either way our kitchen cuddle earlier jumped back into my mind.
”I should’ve come down and finished our cuddle.” I told her. She turned and smiled, Bobbie closed the fridge and was seen with an armful of candy. ”I don’t think so Missy, put some back right now. Dinner will be in an hour.” Mom told her, she then turned to me, ”Did you find what you were looking for?” she asked.
”Yeah, found something else too. But we’ll talk about it later.” I told her.
”But Mommy, my bum still hurts.” Bobbie said, still with a fist full of candy. Mom shook her head with a smile from the side of her mouth, ”Put it back, maybe you should get Doc to kiss it better.” she said. My eyesbrows leaves to my hair line, ”Good luck with that.” I said. Bobbie put most of the candy back into the fridge and left the kitchen.
I looked back into my Mothers eyes, and she dropped hers to the floor. She had this vulnerable yet seductive feel to her, I didn’t know whether to kiss her or make her a cup of tea.
”Doc,” she started, I stopped her from saying anything more by stepping in closer to her, I placed my hands on her hips and pulled her in close. Our eyes met again and our lips begged for another kiss, we drew closer and things were starting to get dark again.
We both heard the front door open and broke away from one another, a moment after it slammed shut Dad walked into the kitchen.
”Evening ladies,” he grumbled. ”Hi Honey, good day?” Mom asked, he shrugged his shoulders and pulled the fridge open, he got himself a beer and sat at the table. His eyes soon fell on me, and I had struggled to take the disgusted look off my face that had appeared from the moment he came home.
”You alright there boy?’' he asked looking at me, I didn’t feel love towards him knowing what I had seen on the Nanny-cam. I just looked at him and gave a slight nod before leaving the kitchen, I then heard him ask Mom, ”What’s wrong with the boy?”
”Hormones.” I heard her reply.
I stopped by the locke on my to the stairs and saw Bobbie watching TV, she was laid out on the floor with her back to me and her nightie had ridden up to reveal her ass. The hand print had now completely faded, but my eyes then fell on her little vagina.
I crossed the room and pulled her nightie down to cover her, ”Cover your ass you little ass.” I told her. ”Hey!” she complained, ”I was getting some air to it like you said.”
I turned to leave the room and then glanced back, she was now on her knees, resting her head in her hands and her ass once again on display. ”Bobbie,” I started, she then wiggled it a little, ”Kiss it better then.” she told me. ”There’s nothing there now.” I told her, she shrugged her shoulders, ”Make me feel better.” she said.
I huffed a sight and crossed the room, getting down onto my knees and leaning towards her ass, I could hear her try and stifle a giggle as she felt my breath on her rear cheek. I then bit lightly on her ass, causing her to jolt forward, ”Hey! That’s it!” she declared, jumping to her feet and diving on top of me. She tackled me to the floor and sat on my chest, then swiftly turning herself around and bringing her ass to my face.
”Kiss it better.” she demanded, ”Bobbie, get off before I get you off.” I told her. ”Ohh get me off then.” she answered back, I paused for a moment and replayed the last two things that were said between us. Did she says it for me to remove her, or, get her off. No, there’s no way she’s that sexually aware. She’s nine for Christ sake.
She edged her ass closer to my face and I was eye-to-eye with her tight, bald little vagina. Fuck, I thought to myself. She pushed it back as far as she could and I brought my chin down, I was nowhere near where the had print was, I planted a kiss in the gap between her vagina and her anus. I tried to keep it quick but she held herself there for a moment, and I then started to feel a little bit of moisture on my chin, she was sitting on my face at this point and I didn’t want her to be one of those girls who wrote into those cheap magazines saying that her brother was the first guy to get her off.
I rolled over and got her off of me, getting to my feet as she remained sat on the floor looking up at me. ”Better?” I asked her, she kept her stare right into my eyes, and nodded. ”Thank you.” she said softly.
I struggled for a while to get my sisters little round face out of my head, the thought of getting her wet was starting to turn me on. I kept reminding myself that she was my little sister, and I was supposed to be the kind of brother that protected her. Especially from hormone charged guys like me. But I also kept coming to the thoughts of wanting some more alone time with Mom, the kind of alone time that would result in her nipple being in my mouth, at the very least anyway.
Even for a fucked up thought, it was a better explanation for my hard-on than my sisters pussy being in my face.
I decided that it would be in my best interest if I remained upstairs until I smelt the smell of food. Dinner on a Friday night was always the same, egg, bacon and sausages. It was quick and easy for Mom, who was always tired at the end of the week. Bobbie and myself washed the dishes afterwards and went into the lounge to find a movie forthe night. I told Mom that I’d tutor Faye and she replied by telling me that she’d text Pamela to let her know, it was all set for tomorrow afternoon. I was more concerned with planning the camera than I was with spending time with Faye, my hobby for the last several months was now going to know me. Or ignore me as I talked history, either way, I was taking a new step.
I’d never been that big a fan of the Narnia films, but they were family oriented and had enough action to keep me from being bored out of my box. I was sat in the middle of the couch with Bobbie on side of me and Mom on the other. Dad was sat in his arm chair knocking back beer bottles like they were shot glasses filled of water.
Bobbie had curled up against the arm of the chair, from the corner of my eye I could see the pink flesh of her ass sticking out from under her nightie, and on my left I could see partial bra from my Mom’s unbuttoned shirt. Narnia may have had the ir attention, but not mine.
I reached under Bobbie and pulled her close, her head now rested below my chest and my hand now rested on her upper thigh. She didn’t complain, nor seem to mind.
”It’s nice seeing you two so close.” Mom whispered to me.
”It’s nice being close to you too.” I whispered back at her.
Mom changed her position and was now swinging her legs over the arm of the couch, her upper back and shoulders resting against my side as I raised my arm and dragged it over her, my hand coming to rest on her stomach.
”Hey boy,” Dad said, ”One day you’ll get that close to a girl who ain’t your blood.”
And maybe one day you’ll appreciate the fine woman you got, I thought to myself. He continued knocking the beers back, I don’t even think they were in the fridge long enough to chill, but eventually he began getting drawsy and started mumbling under his breath, I watched his head get heavier, the struggle he faced in trying to keep it up right was amusing.
My right hand was resting pretty on Bobbie’s ass, the same chef that had taken a slap earlier. She didn’t seem to mind, I guess she was still pretty innocent when it came to inappropriate things like this.
”Bobbie, your hair is almost brown. You’re supposed to be blonde, why didn’t you wash it when you had a bath earlier?” I asked her.
”Water was too cold, I’ll wash it tomorrow.” she said adjusting her position and making herself more comfortable. My hand remained on her ass and I gave it an ever so slight squeeze. I feel her cheeses go wide against my chest and knew she was smiling.
With my other hand I began stroking Mom’s stomach. She kept watching the movie and occasionally would turn her head slightly in the direction of Dad, but with his head bowed down I knew that he was gone.
I began unfasting the buttons on Mom’s shirt, there was only four to do and pretty quickly her shirt was wide open. She cast a quick look in Dads direction, but he was out of it. I looked at her beautifully cupped cleavage and ran my hand over her bra before sliding my hand inside and taking a handful of her left breast. It felt incredible.
Her eyes were now firmly on what I was doing, and when I had enough of her breast, I pulled my hand out and slide it down her stomach, reaching the waistband of her yoga pants, and with out a second thought, I pushed my hand underneath the fabric.
I quickly realized she wasn’t wearing underwear under her pants, and I wasted a second thinking about that. I pushed my hand down further and felt the landing strip that I caught a glance of before. My middle finger slowly followed the strip and reached the tip of her vagina.
I slowly began to massage it, bringing my finger around in a circular motion as my Mom began to squirm. My cock was harder than I ever remember it being, I fought the urge to pull it out, mostly because at this point it would be poking Bobbie in the eye, and I wasn’t sure that she’d appreciate that. But then, you do some pretty crazy things when you’re this turned on.
My finger dropped about an inch down my Mom’s cliporis, and I felt just how wet she was. I scooped up a fingerprint-full and rubbed it back where I had started, this drove her a little insane, as she brought her head back and stared me right in the eye. I brought my head down and our mouths met as I picked up the pace with my finger. She bit down on my bottom lip as her hips thrust upward, they dropped again slightly before coming back up and she brought her arm up to grab my head to pull me in, her mouth was open and our tongues wrestled for a moment or two.
She grunted and gasped into my mouth, and I knew that she had climaxed, I was willing to bet that she wantedto blow the roof off the house with an ecstatic scream, but the fact that she couldn’t made the moment that much hotter. Probably for the both of us.
It took me a minute to realize it, but my grip on Bobbies backside had greatly increased. I quickly released her ass, I thought it was weird that she remained unchanged in my arm and her head didn’t move. I thought for a moment that she had fallen sleep, but her head moved when Mom got up from the couch and went into the kitchen.
”What did you do to Mommy?” she whispered to me.
”I was tickling her,” I lied. Bobbie nodded slightly, and then went back to watching the film, ”I wish you’d ticke me like that.” she told me.
Mom didn’t come back into the blinde for the remainder of the movie, which wasn’t that long. But she still seemed suspicious to me by her absence. When the credits began rolling I went into thekitchen and found her by the back door, I slid my arms around her waist as she finished her last puff of a cigarette.
”When did you start smoking again?” I asked her, she smoked for a while when I was younger and don’t remember too much about it. But the pieces of the puzzle began to fall in place after I found out that my Father had cheated on her with my babysitter, Julia.
”I don’t know,” she replied, ”I think it was when your Father and I lost interest in one another, and I became interested in my fifteen year old son.” she told me.
I squeezed her a little tighter, ”Then I think I’d better have a puff of one of those too then.” I joked. The night sky had fallen in and the smell of winter was in the air, school would soon be over for the term and Bobbie will be turning ten.
Bobbie then came into the kitchen and I discretely broke away from Mom, ”Time for bed now sweetie,” Mom told her, ”Doc will take you up if you want.” Bobbie nodded in agreement and I followed my sister out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
The entire time we climbed the stairs my eyes were kept firmly on Bobbie’s buttocks. She reached the top and went into the bathroom while I waited outside the door. She soon appeared and I followed her into her bedroom, she divered onto her bed bringing her knee’s to her chest, her little round ass poking out from underneath her nightie once again.
”Come on squirt, under the duvet.” I told her.
She rolled onto her back and fiddled with the blanket, her legs open and giving my eyes a view now of her little vagina.
”Doc,” she started, ”Whe did you ticle Mom?” she asked.
She was feeling curious and I was feeling horny, it was a bad combination form the beginning. I sat down on the edgeof her bed and pressed my index finger against her stomach, I then ran it down a little lower and stopped when my finger was just above her vagina.
”Here,” I told her, I gave it a slight flick and then a little rub as she laid back with her head against her pillow. There was an angel sitting somewhere on my supposed screaming at me to stop, but the devil inside me stroked his cock and demanded that I carry on and be the first to make her orgasm.
No, I couldn’t do it.
I got up from the bed and turned towards the door, ”But I want to be ticckled.” she told me. I bowed my head a little, as the shade had started to sweep over me. I was staring down a path that I didn’t want to walk down.
”Maybe another time Bobbie, get some sleep.” I told her as I walked out of her bedroom and closed the door behind me.
I stormed into my room, muttering under my breath about how stupid I was. I sat down in my computer chair and wiggled the mouse, waking up the system. I held my head in my hands for a moment, doing whatever I could to think about something other than my Mother and sister. But the same thoughts kept coming into my head, my love for my Mother had completely dominated my observation with Faye, and now my stupidity was starting to create something even darker with my kid sister.
I heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom and remembered it was Mom’s bath night. I took a moment to think about what I was going to do tomorrow at Fayes. The up coming history test was based around the Industrial Revolution, and I could hardly be bothered with the subject myself, so who knows how much effort it’ll be to drill it into her head.
I leaned back and opened up my email, there were two I hadn’t read and one of them was from Zak. Zak was one of my best friends, we met in the early years of school through our love of the Buffy TV show.
His email was nothing more than a link to a porn video, he wrote underneath the link; ‘This chick looks like Whittle.’
Miss Whittle was our Science teacher, and one of the best things about Science was sitting front and centre in class so’s we could get a decent look at her. She was a blonde bombshell with a tight frame and even tighter shirts. But the real perk of sitting front and centre was that she never wore a bra. Each and every Science class would begin with me and Zak trying to turn the room thermostat down, praying for the ‘pokies’ to pop out.
I followed the link and the site opened, it wasn’t a site I’d seen before, as it was mostly live cams. But there was a bunch of home made videos too. The link had directed to me to a video with a blonde female riding a man reverse cowgirl. The came was fixed on her ass, and admittedly, it was a beauty. But then she hoped off the cock and began sucking it, and withher fringe covering most of her face, it really did look like Whittle.
I immediately brought up the email and began writing my reply;
‘Holy fuck dude, is that really her?’
I hit send and then went back to watching the video, it was a brief one as the guy soon began shooting his load, she took it all in mouth and swallowed the lot of it. She then looked into the camera and smiled, right there and then I knew it was her.
”Miss Whittle, you devil.” I muttered under my breath, I saved it to my favourites and checked the other email. It was from somebody I’d never heard of, ‘FRAM’, so I left it and got to my feet. I left the bedroom and checked in on Bobbie, she was sound sleep with her ass facing me, the duvet was bunched up between her legs and she was wheezing through her nose.
Earlier I had thought about molesting her, and now I stood and watched her as she slept. Something was seriously wrong wit me but then I was a teenager, I figured it was normal to think about nothing but sex. Even if it was with my Mother and sister.
I went down the stairs and saw that Mom had covered Dad with a blanket before leaving him to it. He looked fine, I fought the urge to cover his mouth and nose and switched off the light, heading back upstairs and in to the bathroom.
I went straight to the toilet and began unfasting my trousers, when I saw Mom led there in the bath. The bubbles had formed a thick foam around her body, her leg was raised and her foot rested between the two taps. She slowly a razor up what looked to be a perfectly smooth calm. The feeling of wanting to pee had vanished, and was replaced with a new feeling.
She looked at me with her brown eyes and it was almost as if she was waiting for me to say something, but I couldn’t, I just stood there and watched her run that razor up her leg. She raised it higher and her foot was now in the air, the razor ran up to her thigh and then she slowly lowered her leg back into the water.
She put the razor on the edge of the bath and then began tying her hair back, her elbows raised and for a brief moment, her nipples raised above the water line. I saw movement under the water and heard the plug being pulled, she raised her foot out of the water to show me the chain wrapped around her toes.
My hand slide down the front of my trousers as I waited for the water to drain, I then pulled my cock out, finally freeing it, and it was the hardest I think it’s ever been. If I was doing this for anyone else in any other situation I’d feel ridiculous, but standing where I was in that moment, felt right. There was nowhere else I would rather be.
The water level was dropping, her soapy nipples came into view and I wanted nothing more than to dive into that tub with her. I slowly began masturbating, Mom’s hand dropped below the water and from what I could make out, was now somewhere between her legs.
She reached over toward me and grabbed me by the trouser leg, she pulled me closer to the bath and positioned her head below my throbbing cock.
She opened her mouth and came in closer, she hesitated for a moment, her eyes were locked on to mine as she brought her head forward a little more before finally capturing my penis in her mouth. I almost came right there and then, the sensing that swept over me was nothing short of economic. I had barely noticed that the water was now gone, and she led there rubbing herself while trying to take as much of me in her mouth as possible.
She gripped the bottom of my shake hard as her tongue lashed my helmet from inside her mouth. I watched her rub herself furiously, her eyes were fluttering between being open and closed, I had a sense that she was close to making herself climax, but then I knew I was close so it was likely I was just hoping she was too.
She moaned and gasped before going rigid,my cock popped out her mouth and I finished the job, jerking it as hard and as fast as I could before firing my load.
The first shot went across her face, she opened her mouth and took hold of me in time for the second wave, firing it into her mouth, the third quickly followed and went straight between her lips. She looked up at me as she slowly jerked out the last few drops, they oozed out across her upper lip but weren’t there for too long, as her tongue swept across her lip line and took what was left.
She looked into my eyes, and though some may say that cumming on someone’s face is degrading, I looked into my Mothers eyes and knew that she had never looked more beautiful.
I leaned over and grabbed her by the head, kissing her hard on the mouth. Nothing else seemed to matter, our tongues moved over one another’s as if in synch.
”God, I fucking love you.” she whispered.
”I love you too, Mom.”I replied. I dropped to my knees and we were locked in an embrace over the edge of the bath tub. ”I’d better take a shower,” she said smiling. ”I’ll scrub your back if you like.” I suggested playfully.
”I think you and I both know, you’d be scrubbing more than that.” she said. I kissed her again, and we both slipped back into a trance of staring into one another’s eyes.
”You go downstairs and check on your father, I’ll be right down.” she told me, and like a programmed robot, I did as she said.
I left the bathroom and headed down stairs, Dad was still out cold in his chair and the TV was off. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I pulled out a can of coke and put it down on the table. I took a seat and after a few minutes of staring at the can I put it back into the fridge. I felt a buzz against my leg and pulled my phone from my pocket, it was a text from Mom;
‘Dad sleep still?’ it read.
‘Yeah, as always.’ I replied.
I waited a few moments stood over the kitchen table, the strange sensing of fear was creeping up on me. Fear of doing something I wasn’t supposed to, I told myself that it wasn’t fear, it was anticipation. My phone then buzzed and Mom’s reply appeared;
‘It’s bed time. Come and say goodnight.’
I shot up the stairs like the Flash, everything was a visual blur as I stopped outside of my Mom’s bedroom door. I paused for a moment, my cock was already erect, I wasn’t even sure if it ever dropped. I reached for the door handle and twisted it to the left, the door slowly opened and I saw Mom stood at the edge of her bed, with nothing but a towel wrapped around her.
The dim light from the bed side lamp was reflected off her damp skin. Beads of water still ran down her arm as I took a couple of steps forward. I pulledmy t-shirt over my head and tossed it to the floor, then unfastening my trousers and letting them drop to the floor. I took another step forward and dropped my boxers, my cock stood on end and my Mothers eyes dropped to it.
It was almost at seven inches, the last time I measured. I wasn’t sure if it was still growing or I’d reached the point where it stopped. But it was outstretched right now, as if reaching for her. She brought a hand up to her towel, and pulled it off.
It silently dropped to the floor and she stood there completely naked, we both stood for a moment and looked at one another. She was perfect. Her breasts were a perfect D-cup, her vagina was shaken but for a landing strip, there were no blemishes on her skin and no sign of age. My eyes finally met hers, and we both moved towards one another, our mouths were first to connect.
My hands slide around to her back and ran up and down her body eventually falling on her ass and grabbing both chefs with a firm grip. Her hands slide down to mine, before sliding up my back and to my hair.
I couldn’t wait any longer, foreplay was going to have to wait for a rainy day as I throw her down on the bed and crawled over her. She brought her knees up and spread herself apart as I moved into position, my cock was millionmetres from her warm haven.
I took a long look into her eyes, my hand cupped one of her breasts as I leaned in and took her nipple in my mouth. With my free hand I guided my penis between her labia walls. She sucked in a deep breath as I pushed my way inside of her, she let out a loud and short moan as she pulled me in to her, her arms wrapped around me while she buried her face into my shoulder. Her legs went straight before her knees bent around me, I pushed into her before pulling back a little and allowing her a moment.
But she pulled me in again, and this time I slid deeper inside of her. I began building up a thrusting motion, she held on to me as tight as she could as I felt my balls slap against her ass. I kissed her neck and she moaned out loud once again, our mouths met and our tongues now escaped our mouths and wrestled freely.
I found myself holding my breath as I slammed in and out of her with everything I had, she grabbed a pillow and bit into it to stop herself from crying out. Her body soon went rigid again, and she then somehow pulled me down into the bed and worked her way into the top position. I was laid out staring up at her as she slowly began riding me. Her hands were on my chest and her arms were pushing her breasts together, I ran a hand up her leg and reached around to her ass, bringing myself up to take her nipple into my mouth.
She began rising me a little harder, and her movements got faster. She worked me up to the point of climax, and I didn’t need to tell her I was about to cum because she read the expression on my face. I dropped back into the mattress as I shot waves of semen into my Mother. She titled her head back and let out a long and controlled moan before falling forward, she led on top of me as we both struggled for breath. Our hearts were doing somersaults inside our chests.
I led there thinking that I had just had the greatest night of my life, and as she struggled to catch her breath, I had the feeling she had enjoyed it just as much as me.
Neither one of us spoke for at least two minutes, but we both looked into each other eyes. She had a smile on her face, it was a good smile and made me return it.
”My little man is such a stud.” she whispered.
I slide my hands down her back and to her ass, holding both cheats I took another squeeze and kissed her on the neck. I could feel my cock beginning to soften, it twitched a little and made Mom jolt a little. ”I haven’t cum like that for quite a while, Doc.” she told me.
”I came inside you,”I told her, ‘'I know you did, I wanted you to.” she replied. ”Why?” I asked her, I swept her fringe out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.
”Because it felt right.” she answered, she leaned in and kissed me on the lips as my hands released her ass and slid up her back.
”You’re so beautiful.” I whispered to her, ”I really can’t believe what we just done.” I told her, and the truth was, I really couldn’t. A week ago I was obsessed with Faye and my family was nothing to me but boring. My thoughts towards my Mother were the simplest of thoughts, she was my Mother and that was it. But now she was the love of my life, and maybe that’s how it should be. The love shared between a Mother and Son is something special, but sometimes, it can be made even more so. It can be made into something stronger, something intangible.
”I want you to be mine.’' I said, she smiled and pecked me on the lips again.
”I’m your Mother, I’ll always be yours.”
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