The year is 2015, three years since the world’s economy collapsed. Every country experienced a deep depression, technology was at a standstill due to the break down in the world’s economy, small business owners went bankrupt, major companies started cutbacks on spending and laying off workers, unemployment sky rocketed. Only the already wealthy and famous thrived. Then France tried something that shocked the world to improve their economy and it worked so well other countries adopted their idea. They legalized slavery once more. Slavery was not limited to race or class. There were blue collar labor slaves, house slaves, office slaves, and even slaves trained and sold for sexual services. A father could sell his own daughter or son into slavery or they could sell themselves ad “indentured servants” but it was all the same. Along with the new legalized slavery came new laws. Sex slaves were for personal use and could not be sold for prostitution, labor slaves had to be treated humany, and many more…but of course as with any law those were often broken. Most countries including the United States adopted change of their way of life but some remained “Free States”. Canada was one such Free State but after the high number of escaped slaves pouring into their country and other countries demanding their property back with even threats of military force, Canada closed it borders. This is the story of one such young girl sold into bondage and the story of the person who brought her.
Chapter one
Mira Chambers walked down Rodeo Drive with the stride and slight swagger of confidence. She knew she turned heads even dressed in her casual designer jeans and blouse. People starred as she walked past not just for her beauty, for she was beautiful standing five eight with long tan legs and a great figure and her long brown slightly curly hair blew in the breeze. But Mira was more than beautiful. People Magazine rated her as the sexiest female in the world. People also stared at her for another reason as paparazzi’s snapped her photo. At twenty one Mira Chambers was one of the most famous celebrations in the world as an actress and singer. She started in the “business” at age twelve when she won a role on a sitcom and evolved into a great actress and singer. Even with the collapse of the economy people still loved their precious pleasures and two of those pleasures were movies and concerns so celebrations were almost immune to the poverty that struck the world. Mira would flash a smile and give her fans a seductive look with her sky blue eyes as she woke and every once in a while she would stop and sign an autograph for a fan and then resume her purpose for the day. Mira was excited for she turned twenty one three days ago and now she was of legal age to own her own slave and today she was going to buy her first pet.
Mira walked into the “pet shop” that sold human pets and was greeted enthusiastically by the sales clerk. “Ms. Chambers, this is apleasure. How may we help you today?” The sales clerk said as Mira walked into the shop and shook the clerks offered hand.
Mira read the young lady’s name tag, “Yes, Michelle, I am looking for a pet. A sex slave to be exactly. Female.”
The clerk flashed a nice smile and ushered Mira into a private back room and soon the celebration was seated on a plus red leather sofa, a glass of fine wine in Her hand, and offered some finger foods which she decided. After some small talk with the clerk about more of what she was looking for a series of girls we brought out one by one to be displayed for the young star. Blondes, brunettes, and red heads were shown to the girl but none struck Mira’s fancy. Oh they were all beautiful and seemed very well trained and obedient, but Mira wanted something unique. L.A. was full of beautiful girls and most that were shown to her had some form of cosmetic surgery to enhance their looks. Mira wanted something different.
The clerk, getting flustered she did not have what Mira was looking for, surprised. “Well, I do have one girl that just came in last week. She just turned eighteen yesterday so now we can sell her as a sex slave but ummmmm…well, Ms. Chambers she is not broken in yet. Oh she is not belligerent or disrespectful and is actually very submissive but umm…well no offense Ms. Chambers, but she will need someone with More experience to handle. See…she is a virgin and untrained.”
That peeked Mira’s interest and did offend her slightly. Mira was now 21 but she was not an innocent. She was known on set of her movies, her now cancelled TV show, and on her concert tours to be promiscuous to an extent but very discreet. She lost her virginity when she was fourteen to the male actor who played her uncle on her television show…he was 32…and they had a brief and sexually kinky affair. When she was sixteen she seduced and had another brief and even kinkier affair with her blonde co-star who played her best friend on the show, but Mira ended it and had the girl fired off the show when the blonde got too serious with her and wanted more. It was during her affairs with Lilly Ainsworth that Mira discovered another side to herself…a darker side. She discovered she could be cruel and sadistic to her female lovers and liked to hurt them and their tears excited her very much. She would tie Lilly up in various ways and positions and use Various sex toys and instruments of “torture” on the blonde. Mira discovered that the girl’s tears and begging, and whimpers, and even her screams aroused her in ways she never thought possible as she flogged, whipped, and used things such as nipple clamps and anal toys on the girl. But with her male lovers she was different. She liked her male lovers to take control of her. She did not like being tired up or enjoy pain inflicted on herself but she did enjoy when a strong male took control of her and used her body for sexual pleasure. Mira hated submissive men and they did nothing to arouse her.
“Bring her out.” Mira replied to the sales clerk in a snapping voice.
“Yes, Ms. Chambers.”
Mira sat up in the sofa and took a sharp breath as the new girl was brought before her. This is what she was looking for. The girl looked about sixteen but the clerk assured her she was eighteen and had the legal documents to prove it. The girl was small…only standing five Two per the documents and weighing one hundred pounds. She had straight fine black hair that came down just past her shoulders to the middle of her back and had eyes the color of high quality emeralds. Mira made a motion with her hand and Michelle nodded.
“Strip, girl.” She commanded the young brunette as Mira looked over the documents.
Mira read the girl was indeed a virgin, but she would have her own doctor verify that before she made the purchase. As Mira started to read the file and as she read the girl’s name, Camille Sinclair, she heard the girl give a whimper thatwas pleasing to her ears and looked up to see the petite brunette with her back to the wall, shaking her head, and still dressed. The look of fear on her face excited Mira.
“P…p…please…please don’t do this to me. Why are you doing this to me?” The girl was taken in a whiney voice with a Southern accent. Mira liked the accent. It was not a strong drawl that she had grown up with in her home state of Tennessee and worked grueling hours and hours with a voice coach the get rid of. The voice was soft and pleasant and the accent was subtle and ladylike.
The clerk grabbed Camille’s lean around her neck and pulled her close to her. “Strip, girl.” She commanded again and once again the young slave shook her head was rewarded by a slap across her left cheek. “I will not tell you again, bitch! Do as you are told or I will have you taken to the training room once more.”
Mira noticed that made the girl more fearful and she nodded and started removing her clothes, which wereJust a pull over light red tunic, bra, and panties. As she undressed slowly the clerk turned to Mira.
“I am sorry, Ms. Chambers, she is actually very submissive but as you can tell has not been trained as of yet. We did have to place her on the paddling machine yesterday since she was not eating enough and we were afraid she would lose some weight and as you can tell she can’t afford to lose much.”
Mira nodded, “I see…tell me about her. Who sold her and where is she from and other information?”
“She is from Charleston, South Carolina. Her family is one of those old Southern aristocratic types…we verified her ancestry and they can be traced back to the founding of the city. She was brought up and taught manners, attended etiquette classes; she was a member of the St. Cecilia Society as was her mother, grandmother, so on and so on. She attended doubtante balls and was groomed to be the perfect Southern Lady.”
Mira nodded, “I see…so what happened? How did sheend up here?”
“Her father brought her in. Apparently her mother died when she was eleven and he was never the same mentally. After a series of bad investments he lost the family money, their home that had been in the family for generations and generations and then once the Depression hit he was left penniless and had no other family but his daughter and became a little unstable. Well he brought her to California…his intent was to sell her as far away as he could from Charleston and we brought her from him. He did stamped she was not to be sold as a sex service but honestly, while she is very intelligent and scored almost perfect on her Intelligence test and scored high on the I test, she is weak and would not make for a labor service,” The clerk paused and gave Mira a sheepish grin, “plus we did buy her and we own her now and once eighteen we are able to sell her as a sex service so here she is.”
Mira nodded and looked back at the young slave, who was now naked but hadone arm across her breasts and the other arm down her stomach and her hand covering her private area as she clinked her tights tight together. Mira could tell even with the dark blush that covered the girl’s body, Camille’s completion was smooth and pale. Not unhealthy pale but an alabaster color that Mira found most refreshing with seeing nothing but golden tan girls of L.A. and she loved how the pale skin mixed with the girl’s almost jet black hair. Mira found it seductive and sexy. Camille then looked up at Mira with tear filled eyes and Mira had never seen eyes of such green brilliance and thought of sparkling emeralds. Mira got off the sofa and walked to the scared girl.
“Place your arms by your sides, Camille?” Mira asked when she stood in front of the shorter girl. Camille Shook her head. Mira surprised, she had thought to play the “good cop, bad cop” routine with the girl; her being the good cop and Michelle being the bad cop; but she decided it best to let the girl know who was in charge right off. She was going to purchase her if everything checked out on her. Mira grabbed the girl’s leash and pulled her so hard it made her stumble forward and she would have fall on the floor if she had not fall against the taller girl.
“Do as I say, you little bitch! You think that paddling machine hurt…well let me tell you something, that is nothing compared to what I can do to you.”
Camille looked up into the beautiful face and blue eyes of Mira Chambers and of course she recognized her for her she was. She used to watch her television show, saw her movies, and even owned some of the brown-haired girl’s CD’s. She also thought Mira was beautiful and now up close and in person she thought she was more so. Camille also saw something else in those cerulean blue eyes and saw cruelty there and that scared her and she knew Mira Chambers was not making idol threats. Camille dropped her arms to her sides.
Mira let go of the girl’s leash and patted her head, “Good, girl. Now let’s look you over. Open your mouth.”
Camille blushed even deeper as Mira checked her over like she was buying a horse. Mira checked her teeth, which all were there and they were straight, white, and perfect. Next she reached up and ran her fingers over Camille’s dark brown nipples and massaged them a little until they became erect. She smiled that the other girl actually closed her eyes and made a small whimper. Camille’s breasts were small A cups and Mira liked how her dark nipples contrasted with the girl’s pale skin and how her nipples became rather long when erect. She would not get the girl any cosmetic surgery on her breasts. She found the very small breasts sexy and so different in a city where almost every girl with a B cup or less gets her breasts enhanced. Mira then stepped back and her blue eyes roamed up and down the girl’s body. She was skinny and a little boy but Mira again liked that. Her pubic hair was trimmed but unshaven. Mira thought the girl was very pretty…more cute than beautiful. She then grabbed Camille’s hands and examined the finger nails. They were a nice length, trimmed and shaped well. She dropped the girl’s hands.
“Turn, girl,” Mira ordered and with another slight whimper of shade Camille turned. Mira looked over the girl and smiled. Camille’s butt cheats were red and bruised. Mira liked the butt. It was Small but well-shaped and round. It was an extremely cute butt. Mira then ran her fingers through the girl’s hair and found it soft and fine and she examined it for split ends and found none. She could tell Camille was well groomed even before she came into the pet shop and took pride in her appearance. Mira liked that.
Mira walked back to Michelle and smiled, “So shall we go into your office and negotiate? I think I will take her.”
The clerk smiled. On a young virgin being sold to Mira Chambers her commission was going to be wonderful. She led Mira to her office as a handler came in and took Camille back to her cage. After forty-five minutes of negotiating Mira came out of Michelle’s office. She felt she did well. She paid a good and fair price for Camille Sinclair and Michelle even throw in the GPS tracking implant and the bar code tattoo for free. As Michelle walked Mira to the door they made the last arrangements.
“Did you want us to brand her or tattoo her with your symbol, Ms. Chambers?” Michelle asked.
“Branding would hurt more correct?”
“Yes, Ma’am. A great deal more.”
Mira smiled, “Then we will have her branded but I want to be there when it is done.”
“Of course. Do you want us to train her and take her virginity?”
Mira shook her head, “No, I will do that. My physical will be here tomorrow to examine her and When I get his report I will pay the rest of what I owe.”
“Yes, Ms. Chambers. Once that is done we will have her shipped to you. You address in Beverly Hills?”
Mira opened the door to the pet shop and putback on her sunglasses. “Yes that is fine. You have been very helpful, Michelle, and I look forward to playing with my new toy.” Mira giggled as she walked back onto Rodeo drive. She was excited and giddy. She was going to enjoy her new pet a great deal.
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