The Perverts and the Young Couple

Tia and Zac are a young California couple with Tia being of Filipino descent. Zac works at a computer company and Tia has been working as a substitute teacher for a couple of years. They have been a couple for a year and love each other more than anything else in the whole world.

They are like any other couple but have a secret dream together, namely that an older man or woman sees them when they are making love and stands and sneaks a peek.

They had watched a porno together last weekend about swinging in sex clubs and thought it was maybe too excited to have sex in the same room as another couple, but the thing about the peeping old man hadn’t let go of their thoughts. They now often use that fantasy and now both want to move on to get new fuel for the act of love.

The next morning lying in bed playing with their phones as they woke up, Zac suggested: “Can’t we put an ad on some sex site, for fun, just to see what reaction it might get?”

Tia, who was in hisarms just wearing a pink top and a sexy pink thong, loved the idea immediately. The idea wasn’t to meet anyone, just to get some exciting answers to fantasize about.

The two young people sat down at the kitchen table and began to write the text which they would then post on a suitable swingers app.

They called themselves the “Young asian white couple” and wrote:
“Young couples looking for experienced older gentlemen or a ditto couple, preferably 55+, who wants to sneak a peek at us when we make love. You are welcome to make requests as well.
Description of us:
The girl is 18 years old of Asian ethnicity, has very long straight black hair, doe eyes and a pretty tight body that is 157 cm tall and weights only 42 kg. A cup. She likes to dress in sexy lingerie and looks almost exactly like famous asian pornstar Tia Tanaka.
The guy is 20 years old, has blond short-cut hair, blue eyes, slender body that is 192 cm and weights 89 kg.
If this description appeals to anyone, we look forward to hearing from you.
Hugs T+A.”

Zac told Tia to open her photos app and see if she had any sexy pictures that they could upload on the ad page too. When she came back she was wearing only her new bikini, a tiny black and white string bikini showing off her sexy ass.

Zac uploaded the photo to a popular swingers app and both were equally horny about what they had just done and he only made love for a few minutes before they both came to an intense orgasm.

In another part of California sits a gentleman in his 40s who has just seen the newly uploaded description and photo of “Young asian white couple”. His name is Andrew and he has been a retired businessman for several years, but a wealthy one because he had a business that was doing very well when he sold it. He is a regular visitor to the local sex clubs and parties with many of his girls and is therefore quite jaded, but when he sees Zac and Tia’s text and picture, his cock starts to swell in his underpants. The kids are advertising for someone much older than him but they look like they could be tricked and besides, the girl is wearing a tiny g-string, she must be a true slut. He remembered his many business trips to China and other Asian countries and all the sexy women.

He gripped his long cock, stared at the photo and began to jerk off. Andrew had an extremely strong fetish, women in sexy underwear. It could drive him crazy with horniness and this girl had a very beautiful sexy petite body. He was imagining his long cock cumming deep inside of her cunt. The young couple were looking for a much older man than him, maybe 30 years older but he could probably trick them with a digitally edited photo of him. He let go of his erect member and with trembling hands began formulating a response on the computer.

Zac and Tia arrived just inside the door after taking an evening walk. Both were equally eager to see if anyone had answered. Now it was two hours since they created their profile and on a Saturday night there should be someone who had answered.

They were right. When they logged into their page it said: 15 new messages.
Wow, they thought and clicked their way to the mailbox.
When they looked through the answers, they could see that there was an answer they were stuck on that they wanted to check a little extra.
It was from “Man with life experience”.
Andrew wrote:
“Hello young people, I am a very general gentleman in my prime, 60 to be precise, have a few extra kilos that have come with the years but otherwise whole and clean. I understand that you want to connect with a man with life experience and here you have your gentleman. I find our big age difference exciting (and obviously you do too) and I know I can teach you a lot.

I really like what I see in your picture and would love to see the same thing in real life. Appreciate very much that the girl dresses sexy and I would like her to continue to do so. I own a very small local sex club that I can close some day next week for visitors so that I can only watch you two. Please write a little more about how you envisioned the meeting and what your expectations are. If you want me to be a completely passive spectator, so be it, but if you have other wishes, I need to know now. I want to meet you asap and you won’t regret it, I promise. Hugs, Andrew”

Zac and Tia looked at each other, completely speechless with excitement and horniness. They read Andrew’s exhortation message one more time before Tia blurted out: “How awesome, God, awesome”. Already here, Andrew, by being a bit assertive, had got Zac and Tia’s attention.

Zac nodded and said. “Maybe we should go one step further and invite the old man as a spectator?”

Tia twisted a little, wrinkled her nose and said: “You think? But then we have to mess around a bit more and ask him to send a photo so he is who he pretends to be, so there isn’t some 40-year-old psycho standingoutside the door as it is”.
Zac nodded again and began writing a reply message.

“Hey Andrew, glad you liked our ad. We can probably imagine seeing each other, but would like to have a photo of your face first. Then maybe we can meet over a beer and discuss further.”
“What do you think?” Zac wondered
“Mmm, good, send that and we’ll see,” replied Tia.
The young couple now left full of anticipation and with butterflies in their stomachs, waiting for an answer from Andrew.

The next morning both women up early. They immediately got on the computer and logged into their contact page. They had received further replies which they skimmed through, but none as exciting as Andrew’s and he had not sent a reply.

The day went by and they were on the site basically every hour, without a trace of Andrew.

They had dinner and shared a bottle of wine and just before 10 pm they logged in one last time and there… A reply message from Andrew. Both sat in complete silenceas they opened the mess and began to read…

“Hello again my friends, first of all I want you to go to my profile page. There is now a picture of me. When you have done this, I want you to reply and say whether you want to proceed or not. I have planned and prepared for a positive response from you and, as I said, you will not regret it and it can be profitable for you too, but it requires me to draw up the guidelines and arrangement contacts and some things. Hugs from Andrew”

Zac and Tia went to the profile page and there was a picture of an older man in a dark suit and a picture of the same man shirtless. He was a little bald, corporate and looked a little determined, maybe because he was wearing sunglasses in the pictures. For some reason the photo looked a little like maybe it had been altered in Photoshop. They had no idea that Andrew had changed his photo to look 30 years older to trick the gullible naive couple.

With wine in their bodies, they had both now become alittle more impetuous and immediately wrote a reply message:
“Hey Andrew, we also like what we see and would like to continue. How have you prepared? What shall we do, kisses and hugs from Tia and Zac”. They had by now completely forgetten to not use their real names.

The answer from Andrew came immediately this time, he knew how to strike while the iron was hot…

“Hey again guys, if this is going to be really successful, I want the following to happen. Get in a taxi and go to the White Heart sex club. You should contact a good friend of mine who works at the reception, his name is Harald and he will show you to a room that we have prepared just for you two. Once here, I’ll offer a welcome drink and we’ll go over the conditions. Harald expects you to arrive in half an hour, i.e. at 22.50. It’s going to be wonderful and I can’t wait to meet you and sneak a peek at you. Zac, you must be dressed in tracksuits, no underpants and no t-shirt underneath. Tia must wear a mini skirt and a tight top. Tiny crotchless panties, fishnet stockings, bald pussy and no bra. Hugs Andrew”.

Trembling with excitement and slightly drunk from the saloon, Zac and Tia ducked into their wardrobes and dressed quickly according to Andrew’s wishes. Tia didn’t own any crotchless panties or fishnet stockings so they would have to ask the taxi to stop by some shop and buy a pair on the way to the sex club. They opened another bottle of wine, took a glass each, then dashed off towards the nearest taxi stand. They jumped into the first best taxi and a quarter of an hour later they were outside of the White Heart sex club, a very seedy and poor area of ​​town. The time was now 10:55 p.m. They approached a stout, burly man, dressed in a black uniform-like suit, and asked for Harald.

“You Must be Zac and Tia” replied the man while looking disinterestedly at his watch and continued: “My name is Harald and if I hadn’t been misinformed you would have been here earlier”.

“Yes, sorry but it was so stressful and we were only 5 minutes late”. said Tia.

“In 5 minutes a lot can happen, follow me” said Harald and started walking towards the main entrance.

The two waited for Herald to unlock the doors and Tia walked close to Zac and could feel through his sweatpants that he was rock hard with excitement. She also felt that a stone had ended up in her shoes. She took it off and could see that a small hole had gone on the side of her stocking. She took both stockings off and throw them in the trash and continued carrying her heels walking barefoot.

Zac could see how Harald was staring blankly at Tia’s foot as he slipped one hand into the pocket of his suit trousers.

Harald unlocked the door, went in and waved to Tia and Zac, who followed inside the dimly lit and empty club.

Tia Pulled on her skirt a bit. She had noticed how Harald was staring and now she could feel Harald’s gaze and enjoyed the thought of how she turned the old man on.

Harald stood completely still and stared at Tia’s ass. He had a big bulge in his trousers.

The trio continued forwards deeper in the club who looked much bigger on the inside. After a while they came to a large oak door with metal fittings. Harald rang a bell and after a while the door opened.

A woman in her 30s was standing there. She was tall, sharp-featured and muscle with large fake tits. Her long blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail and she was wearing a black dress, black stockings and black leather high heeled boots. She looked just like famous blonde pornstar Madison Scott.

“Welcome my friends, my name is Madison, we have been waiting for you” she said with a hint of German accent and continued “thank you Harald, you can leave us now, come with me Zac and Tia, if that was your name, then I’ll show you where you can leave your phones before we go in to see Andrew and explain why you’re coming so late”. Madison had a stern voice, and even though shehad a small cruel smile on her pretty lips it was clear she was giving them orders.

Zac and Tia swallowed almost at the same time. They walked close together following Madison inside.

“It seems they have focused alat of being on time. and Andrew didn’t mention that his friends would be in the club too, now they are more than us” Tia whispered to Zac, who replied: “If they get too complicated, we’ll just Leave. Take it easy.”

Madison showed Zac and Tia into a large, common area, and there sat Andrew on one of the sofas. He was dressed in all black, a suit, shirt, tie and trousers, it was hard to tell in the dark club but he looked a little like the picture they had seen and even now had his sunglasses on.

“Come in and sit down my friends” said Andrew and gestured towards the sofa opposite the one he was Sitting on, “What can we offer, maybe a small drink”.

Zac and Tia who at this point had a resting heart rate of just over 130 looked at each other and nodded. They sat down on the sofa opposite Andrew and soon Madison arrived with two large drinking glasses which she handed over to the young couple.

“Cheers and welcome, this is a weak drink so we’ll drink it straight away so the tension and nervousness go away a bit” she said and then all four drank from their glasses.

Zac and Tia again felt the heat rise in their bodies and the calm began to settle within them again as the alcohol began to work. Tia’s skirt had risen a little and Andrew and Madison could glimpse much of her legs. They gave each other meaningful looks and smiled and then Madison gave them a suggestion.

“Now I’m going to start by showing you around a bit so you can see what great resources we have and what fun opportunities YOU have above all. Come my darlings” she said while holding out Both of her hands towards Tia.

They took Madison’s hand and then stepped on either side of Madison, who still held them tightly in her hands. Andrew got up slowly and walked right behind the three.

“Here we have the voyeur room,” said Madison while she opened a mirrored door in the wall.
We stepped into a small room that may have been 1×3 meters and had an equally large window facing the living room. In front of the windows stood a large couch that was covered with a blanket.

“We haven’t used this room before so I think it’s time for an inauguration,” said Madison.

“Absolutely,” said Zac, who had now become a little cocky again, “but first I would have to visit a men’s room.”

“Follow me and I’ll show you where it is,” said Andrew. “You girls can stay and figure out how best to inaugurate the room,” Andrew said while grinning at Madison.

Andrew followed Zac out into the corridor and into an adjoining room that had the door ajar. “You can go in there and borrow the toilet and I’ll wait here for you as long as possible,” said Andrew.

Zac found it odd that he waited for him but didn’t have time to think more about it because he terribly needed to pee now.

He entered the room and as he was about to enter the toilet he heard someone else was further into the room. He peeked around the corner and saw the old man from reception, Harald, standing jerking off with one of Tia’s stockings wrapped around his huge cock and the other fishnet stocking pressed against his face.

He continued into the bathroom anyway, did what he had to do, flushed, washed his hands and then slipped out of the room again. The sound had stopped. Harald heard that someone was in the toilet and quickly disappeared out of the room.

Zac started to walk towards the oak door. Andrew was not there and when he tried to open it, it turned out to be locked.

He started knocking on the door and after a while he heard steps behind him.
“Can I help you?” It was Harald who asked

“I’ve been locked out, Andrew was supposed to wait but he must have disappeared back in,” said Zac.

“Mmm, I don’t have a keyto this door, but come with me, I’ll take you in a back way” said Harald and dragged Zac with him.

After 25 meters they came to a small door that looked like a service door. Harald took out his bunch of keys, unlocked the small door and went in through it. Zac was not slow to follow and as soon as he entered, the door slammed shut behind him and the room they entered was pitch black.

“Stand still where you are and I’ll go and find the light,” said Harald.

Suddenly a red light came on, lighting up the room a little weakly, and Zac recognized the room. He was in the voyeur room that Madison and Andrew showed before he disappeared to the toilet. However, he could not see out from the room as a curved had been drawn and when he took a step towards the door, Harald took out a taser gun which he pointed at Zac and said.

“You’re not going anywhere, sit on the sofa little boy”. He pulled away the blanket that was on the sofa and under it were a lot of straps, locks and buckles mounted.

Shaking with fear, Zac sat down on the sofa. Harald fastened Zac’s hands and feet in leather straps and then took out a ball gag that he put in his mouth locked behind his head. Harald put the taser gun away and pulled the curve away from the window. Zac could now see Madison and Tia sitting and talking on the sofa on the other side of the window.

Madison had put one arm around Tia and had just offered her another drink which they downed together. Tia had gotten really giggly and Zac knew that her inhibitions were slipping away faster than the alcohol was getting into her bloodstream.

Harald turned a button and now you could hear what was being said inside the room as well.
“…we’ll see when the boys come back” said Madison and both started giggling delightedly. Soon after, Andrew entered the room. He went and sat opposite Tia and Madison and lied: “Zac wants us to do him a little favor. He is now standing in an adjoining room, peeping througha hole in the wall and wants us to show him a bit. What do you say about that Tia”.

Tia, who was now in a good mood, giggled and said: “Sure, we can, if he wants it, but what are we going to do then?” she said, giggling.

“We had thought this way” said Andrew and continued “Me and Madison lighten the burden on you and Zac by completely managing the show. We decided the plot and you play along. I have spoken to Zac and he is completely on board with the notes,” Andrew lied.
Madison chipped in “Mmm, mein schatz and you will get a small reward if you are really good, one thousand dollars now and one thousand dollars after. Each”.

Tia stopped giggling and stared at Madison with wide eyes. “Is… is it true” she stuttered out… “wow, then I’ll agree if my boyfriend Zac has also agreed”.

Madison walked over to a chest on the floor, opened it and took out one thousand dollars, which she handed over to Tia.

“Here darling, they are yours and remember that you will get as many more if you are really good”.

Tia reached out and accepted the money with a big smile on her face, far too naive to realize that she had now sold herself to a couple she knew nothing about. Tia then realized that she had given them her pursuit so let them hold onto the money for now.

Zac, who heard the whole conversation, now began to get scared and worried about the situation they were in. He had He heard the lies and understand that soon he would see Tia doing things that he had never seen her do before. At the same moment, Harald turned to the window and, almost demonstratedly, put a viagra in his mouth which he washed down with his drink.

“Here we have the first parquet” Harald snarled viciously. He bent over Zac. He had now taken out Tia’s stockings and held them up in front of Zac’s face and said: “do you recognize them here… they smell wonderful and make me terribly horny.”
He stood close to the window, unbuttoned his pants, took out his giant member which he immediately began kneeing with his stockings. Zac had never seen such a big cock, a big man’s cock that was also wrapped in his girlfriend’s stockings that she had forgotten before.

Madison had now dimmed the lighting considerably in the room, but no more than that Zac and Harald could see what was happening on the other side of the glass. They had the ends of the sofas almost right next to the window and it was only a few meters to Tia who sat on the left and Andrew who sat opposite on the right. There was no table between them and Madison and Tia were helped to move their couch closer to Andrew so the distance between them was no more than half a meter.


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