Emma often thought about the first time she had been thrashed by Janet. Emma was eighteen at the time and Janet was forty.
Emma had been given a really hard thrashing because she wasn’t going to bed quickly enough when told to do so. She knew that for the whole of the following day, which was a Saturday, she would have to stay in her room with her food brought to her. However, she knew she deserved to be spanked and have those restrictions imposed because of her disobedience.
Whilst the punishment was one humans were given, Emma was living the life she wanted as a puppy girl pet dog and so she didn’t just have to stay in her room, but actually in her dog cage in her room. The food and water were served in two dog bowls and Emma had to scoop the food and water up with her tongue because she was living her pet puppy dog life.
Today was pretty much a repeat of that first time. Emma was watching the TV. It wasn’t any programme she wanted to watch but one that was on atthe time. However, when told it was her bedtime she was caught up by the programme and asked, “Can I just watch this, please?”
Janet said sternly, “No, go to your cage now.”
Emma stayed looking at the screen just a moment too long, and gasped as she heard, “Fetch me the hairbrush, you naughty puppy girl.”
The relevance of Janet calling her a puppy girl rather than Just her puppy was that this was a punishment for when she was a human being. Emma still saw herself only as a pet, but willingly submitted to being thrashed whenever she misbehaved, or, like just now, disobeyed her owner.
Emma knew what was going to happen but obediently went to the cabinet, opened the drawer, picked up the wooden-backed hairbrush in her mouth, and went back and dropped it on the floor in front of Janet, her owner.
Once she was holding the hairbrush Janet glared at Emma and knew she didn’t have to get her to bare her bottom as she was already naked, as she always was when at home. Instead, she turned a dining chair into the room, sat down, put the hairbrush on the tabletop close to her, and ordered, “Get across my lap, you very naughty girl.” After all, just then Emma was a human being about to be thrashed for being naughty.
Moments later Emma was across Janet’s lap and felt her bottom being rubbed in circles. She actually relished that feeling because being thrashed Was something she wanted to happen very often, and it did happen regularly. After several rubs, she felt the first spank followed by spank after spank with Janet’s hand, and she took every spank even as her bottom increasingly stung.
Janet spanked Emma’s bottom for several minutes with her hand, enjoying how she squirmed around on her lap and gasped with the pain, but staying in place, as she always did. Then, She picked up the hairbrush and spanked her with really hard spanks without any gaps between each spank. She was rewarded with much louder gasps and a clearly struggling naughty girl on her lap, but both knew this was the required punishment.
Emma dissolved into crying buckets of tears but knew that Janet wouldn’t be at all sympathetic because of that, and rightly so. She needed to obey Janet straight away every time or be thrashed every time, and even though being severely distributed turned Emma and Janet on, first and foremost both knew it was a punishment that had to be carried out.
Once Janet was satisfied with the bruises painted on Emma’s bottom she stopped and ordered, “Cage.”
Emma only needed the one word, pushed herself up from Janet’s lap, and was sniffing back tears as she immediately left the living room, went upstairs into the second bedroom, and got into her metal cage. It was large enough for her to lie down but she brought her knees up to her breasts, and she was more than happy to do so as she had been sent to her cage so many times before and knew it would happen whenever she was naughty, or even just because Janet wantedSome self-time.
As she thought those thoughts, lying down in her cage but smiling even though her bottom once again stung so much, she was still so pleased that she had met Janet, who was certainly old enough to be her mum and proved to be a very loving and caring girlfriend. They met at a party, clicked, and arranged to have supper, with Emma going to Janet’s house.
Janet was an alpha female, holding a very senior position at work, whilst Emma was at university. They discussed their various likes and dislikes, but Janet quickly noticed that Emma agreed to everything that she said. She asked, “Do you always agree?”
Emma blushed as she replied, “I can see you know what you’re talking about, and so do accept what you say is right.”
It didn’t take long for Janet to prise from Emma what her true feelings were. She wanted to find a girlfriend who, like Janet, was old enough to be her mum, and on whom she could depend totally to govern what she did. She accepted thatshe found it far easier to do as she was told rather than have her own points of view or make her own decisions.
Janet then asked, “How do you see yourself?”
Emma was blushing as she replied, “I see myself with the same needs as a puppy dog. I want to feel important but know that I have to follow every instruction given to me, agree with everything I’m told, do everything I am told, in fact, every time.” After a few moments, she added, “I’m just having difficulty finding someone who can treat me like that, but get the feeling that you could be that person.”
Janet replied, “I never got married and had a family but have had a string of dogs, and can totally relate to what you are saying. I loved them all and cared for them. I fed them, groomed them, took them for walks and the like, but they knew to do as I said or they would be sent back to their cages which was their naughty spot.
Emma was beaming as she listened because that was exactly how she wanted to be ina relationship. She replied, “I can really relate to being a puppy dog and being treated in just the way that you have described, knowing that I would also have to be totally obedient to my owner. At the same time, I would also like to be a human dogsbody who looks after the home, does the cleaning, washing, ironing, bed making, and the like, and obey my owner every time. I have always seen myself as a puppy and a girl as a mixture of the two, but love the thought of being owned and being loved and looked after by my owner.”
Janet asked, “What about when you disobey? Would you want to go and sit in a cage?”
Emma replied, “That does sound cool, and a cage would be right for me to be sent to, but as I would be a human dogsbody as well, I have imagined in my life that human Punishments should play a large part. I have imagined that when I am a disobedient puppy dog major offences should be dealt with by way of a bare bottom spanking with your hand or hairbrush or belt or leather slipper, with smaller offences dealt with by having my legs smoked. Badmouthing including any answering back or arguing should result in my face being slapped a few times. I have imagined wearing a dog collar and when out with my owner and being led by a leash.” She was smiling when she added, “When I am a good girl, though, then I would want to make love to you.”
Janet smiled as she Replied, “Actually, I think I could do all of those things. I was going to get another puppy and my cleaner has moved as well. The way you have described what you would like to do would fulfill both those current voids in my life. If that works for you, then would you like to move in with me?”
Emma replied, “I would love to be your puppy pet girl. Would you be very strict and impose all the discipline that is needed?”
Janet replied, “I will be what you clearly want me to be, which is ultra-strict. So, if that is the case you will come and be my very obedient pet and I will be your loving but very strict owner. You will address me as, Mum, both at home and when out to show your obedience to everyone we are with or meet.”
Emma breathed a huge sight of relief and replied, “Yes, please, Mum.”
Janet was smiling as she explained, “I have several leather dog collars made of durable outer leather stitched to inner breathable polyurethane leather which is ultra soft and I think you would find comfortable.”
Emma was still smiling as she replied, “Cool, Mum, really cool.”
Janet then continued, “I have a lovely large metal cage as well. It is large enough for you to
sit up in, and to sleep in. I send my dogs there when they misbehave, and whilst it can be locked I wouldn’t with you but trust you to stay there until released. It has a really soft mattress and my dogs have always felt secure when in the cage. “
Emma gasped and smiled as she had imagined herself being in a cage. “Oh wow, Mum, that sounds so so cool as well.”
Two days laterand Janet left her uni lodging and moved in with Janet. The dog collar was put on immediately, and it was agreed that whenever Emma was at home she would be naked and go around on all fours. She happily did that immediately.
Emma loved having the dog collar around her neck. It had a disc on it which explained that she was the pet, as well as a message that, if lost, please phone this number for her owner, and Janet’s mobile was there. She loved to wear her dog collar in the house as a constant reminder that she was owned, but she loved that feeling and the knowledge that she was actually owned. She didn’t want free will, but just to be loved as the pet that she wanted to be, and know how lucky she was to have such a loving and caring owner.
The routine they followed was what they both wanted. Initially, both would be out during the weekends, Janet in her very senior position at the office, and Emma at university. Emma always did her homework at university to get that out of the way. She was then invariably the first home, breathing a huge sight of relief that she was able to leave the outside world behind and return to being the obedient puppy and dogsbody. She would get undressed straight away and secure the dog collar around her neck. She would then check for any hair growth on her pussy lips armpits and legs, and shake herself if there was any as her owner wanted her clean saden at all times and regularly inspected her. If any hair stubble was found it would mean her legs being shacked very hard and several times.
Housework was the next thing on her agenda. It was mundane and relative but no thought was required and she loved it like that. Her cleaning routine was always the same. After making her owner’s bed, she would put on the washing, and iron anything that needed to be done whilst the washing was on. She found ironing extremely relaxing just as she found cleaning the bathrooms, and kitchen, and vacuuming the bedrooms and living rooms equally relaxing. She Just needed to make sure the cleaning was done completely properly, knowing that if her owner found a piece of dust or a stain anywhere, that would lead to another spanking. However, she loved doing all of those human chores but regularly looked in the mirror at her dog collar and nakedness and smiled every time.
Emma knew she was to address Janet as, mum, but in her alone moments always thought of her as her owner. Most nights she would be sharing the bed with her owner, quite often with a singing bottom after a severe spanking, but there were occasions when Janet wanted to sleep alone and simply gave the order to Emma, ”cage,” and Emma would immediately go into the second bedroom and into her cage to sleep.
When alone in the house, and not doing her cleaning duties, Emma would quite often go to her cage and lie down on the mattress, maybe for hours, thinking about her life as a puppy pet girl, smiling most of the time, fingering herself several timesto huge orgasms, and happy to wait patiently for her owner to return.
Emma was always naked whenever in the house and so there was no need to get undressed when going to her cage. Equally, the cage was never locked, as Janet promised, but the standing rule was that if Emma ever left the cage without permission, then she would get another thrashing. She totally understood why that had to be the case.
It was all part of her training, but she retired it because she totally accepted every decision that her owner made for her. Equally, she was up for being spanked several times a week if she earned it, always crying buckets, but always loving her owner even more and wanting to be ever more obedient and submissive.
Most times after cleaning Emma would go to her cage and wait for her owner there, feeling relaxed and without any pressure. Except for the times she purposely left a mark on the bath and her nipples would be taut knowing when her owner got home she would hear, ‘Naughty puppy girl get the hairbrush,’ and Emma would crawl to where the brush was kept and pick it up in her mouth and then crawl to her owner and let go of the brush at her feet. She would be given another short sharp instruction, “Lap,” and moments Emma would have her face inches from the floor and her lap perched on her owners’ bare tights and she would get another thrashing.
Once the thrashing was given Janet’s maternal side took over with hugs and kisses that soon became kissing and fingering followed by tongue sex giving each other huge orgasms.
Quite often Janet would be at home as Emma did the housework and would inspect the cleaning or ironing work that Emma had been doing. Even the slightest mark left on her clothes, or cream in her ironing, would lead to a stern word from Janet and then several hard smacks on the backs of Emma’s legs. It was something both knew was right to happen, and just like when her face was slapped so Emma got turned on by the pain, justas Janet did by giving her the pain-filled smacks. Then Emma would continue with her chores loving the singing feeling on her bottom, legs or face.
In fact, often Emma left a stain on the bath or a cream in an item of her owner’s clothing to earn another thrashing.
Janet quickly understood that Emma often did that on purpose to earn another thrashing, but it turned them both on and they gave each other huge orgasms afterwards.
As Emma wanted to be a puppy, just as Janet wanted her to be a puppy, it was Janet who always made dinner after getting back from work. Because Emma was a puppy, Janet would eat her dinner sitting at the table, whilst Emma’s dinner was served in two dog bowls, one with the food, and the other with water. Emma would be kneeling on the floor by the table, knowing she was not entitled to use her hands or any cutlery, but had to scoop up the food with her tongue and drink the water in the same way. She had practiced doing that before moving in with Janet and loved doing it now with her owner watching.
Everything else during the evening would be for Janet to do. Emma would follow her owner around, on all fours, happy to sit obediently on the floor watching her owner, and loved being struck from time to time. She particularly loved it when her breasts were stroked and even
her nipples lightly squeezed.
Part of being a puppy dog was that whilst Emma wore her leather collar in the house, she was also secured with a leash which she always wore when outside. Janet would make the decision, “Walk,” as only the one word was needed for Emma to go and fetch her leash. No matter what Emma was doing, she would immediately go to the drawer and get out her leash, with her mouth of course. She never put it on herself but took it straight to her owner who Secured it to the collar around her neck.
Emma was always happy to be led by the leash. She felt humiliated, but that humiliation also got her so aroused.
It wasVery common for others to see Janet and Emma out, with Emma being led by the dog leash. It didn’t matter whether the walks were through the park or along streets or even into the shopping mall, Emma was always led by Janet by her leash and saw it as her total respect and obedience to her owner. If she did see anyone when out who she knew, she would ask her owner if she was able to speak to that person, and whilst words weren’t exchanged, Emma would know when she could speak because if she couldn’t she would feel the tug from the leash and a command to come, and she would immediately obey and follow her owner. If she was told she could speak, all Janet had to do was tug the lead lightly and Emma immediately stopped speaking and was led away by her owner.
One time, Emma had been given permission to Say to a friend, but after a couple of minutes, Janet wanted to move on and so tugged gently at the leash. This time, Emma pulled back and said, in a begging tone, “Just a moment, please, Mum.”
Janet pulled harder and Emma realized her mistake and immediately turned and was led away.
Once they got home Janet ordered, “Kneel.” Again, just one word was needed but Emma knew that she had to get undressed and knee on the floor in front of Janet’s armchair.
Emma winced but like all the other times when she knew a punishment was pending her vulva vibrated erotically, and Her pussy lips got damp as she got so aroused. Punishment and the pain and the humiliation always got her so aroused.
Once Emma was naked and kneeing on the floor, her bottom cheeses resting on her ankles and her hands on the floor steadying herself, Janet sat on the sofa and leaning forward caressed Emma’s breasts, gently squeezing her taut nipples and knew her puppy was aroused. She scolded her, saying, “Naughty puppy. You know answering back is not allowed by puppy girls, don’t you?”
Emma knew no answer was expected.
Janet then pulled her hand back and brought her palm down fiercely across Emma’s face, watching and enjoying the pain etched across her face and listened to the gasp. Janet saw how Emma’s face was slightly red, and then after the second face slap redder, and then after the third face slap redder, and then after the third face slap redder still.
Emma gasped with each face slap but loved the singing feeling. It was a human type of punishment but far better than being sent to her cage as she still felt being put Very much in her place so correctly by her owner. She even loved it that tears well up in her eyes even as her owner again caresed and gently squeezed her breasts and nipples, before slapping her three more times across her face.
Satisfied with the six hard face slaps she had given, Janet eased herself up a few inches and raised her dress above her waist. As usual, she had already removed her knickers. After sitting back and parting her legs she instructed, “Lick me, puppy.”
Emma heard the instruction and immediately leaned forward kissing each of her owner’s inner thighs as she worked her way up to her owner’s already damp pussy lips. Emma licked and sucked enhusiastically, and enjoyed bringing her owner to another huge orgasm. Having climaxed and then recovered, Janet knew her puppy was a good doggy again and ordered, “On your back.”
Emma smiled as she lay on her back, her knees bent and revealed in the kisses and licks she received from Her owner who started kissing and sucking her breasts, working her way down her tummy to her wet pussy lips and licked and sucked and fingered her to a huge orgasm of her own. It was wonderful and showed how much her owner loved her.
Afterwards, Janet sat in her armchair whilst Emma stayed kneeing on the floor in her rightful place as the furniture was for owners and not their dogs. She lay her head on her owner’s lap and loved the way her breasts were again carefully caressed which told her she was a good puppy dog again, having been rightly punished first.
Janet did let Emma go to the hairdresser and nail parlour but she wore her collar when she did, and Emma saw it as like a dog being groomed. As such she loved the feeling of humiliation as those grooming her smiled at her and only said, “Good puppy dog,” from time to time.
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