The Phone Call

The phone ringing jarred the otherwise quiet evening she was having.

Glancing at the number, her pulse kicked up a notch. It was him. If things went well, she would have another picture or video of that beautiful, huge cock of his as a reward for getting him off.

“Hello,” she said, trying to sound normal, bored even.

“You know what I want?” He grewled.

Normal gone. Now she was breathless. “What?”

“I want you to tell me how much you want this cock.”

Immediately images of his huge beast filled her mind. She’d seen so many pictures and videos, she could have picked it out of a lineup. Her heart kicked into overdrive and she took in a sharp breath.

“I want it so bad,” she found herself saying, almost without thought. At the same time some Rational part of her brain questioned why the hell she was so caught up in this man’s dick.

“How bad?” He demanded. “What if you didn’t like me as a person; then would you still want this dick?”

Uncomfortable, but having promised to stay true in these encounters, she mumbled, “No.” Knowing it was mostly true.

“Oh, really?” He asked, seeing through the half truth. “You wouldn’t want this dick?”

“I would want it, but I wouldn’t let myself have it. I have to draw some kind of line. But I would not be able to resist looking at the pictures you’ve sent, the videos of that beautiful, monstrous dick of yours.”

She hoped the flattery would steer her onto the more safe ground of cock worship without having to admit how addicted she was, how far she’d go.

He was having none of it today.

‘And what if I was an ass but I said I wanted to meet up with you to fuck you,” he pushed.

‘I’d say no.” She held firm. But then felt the need to admit, “Then hate that you were an ass because I wanted that dick so much; And secretly be glad because it’s wrong…we’re not free to do this.”

He ignored the hint in the admission, pressing further, “Even knowing that I would dominate you and bend you over and fuck the life out of you for no less than an hour straight.”

The words stirred up a primary need down low, a need to experience that cock, just once, no matter what it did to her.

She whispered, weakening, “Especially knowing that. I wouldn’t be able to resist next time.”

“Or if I was an ass but I said I wanted to fuck you and I’ll even let you ride me.”

Oh, God, her mind and every other part of her said, but she forced herself to answer, “I’d be so tempted…but I would say no.” But then felt compelled to admit again, “And be upset about it because I wanted that dick so bad.”

“Or I could be an ass all the same and confess you to meet up so I can fuck you. Pin you down on the bed, straddle over you, fuck your mouth, take what I wanted from you, make you gag on it while I pulled your hair and force-fed you my dick.”

“Resistance would be hell,” she panted into the phone, her mind a blank, instinctively knowng how good that dick would feel. Starting to feel fear, because being able to breathe around that thick, engorged cock would take every bit of concentration she possessed and she didn’t know if she could do it. But the fear just heightened the desire.

He seemed to sense this, heard it in her voice, continued his scene, “Flip you over on your stomach, hold you down by the wrists and plumge my cock into your ass. Making you feel angry fucked. Fuck you in your ass until you cry.”

She froze. The adrenaline kicked in, fight or flight or freeze; it was the single most frightening, yet arousing thing she could think of that cock doing to her…how the hell could anyone stretch far enough to take it? She whimpered before she could stop herself.

He heard the faith, involuntary sound and it skeked him to go harder, “And while I’m pumping into you, grunting, leaning over you, I’ll be telling you in your ear to tell me between your tears that this dick owns you, that you’re a slave to it, that I can have you anytime I want.”

She swore, “Fuck… I would hate myself for letting you do that and for wanting it so bad that I let go of everything I believe just to have that dick.”

He became relentless, pushing harder, “And I would make you say those things because if you didn’t, I would stop. And I know you would need to cum so badly. And When you said it, that’s when I would fuck you hard again and make you cum with my cock slamming into your ass.”

‘Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she cried into the phone because she could no longer remember why she was resisting in the first place, just all of her wanting him to continue.

He didn’t stop for a minute, “Hand on the back of your head, pushing your face into the mattress. Just fucking take it.”

A slight sob escaped her and she had a moment of clarity to wonder, if this was just the phone and her stored images of that cock, what kind of intensity would the real thing bring? The moment passed andshe found herself almost angrily crying into the phone, “Fuck….Fucking hell….I would fucking say it…I would tell you I was a fucking slave to that fucking massive cock…”

“And I would shoot a load inside of your asshole but I would stay hard and that cum would just make it even slider, easier for me to keep fucking you. And you know I don’t stop at that second orgasm either, that I could Just keep fucking you. And I know you would want more. I know you want it so bad you would fucking pay for this dick if you had to.”

The slight shift in the conversation caught her off guard a little but she forced out the truth, “I’m almost ashamed to admit I would. I would want that cock to continue pumping so damn bad.”

“You know you would…just to feel what it’s like to have it in you, to cum all over it. Tell me. Tell me you’d fucking pay for it.”

God, he was right, she would do almost anything to have it. The truth squeezed out of her mouth like the tears from her eyes as she admitted it. She’d promised the truth, no matter how demeaning it seemed to her, “I’d pay. I would open up my fucking pursuit and beg. In a damn daze from cumming and still angry crying and yet begging for more of that dick.”

“Fuck yes this dick owns you. Now tell me what you would say, tell me how you would beg with your purse open for me.”

All in now, Just thinking about that cock paused above her, waiting to continue giving her all the pleasure she had ever imagined by being on the receiving end of that massive dick, being stretched wide open, being possessed by it, she started begging, “Please, please. How much? How much would it take to keep that dick inside me? Please, I want it to make me cum more, want to be used more, slam it so far inside me again. Please, I need it to make me cum again.”

“Tell me how much it’s worth to you. Not another pump until you tell me.”

She panicked, focused on getting his dick back. She had no clue what the answerwas. Oh God, would he hang up, insulted if she said too little? She half sobbed into the phone, pleading, “I don’t know. I have a hundred in here, would that be enough? I don’t know how to price something like this…Please, please, just tell me! I’m out of my league, I just know I want your cock back in me so bad…”

“Oh, you can afford more than that. And I’m still frozen. The tip of my head just inside of you, the length just waiting to return to plunging into you. But you’re going to have to go more. Other women have paid 10 times that just for a fraction of what I’m giving you. Pushing my hand on the back of your head, still pushing you against the mattress. Tell me how badly you want it.”

It was so much money…but how does one price a once in a lifetime experience? She knew the answer, deep down, accepted it, gave in, submitting to that cock. “I’d gladly pay 10 times what I have, every cent. Just please let me have more of that cock, please don’t stop, please, please, please…” the last please a broken whisper full of tears and longing.

“Good girl,” he said, and with those words her body convulsed slightly, knowing the truth he had drug out of her pleased that cock, her need assigned, the addition fed.


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