“Hello Evelyn. This is Mark. How are you doing today?”
It’s Mark! I can’t believe I’m actually talking to him!! Keep it together girl, he’s just a guy. Okay, maybe I need to backup a little and explain who Mark is.
A few weeks ago I signed up for one of those online hookup sites. I wasn’t planning on actually doing anything, but I was bored and I Thought it might be fun to tease some guy online for a while before dumping him. It wasn’t five minutes later that Mark sent me a message.
‘Hi there ReadyToPlay, I’m FindingFunAgain. So what games are you playing?’
We exchanged a dozen messages and emails over the next hour or so. Then we exchanged numbers and have been texting back forth ever since. We talk mostly about Everyday stuff, and Mark sounds like a really nice guy… but sometimes I just want to tease him so we have chatted about some seriously kinky shit. This morning I had told him he could call if he wanted, and now I’m hearing his voice for the first time.
“Hi Mark, I’m just doing some homework. What are you up to?” I’m trying hard to sound calm here. Why is he having this effect on me?
“I was wondering what it would take to meet you. Maybe we can play some of your games in person?”
My heart was thumbing in my chest so hard I wouldn’t be surprised if Mark could hear it over the phone! “Well, I could use an excuse to get away from this homework. What do you have in mind?”
“I could pick up some Chinese and a movie if you just want to cuddle for a while. On the other hand if you are up for an adventure I could try to make you squirt…”
“Uh… how” My mouth has gone dry. I get up and walk to the kitchen for a glass of water while I’m listening.
“You’ve told me you Want to squirt but you never have. Before we begin I would send you to the bathroom to empty your bladder. Then I start by slowly undressing you, lightly touching every inch of your skin to find the sensitive areas. As you lie down naked onthe bed I will begin securing you with ropes. I tie my ropes nice and tight. Not tight enough to cut off circuitry or cause any pain, but secure so that nothing slips. Soon you will be totally helpless before me.”
I think I love the sound of his voice. My palms are smoking and it feels like someone turned up the heat. I’m feeling a hollow pull in the center of my gut, a combination of fear and lust. I didn’t really trust myself to talk so I just waited in silence until Mark continued.
“Did I hear you hesitate? Let me guess, you are turned on by the thought but afraid of it at the same time… More silence. Are you are turned on but you don’t understand why?”
“Uh huh…” My breath is coming in shallow breaths now. How did he do that? Am I that transparent?
“Let me help you understand. When you are helpless you don’t have to think. You don’t have to worry about what to do, or what not to do. You can do nothing but experience it. You have no guilt for enjoyingthe experience because you are not responsible, you are helpless. The ropes gently squeeze you as though you are being embedded, and that is calming and comforting.”
“Because I have made you helpless you are my responsibility, and I take that seriously. You have my undivided attention. My complete focus is on you, and creating sensings for you. Have you ever had someone focus exclusively on your experience that intently? It can be intoxicating.”
“Oh God, you just made me wet.” Shit, did I say that out loud?
“As I play with your body and enjoy your responsiveness you will cum. I will continue and you will cum again. I know you have masturbated to the point where you are so sensitive you can’t stand to touch yourself. Just like you cannot ticket yourself it is impossible to self-stimulate beyond that, but I won’t stop. You will try to stop me, but because of the ropes you will fail. I will push you against your will to a pleasure so intense that you cannot stand it.”
“As the massive orgasm nears you will suddenly feel like you have to pee. Squirting is not quite the same, but you don’t know the difference yet.”
“When you stiffen up in a misguided attempt to hold off that big orgasm I will notice. I will encourage to you to relax. As I push you over the edge I will whisper in your ear. ‘Let go and cum for me.’”
“When you let go you will experience the biggest orgasm of your life. You will completely lose control of your body. There may also be a sweet pleasure-filled release as you squirt for the first time. If you are lucky you may enter sub space… an intense trace like experience of pure euphoria.”
Sometime later I finally realize that Mark has stopped talking. I was breathing in short little rapid gasps. My panties and jeans were soaked and I think I just stained the couch. I felt like I was coming out of that trace he was talking about. I took a quick drink from my glass of water and said, “Hello?”
“Evelyn, is eVery OK? You’ve been quiet for a while.”
“Please call me Eve. I am hungry, but I need to clean up a little. Can you be here in thirty minutes? I’ll text you the address”
“Take your time. Make it an hour and you have a deal. You like Pepper Steak, right?”
“See you soon Eve. Bye”
“Um, Mark?” I spoke quickly before he could hang up.
“Bring some ropes too. Bye” I hung up the phone before I could change my mind. Butterflies were dive-bombing my stomach by now. I put the homework away and rushed to the shower to get ready for Mark’s visit.
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