The Pet Ch. 03

Hopefully I proof read this chapter better and caught all my typo’s. Thank you for the feedback and comments even the constructive criticism ones.

Chapter 3.

Mira led a fearful and sniffling Camille through the house and then down into the basement by the leash attached to the collar around the small brunette’s neck. Camille did not struggle in her fear and when her beautiful owner pulled her down the basement stairs and turned on the lights her eyes went wide and her fear became terror as she looked around the room and saw the instruments of “torture” on the far wall, the suspension pulley, and the bondage furniture. In her innocent Camille did not know what most of the items were used for but she did know they were going to be used to hurt her. Camille broke free of the loose grip Mira had on her leash and feel to her knees on the floor and grabbed her owner’s ankles.

“Please…oh dear God please don’t hurt me. Please…I can’t take it…please I will begood…I promise…please don’t!” The smaller girl pleased with her Mistress as tears ran down her face.

Mira looked down on the girl and focused on her tears filled brightliant green eyes and felt a moment of goal but she shook it from her mind. Damn, those eyes can draw you in and hypnotize you, she thought. Mira was not truly a sadist. Oh she could be cruel and sadistic and tears and inflicting pain aroused her but in the right context. Mira learned in her affairs with Lilly Ainsworth that she got off and highly aroused in dominating another girl. With Lilly the domination was restricted to sexual domination; she would bind a consensual Lilly in various ways and use a flogger, various paddles, clamps on her nipples, clamps on her labia, clamps even on her clip, a cat o nine tails, and other Delightful instruments on the pretty blonde girl. Lilly was a masochist and enjoyed such pain and got off on it sexually. But Mira learned just how far to go and not to cause serious injury to her one time best friend and lover. She would never do anything to permanently scar the other girl and blood play was not what she enjoyed; true sometimes drawing blood occurred when she used certain “toys” on Lilly, but nothing serious and she knew when to stop even when Lilly would want to keep going and not use her “safe word”. Mira also learned the need to comfort her partner after such hard core dominating sessions and provide “after care.” Yes she explored a lot with Lilly and other girls; she learned that she enjoyed voyeurism as she shared Lilly with random men or women she picked up in clubs on occasion and she enjoyed being watched herself as she would tie Lilly up and have sex in front of the blonde submissive girl with either other men, women, or both and deny Lilly sexual pleasure and gratification. Mira enjoyed how the beautiful Lilly Ainsworth would cry and beg to be touched sexually while she herself was getting fucked or fucking another. But now she wanted more. She didNot want just to dominate a girl sexually, but also to control the other girl in every way. She wanted to control what the girl ate, how she dressed, how she behaved in public, what she did almost every moment of the day and now she had Camille as her slave and the petite brunette was going to fulfill that need in Mira and the beautiful celebration was going to train Camille to enjoy that control and to crave it, to desire being controlled both sexually and non-sexually, and even to enjoy and crave pain in the correct context. She was going to turn Camille into a masochist. She knew it could be done with the right conditioning and if she could not do it herself she would hire a professional…but one way or another Camille was going to be her little submissive pain-slut.

Mira also learned that with a masochist there was a difference between pain as punishment and pleasure. Once she had to punish Lilly and after spanking her blonde co-star of her TV show until her butt cheats wereblack and blue she noticed that while Lilly cried and begged for her to stop she was enjoying the pain inflicted on her. Mira knew she had to come up with some creative ways to punish without giving pleasure. Just as with Joel Chandler Harris’s Uncle Remus tales when Br’er Rabbit begged Br’er Fox, “but do please, Br’er Fox, don’t fling me in dat brier-patch,” Mira knew if she was going to condition her new slave into a pain-slut then her little Rabbit Camille would not be thrown into the briar patch with punishment. When she used physical pain as punishment it could inflict pain she intended to condition Camille with that would eventually give her pleasure. Mira knew there were other ways besides physical to punish the girl but before she attempted “mind games” she had to discover more about the girl…to find out what made her tick so to speak.

Mira reached down and pulled Camille up by her hair. “Get up, Bitch!” Mira yelled and a struggle and crying Camille was half dragged and half walked to the Trap Chair.

Camille was at a large physical failure. She stood only five two and weighed one hundred pounds and was very week and non-athletic. Before her nightmare life of being a slave started, Camille was a charming, graceful young Southern girl who held to the old fashion charms of Southern women. But she hated sports or anything athletic except ballet, which she took for 12 years before her father sold her. But Camille considered the often grueling ballet exercises art not sports. In her physical education classes at school she was always the last picked for teams because she was klutzy and was terrible at sports but she never cared. To her she excelled in areas a true lady should excel in; academically, charm, grace, dignity, and etiquette. Those she had in abundance. So what chance did she have physically against Mira? Mira stood so much taller than her at five eight, she worked out five times a week at the gym with a personal trainer to stay fitand toned, and she was much stronger than Camille.

“Lay down on it. On your back.” Mira commanded when they stood next to the device.

“Ut uh.” Camille while out as she bit her lower lip and shook her head.

Mira smiled and walked behind Camille and ran her fingers gently up the girl’s back. Camille shivered but no in pleasure from the semiconductor care; she shivered in fear. Mira bent down and placed her lips on the scared brunette’s right ear.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way. It is your choice and this is one of the very few free choices you will ever get to make from now on,” Camille felt Mira’s warm breath on her ear and then Mira licked her ear seductively, “So chose wisely.” Camille nodded and slowly got down on the Trap Chair and lay on her back.

“Good, girl. Now hands over your head.” Camille obeyed as Mira walked around and locked her hands in a pair of leather padded cuffs attached to a thick metal bar behind Camille’s head. Mira then walked around to the girl’s feet and pulled her down by her ankles and lifted the whimpering girl’s legs in the air and placed them in a stock device attached to the chair just below her knees. Camille was laying on her back with her body about 4 feet off the ground and bent in an L shape with her legs in the air and spread about 3 feet apart and her butt was just barely hanging over the edge of the Trap so her naked sex and butt were exposed. Her owner then walked back around behind her and Camille heard a series of clicking sounds and soon her arms were being pulled further behind her above her head as the slack was taken out of the chains attached to her shackles. It reminded her of a medieval torture rack and she started struggle and sobbing in fear as she thought Mira was going to stretch her arms out of the sockets. Mira laughed and then clicking sound ended when Camille’s arms were at full length.

“Silly bitch. I am not going to rip you apart. That would be a waste ofMy money.” Mira then walked to the far wall, the heels of her boots clicking loudly on the smooth cement floor of the basement. She looked over the instruments on the wall and then selected a round rattan cane 40 inches long and 4 inches thick. Mira wrapped the leather strap dangling down from the grip end of the cane around her wrists and walked back to Camille, whose eyes never left her un-wanted Mistress.

Camille’s eyes focused on the cane and she started struggle and pleading once more and when Mira gently laid the cane against her naked butt cheats she started sobbing again, “Please…oh please don’t spank me. I…I can’t take any more of that. Please don’t.” Camille wailed out.

Mira looked down on the struggle girl as she lightly caressed her butt cheats with the cane. God, Mira thought, she is so sexy. So small and thin and such small breasts but for some reason it suits her. And her skin is so pale and smooth. Reminds me of the magnolia blossoms back home in Tennessee. And her ass…so small butt well shaped. She looks so tiny and helpless like this…my Little Bondage Pixie Slave, Mira giggled. Damn I want her…but I need to take my time and be patient taking her virginity. Don’t waste it. Mira grinned as she continued to use the cane to cares her while slave butt cheats, but there is one virgin thing of hers I can take today…her ass. And then I will see what talent she has with her tongue besides whining and begging.

“Spank you? Oh no, my dear, I am not going to spank you.” Mira said pleasantly. “Spankings will be reserved for fun. You will learn to enjoy them. This is punishment… something not to be enjoyed.” Mira lifted the cane from Camille’s butt and placed it gently on the sole of her right foot and started tapping it lightly. “Do you know why you are being punished?” She asked. “You may answer.”

“N…n…no…i…I just got here…what did I do wrong?” The bound girl managed to whimper out.

Mira continued to tap the cane gently on the sole of Camille’s foot. “You did not get out of the crate when I ordered you to. See, bitch, you need to learn that what you want is no longer of any consequence. I own you now. You do not do anything without my permission or my say so first.” Mira raised the cane up above her head in her right hand and brought it down quickly.

Camille was crying as she listened to Mira’s calm voice tell her why she was being punished and her eyes watched the cane as Mira brought it up above her head and then Camille heard a swooshing sound and then her scream of pain mixed with the loud smacking sound of the cane hitting the sole of her right foot filled the room. The pain was terrible…so much worse than the spankings she had gotten at the pet store.

“AHHHH GOD! PLEASE OH MY GOD PLEASE NO!” Camille screamed out.

Mira ignored her and placed the cane gently on Camille’s left foot. “You do not eat,” She raised her arm and then brought the cane down on Camille’s left foot and again Camille screamed out in pain and started begging for the other girl to stop, but again Mira ignored her and continued. “You don’t sleep.” SMACK “You don’t dress.” Smack “You don’t talk” SMACK “You don’t even go to the bathroom” SMACK “YOU DON’T DO A FUCKING THING WITH OUT MY PERMISSION OR SAY SO!” SMACK, SMACK.

Mira alternated her strikes on Camille’s feet each time she brought the cane down. After the last time, Mira let the cane dangle from her wrist by the leather strap and kneeeled in front of the other girl’s naked and exposed butt and sex. Camille was sobbing un-controllable in her pain. The bottom of her small feet ached terribly as she felt the worse pain she had ever felt in her life. Mira reached up and gently stroked the fine, soft hairs around her new pet’s labia. Her public hair was trimmed and Mira kind of like it as it was and was indeed if she would shake the girl or not. She decided she would leave it like that for now and if she got bored with it she would remove the girl’s hair. Camille jerked when Mira touched her sex.

“No…no please…please no.” She begged though her sobs.

Mira stood up and laughed. “Don’t worry, bitch. I am not going to take your virginity…yet. I am going to wait until you beg me to take it. Until I make you so aroused that you beg me with tears in your eyes because your desire for me to fuck you is so great and you plead for me to take it.”

“N…n…never. I will never do that.” Camille answered still crying.

Mira just laughed at her again. “We will see.” She then grabbed the handle of the cane and placed it once more on Camille’s right foot. “I wanted an easy day today. I wanted to sit you down and go over some rules you are to follow and even talk with you and get to know more about you. I wanted to start training you today on some of the protocol you are to follow. But your insolence has ruined that. Your disrespect for me has changed that.” Mira lectured and then once again struck the girl on the feet. Ten more times on each foot and once again Camille screamed out in pain. She screamed so much and cried so much her throat hurt and her voice was hoarse. When done Mira walked back to the wall, placed the cane back on the hook, walked to the chest of drawers in the room, and took out some objects from the first and second drawer. Camille’s tear filled eyes followed her every move as she lay helpless, het feet aching in pain, crying and scared of what may happen next.

Camille watched fearfully as Mira kneeled down between her lifted and spread legs. Camille despised being in this position and was ashamed how her legs were spread and up in the air to expose her most personal parts of her body. It was humiliating and vulgar. She could not see what her Mistress was doing and prayed the other girl would Not penetrate her sex. Camille gave a small jerk when she felt something cold and wet on her butt and then she cried out again, her normally softsweet voice husky from her earlier screams.

“Nooo…nooo! Please…oh my God please no…not there…please, Mistress!” Camille begged as she felt something about to probe her butt.

Mira grinned at how Camille referred to her as Mistress and thought the girl is learning something at least as she ran her index finger over the entrance of Camille’s butthole spreading the lubricant around the edges. She liked how the skin around her tight hole was dark and how it contrasted to the rest of her pale body. “Oh…you never have been fucked in the ass?” She taunted. Mira knew the girl had not but it was fun to tease her. “I know your pussy is virgin, my doctors confirmed that, but surely you at least gave your boyfriends back in…where was it…oh yes, Charleston. Surely your boyfriends back in Charleston at least got to fuck your ass since you wouldn’t give up your pussy?”

Camille lift her head as best as she could and her thin weak arms struggled against the shades, “No…never…that…that is gross…it’s vulgar. Good girls don’t do such things! Please…please no…it’s going to hurt and is…is…is just vulgar.”

Mira giggled, “Yes it is going to hurt, but we need to stretch it out some because I am going to be using your ass quite often. I happen to enjoy getting my ass fucked, and soon you will love getting your ass fucked as well. You are no longer a good girl. You are now a sex slave bitch who will soon be a sex slave slut begging to get fucked…over and over again. I have some male and female friends who will love fucking you in your small ass…when I am prepared to share you.” She has every intention of sharing Camille with others…when the time was right. First she was going to be selfish and wanted the so adorable girl to herself. Then she wanted her new toy to be ready and trained before she let others use her. She was going to teach Camille how too sexually gratify both men and women until their lust were completely quenched.She was going to make Camille to be desired and wanted for her sexual talent. Mira then inserted her lubed finger in Camille’s ass.

“AHHHH GOD NO…PLEASE STOP…PLEASE!” Camille begged as Mira inserted her finger and started rotating it inside her.

“Fuck that’s a tight ass.” Mira commented and then started trusting her finger in and out of the smaller girl. “Yes it is going to need some loosening up and I have the right tool for the job.” Mira giggled and removed her finger.

“What…what…no…no…what are you going to do?” Camille pleased. “No…it…that…that…that is just so nasty…please…don’t…AHHHHH GOD! STOP…STOP! PLEASE…HURTS!” She squealed out in a high pitched voice as she felt something larger penetrate her in her forbidden hole.

Mira had inserted an anal plug in the girl. It was not the largest she had, only about 4 inches long and not as wide as some of the others, but it would be perfect for Camille’s virgin tight ass, she thought. She worked it in slowly until it popped in the girl. Mira wanted to rim Camille, to lick her ass and probe it with her tongue but she restrained herself and was going to save that for another time when it was time to teach the girl pleasure. Mira stood up and walked to stand next to the bound and helpless girl. She then bent down and unzipped her right boot, pulled it off and repeated the same with her left. Camille watched as her beautiful owner then took off her pants and even in the state she was in she blushed as she saw Mira was not wearing any panties and her public area was void of any hair. Mira then knelt down and ran her hands lightly over Camille’s small breasts and caresed the girl’s dark nipples.

“Ummm…so nice, Bitch. Your breasts are so small but a nice shape to them and I love your dark nipples…reminds me if candy kisses.” Mira giggled, “Yes my candy kisses nipple’d little pet.” Mira then brought her mouth down and started kissing and then sucking the girl’s right nipple; using her tongue to run over it and flick it. She then moved her mouth and did the same to her left nipple while her thumb and forefinger rolled Camille’s right nipple gently between them. Camille closed her eyes and whimpered louder, her butt no longer burned in pain as it had before as her tight hole got accustomed to the object inside her, but she still felt a great deal of uncomfortable.

Mira lifted her head and looked up at Camille, “Why, dear, does this excite you? I am shocked this excites such a good girl like you.” Mira teased. As she was sucking Camille’s nipples they had gotten erect.

“No…no…I…I hate it.” Camille said promptly.

“Ummm well let’s just see shall we?” Mira continued to tease Camille and she traced her finger down the bound girl’s stomach and then started rubbing the lips of the girl’s sex. “No…nothing but maybe if we go a little deeper.” Mira then pushed her finger just a little inside Camille’s pussy. She did not want to go too far inJust yet. Mira smiled as she detected that indeed Camille was a little wet. “Why you naughty little liar you are aroused a little.” She mocked.

“No…no…not true…I…I hate it!” Camille protested.

In fact she was getting aroused a little, but just a little, and she felt a great deal of shame in herself for it. While she was a virgin and never had an orgasm or even touched herself sexually “down there” as she called it as some of her friends…used to be friends…back in Charleston talked about, Camille was not frigid by any means. She enjoyed making out with the boys she dated back home and had given one boy she dated for a long period of time several hand jobs and that one time she performed oral sex on him. She even let him fondle, kiss and suck her small breasts and it felt very good. Camille enjoyed looking at his penis as it got hard in her hand and often thought of boys in a sexual way, but she was a “good girl” and good girls did not do those other things and waited until marriage before they had sex. But know she was getting slightly aroused by Mira’s touching and sucking of her nipples. She was ashamed that it felt good…for another girl to make her feel this way was just wrong and it was not supposed to happen especially after that girl had done the things to her that Mira had done. Camille had to admit Mira was beautiful; there was never any doubt about that. She had always Thought the famous celebration was a very lovely young girl while she used to watch Mira on her television show and Mira grow into a truly striking beauty as she got older and started making movies. But she was still another girl and to Camille that was just wrong.


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