I was under a lot of pressure lately and this had some consequences on my body so I needed to visit a pharmacist for a treatment for my hemorrhoids. I was a bit shy to visit the nearest one to my home so I choose another one, not so big and bright, three quarters away.
-Huh I would like…ahem… a medicine for…ahem…
A lady, at her early forties, a brunette with a wonderful bob, appeared behind the counter wearing a warm smile and said:
-How can I help you, what sort of medicine?
-I, I ahem… would like a treatment, a…pill or something for hemor…
-So you need a treatment for hemorrhoids, said in a clear loud voice that made me look around to see if there were other customers, fortunately there were none.
-Yes, I replied blushing.
-No need to Feel shy sir, it’s very common. Especially those days of extreme anxiety due to the pandemic and all the creses around the world, said in a soothing voice, and disappeared to the other room. She placed some sort of ointment on the counter and said:
-This is it; do you know how to use it?
– I suppose. Well I haven’t needed something like that before, but I suppose it’s not complicated.
– It is not. You just have to place it to the “area”
– ok, I see, I interrupted her feeling my cheeses reddening.
– and some of it inside. So it has a special
– All right I’ll read the instructions; said thinking that I must have been totally red.
– It is very important to put a sufficient amount inside so
– Thank you, I said and rushed out.
The next two days I did my best to follow the instructions but I didn’t notice any significant improvement so I went back to the same pharmacist, as Ι had already been exposed to her. She was nowhere to be seen, probably searching for some medicine in the other room.
The door behind the counter opened and a young man came out, looking down saying between his teeth something like “thank you miss Pamela” and rushed outside, and behind him came the pharmacist. She looked at me, and said “Sorry for the delay sir, how can I help you?”
-Well you see I bought this ointment the other day and…
-And you don’t feel better?
-No, so..
-Well you see it takes time usually. It has to do with the modern way of living, lack of exercise, working at the office many hours…
-Yes but you see I have a business trip in two days and I would like to have this issue resolved so I wonder if there
– “if there is something stronger”
-A pill?
-Yes! That’s what I was thinking
-I’m afraid not. Everyone is asking for The Magic Pill for everything. Nature has given us solutions, not so “easy” but much more effective.
-Well I agree with you. I would do anything to get rid of this problem.
– All right, there is a special therapy with an ointment I prepare with a sort of Brazilian herbs.
– Is it expensive?
-Not really. Just that you have to come here for the application
-Sorry, you mean…I was red again, just when I thought I was controlling my shyness.
-Yes, she said innocently wearing her bright smile. You’ll need an application today, another two tomorrow and then you’ll be brand new! Don’t worry, she added seeing my face, the medical confidentiality covers you. I treat a lot of people with great results.
-All right I said, how…
-Just prepare the area and come back in two hours.
– Yes, I said sheepishly, without having realized why I follow what that lady, Pamela, is saying. She has a way to project confidence and security. Maybe it is her voice, so deep and clear, she knows what she says, no questions no doubts.
I got prepared, did a hot shower, added my perfume, clean and ironed clothes and I was at the pharmacy in less than two hours. She was there giving some medicine to a customer, when she saw me.
-Hello sir, come in.
-Hello I said, allright. I did as you said and..
-Great. Please come, mister… said opening the small door behind the counter.
-Peter, I lied, hiding my real name.
-Ok Peter, let’s fix you.
That room was like a normal warehouse of various medicines but it had a table in the middle of it with a thin mattress on top of it.
-Please Peter, until your belt, lower your trousers and bend over the table, said in a professional manner making me think that it’s just a typical process.
I did as I was told, feeling extremely exposed but a part inside wanted to be exposed to that powerful lady, who after all wanted to cure me. She produced the green ointment she had freshly made as she said, wore rubber gloves and came behind me. She started rubbing one of her finger around my anus and gently pushing inside. I was feeling the soothing heat of. After a while she started a real pressure to put a finger inside me. I said “no” and the same moment I regretted it. But she ignored me. After a while one of her finger was deep inside my ass pressing and making round movement. It’s so hard for me to say “no”, so hard to say no when someone generally wants me to do something…
-Feeling any better Peter?
– Yes, yes but
-But you feel uncomfortable? Said without stopping making circles inside my virgin ass, that have never before accepted anything.
-Yes and..
-But no pain, right? You already feeling better, right?
-Yes, I said.
A second finger started pressing my anus.
-Nooo! I cried. She stopped. Suddenly removed her other finger.
– So ok, I understand that your therapy stops here.
-No what?
– No Pamela, don’t stop. Just…
– Just what Peter? Do you trust me or not?
-I do. But…
-If you do, let me help you. Just relax and let me do the best for you. Without “but”. So, shall I proceed?
-Are you sure?
-Yes please.
-I m afraid that you aren’t.Perhaps we should stop here.
-No please. Don’t stop. Please
-So you want me to continue?
– Yes.
-Without “but”?
-Yes. Please. Sorry for that.
– All right young man. But, please, spread your cheats for me, this way you help me do my job and assure me that you really want me to.
I was in that awkward position. I could walk around and go. I could say NO. What I did?
I opened my ass cheeks for Her. And said
-Please Lady Pamela (why did I called her Lady Pamela, what’s going on with me?)
She placed her gloved finger inside my ass without hesitating; all the way up, until her fist hit my ass. I felt my breathing stopped for a moment. Then she slowly removed it and started circulation my ass with two fingers while slowly adding more of that creamy warm ointment. Now she was pressing two fingers in and slowly out and then inside again and then out while saying things like “good boy” and “bravo Peter”. I didn’t feel any pain at all. It was really a therapy. But my problem now was that I had an erection, a shameful erection which I couldn’t hide although she probably hasn’t noticed. Yet.
She continued her work inside me. Her fingers dancing in and out and then in a circle, touching my prostate from time to time making me want to rub my dick somewhere to touch it and start playing with it ignoring her and her “therapy” but no, this could not happen I shouldn’t let her think that I am a pervert or that I enjoy this sort of abuse, or – even worse – that I am not virgin.
-Great Peter, you are doing great! So now we are completing our phase one and we ll slowly move to phase two, she said pressing four or all of her fingers inside me. How she managed to do that? How she opened me like this?
-Yes my Lady, do as you please I am all Yours (who has taken control of my mind? ) I said and turned my head to the side looking up to her face, her beautiful proud face, for the first time since the beginning of all ths. Her face was not anymore that of an emotional professional but that of a password woman.
-Just stay right there Peter and better close your eyes, it is important that you remain calm. I ll let you relax for a moment and I ll be with you. She removed her fingers to my disappointment and shame. I was feeling so ashamed for loving what she was doing to me. I was not the same person anymore. I was literally a toy in her fingers.
After a few second I feel her fingers placing more of that substance — or it was another one now? It was feeling cold — in my asshole and then something pressing it. She started pressing my asshole with something.
– What?
– Shhhh relax, take a deep breath
– Aaaaaaahah
– Here you are, take it like a man
– What are you doing to me?
Instead of an answer she grabbed my wait with both of her hands and pressed more. I felt that something, that huge something filling me, hurting me, opening me.
– Now boy yourtherapy begins. Don’t worry I will be gentle. I am using my small, Virgin strapon on you.
– Thank you, I said without knowing why I was still there, under her spell.
Just as if this was the signal she was expecting to keep pace in pressing her dildo inside me and then removing it to the tip and then again and again. She paused for a moment and I tried to see what’s going on. She was wearing her strapon under her skirt and now she was lowering her underwear so to have direct contact with the strapon. There were no excuses for therapy anymore. She was fucking my virgin ass as there was no tomorrow. She was smoking, breathing heavily, holding me strongly from my wait, moving in and out.
I couldn’t resist to touch my dick, I was feeling that it was going to break, started playing with it, breathing heavily myself without shame, I was there at the hidden room of Pamela’s pharmacy, bent over her table, opened wide to her desire. And licking pre- cum.
Now her rightHand released my wait and started beating my ass cheeks. Slowly and softly in the beginning. One at a time.
Smack! Smack!
-Good boy, take it! Take it!
– Yes my Lady
-Who is your owner?
-You. You are my Lady
-Say it again, what?
-You own me, my Lady, you own me Mistress
-Oh, I like it. Am I your Mistress?
-Yes, you are my Mistress, my Owner! I am yours.
-And your ass? To whom belongs your ass little boy?
-To You my Lady, my ass belongs to my mistress
-And what am I supposed to do with it?
-Whatever you like
-I like to fuck you
-Fuck me Mistress, my ass belongs to you, fuck me, fuck me
– I’m opening your little hole
-Yes mistress I am open to You
-You slut, I was expecting you to resist me. You are opening wide from the first date Slut! And started beating my ass cheats with all the power of her hands. I felt the heat but no pain. She keep her pace fucking me hard and struggling my ass cheeses. My body was not mine anymore. She had full control of me. I lost time, I forgot where I was, I was just an instrument for her own satisfaction. I was there on all fours, with Her on top of me, fucking me, beating me, melting me.
Don’t know how long did it take, could be seconds, could be years. But suddenly I heard her deep voice, the voice of an amazon
-Ooooh I’m coming, I’m coming you fucking bitch, I’m coming inside your ass
She had a trembling orgasm all around me, inside me. She was the Earth moved. She moved me, she changed me, I was coming for her I was coming like a slut
After that she removed her dildo, slowly trying not to hurt me but I was feeling so open, that she could do anything to me. I felt my feet trembling. Put on my boxer and trousers. Noticed the mesh I have produced.
-Don’t worry she said as if she has read my mind.
I wear my clothes and try to regain my self control. I looked at her. She unstrapped the dildo and placed it in a drawer. She had that same bright smile on her, showing only love but not lust — let aside her sweat. She was calm as the sea after the storm.
-Pamela! Are you there? A voice came from the pharmacy. It was a familiar voice to me. But no, it was my idea.
-Barbara, just a minute I’m finishing a treatment.
I wanted to become invisible. It was my ex — wife outside.
Pamela spoke to my ear: “See you tomorrow, to complete your therapy, you ve got to go now” and hit my ass just to remind me that it was not a dream. I nodded “yes” and went out trying to pass unnoticed, looking down.
I felt the eyes of my ex wife locked on me. Those eleven steps to get out of the pharmacy were the hardest of my life. Getting out I felt her eyes on my back, I was sure that she was looking at my ass, that, with her experienced eye, had noticed a change. I was feeling guilty, I was feeling ashamed. And I was crazy to go back to Her, to my Lady, to my Mistress to become her toy once more.
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