Chapter 4: Bloody Toons
Daniela walked in Bianca’s room and closed the door behind her. Bianca was on her bed looking at pictures on her computer again. She noticed there was a new poster on her wall. It wasn’t quite a poster actually, it was a wall scroll made of fabric and it had some sort of odd looking cartoon characters printed on it. It wasn’t really Bianca’s thing, Daniela thought, but whatever.
“Hey. Old man balls gave you the runs?” asked Bianca as she gave a quick glance at Daniela.
“Heh, I don’t know, I guess. I just went back in the kitchen and finished it.” answered Daniela. Bianca’s attention went back to her computer. Good, this would give her some time to think about what to say to Bianca about her parents. But maybe she’s already aware of it somehow. Even if they never talked about it. Still, it’s something that they should talk about. That is, if they want to spend the rest of their lives together, peacefully. That’s what Bianca wants too, right?
“Hey, Bianca?” started Daniela.
“Wassup, sweet cheats?” Bianca replied as she kept scrolling through images on her computer.
“Uhm, so…” Daniela still didn’t know how to word her worries to Bianca, but she still had to say something. Being silent for too long would surely make Bianca suspicious that something was up and she wasn’t sure if she was ready to face the music quite yet. “You’ve been looking at a bunch of pictures all day. Some project you’re working on?” she asked.
Bianca turned her head to Daniela and said “Well, sort of. Here, look at these photos.” Bianca turned her computer towards Daniela so she could take a look. Daniela kneeeled by the bed and looked through the photos on the screen.
“Are these Halloween costumes? I don’tget it.” she asked.
“Well, technically, yes. But this is called Cosplay. Ever heard about it?” Bianca asked.
“Cosplay? I-I really don’t know.” said Daniela. She moved her arms off the bed to lean against it and continued. “Seems pretty dorky to me.”
“Well, you also never heard of those conventions where a bunch of nerds get together and dress up as comic book characters?” Bianca asked.
“Ehrm… Maybe? It’s just sounds like a mascarade party.” said Daniela.
“Heh, I guess it’s kinda like that. Except that they don’t go to a basement afterwards for an orgy… I think.” said Bianca.
“What?” asked Daniela.
“Hahah! Nothing, nevermind. Anyways, the point is I have a friend who’s organizing one of these conventions with his boyfriend and there’s a performing arts contest being held as one of theMany events there. His name’s Hayden by the way, we’ve been hanging a lot lately.” said Bianca.
Daniela jumped a little at the mention of the name. So this was Hayden, and he’s gay. What a relief. Actually, it made her feel a bit silly about panicking about it before. But it also made sense that he would be so quiet around her parents. He wouldn’t want them to find out he’s gay or they wouldn’t let Bianca hang out with him… Which would mean that Bianca knows and she probably warned him. The more reason she now had to bring up the conversation to her.
“Sooo, he asked you to participate in the conversation?” Okay, eventually she would ask Bianca about her parents, but maybe now wouldn’t be a good time.
“Yea. Well, get this – he has this group of friends who were going to do a dance number together, but two of them were kidnapped a few months ago and… only one survived.” said Bianca.
“Oh, my – someone died? That’s terrible!” said Daniela, putting her fingers on her mouth.
“Yea. It was a real bummer for Hayden since he knew the girl pretty well. He barely speaks much lately because of that. It’s obvious he’s still mourning.” she explained. That would explain why he was so quiet. Never mind, then.
“So, what happened to this girl? How did she… pass away?” Daniela asked.
“I really don’t know, actually. Not even Hayden is too sure what happened. The police report just says that some woman claimed hearing girls screaming from the woods behind her house and when the police investigated they found the girls tied up in an old storage shadow, bleeding and bruised. One of them though, Allison Lewwitz resisted the most and was beaten to death for it.” Bianca explained.
“Bianca, that’s just so horrible…” said Daniela.
“What's really strange is that there were no traces left behind by the criminals. No finger prints. Not even a hair.” said Bianca.
“And you said they were tied up when the police found them?” Daniela asked.
“Yeah, both of them.” Bianca replied.
The topic made Daniela uncomfortable. “So… now they need another person to fill in for Allison and that’s where you come in.” said Daniela as she shifted her weight.
“Yeah. I’ll have to put on costumes that they make based on anime characters, and then we dance a number or two to a couple of Japanese songs on stage so we can compete for prize money against other performing groups.” Bianca explained.
“Wait, based on what characters? Enemy characters? Annie May? What did you call them?” asked Daniela confused.
“Hahahah! Ah-nee-meh! Anime! Y’know, like Japanese cartoons.” Bianca explained.
“Japanese… cartoons? Aren’t cartoons all the same?” Daniela was becoming more perplexed and less interested.
“Hahah! Not really. There’s a very distinct difference in the art style and most definitely in the writing, more importantly there’s – Character Development and Continuity! Ooooh” said Bianca as she waved jazz hands in the air.
“I guess that would explain these toys of girls with big tits and this wall scroll you have.” Daniela pointed out as she looked around the room.
“Yeah, hahahah! Pretty much! I mean, I figured I’d look into this culture that Hayden is into since I’ll be working with these girls, and I ended up getting really absorbed by this new series about a fairy elf girl who goes on a quest with a mythical sword to save a kidnapped prince.” Bianca explained.
“Hm, that’s an interesting change of gender roles.” Daniela observed.
“Oh, and you know what, you used to watch Anime with me too. Did you know that?” Bianca asked.
“I honestly don’t know -“
“Yeah! You do!” Bianca interrupted. “Remember that show where the boy wen’t around catching all the different kinds of monsters so he could bring them together and make a wish? That was anime.”
“Oh, yeah… That show WAS pretty weird. I mean, it wasn’t like Tom & Jerry or the Flinstones… It was… different. Oh, like that show where they played cards with monsters that came out!” Daniela remembered.
“There ya go! Now you’re gettin’ it. But those weren’t even scratching the surface of how complex anime shows can be. Maybe I’ll have you watch a couple of episodes with me tonight.” Bianca suggested.
“Meh, alright, I guess.”
“I won’t bore you too much, I promise. And then, we’ll go to sleep and uh… Have ourselves a little party under the covers?” Bianca asked as she slowly slide her hand over her crotch.
“Eh, I don’t know. I mean, between hot sex with a lesbian sex-fiend like yourself and watching weird gender-role bender cartoons from Japan, that’s quite a big decision.”
“Oh, cut it out, loser!” said Bianca throwing a pair of jeans at Daniela. “You’re gettin’ both or you get nothing!”
Daniela grabbed Bianca’s jeans and retaliated, leading to a wrestling match between them, and Daniela’s worries to be put on the back burner.
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